# This file is a Tcl script to test out the "place" command.  It is
# organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
# Copyright (c) 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# All rights reserved.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: place.test,v 2004/09/16 18:22:21 pspjuth Exp $

package require tcltest 2.1
namespace import -force tcltest::configure
namespace import -force tcltest::testsDirectory
configure -testdir [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]]]
configure -loadfile [file join [testsDirectory] constraints.tcl]

# Used for constraining memory leak tests
testConstraint memory [llength [info commands memory]]

# XXX - This test file is woefully incomplete.  At present, only a
# few of the features are tested.

toplevel .t -width 300 -height 200 -bd 0
wm geom .t +0+0
frame .t.f -width 154 -height 84 -bd 2 -relief raised
place .t.f -x 48 -y 38
frame .t.f2 -width 30 -height 60 -bd 2 -relief raised

test place-1.1 {Tk_PlaceCmd procedure, "info" option} {
    place .t.f2 -x 0
    place info .t.f2
} {-in .t -x 0 -relx 0 -y 0 -rely 0 -width {} -relwidth {} -height {} -relheight {} -anchor nw -bordermode inside}
test place-1.2 {Tk_PlaceCmd procedure, "info" option} {
    place .t.f2 -x 1 -y 2 -width 3 -height 4 -relx 0.1 -rely 0.2 \
	    -relwidth 0.3 -relheight 0.4 -anchor se -in .t.f  \
	    -bordermode outside
    place info .t.f2
} {-in .t.f -x 1 -relx 0.1 -y 2 -rely 0.2 -width 3 -relwidth 0.3 -height 4 -relheight 0.4 -anchor se -bordermode outside}
test place-1.3 {Tk_PlaceCmd procedure, "info" option} {
    # Make sure the result is built as a proper list by using a space in parent
    frame ".t.a b"
    place .t.f2 -x 1 -y 2 -width {} -height 4 -relx 0.2 -rely 0.2 \
	    -relwidth 0.3 -relheight {} -anchor w -in ".t.a b"  \
	    -bordermode ignore
    set res [place info .t.f2]
    destroy ".t.a b"
    set res
} {-in {.t.a b} -x 1 -relx 0.2 -y 2 -rely 0.2 -width {} -relwidth 0.3 -height 4 -relheight {} -anchor w -bordermode ignore}

test place-2.1 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -height option} {
    list [catch {place .t.f2 -height abcd} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad screen distance "abcd"}}
test place-2.2 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -height option} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -height 40
    winfo height .t.f2
} {40}
test place-2.3 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -height option} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -height 120
    place .t.f2 -height {}
    winfo height .t.f2
} {60}

test place-3.1 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -relheight option} {
    list [catch {place .t.f2 -relheight abcd} msg] $msg
} {1 {expected floating-point number but got "abcd"}}
test place-3.2 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -relheight option} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -relheight .5
    winfo height .t.f2
} {40}
test place-3.3 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -relheight option} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -relheight .8
    place .t.f2 -relheight {}
    winfo height .t.f2
} {60}

test place-4.1 {ConfigureSlave procedure, bad -in options} {
    place forget .t.f2
    list [catch {place .t.f2 -in .t.f2} msg] $msg
} [list 1 "can't place .t.f2 relative to itself"]
test place-4.2 {ConfigureSlave procedure, bad -in option} {
    place forget .t.f2
    list [catch {place .t.f2 -in .} msg] $msg
} [list 1 "can't place .t.f2 relative to ."]

test place-5.1 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -relwidth option} {
    list [catch {place .t.f2 -relwidth abcd} msg] $msg
} {1 {expected floating-point number but got "abcd"}}
test place-5.2 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -relwidth option} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -relwidth .5
    winfo width .t.f2
} {75}
test place-5.3 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -relwidth option} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -relwidth .8
    place .t.f2 -relwidth {}
    winfo width .t.f2
} {30}

test place-6.1 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -width option} {
    list [catch {place .t.f2 -width abcd} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad screen distance "abcd"}}
test place-6.2 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -width option} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -width 100
    winfo width .t.f2
} {100}
test place-6.3 {ConfigureSlave procedure, -width option} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -width 120
    place .t.f2 -width {}
    winfo width .t.f2
} {30}

test place-7.1 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, computing position} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -x -2 -relx .5 -y 3 -rely .4
    winfo geometry .t.f2
} {30x60+123+75}
test place-7.2 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, position rounding} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -x -1.4 -y -2.3
    winfo geometry .t.f2
} {30x60+49+38}
test place-7.3 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, position rounding} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -x 1.4 -y 2.3
    winfo geometry .t.f2
} {30x60+51+42}
test place-7.4 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, position rounding} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -x -1.6 -y -2.7
    winfo geometry .t.f2
} {30x60+48+37}
test place-7.5 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, position rounding} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -x 1.6 -y 2.7
    winfo geometry .t.f2
} {30x60+52+43}
test place-7.6 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, position rounding} {
    frame .t.f3 -width 100 -height 100 -bg #f00000 -bd 0
    place .t.f3 -x 0 -y 0
    raise .t.f2
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f3 -relx .303 -rely .406 -relwidth .304 -relheight .206
    winfo geometry .t.f2
} {31x20+30+41}
catch {destroy .t.f3}
test place-7.7 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, computing size} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -width 120 -height 89
    list [winfo width .t.f2] [winfo height .t.f2]
} {120 89}
test place-7.8 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, computing size} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -relwidth .4 -relheight .5
    list [winfo width .t.f2] [winfo height .t.f2]
} {60 40}
test place-7.9 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, computing size} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -width 10 -relwidth .4 -height -4 -relheight .5
    list [winfo width .t.f2] [winfo height .t.f2]
} {70 36}
test place-7.10 {ReconfigurePlacement procedure, computing size} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -width 10 -relwidth .4 -height -4 -relheight .5
    place .t.f2 -width {} -relwidth {} -height {} -relheight {}
    list [winfo width .t.f2] [winfo height .t.f2]
} {30 60}

test place-8.1 {MasterStructureProc, mapping and unmapping slaves} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place forget .t.f
    place .t.f2 -relx 1.0 -rely 1.0 -anchor sw
    set result [winfo ismapped .t.f2]
    wm iconify .t
    lappend result [winfo ismapped .t.f2]
    place .t.f2 -x 40 -y 30 -relx 0 -rely 0 -anchor nw
    lappend result [winfo x .t.f2] [winfo y .t.f2] [winfo ismapped .t.f2]
    wm deiconify .t
    lappend result [winfo ismapped .t.f2]
} {1 0 40 30 0 1}
test place-8.2 {MasterStructureProc, mapping and unmapping slaves} {
    place forget .t.f2
    place forget .t.f
    place .t.f -x 0 -y 0 -width 200 -height 100
    place .t.f2 -in .t.f -relx 1.0 -rely 1.0 -anchor sw -width 50 -height 20
    set result [winfo ismapped .t.f2]
    wm iconify .t
    lappend result [winfo ismapped .t.f2]
    place .t.f2 -x 40 -y 30 -relx 0 -rely 0 -anchor nw
    lappend result [winfo x .t.f2] [winfo y .t.f2] [winfo ismapped .t.f2]
    wm deiconify .t
    lappend result [winfo ismapped .t.f2]
} {1 0 42 32 0 1}

test place-9.1 {PlaceObjCmd} {
    list [catch {place} msg] $msg
} [list 1 "wrong # args: should be \"place option|pathName args\""]
test place-9.2 {PlaceObjCmd} {
    list [catch {place foo} msg] $msg
} [list 1 "wrong # args: should be \"place option|pathName args\""]
test place-9.3 {PlaceObjCmd} {
    catch {destroy .foo}
    list [catch {place .foo bar} msg] $msg
} [list 1 "bad window path name \".foo\""]
test place-9.4 {PlaceObjCmd} {
    catch {destroy .foo}
    list [catch {place bar .foo} msg] $msg
} [list 1 "bad window path name \".foo\""]
test place-9.5 {PlaceObjCmd} {
    catch {destroy .foo}
    frame .foo
    set res [list [catch {place badopt .foo} msg] $msg]
    destroy .foo
    set res
} [list 1 "bad option \"badopt\": must be configure, forget, info, or slaves"]
test place-9.6 {PlaceObjCmd, configure errors} {
    catch {destroy .foo}
    frame .foo
    set res [list [catch {place configure .foo} msg] $msg]
    destroy .foo
    set res
} [list 0 ""]
test place-9.7 {PlaceObjCmd, configure errors} {
    catch {destroy .foo}
    frame .foo
    set res [list [catch {place configure .foo bar} msg] $msg]
    destroy .foo
    set res
} [list 0 ""]
test place-9.8 {PlaceObjCmd, configure} {
    catch {destroy .foo}
    frame .foo
    place .foo -x 0 -y 0
    set res [place configure .foo]
    destroy .foo
    set res
} [list {-anchor {} {} nw nw} {-bordermode {} {} inside inside} {-height {} {} {} {}} {-in {} {} {} .} {-relheight {} {} {} {}} {-relwidth {} {} {} {}} {-relx {} {} 0 0.0} {-rely {} {} 0 0.0} {-width {} {} {} {}} {-x {} {} 0 0} {-y {} {} 0 0}]
test place-9.9 {PlaceObjCmd, configure} {
    catch {destroy .foo}
    frame .foo
    place .foo -x 0 -y 0
    set res [place configure .foo -x]
    destroy .foo
    set res
} [list -x {} {} 0 0]
test place-9.10 {PlaceObjCmd, forget errors} {
    catch {destroy .foo}
    frame .foo
    set res [list [catch {place forget .foo bar} msg] $msg]
    destroy .foo
    set res
} [list 1 "wrong # args: should be \"place forget pathName\""]
test place-9.11 {PlaceObjCmd, info errors} {
    catch {destroy .foo}
    frame .foo
    set res [list [catch {place info .foo bar} msg] $msg]
    destroy .foo
    set res
} [list 1 "wrong # args: should be \"place info pathName\""]
test place-9.12 {PlaceObjCmd, slaves errors} {
    catch {destroy .foo}
    frame .foo
    set res [list [catch {place slaves .foo bar} msg] $msg]
    destroy .foo
    set res
} [list 1 "wrong # args: should be \"place slaves pathName\""]
test place-10.1 {ConfigureSlave} {
    catch {destroy .foo}
    frame .foo
    set res [list [catch {place .foo -badopt} msg] $msg]
    destroy .foo
    set res
} [list 1 "unknown option \"-badopt\""]
test place-10.2 {ConfigureSlave} {
    catch {destroy .foo}
    frame .foo
    set res [list [catch {place .foo -anchor} msg] $msg]
    destroy .foo
    set res
} [list 1 "value for \"-anchor\" missing"]
test place-10.3 {ConfigureSlave} {
    catch {destroy .foo}
    frame .foo
    set res [list [catch {place .foo -bordermode j} msg] $msg]
    destroy .foo
    set res
} [list 1 "bad bordermode \"j\": must be inside, outside, or ignore"]
test place-10.4 {ConfigureSlave} {
    catch {destroy .foo}
    frame .foo
    set res [list [catch {place configure .foo -x 0 -y} msg] $msg]
    destroy .foo
    set res
} [list 1 "value for \"-y\" missing"]
test place-11.1 {PlaceObjCmd, slaves command} {
    catch {destroy .foo}
    frame .foo
    set res [place slaves .foo]
    destroy .foo
    set res
} {}
test place-11.2 {PlaceObjCmd, slaves command} {
    catch {destroy .foo .bar}
    frame .foo
    frame .bar
    place .bar -in .foo
    set res [place slaves .foo]
    destroy .foo
    destroy .bar
    set res
} [list .bar]

test place-12.1 {PlaceObjCmd, forget command} {
    catch {destroy .foo}
    frame .foo
    place .foo -width 50 -height 50
    set res [winfo ismapped .foo]
    place forget .foo
    lappend res [winfo ismapped .foo]
    destroy .foo
    set res
} [list 1 0]

test place-13.1 {test respect for internalborder} {
    toplevel .pack
    wm geometry .pack 200x200
    frame .pack.l -width 15 -height 10
    labelframe .pack.lf -labelwidget .pack.l
    pack .pack.lf -fill both -expand 1
    frame .pack.lf.f
    place .pack.lf.f -x 0 -y 0 -relwidth 1.0 -relheight 1.0
    set res [list [winfo geometry .pack.lf.f]]
    .pack.lf configure -labelanchor e -padx 3 -pady 5
    lappend res [winfo geometry .pack.lf.f]
    destroy .pack
    set res
} {196x188+2+10 177x186+5+7}

test place-14.1 {memory leak testing} -setup {
    proc getbytes {} {
        set lines [split [memory info] "\n"]
        lindex [lindex $lines 3] 3
    # Repeat each body checking that memory does not increase
    proc stress {args} {
        set res {}
        foreach body $args {
            set end 0
            for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
                uplevel 1 $body
                set tmp $end
                set end [getbytes]
            lappend res [expr {$end - $tmp}]
        return $res
} -constraints memory -body {
    # Test all manners of forgetting a slave
    frame .f
    frame .f.f
    stress {
        place .f.f -x [expr {1 + 1}] -y [expr {2 + 2}]
        place forget .f.f
    } {
        place .f.f -x [expr {1 + 1}] -y [expr {2 + 2}]
        pack .f.f
    } {
        place .f.f -x [expr {1 + 1}] -y [expr {2 + 2}]
        destroy .f
        frame .f
        frame .f.f
} -result {0 0 0} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
    rename getbytes {}
    rename stress {}

catch {destroy .t}

# cleanup