# This file is a Tcl script to test out the procedures in the file # tkCursor.c. It is organized in the standard white-box fashion for # Tcl tests. # # Copyright © 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # Copyright © 1998-1999 Scriptics Corporation. # All rights reserved. package require tcltest 2.2 namespace import ::tcltest::* eval tcltest::configure $argv tcltest::loadTestedCommands # Tests 2.3 and 2.4 need a helper file with a very specific name and # controlled format. proc setWincur {wincurName} { upvar $wincurName wincur set wincur(data_octal) { 000 000 002 000 001 000 040 040 000 000 007 000 007 000 060 001 000 000 026 000 000 000 050 000 000 000 040 000 000 000 100 000 000 000 001 000 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 377 377 377 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 160 016 000 000 170 036 000 000 174 076 000 000 076 174 000 000 037 370 000 000 017 360 000 000 007 340 000 000 007 340 000 000 017 360 000 000 037 370 000 000 076 174 000 000 174 076 000 000 170 036 000 000 160 016 000 000 000 000 000 000 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 377 017 360 377 377 007 340 377 377 003 300 377 377 001 200 377 377 200 001 377 377 300 003 377 377 340 007 377 377 360 017 377 377 360 017 377 377 340 007 377 377 300 003 377 377 200 001 377 377 001 200 377 377 003 300 377 377 007 340 377 377 017 360 377 377 } set wincur(data_binary) {} foreach wincur(num) $wincur(data_octal) { append wincur(data_binary) [binary format c [scan $wincur(num) %o]] } set wincur(dir) [makeDirectory {dir with spaces}] set wincur(file) [makeFile $wincur(data_binary) "test file.cur" $wincur(dir)] } test cursor-1.1 {Tk_AllocCursorFromObj - converting internal reps} -constraints { testcursor } -body { set x watch lindex $x 0 button .b -cursor $x lindex $x 0 testcursor watch } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {{1 0}} test cursor-1.2 {Tk_AllocCursorFromObj - discard stale cursor} -constraints { testcursor } -body { set x watch set result {} button .b1 -cursor $x destroy .b1 lappend result [testcursor watch] button .b2 -cursor $x lappend result [testcursor watch] } -cleanup { destroy .b2 } -result {{} {{1 1}}} test cursor-1.3 {Tk_AllocCursorFromObj - reuse existing cursor} -constraints { testcursor } -body { set x watch set result {} button .b1 -cursor $x lappend result [testcursor watch] button .b2 -cursor $x pack .b1 .b2 -side top lappend result [testcursor watch] } -cleanup { destroy .b1 .b2 } -result {{{1 1}} {{2 1}}} test cursor-2.1 {Tk_GetCursor procedure} -body { button .b -cursor bad_name } -cleanup { destroy .b } -returnCodes error -result {bad cursor spec "bad_name"} test cursor-2.2 {Tk_GetCursor procedure} -body { button .b -cursor @xyzzy } -cleanup { destroy .b } -returnCodes error -result {bad cursor spec "@xyzzy"} test cursor-2.3 {Tk_GetCursor procedure: cursor specs are lists} -constraints { win } -setup { unset -nocomplain wincur set wincur(file) "" } -body { setWincur wincur button .b -cursor [list @$wincur(file)] } -cleanup { destroy .b removeDirectory $wincur(dir) unset wincur } -result {.b} test cursor-2.4 {Tk_GetCursor procedure: cursor specs are lists} -constraints { win } -setup { unset -nocomplain wincur set wincur(file) "" } -body { setWincur wincur button .b -cursor @[regsub -all {[][ \\{}""$#]} $wincur(file) {\\&}] } -cleanup { destroy .b removeDirectory $wincur(dir) unset wincur } -result {.b} test cursor-3.1 {Tk_FreeCursorFromObj - reference counts} -constraints { testcursor } -setup { set x heart set result {} } -body { button .b1 -cursor $x button .b3 -cursor $x button .b2 -cursor $x lappend result [testcursor heart] destroy .b1 lappend result [testcursor heart] destroy .b2 lappend result [testcursor heart] destroy .b3 lappend result [testcursor heart] } -result {{{3 1}} {{2 1}} {{1 1}} {}} test cursor-4.1 {FreeCursorObjProc} -constraints { testcursor } -setup { proc copy {s} {return [string index $s 0][string range $s 1 end]} } -body { set x [copy heart] button .b -cursor $x set y [copy heart] .b configure -cursor $y set z [copy heart] .b configure -cursor $z set result {} lappend result [testcursor heart] set x red lappend result [testcursor heart] set z 32 lappend result [testcursor heart] destroy .b lappend result [testcursor heart] set y bogus set result } -cleanup { rename copy {} destroy .b } -result {{{1 3}} {{1 2}} {{1 1}} {}} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test cursor-5.1 {assert consistent cursor configuration command} -setup { button .b } -body { .b configure -cursor {watch red black} } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the standard set of cursors. test cursor-6.1 {check cursor-font cursor X_cursor} -setup { button .b -text X_cursor } -body { .b configure -cursor X_cursor } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.2 {check cursor-font cursor arrow} -setup { button .b -text arrow } -body { .b configure -cursor arrow } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.3 {check cursor-font cursor based_arrow_down} -setup { button .b -text based_arrow_down } -body { .b configure -cursor based_arrow_down } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.4 {check cursor-font cursor based_arrow_up} -setup { button .b -text based_arrow_up } -body { .b configure -cursor based_arrow_up } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.5 {check cursor-font cursor boat} -setup { button .b -text boat } -body { .b configure -cursor boat } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.6 {check cursor-font cursor bogosity} -setup { button .b -text bogosity } -body { .b configure -cursor bogosity } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.7 {check cursor-font cursor bottom_left_corner} -setup { button .b -text bottom_left_corner } -body { .b configure -cursor bottom_left_corner } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.8 {check cursor-font cursor bottom_right_corner} -setup { button .b -text bottom_right_corner } -body { .b configure -cursor bottom_right_corner } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.9 {check cursor-font cursor bottom_side} -setup { button .b -text bottom_side } -body { .b configure -cursor bottom_side } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.10 {check cursor-font cursor bottom_tee} -setup { button .b -text bottom_tee } -body { .b configure -cursor bottom_tee } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.11 {check cursor-font cursor box_spiral} -setup { button .b -text box_spiral } -body { .b configure -cursor box_spiral } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.12 {check cursor-font cursor center_ptr} -setup { button .b -text center_ptr } -body { .b configure -cursor center_ptr } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.13 {check cursor-font cursor circle} -setup { button .b -text circle } -body { .b configure -cursor circle } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.14 {check cursor-font cursor clock} -setup { button .b -text clock } -body { .b configure -cursor clock } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.15 {check cursor-font cursor coffee_mug} -setup { button .b -text coffee_mug } -body { .b configure -cursor coffee_mug } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.16 {check cursor-font cursor cross} -setup { button .b -text cross } -body { .b configure -cursor cross } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.17 {check cursor-font cursor cross_reverse} -setup { button .b -text cross_reverse } -body { .b configure -cursor cross_reverse } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.18 {check cursor-font cursor crosshair} -setup { button .b -text crosshair } -body { .b configure -cursor crosshair } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.19 {check cursor-font cursor diamond_cross} -setup { button .b -text diamond_cross } -body { .b configure -cursor diamond_cross } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.20 {check cursor-font cursor dot} -setup { button .b -text dot } -body { .b configure -cursor dot } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.21 {check cursor-font cursor dotbox} -setup { button .b -text dotbox } -body { .b configure -cursor dotbox } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.22 {check cursor-font cursor double_arrow} -setup { button .b -text double_arrow } -body { .b configure -cursor double_arrow } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.23 {check cursor-font cursor draft_large} -setup { button .b -text draft_large } -body { .b configure -cursor draft_large } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.24 {check cursor-font cursor draft_small} -setup { button .b -text draft_small } -body { .b configure -cursor draft_small } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.25 {check cursor-font cursor draped_box} -setup { button .b -text draped_box } -body { .b configure -cursor draped_box } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.26 {check cursor-font cursor exchange} -setup { button .b -text exchange } -body { .b configure -cursor exchange } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.27 {check cursor-font cursor fleur} -setup { button .b -text fleur } -body { .b configure -cursor fleur } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.28 {check cursor-font cursor gobbler} -setup { button .b -text gobbler } -body { .b configure -cursor gobbler } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.29 {check cursor-font cursor gumby} -setup { button .b -text gumby } -body { .b configure -cursor gumby } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.30 {check cursor-font cursor hand1} -setup { button .b -text hand1 } -body { .b configure -cursor hand1 } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.31 {check cursor-font cursor hand2} -setup { button .b -text hand2 } -body { .b configure -cursor hand2 } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.32 {check cursor-font cursor heart} -setup { button .b -text heart } -body { .b configure -cursor heart } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.33 {check cursor-font cursor icon} -setup { button .b -text icon } -body { .b configure -cursor icon } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.34 {check cursor-font cursor iron_cross} -setup { button .b -text iron_cross } -body { .b configure -cursor iron_cross } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.35 {check cursor-font cursor left_ptr} -setup { button .b -text left_ptr } -body { .b configure -cursor left_ptr } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.36 {check cursor-font cursor left_side} -setup { button .b -text left_side } -body { .b configure -cursor left_side } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.37 {check cursor-font cursor left_tee} -setup { button .b -text left_tee } -body { .b configure -cursor left_tee } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.38 {check cursor-font cursor leftbutton} -setup { button .b -text leftbutton } -body { .b configure -cursor leftbutton } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.39 {check cursor-font cursor ll_angle} -setup { button .b -text ll_angle } -body { .b configure -cursor ll_angle } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.40 {check cursor-font cursor lr_angle} -setup { button .b -text lr_angle } -body { .b configure -cursor lr_angle } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.41 {check cursor-font cursor man} -setup { button .b -text man } -body { .b configure -cursor man } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.42 {check cursor-font cursor middlebutton} -setup { button .b -text middlebutton } -body { .b configure -cursor middlebutton } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.43 {check cursor-font cursor mouse} -setup { button .b -text mouse } -body { .b configure -cursor mouse } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.44 {check cursor-font cursor pencil} -setup { button .b -text pencil } -body { .b configure -cursor pencil } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.45 {check cursor-font cursor pirate} -setup { button .b -text pirate } -body { .b configure -cursor pirate } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.46 {check cursor-font cursor plus} -setup { button .b -text plus } -body { .b configure -cursor plus } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.47 {check cursor-font cursor question_arrow} -setup { button .b -text question_arrow } -body { .b configure -cursor question_arrow } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.48 {check cursor-font cursor right_ptr} -setup { button .b -text right_ptr } -body { .b configure -cursor right_ptr } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.49 {check cursor-font cursor right_side} -setup { button .b -text right_side } -body { .b configure -cursor right_side } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.50 {check cursor-font cursor right_tee} -setup { button .b -text right_tee } -body { .b configure -cursor right_tee } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.51 {check cursor-font cursor rightbutton} -setup { button .b -text rightbutton } -body { .b configure -cursor rightbutton } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.52 {check cursor-font cursor rtl_logo} -setup { button .b -text rtl_logo } -body { .b configure -cursor rtl_logo } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.53 {check cursor-font cursor sailboat} -setup { button .b -text sailboat } -body { .b configure -cursor sailboat } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.54 {check cursor-font cursor sb_down_arrow} -setup { button .b -text sb_down_arrow } -body { .b configure -cursor sb_down_arrow } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.55 {check cursor-font cursor sb_h_double_arrow} -setup { button .b -text sb_h_double_arrow } -body { .b configure -cursor sb_h_double_arrow } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.56 {check cursor-font cursor sb_left_arrow} -setup { button .b -text sb_left_arrow } -body { .b configure -cursor sb_left_arrow } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.57 {check cursor-font cursor sb_right_arrow} -setup { button .b -text sb_right_arrow } -body { .b configure -cursor sb_right_arrow } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.58 {check cursor-font cursor sb_up_arrow} -setup { button .b -text sb_up_arrow } -body { .b configure -cursor sb_up_arrow } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.59 {check cursor-font cursor sb_v_double_arrow} -setup { button .b -text sb_v_double_arrow } -body { .b configure -cursor sb_v_double_arrow } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.60 {check cursor-font cursor shuttle} -setup { button .b -text shuttle } -body { .b configure -cursor shuttle } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.61 {check cursor-font cursor sizing} -setup { button .b -text sizing } -body { .b configure -cursor sizing } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.62 {check cursor-font cursor spider} -setup { button .b -text spider } -body { .b configure -cursor spider } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.63 {check cursor-font cursor spraycan} -setup { button .b -text spraycan } -body { .b configure -cursor spraycan } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.64 {check cursor-font cursor star} -setup { button .b -text star } -body { .b configure -cursor star } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.65 {check cursor-font cursor target} -setup { button .b -text target } -body { .b configure -cursor target } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.66 {check cursor-font cursor tcross} -setup { button .b -text tcross } -body { .b configure -cursor tcross } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.67 {check cursor-font cursor top_left_arrow} -setup { button .b -text top_left_arrow } -body { .b configure -cursor top_left_arrow } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.68 {check cursor-font cursor top_left_corner} -setup { button .b -text top_left_corner } -body { .b configure -cursor top_left_corner } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.69 {check cursor-font cursor top_right_corner} -setup { button .b -text top_right_corner } -body { .b configure -cursor top_right_corner } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.70 {check cursor-font cursor top_side} -setup { button .b -text top_side } -body { .b configure -cursor top_side } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.71 {check cursor-font cursor top_tee} -setup { button .b -text top_tee } -body { .b configure -cursor top_tee } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.72 {check cursor-font cursor trek} -setup { button .b -text trek } -body { .b configure -cursor trek } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.73 {check cursor-font cursor ul_angle} -setup { button .b -text ul_angle } -body { .b configure -cursor ul_angle } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.74 {check cursor-font cursor umbrella} -setup { button .b -text umbrella } -body { .b configure -cursor umbrella } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.75 {check cursor-font cursor ur_angle} -setup { button .b -text ur_angle } -body { .b configure -cursor ur_angle } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.76 {check cursor-font cursor watch} -setup { button .b -text watch } -body { .b configure -cursor watch } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.77 {check cursor-font cursor xterm} -setup { button .b -text xterm } -body { .b configure -cursor xterm } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} # Test cursor named "none", it is not defined in # the X cursor table. It is defined in a Tk specific # table of named cursors and should be available on # all platforms. test cursor-6.78 {test cursor named "none"} -setup { button .b -text CButton } -body { .b configure -cursor none .b cget -cursor } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result none test cursor-6.79 {test cursor named "none"} -setup { button .b -text CButton } -body { .b configure -cursor none .b configure -cursor {} .b cget -cursor } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-6.80 {test cursor named "none"} -setup { button .b -text CButton } -body { .b configure -cursor none .b configure -cursor {} .b configure -cursor none .b cget -cursor } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result none test cursor-6.81 {test cursor named "none"} -setup { button .b -text CButton } -body { # Setting fg and bg does nothing for the none cursor # because it displays no fg or bg pixels. set results [list] .b configure -cursor none lappend results [.b cget -cursor] .b configure -cursor {none blue} lappend results [.b cget -cursor] .b configure -cursor {none blue green} lappend results [.b cget -cursor] .b configure -cursor {} lappend results [.b cget -cursor] set results } -cleanup { destroy .b unset results } -result {none {none blue} {none blue green} {}} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check the Windows specific cursors test cursor-7.1 {check Windows cursor no} -constraints win -setup { button .b -text no } -body { .b configure -cursor no } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-7.2 {check Windows cursor starting} -constraints win -setup { button .b -text starting } -body { .b configure -cursor starting } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-7.3 {check Windows cursor size} -constraints win -setup { button .b -text size } -body { .b configure -cursor size } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-7.4 {check Windows cursor size_ne_sw} -constraints win -setup { button .b -text size_ne_sw } -body { .b configure -cursor size_ne_sw } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-7.5 {check Windows cursor size_ns} -constraints win -setup { button .b -text size_ns } -body { .b configure -cursor size_ns } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-7.6 {check Windows cursor size_nw_se} -constraints win -setup { button .b -text size_nw_se } -body { .b configure -cursor size_nw_se } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-7.7 {check Windows cursor size_we} -constraints win -setup { button .b -text size_we } -body { .b configure -cursor size_we } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-7.8 {check Windows cursor uparrow} -constraints win -setup { button .b -text uparrow } -body { .b configure -cursor uparrow } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} test cursor-7.9 {check Windows cursor wait} -constraints win -setup { button .b -text wait } -body { .b configure -cursor wait } -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # cleanup cleanupTests return