# This file is a Tcl script to test out the "scale" command # of Tk. It is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests. # # Copyright (c) 1994 The Regents of the University of California. # Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation. # All rights reserved. package require tcltest 2.2 namespace import ::tcltest::* eval tcltest::configure $argv tcltest::loadTestedCommands # Create entries in the option database to be sure that geometry options # like border width have predictable values. option add *Scale.borderWidth 2 option add *Scale.highlightThickness 2 option add *Scale.font {Helvetica -12 bold} # Widget used in 1.* tests scale .s -from 100 -to 300 pack .s update test scale-1.1 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -activebackground #ff0000 .s cget -activebackground } -cleanup { .s configure -activebackground [lindex [.s configure -activebackground] 3] } -result {#ff0000} test scale-1.2 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -activebackground non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test scale-1.3 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -background #ff0000 .s cget -background } -cleanup { .s configure -background [lindex [.s configure -background] 3] } -result {#ff0000} test scale-1.4 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -background non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test scale-1.5 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -bd 4 .s cget -bd } -cleanup { .s configure -bd [lindex [.s configure -bd] 3] } -result {4} test scale-1.6 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -bd badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "badValue"} test scale-1.7 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -bigincrement 12.5 .s cget -bigincrement } -cleanup { .s configure -bigincrement [lindex [.s configure -bigincrement] 3] } -result {12.5} test scale-1.8 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -bigincrement badValue } -returnCodes error -result {expected floating-point number but got "badValue"} test scale-1.9 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -bg #ff0000 .s cget -bg } -cleanup { .s configure -bg [lindex [.s configure -bg] 3] } -result {#ff0000} test scale-1.10 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -bg non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test scale-1.11 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -borderwidth 1.3 .s cget -borderwidth } -cleanup { .s configure -borderwidth [lindex [.s configure -borderwidth] 3] } -result {1} test scale-1.12 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -borderwidth badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "badValue"} test scale-1.13 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -command {set x} .s cget -command } -cleanup { .s configure -command [lindex [.s configure -command] 3] } -result {set x} test scale-1.15 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -cursor arrow .s cget -cursor } -cleanup { .s configure -cursor [lindex [.s configure -cursor] 3] } -result {arrow} test scale-1.16 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -cursor badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bad cursor spec "badValue"} test scale-1.17 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -digits 5 .s cget -digits } -cleanup { .s configure -digits [lindex [.s configure -digits] 3] } -result {5} test scale-1.18 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -digits badValue } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "badValue"} test scale-1.19 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -fg #00ff00 .s cget -fg } -cleanup { .s configure -fg [lindex [.s configure -fg] 3] } -result {#00ff00} test scale-1.20 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -fg badValue } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "badValue"} test scale-1.21 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -font fixed .s cget -font } -cleanup { .s configure -font [lindex [.s configure -font] 3] } -result {fixed} test scale-1.23 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -foreground green .s cget -foreground } -cleanup { .s configure -foreground [lindex [.s configure -foreground] 3] } -result {green} test scale-1.24 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -foreground badValue } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "badValue"} test scale-1.25 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -from -15.0 .s cget -from } -cleanup { .s configure -from [lindex [.s configure -from] 3] } -result {-15.0} test scale-1.26 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -from badValue } -returnCodes error -result {expected floating-point number but got "badValue"} test scale-1.27 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -highlightbackground #112233 .s cget -highlightbackground } -cleanup { .s configure -highlightbackground [lindex [.s configure -highlightbackground] 3] } -result {#112233} test scale-1.28 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -highlightbackground ugly } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "ugly"} test scale-1.29 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -highlightcolor #123456 .s cget -highlightcolor } -cleanup { .s configure -highlightcolor [lindex [.s configure -highlightcolor] 3] } -result {#123456} test scale-1.30 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -highlightcolor non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test scale-1.31 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -highlightthickness 2 .s cget -highlightthickness } -cleanup { .s configure -highlightthickness [lindex [.s configure -highlightthickness] 3] } -result {2} test scale-1.32 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -highlightthickness badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "badValue"} test scale-1.33 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -label {Some text} .s cget -label } -cleanup { .s configure -label [lindex [.s configure -label] 3] } -result {Some text} test scale-1.35 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -length 130 .s cget -length } -cleanup { .s configure -length [lindex [.s configure -length] 3] } -result {130} test scale-1.36 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -length badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "badValue"} test scale-1.37 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -orient horizontal .s cget -orient } -cleanup { .s configure -orient [lindex [.s configure -orient] 3] } -result {horizontal} test scale-1.38 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -orient badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bad orient "badValue": must be horizontal or vertical} test scale-1.39 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -orient horizontal .s cget -orient } -cleanup { .s configure -orient [lindex [.s configure -orient] 3] } -result {horizontal} test scale-1.41 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -relief ridge .s cget -relief } -cleanup { .s configure -relief [lindex [.s configure -relief] 3] } -result {ridge} test scale-1.42 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -relief badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bad relief "badValue": must be flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken} test scale-1.43 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -repeatdelay 14 .s cget -repeatdelay } -cleanup { .s configure -repeatdelay [lindex [.s configure -repeatdelay] 3] } -result {14} test scale-1.44 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -repeatdelay bogus } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "bogus"} test scale-1.45 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -repeatinterval 14 .s cget -repeatinterval } -cleanup { .s configure -repeatinterval [lindex [.s configure -repeatinterval] 3] } -result {14} test scale-1.46 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -repeatinterval bogus } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "bogus"} test scale-1.47 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -resolution 2.0 .s cget -resolution } -cleanup { .s configure -resolution [lindex [.s configure -resolution] 3] } -result {2.0} test scale-1.48 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -resolution badValue } -returnCodes error -result {expected floating-point number but got "badValue"} test scale-1.49 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -showvalue 0 .s cget -showvalue } -cleanup { .s configure -showvalue [lindex [.s configure -showvalue] 3] } -result {0} test scale-1.50 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -showvalue badValue } -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got "badValue"} test scale-1.51 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -sliderlength 86 .s cget -sliderlength } -cleanup { .s configure -sliderlength [lindex [.s configure -sliderlength] 3] } -result {86} test scale-1.52 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -sliderlength badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "badValue"} test scale-1.53 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -sliderrelief raised .s cget -sliderrelief } -cleanup { .s configure -sliderrelief [lindex [.s configure -sliderrelief] 3] } -result {raised} test scale-1.54 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -sliderrelief badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bad relief "badValue": must be flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken} test scale-1.55 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -state d .s cget -state } -cleanup { .s configure -state [lindex [.s configure -state] 3] } -result {disabled} test scale-1.56 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -state badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bad state "badValue": must be active, disabled, or normal} test scale-1.57 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -state n .s cget -state } -cleanup { .s configure -state [lindex [.s configure -state] 3] } -result {normal} test scale-1.59 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -takefocus {any string} .s cget -takefocus } -cleanup { .s configure -takefocus [lindex [.s configure -takefocus] 3] } -result {any string} test scale-1.61 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -tickinterval 4.3 .s cget -tickinterval } -cleanup { .s configure -tickinterval [lindex [.s configure -tickinterval] 3] } -result {4.0} test scale-1.62 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -tickinterval badValue } -returnCodes error -result {expected floating-point number but got "badValue"} test scale-1.63 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -to 14.9 .s cget -to } -cleanup { .s configure -to [lindex [.s configure -to] 3] } -result {15.0} test scale-1.64 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -to badValue } -returnCodes error -result {expected floating-point number but got "badValue"} test scale-1.65 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -troughcolor #ff0000 .s cget -troughcolor } -cleanup { .s configure -troughcolor [lindex [.s configure -troughcolor] 3] } -result {#ff0000} test scale-1.66 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -troughcolor non-existent } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"} test scale-1.67 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -variable x .s cget -variable } -cleanup { .s configure -variable [lindex [.s configure -variable] 3] } -result {x} test scale-1.69 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -width 32 .s cget -width } -cleanup { .s configure -width [lindex [.s configure -width] 3] } -result {32} test scale-1.70 {configuration options} -body { .s configure -width badValue } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "badValue"} destroy .s test scale-2.1 {Tk_ScaleCmd procedure} -body { scale } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "scale pathName ?-option value ...?"} test scale-2.2 {Tk_ScaleCmd procedure} -body { scale foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad window path name "foo"} test scale-2.3 {Tk_ScaleCmd procedure} -body { catch {scale foo} winfo child . } -result {} test scale-2.4 {Tk_ScaleCmd procedure} -body { scale .s -gorp dumb } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-gorp"} test scale-2.5 {Tk_ScaleCmd procedure} -body { catch {scale .s -gorp dumb} winfo child . } -result {} # Widget used in 3.* tests destroy .s scale .s -from 100 -to 200 pack .s update idletasks test scale-3.1 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure} -body { .s } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".s option ?arg ...?"} test scale-3.2 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, cget option} -body { .s cget } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".s cget option"} test scale-3.3 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, cget option} -body { .s cget a b } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".s cget option"} test scale-3.4 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, cget option} -body { .s cget -gorp } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-gorp"} test scale-3.5 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, cget option} -body { .s configure -highlightthickness 2 .s cget -highlightthickness } -result {2} test scale-3.6 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, configure option} -body { list [llength [.s configure]] [lindex [.s configure] 6] } -result {33 {-command command Command {} {}}} test scale-3.7 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, configure option} -body { .s configure -foo } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-foo"} test scale-3.8 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, configure option} -body { .s configure -borderwidth 2 -bg } -returnCodes error -result {value for "-bg" missing} test scale-3.9 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, coords option} -body { .s coords a b } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".s coords ?value?"} test scale-3.10 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, coords option} -body { .s coords bad } -returnCodes error -result {expected floating-point number but got "bad"} test scale-3.11 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure} -constraints { fonts } -body { .s configure -from 100 -to 200 update idletasks .s set 120 .s coords } -result {38 34} test scale-3.12 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, coords option} -constraints { fonts } -body { .s configure -from 100 -to 200 -orient horizontal update idletasks .s set 120 .s coords } -result {34 31} test scale-3.13 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, get option} -body { .s configure -orient vertical update .s get a } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".s get ?x y?"} test scale-3.14 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, get option} -body { .s configure -orient vertical update .s get a b c } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".s get ?x y?"} test scale-3.15 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, get option} -body { .s configure -orient vertical update .s get a 11 } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "a"} test scale-3.16 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, get option} -body { .s configure -orient vertical update .s get 12 b } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "b"} test scale-3.17 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, get option} -body { .s configure -orient vertical update .s set 133 .s get } -result 133 test scale-3.18 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, get option} -body { .s configure -orient vertical -resolution 0.5 update .s set 150 .s get 37 34 } -result {119.5} .s configure -resolution 1 test scale-3.19 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, identify option} -body { .s identify } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".s identify x y"} test scale-3.20 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, identify option} -body { .s identify 1 2 3 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".s identify x y"} test scale-3.21 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, identify option} -body { .s identify boo 16 } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "boo"} test scale-3.22 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, identify option} -body { .s identify 17 bad } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "bad"} test scale-3.23 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, identify option} -constraints { fonts } -body { .s configure -from 100 -to 200 -orient vertical -resolution 1 update .s set 120 list [.s identify 35 10] [.s identify 35 30] [.s identify 35 80] [.s identify 5 80] } -result {trough1 slider trough2 {}} test scale-3.24 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, set option} -body { .s set } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".s set value"} test scale-3.25 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, set option} -body { .s set a b } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".s set value"} test scale-3.26 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, set option} -body { .s set bad } -returnCodes error -result {expected floating-point number but got "bad"} test scale-3.27 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, set option} -body { .s configure -from 100 -to 200 -orient vertical -resolution 0.5 update .s set 142 } -result {} test scale-3.28 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, set option} -body { .s configure -from 100 -to 200 -orient vertical -resolution 1 update .s set 118 .s configure -state disabled .s set 181 .s configure -state normal .s get } -result {118} test scale-3.29 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure} -body { .s dumb } -returnCodes error -result {bad option "dumb": must be cget, configure, coords, get, identify, or set} test scale-3.30 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure} -body { .s c } -returnCodes error -result {ambiguous option "c": must be cget, configure, coords, get, identify, or set} test scale-3.31 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure} -body { .s co } -returnCodes error -result {ambiguous option "co": must be cget, configure, coords, get, identify, or set} destroy .s test scale-3.32 {ScaleWidgetCmd procedure, Tk_Preserve} -setup { destroy .s } -body { proc kill args { destroy .s } scale .s -variable x -from 0 -to 100 -orient horizontal pack .s update .s configure -command kill .s set 55 } -cleanup { destroy .s } -result {} test scale-4.1 {DestroyScale procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { set x 50 scale .s -variable x -from 0 -to 100 -orient horizontal pack .s update destroy .s list [catch {set x foo} msg] $msg $x } -result {0 foo foo} test scale-5.1 {ConfigureScale procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { set x 66 set y 77 scale .s -variable x -from 0 -to 100 pack .s update .s configure -variable y list [catch {set x foo} msg] $msg $x [.s get] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {0 foo foo 77} test scale-5.2 {ConfigureScale procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 100 .s configure -foo bar } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-foo"} test scale-5.3 {ConfigureScale procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { catch {unset x} scale .s -from 0 -to 100 -variable x set result $x lappend result [.s get] set x 92 lappend result [.s get] .s set 3 lappend result $x unset x lappend result [set x] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {0 0 92 3 3} test scale-5.4 {ConfigureScale procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 100 .s configure -orient dumb } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes error -result {bad orient "dumb": must be horizontal or vertical} test scale-5.5 {ConfigureScale procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 1.11 -to 1.89 -resolution .1 -tickinterval .76 list [format %.1f [.s cget -from]] [format %.1f [.s cget -to]] \ [format %.1f [.s cget -tickinterval]] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {1.1 1.9 0.8} test scale-5.6 {ConfigureScale procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 1 -to 10 -tickinterval -2 pack .s set result [lindex [.s configure -tickinterval] 4] .s configure -from 10 -to 1 -tickinterval 2 lappend result [lindex [.s configure -tickinterval] 4] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {2.0 -2.0} test scale-5.7 {ConfigureScale procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 100 -state bogus } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes error -result {bad state "bogus": must be active, disabled, or normal} # Widget used in 6.* tests destroy .s scale .s -orient horizontal -length 200 pack .s test scale-6.1 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -from 10 -to 100 -resolution 10 .s set 49.3 .s get } -result {50} test scale-6.2 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -from 100 -to 1000 -resolution 100 .s set 493 .s get } -result {500} test scale-6.3 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -from 1000 -to 10000 -resolution 1000 .s set 4930 .s get } -result {5000} test scale-6.4 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -from 10000 -to 100000 -resolution 10000 .s set 49000 .s get } -result {50000} test scale-6.5 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -from 100000 -to 1000000 -resolution 100000 .s set 493000 .s get } -result {500000} test scale-6.6 {ComputeFormat procedure} -constraints { nonPortable } -body { # This test is non-portable because some platforms format the # result as 5e+06. .s configure -from 1000000 -to 10000000 -resolution 1000000 .s set 4930000 .s get } -result {5000000} test scale-6.7 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -from 1000000000 -to 10000000000 -resolution 1000000000 .s set 4930000000 expr {[.s get] == 5.0e+09} } -result 1 test scale-6.8 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -from .1 -to 1 -resolution .1 .s set .6 .s get } -result {0.6} test scale-6.9 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -from .01 -to .1 -resolution .01 .s set .06 .s get } -result {0.06} test scale-6.10 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -from .001 -to .01 -resolution .001 .s set .006 .s get } -result {0.006} test scale-6.11 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -from .0001 -to .001 -resolution .0001 .s set .0006 .s get } -result {0.0006} test scale-6.12 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -from .00001 -to .0001 -resolution .00001 .s set .00006 .s get } -result {0.00006} test scale-6.13 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -from .000001 -to .00001 -resolution .000001 .s set .000006 expr {[.s get] == 6.0e-06} } -result {1} test scale-6.14 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -to .00001 -from .0001 -resolution .00001 .s set .00006 .s get } -result {0.00006} test scale-6.15 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -to .000001 -from .00001 -resolution .000001 .s set .000006 expr {[.s get] == 6.0e-06} } -result {1} test scale-6.16 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -from .00001 -to .0001 -resolution .00001 -digits 1 .s set .00006 expr {[.s get] == 6e-05} } -result {1} test scale-6.17 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -from 10000000 -to 100000000 -resolution 10000000 -digits 3 .s set 49300000 .s get } -result {50000000} test scale-6.18 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -length 200 -from 0 -to 10 -resolution 0 -digits 0 .s set .111111111 .s get } -result {0.11} test scale-6.19 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -length 200 -from 1000 -to 1002 -resolution 0 -digits 0 .s set 1001.23456789 .s get } -result {1001.23} test scale-6.20 {ComputeFormat procedure} -body { .s configure -length 200 -from 1000 -to 1001.8 -resolution 0 -digits 0 .s set 1001.23456789 .s get } -result {1001.235} destroy .s test scale-7.1 {ComputeScaleGeometry procedure} -constraints { nonPortable fonts } -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 10 -label "Short" -orient vertical -length 5i pack .s update list [winfo reqwidth .s] [winfo reqheight .s] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {88 458} test scale-7.2 {ComputeScaleGeometry procedure} -constraints { fonts } -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 1000 -label "Long string" -orient vertical -tick 200 pack .s update list [winfo reqwidth .s] [winfo reqheight .s] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {168 108} test scale-7.3 {ComputeScaleGeometry procedure} -constraints { fonts } -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 1000 -orient vertical -showvalue 0 -width 10 \ -sliderlength 10 pack .s update list [winfo reqwidth .s] [winfo reqheight .s] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {22 108} test scale-7.4 {ComputeScaleGeometry procedure} -constraints { fonts } -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 1000 -orient vertical -showvalue 0 -bd 5 \ -relief sunken pack .s update list [winfo reqwidth .s] [winfo reqheight .s] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {39 114} test scale-7.5 {ComputeScaleGeometry procedure} -constraints { nonPortable fonts } -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 10 -label "Short" -orient horizontal -length 5i pack .s update list [winfo reqwidth .s] [winfo reqheight .s] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {458 61} test scale-7.6 {ComputeScaleGeometry procedure} -constraints { fonts } -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 1000 -label "Long string" -orient horizontal \ -tick 500 pack .s update list [winfo reqwidth .s] [winfo reqheight .s] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {108 79} test scale-7.7 {ComputeScaleGeometry procedure} -constraints { fonts } -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 1000 -orient horizontal -showvalue 0 pack .s update list [winfo reqwidth .s] [winfo reqheight .s] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {108 27} test scale-7.8 {ComputeScaleGeometry procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 1000 -orient horizontal -showvalue 0 -bd 5 \ -relief raised -highlightthickness 2 pack .s update list [winfo reqwidth .s] [winfo reqheight .s] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {114 39} test scale-8.1 {ScaleElement procedure} -constraints { fonts } -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 100 -orient vertical -bd 1 -tick 20 -length 300 pack .s .s set 30 update list [.s identify 53 52] [.s identify 54 52] [.s identify 70 52] \ [.s identify 71 52] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} trough1 trough1 {}} test scale-8.2 {ScaleElement procedure} -constraints { fonts } -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 100 -orient vertical -bd 1 -tick 20 -length 300 pack .s .s set 30 update list [.s identify 60 2] [.s identify 60 3] [.s identify 60 302] \ [.s identify 60 303] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} trough1 trough2 {}} test scale-8.3 {ScaleElement procedure} -constraints { fonts } -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 100 -orient vertical -bd 1 -tick 20 -length 300 pack .s .s set 30 update list [.s identify 60 83] [.s identify 60 84] [.s identify 60 113] \ [.s identify 60 114] \ } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {trough1 slider slider trough2} test scale-8.4 {ScaleElement procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 100 -orient vertical -bd 4 -width 10 \ -highlightthickness 1 -length 300 -showvalue 0 pack .s .s set 30 update list [.s identify 4 40] [.s identify 5 40] [.s identify 22 40] \ [.s identify 23 40] \ } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} trough1 trough1 {}} test scale-8.5 {ScaleElement procedure} -constraints { fonts } -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 100 -orient horizontal -bd 1 \ -highlightthickness 2 -tick 20 -sliderlength 20 \ -length 200 -label Test pack .s .s set 30 update list [.s identify 150 36] [.s identify 150 37] [.s identify 150 53] \ [.s identify 150 54] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} trough2 trough2 {}} test scale-8.6 {ScaleElement procedure} -constraints { fonts } -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 100 -orient horizontal -bd 2 \ -highlightthickness 1 -tick 20 -length 200 pack .s .s set 30 update list [.s identify 150 20] [.s identify 150 21] [.s identify 150 39] \ [.s identify 150 40] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} trough2 trough2 {}} test scale-8.7 {ScaleElement procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 100 -orient horizontal -bd 4 -highlightthickness 2 \ -length 200 -width 10 -showvalue 0 pack .s .s set 30 update list [.s identify 30 5] [.s identify 30 6] [.s identify 30 23] \ [.s identify 30 24] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} trough1 trough1 {}} test scale-8.8 {ScaleElement procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 100 -orient horizontal -bd 1 -highlightthickness 2 \ -tick 20 -sliderlength 20 -length 200 -label Test -showvalue 0 pack .s .s set 30 update list [.s identify 2 28] [.s identify 3 28] [.s identify 202 28] \ [.s identify 203 28] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} trough1 trough2 {}} test scale-8.9 {ScaleElement procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 100 -orient horizontal -bd 1 -highlightthickness 2 \ -tick 20 -sliderlength 20 -length 200 -label Test -showvalue 0 pack .s .s set 80 update list [.s identify 145 28] [.s identify 146 28] [.s identify 165 28] \ [.s identify 166 28] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {trough1 slider slider trough2} #widget used in 9.* tests destroy .s pack [scale .s] test scale-9.1 {PixelToValue procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to 100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 update .s get 46 0 } -result 0 test scale-9.2 {PixelToValue procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to 100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 update .s get -10 9 } -result 0 test scale-9.3 {PixelToValue procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to 100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 update .s get -10 12 } -result 1 test scale-9.4 {PixelToValue procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to 100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 update .s get -10 46 } -result 35 test scale-9.5 {PixelToValue procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to 100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 update .s get -10 110 } -result 99 test scale-9.6 {PixelToValue procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to 100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 update .s get -10 111 } -result 100 test scale-9.7 {PixelToValue procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to 100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 update .s get -10 112 } -result 100 test scale-9.8 {PixelToValue procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to 100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 update .s get -10 154 } -result 100 test scale-9.9 {PixelToValue procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to 100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \ -orient horizontal update .s get 76 152 } -result 65 destroy .s test scale-10.1 {ValueToPixel procedure} -constraints { fonts } -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 0 -to 100 -sliderlength 20 -length 124 -bd 2 \ -orient horizontal -label Test -tick 20 pack .s update list [.s coords -10] [.s coords 40] [.s coords 1000] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{16 47} {56 47} {116 47}} test scale-10.2 {ValueToPixel procedure} -constraints { fonts } -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -from 100 -to 0 -sliderlength 20 -length 122 -bd 1 \ -orient vertical -label Test -tick 20 pack .s update list [.s coords -10] [.s coords 40] [.s coords 1000] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{62 114} {62 74} {62 14}} test scale-11.1 {ScaleEventProc procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { proc killScale value { global x if {$value > 30} { destroy .s1 lappend x [winfo exists .s1] [info commands .s1] } } set x initial scale .s1 -from 0 -to 100 -command killScale .s1 set 20 pack .s1 update idletasks lappend x [winfo exists .s1] .s1 set 40 update idletasks return $x } -cleanup { rename killScale {} deleteWindows } -result {initial 1 0 {}} test scale-11.2 {ScaleEventProc procedure} -setup { deleteWindows set x {} } -body { scale .s1 -bg #543210 rename .s1 .s2 lappend x [winfo children .] lappend x [.s2 cget -bg] destroy .s1 lappend x [info command .s*] [winfo children .] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.s1 #543210 {} {}} test scale-12.1 {ScaleCmdDeletedProc procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s1 rename .s1 {} list [info command .s*] [winfo children .] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} {}} # Widget used in 13.* tests destroy .s pack [scale .s] update test scale-13.1 {SetScaleValue procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to 100 -command {set x} -variable y update set x xyzzy .s set 44 set result [list $x $y] update lappend result $x $y } -result {xyzzy 44 44 44} test scale-13.2 {SetScaleValue procedure} -body { .s set -3 .s get } -result 0 test scale-13.3 {SetScaleValue procedure} -body { .s set 105 .s get } -result 100 .s configure -from 100 -to 0 test scale-13.4 {SetScaleValue procedure} -body { .s set -3 .s get } -result 0 test scale-13.5 {SetScaleValue procedure} -body { .s set 105 .s get } -result 100 test scale-13.6 {SetScaleValue procedure} -body { proc varTrace args { global traceInfo set traceInfo $args } .s configure -from 0 -to 100 -command {set x} -variable y update .s set 50 update trace variable y w varTrace set traceInfo empty set x untouched .s set 50 update list $x $traceInfo } -result {untouched empty} # Widget used in 14.* tests destroy .s pack [scale .s] update test scale-14.1 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to 100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \ -orient horizontal -resolution 4.0 update .s get 84 152 } -result 72 test scale-14.2 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to 100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \ -orient horizontal -resolution 4.0 update .s get 86 152 } -result 76 test scale-14.3 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body { .s configure -from 100 -to 0 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \ -orient horizontal -resolution 4.0 update .s get 84 152 } -result 28 test scale-14.4 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body { .s configure -from 100 -to 0 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \ -orient horizontal -resolution 4.0 update .s get 86 152 } -result 24 test scale-14.5 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body { .s configure -from -100 -to 0 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \ -orient horizontal -resolution 4.0 update .s get 84 152 } -result {-28} test scale-14.6 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body { .s configure -from -100 -to 0 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \ -orient horizontal -resolution 4.0 update .s get 86 152 } -result {-24} test scale-14.7 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to -100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \ -orient horizontal -resolution 4.0 update .s get 84 152 } -result {-72} test scale-14.8 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to -100 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \ -orient horizontal -resolution 4.0 update .s get 86 152 } -result {-76} test scale-14.9 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to 2.25 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \ -orient horizontal -resolution 0 update .s get 84 152 } -result {1.64} test scale-14.10 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to 2.25 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \ -orient horizontal -resolution 0 update .s get 86 152 } -result {1.69} test scale-14.11 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to 225 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \ -orient horizontal -resolution 0 -digits 5 update .s get 84 152 } -result {164.25} test scale-14.12 {RoundToResolution procedure} -body { .s configure -from 0 -to 225 -sliderlength 10 -length 114 -bd 2 \ -orient horizontal -resolution 0 -digits 5 update .s get 86 152 } -result {168.75} destroy .s test scale-15.1 {ScaleVarProc procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { set y -130 scale .s -from 0 -to -200 -variable y -orient horizontal -length 150 pack .s return $y } -result {-130} test scale-15.2 {ScaleVarProc procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { set y -130 scale .s -from -200 -to 0 -variable y -orient horizontal -length 150 pack .s set y -87 .s get } -result {-87} test scale-15.3 {ScaleVarProc procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { set y -130 scale .s -from -200 -to 0 -variable y -orient horizontal -length 150 pack .s set y 40q } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes error -result {can't set "y": can't assign non-numeric value to scale variable} test scale-15.4 {ScaleVarProc procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { set y -130 scale .s -from -200 -to 0 -variable y -orient horizontal -length 150 pack .s catch {set y 40q} .s get } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {-130} test scale-15.5 {ScaleVarProc procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { set y 1 scale .s -from 1 -to 0 -variable y -orient horizontal -length 150 pack .s set y x } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes error -result {can't set "y": can't assign non-numeric value to scale variable} test scale-15.6 {ScaleVarProc procedure} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { set y 1 scale .s -from 1 -to 0 -variable y -orient horizontal -length 150 pack .s catch {set y x} .s get } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 1 test scale-15.7 {ScaleVarProc procedure, variable deleted} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { set y 6 scale .s -from 10 -to 0 -variable y -orient horizontal -length 150 \ -command "set x" pack .s update set x untouched unset y update list [catch {set y} msg] $msg [.s get] $x } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {0 6 6 untouched} test scale-15.8 {ScaleVarProc procedure, don't call -command} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { set y 6 scale .s -from 0 -to 100 -variable y -orient horizontal -length 150 \ -command "set x" pack .s update set x untouched set y 60 update list $x [.s get] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {untouched 60} test scale-16.1 {scale widget vs hidden commands} -body { set l [interp hidden] deleteWindows scale .s interp hide {} .s destroy .s set res1 [list [winfo children .] [interp hidden]] set res2 [list {} $l] expr {$res1 eq $res2} } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 1 test scale-17.1 {bug fix 1786} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { # Perhaps x is set to {}, depending on what other tests have run. # If x is unset, or set to something not convertable to a double, # then the scale try to initialize its value with the contents # of uninitialized memory. Sometimes that causes an FPE. set x {} scale .s -from 100 -to 300 pack .s update .s configure -variable x ;# CRASH! -> Floating point exception # Bug 4833 changed the result to realize that x should pick up # a value from the scale. In an FPE occurs, it is due to the # lack of errno being set to 0 by some libc's. (see bug 4942) return $x } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {100} test scale-18.1 {DestroyScale, -cursor option [Bug: 3897]} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { scale .s -cursor trek destroy .s } -result {} test scale-18.2 {Scale button 1 events [Bug 787065]} -setup { destroy .s set ::error {} proc bgerror {args} {set ::error $args} } -body { set y 5 scale .s -from 0 -to 10 -variable y -orient horizontal -length 150 pack .s tkwait visibility .s list [catch { event generate .s <1> -x 0 -y 0 event generate .s <ButtonRelease-1> -x 0 -y 0 update set ::error } msg] $msg } -cleanup { unset ::error rename bgerror {} destroy .s } -result {0 {}} test scale-18.3 {Scale button 2 events [Bug 787065]} -setup { destroy .s set ::error {} proc bgerror {args} {set ::error $args} } -body { set y 5 scale .s -from 0 -to 10 -variable y -orient horizontal -length 150 pack .s tkwait visibility .s list [catch { event generate .s <2> -x 0 -y 0 event generate .s <ButtonRelease-2> -x 0 -y 0 update set ::error } msg] $msg } -cleanup { unset ::error rename bgerror {} destroy .s } -result {0 {}} option clear # cleanup cleanupTests return