# This file is a Tcl script to test out the procedures in the file
# tkColor.c.  It is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
# Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# All rights reserved.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: color.test,v 1.6 2002/07/14 05:48:46 dgp Exp $

package require tcltest 2.1
namespace import -force tcltest::configure
namespace import -force tcltest::testsDirectory
configure -testdir [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]]]
configure -loadfile [file join [testsDirectory] constraints.tcl]

testConstraint testcolor [llength [info commands testcolor]]

# cname --
# Returns a proper name for a color, given its intensities.
# Arguments:
# r, g, b -	Intensities on a 0-255 scale.

proc cname {r g b} {
    format #%02x%02x%02x $r $g $b
proc cname4 {r g b} {
    format #%04x%04x%04x $r $g $b

# mkColors --
# Creates a canvas and fills it with a 2-D array of squares, each of a
# different color.
# Arguments:
# c -		Name of canvas window to create.
# width -	Number of squares in each row.
# height -	Number of squares in each column.
# r, g, b -	Initial value for red, green, and blue intensities.
# rx, gx, bx -	Change in intensities between adjacent elements in row.
# ry, gy, by -	Change in intensities between adjacent elements in column.

proc mkColors {c width height r g b rx gx bx ry gy by} {
    catch {destroy $c}
    canvas $c -width 400 -height 200 -bd 0
    for {set y 0} {$y < $height} {incr y} {
	for {set x 0} {$x < $width} {incr x} {
	    set color [format #%02x%02x%02x [expr $r + $y*$ry + $x*$rx] \
		    [expr $g + $y*$gy + $x*$gx] [expr $b + $y*$by + $x*$bx]]
	    $c create rectangle [expr 10*$x] [expr 20*$y] \
		    [expr 10*$x + 10] [expr 20*$y + 20] -outline {} \
		    -fill $color

# closest -
# Given intensities between 0 and 255, return the closest intensities
# that the server can provide.
# Arguments:
# w -		Window in which to lookup color
# r, g, b -	Desired intensities, between 0 and 255.

proc closest {w r g b} {
    set vals [winfo rgb $w [cname $r $g $b]]
    list [expr [lindex $vals 0]/256] [expr [lindex $vals 1]/256] \
	    [expr [lindex $vals 2]/256]

# c255  -
# Given a list of red, green, and blue intensities, scale them
# down to a 0-255 range.
# Arguments:
# vals -	List of intensities.

proc c255 {vals} {
    list [expr [lindex $vals 0]/256] [expr [lindex $vals 1]/256] \
	    [expr [lindex $vals 2]/256]

# colorsFree --
# Returns 1 if there appear to be free colormap entries in a window,
# 0 otherwise.
# Arguments:
# w -			Name of window in which to check.
# red, green, blue -	Intensities to use in a trial color allocation
#			to see if there are colormap entries free.

proc colorsFree {w {red 31} {green 245} {blue 192}} {
    set vals [winfo rgb $w [format #%02x%02x%02x $red $green $blue]]
    expr ([lindex $vals 0]/256 == $red) && ([lindex $vals 1]/256 == $green) \
	    && ([lindex $vals 2]/256 == $blue)

if {[testConstraint psuedocolor8]} {
    toplevel .t -visual {pseudocolor 8} -colormap new
    wm geom .t +0+0
    mkColors .t.c 40 6 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 40
    pack .t.c

    testConstraint colorsFree [colorsFree .t.c 101 233 17]

    if {[testConstraint colorsFree]} {
	mkColors .t.c2 20 1 250 0 0 -10 0 0 0 0 0
	pack .t.c2
	testConstraint colorsFree [expr {![colorsFree .t.c]}]
    destroy .t.c .t.c2

test color-1.1 {Tk_AllocColorFromObj - converting internal reps} colorsFree {
    set x green
    lindex $x 0
    destroy .b1
    button .b1 -foreground $x -text .b1
    lindex $x 0
    testcolor green
} {{1 0}}
test color-1.2 {Tk_AllocColorFromObj - discard stale color} colorsFree {
    set x green
    destroy .b1 .b2
    button .b1 -foreground $x -text First
    destroy .b1
    set result {}
    lappend result [testcolor green]
    button .b2 -foreground $x -text Second
    lappend result [testcolor green]
} {{} {{1 1}}}
test color-1.3 {Tk_AllocColorFromObj - reuse existing color} colorsFree {
    set x green
    destroy .b1 .b2
    button .b1 -foreground $x -text First
    set result {}
    lappend result [testcolor green]
    button .b2 -foreground $x -text Second
    pack .b1 .b2 -side top
    lappend result [testcolor green]
} {{{1 1}} {{2 1}}}
test color-1.4 {Tk_AllocColorFromObj - try other colors in list} colorsFree {
    set x purple
    destroy .b1 .b2 .t.b
    button .b1 -foreground $x -text First
    pack .b1 -side top
    set result {}
    lappend result [testcolor purple]
    button .t.b -foreground $x -text Second
    pack .t.b -side top
    lappend result [testcolor purple]
    button .b2 -foreground $x -text Third
    pack .b2 -side top
    lappend result [testcolor purple]
} {{{1 1}} {{1 1} {1 0}} {{1 0} {2 1}}}

test color-2.1 {Tk_GetColor procedure} colorsFree {
    c255 [winfo rgb .t #FF0000]
} {255 0 0}
test color-2.2 {Tk_GetColor procedure} colorsFree {
    list [catch {winfo rgb .t noname} msg] $msg
} {1 {unknown color name "noname"}}
test color-2.3 {Tk_GetColor procedure} colorsFree {
    c255 [winfo rgb .t #123456]
} {18 52 86}
test color-2.4 {Tk_GetColor procedure} colorsFree {
    list [catch {winfo rgb .t #xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {invalid color name "#xyz"}}
test color-2.5 {Tk_GetColor procedure} colorsFree {
    winfo rgb .t #00FF00
} {0 65535 0}
test color-2.6 {Tk_GetColor procedure} {colorsFree nonPortable} {
    # Red doesn't always map to *pure* red
    winfo rgb .t red
} {65535 0 0}
test color-2.7 {Tk_GetColor procedure} colorsFree {
    winfo rgb .t #ff0000
} {65535 0 0}

test color-3.1 {Tk_FreeColor procedure, reference counting} colorsFree {
    eval destroy [winfo child .t]
    mkColors .t.c 40 6 0 240 240 0 -6 0 0 0 -40
    pack .t.c
    mkColors .t.c2 20 1 250 0 0 -10 0 0 0 0 0
    pack .t.c2
    set last [.t.c2 create rectangle 50 50 70 60 -outline {} \
	    -fill [cname 0 240 240]]
    .t.c delete 1
    set result [colorsFree .t]
    .t.c2 delete $last
    lappend result [colorsFree .t]
} {0 1}
test color-3.2 {Tk_FreeColor procedure, flushing stressed cmap information} colorsFree {
    eval destroy [winfo child .t]
    mkColors .t.c 40 6 0 240 240 0 -6 0 0 0 -40
    pack .t.c
    mkColors .t.c2 20 1 250 0 0 -10 0 0 0 0 0
    mkColors .t.c2 20 1 250 250 0 -10 -10 0 0 0 0
    pack .t.c2
    closest .t 241 241 1
} {240 240 0}
test color-3.3 {Tk_FreeColorFromObj - reference counts} colorsFree {
    set x purple
    destroy .b1 .b2 .t.b
    button .b1 -foreground $x -text First
    pack .b1 -side top
    button .t.b -foreground $x -text Second
    pack .t.b -side top
    button .b2 -foreground $x -text Third
    pack .b2 -side top
    set result {}
    lappend result [testcolor purple]
    destroy .b1
    lappend result [testcolor purple]
    destroy .b2
    lappend result [testcolor purple]
    destroy .t.b
    lappend result [testcolor purple]
} {{{1 0} {2 1}} {{1 0} {1 1}} {{1 0}} {}}
test color-3.4 {Tk_FreeColorFromObj - unlinking from list} colorsFree {
    destroy .b .t.b .t2 .t3
    toplevel .t2 -visual {pseudocolor 8} -colormap new
    toplevel .t3 -visual {pseudocolor 8} -colormap new
    set x purple
    button .b -foreground $x -text .b1
    button .t.b1 -foreground $x -text .t.b1
    button .t.b2 -foreground $x -text .t.b2
    button .t2.b1 -foreground $x -text .t2.b1
    button .t2.b2 -foreground $x -text .t2.b2
    button .t2.b3 -foreground $x -text .t2.b3
    button .t3.b1 -foreground $x -text .t3.b1
    button .t3.b2 -foreground $x -text .t3.b2
    button .t3.b3 -foreground $x -text .t3.b3
    button .t3.b4 -foreground $x -text .t3.b4
    set result {}
    lappend result [testcolor purple]
    destroy .t2
    lappend result [testcolor purple]
    destroy .b
    lappend result [testcolor purple]
    destroy .t3
    lappend result [testcolor purple]
    destroy .t
    lappend result [testcolor purple]
} {{{4 1} {3 0} {2 0} {1 0}} {{4 1} {2 0} {1 0}} {{4 1} {2 0}} {{2 0}} {}}

test color-4.1 {FreeColorObjProc} colorsFree {
    destroy .b
    set x [format purple]
    button .b -foreground $x -text .b1
    set y [format purple]
    .b configure -foreground $y
    set z [format purple]
    .b configure -foreground $z
    set result {}
    lappend result [testcolor purple]
    set x red
    lappend result [testcolor purple]
    set z 32
    lappend result [testcolor purple]
    destroy .b
    lappend result [testcolor purple]
    set y bogus
    set result
} {{{1 3}} {{1 2}} {{1 1}} {}}

destroy .t

# cleanup