# This file creates a visual test for button layout. It is part of # the Tk visual test suite, which is invoked via the "visual" script. catch {destroy .t} toplevel .t wm title .t "Visual Tests for Button Geometry" wm iconname .t "Button Geometry" wm geom .t +0+0 wm minsize .t 1 1 label .t.l -text {This screen exercises the color options for various flavors of buttons. Select display options below, and they will be applied to the appropiate button widgets.} -wraplength 5i pack .t.l -side top -fill both button .t.quit -text Quit -command {destroy .t} pack .t.quit -side bottom -pady 2m set sepId 1 proc sep {} { global sepId frame .t.sep$sepId -height 2 -bd 1 -relief sunken pack .t.sep$sepId -side top -padx 2m -pady 2m -fill x incr sepId } # Create buttons that control configuration options. frame .t.control pack .t.control -side top -fill x -pady 3m frame .t.control.left frame .t.control.right pack .t.control.left .t.control.right -side left -expand 1 -fill x label .t.anchorLabel -text "Color:" frame .t.control.left.f -width 6c -height 3c pack .t.anchorLabel .t.control.left.f -in .t.control.left -side top -anchor w foreach opt {activebackground activeforeground background disabledforeground foreground highlightbackground highlightcolor } { #button .t.color-$opt -text $opt -command "config -$opt \[tk_chooseColor]" menubutton .t.color-$opt -text $opt -menu .t.color-$opt.m -indicatoron 1 \ -relief raised -bd 2 menu .t.color-$opt.m -tearoff 0 .t.color-$opt.m add command -label Red -command "config -$opt red" .t.color-$opt.m add command -label Green -command "config -$opt green" .t.color-$opt.m add command -label Blue -command "config -$opt blue" .t.color-$opt.m add command -label Other... \ -command "config -$opt \[tk_chooseColor]" pack .t.color-$opt -in .t.control.left.f -fill x } set default disabled label .t.default -text Default: radiobutton .t.default-normal -text "Default normal" -relief flat \ -command "config-but -default normal" -variable default \ -value normal radiobutton .t.default-active -text "Default active" -relief flat \ -command "config-but -default active" -variable default \ -value active radiobutton .t.default-disabled -text "Default disabled" -relief flat \ -command "config-but -default disabled" -variable default \ -value disabled pack .t.default .t.default-normal .t.default-active .t.default-disabled \ -in .t.control.right -anchor w sep frame .t.f1 pack .t.f1 -side top -expand 1 -fill both sep frame .t.f2 pack .t.f2 -side top -expand 1 -fill both sep frame .t.f3 pack .t.f3 -side top -expand 1 -fill both sep frame .t.f4 pack .t.f4 -side top -expand 1 -fill both sep label .t.l1 -text Label -bd 2 -relief sunken label .t.l2 -text "Explicit\nnewlines\n\nin the text" -bd 2 -relief sunken label .t.l3 -text "This text is quite long, so it must be wrapped automatically by Tk" -wraplength 2i -bd 2 -relief sunken -underline 50 pack .t.l1 .t.l2 .t.l3 -in .t.f1 -side left -padx 5m -pady 3m \ -expand y -fill both button .t.b1 -text Button button .t.b2 -text "Explicit\nnewlines\n\nin the text" button .t.b3 -text "This text is quite long, so it must be wrapped automatically by Tk" -wraplength 2i -underline 50 pack .t.b1 .t.b2 .t.b3 -in .t.f2 -side left -padx 5m -pady 3m \ -expand y -fill both checkbutton .t.c1 -text Checkbutton -variable a checkbutton .t.c2 -text "Explicit\nnewlines\n\nin the text" -variable b checkbutton .t.c3 -text "This text is quite long, so it must be wrapped automatically by Tk" -wraplength 2i -variable c -underline 50 pack .t.c1 .t.c2 .t.c3 -in .t.f3 -side left -padx 5m -pady 3m \ -expand y -fill both radiobutton .t.r1 -text Radiobutton -value a radiobutton .t.r2 -text "Explicit\nnewlines\n\nin the text" -value b radiobutton .t.r3 -text "This text is quite long, so it must be wrapped automatically by Tk" -wraplength 2i -value c -underline 50 pack .t.r1 .t.r2 .t.r3 -in .t.f4 -side left -padx 5m -pady 3m \ -expand y -fill both proc config {option value} { foreach w {.t.l1 .t.l2 .t.l3 .t.b1 .t.b2 .t.b3 .t.c1 .t.c2 .t.c3 .t.r1 .t.r2 .t.r3} { catch {$w configure $option $value} } } proc config-but {option value} { foreach w {.t.b1 .t.b2 .t.b3} { $w configure $option $value } } erter'>inactive/jpeg_converter Mirror from: https://github.com/HDFGroup/hdf5.git
path: root/src
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* Minor tweaks noticed while going over VOL documentation.Dana Robinson2019-12-06