# This file is a Tcl script to test out Tk's "tk_chooseDir" and
# It is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
# Copyright (c) 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# All rights reserved.

package require tcltest 2.2
namespace import ::tcltest::*
eval tcltest::configure $argv

# Procedures needed by this test file

proc ToPressButton {parent btn} {
    after 100 SendButtonPress $parent $btn mouse

proc ToEnterDirsByKey {parent dirs} {
    after 100 [list EnterDirsByKey $parent $dirs]

proc PressButton {btn} {
    event generate $btn <Enter>
    event generate $btn <1> -x 5 -y 5
    event generate $btn <ButtonRelease-1> -x 5 -y 5

proc EnterDirsByKey {parent dirs} {
    global tk_strictMotif
    if {$parent == "."} {
	set w .__tk_choosedir
    } else {
	set w $parent.__tk_choosedir
    upvar ::tk::dialog::file::__tk_choosedir data

    foreach dir $dirs {
	$data(ent) delete 0 end
	$data(ent) insert 0 $dir
	SendButtonPress $parent ok mouse
	after 50

proc SendButtonPress {parent btn type} {
    global tk_strictMotif
    if {$parent == "."} {
	set w .__tk_choosedir
    } else {
	set w $parent.__tk_choosedir
    upvar ::tk::dialog::file::__tk_choosedir data

    set button $data($btn\Btn)
    if ![winfo ismapped $button] {

    if {$type == "mouse"} {
	PressButton $button
    } else {
	event generate $w <Enter>
	focus $w
	event generate $button <Enter>
	event generate $w <KeyPress> -keysym Return

# The test suite proper
# Make a dir for us to rely on for tests
set real [makeDirectory choosedirTest]
set dir [file dirname $real]
set fake [file join $dir non-existant]

set parent .

test choosedir-1.1 {tk_chooseDirectory command} -constraints unix -body {
    tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir
} -returnCodes error -result {value for "-initialdir" missing}
test choosedir-1.2 {tk_chooseDirectory command} -constraints unix -body {
    tk_chooseDirectory -mustexist
} -returnCodes error -result {value for "-mustexist" missing}
test choosedir-1.3 {tk_chooseDirectory command} -constraints unix -body {
    tk_chooseDirectory -parent
} -returnCodes error -result {value for "-parent" missing}
test choosedir-1.4 {tk_chooseDirectory command} -constraints unix -body {
    tk_chooseDirectory -title
} -returnCodes error -result {value for "-title" missing}

test choosedir-1.5 {tk_chooseDirectory command} -constraints unix -body {
    tk_chooseDirectory -foo bar
} -returnCodes error -result {bad option "-foo": must be -initialdir, -mustexist, -parent, or -title}
test choosedir-1.6 {tk_chooseDirectory command} -constraints unix -body {
    tk_chooseDirectory -parent foo.bar
} -returnCodes error -result {bad window path name "foo.bar"}

test choosedir-2.1 {tk_chooseDirectory command, cancel gives null} -constraints {
	unix notAqua
} -body {
    ToPressButton $parent cancel
    tk_chooseDirectory -title "Press Cancel" -parent $parent
} -result {}

test choosedir-3.1 {tk_chooseDirectory -mustexist 1} -constraints {
	unix notAqua
} -body {
    # first enter a bogus dirname, then enter a real one.
    ToEnterDirsByKey $parent [list $fake $real $real]
    set result [tk_chooseDirectory \
	    -title "Enter \"$fake\", press OK, enter \"$real\", press OK" \
	    -parent $parent -mustexist 1]
    set result
} -result $real
test choosedir-3.2 {tk_chooseDirectory -mustexist 0} -constraints {
	unix notAqua
} -body {
    ToEnterDirsByKey $parent [list $fake $fake]
    tk_chooseDirectory -title "Enter \"$fake\", press OK" \
	    -parent $parent -mustexist 0
} -result $fake

test choosedir-4.1 {tk_chooseDirectory command, initialdir} -constraints {
	unix notAqua
} -body {
    ToPressButton $parent ok
    tk_chooseDirectory -title "Press Ok" -parent $parent -initialdir $real
} -result $real
test choosedir-4.2 {tk_chooseDirectory command, initialdir} -constraints {
	unix notAqua
} -body {
    ToEnterDirsByKey $parent [list $fake $fake]
    tk_chooseDirectory \
	    -title "Enter \"$fake\" and press Ok" \
	    -parent $parent -initialdir $real
} -result $fake
test choosedir-4.3 {tk_chooseDirectory command, {} initialdir} -constraints {
	unix notAqua
} -body {
    catch {unset ::tk::dialog::file::__tk_choosedir}
    ToPressButton $parent ok
    tk_chooseDirectory \
	    -title "Press OK" \
	    -parent $parent -initialdir ""
} -result [pwd]

test choosedir-5.1 {tk_chooseDirectory, handles {} entry text} -constraints {
	unix notAqua
} -body {
    ToEnterDirsByKey $parent [list "" $real $real]
    tk_chooseDirectory -title "Clear entry, Press OK; Enter $real, press OK" \
	    -parent $parent
} -result $real

# cleanup
removeDirectory choosedirTest