# This file is a Tcl script to test out the "photo" image type and the other # procedures in the file tkImgPhoto.c. It is organized in the standard fashion # for Tcl tests. # # Copyright (c) 1994 The Australian National University # Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation. # Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Donal K. Fellows # All rights reserved. # # Author: Paul Mackerras (paulus@cs.anu.edu.au) # # This file is somewhat caothic: the order of the tests does not # really follow the order of the corresponding functions in # tkImgPhoto.c. Probably, because early versions had only a few tests # and over time test cases were added in bits and pieces. # To be noted, also, that this file is not complete: large portions of # code in tkImgPhoto.c have no test coverage. # # To help keeping the overview, the table below lists where to find # tests for each of the functions in tkImgPhoto.c. The function are # listed in the order as they appear in the source file. # # # Function name Tests for function #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PhotoFormatThreadExitProc no tests # Tk_Create*PhotoImageFormat no tests # ImgPhotoCreate imgPhoto-2.* # ImgPhotoCmd imgPhoto-4.*, imgPhoto-17.* # GetExtension: no tests # ParseSubcommandOptions: imgPhoto-1.* # ImgPhotoConfigureModel: imgPhoto-3.*, imgPhoto-15.* # toggleComplexAlphaIfNeeded: no tests # ImgPhotoDelete: imgPhoto-8.* # ImgPhotoCmdDeleteProc: imgPhoto-9.* # ImgPhotoSetSize: no tests # MatchFileFormat: imgPhoto-18.* # MatchSringFormat: imgPhoto-19.* # Tk_FindPhoto: imgPhoto-11.* # Tk_PhotoPutBlock: imgPhoto-10.*, imgPhoto-16.* # Tk_PhotoPutZoomedBlock: imgPhoto-12.* # Tk_DitherPhoto: no tets # Tk_PhotoBlank: no tests # Tk_PhotoExpand: no tests # Tk_PhotoGetSize: no tests # Tk_PhotoSetSize: no tests # TkGetPhotoValidRegion: no tests # ImgGetPhoto: no tests # Tk_PhotoGetImage no tests # ImgPostscriptPhoto no tests # Tk_PhotoPutBlock_NoComposite no tests, probably none needed # Tk_PhotoPutZoomedBlock_NoComposite no tests, probably none needed # Tk_PhotoExpand_Panic no tests, probably none needed # Tk_PhotoPutBlock_Panic no tests, probably none needed # Tk_PhotoPutZoomedBlock_Panic no tests, probably none needed # Tk_PhotoSetSize_Panic no tests, probably none needed #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # Some tests are not specific to a function in tkImgPhoto.c. They are: # # # Test name(s) Description #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # imgPhoto-5.* Do not really belong to this file. ImgPhotoGet and # ImgPhotoFree are defined in tkImgPhInstance.c. # imgPhoto-6.* Do not really belong to this file. ImgPhotoDisplay # is defined in tkImgPhInstance.c. # imgPhoto-7.* Do not really belong to this file. ImgPhotoFree is # defined in tkImgPhInstance.c. # imgPhoto-13.* Tests for separation in different interpreters # imgPhoto-14.* Test GIF format. Would belong to imgGIF.test # - which does not exist. # package require tcltest 2.2 namespace import ::tcltest::* tcltest::configure {*}$argv tcltest::loadTestedCommands # # Used for imgPhoto-4.65 - imgPhoto-4.73 # proc foreachPixel {img xVar yVar script} { upvar 1 $xVar x $yVar y set width [image width $img] set height [image height $img] for {set x 0} {$x<$width} {incr x} { for {set y 0} {$y<$height} {incr y} { uplevel 1 $script } } } proc checkImgTrans {img} { set result {} foreachPixel $img x y { if {[$img transparency get $x $y]} { lappend result $x,$y } } return $result } proc checkImgTransLoop {img script1 script2} { set result {} foreachPixel $img x y { eval $script1 lappend result {*}[checkImgTrans $img] append result : eval $script2 lappend result {*}[checkImgTrans $img] append result . } return $result } imageInit set README [makeFile { README -- Tk test suite design document. } README-imgPhoto] # find the teapot.ppm file for use in these tests set teapotPhotoFile [file join [file dirname [info script]] teapot.ppm] testConstraint hasTeapotPhoto [file exists $teapotPhotoFile] # let's see if we have the semi-transparent one as well set transpTeapotPhotoFile [file join [file dirname [info script]] teapotTransparent.png] testConstraint hasTranspTeapotPhoto [file exists $transpTeapotPhotoFile] test imgPhoto-1.1 {options for photo images} -body { image create photo photo1 -width 79 -height 83 list [photo1 cget -width] [photo1 cget -height] \ [image width photo1] [image height photo1] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {79 83 79 83} test imgPhoto-1.2 {options for photo images} -body { list [catch {image create photo photo1 -file no.such.file} err] \ [string tolower $err] } -result {1 {couldn't open "no.such.file": no such file or directory}} test imgPhoto-1.3 {options for photo images} -constraints hasTeapotPhoto -body { image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile -format no.such.format } -returnCodes error -result {image file format "no.such.format" is not supported} test imgPhoto-1.4 {options for photo images} -constraints hasTeapotPhoto -body { image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {256 256} test imgPhoto-1.5 {options for photo images} -constraints hasTeapotPhoto -body { image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile \ -format ppm -width 79 -height 83 list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] [photo1 cget -file] [photo1 cget -format] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result [list 79 83 $teapotPhotoFile ppm] test imgPhoto-1.6 {options for photo images} -body { image create photo photo1 -palette 2/2/2 -gamma 2.2 list [format %.1f [photo1 cget -gamma]] [photo1 cget -palette] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {2.2 2/2/2} test imgPhoto-1.7 {options for photo images} -returnCodes error -body { image create photo photo1 -file $README } -result [subst {couldn't recognize data in image file "$README"}] test imgPhoto-1.8 {options for photo images} -body { image create photo -blah blah } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-blah"} test imgPhoto-1.9 {options for photo images - error case} -body { image create photo -format } -returnCodes error -result {value for "-format" missing} test imgPhoto-1.10 {options for photo images - error case} -body { image create photo -data } -returnCodes error -result {value for "-data" missing} test imgPhoto-1.11 {options for photo images - error case} -body { image create photo photo1 -format } -returnCodes error -result {value for "-format" missing} test imgPhoto-1.12 {option -alpha, normal use} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put "white" -to 0 0 photo1 transparency get 0 0 -alpha } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result 255 test imgPhoto-1.13 {option -withalpha, normal use} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put {{blue green}} photo1 get 1 0 -withalpha } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {0 128 0 255} test imgPhoto-2.1 {ImgPhotoCreate procedure} -setup { imageCleanup } -body { catch {image create photo -blah blah} imageNames } -result {} test imgPhoto-2.2 {ImgPhotoCreate procedure} -setup { imageCleanup } -body { image create photo image1 list [info commands image1] [imageNames] \ [image width image1] [image height image1] } -cleanup { image delete image1 } -result {image1 image1 0 0} # test imgPhoto-2.3 {ImgPhotoCreate procedure: creation failure} { # image create photo photo1 # image create photo photo2 -width 10 -height 10 # catch {image create photo photo2 -file bogus.img} msg # photo1 copy photo2 # set msg # } {couldn't open "bogus.img": no such file or directory} test imgPhoto-3.1 {ImgPhotoConfigureModel procedure} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -body { image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile photo1 configure -file $teapotPhotoFile } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {} test imgPhoto-3.2 {ImgPhotoConfigureModel procedure} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -body { image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile list [catch {photo1 configure -file bogus} err] [string tolower $err] \ [image width photo1] [image height photo1] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {1 {couldn't open "bogus": no such file or directory} 256 256} test imgPhoto-3.3 {ImgPhotoConfigureModel procedure} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { destroy .c pack [canvas .c] update } -body { image create photo photo1 .c create image 10 10 -image photo1 -tags photo1.1 -anchor nw .c create image 300 10 -image photo1 -tags photo1.2 -anchor nw update photo1 configure -file $teapotPhotoFile update list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] [.c bbox photo1.1] [.c bbox photo1.2] } -cleanup { destroy .c image delete photo1 } -result {256 256 {10 10 266 266} {300 10 556 266}} test imgPhoto-3.4 {ImgPhotoConfigureModel: -data } -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile image create photo photo2 } -body { photo2 configure -data [photo1 data -format ppm -from 100 100 120 120] list [image width photo2] [image height photo2] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {20 20} test imgPhoto-3.5 {ImgPhotoConfigureModel: -data } -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile image create photo photo2 } -body { photo2 configure -data [photo1 data -format png -from 120 120 140 140] list [image width photo2] [image height photo2] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {20 20} test imgPhoto-3.6 {ImgPhotoConfigureModel: -data } -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile image create photo photo2 } -body { photo2 configure -data [photo1 data -from 80 90 100 110] list [image width photo2] [image height photo2] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {20 20} test imgPhoto-4.1 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {wrong # args: should be "photo1 option ?arg ...?"} test imgPhoto-4.2 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 blah } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -match glob -result {bad option "blah": must be *} test imgPhoto-4.3 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: blank option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 blank photo1 blank x } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "photo1 blank"} test imgPhoto-4.4 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: cget option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 cget } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "photo1 cget option"} test imgPhoto-4.5 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: cget option} -setup { image create photo photo2 -width 25 -height 30 } -body { list [photo2 cget -width] [photo2 cget -height] } -cleanup { image delete photo2 } -result {25 30} test imgPhoto-4.6 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: configure option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { llength [photo1 configure] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result 7 test imgPhoto-4.7 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: configure option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 conf -palette 3/4/2 photo1 configure -palette } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {-palette {} {} {} 3/4/2} test imgPhoto-4.8 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: configure option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 configure -blah } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-blah"} test imgPhoto-4.9 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: configure option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 configure -palette {} -gamma } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes error -result {value for "-gamma" missing} test imgPhoto-4.10 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 image create photo photo2 -width 25 -height 30 } -body { image create photo photo2 -file $teapotPhotoFile photo1 configure -width 0 -height 0 -palette {} -gamma 1 photo1 copy photo2 list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] [photo1 get 100 100] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 photo2 } -result {256 256 {169 117 90}} test imgPhoto-4.11 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 copy } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {wrong # args: should be "photo1 copy source-image ?-compositingrule rule? ?-from x1 y1 x2 y2? ?-to x1 y1 x2 y2? ?-zoom x y? ?-subsample x y?"} test imgPhoto-4.12 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 copy blah } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {image "blah" doesn't exist or is not a photo image} test imgPhoto-4.13 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} -setup { image create photo photo1 image create photo photo2 } -body { photo1 copy photo2 -blah } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 photo2 } -result {unrecognized option "-blah": must be -compositingrule, -from, -shrink, -subsample, -to, or -zoom} test imgPhoto-4.14 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} -setup { image create photo photo1 image create photo photo2 } -body { photo1 copy photo2 -from -to } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 photo2 } -result {the "-from" option requires one to four integer values} test imgPhoto-4.15 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 image create photo photo2 -file $teapotPhotoFile } -body { photo1 copy photo2 photo1 copy photo2 -from 0 70 60 120 -shrink list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] [photo1 get 20 10] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 photo2 } -result {60 50 {215 154 120}} test imgPhoto-4.16 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 image create photo photo2 -file $teapotPhotoFile } -body { photo1 copy photo2 -from 60 120 0 70 -to 20 50 list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] [photo1 get 40 80] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 photo2 } -result {80 100 {19 92 192}} test imgPhoto-4.17 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 image create photo photo2 -file $teapotPhotoFile } -body { photo1 copy photo2 -from 0 120 60 70 -to 0 0 100 100 list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] [photo1 get 80 60] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 photo2 } -result {100 100 {215 154 120}} test imgPhoto-4.18 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 image create photo photo2 -file $teapotPhotoFile } -body { photo1 copy photo2 -from 60 70 0 120 -zoom 2 list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] [photo1 get 100 50] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 photo2 } -result {120 100 {169 99 47}} test imgPhoto-4.19 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 image create photo photo2 -file $teapotPhotoFile } -body { photo1 copy photo2 -from 0 70 60 120 -zoom 2 list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] [photo1 get 100 50] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 photo2 } -result {120 100 {169 99 47}} test imgPhoto-4.20 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 image create photo photo2 -file $teapotPhotoFile } -body { photo1 copy photo2 -from 20 20 200 180 -subsample 2 -shrink list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] [photo1 get 50 30] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 photo2 } -result {90 80 {207 146 112}} test imgPhoto-4.21 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy option} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 image create photo photo2 -file $teapotPhotoFile } -body { photo1 copy photo2 set result [list [image width photo1] [image height photo1]] photo1 conf -width 49 -height 51 lappend result [image width photo1] [image height photo1] photo1 copy photo2 lappend result [image width photo1] [image height photo1] photo1 copy photo2 -from 0 0 10 10 -shrink lappend result [image width photo1] [image height photo1] photo1 conf -width 0 photo1 copy photo2 -from 0 0 10 10 -shrink lappend result [image width photo1] [image height photo1] photo1 conf -height 0 photo1 copy photo2 -from 0 0 10 10 -shrink lappend result [image width photo1] [image height photo1] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 photo2 } -result {256 256 49 51 49 51 49 51 10 51 10 10} # tests for data: imgPhoto-4. test imgPhoto-4.22 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: get option} -constraints { hasTranspTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 read $transpTeapotPhotoFile list [photo1 get 100 100 -withalpha] \ [photo1 get 150 100 -withalpha] \ [photo1 get 100 150] [photo1 get 150 150] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {{175 71 0 162} {179 73 0 168} {14 8 0} {0 0 0}} test imgPhoto-4.23 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: get option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 get 256 0 } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes error -result {photo1 get: coordinates out of range} test imgPhoto-4.24 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: get option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 get 0 -1 } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes error -result {photo1 get: coordinates out of range} test imgPhoto-4.25 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: get option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 get 0 } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes error -result \ {wrong # args: should be "photo1 get x y ?-withalpha?"} # more test for image get: 4.101-4.102 test imgPhoto-4.26 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: put option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {wrong # args: should be "photo1 put data ?-option value ...?"} test imgPhoto-4.27 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: put option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put {{white} {white white}} } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {invalid row # 1: all rows must have the same number of elements} test imgPhoto-4.28 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: put option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put {{blahgle}} } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes error -result {invalid color name "blahgle"} test imgPhoto-4.29 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: put option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { # SB: odd thing - this test passed with tk 8.6.6, even if the data # is in the wrong position: #photo1 put -to 10 10 20 20 {{white}} # this is how it's supposed to be: photo1 put {{white}} -to 10 10 20 20 photo1 get 19 19 } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {255 255 255} # more tests for image put: 4.90-4.100 test imgPhoto-4.30 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: read option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 read } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {wrong # args: should be "photo1 read fileName ?-option value ...?"} test imgPhoto-4.31 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: read option} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 read $teapotPhotoFile -zoom 2 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {unrecognized option "-zoom": must be -format, -from, -shrink, or -to} test imgPhoto-4.32 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: read option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { list [catch {photo1 read bogus} err] [string tolower $err] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {1 {couldn't open "bogus": no such file or directory}} test imgPhoto-4.33 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: read option} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 read $teapotPhotoFile -format bogus } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes error -result {image file format "bogus" is not supported} test imgPhoto-4.34 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: read option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 read $README } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result [subst {couldn't recognize data in image file "$README"}] test imgPhoto-4.35 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: read option} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 read $teapotPhotoFile list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] [photo1 get 120 120] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {256 256 {161 109 82}} test imgPhoto-4.36 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: read option} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 read $teapotPhotoFile -from 0 70 60 120 -to 10 10 -shrink list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] [photo1 get 29 19] } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {70 60 {244 180 144}} test imgPhoto-4.37 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: redither option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 redither photo1 redither x } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "photo1 redither"} test imgPhoto-4.38 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: write option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 write } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {wrong # args: should be "photo1 write fileName ?-option value ...?"} test imgPhoto-4.39 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: write option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 write teapot.tmp -format bogus } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes error -result {image file format "bogus" is unknown} # more tests on "imageName write": imgPhoto-17.* test imgPhoto-4.40 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {wrong # args: should be "photo1 transparency option ?arg ...?"} test imgPhoto-4.41 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency get } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {wrong # args: should be "photo1 transparency get x y ?-option?"} test imgPhoto-4.42 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency get 0 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {wrong # args: should be "photo1 transparency get x y ?-option?"} test imgPhoto-4.43 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency get 0 0 0 -alpha } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {wrong # args: should be "photo1 transparency get x y ?-option?"} test imgPhoto-4.44 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency get bogus 0 } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "bogus"} test imgPhoto-4.45 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency get 0 bogus } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "bogus"} test imgPhoto-4.46 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put white photo1 transparency get 0 0 } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result 0 test imgPhoto-4.47 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency get 1 0 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {photo1 transparency get: coordinates out of range} test imgPhoto-4.48 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency get -1 0 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {photo1 transparency get: coordinates out of range} test imgPhoto-4.49 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency get 0 1 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {photo1 transparency get: coordinates out of range} test imgPhoto-4.50 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency get 0 -1 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {photo1 transparency get: coordinates out of range} test imgPhoto-4.51 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put white photo1 blank photo1 transparency get 0 0 } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result 1 # more tests for transparency get: 4.65, 4.66, 4.76-4.81 test imgPhoto-4.52 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency set } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result \ {wrong # args: should be "photo1 transparency set x y newVal ?-option?"} test imgPhoto-4.53 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency set 0 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result \ {wrong # args: should be "photo1 transparency set x y newVal ?-option?"} test imgPhoto-4.54 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency set 0 0 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result \ {wrong # args: should be "photo1 transparency set x y newVal ?-option?"} test imgPhoto-4.55 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency set 0 0 0 0 -alpha } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result \ {wrong # args: should be "photo1 transparency set x y newVal ?-option?"} test imgPhoto-4.56 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency set bogus 0 0 } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "bogus"} test imgPhoto-4.57 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency set 0 bogus 0 } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "bogus"} test imgPhoto-4.58 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} -setup { image create photo photo1 photo1 put blue } -body { photo1 transparency set 0 0 bogus } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got "bogus"} test imgPhoto-4.59 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency set 1 0 0 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {photo1 transparency set: coordinates out of range} test imgPhoto-4.60 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency set -1 0 0 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {photo1 transparency set: coordinates out of range} test imgPhoto-4.61 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency set 0 1 0 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {photo1 transparency set: coordinates out of range} test imgPhoto-4.62 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency set 0 -1 0 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {photo1 transparency set: coordinates out of range} test imgPhoto-4.63 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put white photo1 transparency set 0 0 false photo1 transparency get 0 0 } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result 0 test imgPhoto-4.64 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put white photo1 transparency set 0 0 true photo1 transparency get 0 0 } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result 1 # more tests for transparency set: 4.67, 4.68, 4.82-4.89 # Now for some heftier testing, checking that setting and resetting of pixels' # transparency status doesn't "leak" with any one-off errors. test imgPhoto-4.65 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put white -to 0 0 3 3 checkImgTrans photo1 } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {} test imgPhoto-4.66 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency get option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put white -to 0 0 3 3 photo1 blank checkImgTrans photo1 } -result {0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2} test imgPhoto-4.67 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put white -to 0 0 3 3 checkImgTransLoop photo1 { photo1 put white -to 0 0 3 3 photo1 transparency set $x $y 1 } { photo1 transparency set $x $y 0 } } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {0,0:. 0,1:. 0,2:. 1,0:. 1,1:. 1,2:. 2,0:. 2,1:. 2,2:.} test imgPhoto-4.68 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: transparency set option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put white -to 0 0 3 3 checkImgTransLoop photo1 { photo1 blank photo1 transparency set $x $y 0 } { photo1 transparency set $x $y 1 } } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -result {0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2: 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2. 0,0 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2: 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2. 0,0 0,1 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2: 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2. 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2: 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2. 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2: 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2. 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 2,0 2,1 2,2: 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2. 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,1 2,2: 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2. 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,2: 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2. 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1: 0,0 0,1 0,2 1,0 1,1 1,2 2,0 2,1 2,2.} test imgPhoto-4.69 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy with -compositingrule} -setup { # Test the compositing rules for copying images image create photo photo1 -width 3 -height 3 image create photo photo2 -width 2 -height 2 } -body { photo1 copy photo2 -to 1 1 -compositingrule } -cleanup { image delete photo1 photo2 } -returnCodes error -result {the "-compositingrule" option requires a value} test imgPhoto-4.70 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy with -compositingrule} -setup { # Test the compositing rules for copying images image create photo photo1 -width 3 -height 3 image create photo photo2 -width 2 -height 2 } -body { photo1 copy photo2 -to 1 1 -compositingrule BAD } -returnCodes error -cleanup { image delete photo1 photo2 } -result {bad compositing rule "BAD": must be overlay or set} test imgPhoto-4.71 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy with -compositingrule} -setup { # Test the compositing rules for copying images image create photo photo1 -width 3 -height 3 image create photo photo2 -width 2 -height 2 } -body { # Tests default compositing rule photo1 blank photo2 blank photo1 put white -to 0 0 2 2 photo2 put white -to 0 0 2 2 photo2 transparency set 0 0 true photo1 copy photo2 -to 1 1 checkImgTrans photo1 } -cleanup { image delete photo1 photo2 } -result {0,2 2,0} test imgPhoto-4.72 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy with -compositingrule} -setup { # Test the compositing rules for copying images image create photo photo1 -width 3 -height 3 image create photo photo2 -width 2 -height 2 } -body { photo1 blank photo2 blank photo1 put white -to 0 0 2 2 photo2 put white -to 0 0 2 2 photo2 transparency set 0 0 true photo1 copy photo2 -to 1 1 -compositingrule overlay checkImgTrans photo1 } -cleanup { image delete photo1 photo2 } -result {0,2 2,0} test imgPhoto-4.73 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy with -compositingrule} -setup { # Test the compositing rules for copying images image create photo photo1 -width 3 -height 3 image create photo photo2 -width 2 -height 2 } -body { photo1 blank photo2 blank photo1 put white -to 0 0 2 2 photo2 put white -to 0 0 2 2 photo2 transparency set 0 0 true photo1 copy photo2 -to 1 1 -compositingrule set checkImgTrans photo1 } -cleanup { image delete photo1 photo2 } -result {0,2 1,1 2,0} test imgPhoto-4.74 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: put option error handling} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put {{white}} -to 10 10 20 20 {{white}} } -cleanup { image delete photo1 } -returnCodes 1 -result {wrong # args: should be "photo1 put data ?-option value ...?"} test imgPhoto-4.75 { read command: filename starting with '-'} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -body { file copy -force $teapotPhotoFile -teapotPhotoFile image create photo photo1 photo1 read -teapotPhotoFile } -cleanup { image delete photo1 file delete ./-teapotPhotoFile } -result {} test imgPhoto-4.75.1 {ImgPhotoCmd procedure: copy to same image} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { imageCleanup image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile } -body { # non-regression test for bug [5239fd749b] - shall just not crash photo1 copy photo1 -to 0 0 2000 1000 photo1 copy photo1 -subsample 2 2 -shrink } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {} test imgPhoto-4.76 {ImgPhotoCmd, transparency get: too many options} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put white -to 0 0 1 1 photo1 transparency get 0 0 -alpha -bogus } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result \ {wrong # args: should be "photo1 transparency get x y ?-option?"} test imgPhoto-4.77 {ImgPhotoCmd, transparency get: invalid option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put white -to 0 0 1 1 photo1 transparency get 0 0 -bogus } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result \ {unrecognized option "-bogus": must be -alpha} test imgPhoto-4.78 {ImgPhotoCmd, transparency get: normal use} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put white -to 0 0 1 1 set result [photo1 transparency get 0 0] lappend result [photo1 transparency get 0 0 -alpha] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {0 255} test imgPhoto-4.79 {ImgPhotoCmd, transparency get: no option} -constraints { hasTranspTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 -file $transpTeapotPhotoFile set result {} } -body { set pixelCoords {{156 239} {76 207} {153 213} {139 43} {75 112}} foreach coord $pixelCoords { lappend result [photo1 transparency get {*}$coord] } set result } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {0 1 0 0 0} # test imgPhoto-4.80: deleted (was transparency get: -boolean) test imgPhoto-4.81 {ImgPhotoCmd, transparency get: -alpha} -constraints { hasTranspTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 -file $transpTeapotPhotoFile set result {} } -body { set pixelCoords {{156 239} {76 207} {153 213} {139 43} {75 112}} foreach coord $pixelCoords { lappend result [photo1 transparency get {*}$coord -alpha] } set result } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {255 0 1 254 206} test imgPhoto-4.82 {ImgPhotoCmd, transparency set: too many opts} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 transparency set 0 0 -alpha -bogus 1 } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result \ {wrong # args: should be "photo1 transparency set x y newVal ?-option?"} test imgPhoto-4.83 {ImgPhotoCmd, transparency set: invalid opt} -setup { image create photo photo1 -data black } -body { photo1 transparency set 0 0 0 -bogus } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result \ {unrecognized option "-bogus": must be -alpha} test imgPhoto-4.84 {ImgPhotoCmd, transparency set: invalid newVal} -setup { image create photo photo1 -data white } -body { photo1 transparency set 0 0 bogus -alpha } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "bogus"} test imgPhoto-4.85 {ImgPhotoCmd, transparency set: invalid newVal} -setup { image create photo photo1 -data red } -body { photo1 transparency set 0 0 -1 -alpha } -returnCodes error -result \ {invalid alpha value "-1": must be integer between 0 and 255} test imgPhoto-4.86 {ImgPhotoCmd, transparency set: invalid newVal} -setup { image create photo photo1 -data green } -body { photo1 transparency set 0 0 256 -alpha } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result \ {invalid alpha value "256": must be integer between 0 and 255} test imgPhoto-4.87 {ImgPhotoCmd, transparency set: no opt} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put white -to 0 0 2 1 photo1 transparency set 0 0 0 photo1 transparency set 1 0 1 list [photo1 transparency get 0 0 -alpha] \ [photo1 transparency get 1 0 -alpha] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {255 0} # deleted: test imgPhoto-4.88 {ImgPhotoCmd, transparency set: -boolean} test imgPhoto-4.89 {ImgPhotoCmd, transparency set: -alpha} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put white -to 0 0 2 2 photo1 transparency set 0 0 0 -alpha photo1 transparency set 1 0 1 -alpha photo1 transparency set 0 1 254 -alpha photo1 transparency set 1 1 255 -alpha list [photo1 transparency get 0 0] [photo1 transparency get 1 0] \ [photo1 transparency get 0 1] [photo1 transparency get 1 1] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {1 0 0 0} test imgPhoto-4.90 {ImgPhotoCmd put: existing but not allowed opt} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put yellow -from 0 0 1 1 } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result \ {unrecognized option "-from": must be -format, or -to} test imgPhoto-4.91 {ImgPhotoCmd put: invalid option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put {{0 1 2 3}} -bogus x } -returnCodes error -result \ {unrecognized option "-bogus": must be -format, or -to} test imgPhoto-4.92 {ImgPhotocmd put: missing data} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put -to 0 0 } -returnCodes error -result \ {wrong # args: should be "photo1 put data ?-option value ...?"} test imgPhoto-4.93 {ImgPhotoCmd put: data in ppm format} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile image create photo photo2 } -body { set imgdata [photo1 data -format ppm] photo2 put $imgdata -format ppm set result {} if {[image width photo1] != [image width photo2] \ || [image height photo1] != [image height photo2]} { lappend result [list [image width photo2] [image height photo2]] } else { lappend result 1 } foreach point {{206 125} {67 12} {13 46} {19 184}} { if {[photo1 get {*}$point] ne [photo2 get {*}$point]} { lappend result [photo2 get {*}$point] } else { lappend result 1 } } set result } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {1 1 1 1 1} test imgPhoto-4.94 {ImgPhotoCmd put: unknown format} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put {no real data} -format bogus } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result {image format "bogus" is not supported} test imgPhoto-4.95 {ImgPhotoCmd put: default fmt, invalid data} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put {{red green blue} {red " blue}} #" } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result {unmatched open quote in list} test imgPhoto-4.96 {ImgPhotoCmd put: "default" handler is selected} -setup { image create photo photo1 image create photo photo2 set imgData {{{1 2 3 4} {5 6 7 8} {9 10 11 12}} {{13 14 15 15} {17 18 19 20} {21 22 23 24}}} } -body { photo1 put $imgData photo2 put $imgData -format default set result {} lappend result [list [image width photo1] [image height photo1]] lappend result [list [image width photo2] [image height photo2]] lappend result [string equal \ [photo1 data -format "default -colorformat rgba"] \ [photo2 data -format "default -colorformat rgba"]] set result } -cleanup { imageCleanup unset result unset imgData } -result {{3 2} {3 2} 1} test imgPhoto-4.97 {ImgPhotoCmd put: image size} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put {{red green blue} {blue red green}} list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {3 2} test imgPhoto-4.98 {ImgPhotoCmd put: -to with 2 coords} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put {{"alice blue" "blanched almond"} {"deep sky blue" "ghost white"} {#AABBCC #AABBCCDD}} -to 5 6 list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {7 9} test imgPhoto-4.99 {ImgPhotoCmd put: -to with 4 coords} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put {{#123 #456 #678} {#9AB #CDE #F01}} -to 1 2 20 21 set result {} lappend result [photo1 get 19 20 -withalpha] lappend result [string equal \ [photo1 data -from 1 2 4 4] [photo1 data -from 4 2 7 4]] lappend result [string equal \ [photo1 data -from 10 12 13 14] [photo1 data -from 16 16 19 18]] set result } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {{17 34 51 255} 1 1} test imgPhoto-4.100 {ImgPhotoCmd put: no changes on empty data} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put {{brown blue} {cyan coral}} set imgData [photo1 data] photo1 put {} string equal $imgData [photo1 data] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result 1 test imgPhoto-4.101 {ImgPhotoCmd get: too many args} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 get 0 0 -withalpha bogus } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result \ {wrong # args: should be "photo1 get x y ?-withalpha?"} test imgPhoto-4.102 {ImgPhotoCmd get: invalid option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 get 0 0 -bogus } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result \ {unrecognized option "-bogus": must be -withalpha} test imgPhoto-4.103 {ImgPhotoCmd data: accepted opts} -setup { image create photo photo1 -data black } -body { photo1 data -format default -from 0 0 -grayscale -background blue } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {{#000000}} test imgPhoto-4.104 {ImgPhotoCmd data: existing but not accepted opt} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 data -to } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result \ {unrecognized option "-to": must be -background, -format, -from, or -grayscale} test imgPhoto-4.105 {ImgPhotoCmd data: invalid option} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 data -bogus } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result \ {unrecognized option "-bogus": must be -background, -format, -from, or -grayscale} test imgPhoto-4.106 {ImgPhotoCmd data: extra arg before options} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 data bogus -grayscale } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result \ {wrong # args: should be "photo1 data ?-option value ...?"} test imgPhoto-4.107 {ImgPhotoCmd data: extra arg after options} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 data -format default bogus } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result \ {wrong # args: should be "photo1 data ?-option value ...?"} test imgPhoto-4.108 {ImgPhotoCmd data: invalid -from coords #1} -setup { image create photo photo1 -data blue } -body { photo1 data -from 2 0 } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result \ {coordinates for -from option extend outside image} test imgPhoto-4.109 {ImgPhotoCmd data: invalid -from coords #2} -setup { image create photo photo1 -data blue } -body { photo1 data -from 0 2 } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result \ {coordinates for -from option extend outside image} test imgPhoto-4.110 {ImgPhotoCmd data: invalid -from coords #3} -setup { image create photo photo1 -data blue } -body { photo1 data -from 0 0 2 1 } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result \ {coordinates for -from option extend outside image} test imgPhoto-4.111 {ImgPhotoCmd data: invalid -from coords #4} -setup { image create photo photo1 -data blue } -body { photo1 data -from 0 0 1 2 } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result \ {coordinates for -from option extend outside image} test imgPhoto-4.112 {ImgPhotoCmd data: -from with 2 coords} -setup { image create photo photo1 -data { {black black black black black} {white white white white white} {green green green green green}} } -body { set imgData [photo1 data -from 2 1] list [llength [lindex $imgData 0]] [llength $imgData] } -cleanup { imageCleanup unset imgData } -result {3 2} test imgPhoto-4.113 {ImgPhotoCmd data: default is rgb format} -setup { image create photo photo1 -data red } -body { photo1 data } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {{#ff0000}} test imgPhoto-4.114 {ImgPhotoCmd data: unknown format} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 data -format bogus } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result {image string format "bogus" is unknown} test imgPhoto-4.115 {ImgPhotoCmd data: rgb colorformat} -setup { image create photo photo1 -data {{red#a green#b} {blue#c white}} } -body { photo1 data -format {default -colorformat rgb} } -result {{#ff0000 #008000} {#0000ff #ffffff}} test imgPhoto-4.116 {ImgPhotoCmd data: rgba colorformat} -setup { image create photo photo1 -data {{red green} {blue white}} } -body { photo1 data -format {default -colorformat rgba} } -result {{#ff0000ff #008000ff} {#0000ffff #ffffffff}} test imgPhoto-4.117 {ImgPhotoCmd data: list colorformat} -setup { image create photo photo1 -data {{red#a green} {blue#c white#d}} } -body { photo1 data -format {default -colorformat list} } -result {{{255 0 0 170} {0 128 0 255}} {{0 0 255 204} {255 255 255 221}}} test imgPhoto-4.118 {ImgPhotoCmd data: using data for new image results in same image as orignial } -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto hasTranspTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo teapot -file $teapotPhotoFile teapot copy teapot -from 50 60 70 80 -shrink image create photo teapotTransp -file $transpTeapotPhotoFile teapotTransp copy teapotTransp -from 100 110 120 130 -shrink image create photo photo1 } -body { set result {} # We don't test gif here, as there seems to be a problem with # data and gif format ("too many colors", probably a bug) foreach fmt {ppm png {default -colorformat rgba} \ {default -colorformat list}} { set imgData [teapotTransp data -format $fmt] photo1 blank photo1 put $imgData if { ! [string equal [photo1 data] [teapotTransp data]]} { lappend result $fmt } } set imgData [teapot data -format default] photo1 blank photo1 put $imgData if { ! [string equal [photo1 data] [teapot data]]} { lappend result default } set result } -cleanup { unset imgData unset result imageCleanup } -result {} test imgPhoto-5.1 {ImgPhotoGet/Free procedures, shared instances} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { destroy .c pack [canvas .c] imageCleanup } -body { image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile .c create image 0 0 -image photo1 -tags photo1.1 .c create image 256 0 -image photo1 -tags photo1.2 .c create image 0 256 -image photo1 -tags photo1.3 update .c delete i1.1 photo1 configure -width 1 update .c delete i1.2 photo1 configure -height 1 update image delete photo1 } -cleanup { destroy .c } -result {} test imgPhoto-6.1 {ImgPhotoDisplay procedure, blank display} -setup { destroy .c pack [canvas .c] imageCleanup } -body { image create photo photo1 -width 10 -height 10 photo1 blank .c create image 10 10 -image photo1 update } -cleanup { destroy .c image delete photo1 } -result {} test imgPhoto-7.1 {ImgPhotoFree procedure, resource freeing} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { destroy .c pack [canvas .c] imageCleanup } -body { image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile .c create image 0 0 -image photo1 -anchor nw update .c delete all image delete photo1 } -cleanup { destroy .c } -result {} test imgPhoto-7.2 {ImgPhotoFree procedures, unlinking} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { deleteWindows imageCleanup } -body { image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile pack [canvas .c] .c create image 10 10 -image photo1 -anchor nw button .b1 -image photo1 button .b2 -image photo1 button .b3 -image photo1 pack .b1 .b2 .b3 update destroy .b2 update destroy .b3 update destroy .b1 update .c delete all } -cleanup { destroy .c image delete photo1 } -result {} test imgPhoto-7.3 {ImgPhotoFree procedures, multiple visuals} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { deleteWindows imageCleanup } -body { image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile button .b1 -image photo1 frame .f -visual best button .f.b2 -image photo1 pack .f.b2 pack .b1 .f update destroy .b1 update .f.b2 configure -image {} update destroy .f image delete photo1 } -result {} test imgPhoto-8.1 {ImgPhotoDelete procedure} -constraints hasTeapotPhoto -body { image create photo photo2 -file $teapotPhotoFile image delete photo2 } -result {} test imgPhoto-8.2 {ImgPhotoDelete procedure} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { set x {} } -body { image create photo photo2 -file $teapotPhotoFile rename photo2 newphoto2 lappend x [info command photo2] [info command new*] [newphoto2 cget -file] image delete photo2 lappend x [info command new*] } -result [list {} newphoto2 $teapotPhotoFile {}] test imgPhoto-8.3 {ImgPhotoDelete procedure, name cleanup} -body { image create photo photo1 image create photo photo2 -width 10 -height 10 image delete photo2 photo1 copy photo2 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {image "photo2" doesn't exist or is not a photo image} test imgPhoto-9.1 {ImgPhotoCmdDeletedProc procedure} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -body { image create photo photo2 -file $teapotPhotoFile rename photo2 {} list [lsearch -exact [imageNames] photo2] [catch {photo2 foo} msg] $msg } -result {-1 1 {invalid command name "photo2"}} test imgPhoto-10.1 {Tk_ImgPhotoPutBlock procedure} -setup { imageCleanup } -body { image create photo photo1 photo1 put "{#ff0000 #ff0000 #ff0000 #ff0000 #ff0000 #ff0000 #ff0000 #ff0000}" -to 0 0 photo1 put "{#00ff00 #00ff00}" -to 2 0 list [photo1 get 2 0] [photo1 get 3 0] [photo1 get 4 0] } -result {{0 255 0} {0 255 0} {255 0 0}} test imgPhoto-10.2 {Tk_ImgPhotoPutBlock, same source and dest img} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { imageCleanup } -body { # Test for bug e4336bef5d image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile image create photo photo2 -file $teapotPhotoFile photo2 copy photo1 -to 1 2 photo1 copy photo1 -to 1 2 string equal [photo1 data] [photo2 data] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result 1 test imgPhoto-10.3 {Tk_ImgPhotoPutBlock, same source and dest img} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { imageCleanup } -body { # Test for bug e4336bef5d image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile image create photo photo2 -file $teapotPhotoFile photo2 copy photo1 -from 2 1 -to 4 5 300 300 photo1 copy photo1 -from 2 1 -to 4 5 300 300 string equal [photo1 data] [photo2 data] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result 1 test imgPhoto-10.4 {Tk_ImgPhotoPutBlock, empty image} -setup { imageCleanup } -body { image create photo photo1 photo1 copy photo1 -to 0 5 10 20 list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {0 0} test imgPhoto-11.1 {Tk_FindPhoto} -setup { imageCleanup } -body { image create bitmap i1 image create photo photo1 photo1 copy i1 } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result {image "i1" doesn't exist or is not a photo image} test imgPhoto-12.1 {Tk_PhotoPutZoomedBlock} -constraints hasTeapotPhoto -body { image create photo p3 -file $teapotPhotoFile set result [list [p3 get 50 50] [p3 get 100 100]] p3 copy p3 -zoom 2 lappend result [image width p3] [image height p3] [p3 get 100 100] } -cleanup { image delete p3 } -result {{19 92 192} {169 117 90} 512 512 {19 92 192}} test imgPhoto-12.2 {Tk_ImgPhotoPutZoomedBlock, same source and dest img} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { imageCleanup } -body { # Test for bug e4336bef5d image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile image create photo photo2 -file $teapotPhotoFile photo2 copy photo1 -to 0 1 200 200 -zoom 2 3 photo1 copy photo1 -to 0 1 200 200 -zoom 2 3 string equal [photo1 data] [photo2 data] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result 1 test imgPhoto-12.3 {Tk_ImgPhotoPutZoomedBlock, same source and dest img} -setup { imageCleanup } -body { # Test for bug e4336bef5d image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile image create photo photo2 -file $teapotPhotoFile photo2 copy photo1 -from 1 0 -to 4 5 300 300 -zoom 1 2 photo1 copy photo1 -from 1 0 -to 4 5 300 300 -zoom 1 2 string equal [photo1 data] [photo2 data] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result 1 test imgPhoto-12.4 {Tk_ImgPhotoPutZoomedBlock, empty image} -setup { imageCleanup } -body { image create photo photo1 photo1 copy photo1 -to 0 5 10 20 list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {0 0} test imgPhoto-13.1 {check separation of images in different interpreters} -setup { imageCleanup set data { R0lGODlhQgBkAPUAANbWxs7Wxs7OxsbOxsbGxsbGvb3Gvca9vcDAwL21vbW1vbW1tbWtta2t ta2ltaWltaWlraWctaWcrZycrZyUrZSUrZSMrZSMpYyMrYyMpYyEpYSEpYR7pYR7nHp7pYRz pYRynHtzpXtznHtrnHNrnHNjnGtjnGtjlGtalGNalGNSlGNSjFpSlFpKlFpKjFJKjFJCjFI5 jEo5jEo5hEoxhEIxhDkphDkhhAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACwAAAAAQgBkAAAG /kCEcEgsGo/IpHLJbDqf0Kh0Sq1ar9isdsvter/gsHhMLpvP6LR6zW673/C4fE6v2+/4vH7P 7/v/gIGCg4SFhoeIiYqLjI2Oj5CRkpOUlZaXmJmOBZxXnAQEnKIIBUQJCguoDKkIBgWhpUev CA4TDwgEUpwKERUaHCIiJCQjIiEUQhwqKiwqLjDQMCwoIha3oUO5ESMuLSwtLSIMsU4Tzi4o JBwWFA8ODQoMCkIMq6sNDQ4UFhwlzC4qSGhgkMvCsAoM6E0oAWMCOSUFGrgQcauAgAACSqGa l6SAK1EaJXBA0SIDBw0KBiCg8EtEBgEWYCxoooAigFwIJGgQYQIF/goTAjk6sXhxAwwFnHRO mEmAwoQAIUo8lCWhRgoOElJVkJBQFCwhCRqkYlUE1QMKHEywoBCrQaeIMCgQeOCi3AkYMmRI S5EuxEkN7OApkGDhF4fDxoSVMAFUBAWkRxI0a+XghVAkBSqMsFCBwj4OI0igSKGCdLN0wYKd zGDBwUYhn6YOKUCioQECGk7INpIArQgUKkr87TyhAYIDQxQgLkYsRIcQIDjcgi2Lw8RYKaAz MXCgAs8UJrZGmOA5AkeQBlqRKsIpvYMQDx4S4NCCxIJSKJpFYMIgnPlSF2ygAQWuCUHAAp6x E4EEE5BXQQUWYLABBySoAIMLHBSBWwso/jxwIAoyzMAWEw3AEEJCt6nUwAQagCDCYcCQwJcK 6QD3DDQxwNDCCSg9NIAGKpwwgQAOtDADDBbsdkQDIPhkwosDPgDPAg1EAME++1jTnhAKdAnb VAR04EIJFAhwwQs0sBDfE7cZwEAE++yU2joOtDcKE7GUcoIKH6RSmwwnQCZFKAo8cE2es7my HnuxKTDgAA6owEEBjoL3wqRUNDBCCnyRYMFMRSDoWYPvyBPPA738lt1KKTxgpjolrDDiFAWU cAMKE+CipAMRZMDTCSSUQMIJPQHLwWOcrDKBCBpokAIJgmYqQgosxIAOCS8iJEQD7HR2QbMh WCCEK7Ck90Cz/oAFu+YVigpTwTsLyJOcBJ6N6plxRihA3E4cOKTkFCU6FMoAA7wiygAZgURA ekYsEJYFGTSATRccQEMjti8eZsEFFuA7z2WkEJAAl7iEQekEhQHGzgQR4INUKLB8pYAFJaQA KhleKdwAByEkFswHIoxQQn4AcYBvGRosisDICCjQAIMJGnZYBsUd4JEZBIhQwgPzKFwAwggL IHbOQzCtxZ1NL0BlKmmhIOwwHGTg2YMUEBdtKzBfbQWlhMHoHIXBnvABBGE9UMKNMKhgQgnG nNQO0wVQoI4FEohFyr9GzDIYaaPxxWy0rCjKQJUMQvxBaMOgNMQChcU4DAkZ6PoV/hIUoP4i Z7g/YHZHIPXeyWyONgsaCi4AOoLjXP8uhAAvPpCQ2Akr38UpXW60Ij8yPkMmwwj8KAI8QWtQ +eXSixEb37WhcHQBERz2rdZ8leCBBcXNY3XevQ8VG/6+F5CACDYgATlmYYD27aRmLngBNADC GGxxQEAWUJDzqpcctc2DARN4kNRgtJxhnKAFV0kIEhYAJ34IQwUhqkENYFCCE5BmGf9wwWmA 5UGgXAAVtfCFMIgRLMbFLQIPYFACcMI7TjQoH2eJQIs2poEMYMAp5XGAvFrBCYS9ImzQG1vT arGTEQhIhE7QjLA+MKDOxClGwuoJtWi0uBIUIxjDSE2wQ4iHl7ywQDjGwZws/NcAlgBjaKQJ JDVuoQBeUeACoFkMcFqgQL1IgxpRSsjsqHA/gy0tHvmAx2z2BxIupaJrnVxCEAAAOw== } interp create x1 interp create x2 x1 eval {load {} Tk} x2 eval {load {} Tk} } -body { x1 eval [list image create photo T1_data -data $data] x2 eval [list image create photo T1_data -data $data] } -cleanup { interp delete x1 interp delete x2 } -result T1_data test imgPhoto-14.1 {GIF writes work correctly} -setup { set data { R0lGODlhYwA5APcAAAAAAIAAAACAAICAAAAAgIAAgACAgICAgAysnGy8hKzM hASs3MTcjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMDAwP8AAAD/ AP//AAAA//8A/wD//////ywAAAAAYwA5AAAI/wAZCBxIsKDBgwgTKlzIsKHD hxAjSpxIsaLFixgzatzIsaPHjyBDihxJsqTJkyhTqlzJsqXLlzBjypxJs6bN mzhz6tzJs6fPn0CDCh1KtKhRiwoSKEXAtGlTpUqPGkyagOmCq1edNsWalWkC BUSXIuDqFepBqFWtZv3KU+zYrkrBSqT6dgECtjOTbu16NwFHvV3lshRLti/J qlgRCE6ZuO9ik4Dt+k0ZVyZiyVIvXr77ODPEy5g9T4zMWfTEzXdNz1VbWvXn uqldP1TAOrbshqBb314Y2W7n3Qdpv7UNPCHpycUVbv6dnODy5sqzQldIe8H0 hciva9/Ovbv37+BzBgEEADs= } set tmpfilename [makeFile {} imgPhoto-14.1.gif] removeFile $tmpfilename } -body { image create photo photo1 -data $data photo1 write $tmpfilename -format gif image create photo photo2 -file $tmpfilename string equal [photo1 data] [photo2 data] } -cleanup { catch {image delete photo1 photo2} catch {file delete -force $tmpfilename} } -result 1 test imgPhoto-14.2 {GIF -index handler buffer sizing} -setup { set data { R0lGODlhIAAgAKEAAPkOSQsi7////////yH/C05FVFNDQVBFMi4wAwEAAAAh +QQJMgAAACwGAAYAFAAUAAACEYyPqcvtD6OctNqLs968+68VACH5BAkyAAEA LAMAAwAaABoAAAI0jH+gq+gfmFzQzUsr3gBybn1gIm5kaUaoubbuC8fyTNel Ohv1CSO533u8KrgbUfc5Ci/EAgA7 } } -body { # Bug 1458234 makes this crash when trying to access buffers of the wrong # size, caused when the initial frame is not the largest frame. set i [image create photo] $i configure -data $data -format {gif -index 2} } -cleanup { image delete $i } -returnCodes error -result {no image data for this index} test imgPhoto-14.3 {GIF -index interleaving and small frames} -body { # Interleaved GIFs used to crash us when a smaller subsequent frame was # accessed. set i [image create photo] $i configure -format {GIF -index 1} -data { R0lGODdhAQAFAPAAAP8AAAAAACwAAAAAAQAFAEACAoRdACwAAAAAAQAEAEACAoRRADs= } } -cleanup { image delete $i } test imgPhoto-14.4 {GIF buffer overflow} -setup { set data { R0lGODlhCgAKAPcAAAAAAIAAAACAAICAAAAAgIAAgACAgICAgMDAwP8AAAD/ AP//AAAA//8A/wD//////wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAMwAAZgAAmQAAzAAA/wAzAAAzMwAzZgAzmQAzzAAz/wBmAABmMwBmZgBm mQBmzABm/wCZAACZMwCZZgCZmQCZzACZ/wDMAADMMwDMZgDMmQDMzADM/wD/ AAD/MwD/ZgD/mQD/zAD//zMAADMAMzMAZjMAmTMAzDMA/zMzADMzMzMzZjMz mTMzzDMz/zNmADNmMzNmZjNmmTNmzDNm/zOZADOZMzOZZjOZmTOZzDOZ/zPM ADPMMzPMZjPMmTPMzDPM/zP/ADP/MzP/ZjP/mTP/zDP//2YAAGYAM2YAZmYA mWYAzGYA/2YzAGYzM2YzZmYzmWYzzGYz/2ZmAGZmM2ZmZmZmmWZmzGZm/2aZ AGaZM2aZZmaZmWaZzGaZ/2bMAGbMM2bMZmbMmWbMzGbM/2b/AGb/M2b/Zmb/ mWb/zGb//5kAAJkAM5kAZpkAmZkAzJkA/5kzAJkzM5kzZpkzmZkzzJkz/5lm AJlmM5lmZplmmZlmzJlm/5mZAJmZM5mZZpmZmZmZzJmZ/5nMAJnMM5nMZpnM mZnMzJnM/5n/AJn/M5n/Zpn/mZn/zJn//8wAAMwAM8wAZswAmcwAzMwA/8wz AMwzM8wzZswzmcwzzMwz/8xmAMxmM8xmZsxmmcxmzMxm/8yZAMyZM8yZZsyZ mcyZzMyZ/8zMAMzMM8zMZszMmczMzMzM/8z/AMz/M8z/Zsz/mcz/zMz///8A AP8AM/8AZv8Amf8AzP8A//8zAP8zM/8zZv8zmf8zzP8z//9mAP9mM/9mZv9m mf9mzP9m//+ZAP+ZM/+ZZv+Zmf+ZzP+Z///MAP/MM//MZv/Mmf/MzP/M//// AP//M///Zv//mf//zP///yH5BAEAABAALAAAAAAKAAoAABUSAAD/HEiwoMGD CBMqXMiwYcKAADs= } } -body { # This crashes Tk up to 8.4.17 and 8.5.0 set i [image create photo] $i configure -data $data } -cleanup { image delete $i } -returnCodes error -result {malformed image} test imgPhoto-14.5 {Bug [fbaed1f66b] - GIF decoder with deferred clear code} -setup { set fileName [file join [file dirname [info script]] deferredClearCode.gif] } -body { # This erroneously produced "malformed image" error. # The animated GIF "deferredClearCode.gif" has two frames, and calling for -index 2 # simply is an easy way to trigger the problem of improper management of a deferred # clear code. The effect was that the GIF decoder bailed out before the end of the # image reading, and produced the inappropriate "malformed image error". image create photo -file $fileName -format "gif -index 2" } -returnCodes error -result {no image data for this index} test imgPhoto-14.6 {Access Subimage after Subimage with buffer overflow. Ticket 4da2191b} -setup { set data { R0lGODlhYwA5APcAAAAAAIAAAACAAICAAAAAgIAAgACAgICAgAysnGy8hKzM hASs3MTcjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMDAwP8AAAD/ AP//AAAA//8A/wD//////ywAAAAAYwA5AAAI/wAZCBxIsKDBgwgTKlzIsKHD hxAjSpxIsaLFixgzatzIsaPHjyBDihxJsqTJkyhTqlzJsqXLlzBjypxJs6bN mzhz6tzJs6fPn0CDCh1KtKhRiwoSKEXAtGlTpUqPGkyagOmCq1edNsWalWkC BUSXIuDqFepBqFWtZv3KU+zYrkrBSqT6dgECtjOTbu16NwFHvV3lshRLti/J qlgRCE6ZuO9ik4Dt+k0ZVyZiyVIvXr77ODPEy5g9T4zMWfTEzXdNz1VbWvXn uqldP1TAOrbshqBb314Y2W7n3Qdpv7UNPCHpycUVbv6dnODy5sqzQldIe8H0 hciva9/Ovbv37+BzBgE7ACH5BAFkAAMALAAAAAAEAAQAAAMEKLrckgA7 } } -body { image create photo photo1 -data $data -format "GIF -index 1" } -cleanup { catch {image delete photo1} } -result photo1 test imgPhoto-15.1 {photo images can fail to allocate memory gracefully} -constraints { nonPortable } -body { # This is not portable to very large machines with more than around 3GB of # free memory available... image create photo -width 32000 -height 32000 } -returnCodes error -result {not enough free memory for image buffer} test imgPhoto-16.1 {copying to self doesn't access freed memory} -setup { set i [image create photo] } -body { # Bug 877950 makes this crash when trying to copy out of a deallocated # area. $i put red -to 0 0 1000 1000 $i copy $i -from 0 0 1000 1000 -to 500 0 } -cleanup { image delete $i } -result {} # Check that we can guess our supported output formats [Bug 2983824] test imgPhoto-17.1 {photo write: format guessing from filename} -setup { set i [image create photo -width 3 -height 3] } -body { set f [makeFile {} test.png] $i write $f set fd [open $f] seek $fd 1 read $fd 3 } -cleanup { catch {close $fd} image delete $i catch {removeFile $f} } -result PNG test imgPhoto-17.2 {photo write: format guessing from filename} -setup { set i [image create photo -width 3 -height 3] } -body { set f [makeFile {} test.gif] $i write $f set fd [open $f] read $fd 3 } -cleanup { catch {close $fd} image delete $i catch {removeFile $f} } -result GIF test imgPhoto-17.3 {photo write: format guessing from filename} -setup { set i [image create photo -width 3 -height 3] } -body { set f [makeFile {} test.ppm] $i write $f set fd [open $f] read $fd 3 } -cleanup { catch {close $fd} image delete $i catch {removeFile $f} } -result "P6\n" test imgPhoto-17.4 {photo write: default format not supported} -setup { image create photo photo1 -data {{blue blue} {red red} {green green}} set f [makeFile {} test.txt] } -body { photo1 write $f -format default } -cleanup { imageCleanup catch {removeFile $f} unset f } -returnCodes error -result \ {image file format "default" has no file writing capability} test imgPhoto-17.5 {photo write: file with extension .default} -setup { image create photo photo1 -data {{black}} set f [makeFile {} test.default] } -body { photo1 write $f } -cleanup { imageCleanup catch {removeFile $f} unset f } -returnCodes error -result \ {image file format "default" has no file writing capability} test imgPhoto-18.1 {MatchFileFormat: "default" format not supported} -setup { image create photo photo1 set f [makeFile {} test.txt] } -body { photo1 read $f -format default } -cleanup { imageCleanup catch {removeFile $f} unset f } -returnCodes error -result {-file option isn't supported for default images} test imgPhoto-19.1 {MatchStringFormat: with "-format default"} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put {{red blue red} {yellow green yellow}} -format default list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {3 2} test imgPhoto-19.2 {MatchStringFormat: without -format option, default fmt} -body { image create photo photo1 photo1 put {{red} {green}} list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -result {1 2} test imgPhoto-19.3 {MatchStringFormat: "-format ppm"} -setup { image create photo photo1 image create photo photo2 photo2 put {cyan cyan} set imgData [photo2 data -format ppm] } -body { photo1 put $imgData -format ppm list [image width photo1] [image height photo1] } -cleanup { unset imgData imageCleanup } -result {1 2} test imgPhoto-19.4 {MatchStringFormat: ppm fmt, without opt} -constraints { hasTeapotPhoto } -setup { image create photo photo1 -file $teapotPhotoFile image create photo photo2 } -body { set imgData [photo1 data -format ppm] photo2 put $imgData list [image width photo2] [image height photo2] } -cleanup { imageCleanup unset imgData } -result {256 256} test imgPhoto-19.5 {MatchStirngFormat: unknown -format} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put {} -format bogus } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result {image format "bogus" is not supported} test imgPhoto-19.6 {MatchStringFormat: invalid data for default} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put bogus } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result {invalid color name "bogus"} test imgPhoto-19.7 {MatchStringFormat: invalid data for default} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put bogus -format dEFault } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result {invalid color name "bogus"} test imgPhoto-19.8 {MatchStirngFormat: invalid data for gif} -setup { image create photo photo1 } -body { photo1 put bogus -format giF } -cleanup { imageCleanup } -returnCodes error -result {couldn't recognize image data} # Reject corrupted or truncated image [Bug b601ce3ab1]. # WARNING - tests 20.1-20.9 will cause a segfault on 8.5.19 and lower, # and on 8.6.6 and lower. test imgPhoto-20.1 {Reject corrupted GIF (binary string)} -setup { set data [binary decode base64 { R0lGODlhAAQABP8zM/8z/zP/MzP/////M////yH5CiwheLrcLTBCd6Tv2qW16tdK4jhV 5qpraXIvM1JlNyAgOw== }] } -body { image create photo gif1 -data $data } -cleanup { catch {image delete gif1} } -returnCodes error -result {error reading color map|not enough free memory for image buffer} -match regexp test imgPhoto-20.2 {Reject corrupted GIF (base 64 string)} -setup { set data { R0lGODlhAAQABP8zM/8z/zP/MzP/////M////yH5CiwheLrcLTBCd6Tv2qW16tdK4jhV 5qpraXIvM1JlNyAgOw== } } -body { image create photo gif1 -data $data } -cleanup { catch {image delete gif1} } -returnCodes error -result {error reading color map|not enough free memory for image buffer} -match regexp test imgPhoto-20.3 {Reject corrupted GIF (file)} -setup { set fileName [file join [file dirname [info script]] corruptMangled.gif] } -body { image create photo gif1 -file $fileName } -cleanup { catch {image delete gif1} } -returnCodes error -result {error reading color map|not enough free memory for image buffer} -match regexp test imgPhoto-20.4 {Reject truncated GIF (binary string)} -setup { set data [binary decode base64 { R0lGODlhEAAQAMIHAAAAADMz//8zM/8z/zP/MzP///8= }] } -body { image create photo gif1 -data $data } -cleanup { catch {image delete gif1} } -returnCodes error -result {error reading color map} test imgPhoto-20.5 {Reject truncated GIF (base 64 string)} -setup { set data { R0lGODlhEAAQAMIHAAAAADMz//8zM/8z/zP/MzP///8= } } -body { image create photo gif1 -data $data } -cleanup { catch {image delete gif1} } -returnCodes error -result {error reading color map} test imgPhoto-20.6 {Reject truncated GIF (file)} -setup { set fileName [file join [file dirname [info script]] corruptTruncated.gif] } -body { image create photo gif1 -file $fileName } -cleanup { catch {image delete gif1} } -returnCodes error -result {error reading color map} test imgPhoto-20.7 {Reject corrupted GIF (> 4Gb) (binary string)} -constraints { nonPortable } -setup { # About the non portability constraint of this test: see ticket [cc42cc18a5] # If there is insufficient memory, the error message # {not enough free memory for image buffer} should be returned. # Instead, some systems (e.g. FreeBSD 11.1) terminate the test interpreter. set data [binary decode base64 { R0lGODlhwmYz//8zM/8z/zP/MzP/////M////yH5Ciwhe LrcLTBCd6Tv2qW16tdK4jhV5qpraXIvM1JlNyAgOw== }] } -body { image create photo gif1 -data $data } -cleanup { catch {image delete gif1} } -returnCodes error -result {error reading color map|not enough free memory for image buffer} -match regexp test imgPhoto-20.8 {Reject corrupted GIF (> 4Gb) (base 64 string)} -constraints { nonPortable } -setup { # About the non portability constraint of this test: see ticket [cc42cc18a5] # If there is insufficient memory, the error message # {not enough free memory for image buffer} should be returned. # Instead, some systems (e.g. FreeBSD 11.1) terminate the test interpreter. set data { R0lGODlhwmYz//8zM/8z/zP/MzP/////M////yH5Ciwhe LrcLTBCd6Tv2qW16tdK4jhV5qpraXIvM1JlNyAgOw== } } -body { image create photo gif1 -data $data } -cleanup { catch {image delete gif1} } -returnCodes error -result {error reading color map|not enough free memory for image buffer} -match regexp test imgPhoto-20.9 {Reject corrupted GIF (> 4Gb) (file)} -constraints { nonPortable } -setup { # About the non portability constraint of this test: see ticket [cc42cc18a5] # If there is insufficient memory, the error message # {not enough free memory for image buffer} should be returned. # Instead, some systems (e.g. FreeBSD 11.1) terminate the test interpreter. set fileName [file join [file dirname [info script]] corruptMangled4G.gif] } -body { image create photo gif1 -file $fileName } -cleanup { catch {image delete gif1} } -returnCodes error -result {error reading color map|not enough free memory for image buffer} -match regexp test imgPhoto-20.10 {Valid GIF (binary string)} -setup { # Test the binary string reader with a valid GIF. # This is not tested elsewhere. # Tests 20.11, 20.12, with matching data, are included for completeness. set data [binary decode base64 { R0lGODlhEAAQAMIHAAAAADMz//8zM/8z/zP/MzP/////M////yH5BAEKAAcALAAA AAAQABAAAAMheLrcLTBCd6QV79qlterXB0riOFXmmapraXIvM1IdZTcJADs= }] } -body { image create photo gif1 -data $data } -cleanup { catch {image delete gif1} } -result gif1 test imgPhoto-20.11 {Valid GIF (base 64 string)} -setup { set data { R0lGODlhEAAQAMIHAAAAADMz//8zM/8z/zP/MzP/////M////yH5BAEKAAcALAAA AAAQABAAAAMheLrcLTBCd6QV79qlterXB0riOFXmmapraXIvM1IdZTcJADs= } } -body { image create photo gif1 -data $data } -cleanup { catch {image delete gif1} } -result gif1 test imgPhoto-20.12 {Valid GIF (file)} -setup { set fileName [file join [file dirname [info script]] red.gif] } -body { image create photo gif1 -file $fileName } -cleanup { catch {image delete gif1} } -result gif1 catch {rename foreachPixel {}} catch {rename checkImgTrans {}} catch {rename checkImgTransLoop {}} imageFinish # cleanup removeFile README-imgPhoto cleanupTests return # Local variables: # mode: tcl # End: