# This file is a Tcl script to test the code in the file tkTextIndex.c.
# This file is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
# Copyright (c) 1994 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# All rights reserved.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: textIndex.test,v 1.13 2004/06/17 22:38:57 dkf Exp $

package require tcltest 2.1
eval tcltest::configure $argv

catch {destroy .t}
text .t -font {Courier -12} -width 20 -height 10
pack append . .t {top expand fill}
.t debug on
wm geometry . {}
# The statements below reset the main window;  it's needed if the window
# manager is mwm to make mwm forget about a previous minimum size setting.

wm withdraw .
wm minsize . 1 1
wm positionfrom . user
wm deiconify .

.t insert 1.0 "Line 1
Line 4
b\u4e4fy GIrl .#@? x_yz
Line 7"

image create photo textimage -width 10 -height 10
textimage put red -to 0 0 9 9

test textIndex-1.1 {TkTextMakeByteIndex} {testtext} {
    # (lineIndex < 0)
    testtext .t byteindex -1 3
} {1.0 0}
test textIndex-1.2 {TkTextMakeByteIndex} {testtext} {
    # (lineIndex < 0), because lineIndex == strtol(argv[2]) - 1
    testtext .t byteindex 0 3
} {1.0 0}
test textIndex-1.3 {TkTextMakeByteIndex} {testtext} {
    # not (lineIndex < 0)
    testtext .t byteindex 1 3
} {1.3 3}
test textIndex-1.4 {TkTextMakeByteIndex} {testtext} {
    # (byteIndex < 0)
    testtext .t byteindex 3 -1
} {3.0 0}
test textIndex-1.5 {TkTextMakeByteIndex} {testtext} {
    # not (byteIndex < 0)
    testtext .t byteindex 3 3
} {3.3 3}
test textIndex-1.6 {TkTextMakeByteIndex} {testtext} {
    # (indexPtr->linePtr == NULL)
    testtext .t byteindex 9 2
} {8.0 0}
test textIndex-1.7 {TkTextMakeByteIndex} {testtext} {
    # not (indexPtr->linePtr == NULL)
    testtext .t byteindex 7 2
} {7.2 2}
test textIndex-1.8 {TkTextMakeByteIndex: shortcut for 0} {testtext} {
    # (byteIndex == 0)
    testtext .t byteindex 1 0
} {1.0 0}
test textIndex-1.9 {TkTextMakeByteIndex: shortcut for 0} {testtext} {
    # not (byteIndex == 0)
    testtext .t byteindex 3 80
} {3.5 5}
test textIndex-1.10 {TkTextMakeByteIndex: verify index is in range} {testtext} {
    # for (segPtr = indexPtr->linePtr->segPtr; ; segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr) 
    # one segment

    testtext .t byteindex 3 5
} {3.5 5}
test textIndex-1.11 {TkTextMakeByteIndex: verify index is in range} {testtext} {
    # for (segPtr = indexPtr->linePtr->segPtr; ; segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr)
    #     index += segPtr->size
    # Multiple segments, make sure add segment size to index.

    .t mark set foo 3.2 
    set x [testtext .t byteindex 3 7]
    .t mark unset foo
    set x
} {3.5 5}
test textIndex-1.12 {TkTextMakeByteIndex: verify index is in range} {testtext} {
    # (segPtr == NULL)
    testtext .t byteindex 3 7
} {3.5 5}
test textIndex-1.13 {TkTextMakeByteIndex: verify index is in range} {testtext} {
    # not (segPtr == NULL)
    testtext .t byteindex 3 4
} {3.4 4}
test textIndex-1.14 {TkTextMakeByteIndex: verify index is in range} {testtext} {
    # (index + segPtr->size > byteIndex)
    # in this segment.

    testtext .t byteindex 3 4
} {3.4 4}
test textIndex-1.15 {TkTextMakeByteIndex: verify index is in range} {testtext} {
    # (index + segPtr->size > byteIndex), index != 0
    # in this segment.

    .t mark set foo 3.2
    set x [testtext .t byteindex 3 4]
    .t mark unset foo
    set x
} {3.4 4}
test textIndex-1.16 {TkTextMakeByteIndex: UTF-8 characters} {testtext} {
    testtext .t byteindex 5 100
} {5.18 20}
test textIndex-1.17 {TkTextMakeByteIndex: prevent splitting UTF-8 character} \
	{testtext} {
    # ((byteIndex > index) && (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextCharType)) 
    # Wrong answer would be \xb9 (the 2nd byte of UTF rep of 0x4e4f).

    set x [testtext .t byteindex 5 2]
    list $x [.t get insert]
} {{5.2 4} y}
test textIndex-1.18 {TkTextMakeByteIndex: prevent splitting UTF-8 character} \
	{testtext} {
    # ((byteIndex > index) && (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextCharType)) 
    testtext .t byteindex 5 1
    .t get insert
} "\u4e4f"

test textIndex-2.1 {TkTextMakeCharIndex} {
    # (lineIndex < 0)
    .t index -1.3
} 1.0
test textIndex-2.2 {TkTextMakeCharIndex} {
    # (lineIndex < 0), because lineIndex == strtol(argv[2]) - 1
    .t index 0.3
} 1.0
test textIndex-2.3 {TkTextMakeCharIndex} {
    # not (lineIndex < 0)
    .t index 1.3
} 1.3
test textIndex-2.4 {TkTextMakeCharIndex} {
    # (charIndex < 0)
    .t index 3.-1
} 3.0
test textIndex-2.5 {TkTextMakeCharIndex} {
    # (charIndex < 0)
    .t index 3.3
} 3.3
test textIndex-2.6 {TkTextMakeCharIndex} {
    # (indexPtr->linePtr == NULL)
    .t index 9.2
} 8.0
test textIndex-2.7 {TkTextMakeCharIndex} {
    # not (indexPtr->linePtr == NULL)
    .t index 7.2
} 7.2
test textIndex-2.8 {TkTextMakeCharIndex: verify index is in range} {
    # for (segPtr = indexPtr->linePtr->segPtr; ; segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr)
    # one segment

    .t index 3.5
} 3.5
test textIndex-2.9 {TkTextMakeCharIndex: verify index is in range} {
    # for (segPtr = indexPtr->linePtr->segPtr; ; segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr)
    # Multiple segments, make sure add segment size to index.

    .t mark set foo 3.2 
    set x [.t index 3.7]
    .t mark unset foo
    set x
} 3.5
test textIndex-2.10 {TkTextMakeCharIndex: verify index is in range} {
    # (segPtr == NULL)
    .t index 3.7
} 3.5
test textIndex-2.11 {TkTextMakeCharIndex: verify index is in range} {
    # not (segPtr == NULL)
    .t index 3.4
} 3.4
test textIndex-2.12 {TkTextMakeCharIndex: verify index is in range} {
    # (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextCharType)
    # Wrong answer would be \xb9 (the 2nd byte of UTF rep of 0x4e4f).

    .t mark set insert 5.2
    .t get insert
} y
test textIndex-2.13 {TkTextMakeCharIndex: verify index is in range} {
    # not (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextCharType)

    .t image create 5.2 -image textimage
    .t mark set insert 5.5
    set x [.t get insert]
    .t delete 5.2
    set x
} "G"
test textIndex-2.14 {TkTextMakeCharIndex: verify index is in range} {
    # (charIndex < segPtr->size)

    .t image create 5.0 -image textimage
    set x [.t index 5.0]
    .t delete 5.0
    set x
} 5.0

.t mark set foo 3.2
.t tag add x 2.8 2.11
.t tag add x 6.0 6.2
set weirdTag "funny . +- 22.1\n\t{"
.t tag add $weirdTag 2.1  2.6
set weirdMark "asdf \n{-+ 66.2\t"
.t mark set $weirdMark 4.0
.t tag config y -relief raised
test textIndex-3.1 {TkTextGetIndex, weird mark names} {
    list [catch {.t index $weirdMark} msg] $msg
} {0 4.0}

test textIndex-4.1 {TkTextGetIndex, tags} {
    list [catch {.t index x.first} msg] $msg
} {0 2.8}
test textIndex-4.2 {TkTextGetIndex, tags} {
    list [catch {.t index x.last} msg] $msg
} {0 6.2}
test textIndex-4.3 {TkTextGetIndex, weird tags} {
    list [.t index $weirdTag.first+1c] [.t index $weirdTag.last+2c]
} {2.2 2.8}
test textIndex-4.4 {TkTextGetIndex, tags} {
    list [catch {.t index x.gorp} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "x.gorp"}}
test textIndex-4.5 {TkTextGetIndex, tags} {
    list [catch {.t index foo.last} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "foo.last"}}
test textIndex-4.6 {TkTextGetIndex, tags} {
    list [catch {.t index y.first} msg] $msg
} {1 {text doesn't contain any characters tagged with "y"}}
test textIndex-4.7 {TkTextGetIndex, tags} {
    list [catch {.t index x.last,} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "x.last,"}}
test textIndex-4.8 {TkTextGetIndex, tags} {
    .t tag add z 1.0
    set result [list [.t index z.first] [.t index z.last]]
    .t tag delete z
    set result
} {1.0 1.1}

test textIndex-5.1 {TkTextGetIndex, "@"} {nonPortable fonts} {
    .t index @12,9
} 1.1
test textIndex-5.2 {TkTextGetIndex, "@"} {fonts} {
    .t index @-2,7
} 1.0
test textIndex-5.3 {TkTextGetIndex, "@"} {fonts} {
    .t index @10,-7
} 1.0
test textIndex-5.4 {TkTextGetIndex, "@"} {fonts} {
    list [catch {.t index @x} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "@x"}}
test textIndex-5.5 {TkTextGetIndex, "@"} {fonts} {
    list [catch {.t index @10q} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "@10q"}}
test textIndex-5.6 {TkTextGetIndex, "@"} {fonts} {
    list [catch {.t index @10,} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "@10,"}}
test textIndex-5.7 {TkTextGetIndex, "@"} {fonts} {
    list [catch {.t index @10,a} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "@10,a"}}
test textIndex-5.8 {TkTextGetIndex, "@"} {fonts} {
    list [catch {.t index @10,9,} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "@10,9,"}}

test textIndex-6.1 {TkTextGetIndex, numeric} {
    list [catch {.t index 2.3} msg] $msg
} {0 2.3}
test textIndex-6.2 {TkTextGetIndex, numeric} {
    list [catch {.t index -} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "-"}}
test textIndex-6.3 {TkTextGetIndex, numeric} {
    list [catch {.t index 2.end} msg] $msg
} {0 2.13}
test textIndex-6.4 {TkTextGetIndex, numeric} {
    list [catch {.t index 2.x} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "2.x"}}
test textIndex-6.5 {TkTextGetIndex, numeric} {
    list [catch {.t index 2.3x} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "2.3x"}}

test textIndex-7.1 {TkTextGetIndex, miscellaneous other bases} {
    list [catch {.t index end} msg] $msg
} {0 8.0}
test textIndex-7.2 {TkTextGetIndex, miscellaneous other bases} {
    list [catch {.t index foo} msg] $msg
} {0 3.2}
test textIndex-7.3 {TkTextGetIndex, miscellaneous other bases} {
    list [catch {.t index foo+1c} msg] $msg
} {0 3.3}

test textIndex-8.1 {TkTextGetIndex, modifiers} {
    list [catch {.t index 2.1+1char} msg] $msg
} {0 2.2}
test textIndex-8.2 {TkTextGetIndex, modifiers} {
    list [catch {.t index "2.1  	+1char"} msg] $msg
} {0 2.2}
test textIndex-8.3 {TkTextGetIndex, modifiers} {
    list [catch {.t index 2.1-1char} msg] $msg
} {0 2.0}
test textIndex-8.4 {TkTextGetIndex, modifiers} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.1  }} msg] $msg
} {0 2.1}
test textIndex-8.5 {TkTextGetIndex, modifiers} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.1+foo bar}} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "2.1+foo bar"}}
test textIndex-8.6 {TkTextGetIndex, modifiers} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.1 foo bar}} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "2.1 foo bar"}}

test textIndex-9.1 {TkTextIndexCmp} {
    list [.t compare 3.1 < 3.2] [.t compare 3.1 == 3.2]
} {1 0}
test textIndex-9.2 {TkTextIndexCmp} {
    list [.t compare 3.2 < 3.2] [.t compare 3.2 == 3.2]
} {0 1}
test textIndex-9.3 {TkTextIndexCmp} {
    list [.t compare 3.3 < 3.2] [.t compare 3.3 == 3.2]
} {0 0}
test textIndex-9.4 {TkTextIndexCmp} {
    list [.t compare 2.1 < 3.2] [.t compare 2.1 == 3.2]
} {1 0}
test textIndex-9.5 {TkTextIndexCmp} {
    list [.t compare 4.1 < 3.2] [.t compare 4.1 == 3.2]
} {0 0}

test textIndex-10.1 {ForwBack} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.3 + x}} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "2.3 + x"}}
test textIndex-10.2 {ForwBack} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.3 + 2 chars}} msg] $msg
} {0 2.5}
test textIndex-10.3 {ForwBack} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.3 + 2c}} msg] $msg
} {0 2.5}
test textIndex-10.4 {ForwBack} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.3 - 3ch}} msg] $msg
} {0 2.0}
test textIndex-10.5 {ForwBack} {
    list [catch {.t index {1.3 + 3 lines}} msg] $msg
} {0 4.3}
test textIndex-10.6 {ForwBack} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.3 -1l}} msg] $msg
} {0 1.3}
test textIndex-10.7 {ForwBack} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.3 -1 gorp}} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "2.3 -1 gorp"}}
test textIndex-10.8 {ForwBack} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.3 - 4 lines}} msg] $msg
} {0 1.3}
test textIndex-10.9 {ForwBack} {
    .t mark set insert 2.0
    list [catch {.t index {insert -0 chars}} msg] $msg
} {0 2.0}
test textIndex-10.10 {ForwBack} {
    .t mark set insert 2.end
    list [catch {.t index {insert +0 chars}} msg] $msg
} {0 2.13}

test textIndex-11.1 {TkTextIndexForwBytes} {testtext} {
    testtext .t forwbytes 2.3 -7
} {1.3 3}
test textIndex-11.2 {TkTextIndexForwBytes} {testtext} {
    testtext .t forwbytes 2.3 5
} {2.8 8}
test textIndex-11.3 {TkTextIndexForwBytes} {testtext} {
    testtext .t forwbytes 2.3 10
} {2.13 13}
test textIndex-11.4 {TkTextIndexForwBytes} {testtext} {
    testtext .t forwbytes 2.3 11
} {3.0 0}
test textIndex-11.5 {TkTextIndexForwBytes} {testtext} {
    testtext .t forwbytes 2.3 57
} {7.6 6}
test textIndex-11.6 {TkTextIndexForwBytes} {testtext} {
    testtext .t forwbytes 2.3 58
} {8.0 0}
test textIndex-11.7 {TkTextIndexForwBytes} {testtext} {
    testtext .t forwbytes 2.3 59
} {8.0 0}

test textIndex-12.1 {TkTextIndexForwChars} {
    # (charCount < 0)
    .t index {2.3 + -7 chars}
} 1.3
test textIndex-12.2 {TkTextIndexForwChars} {
    # not (charCount < 0)
    .t index {2.3 + 5 chars}
} 2.8
test textIndex-12.3 {TkTextIndexForwChars: find index} {
    # for ( ; segPtr != NULL; segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr)
    # one loop
    .t index {2.3 + 9 chars}
} 2.12
test textIndex-12.4 {TkTextIndexForwChars: find index} {
    # for ( ; segPtr != NULL; segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr)
    # multiple loops
    .t mark set foo 2.5
    set x [.t index {2.3 + 9 chars}]
    .t mark unset foo
    set x
} 2.12
test textIndex-12.5 {TkTextIndexForwChars: find index} {
    # for ( ; segPtr != NULL; segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr)
    # border condition: last char

    .t index {2.3 + 10 chars}
} 2.13
test textIndex-12.6 {TkTextIndexForwChars: find index} {
    # for ( ; segPtr != NULL; segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr)
    # border condition: segPtr == NULL -> beginning of next line
    .t index {2.3 + 11 chars}
} 3.0
test textIndex-12.7 {TkTextIndexForwChars: find index} {
    # (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextCharType)
    .t index {2.3 + 2 chars}
} 2.5
test textIndex-12.8 {TkTextIndexForwChars: find index} {
    # (charCount == 0)
    # No more chars, so we found byte offset.

    .t index {2.3 + 2 chars}
} 2.5
test textIndex-12.9 {TkTextIndexForwChars: find index} {
    # not (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextCharType)

    .t image create 2.4 -image textimage
    set x [.t get {2.3 + 3 chars}]
    .t delete 2.4
    set x    
} "f"
test textIndex-12.10 {TkTextIndexForwChars: find index} {
    # dstPtr->byteIndex += segPtr->size - byteOffset
    # When moving to next segment, account for bytes in last segment.
    # Wrong answer would be 2.4

    .t mark set foo 2.4
    set x [.t index {2.3 + 5 chars}]
    .t mark unset foo
    set x
} 2.8
test textIndex-12.11 {TkTextIndexForwChars: go to next line} {
    # (linePtr == NULL)
    .t index {7.6 + 3 chars}
} 8.0
test textIndex-12.12 {TkTextIndexForwChars: go to next line} {
    # Reset byteIndex to 0 now that we are on a new line.
    # Wrong answer would be 2.9
    .t index {1.3 + 6 chars}
} 2.2
test textIndex-12.13 {TkTextIndexForwChars} {
    # right to end
    .t index {2.3 + 56 chars}
} 8.0
test textIndex-12.14 {TkTextIndexForwChars} {
    # try to go past end
    .t index {2.3 + 57 chars}
} 8.0

test textIndex-13.1 {TkTextIndexBackBytes} {testtext} {
    testtext .t backbytes 3.2 -10
} {4.6 6}
test textIndex-13.2 {TkTextIndexBackBytes} {testtext} {
    testtext .t backbytes 3.2 2
} {3.0 0}
test textIndex-13.3 {TkTextIndexBackBytes} {testtext} {
    testtext .t backbytes 3.2 3
} {2.13 13}
test textIndex-13.4 {TkTextIndexBackBytes} {testtext} {
    testtext .t backbytes 3.2 22
} {1.1 1}
test textIndex-13.5 {TkTextIndexBackBytes} {testtext} {
    testtext .t backbytes 3.2 23
} {1.0 0}
test textIndex-13.6 {TkTextIndexBackBytes} {testtext} {
    testtext .t backbytes 3.2 24
} {1.0 0}

test textIndex-14.1 {TkTextIndexBackChars} {
    # (charCount < 0)
    .t index {3.2 - -10 chars}
} 4.6
test textIndex-14.2 {TkTextIndexBackChars} {
    # not (charCount < 0)
    .t index {3.2 - 2 chars}
} 3.0
test textIndex-14.3 {TkTextIndexBackChars: find starting segment} {
    # for (segPtr = dstPtr->linePtr->segPtr; ; segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr)
    # single loop

    .t index {3.2 - 3 chars}
} 2.13
test textIndex-14.4 {TkTextIndexBackChars: find starting segment} {
    # for (segPtr = dstPtr->linePtr->segPtr; ; segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr)
    # multiple loop

    .t mark set foo1 2.5
    .t mark set foo2 2.7
    .t mark set foo3 2.10
    set x [.t index {2.9 - 1 chars}]
    .t mark unset foo1 foo2 foo3
    set x
} 2.8
test textIndex-14.5 {TkTextIndexBackChars: find starting seg and offset} {
    # for (segPtr = dstPtr->linePtr->segPtr; ; segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr)
    # Make sure segSize was decremented.  Wrong answer would be 2.10

    .t mark set foo 2.2
    set x [.t index {2.9 - 1 char}]
    .t mark unset foo
    set x
} 2.8
test textIndex-14.6 {TkTextIndexBackChars: back over characters} {
    # (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextCharType)

    .t index {3.2 - 22 chars}
} 1.1
test textIndex-14.7 {TkTextIndexBackChars: loop backwards over chars} {
    # (charCount == 0)
    # No more chars, so we found byte offset.

    .t index {3.4 - 2 chars}
} 3.2
test textIndex-14.8 {TkTextIndexBackChars: loop backwards over chars} {
    # (p == start)
    # Still more chars, but we reached beginning of segment

    .t image create 5.6 -image textimage
    set x [.t index {5.8 - 3 chars}]
    .t delete 5.6
    set x
} 5.5
test textIndex-14.9 {TkTextIndexBackChars: back over image} {
    # not (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextCharType)

    .t image create 5.6 -image textimage
    set x [.t get {5.8 - 4 chars}]
    .t delete 5.6
    set x
} "G"
test textIndex-14.10 {TkTextIndexBackChars: move to previous segment} {
    # (segPtr != oldPtr)
    # More segments to go

    .t mark set foo 3.4
    set x [.t index {3.5 - 2 chars}]
    .t mark unset foo
    set x
} 3.3
test textIndex-14.11 {TkTextIndexBackChars: move to previous segment} {
    # not (segPtr != oldPtr)
    # At beginning of line.

    .t mark set foo 3.4
    set x [.t index {3.5 - 10 chars}]
    .t mark unset foo
    set x
} 2.9
test textIndex-14.12 {TkTextIndexBackChars: move to previous line} {
    # (lineIndex == 0) 
    .t index {1.5 - 10 chars}
} 1.0
test textIndex-14.13 {TkTextIndexBackChars: move to previous line} {
    # not (lineIndex == 0) 
    .t index {2.5 - 10 chars}
} 1.2
test textIndex-14.14 {TkTextIndexBackChars: move to previous line} {
    # for (segPtr = oldPtr; segPtr != NULL; segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr)
    # Set byteIndex to end of previous line so we can subtract more
    # bytes from it.  Otherwise we get an TkTextIndex with a negative
    # byteIndex.

    .t index {2.5 - 6 chars}
} 1.6
test textIndex-14.15 {TkTextIndexBackChars: UTF} {
    .t get {5.3 - 1 chars}
} y
test textIndex-14.16 {TkTextIndexBackChars: UTF} {
    .t get {5.3 - 2 chars}
} \u4e4f
test textIndex-14.17 {TkTextIndexBackChars: UTF} {
    .t get {5.3 - 3 chars}
} b

proc getword index {
    .t get [.t index "$index wordstart"] [.t index "$index wordend"]
test textIndex-15.1 {StartEnd} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.3 lineend}} msg] $msg
} {0 2.13}
test textIndex-15.2 {StartEnd} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.3 linee}} msg] $msg
} {0 2.13}
test textIndex-15.3 {StartEnd} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.3 line}} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "2.3 line"}}
test textIndex-15.4 {StartEnd} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.3 linestart}} msg] $msg
} {0 2.0}
test textIndex-15.5 {StartEnd} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.3 lines}} msg] $msg
} {0 2.0}
test textIndex-15.6 {StartEnd} {
    getword 5.3
} { }
test textIndex-15.7 {StartEnd} {
    getword 5.4
} GIrl
test textIndex-15.8 {StartEnd} {
    getword 5.7
} GIrl
test textIndex-15.9 {StartEnd} {
    getword 5.8
} { }
test textIndex-15.10 {StartEnd} {
    getword 5.14
} x_yz
test textIndex-15.11 {StartEnd} {
    getword 6.2
} #
test textIndex-15.12 {StartEnd} {
    getword 3.4
} 12345
.t tag add x 2.8 2.11
test textIndex-15.13 {StartEnd} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.2 worde}} msg] $msg
} {0 2.13}
test textIndex-15.14 {StartEnd} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.12 words}} msg] $msg
} {0 2.0}
test textIndex-15.15 {StartEnd} {
    list [catch {.t index {2.12 word}} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "2.12 word"}}

test textIndex-16.1 {TkTextPrintIndex} {
    set t [text .t2]
    $t insert end \n
    $t window create end -window [button $t.b]
    set result [$t index end-2c]
    pack $t
    catch {destroy $t}
} 0

test textIndex-16.2 {TkTextPrintIndex} {
    set t [text .t2]
    $t insert end \n
    $t window create end -window [button $t.b]
    set result [$t tag add {} end-2c]
    pack $t
    catch {destroy $t}
} 0

test textIndex-17.1 {Object indices} {
    set res {}
    set t [text .t2 -height 20]
    for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
	$t insert end $i\n
    pack $t
    set idx @0,0
    lappend res $idx [$t index $idx]
    $t yview scroll 2 pages
    lappend res $idx [$t index $idx]
    catch {destroy $t}
    unset i
    unset idx
    list $res
} {{@0,0 1.0 @0,0 37.0}}

test textIndex-18.1 {Object indices don't cache mark names} {
    set res {}
    text .t2
    .t2 insert 1.0 1234\n1234\n1234
    set pos "insert"
    lappend res [.t2 index $pos]
    .t2 mark set $pos 3.0
    lappend res [.t2 index $pos]
    .t2 mark set $pos 1.0
    lappend res [.t2 index $pos]
    catch {destroy .t2}
    set res
} {3.4 3.0 1.0}

frame .f -width 100 -height 20
pack append . .f left

set fixedFont {Courier -12}
set fixedHeight [font metrics $fixedFont -linespace]
set fixedWidth [font measure $fixedFont m]

set varFont {Times -14}
set bigFont {Helvetica -24}
destroy .t
text .t -font $fixedFont -width 20 -height 10 -wrap char
pack append . .t {top expand fill}
.t tag configure big -font $bigFont
.t debug on
wm geometry . {}

# The statements below reset the main window;  it's needed if the window
# manager is mwm to make mwm forget about a previous minimum size setting.

wm withdraw .
wm minsize . 1 1
wm positionfrom . user
wm deiconify .

# Some window managers (like olwm under SunOS 4.1.3) misbehave in a way
# that tends to march windows off the top and left of the screen.  If
# this happens, some tests will fail because parts of the window will
# not need to be displayed (because they're off-screen).  To keep this
# from happening, move the window if it's getting near the left or top
# edges of the screen.

if {([winfo rooty .] < 50) || ([winfo rootx .] < 50)} {
    wm geom . +50+50

set str [string repeat "hello " 20]

.t insert end "$str one two three four five six seven height nine ten\n"
.t insert end "$str one two three four five six seven height nine ten\n"
.t insert end "$str one two three four five six seven height nine ten\n"

test textIndex-19.1 {Display lines} {
    .t index "2.7 displaylinestart"
} {2.0}

test textIndex-19.2 {Display lines} {
    .t index "2.7 displaylineend"
} {2.19}

test textIndex-19.3 {Display lines} {
    .t index "2.30 displaylinestart"
} {2.20}

test textIndex-19.4 {Display lines} {
    .t index "2.30 displaylineend"
} {2.39}

test textIndex-19.5 {Display lines} {
    .t index "2.40 displaylinestart"
} {2.40}

test textIndex-19.6 {Display lines} {
    .t index "2.40 displaylineend"
} {2.59}

test textIndex-19.7 {Display lines} {
    .t index "2.7 +1displaylines"
} {2.27}

test textIndex-19.8 {Display lines} {
    .t index "2.7 -1displaylines"
} {1.167}

test textIndex-19.9 {Display lines} {
    .t index "2.30 +1displaylines"
} {2.50}

test textIndex-19.10 {Display lines} {
    .t index "2.30 -1displaylines"
} {2.10}

test textIndex-19.11 {Display lines} {
    .t index "2.40 +1displaylines"
} {2.60}

test textIndex-19.12 {Display lines} {
    .t index "2.40 -1displaylines"
} {2.20}

proc text_test_word {startend chars start} {
    destroy .t
    text .t
    .t insert end $chars
    if {[regexp {end} $start]} {
	set start [.t index "${start}chars -2c"]
    } else {
	set start [.t index "1.0 + ${start}chars"]
    if {[.t compare $start >= "end-1c"]} {
	set start "end-2c"
    set res [.t index "$start $startend"]
    .t count 1.0 $res

# Following tests copied from tests from string wordstart/end in Tcl

test textIndex-21.4 {text index wordend} {
    text_test_word wordend abc. -1
} 3
test textIndex-21.5 {text index wordend} {
    text_test_word wordend abc. 100
} 4
test textIndex-21.6 {text index wordend} {
    text_test_word wordend "word_one two three" 2
} 8
test textIndex-21.7 {text index wordend} {
    text_test_word wordend "one .&# three" 5
} 6
test textIndex-21.8 {text index wordend} {
    text_test_word worde "x.y" 0
} 1
test textIndex-21.9 {text index wordend} {
    text_test_word worde "x.y" end-1
} 2
test textIndex-21.10 {text index wordend, unicode} {
    text_test_word wordend "xyz\u00c7de fg" 0
} 6
test textIndex-21.11 {text index wordend, unicode} {
    text_test_word wordend "xyz\uc700de fg" 0
} 6
test textIndex-21.12 {text index wordend, unicode} {
    text_test_word wordend "xyz\u203fde fg" 0
} 6
test textIndex-21.13 {text index wordend, unicode} {
    text_test_word wordend "xyz\u2045de fg" 0
} 3
test textIndex-21.14 {text index wordend, unicode} {
    text_test_word wordend "\uc700\uc700 abc" 8
} 6

test textIndex-22.5 {text index wordstart} {
    text_test_word wordstart "one two three_words" 400
} 8
test textIndex-22.6 {text index wordstart} {
    text_test_word wordstart "one two three_words" 2
} 0
test textIndex-22.7 {text index wordstart} {
    text_test_word wordstart "one two three_words" -2
} 0
test textIndex-22.8 {text index wordstart} {
    text_test_word wordstart "one .*&^ three" 6
} 6
test textIndex-22.9 {text index wordstart} {
    text_test_word wordstart "one two three" 4
} 4
test textIndex-22.10 {text index wordstart} {
    text_test_word wordstart "one two three" end-5
} 7
test textIndex-22.11 {text index wordstart, unicode} {
    text_test_word wordstart "one tw\u00c7o three" 7
} 4
test textIndex-22.12 {text index wordstart, unicode} {
    text_test_word wordstart "ab\uc700\uc700 cdef ghi" 12
} 10
test textIndex-22.13 {text index wordstart, unicode} {
    text_test_word wordstart "\uc700\uc700 abc" 8
} 3

# cleanup
rename textimage {}
catch {destroy .t}