# This file is a Tcl script to test out Tk's "tk_messageBox" command.
# It is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
# Copyright (c) 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# All rights reserved.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: msgbox.test,v 1.9 2004/05/24 21:23:23 dkf Exp $

package require tcltest 2.1
eval tcltest::configure $argv

test msgbox-1.1 {tk_messageBox command} {
    list [catch {tk_messageBox -foo} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "-foo": must be -default, -detail, -icon, -message, -parent, -title, or -type}}
test msgbox-1.2 {tk_messageBox command} {
    list [catch {tk_messageBox -foo bar} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "-foo": must be -default, -detail, -icon, -message, -parent, -title, or -type}}

catch {tk_messageBox -foo bar} msg
regsub -all ,      $msg "" options
regsub \"-foo\" $options "" options

foreach option $options {
    if {[string index $option 0] eq "-"} {
	test msgbox-1.3$option {tk_messageBox command} -body {
	    tk_messageBox $option
	} -returnCodes error -result "value for \"$option\" missing"

test msgbox-1.4 {tk_messageBox command} {
    list [catch {tk_messageBox -default} msg] $msg
} {1 {value for "-default" missing}}

test msgbox-1.5 {tk_messageBox command} {
    list [catch {tk_messageBox -type foo} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad -type value "foo": must be abortretryignore, ok, okcancel, retrycancel, yesno, or yesnocancel}}

proc createPlatformMsg {val} {
    global tcl_platform
    if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
	return "invalid default button \"$val\""
    return "bad -default value \"$val\": must be abort, retry, ignore, ok, cancel, no, or yes"

test msgbox-1.6 {tk_messageBox command} {
    list [catch {tk_messageBox -default 1.1} msg] $msg
} [list 1 [createPlatformMsg "1.1"]]

test msgbox-1.7 {tk_messageBox command} {
    list [catch {tk_messageBox -default foo} msg] $msg
} [list 1 [createPlatformMsg "foo"]]

test msgbox-1.8 {tk_messageBox command} {
    list [catch {tk_messageBox -type yesno -default 3} msg] $msg
} [list 1 [createPlatformMsg "3"]]

test msgbox-1.9 {tk_messageBox command} {
    list [catch {tk_messageBox -icon foo} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad -icon value "foo": must be error, info, question, or warning}}

test msgbox-1.10 {tk_messageBox command} {
    list [catch {tk_messageBox -parent foo.bar} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad window path name "foo.bar"}}

set isNative [expr {[info commands tk::MessageBox] == ""}]

proc ChooseMsg {parent btn} {
    global isNative
    if {!$isNative} {
	after 100 SendEventToMsg $parent $btn mouse

proc ChooseMsgByKey {parent btn} {
    global isNative
    if {!$isNative} {
	after 100 SendEventToMsg $parent $btn key

proc PressButton {btn} {
    event generate $btn <Enter>
    event generate $btn <ButtonPress-1> -x 5 -y 5
    event generate $btn <ButtonRelease-1> -x 5 -y 5

proc SendEventToMsg {parent btn type} {
    if {$parent != "."} {
	set w $parent.__tk__messagebox
    } else {
	set w .__tk__messagebox
    if ![winfo ismapped $w.$btn] {
    if {$type == "mouse"} {
	PressButton $w.$btn
    } else {
	event generate $w <Enter>
	focus $w
	event generate $w.$btn <Enter>
	event generate $w <KeyPress> -keysym Return

set parent .

set specs {
    {"abortretryignore"  MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE  3  {"abort"  "retry"  "ignore"}} 
    {"ok"  		 MB_OK  	      1  {"ok"                      }} 
    {"okcancel" 	 MB_OKCANCEL 	      2  {"ok"     "cancel"         }} 
    {"retrycancel" 	 MB_RETRYCANCEL       2  {"retry"  "cancel"         }} 
    {"yesno" 		 MB_YESNO 	      2  {"yes"    "no"             }} 
    {"yesnocancel" 	 MB_YESNOCANCEL       3  {"yes"    "no"     "cancel"}}

# Try out all combinations of (type) x (default button) and
# (type) x (icon).
set count 1
foreach spec $specs {
    set type [lindex $spec 0]
    set buttons [lindex $spec 3]

    set button [lindex $buttons 0]
    test msgbox-2.$count {tk_messageBox command} nonUnixUserInteraction {
	ChooseMsg $parent $button
	tk_messageBox -title Hi -message "Please press $button" \
		-type $type
    } $button
    incr count

    foreach icon {warning error info question} {
	test msgbox-2.$count {tk_messageBox command -icon option} \
		nonUnixUserInteraction {
	    ChooseMsg $parent $button
	    tk_messageBox -title Hi -message "Please press $button" \
		    -type $type -icon $icon
	} $button
        incr count

    foreach button $buttons {
	test msgbox-2.$count {tk_messageBox command} nonUnixUserInteraction {
	    ChooseMsg $parent $button
	    tk_messageBox -title Hi -message "Please press $button" \
		    -type $type -default $button
	} "$button"
        incr count

# These tests will hang your test suite if they fail.
test msgbox-3.1 {tk_messageBox handles withdrawn parent} nonUnixUserInteraction {
    wm withdraw .
    ChooseMsg . "ok"
    tk_messageBox -title Hi -message "Please press ok" \
	    -type ok -default ok
} "ok"
wm deiconify .

test msgbox-3.2 {tk_messageBox handles iconified parent} nonUnixUserInteraction {
    wm iconify .
    ChooseMsg . "ok"
    tk_messageBox -title Hi -message "Please press ok" \
	    -type ok -default ok
} "ok"
wm deiconify .

# cleanup