# This file is a Tcl script to test out interaction between Tk's "pack" and
# "grid" commands.
# It is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
# Copyright (c) 2008 Peter Spjuth
# All rights reserved.

package require tcltest 2.2
eval tcltest::configure $argv
namespace import -force tcltest::*

test packgrid-1.1 {pack and grid in same master} -setup {
    grid propagate . true
    pack propagate . true
    label .p -text PACK
    label .g -text GRID
} -body {
    # Basic conflict
    grid .g
    pack .p
} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
    destroy .p
    destroy .g
} -result {cannot use geometry manager pack inside . which already has slaves managed by grid}

test packgrid-1.2 {pack and grid in same master} -setup {
    grid propagate . true
    pack propagate . true
    label .p -text PACK
    label .g -text GRID
} -body {
    # Basic conflict
    pack .p
    grid .g
} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
    destroy .p
    destroy .g
} -result {cannot use geometry manager grid inside . which already has slaves managed by pack}

test packgrid-1.3 {pack and grid in same master} -setup {
    grid propagate . false
    pack propagate . true
    label .p -text PACK
    label .g -text GRID
} -body {
    # Ok if one is non-propagating
    grid .g
    pack .p
} -cleanup {
    destroy .p
    destroy .g
} -result {}

test packgrid-1.4 {pack and grid in same master} -setup {
    grid propagate . false
    pack propagate . true
    label .p -text PACK
    label .g -text GRID
} -body {
    # Ok if one is non-propagating
    pack .p
    grid .g
} -cleanup {
    destroy .p
    destroy .g
} -result {}

test packgrid-1.5 {pack and grid in same master} -setup {
    grid propagate . true
    pack propagate . false
    label .p -text PACK
    label .g -text GRID
} -body {
    # Ok if one is non-propagating
    grid .g
    pack .p
} -cleanup {
    destroy .p
    destroy .g
} -result {}

test packgrid-1.6 {pack and grid in same master} -setup {
    grid propagate . true
    pack propagate . false
    label .p -text PACK
    label .g -text GRID
} -body {
    # Ok if one is non-propagating
    pack .p
    grid .g
} -cleanup {
    destroy .p
    destroy .g
} -result {}

test packgrid-1.7 {pack and grid in same master} -setup {
    grid propagate . true
    pack propagate . true
    label .p -text PACK
    label .g -text GRID
} -body {
    # Basic conflict should stop widget from being handled
    grid .g
    catch { pack .p }
    pack slaves .
} -cleanup {
    destroy .p
    destroy .g
} -result {}

test packgrid-1.8 {pack and grid in same master} -setup {
    grid propagate . true
    pack propagate . true
    label .p -text PACK
    label .g -text GRID
} -body {
    # Basic conflict should stop widget from being handled
    pack .p
    catch { grid .g }
    grid slaves .
} -cleanup {
    destroy .p
    destroy .g
} -result {}

test packgrid-2.1 {pack and grid in same master, change propagation} -setup {
    grid propagate . false
    pack propagate . true
    label .p -text PACK
    label .g -text GRID
    pack .p
    grid .g
} -body {
    grid propagate . true
} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
    destroy .p
    destroy .g
} -result {cannot use geometry manager grid inside . which already has slaves managed by pack}

test packgrid-2.2 {pack and grid in same master, change propagation} -setup {
    grid propagate . true
    pack propagate . false
    label .p -text PACK
    label .g -text GRID
    pack .p
    grid .g
} -body {
    pack propagate . true
} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
    destroy .p
    destroy .g
} -result {cannot use geometry manager pack inside . which already has slaves managed by grid}

test packgrid-2.3 {pack and grid in same master, change propagation} -setup {
    grid propagate . false
    pack propagate . false
    label .p -text PACK
    label .g -text GRID
    pack .p
    grid .g
} -body {
    grid propagate . true
    pack propagate . true
} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
    destroy .p
    destroy .g
} -result {cannot use geometry manager pack inside . which already has slaves managed by grid}

test packgrid-2.4 {pack and grid in same master, change propagation} -setup {
    grid propagate . false
    pack propagate . false
    label .p -text PACK
    label .g -text GRID
    pack .p
    grid .g
} -body {
    pack propagate . true
    grid propagate . true
} -returnCodes error -cleanup {
    destroy .p
    destroy .g
} -result {cannot use geometry manager grid inside . which already has slaves managed by pack}

test packgrid-3.1 {stealing slave} -setup {
    grid propagate . true
    pack propagate . true
    label .p -text PACK
    label .g -text GRID
} -body {
    # Ok to steal if the other one is emptied
    grid .g
    pack .g
} -cleanup {
    destroy .p
    destroy .g
} -result {}

test packgrid-3.2 {stealing slave} -setup {
    grid propagate . true
    pack propagate . true
    label .p -text PACK
    label .g -text GRID
} -body {
    # Ok to steal if the other one is emptied
    pack .g
    grid .g
} -cleanup {
    destroy .p
    destroy .g
} -result {}

test packgrid-3.3 {stealing slave} -setup {
    grid propagate . true
    pack propagate . true
    label .p -text PACK
    label .g -text GRID
} -body {
    # Not ok to steal if the other one is not emptied
    grid .g
    grid .p
    pack .g
}  -returnCodes error -cleanup {
    destroy .p
    destroy .g
} -result {cannot use geometry manager pack inside . which already has slaves managed by grid}

test packgrid-3.4 {stealing slave} -setup {
    grid propagate . true
    pack propagate . true
    label .p -text PACK
    label .g -text GRID
} -body {
    # Not ok to steal if the other one is not emptied
    pack .g
    pack .p
    grid .g
}  -returnCodes error -cleanup {
    destroy .p
    destroy .g
} -result {cannot use geometry manager grid inside . which already has slaves managed by pack}
