# This file is a Tcl script to test menus in Tk. It is # organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests. # # Copyright © 1995-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # Copyright © 1998-1999 Scriptics Corporation. # All rights reserved. package require tcltest 2.2 namespace import ::tcltest::* eval tcltest::configure $argv tcltest::loadTestedCommands imageInit testConstraint pressbutton [llength [info commands pressbutton]] testConstraint movemouse [llength [info commands movemouse]] test menu-1.1 {Tk_MenuCmd procedure} -body { menu } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "menu pathName ?-option value ...?"} test menu-1.2 {Tk_MenuCmd procedure} -body { menu bogus } -returnCodes error -result {bad window path name "bogus"} test menu-1.3 {Tk_MenuCmd procedure} -body { destroy .m1 menu .m1 foo } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "foo"} test menu-1.4 {Tk_MenuCmd procedure} -body { destroy .m1 menu .m1 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.m1} test menu-1.5 {Tk_MenuCmd - creating menubar} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -label Test -menu "" list [. configure -menu .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-1.6 {Tk_MenuCmd procedure menu ref no cascade} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { toplevel .t2 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t2 +0+0 menu .m1 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.m1} test menu-1.7 {Tk_MenuCmd procedure one clone cascade} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { toplevel .t2 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t2 +0+0 menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 menu .m2 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.m2} test menu-1.8 {Tk_MenuCmd procedure two clone cascades} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 toplevel .t2 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t2 +0+0 toplevel .t3 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t3 +0+0 menu .m2 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.m2} test menu-1.9 {Tk_MenuCmd procedure two clone cascades different order} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { toplevel .t2 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t2 +0+0 menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 toplevel .t3 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t3 +0+0 list [menu .m2] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.m2} test menu-1.10 {Tk_MenuCmd procedure two clone cascades menus last} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { toplevel .t2 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t2 +0+0 toplevel .t3 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t3 +0+0 menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 list [menu .m2] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.m2} test menu-1.11 {Tk_MenuCmd procedure three clones cascades} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { toplevel .t2 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t2 +0+0 toplevel .t3 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t3 +0+0 toplevel .t4 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t4 +0+0 menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 list [menu .m2] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.m2} test menu-1.12 {Tk_MenuCmd procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { toplevel .t2 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t2 +0+0 list [menu .m1] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.m1} test menu-1.13 {Tk_MenuCmd procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { toplevel .t2 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t2 +0+0 toplevel .t3 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t3 +0+0 list [menu .m1] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.m1} test menu-1.14 {Tk_MenuCmd procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { toplevel .t2 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t2 +0+0 toplevel .t3 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t3 +0+0 toplevel .t4 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t4 +0+0 list [menu .m1] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.m1} # Used for 2.1 - 2.30 tests destroy .m1 menu .m1 test menu-2.1 {configuration options -activebackground #012345} -body { .m1 configure -activebackground #012345 .m1 cget -activebackground } -result {#012345} test menu-2.2 {configuration options -activebackground non-existent} -body { .m1 configure -activebackground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.3 {configuration options -activeborderwidth 1.3} -body { .m1 configure -activeborderwidth 1.3 .m1 cget -activeborderwidth } -result {1.3} test menu-2.4 {configuration options -activeborderwidth badValue} -body { .m1 configure -activeborderwidth badValue } -returnCodes error -result {expected screen distance but got "badValue"} test menu-2.5 {configuration options -activeforeground #ff0000} -body { .m1 configure -activeforeground #ff0000 .m1 cget -activeforeground } -result {#ff0000} test menu-2.6 {configuration options -activeforeground non-existent} -body { .m1 configure -activeforeground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.6a {configuration options -activerelief sunken} -body { .m1 configure -activerelief sunken .m1 cget -activerelief } -result {sunken} test menu-2.6b {configuration options -activerelief badValue} -body { .m1 configure -activerelief badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bad relief "badValue": must be flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken} test menu-2.7 {configuration options -background #ff0000} -body { .m1 configure -background #ff0000 .m1 cget -background } -result {#ff0000} test menu-2.8 {configuration options -background non-existent} -body { .m1 configure -background non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.9 {configuration options -bg #110022} -body { .m1 configure -bg #110022 .m1 cget -bg } -result {#110022} test menu-2.10 {configuration options -bg bogus} -body { .m1 configure -bg bogus } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "bogus"} test menu-2.11 {configuration options -borderwidth 1.3} -body { .m1 configure -borderwidth 1.3 .m1 cget -borderwidth } -result {1.3} test menu-2.12 {configuration options -borderwidth badValue} -body { .m1 configure -borderwidth badValue } -returnCodes error -result {expected screen distance but got "badValue"} test menu-2.13 {configuration options -cursor arrow} -body { .m1 configure -cursor arrow .m1 cget -cursor } -result {arrow} test menu-2.14 {configuration options -cursor badValue} -body { .m1 configure -cursor badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bad cursor spec "badValue"} test menu-2.15 {configuration options -disabledforeground #00ff00} -body { .m1 configure -disabledforeground #00ff00 .m1 cget -disabledforeground } -result {#00ff00} test menu-2.16 {configuration options -disabledforeground xyzzy} -body { .m1 configure -disabledforeground xyzzy } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "xyzzy"} test menu-2.17 {configuration options -fg #110022} -body { .m1 configure -fg #110022 .m1 cget -fg } -result {#110022} test menu-2.18 {configuration options -fg bogus} -body { .m1 configure -fg bogus } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "bogus"} test menu-2.19 {configuration options -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*} -body { .m1 configure -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* .m1 cget -font } -result {-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*} test menu-2.20 {configuration options -foreground #110022} -body { .m1 configure -foreground #110022 .m1 cget -foreground } -result {#110022} test menu-2.21 {configuration options -foreground bogus} -body { .m1 configure -foreground bogus } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "bogus"} test menu-2.22 {configuration options -postcommand {any old string}} -body { .m1 configure -postcommand {any old string} .m1 cget -postcommand } -result {any old string} test menu-2.23 {configuration options -relief groove} -body { .m1 configure -relief groove .m1 cget -relief } -result {groove} test menu-2.24 {configuration options -relief 1.5} -body { .m1 configure -relief 1.5 } -returnCodes error -result {bad relief "1.5": must be flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken} test menu-2.25 {configuration options -selectcolor #110022} -body { .m1 configure -selectcolor #110022 .m1 cget -selectcolor } -result {#110022} test menu-2.26 {configuration options -selectcolor bogus} -body { .m1 configure -selectcolor bogus } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "bogus"} test menu-2.27 {configuration options -takefocus {any string}} -body { .m1 configure -takefocus {any string} .m1 cget -takefocus } -result {any string} test menu-2.28 {configuration options -tearoff 0} -body { .m1 configure -tearoff 0 .m1 cget -tearoff } -result 0 test menu-2.29 {configuration options -tearoff 1} -body { .m1 configure -tearoff 1 .m1 cget -tearoff } -result 1 test menu-2.30 {configuration options -tearoffcommand {any old string}} -body { .m1 configure -tearoffcommand {any old string} .m1 cget -tearoffcommand } -result {any old string} destroy .m1 # We need to test all of the options with all of the different types of # menu entries. The following code sets up .m1 with 6 items. It then # runs through the 2.31 - 2.228 tests below # index 0 is tearoff, 1 command, 2 cascade, 3 separator, 4 checkbutton, # 5 radiobutton deleteWindows menu .m1 -tearoff 1 .m1 add command -label "command" menu .m2 -tearoff 1 .m2 add command -label "test" .m1 add cascade -label "cascade" -menu .m2 .m1 add separator .m1 add checkbutton -label "checkbutton" -variable check -onvalue on -offvalue off .m1 add radiobutton -label "radiobutton" -variable radio set earthPhotoFile [file join [file dirname [info script]] earth.gif] image create photo image1 -file $earthPhotoFile test menu-2.31 {entry configuration options 0 -activebackground #012345 tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -activebackground #012345 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-activebackground"} test menu-2.32 {entry configuration options 1 -activebackground #012345 command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -activebackground #012345 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -activebackground] 4 } -result {#012345} test menu-2.33 {entry configuration options 2 -activebackground #012345 cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -activebackground #012345 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 2 -activebackground] 4 } -result {#012345} test menu-2.34 {entry configuration options 3 -activebackground #012345 separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -activebackground #012345 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-activebackground"} test menu-2.35 {entry configuration options 4 -activebackground #012345 checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -activebackground #012345 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -activebackground] 4 } -result {#012345} test menu-2.36 {entry configuration options 5 -activebackground #012345 radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -activebackground #012345 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -activebackground] 4 } -result {#012345} test menu-2.37 {entry configuration options 0 -activebackground non-existent tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -activebackground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-activebackground"} test menu-2.38 {entry configuration options 1 -activebackground non-existent command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -activebackground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.39 {entry configuration options 2 -activebackground non-existent cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -activebackground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.40 {entry configuration options 3 -activebackground non-existent separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -activebackground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-activebackground"} test menu-2.41 {entry configuration options 4 -activebackground non-existent checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -activebackground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.42 {entry configuration options 5 -activebackground non-existent radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -activebackground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.43 {entry configuration options 0 -activeforeground #ff0000 tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -activeforeground #ff0000 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-activeforeground"} test menu-2.44 {entry configuration options 1 -activeforeground #ff0000 command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -activeforeground #ff0000 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -activeforeground] 4 } -result {#ff0000} test menu-2.45 {entry configuration options 2 -activeforeground #ff0000 cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -activeforeground #ff0000 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 2 -activeforeground] 4 } -result {#ff0000} test menu-2.46 {entry configuration options 3 -activeforeground #ff0000 separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -activeforeground #ff0000 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-activeforeground"} test menu-2.47 {entry configuration options 4 -activeforeground #ff0000 checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -activeforeground #ff0000 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -activeforeground] 4 } -result {#ff0000} test menu-2.48 {entry configuration options 5 -activeforeground #ff0000 radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -activeforeground #ff0000 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -activeforeground] 4 } -result {#ff0000} test menu-2.49 {entry configuration options 0 -activeforeground non-existent tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -activeforeground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-activeforeground"} test menu-2.50 {entry configuration options 1 -activeforeground non-existent command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -activeforeground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.51 {entry configuration options 2 -activeforeground non-existent cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -activeforeground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.52 {entry configuration options 3 -activeforeground non-existent separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -activeforeground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-activeforeground"} test menu-2.53 {entry configuration options 4 -activeforeground non-existent checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -activeforeground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.54 {entry configuration options 5 -activeforeground non-existent radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -activeforeground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.55 {entry configuration options 0 -accelerator Ctrl+S tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -accelerator Ctrl+S } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-accelerator"} test menu-2.56 {entry configuration options 1 -accelerator Ctrl+S command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -accelerator Ctrl+S lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -accelerator] 4 } -result {Ctrl+S} test menu-2.57 {entry configuration options 2 -accelerator Ctrl+S cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -accelerator Ctrl+S lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 2 -accelerator] 4 } -result {Ctrl+S} test menu-2.58 {entry configuration options 3 -accelerator Ctrl+S separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -accelerator Ctrl+S } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-accelerator"} test menu-2.59 {entry configuration options 4 -accelerator Ctrl+S checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -accelerator Ctrl+S lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -accelerator] 4 } -result {Ctrl+S} test menu-2.60 {entry configuration options 5 -accelerator Ctrl+S radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -accelerator Ctrl+S lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -accelerator] 4 } -result {Ctrl+S} test menu-2.61 {entry configuration options 0 -background #ff0000 tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -background #ff0000 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 0 -background] 4 } -result {#ff0000} test menu-2.62 {entry configuration options 1 -background #ff0000 command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -background #ff0000 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -background] 4 } -result {#ff0000} test menu-2.63 {entry configuration options 2 -background #ff0000 cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -background #ff0000 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 2 -background] 4 } -result {#ff0000} test menu-2.64 {entry configuration options 3 -background #ff0000 separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -background #ff0000 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 3 -background] 4 } -result {#ff0000} test menu-2.65 {entry configuration options 4 -background #ff0000 checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -background #ff0000 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -background] 4 } -result {#ff0000} test menu-2.66 {entry configuration options 5 -background #ff0000 radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -background #ff0000 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -background] 4 } -result {#ff0000} test menu-2.67 {entry configuration options 0 -background non-existent tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -background non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.68 {entry configuration options 1 -background non-existent command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -background non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.69 {entry configuration options 2 -background non-existent cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -background non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.70 {entry configuration options 3 -background non-existent separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -background non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.71 {entry configuration options 4 -background non-existent checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -background non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.72 {entry configuration options 5 -background non-existent radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -background non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.73 {entry configuration options 0 -bitmap questhead tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -bitmap questhead } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-bitmap"} test menu-2.74 {entry configuration options 1 -bitmap questhead command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -bitmap questhead lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -bitmap] 4 } -result {questhead} test menu-2.75 {entry configuration options 2 -bitmap questhead cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -bitmap questhead lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 2 -bitmap] 4 } -result {questhead} test menu-2.76 {entry configuration options 3 -bitmap questhead separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -bitmap questhead } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-bitmap"} test menu-2.77 {entry configuration options 4 -bitmap questhead checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -bitmap questhead lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -bitmap] 4 } -result {questhead} test menu-2.78 {entry configuration options 5 -bitmap questhead radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -bitmap questhead lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -bitmap] 4 } -result {questhead} test menu-2.79 {entry configuration options 0 -bitmap badValue tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -bitmap badValue } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-bitmap"} test menu-2.80 {entry configuration options 1 -bitmap badValue command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -bitmap badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bitmap "badValue" not defined} test menu-2.81 {entry configuration options 2 -bitmap badValue cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -bitmap badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bitmap "badValue" not defined} test menu-2.82 {entry configuration options 3 -bitmap badValue separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -bitmap badValue } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-bitmap"} test menu-2.83 {entry configuration options 4 -bitmap badValue checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -bitmap badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bitmap "badValue" not defined} test menu-2.84 {entry configuration options 5 -bitmap badValue radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -bitmap badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bitmap "badValue" not defined} test menu-2.85 {entry configuration options 0 -columnbreak 1 tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -columnbreak 1 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-columnbreak"} test menu-2.86 {entry configuration options 1 -columnbreak 1 command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -columnbreak 1 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -columnbreak] 4 } -result 1 test menu-2.87 {entry configuration options 2 -columnbreak 1 cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -columnbreak 1 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 2 -columnbreak] 4 } -result 1 test menu-2.88 {entry configuration options 3 -columnbreak 1 separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -columnbreak 1 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-columnbreak"} test menu-2.89 {entry configuration options 4 -columnbreak 1 checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -columnbreak 1 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -columnbreak] 4 } -result 1 test menu-2.90 {entry configuration options 5 -columnbreak 1 radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -columnbreak 1 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -columnbreak] 4 } -result 1 test menu-2.91 {entry configuration options 0 -command beep tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -command beep } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-command"} test menu-2.92 {entry configuration options 1 -command beep command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -command beep lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -command] 4 } -result {beep} test menu-2.93 {entry configuration options 2 -command beep cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -command beep lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 2 -command] 4 } -result {beep} test menu-2.94 {entry configuration options 3 -command beep separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -command beep } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-command"} test menu-2.95 {entry configuration options 4 -command beep checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -command beep lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -command] 4 } -result {beep} test menu-2.96 {entry configuration options 5 -command beep radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -command beep lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -command] 4 } -result {beep} test menu-2.97 {entry configuration options 0 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-font"} test menu-2.98 {entry configuration options 1 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -font] 4 } -result {-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*} test menu-2.99 {entry configuration options 2 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 2 -font] 4 } -result {-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*} test menu-2.100 {entry configuration options 3 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-font"} test menu-2.101 {entry configuration options 4 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -font] 4 } -result {-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*} test menu-2.102 {entry configuration options 5 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -font] 4 } -result {-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*} test menu-2.103 {entry configuration options 0 -font {kill rock stars} tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -font {kill rock stars} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-font"} test menu-2.104 {entry configuration options 1 -font {kill rock stars} command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -font {kill rock stars} } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "rock"} test menu-2.105 {entry configuration options 2 -font {kill rock stars} cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -font {kill rock stars} } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "rock"} test menu-2.106 {entry configuration options 3 -font {kill rock stars} separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -font {kill rock stars} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-font"} test menu-2.107 {entry configuration options 4 -font {kill rock stars} checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -font {kill rock stars} } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "rock"} test menu-2.108 {entry configuration options 5 -font {kill rock stars} radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -font {kill rock stars} } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "rock"} test menu-2.109 {entry configuration options 0 -foreground #110022 tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -foreground #110022 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-foreground"} test menu-2.110 {entry configuration options 1 -foreground #110022 command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -foreground #110022 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -foreground] 4 } -result {#110022} test menu-2.111 {entry configuration options 2 -foreground #110022 cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -foreground #110022 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 2 -foreground] 4 } -result {#110022} test menu-2.112 {entry configuration options 3 -foreground #110022 separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -foreground #110022 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-foreground"} test menu-2.113 {entry configuration options 4 -foreground #110022 checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -foreground #110022 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -foreground] 4 } -result {#110022} test menu-2.114 {entry configuration options 5 -foreground #110022 radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -foreground #110022 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -foreground] 4 } -result {#110022} test menu-2.115 {entry configuration options 0 -foreground non-existent tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -foreground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-foreground"} test menu-2.116 {entry configuration options 1 -foreground non-existent command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -foreground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.117 {entry configuration options 2 -foreground non-existent cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -foreground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.118 {entry configuration options 3 -foreground non-existent separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -foreground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-foreground"} test menu-2.119 {entry configuration options 4 -foreground non-existent checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -foreground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.120 {entry configuration options 5 -foreground non-existent radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -foreground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.121 {entry configuration options 0 -image image1 tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -image image1 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-image"} test menu-2.122 {entry configuration options 1 -image image1 command} -setup { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -image {} } -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -image image1 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -image] 4 } -cleanup { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -image {} } -result {image1} test menu-2.123 {entry configuration options 2 -image image1 cascade} -setup { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -image {} } -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -image image1 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 2 -image] 4 } -cleanup { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -image {} } -result {image1} test menu-2.124 {entry configuration options 3 -image image1 separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -image image1 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-image"} test menu-2.125 {entry configuration options 4 -image image1 checkbutton} -setup { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -image {} } -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -image image1 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -image] 4 } -cleanup { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -image {} } -result {image1} test menu-2.126 {entry configuration options 5 -image image1 radiobutton} -setup { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -image {} } -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -image image1 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -image] 4 } -cleanup { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -image {} } -result {image1} test menu-2.127 {entry configuration options 0 -image bogus tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -image bogus } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-image"} test menu-2.128 {entry configuration options 1 -image bogus command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -image bogus } -returnCodes error -result {image "bogus" doesn't exist} test menu-2.129 {entry configuration options 2 -image bogus cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -image bogus } -returnCodes error -result {image "bogus" doesn't exist} test menu-2.130 {entry configuration options 3 -image bogus separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -image bogus } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-image"} test menu-2.131 {entry configuration options 4 -image bogus checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -image bogus } -returnCodes error -result {image "bogus" doesn't exist} test menu-2.132 {entry configuration options 5 -image bogus radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -image bogus } -returnCodes error -result {image "bogus" doesn't exist} test menu-2.133 {entry configuration options 0 -image {} tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -image } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-image"} test menu-2.134 {entry configuration options 1 -image {} command} -setup { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -image {} } -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -image lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -image] 4 } -result {} test menu-2.135 {entry configuration options 2 -image {} cascade} -setup { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -image {} } -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -image lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 2 -image] 4 } -result {} test menu-2.136 {entry configuration options 3 -image {} separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -image } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-image"} test menu-2.137 {entry configuration options 4 -image {} checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -image lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -image] 4 } -result {} test menu-2.138 {entry configuration options 5 -image {} radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -image lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -image] 4 } -result {} test menu-2.139 {entry configuration options 0 -indicatoron 1 tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -indicatoron 1 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-indicatoron"} test menu-2.140 {entry configuration options 1 -indicatoron 1 command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -indicatoron 1 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-indicatoron"} test menu-2.141 {entry configuration options 2 -indicatoron 1 cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -indicatoron 1 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-indicatoron"} test menu-2.142 {entry configuration options 3 -indicatoron 1 separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -indicatoron 1 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-indicatoron"} test menu-2.143 {entry configuration options 4 -indicatoron 1 checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -indicatoron 1 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -indicatoron] 4 } -result 1 test menu-2.144 {entry configuration options 5 -indicatoron 1 radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -indicatoron 1 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -indicatoron] 4 } -result 1 test menu-2.145 {entry configuration options 0 -label test tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -label test } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-label"} test menu-2.146 {entry configuration options 1 -label test command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -label test lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -label] 4 } -result {test} test menu-2.147 {entry configuration options 2 -label test cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -label test lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 2 -label] 4 } -result {test} test menu-2.148 {entry configuration options 3 -label test separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -label test } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-label"} test menu-2.149 {entry configuration options 4 -label test checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -label test lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -label] 4 } -result {test} test menu-2.150 {entry configuration options 5 -label test radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -label test lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -label] 4 } -result {test} test menu-2.151 {entry configuration options 0 -menu .m2 tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -menu .m2 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-menu"} test menu-2.152 {entry configuration options 1 -menu .m2 command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -menu .m2 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-menu"} test menu-2.153 {entry configuration options 2 -menu .m2 cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -menu .m2 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 2 -menu] 4 } -result {.m2} test menu-2.154 {entry configuration options 3 -menu .m2 separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -menu .m2 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-menu"} test menu-2.155 {entry configuration options 4 -menu .m2 checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -menu .m2 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-menu"} test menu-2.156 {entry configuration options 5 -menu .m2 radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -menu .m2 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-menu"} test menu-2.157 {entry configuration options 0 -offvalue off tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -offvalue off } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-offvalue"} test menu-2.158 {entry configuration options 1 -offvalue off command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -offvalue off } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-offvalue"} test menu-2.159 {entry configuration options 2 -offvalue off cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -offvalue off } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-offvalue"} test menu-2.160 {entry configuration options 3 -offvalue off separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -offvalue off } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-offvalue"} test menu-2.161 {entry configuration options 4 -offvalue off checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -offvalue off lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -offvalue] 4 } -result {off} test menu-2.162 {entry configuration options 5 -offvalue off radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -offvalue off } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-offvalue"} test menu-2.163 {entry configuration options 0 -onvalue on tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -onvalue on } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-onvalue"} test menu-2.164 {entry configuration options 1 -onvalue on command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -onvalue on } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-onvalue"} test menu-2.165 {entry configuration options 2 -onvalue on cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -onvalue on } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-onvalue"} test menu-2.166 {entry configuration options 3 -onvalue on separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -onvalue on } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-onvalue"} test menu-2.167 {entry configuration options 4 -onvalue on checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -onvalue on lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -onvalue] 4 } -result {on} test menu-2.168 {entry configuration options 5 -onvalue on radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -onvalue on } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-onvalue"} test menu-2.169 {entry configuration options 0 -selectcolor #110022 tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -selectcolor #110022 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectcolor"} test menu-2.170 {entry configuration options 1 -selectcolor #110022 command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -selectcolor #110022 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectcolor"} test menu-2.171 {entry configuration options 2 -selectcolor #110022 cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -selectcolor #110022 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectcolor"} test menu-2.172 {entry configuration options 3 -selectcolor #110022 separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -selectcolor #110022 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectcolor"} test menu-2.173 {entry configuration options 4 -selectcolor #110022 checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -selectcolor #110022 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -selectcolor] 4 } -result {#110022} test menu-2.174 {entry configuration options 5 -selectcolor #110022 radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -selectcolor #110022 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -selectcolor] 4 } -result {#110022} test menu-2.175 {entry configuration options 0 -selectcolor non-existent tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -selectcolor non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectcolor"} test menu-2.176 {entry configuration options 1 -selectcolor non-existent command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -selectcolor non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectcolor"} test menu-2.177 {entry configuration options 2 -selectcolor non-existent cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -selectcolor non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectcolor"} test menu-2.178 {entry configuration options 3 -selectcolor non-existent separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -selectcolor non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectcolor"} test menu-2.179 {entry configuration options 4 -selectcolor non-existent checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -selectcolor non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.180 {entry configuration options 5 -selectcolor non-existent radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -selectcolor non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test menu-2.181 {entry configuration options 0 -selectimage image1 tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -selectimage image1 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectimage"} test menu-2.182 {entry configuration options 1 -selectimage image1 command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -selectimage image1 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectimage"} test menu-2.183 {entry configuration options 2 -selectimage image1 cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -selectimage image1 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectimage"} test menu-2.184 {entry configuration options 3 -selectimage image1 separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -selectimage image1 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectimage"} test menu-2.185 {entry configuration options 4 -selectimage image1 checkbutton} -setup { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -selectimage {} } -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -selectimage image1 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -selectimage] 4 } -cleanup { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -selectimage {} } -result {image1} test menu-2.186 {entry configuration options 5 -selectimage image1 radiobutton} -setup { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -selectimage {} } -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -selectimage image1 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -selectimage] 4 } -cleanup { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -selectimage {} } -result {image1} test menu-2.187 {entry configuration options 0 -selectimage bogus tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -selectimage bogus } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectimage"} test menu-2.188 {entry configuration options 1 -selectimage bogus command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -selectimage bogus } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectimage"} test menu-2.189 {entry configuration options 2 -selectimage bogus cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -selectimage bogus } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectimage"} test menu-2.190 {entry configuration options 3 -selectimage bogus separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -selectimage bogus } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectimage"} test menu-2.191 {entry configuration options 4 -selectimage bogus checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -selectimage bogus } -returnCodes error -result {image "bogus" doesn't exist} test menu-2.192 {entry configuration options 5 -selectimage bogus radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -selectimage bogus } -returnCodes error -result {image "bogus" doesn't exist} test menu-2.193 {entry configuration options 0 -selectimage {} tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -selectimage } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectimage"} test menu-2.194 {entry configuration options 1 -selectimage {} command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -selectimage } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectimage"} test menu-2.195 {entry configuration options 2 -selectimage {} cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -selectimage } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectimage"} test menu-2.196 {entry configuration options 3 -selectimage {} separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -selectimage } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-selectimage"} test menu-2.197 {entry configuration options 4 -selectimage {} checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -selectimage lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -selectimage] 4 } -result {} test menu-2.198 {entry configuration options 5 -selectimage {} radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -selectimage lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -selectimage] 4 } -result {} test menu-2.199 {entry configuration options 0 -state normal tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -state normal lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 0 -state] 4 } -result {normal} test menu-2.200 {entry configuration options 1 -state normal command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -state normal lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -state] 4 } -result {normal} test menu-2.201 {entry configuration options 2 -state normal cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -state normal lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 2 -state] 4 } -result {normal} test menu-2.202 {entry configuration options 3 -state normal separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -state normal } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-state"} test menu-2.203 {entry configuration options 4 -state normal checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -state normal lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -state] 4 } -result {normal} test menu-2.204 {entry configuration options 5 -state normal radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -state normal lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -state] 4 } -result {normal} test menu-2.205 {entry configuration options 0 -value {any string} tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -value {any string} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-value"} test menu-2.206 {entry configuration options 1 -value {any string} command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -value {any string} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-value"} test menu-2.207 {entry configuration options 2 -value {any string} cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -value {any string} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-value"} test menu-2.208 {entry configuration options 3 -value {any string} separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -value {any string} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-value"} test menu-2.209 {entry configuration options 4 -value {any string} checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -value {any string} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-value"} test menu-2.210 {entry configuration options 5 -value {any string} radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -value {any string} lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -value] 4 } -result {any string} test menu-2.211 {entry configuration options 0 -variable {any string} tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -variable {any string} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-variable"} test menu-2.212 {entry configuration options 1 -variable {any string} command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -variable {any string} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-variable"} test menu-2.213 {entry configuration options 2 -variable {any string} cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -variable {any string} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-variable"} test menu-2.214 {entry configuration options 3 -variable {any string} separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -variable {any string} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-variable"} test menu-2.215 {entry configuration options 4 -variable {any string} checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -variable {any string} lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -variable] 4 } -result {any string} test menu-2.216 {entry configuration options 5 -variable {any string} radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -variable {any string} lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -variable] 4 } -result {any string} test menu-2.217 {entry configuration options 0 -underline 0 tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -underline 0 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-underline"} test menu-2.218 {entry configuration options 1 -underline 0 command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -underline 0 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -underline] 4 } -result 0 test menu-2.219 {entry configuration options 2 -underline 0 cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -underline 0 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 2 -underline] 4 } -result 0 test menu-2.220 {entry configuration options 3 -underline 0 separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -underline 0 } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-underline"} test menu-2.221 {entry configuration options 4 -underline 0 checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -underline 0 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 4 -underline] 4 } -result 0 test menu-2.222 {entry configuration options 5 -underline 0 radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -underline 0 lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 5 -underline] 4 } -result 0 test menu-2.223 {entry configuration options 0 -underline 3p tearoff} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 0 -underline 3p } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-underline"} test menu-2.224 {entry configuration options 1 -underline 3p command} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 1 -underline 3p } -returnCodes error -result {bad index "3p": must be integer?[+-]integer?, end?[+-]integer?, or ""} test menu-2.225 {entry configuration options 2 -underline 3p cascade} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 2 -underline 3p } -returnCodes error -result {bad index "3p": must be integer?[+-]integer?, end?[+-]integer?, or ""} test menu-2.226 {entry configuration options 3 -underline 3p separator} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 3 -underline 3p } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-underline"} test menu-2.227 {entry configuration options 4 -underline 3p checkbutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 4 -underline 3p } -returnCodes error -result {bad index "3p": must be integer?[+-]integer?, end?[+-]integer?, or ""} test menu-2.228 {entry configuration options 5 -underline 3p radiobutton} -body { .m1 entryconfigure 5 -underline 3p } -returnCodes error -result {bad index "3p": must be integer?[+-]integer?, end?[+-]integer?, or ""} deleteWindows image delete image1 test menu-3.1 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 option ?arg ...?"} test menu-3.2 {MenuWidgetCmd, Tcl_Preserve and Tcl_Release} -constraints { nonUnixUserInteraction } -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 -postcommand "destroy .m1" .m1 add command -label "menu-3.2: Hit Escape" .m1 post 40 40 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes ok -result {} test menu-3.3 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 activate } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 activate index"} test menu-3.4 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 activate "foo" } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry index "foo"} test menu-3.5 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 add separator .m1 activate 2 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {} test menu-3.6 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 entryconfigure 1 -state disabled .m1 activate 1 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {} test menu-3.7 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 activate 1 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {} test menu-3.8 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "add" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 add type ?-option value ...?"} test menu-3.9 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "add" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add foo } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry type "foo": must be cascade, checkbutton, command, radiobutton, or separator} test menu-3.10 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "add" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add separator } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {e001} test menu-3.11 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 cget } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 cget option"} test menu-3.12 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 cget -gorp } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-gorp"} test menu-3.13 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 configure -postcommand "Some string" .m1 cget -postcommand } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {Some string} test menu-3.14 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "clone" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 clone newMenuName ?menuType?"} test menu-3.15 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "clone" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone a b c d } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 clone newMenuName ?menuType?"} test menu-3.16 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "clone" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m1.clone1 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {} test menu-3.17 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "clone" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m1.clone1 tearoff } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {} test menu-3.18 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 llength [.m1 configure] } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result 21 test menu-3.19 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 configure -gorp } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-gorp"} test menu-3.20 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 configure -postcommand "A random String" } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {} test menu-3.21 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 configure -postcommand "Another string" lindex [.m1 configure -postcommand] 4 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {Another string} test menu-3.22 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 delete } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 delete first ?last?"} test menu-3.23 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 delete foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry index "foo"} test menu-3.24 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 1 .m1 delete 0 "foo" } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry index "foo"} test menu-3.25 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 delete 0 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {} test menu-3.26 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "foo" .m1 delete 1 0 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {} test menu-3.27 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "1" .m1 add command -label "2" .m1 add command -label "3" .m1 delete 1 3 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {} test menu-3.28 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "1" .m1 add command -label "2" .m1 add command -label "3" .m1 activate 2 .m1 delete 1 3 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {} test menu-3.29 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "1" .m1 add command -label "2" .m1 add command -label "3" .m1 activate 3 .m1 delete 1 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {} test menu-3.29+1 {MenuWidgetCmd, "delete", Bug 220950} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "bogus" .m1 add command -label "ok" .m1 delete 10 20 .m1 entrycget last -label } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result ok test menu-3.30 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "entrycget" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 entrycget } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 entrycget index option"} test menu-3.31 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "entrycget" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 entrycget index option foo } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 entrycget index option"} test menu-3.32 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "entrycget" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 entrycget foo -label } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry index "foo"} test menu-3.33 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "entrycget" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 entrycget 1 -label } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {test} test menu-3.34 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "entryconfigure" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 entryconfigure } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 entryconfigure index ?-option value ...?"} test menu-3.35 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "entryconfigure" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 entryconfigure foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry index "foo"} test menu-3.36 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "entryconfigure" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" llength [.m1 entryconfigure 1] } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result 15 test menu-3.37 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "entryconfigure" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -label] 4 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {test} test menu-3.38 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "entryconfigure" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 entryconfigure 1 -label "changed" lindex [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -label] 4 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {changed} test menu-3.39 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "index" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 index } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 index string"} test menu-3.40 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "index" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 index foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry index "foo"} test menu-3.41 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "index" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 add command -label "3" .m1 add command -label "another label" .m1 add command -label "end" .m1 add command -label "3a" .m1 add command -label "final entry" list [.m1 index "test"] [.m1 index "3"] [.m1 index "3a"] [.m1 index "end"] } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {1 3 5 6} test menu-3.42 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "insert" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 insert } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 insert index type ?-option value ...?"} test menu-3.43 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "insert" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 insert 1 command -label "test" .m1 entrycget 1 -label } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {test} test menu-3.44 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "invoke" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 invoke } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 invoke index"} test menu-3.45 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "invoke" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 invoke foo } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry index "foo"} test menu-3.46 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "invoke" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { catch {unset foo} menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "set foo" -command "set foo hello" list [.m1 invoke 1] [set foo] [unset foo] } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes ok -result {hello hello {}} test menu-3.47 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "post" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "On Windows, hit Escape to get this menu to go away" .m1 post } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 post x y ?index?"} test menu-3.48 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "post" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 post foo 40 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "foo"} test menu-3.49 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "post" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 post 40 bar } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "bar"} test menu-3.50 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "post" option} -constraints { nonUnixUserInteraction } -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "menu-3.50: hit Escape" -command "puts hello" .m1 post 40 40 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {} test menu-3.51 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "postcascade" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 postcascade } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 postcascade index"} test menu-3.52 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "postcascade" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 postcascade foo } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry index "foo"} test menu-3.53 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "postcascade" option} -constraints { nonUnixUserInteraction } -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "menu-3.53 - hit Escape" menu .m2 .m1 post 40 40 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 .m1 postcascade 1 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -result {} test menu-3.54 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "postcascade" option} -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -body { menu .m1 menu .m2 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 -label "menu-3.57 - hit Escape" .m1 postcascade 1 .m1 postcascade {} } -cleanup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -result {} test menu-3.55 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "type" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 type } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 type index"} test menu-3.56 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "type" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 type foo } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry index "foo"} test menu-3.57 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "type" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 type 1 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {command} test menu-3.58 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "type" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add separator .m1 type 1 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {separator} test menu-3.59 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "type" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add checkbutton -label "test" .m1 type 1 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {checkbutton} test menu-3.60 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "type" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add radiobutton -label "test" .m1 type 1 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {radiobutton} test menu-3.61 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "type" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -label "test" .m1 type 1 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {cascade} test menu-3.62 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "type" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 1 .m1 type 0 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {tearoff} test menu-3.63 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "unpost" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 unpost foo } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 unpost"} test menu-3.64 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "unpost" option} -constraints { nonUnixUserInteraction } -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "menu-3.64 - hit Escape" .m1 post 40 40 .m1 unpost } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {} test menu-3.65 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "yposition" option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 yposition } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 yposition index"} test menu-3.66a {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "yposition" option, no tearoff} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 0 .m1 yposition 1 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result 0 test menu-3.66b {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "yposition" option, with tearoff} -constraints { notAqua } -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { # on Win or Linux, tearoff menus are supported # see menu-3.66c for aqua menu .m1 -tearoff 1 .m1 yposition 1 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result 1 test menu-3.66c {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "yposition" option, with tearoff} -constraints { aqua } -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { # on OS X, tearoff menus are not supported # see menu-3.66b for win or linux menu .m1 -tearoff 1 .m1 yposition 1 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result 0 test menu-3.67 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, bad option} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 foo } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {bad option "foo": must be activate, add, cget, clone, configure, delete, entrycget, entryconfigure, id, index, insert, invoke, post, postcascade, type, unpost, xposition, or yposition} test menu-3.68 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, fix for bug#508988} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { set t .t set m1 .t.m1 set c1 .t.c1 set c2 .t.c2 toplevel .t menu $m1 -tearoff 1 menu $c1 -tearoff 1 $c1 add command -label c1 menu $c2 -tearoff 1 $c2 add command -label c2 $m1 add cascade -label c1 -menu $c1 $t configure -menu $m1 $m1 entryconfigure 1 -menu $c2 -label c2 $t configure -menu "" list [winfo exists $c1] [winfo exists $c2] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {1 1} test menu-3.69 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "xposition" option} -setup { destroy .m1 menu .m1 } -body { .m1 xposition } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".m1 xposition index"} test menu-3.70 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "xposition" option} -setup { destroy .m1 menu .m1 } -body { .m1 xposition 1 subst {} ;# just checking that the xposition does not produce an error... } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {} test menu-3.71 {MenuWidgetCmd procedure, "index end" option, bug [f3cd942e9e]} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 index "end" } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {} test menu-4.1 {TkInvokeMenu: disabled} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { catch {unset foo} menu .m1 .m1 add checkbutton -label "test" -variable foo -onvalue on -offvalue off \ -state disabled list [catch {.m1 invoke 1} msg] $foo } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {0 off} test menu-4.2 {TkInvokeMenu: tearoff} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 catch {.m1 invoke 0} } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 0 test menu-4.3 {TkInvokeMenu: checkbutton -on} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { catch {unset foo} menu .m1 .m1 add checkbutton -label "test" -variable foo -onvalue on -offvalue off list [catch {.m1 invoke 1} msg] $msg [catch {set foo} msg2] $msg2 \ [catch {unset foo} msg3] $msg3 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {0 {} 0 on 0 {}} test menu-4.4 {TkInvokeMenu: checkbutton -off} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { catch {unset foo} menu .m1 .m1 add checkbutton -label "test" -variable foo -onvalue on -offvalue off .m1 invoke 1 list [catch {.m1 invoke 1} msg] $msg [catch {set foo} msg2] $msg2 [catch {unset foo} msg3] $msg3 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {0 {} 0 off 0 {}} test menu-4.5 {TkInvokeMenu: checkbutton array element} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { catch {unset foo} menu .m1 .m1 add checkbutton -label "test" -variable foo(1) -onvalue on list [catch {.m1 invoke 1} msg] $msg [catch {set foo(1)} msg2] $msg2 [catch {unset foo} msg3] $msg3 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {0 {} 0 on 0 {}} test menu-4.6 {TkInvokeMenu: radiobutton} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { catch {unset foo} menu .m1 -tearoff 1 .m1 add radiobutton -label "1" -variable foo -value one .m1 add radiobutton -label "2" -variable foo -value two .m1 add radiobutton -label "3" -variable foo -value three list [catch {.m1 invoke 1} msg] $msg [catch {set foo} msg2] $msg2 [catch {unset foo} msg3] $msg3 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {0 {} 0 one 0 {}} test menu-4.7 {TkInvokeMenu: radiobutton} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { catch {unset foo} menu .m1 -tearoff 1 .m1 add radiobutton -label "1" -variable foo -value one .m1 add radiobutton -label "2" -variable foo -value two .m1 add radiobutton -label "3" -variable foo -value three list [catch {.m1 invoke 2} msg] $msg [catch {set foo} msg2] $msg2 [catch {unset foo} msg3] $msg3 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {0 {} 0 two 0 {}} test menu-4.8 {TkInvokeMenu: radiobutton} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { catch {unset foo} menu .m1 .m1 add radiobutton -label "1" -variable foo -value one .m1 add radiobutton -label "2" -variable foo -value two .m1 add radiobutton -label "3" -variable foo -value three list [catch {.m1 invoke 3} msg] $msg [catch {set foo} msg2] $msg2 [catch {unset foo} msg3] $msg3 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {0 {} 0 three 0 {}} test menu-4.9 {TkInvokeMenu: radiobutton array element} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { catch {unset foo} menu .m1 .m1 add radiobutton -label "1" -variable foo(2) -value one .m1 add radiobutton -label "2" -variable foo(2) -value two .m1 add radiobutton -label "3" -variable foo(2) -value three list [catch {.m1 invoke 3} msg] $msg [catch {set foo(2)} msg2] $msg2 [catch {unset foo} msg3] $msg3 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {0 {} 0 three 0 {}} test menu-4.10 {TkInvokeMenu} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { catch {unset foo} menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" -command "set menu_test menu-4.8" list [catch {.m1 invoke 1} msg] $msg [catch {set menu_test} msg2] $msg2 [catch {unset menu_test} msg3] $msg3 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {0 menu-4.8 0 menu-4.8 0 {}} test menu-4.11 {TkInvokeMenu} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -label "test" -menu .m1.m2 list [catch {.m1 invoke 1} msg] $msg } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {0 {}} test menu-4.12 {TkInvokeMenu} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 1 .m1 add command -label "test" -command ".m1 delete 1" list [catch {.m1 invoke 1} msg] $msg [catch {.m1 type "test"} msg2] $msg2 } -cleanup { destroy .m1 } -result {0 {} 1 {bad menu entry index "test"}} test menu-5.1 {DestroyMenuInstance} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 destroy .m1 } -returnCodes ok test menu-5.2 {DestroyMenuInstance - cascade menu} -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 menu .m2 destroy .m1 .m2 } -returnCodes ok test menu-5.3 {DestroyMenuInstance - multiple cascade parents} -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 .m3 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m3 menu .m2 .m2 add cascade -menu .m3 menu .m3 list [destroy .m3] [destroy .m1 .m2] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {}} test menu-5.4 {DestroyMenuInstance - multiple cascade parents} -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 .m3 .m4 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m4 menu .m2 .m2 add cascade -menu .m4 menu .m3 .m3 add cascade -menu .m4 menu .m4 list [destroy .m4] [destroy .m1 .m2 .m3] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {}} test menu-5.5 {DestroyMenuInstance - cascades of cloned menus} -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -body { menu .m1 menu .m2 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 . configure -menu .m1 list [destroy .m2] [.m1 entrycget 1 -menu] [. configure -menu ""] [destroy .m1] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} .m2 {} {}} test menu-5.6 {DestroyMenuInstance - cascades of cloned menus} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 menu .m2 . configure -menu .m1 toplevel .t2 wm geometry .t2 +0+0 .t2 configure -menu .m1 list [destroy .m2] [. configure -menu ""] [destroy .t2 .m1] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {} {}} test menu-5.7 {DestroyMenuInstance - basic clones} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 set tearoff [tk::TearOffMenu .m1] list [destroy $tearoff] [destroy .m1] } -result {{} {}} test menu-5.8 {DestroyMenuInstance - multiple clones} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 set tearoff1 [tk::TearOffMenu .m1] set tearoff2 [tk::TearOffMenu .m1] list [destroy $tearoff1] [destroy .m1] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {}} test menu-5.9 {DestroyMenuInstace - main menu} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 tk::TearOffMenu .m1 destroy .m1 } -returnCodes ok test menu-5.10 {DestroyMenuInstance - freeing entries} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "foo" destroy .m1 } -returnCodes ok test menu-5.11 {DestroyMenuInstace - no entries} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 configure -tearoff 0 destroy .m1 } -returnCodes ok test menu-5.12 {DestroyMenuInstance - platform data} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 destroy .m1 } -returnCodes ok test menu-5.13 {DestroyMenuInstance - clones when mismatched tearoffs} -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -body { menu .m1 menu .m2 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 set tearoff [tk::TearOffMenu .m1 40 40] list [destroy .m2] [destroy .m1] } -result {{} {}} test menu-6.1 {TkDestroyMenu} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 destroy .m1 } -returnCodes ok test menu-6.2 {TkDestroyMenu - reentrancy} -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -body { menu .m1 bind .m1 {destroy .m1} menu .m2 bind .m2 {destroy .m2} list [destroy .m1] [destroy .m2] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {}} test menu-6.3 {TkDestroyMenu - reentrancy} -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 .m3 } -body { menu .m1 bind .m1 {destroy .m2} .m1 clone .m2 .m1 clone .m3 list [destroy .m1] [winfo exists .m2] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} 0} test menu-6.4 {TkDestroyMenu - reentrancy - clones} -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 .m1 clone .m1.m3 destroy .m1 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes ok test menu-6.5 {TkDestroyMenu} -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 destroy .m1 winfo exists .m2 } -result 0 test menu-6.6 {TkDestroyMenu} -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 tearoff destroy .m1 } -result {} test menu-6.7 {TkDestroyMenu} -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 destroy .m2 destroy .m1 } -returnCodes ok -result {} test menu-6.8 {TkDestroyMenu} -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 .m3 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 .m1 clone .m3 destroy .m1 list [winfo exists .m2] [winfo exists .m3] } -result {0 0} test menu-6.9 {TkDestroyMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 .m1 clone .m3 list [destroy .m2] [destroy .m3] [destroy .m1] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {} {}} test menu-6.10 {TkDestroyMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 .m1 clone .m3 list [destroy .m3] [destroy .m1] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {}} test menu-6.11 {TkDestroyMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 .m1 clone .m3 .m1 clone .m4 list [destroy .m2] [destroy .m1] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {}} test menu-6.12 {TkDestroyMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 .m1 clone .m3 .m1 clone .m4 list [destroy .m3] [destroy .m1] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {}} test menu-6.13 {TkDestroyMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 .m1 clone .m3 .m1 clone .m4 list [destroy .m4] [destroy .m1] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {}} test menu-6.14 {TkDestroyMenu} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 . configure -menu .m1 list [destroy .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {}} test menu-6.15 {TkDestroyMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 toplevel .t2 wm geometry .t2 +0+0 . configure -menu .m1 .t2 configure -menu .m1 list [destroy .m1] [destroy .t2] [. configure -menu ""] } -result {{} {} {}} test menu-6.16 {TkDestroyMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 toplevel .t2 wm geometry .t2 +0+0 toplevel .t3 wm geometry .t3 +0+0 . configure -menu .m1 .t2 configure -menu .m1 .t3 configure -menu .m1 list [destroy .m1] [destroy .t2] [destroy .t3] [. configure -menu ""] } -result {{} {} {} {}} test menu-6.17 {TkDestroyMenu - bug 14a9b62e1d} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -command {destroy .m1} .m1 invoke end winfo exists .m1 } -result {0} test menu-7.1 {UnhookCascadeEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" destroy .m1 } -returnCodes ok test menu-7.2 {UnhookCascadeEntry} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 destroy .m1 } -returnCodes ok test menu-7.3 {UnhookCascadeEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 menu .m2 .m2 add cascade -menu .cascade .m1 add cascade -menu .cascade list [destroy .m1] [destroy .m2] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {}} test menu-7.4 {UnhookCascadeEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 menu .m2 .m1 add cascade -menu .cascade .m2 add cascade -menu .cascade list [destroy .m1] [destroy .m2] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {}} test menu-7.5 {UnhookCascadeEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 menu .m2 menu .m3 .m1 add cascade -menu .cascade .m2 add cascade -menu .cascade .m3 add cascade -menu .cascade list [destroy .m1] [destroy .m2 .m3] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {}} test menu-7.6 {UnhookCascadeEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 menu .m2 menu .m3 .m1 add cascade -menu .cascade .m2 add cascade -menu .cascade .m3 add cascade -menu .cascade list [destroy .m2] [destroy .m1 .m3] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {}} test menu-7.7 {UnhookCascadeEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 menu .m2 menu .m3 .m1 add cascade -menu .cascade .m2 add cascade -menu .cascade .m3 add cascade -menu .cascade list [destroy .m3] [destroy .m1 .m2] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {}} test menu-7.8 {UnhookCascadeEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 menu .m2 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 list [destroy .m1] [destroy .m2] } -returnCodes ok -result {{} {}} test menu-7.9 {UnhookCascadeEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 menu .m2 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 destroy .m1 destroy .m2 } -returnCodes ok test menu-8.1 {DestroyMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 menu .m2 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 list [.m1 delete 1] [destroy .m1 .m2] } -result {{} {}} test menu-8.2 {DestroyMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows catch {image delete image1a} } -body { image create photo image1a -file $earthPhotoFile menu .m1 .m1 add command -image image1a list [.m1 delete 1] [destroy .m1] [image delete image1a] } -result {{} {} {}} test menu-8.3 {DestroyMenuEntry} -constraints testImageType -setup { deleteWindows imageCleanup } -body { image create test image1 image create test image2 menu .m1 .m1 add checkbutton -image image1 -selectimage image2 .m1 invoke 1 list [.m1 delete 1] [destroy .m1] } -cleanup { imageCleanup deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-8.4 {DestroyMenuEntry} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add checkbutton -variable foo list [.m1 delete 1] [destroy .m1] } -result {{} {}} test menu-8.5 {DestroyMenuEntry} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" list [.m1 delete 1] [destroy .m1] } -result {{} {}} test menu-8.6 {DestroyMenuEntry} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 1 .m1 add command -label "one" .m1 add command -label "two" list [.m1 delete 1] [.m1 entrycget 1 -label] [destroy .m1] } -result {{} two {}} test menu-8.7 {DestroyMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "one" .m1 clone .m2 tearoff list [.m2 delete 1] [destroy .m1] } -result {{} {}} # test menu-9 - Can only change when fonts change on system, which cannot # be done from tcl. test menu-9.1 {ConfigureMenu} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 list [.m1 configure -postcommand "beep"] [.m1 cget -postcommand] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} beep} test menu-9.2 {ConfigureMenu} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" list [.m1 configure -tearoff 0] [.m1 entrycget 1 -label] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} test} test menu-9.3 {ConfigureMenu} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 list [.m1 configure -postcommand "beep"] [.m1 cget -postcommand] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} beep} test menu-9.4 {ConfigureMenu} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 configure -fg red } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-9.5 {ConfigureMenu} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 add command -label "two" .m1 configure -fg red } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-9.6 {ConfigureMenu} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 add command -label "two" .m1 add command -label "three" .m1 configure -fg red } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-9.7 {ConfigureMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 tearoff list [.m1 configure -fg red] [.m2 cget -fg] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} red} test menu-9.8 {ConfigureMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 tearoff list [.m2 configure -fg red] [.m1 cget -fg] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} red} test menu-9.9 {ConfigureMenu} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 list [. configure -menu .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-10.1 {PostProcessEntry: array variable} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { catch {unset foo} menu .m1 set foo(1) on .m1 add checkbutton -variable foo(1) -onvalue on -offvalue off -label "Nonsense" set foo(1) } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {on} test menu-10.2 {PostProcessEntry: array variable} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { catch {unset foo} menu .m1 .m1 add checkbutton -variable foo(1) -onvalue on -offvalue off -label "Nonsense" set foo(1) } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {off} test menu-11.1 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { catch {unset foo} menu .m1 .m1 add checkbutton -variable foo -onvalue on -offvalue off -label "Nonsense" list [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -variable bar] [.m1 entrycget 1 -variable] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} bar} test menu-11.2 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" list [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -label ""] [.m1 entrycget 1 -label] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-11.3 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { destroy .m1 } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command list [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -label "test"] [.m1 entrycget 1 -label] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} test} test menu-11.4 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command list [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -accel "S"] [.m1 entrycget 1 -accel] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} S} test menu-11.5 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command list [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -label "test"] [.m1 entrycget 1 -label] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} test} test menu-11.6 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command .m1 entryconfigure 1 -label "test" } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-11.7 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m2 menu .m1 .m1 add cascade .m1 entryconfigure 1 -label "test" -menu .m2 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-11.8 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade .m1 entryconfigure 1 -label "test" -menu .m2 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-11.9 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m3 .m1 entryconfigure 1 -label "test" -menu .m2 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-11.10 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade .m1 entryconfigure 1 -label "test" -menu .m2 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-11.11 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 .m1 entryconfigure 1 -label "test" -menu .m2 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-11.12 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 menu .m2 .m2 add cascade -menu .m1 menu .m3 .m3 add cascade -menu .m1 menu .m4 .m4 add cascade -menu .m1 menu .m5 .m5 add cascade .m5 entryconfigure 1 -label "test" -menu .m1 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-11.13 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 menu .m2 .m2 add cascade -menu .m1 menu .m3 .m3 add cascade -menu .m1 menu .m4 .m4 add cascade -menu .m1 .m3 entryconfigure 1 -label "test" -menu .m1 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-11.14 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add checkbutton list [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -variable "test"] [.m1 entrycget 1 -variable] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} test} test menu-11.15 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 list [.m1 add checkbutton -label "test"] [.m1 entrycget 1 -variable] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001 test} test menu-11.16 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add radiobutton -label "test" } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001} test menu-11.17 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add checkbutton list [.m1 entryconfigure 1 -onvalue "test"] [.m1 entrycget 1 -onvalue] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} test} test menu-11.18 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -constraints testImageType -setup { deleteWindows imageCleanup } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command image create test image1 .m1 entryconfigure 1 -image image1 } -cleanup { deleteWindows imageCleanup } -result {} test menu-11.19 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -constraints { testImageType } -setup { deleteWindows imageCleanup } -body { image create test image1 image create photo image2 -file $earthPhotoFile menu .m1 .m1 add command -image image1 .m1 entryconfigure 1 -image image2 } -cleanup { deleteWindows imageCleanup } -result {} test menu-11.20 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -constraints { testImageType } -setup { deleteWindows imageCleanup } -body { image create photo image1 -file $earthPhotoFile image create test image2 menu .m1 .m1 add checkbutton -image image1 .m1 entryconfigure 1 -selectimage image2 } -cleanup { deleteWindows imageCleanup } -result {} test menu-11.21 {ConfigureMenuEntry} -constraints { testImageType } -setup { deleteWindows imageCleanup } -body { image create photo image1 -file $earthPhotoFile image create test image2 image create test image3 menu .m1 .m1 add checkbutton -image image1 -selectimage image2 .m1 entryconfigure 1 -selectimage image3 } -cleanup { deleteWindows imageCleanup } -result {} unset earthPhotoFile test menu-12.1 {ConfigureMenuCloneEntries} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 .m2 configure -tearoff 0 .m1 clone .m3 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 add command -label "test2" .m1 entryconfigure 1 -gork "foo" } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-gork"} test menu-12.2 {ConfigureMenuCloneEntries} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 menu .m3 .m1 add cascade -menu .m3 menu .m4 .m1 entryconfigure 1 -menu .m4 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-12.3 {ConfigureMenuCloneEntries} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 .m1 add cascade -label dummy .m1 entryconfigure dummy -menu .m3 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-12.4 {ConfigureMenuCloneEntries} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -label File -menu .m1.foo menu .m1.foo .m1.foo add command -label bar .m1 clone .m2 .m1 entryconfigure File -state disabled } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-13.1 {TkGetMenuIndex} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 1 .m1 add command -label "active" .m1 add command -label "test2" .m1 add command -label "test3" .m1 activate 2 .m1 entrycget active -label } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {test2} test menu-13.2 {TkGetMenuIndex} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "last" .m1 add command -label "test2" .m1 add command -label "test3" .m1 activate 2 .m1 entrycget last -label } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {test3} test menu-13.3 {TkGetMenuIndex} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "last" .m1 add command -label "test2" .m1 add command -label "test3" .m1 activate 2 .m1 entrycget end -label } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {test3} test menu-13.4 {TkGetMenuIndex} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" list [.m1 insert last command -label "test2"] [.m1 entrycget last -label] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e002 test2} test menu-13.5 {TkGetMenuIndex} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" list [.m1 insert end command -label "test2"] [.m1 entrycget end -label] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e002 test2} test menu-13.6 {TkGetMenuIndex} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "active" .m1 add command -label "test2" .m1 add command -label "test3" .m1 activate 2 .m1 entrycget {} -label } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} #test menu-13.7 - Need to add @test here. test menu-13.7 {TkGetMenuIndex} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 1 .m1 add command -label "active" .m1 add command -label "test2" .m1 add command -label "test3" .m1 entrycget 1 -label } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {active} test menu-13.8 {TkGetMenuIndex} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "active" .m1 entrycget -1 -label } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry index "-1"} test menu-13.9 {TkGetMenuIndex} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 add command -label "test2" .m1 entrycget 999 -label } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {test2} test menu-13.10 {TkGetMenuIndex} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 insert 999 command -label "test" .m1 entrycget 1 -label } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {test} test menu-13.11 {TkGetMenuIndex} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "1test" .m1 entrycget 1test -label } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {1test} test menu-13.12 {TkGetMenuIndex} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 add command -label "test2" -command "beep" .m1 add command -label "test3" .m1 entrycget test2 -command } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {beep} test menu-14.1 {MenuCmdDeletedProc} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 destroy .m1 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes ok test menu-14.2 {MenuCmdDeletedProc} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 destroy .m1 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes ok test menu-15.1 {MenuNewEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001} test menu-15.2 {MenuNewEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 add command -label "test3" .m1 insert 2 command -label "test2" } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e003} test menu-15.3 {MenuNewEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 add command -label "test2" } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e002} test menu-15.4 {MenuNewEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001} test menu-16.1 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 insert foo command -label "test" } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry index "foo"} test menu-16.2 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 insert test command -label "foo" } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e002} test menu-16.3 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 insert -1 command -label "test" } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry index "-1"} test menu-16.4 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 insert 0 command -label "test2" .m1 entrycget 1 -label } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {test2} test menu-16.5 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001} test menu-16.6 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add checkbutton } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001} test menu-16.7 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001} test menu-16.8 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add radiobutton } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001} test menu-16.9 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add separator } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001} test menu-16.10 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add blork } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry type "blork": must be cascade, checkbutton, command, radiobutton, or separator} test menu-16.11 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001} test menu-16.12 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 .m2 clone .m3 list [.m2 add command -label "test"] [.m1 entrycget 1 -label] [.m3 entrycget 1 -label] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001 test test} test menu-16.13 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 .m2 clone .m3 list [.m3 add command -label "test"] [.m1 entrycget 1 -label] [.m2 entrycget 1 -label] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001 test test} test menu-16.14 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -blork fish } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-blork"} test menu-16.15 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "File" menu .container . configure -menu .container list [.container add cascade -label "File" -menu .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001 {}} test menu-16.16 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 menu .m2 set tearoff [tk::TearOffMenu .m2] list [.m2 add cascade -menu .m1] [$tearoff unpost] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001 {}} test menu-16.17 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 menu .container . configure -menu .container set tearoff [tk::TearOffMenu .container] list [.container add cascade -label "File" -menu .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001 {}} test menu-16.18 {MenuAddOrInsert} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 menu .container .container add cascade -menu .m1 . configure -menu .container list [.container add cascade -label "File" -menu .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e002 {}} test menu-16.19 {MenuAddOrInsert - Insert a cascade deep into the tree} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .menubar menu .menubar.test -tearoff 0 .menubar add cascade -label Test -underline 0 -menu .menubar.test menu .menubar.test.cascade -tearoff 0 .menubar.test.cascade add command -label SubItem -command "puts SubItemSelected" . configure -menu .menubar list [catch {.menubar.test add cascade -label SubMenu \ -menu .menubar.test.cascade}] \ [info commands .\#menubar.\#menubar\#test.\#menubar\#test\#cascade] \ [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {0 .#menubar.#menubar#test.#menubar#test#cascade {}} test menu-17.1 {MenuVarProc} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { catch {unset foo} menu .m1 set foo "hello" list [.m1 add checkbutton -variable foo -onvalue hello -offvalue goodbye] \ [unset foo] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001 {}} # menu-17.2 - Don't know how to generate the flags in the if test menu-17.2 {MenuVarProc} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { catch {unset foo} menu .m1 list [.m1 add checkbutton -variable foo -onvalue hello -offvalue goodbye] \ [set foo ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001 {}} test menu-17.3 {MenuVarProc} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { catch {unset foo} menu .m1 set foo "hello" list [.m1 add checkbutton -variable foo -onvalue hello -offvalue goodbye] \ [set foo "hello"] [unset foo] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001 hello {}} test menu-17.4 {MenuVarProc} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 set foo "goodbye" list [.m1 add checkbutton -variable foo -onvalue hello -offvalue goodbye] \ [set foo "hello"] [unset foo] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001 hello {}} test menu-17.5 {MenuVarProc} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 set foo "hello" list [.m1 add checkbutton -variable foo -onvalue hello -offvalue goodbye] \ [set foo "goodbye"] [unset foo] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {e001 goodbye {}} test menu-17.6 {MenuVarProc [5d991b822e]} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { # Want this not to crash menu .b set var INIT .b add checkbutton -variable var trace add variable var unset {apply {args { .b entryconfigure 1 -variable {} }}} unset var } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-17.7 {MenuVarProc [5d991b822e]} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { # Want this not to duplicate traces menu .b set var INIT .b add checkbutton -variable var trace add variable var unset {apply {args { .b entryconfigure 1 -variable new }}} unset var } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-18.1 {TkActivateMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 activate 1 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-18.2 {TkActivateMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 activate 0 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-18.3 {TkActivateMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 add command -label "test2" .m1 activate 1 .m1 activate 2 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-18.4 {TkActivateMenuEntry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 add command -label "test2" .m1 activate 1 .m1 activate 1 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-19.1 {TkPostCommand} -constraints nonUnixUserInteraction -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 -postcommand "set menu_test menu-19.1" .m1 add command -label "menu-19.1 - hit Escape" list [.m1 post 40 40] [.m1 unpost] [set menu_test] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {menu-19.1 {} menu-19.1} test menu-19.2 {TkPostCommand} -constraints nonUnixUserInteraction -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "menu-19.2 - hit Escape" list [.m1 post 40 40] [.m1 unpost] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-20.1 {CloneMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-20.2 {CloneMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 normal deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-20.3 {CloneMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 tearoff } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-20.4 {CloneMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 menubar } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-20.5 {CloneMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu type "foo": must be menubar, normal, or tearoff} test menu-20.6 {CloneMenu - hooking up bookeeping ptrs} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-20.7 {CloneMenu - hooking up bookeeping ptrs - multiple children} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 .m1 clone .m3 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-20.8 {CloneMenu - cascade entries} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 .m1 clone .foo } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-20.9 {CloneMenu - cascades entries} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 menu .m2 .m1 clone .foo } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-20.10 {CloneMenu - tearoff fields} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 1 list [.m1 clone .m2 normal] [.m2 cget -tearoff] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} 1} test menu-20.11 {CloneMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 menu .m2 .m1 clone .m2 } -returnCodes error -result {window name "m2" already exists in parent} test menu-20.12 {CloneMenu - copied bindings on empty menu} -setup { deleteWindows set x {} } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 0 bind .m1 <> {append x <>} .m1 clone .m2 tearoff .m2 post 100 100 event generate .m2 <> return $x } -result {<>} test menu-20.13 {CloneMenu - copied bindings on non-empty menu} -setup { deleteWindows set x {} } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 1 bind .m1 <> {append x <>} .m1 clone .m2 tearoff .m2 post 100 100 event generate .m2 <> return $x } -result {<>} test menu-20.14 {CloneMenu - new binding on empty menu} -setup { deleteWindows set x {} } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 0 .m1 clone .m2 tearoff .m2 post 100 100 bind .m1 <> {append x <>} event generate .m2 <> return $x } -result {<>} test menu-20.15 {CloneMenu - new binding on non-empty menu} -setup { deleteWindows set x {} } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 1 .m1 clone .m2 tearoff .m2 post 100 100 bind .m1 <> {append x <>} event generate .m2 <> return $x } -result {<>} test menu-20.16 {CloneMenu - bindtags} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 bindtags .m1 [linsert [bindtags .m1] 1 .m1.sub1] .m1 clone .m2 bindtags .m2 } -result {.m2 .m1 .m1.sub1 Menu all} test menu-21.1 {MenuDoYPosition} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 yposition glorp } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry index "glorp"} test menu-21.2 {MenuDoYPosition} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "Test" .m1 yposition 1 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes ok -match glob -result {*} test menu-22.1 {GetIndexFromCoords} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 configure -tearoff 0 .m1 index @5 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 0 test menu-22.2 {GetIndexFromCoords} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 configure -tearoff 0 .m1 index @5,5 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 0 test menu-22.3 {GetIndexFromCoords: mapped window, y only} -setup { deleteWindows } -constraints {x11} -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 configure -tearoff 0 tk_popup .m1 0 0 tkwait visibility .m1 .m1 index @5 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 0 test menu-22.4 {GetIndexFromCoords: mapped window x,y} -setup { deleteWindows } -constraints {x11} -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 configure -tearoff 0 tk_popup .m1 0 0 tkwait visibility .m1 update set x [expr {[winfo width .m1] - [.m1 cget -borderwidth] - 1}] .m1 index @$x,5 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 0 test menu-22.5 {GetIndexFromCoords: mapped wide window} -setup { deleteWindows } -constraints {x11} -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label "test" .m1 configure -tearoff 0 tk_popup .m1 0 0 tkwait visibility .m1 wm geometry .m1 200x100 update set x [expr {[winfo width .m1] - [.m1 cget -borderwidth] - 1}] .m1 index @$x,5 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 0 test menu-22.6 {GetIndexFromCoords: syntax error in @x,y indices} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m .m add command -label "First entry" .m add command -label "Second entry" .m add command -label "Last entry" .m index @4bogus } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry index "@4bogus"} test menu-22.7 {GetIndexFromCoords: syntax error in @x,y indices} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m .m add command -label "First entry" .m add command -label "Second entry" .m add command -label "Last entry" .m index @10,4bogus } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry index "@10,4bogus"} test menu-22.8 {GetIndexFromCoords: syntax error in @x,y indices} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m .m add command -label "First entry" .m add command -label "Second entry" .m add command -label "Last entry" .m index @10,bogus } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes error -result {bad menu entry index "@10,bogus"} test menu-22.9 {GetIndexFromCoords: index type pecedence} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m -tearoff 0 .m add command -label "First entry" .m add command -label "@42nd street" .m add command -label "Last entry" .m index "@42nd*" ; # shall be interpreted as a pattern, not as @42 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {1} test menu-22.10 {tk_popup on separator entry} -setup { deleteWindows } -constraints {x11} -body { menu .m1 label .l -text ClickMe! .m1 add command -label "Example 1" -command bell .m1 add command -label "Example 2" -command bell .m1 add separator .m1 add command -label "Example Other" -command "bell;bell" tk_popup .m1 100 100 2 set waiting 0 tkwait visibility .m1 after 333 incr waiting vwait waiting .m1 invoke 4 after 333 incr waiting vwait waiting destroy .m1 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-23.1 {RecursivelyDeleteMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 . configure -menu .m1 . configure -menu "" } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-23.2 {RecursivelyDeleteMenu} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m2 .m2 add command -label "test2" menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -label "test1" -menu .m2 . configure -menu .m1 . configure -menu "" } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-24.1 {TkNewMenuName} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 list [. configure -menu .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-24.2 {TkNewMenuName} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 menu .m1\#0 list [. configure -menu .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-24.3 {TkNewMenuName} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .#m rename .#m hideme list [catch {. configure -menu [menu .m]}] [. configure -menu ""] [destroy .#m] \ [destroy .m] [destroy hideme] } -result {0 {} {} {} {}} test menu-25.1 {Tk_SetWindowMenubar} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" list [. configure -menu .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-25.2 {Tk_SetWindowMenubar} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" list [. configure -menu .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-25.3 {Tk_SetWindowMenubar} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" destroy .m1 menu .m1 list [. configure -menu .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-25.4 {Tk_SetWindowMenubar} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" menu .m1 . configure -menu .m1 menu .m2 list [. configure -menu .m2] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-25.5 {Tk_SetWindowMenubar} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" menu .m1 . configure -menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 menu .m3 list [. configure -menu .m3] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-25.6 {Tk_SetWindowMenubar} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" menu .m1 .m1 clone .m2 . configure -menu .m2 menu .m3 list [. configure -menu .m3] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-25.7 {Tk_SetWindowMenubar} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" menu .m1 menu .m2 . configure -menu .m1 toplevel .t2 .t2 configure -menu .m1 list [.t2 configure -menu .m2] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-25.8 {Tk_SetWindowMenubar} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" menu .m1 menu .m2 . configure -menu .m1 toplevel .t2 wm geometry .t2 +0+0 .t2 configure -menu .m1 list [. configure -menu .m2] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-25.9 {Tk_SetWindowMenubar} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" menu .m1 menu .m2 . configure -menu .m1 toplevel .t2 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t2 +0+0 toplevel .t3 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t3 +0+0 list [.t3 configure -menu .m2] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-25.10 {Tk_SetWindowMenubar} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" menu .m1 menu .m2 . configure -menu .m1 toplevel .t2 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t2 +0+0 toplevel .t3 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t3 +0+0 list [.t2 configure -menu .m2] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-25.11 {Tk_SetWindowMenubar} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" menu .m1 menu .m2 . configure -menu .m1 toplevel .t2 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t2 +0+0 toplevel .t3 -menu .m1 wm geometry .t3 +0+0 list [. configure -menu .m2] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-25.12 {Tk_SetWindowMenubar} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" menu .m1 list [. configure -menu .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-25.13 {Tk_SetWindowMenubar} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" list [. configure -menu .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-25.14 {Tk_SetWindowMenubar} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" menu .m1 list [. configure -menu .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-25.15 {Tk_SetWindowMenubar} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" list [. configure -menu .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-25.16 {Tk_SetWindowMenubar} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" menu .m1 . configure -menu .m1 list [toplevel .t2 -menu m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.t2 {}} test menu-26.1 {DestroyMenuHashTable} -setup { catch {interp delete testinterp} deleteWindows } -body { interp create testinterp load {} Tk testinterp interp eval testinterp {menu .m1} interp delete testinterp } -returnCodes ok -result {} test menu-27.1 {GetMenuHashTable} -setup { catch {interp delete testinterp} deleteWindows } -body { interp create testinterp load {} Tk testinterp list [catch {interp eval testinterp {menu .m1}} msg] $msg [interp delete testinterp] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {0 .m1 {}} test menu-28.1 {TkCreateMenuReferences - not there before} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.m1} test menu-28.2 {TkCreateMenuReferences - there already} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 menu .m2 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.m2} test menu-29.1 {TkFindMenuReferences - not there} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 list [. configure -menu .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-30.1 {TkFindMenuReferences - there already} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" menu .m1 menu .m2 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 list [. configure -menu .m1] [. configure -menu ""] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} test menu-31.1 {TkFreeMenuReferences - menuPtr} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 destroy .m1 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-31.2 {TkFreeMenuReferences - cascadePtr} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu "" menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m2 .m1 entryconfigure 1 -menu .m3 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-31.3 {TkFreeMenuReferences - topLevelListPtr} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { . configure -menu .m1 . configure -menu "" } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes ok -result {} test menu-31.4 {TkFreeMenuReferences - not empty} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add cascade -menu .m3 menu .m2 .m2 add cascade -menu .m3 .m2 entryconfigure 1 -menu ".foo" } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-32.1 {DeleteMenuCloneEntries} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label foo .m1 clone .m2 .m1 delete 1 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-32.2 {DeleteMenuCloneEntries} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label one .m1 add command -label two .m1 add command -label three .m1 add command -label four .m1 clone .m2 .m1 delete 2 3 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-32.3 {DeleteMenuCloneEntries} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 0 .m1 add command -label one .m1 add command -label two .m1 add command -label three .m1 add command -label four .m1 clone .m2 .m2 configure -tearoff 1 .m1 delete 1 2 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-32.4 {DeleteMenuCloneEntries} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label one .m1 add command -label two .m1 add command -label three .m1 add command -label four .m1 clone .m2 .m2 configure -tearoff 0 .m1 delete 2 3 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-32.5 {DeleteMenuCloneEntries} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label one .m1 add command -label two .m1 clone .m2 .m1 activate one .m1 delete one } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-32.6 {DeleteMenuCloneEntries - reentrancy - crashes tk8.0} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 .m1 add command -label test \ -command ".m1 delete test ; .m1 add command -label test -command \".m1 delete test\"; .m1 delete test" .m1 invoke test } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-32.7 {DeleteMenuCloneEntries - one entry} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 0 .m1 add command -label Hello .m1 delete Hello } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-32.8 {Ensure all menu clone commands are deleted} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { # SF bug #465324 menu .menubar . configure -menu .menubar menu .menubar.test .menubar.test add command -label "hi" for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { .menubar add cascade -menu .menubar.test -label "Test" .menubar delete Test } info commands .#menubar*test* } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-32.9 {Ensure deleting of clones doesn't corrupt menu refs} -setup { set res {} deleteWindows } -body { menu .menubar . configure -menu .menubar menu .menubar.test .menubar add cascade -menu .menubar.test -label "Test" menu .menubar.cascade .menubar.test add cascade -menu .menubar.cascade -label "Cascade" lappend res [.menubar.test entrycget 1 -menu] lappend res [.#menubar.#menubar#test entrycget 1 -menu] destroy .menubar.test menu .menubar.test .menubar.test add cascade -menu .menubar.cascade -label "Cascade" lappend res [.menubar.test entrycget 1 -menu] lappend res [.#menubar.#menubar#test entrycget 1 -menu] return $res } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.menubar.cascade .#menubar.#menubar#test.#menubar#cascade .menubar.cascade .#menubar.#menubar#test.#menubar#cascade} test menu-33.1 {menu vs command hiding} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { set l [interp hidden] menu .m interp hide {} .m destroy .m set result [list [winfo children .] [interp hidden]] expr {$result eq [list {} $l]} } -result 1 # menu-34 MenuInit only called at boot time # creating menus on two different screens then deleting the # menu from the first screen crashes Tk8.3.1 # test menu-34.1 {menus on multiple screens - crashes tk8.3.1, Bug 5454} -constraints { altDisplay } -setup { deleteWindows } -body { toplevel .one menu .one.m toplevel .two -screen $::env(TK_ALT_DISPLAY) menu .two.m destroy .one destroy .two } -result {} test menu-35.1 {menu -underline string overruns Bug 1599877} -setup { destroy .m } -body { # ensure that -underline does not do string overruns [Bug 1599877] menu .m .m add command -label "File" -underline [expr {1<<30}] . configure -menu .m update tk::TraverseToMenu . "e" } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test menu-37.1 {menubar menues cannot be posted - bug 2160206} -setup { catch {destroy .m} } -body { # On Linux the following used to panic # It now returns an error (on all platforms) menu .m -type menubar list [catch ".m post 1 1" msg] $msg } -cleanup { destroy .m } -result {1 {a menubar menu cannot be posted}} test menu-38.1 {Can't dismiss ttk::menubutton menu until mouse has hovered over it - bug fa32290898} -setup { } -constraints {x11} -body { toplevel .top ttk::menubutton .top.mb -text "Some menu"; menu .top.mb.m; .top.mb.m add command -label "Item 1"; .top.mb.m add command -label "Item 2"; .top.mb configure -menu .top.mb.m; pack .top.mb update # simulate mouse click on the menubutton, which posts its menu event generate .top.mb -warp 1 controlPointerWarpTiming event generate .top.mb update # simulate mouse click on the menu again, i.e. without # entering/leaving the posted menu event generate .top.mb update after 50 event generate .top.mb update # the menu shall have been unposted by the second click winfo ismapped .top.mb.m } -cleanup { destroy .top.mb.m .top.m .top } -result 0 test menu-39.1 {empty -type - bug be8f5b9fc2} -setup { catch {destroy .m} } -body { menu .m -type {} } -cleanup { destroy .m } -returnCodes error -result {ambiguous type "": must be menubar, normal, or tearoff} test menu-39.2 {use-after-free fix - bug 1797555fff} -setup { toplevel .t menu .t.menubar -type menubar menu .t.menubar.select -title Select menu .t.menubar.select.chain -title Chain .t.menubar.select insert 1 cascade -menu .t.menubar.select.chain -label Chain .t.menubar add cascade -menu .t.menubar.select -label Select .t configure -menu .t.menubar .t.menubar.select.chain insert 1 command update idletasks } -body { # The following two lines caused Tk to read from and write to freed memory destroy .t.menubar.select.chain .t.menubar.select delete 1 } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result {} test menu-40.1 {Use-after-free if menu destroyed while posted - bug 09a11fb1228f} -setup { } -constraints {pressbutton} -body { set done false event generate {} -x 100 -y 100 toplevel .t menu .t.m .t.m add command -command {puts Marco} -label Marco .t.m add command -command {puts Polo} -label Polo after 1000 {.t.m post 500 500} after 2000 {destroy .t} after 2500 {pressbutton 530 510} after 3000 {set done true} tkwait variable done } test menu-40.2 {Use-after-free if menu destroyed while posted - bug 09a11fb1228f} -setup { } -constraints {movemouse} -body { set done false event generate {} -x 100 -y 100 toplevel .t menu .t.m .t.m add command -command {puts Marco} -label Marco .t.m add command -command {puts Polo} -label Polo after 1000 {.t.m post 500 500} after 2000 {movemouse 530 510} after 3000 {destroy .t} after 3500 {movemouse 530 530} after 4000 pressbutton 530 530 after 4500 {set done true} tkwait variable done pressbutton 530 510 } test menu-41.1 {identifiers - auto generated} -setup { destroy .m } -body { menu .m list [.m add command -label 1] [.m add command -label 2] [.m add command -label 3] } -cleanup { destroy .m } -result {e001 e002 e003} test menu-41.2 {identifiers - out of sequence} -setup { destroy .m } -body { menu .m -tearoff 0 .m add command -label 1 .m insert 0 command -label 2 .m add command -label 3 list [.m index e001] [.m index e002] [.m index e003] } -cleanup { destroy .m } -result {1 0 2} test menu-41.3 {identifiers - out of sequence with tearoff} -setup { destroy .m } -body { menu .m -tearoff 1 .m add command -label 1 .m insert 0 command -label 2 .m add command -label 3 list [.m index e001] [.m index e002] [.m index e003] } -cleanup { destroy .m } -result {2 1 3} test menu-41.4 {identifiers - entry id} -setup { destroy .m } -body { menu .m -tearoff 1 .m add command -label 1 .m insert 0 command -label 2 .m add command -label 3 list [.m id 0] [.m id 1] [.m id 2] [.m id 3] } -cleanup { destroy .m } -result {{} e002 e001 e003} test menu-41.5 {identifiers - assigned} -setup { destroy .m } -body { menu .m list [.m add command cmd1 -label 1] [.m insert 0 command cmd2 -label 2] [.m add command cmd3 -label 3] } -cleanup { destroy .m } -result {cmd1 cmd2 cmd3} test menu-41.6 {identifiers - mixed} -setup { destroy .m } -body { menu .m list [.m add command -label 1] [.m insert 0 command cmd2 -label 2] [.m add command -label 3] } -cleanup { destroy .m } -result {e001 cmd2 e002} test menu-41.7 {identifiers - conflict} -setup { destroy .m } -body { menu .m list [.m add command e002 -label 1] [.m add command -label 2] [.m add command -label 3] } -cleanup { destroy .m } -result {e002 e001 e003} test menu-41.8 {identifiers - clone of complete menu} -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 0 .m1 add command -label 1 .m1 insert 0 command -label 2 .m1 add command cmd3 -label 3 .m1 clone .m2 list [.m2 index e001] [.m2 index e002] [.m2 index cmd3] } -cleanup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -result {1 0 2} test menu-41.9 {identifiers - modify after cloning} -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 0 .m1 clone .m2 .m1 add command -label 1 .m1 insert 0 command -label 2 .m1 add command cmd3 -label 3 list [.m2 index e001] [.m2 index e002] [.m2 index cmd3] } -cleanup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -result {1 0 2} test menu-41.10 {identifiers - modify clone} -setup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -body { menu .m1 -tearoff 0 .m1 clone .m2 .m2 add command -label 1 .m2 insert 0 command -label 2 .m2 add command cmd3 -label 3 list [.m1 index e001] [.m1 index e002] [.m1 index cmd3] } -cleanup { destroy .m1 .m2 } -result {1 0 2} test menu-41.11 {identifiers - entrycget by id} -setup { destroy .m } -body { menu .m .m add command -label 1 .m add command -label 2 .m add command cmd3 -label 3 list [.m entrycget e001 -label] [.m entrycget e002 -label] [.m entrycget cmd3 -label] } -cleanup { destroy .m } -result {1 2 3} test menu-41.12 {identifiers - delete by id} -setup { destroy .m } -body { menu .m .m add command -label 1 .m add command -label 2 .m add command -label 3 .m add command -label 4 .m add command -label 5 .m add command -label 6 .m add command -label 7 .m add command cmd8 -label 8 .m add command cmd9 -label 9 .m delete e003 cmd8 list [.m id 0] [.m id 1] [.m id 2] } -cleanup { destroy .m } -result {e001 e002 cmd9} test menu-41.13 {identifiers - duplicate} -setup { destroy .m } -body { menu .m .m add command foo -label 1 .m add command bar -label 2 .m add command foo -label 3 } -cleanup { destroy .m } -returnCodes error -result {entry "foo" already exists} test menu-41.14 {identifiers - reserved word} -setup { destroy .m } -body { menu .m -tearoff 0 .m add command last -label 1 .m add command -label 2 .m add command -label 3 .m index last } -cleanup { destroy .m } -result {2} # cleanup imageFinish deleteWindows cleanupTests return # Local variables: # mode: tcl # End: