# This file is a Tcl script to test menus in Tk.  It is
# organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests. It tests
# the common implementation of Macintosh and Windows menus.
# Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# All rights reserved.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: macWinMenu.test,v 1.4 2002/07/13 20:28:35 dgp Exp $

package require tcltest 2.1
namespace import -force tcltest::configure
namespace import -force tcltest::testsDirectory
configure -testdir [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]]]
configure -loadfile [file join [testsDirectory] constraints.tcl]

test macWinMenu-1.1 {PreprocessMenu} {macOrPc nonUnixUserInteraction} {
    catch {destroy .m1}
    menu .m1 -postcommand "destroy .m1"
    .m1 add command -label "macWinMenu-1.1: Hit Escape"
    list [catch {.m1 post 40 40} msg] $msg
} {0 {}}
test macWinMenu-1.2 {PreprocessMenu} {macOrPc nonUnixUserInteraction} {
    catch {destroy .m1}
    catch {destroy .m2}
    set foo1 foo
    set foo2 foo
    menu .m1 -postcommand "set foo1 .m1"
    .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 -label "macWinMenu-1.2: Hit Escape"
    menu .m2 -postcommand "set foo2 .m2"
    update idletasks
    list [catch {.m1 post 40 40} msg] $msg [set foo1] [set foo2] \
	    [destroy .m1 .m2] [catch {unset foo1}] [catch {unset foo2}]
} {0 .m2 .m1 .m2 {} 0 0}

test macWinMenu-1.3 {PreprocessMenu} {macOrPc nonUnixUserInteraction} {
    catch {destroy .l1}
    catch {destroy .m1}
    catch {destroy .m2}
    catch {destroy .m3}
    label .l1 -text "Preparing menus..."
    pack .l1
    update idletasks
    menu .m1 -postcommand ".l1 configure -text \"Destroying .m1...\"; update idletasks; destroy .m1"
    menu .m2 -postcommand ".l1 configure -text \"Destroying .m2...\"; update idletasks; destroy .m2"
    menu .m3 -postcommand ".l1 configure -text \"Destroying .m3...\"; update idletasks; destroy .m3"
    .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 -label "macWinMenu-1.3: Hit Escape (.m2)"
    .m1 add cascade -menu .m3 -label ".m3"
    update idletasks
    list [catch {.m1 post 40 40} msg] $msg [destroy .l1 .m2 .m3]
} {0 {} {}}
test macWinMenu-1.4 {PreprocessMenu} {macOrPc} {
    catch {destroy .l1}
    catch {destroy .m1}
    catch {destroy .m2}
    catch {destroy .m3}
    catch {destroy .m4}
    label .l1 -text "Preparing menus..."
    pack .l1
    update idletasks
    menu .m1 -postcommand ".l1 configure -text \"Destroying .m1...\"; update idletasks; destroy .m1"
    .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 -label "macWinMenu-1.4: Hit Escape (.m2)"
    .m1 add cascade -menu .m3 -label ".m3"
    menu .m2 -postcommand ".l1 configure -text \"Destroying .m2...\"; update idletasks; destroy .m2"
    .m2 add cascade -menu .m4 -label ".m4"
    menu .m3 -postcommand ".l1 configure -text \"Destroying .m3...\"; update idletasks; destroy .m3"
    menu .m4 -postcommand ".l1 configure -text \"Destroying .m4...\"; update idletasks; destroy .m4"
    update idletasks
    list [catch {.m1 post 40 40} msg] $msg [destroy .l1 .m2 .m3 .m4]
} {0 {} {}}
test macWinMenu-1.5 {PreprocessMenu} {macOrPc} {
    catch {destroy .m1}
    catch {destroy .m2}
    menu .m1
    .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 -label "You may need to hit Escape to get this menu to go away."
    menu .m2 -postcommand glorp
    list [catch {.m1 post 40 40} msg] $msg [destroy .m1 .m2]
} {1 {invalid command name "glorp"} {}}

test macWinMenu-2.1 {TkPreprocessMenu} {macOrPc nonUnixUserInteraction} {
    catch {destroy .m1}
    set foo test
    menu .m1 -postcommand "set foo 2.1"
    .m1 add command -label "macWinMenu-2.1: Hit Escape"
    list [catch {.m1 post 40 40} msg] $msg [set foo] [destroy .m1] [unset foo]
} {0 2.1 2.1 {} {}}

# cleanup