# This file is a Tcl script to test out the "place" command. It is # organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests. # # Copyright (c) 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # SCCS: @(#) place.test 1.6 96/02/16 10:56:01 if {[info procs test] != "test"} { source defs } foreach i [winfo children .] { destroy $i } wm geometry . {} raise . # XXX - This test file is woefully incomplete. At present, only a # few of the features are tested. toplevel .t -width 300 -height 200 -bd 0 wm geom .t +0+0 frame .t.f -width 154 -height 84 -bd 2 -relief raised place .t.f -x 48 -y 38 frame .t.f2 -width 30 -height 60 -bd 2 -relief raised update test place-1.1 {Tk_PlaceCmd procedure, "info" option} { place .t.f2 -x 0 place info .t.f2 } {-x 0 -relx 0 -y 0 -rely 0 -width {} -relwidth {} -height {} -relheight {} -anchor nw} test place-1.2 {Tk_PlaceCmd procedure, "info" option} { place .t.f2 -x 1 -y 2 -width 3 -height 4 -relx 0.1 -rely 0.2 \ -relwidth 0.3 -relheight 0.4 -anchor se -in .t.f \ -bordermode outside place info .t.f2 } {-x 1 -relx 0.1 -y 2 -rely 0.2 -width 3 -relwidth 0.3 -height 4 -relheight 0.4 -anchor se -bordermode outside -in .t.f} test place-2.1 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -height option} { list [catch {place .t.f2 -height abcd} msg] $msg } {1 {bad screen distance "abcd"}} test place-2.2 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -height option} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -height 40 update winfo height .t.f2 } {40} test place-2.3 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -height option} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -height 120 update place .t.f2 -height {} update winfo height .t.f2 } {60} test place-3.1 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -relheight option} { list [catch {place .t.f2 -relheight abcd} msg] $msg } {1 {expected floating-point number but got "abcd"}} test place-3.2 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -relheight option} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -relheight .5 update winfo height .t.f2 } {40} test place-3.3 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -relheight option} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -relheight .8 update place .t.f2 -relheight {} update winfo height .t.f2 } {60} test place-4.1 {ConfigureSlave procedure, bad -in options} { place forget .t.f2 list [catch {place .t.f2 -in .t.f2} msg] $msg } {1 {can't place .t.f2 relative to itself}} test place-5.1 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -relwidth option} { list [catch {place .t.f2 -relwidth abcd} msg] $msg } {1 {expected floating-point number but got "abcd"}} test place-5.2 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -relwidth option} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -relwidth .5 update winfo width .t.f2 } {75} test place-5.3 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -relwidth option} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -relwidth .8 update place .t.f2 -relwidth {} update winfo width .t.f2 } {30} test place-6.1 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -width option} { list [catch {place .t.f2 -width abcd} msg] $msg } {1 {bad screen distance "abcd"}} test place-6.2 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -width option} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -width 100 update winfo width .t.f2 } {100} test place-6.3 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -width option} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -width 120 update place .t.f2 -width {} update winfo width .t.f2 } {30} test place-7.1 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, computing position} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -x -2 -relx .5 -y 3 -rely .4 update winfo geometry .t.f2 } {30x60+123+75} test place-7.2 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, position rounding} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -x -1.4 -y -2.3 update winfo geometry .t.f2 } {30x60+49+38} test place-7.3 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, position rounding} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -x 1.4 -y 2.3 update winfo geometry .t.f2 } {30x60+51+42} test place-7.4 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, position rounding} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -x -1.6 -y -2.7 update winfo geometry .t.f2 } {30x60+48+37} test place-7.5 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, position rounding} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -x 1.6 -y 2.7 update winfo geometry .t.f2 } {30x60+52+43} test place-7.6 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, position rounding} { frame .t.f3 -width 100 -height 100 -bg #f00000 -bd 0 place .t.f3 -x 0 -y 0 raise .t.f2 place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f3 -relx .303 -rely .406 -relwidth .304 -relheight .206 update winfo geometry .t.f2 } {31x20+30+41} catch {destroy .t.f3} test place-7.7 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, computing size} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -width 120 -height 89 update list [winfo width .t.f2] [winfo height .t.f2] } {120 89} test place-7.8 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, computing size} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -relwidth .4 -relheight .5 update list [winfo width .t.f2] [winfo height .t.f2] } {60 40} test place-7.9 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, computing size} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -width 10 -relwidth .4 -height -4 -relheight .5 update list [winfo width .t.f2] [winfo height .t.f2] } {70 36} test place-7.10 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, computing size} { place forget .t.f2 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -width 10 -relwidth .4 -height -4 -relheight .5 place .t.f2 -width {} -relwidth {} -height {} -relheight {} update list [winfo width .t.f2] [winfo height .t.f2] } {30 60} test place-8.1 {MasterStructureProc, mapping and unmapping slaves} { place forget .t.f2 place forget .t.f place .t.f2 -relx 1.0 -rely 1.0 -anchor sw update set result [winfo ismapped .t.f2] wm iconify .t update lappend result [winfo ismapped .t.f2] place .t.f2 -x 40 -y 30 -relx 0 -rely 0 -anchor nw update lappend result [winfo x .t.f2] [winfo y .t.f2] [winfo ismapped .t.f2] wm deiconify .t update lappend result [winfo ismapped .t.f2] } {1 0 40 30 0 1} test place-8.2 {MasterStructureProc, mapping and unmapping slaves} { place forget .t.f2 place forget .t.f place .t.f -x 0 -y 0 -width 200 -height 100 place .t.f2 -in .t.f -relx 1.0 -rely 1.0 -anchor sw -width 50 -height 20 update set result [winfo ismapped .t.f2] wm iconify .t update lappend result [winfo ismapped .t.f2] place .t.f2 -x 40 -y 30 -relx 0 -rely 0 -anchor nw update lappend result [winfo x .t.f2] [winfo y .t.f2] [winfo ismapped .t.f2] wm deiconify .t update lappend result [winfo ismapped .t.f2] } {1 0 42 32 0 1} catch {destroy .t} concat