# Tests for the tk busy command. # # This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tk built-in # commands. Sourcing this file runs the tests and generates output for errors. # No output means no errors were found. # # Copyright © 1998-2000 Jos Decoster. All rights reserved. package require tcltest 2.2 tcltest::configure {*}$argv tcltest::loadTestedCommands namespace import -force tcltest::test # There's currently no way to test the actual grab effect, per se, in an # automated test. Therefore, this test suite only covers the interface to the # grab command (ie, error messages, etc.) test busy-1.1 {Tk_BusyObjCmd} -returnCodes error -body { tk busy } -result {wrong # args: should be "tk busy options ?arg ...?"} test busy-2.1 {tk busy hold} -returnCodes error -body { tk busy hold } -result {wrong # args: should be "tk busy hold window ?-option value ...?"} test busy-2.2 {tk busy hold root window} -body { set res [tk busy hold .] update set res } -cleanup { tk busy forget . } -result {._Busy} test busy-2.3 {tk busy hold root window with shortcut} -body { set res [tk busy .] update set res } -cleanup { tk busy forget . } -result {._Busy} test busy-2.4 {tk busy hold nested window} -setup { pack [frame .f] } -body { set res [tk busy hold .f] update set res } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {.f_Busy} test busy-2.5 {tk busy hold nested window with shortcut} -setup { pack [frame .f] } -body { set res [tk busy .f] update set res } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {.f_Busy} test busy-2.6 {tk busy hold toplevel window} -setup { toplevel .f } -body { set res [tk busy hold .f] update set res } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {.f._Busy} test busy-2.7 {tk busy hold toplevel window with shortcut} -setup { toplevel .f } -body { set res [tk busy .f] update set res } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {.f._Busy} test busy-2.8 {tk busy hold non existing window} -body { tk busy hold .f update } -returnCodes error -result {bad window path name ".f"} test busy-2.9 {tk busy hold (shortcut) non existing window} -body { tk busy .f update } -returnCodes error -result {bad window path name ".f"} test busy-2.10 {tk busy hold root window with cursor} -body { set res [tk busy hold . -cursor arrow] update set res } -cleanup { tk busy forget . } -result {._Busy} test busy-2.11 {tk busy hold (shortcut) root window, cursor} -body { set res [tk busy . -cursor arrow] update set res } -cleanup { tk busy forget . } -result {._Busy} test busy-2.12 {tk busy hold root window, invalid cursor} -body { tk busy hold . -cursor nonExistingCursor update } -returnCodes error -cleanup { tk busy forget . } -result {bad cursor spec "nonExistingCursor"} test busy-2.13 {tk busy hold (shortcut) root window, invalid cursor} -body { tk busy . -cursor nonExistingCursor update } -returnCodes error -cleanup { tk busy forget . } -result {bad cursor spec "nonExistingCursor"} test busy-2.14 {tk busy hold root window, invalid option} -body { tk busy hold . -invalidOption 1 update } -returnCodes error -cleanup { tk busy forget . } -result {unknown option "-invalidOption"} test busy-2.15 {tk busy hold (shortcut) root window, invalid option} -body { tk busy . -invalidOption 1 update } -returnCodes error -cleanup { tk busy forget . } -result {unknown option "-invalidOption"} test busy-3.1 {tk busy cget no window} -returnCodes error -body { tk busy cget } -result {wrong # args: should be "tk busy cget window option"} test busy-3.2 {tk busy cget no option} -returnCodes error -body { tk busy cget } -result {wrong # args: should be "tk busy cget window option"} test busy-3.3 {tk busy cget invalid window} -returnCodes error -body { tk busy cget .f -cursor } -result {bad window path name ".f"} test busy-3.4 {tk busy cget non-busy window} -setup { pack [frame .f] } -body { tk busy cget .f -cursor } -cleanup { destroy .f } -returnCodes error -result {cannot find busy window ".f"} test busy-3.5 {tk busy cget invalid option} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f update } -body { tk busy cget .f -invalidOption } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-invalidOption"} test busy-3.6unix {tk busy cget unix} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f update } -body { tk busy cget .f -cursor } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {watch} -constraints unix test busy-3.6win {tk busy cget win} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f update } -body { tk busy cget .f -cursor } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {wait} -constraints win test busy-3.7 {tk busy cget unix} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f -cursor hand1 update } -body { tk busy cget .f -cursor } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {hand1} test busy-4.1 {tk busy configure no window} -returnCodes error -body { tk busy configure } -result {wrong # args: should be "tk busy configure window ?-option value ...?"} test busy-4.2 {tk busy configure invalid window} -body { tk busy configure .f } -returnCodes error -result {bad window path name ".f"} test busy-4.3 {tk busy configure non-busy window} -setup { pack [frame .f] } -body { tk busy configure .f } -cleanup { destroy .f } -returnCodes error -result {cannot find busy window ".f"} test busy-4.4 {tk busy configure} -constraints {nonwin} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f update } -body { tk busy configure .f } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {{-cursor cursor Cursor watch watch}} test busy-4.4-win {tk busy configure} -constraints {win} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f update } -body { tk busy configure .f } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {{-cursor cursor Cursor wait wait}} test busy-4.5 {tk busy configure} -constraints {nonwin} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f -cursor hand2 update } -body { tk busy configure .f } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {{-cursor cursor Cursor watch hand2}} test busy-4.5-win {tk busy configure} -constraints win -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f -cursor hand2 update } -body { tk busy configure .f } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {{-cursor cursor Cursor wait hand2}} test busy-4.6 {tk busy configure invalid option} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f update } -body { tk busy configure .f -invalidOption } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-invalidOption"} test busy-4.7 {tk busy configure valid option} -constraints {nonwin} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f update } -body { tk busy configure .f -cursor } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {-cursor cursor Cursor watch watch} test busy-4.7-win {tk busy configure valid option} -constraints {win} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f update } -body { tk busy configure .f -cursor } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {-cursor cursor Cursor wait wait} test busy-4.8 {tk busy configure valid option} -constraints { nonwin } -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f -cursor circle update } -body { tk busy configure .f -cursor } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {-cursor cursor Cursor watch circle} test busy-4.8-win {tk busy configure valid option} -constraints win -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f -cursor circle update } -body { tk busy configure .f -cursor } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {-cursor cursor Cursor wait circle} test busy-4.9 {tk busy configure valid option with value} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f update } -body { tk busy configure .f -cursor pencil tk busy cget .f -cursor } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {pencil} test busy-4.10 {tk busy configure valid option with invalid value} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f update } -body { tk busy configure .f -cursor nonExistingCursor } -returnCodes error -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {bad cursor spec "nonExistingCursor"} test busy-5.1 {tk busy forget} -returnCodes error -body { tk busy forget } -result {wrong # args: should be "tk busy forget window"} test busy-5.2 {tk busy forget non existing window} -body { tk busy forget .f } -returnCodes error -result {bad window path name ".f"} test busy-5.3 {tk busy forget non busy window} -setup { pack [frame .f] } -body { tk busy forget .f } -cleanup { destroy .f } -returnCodes error -result {cannot find busy window ".f"} test busy-5.4 {tk busy forget window} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f update } -body { set r [tk busy status .f] tk busy forget .f lappend r [tk busy status .f] } -cleanup { destroy .f } -result {1 0} test busy-6.1 {tk busy status} -returnCodes error -body { tk busy status } -result {wrong # args: should be "tk busy status window"} test busy-6.2 {tk busy status non existing window} -body { tk busy status .f } -result 0 test busy-6.3 {tk busy status non busy window} -setup { pack [frame .f] } -body { tk busy status .f } -cleanup { destroy .f } -result 0 test busy-6.4 {tk busy status busy window} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f update } -body { tk busy status .f } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result 1 test busy-6.5 {tk busy status forgotten busy window} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f update tk busy forget .f } -body { tk busy status .f } -cleanup { destroy .f } -result 0 test busy-7.1 {tk busy current no busy} -body { tk busy current } -result {} test busy-7.2 {tk busy current 1 busy} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f update } -body { tk busy current } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {.f} test busy-7.3 {tk busy current 2 busy} -setup { pack [frame .f1] pack [frame .f2] tk busy hold .f1 tk busy hold .f2 update } -body { lsort [tk busy current] } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f1 tk busy forget .f2 destroy .f1 .f2 } -result {.f1 .f2} test busy-7.4 {tk busy current 2 busy with matching filter} -setup { pack [frame .f1] pack [frame .f2] tk busy hold .f1 tk busy hold .f2 update } -body { lsort [tk busy current *2*] } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f1 tk busy forget .f2 destroy .f1 .f2 } -result {.f2} test busy-7.5 {tk busy current 2 busy with non matching filter} -setup { pack [frame .f1] pack [frame .f2] tk busy hold .f1 tk busy hold .f2 update } -body { lsort [tk busy current *3*] } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f1 tk busy forget .f2 destroy .f1 .f2 } -result {} test busy-7.6 {tk busy current 1 busy after forget} -setup { pack [frame .f] tk busy hold .f update tk busy forget .f } -body { tk busy current } -cleanup { destroy .f } -result {} test busy-7.7 {tk busy current 2 busy after forget} -setup { pack [frame .f1] pack [frame .f2] tk busy hold .f1 tk busy hold .f2 update tk busy forget .f1 } -body { lsort [tk busy current] } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f2 destroy .f1 .f2 } -result {.f2} test busy-7.8 {tk busy current 2 busy with matching filter after forget} -setup { pack [frame .f1] pack [frame .f2] tk busy hold .f1 tk busy hold .f2 update tk busy forget .f1 } -body { lsort [tk busy current *2*] } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f2 destroy .f1 .f2 } -result {.f2} test busy-7.9 {tk busy current 2 busy with non matching filter after forget} -setup { pack [frame .f1] pack [frame .f2] tk busy hold .f1 tk busy hold .f2 update tk busy forget .f1 } -body { lsort [tk busy current *3*] } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f2 destroy .f1 .f2 } -result {} test busy-8.1 {tk busy busywindow with a busy toplevel} -body { toplevel .top tk busy .top tk busy busywindow .top } -cleanup { tk busy forget .top destroy .top } -result {.top._Busy} test busy-8.2 {tk busy busywindow with a busy widget} -body { pack [frame .f] tk busy .f tk busy busywindow .f } -cleanup { tk busy forget .f destroy .f } -result {.f_Busy} test busy-8.3 {tk busy busywindow with a nonexisting widget} -body { tk busy . tk busy busywindow .nonExistingWidget } -cleanup { tk busy forget . } -result {} ::tcltest::cleanupTests return