# # ttk::combobox widget tests # package require Tk 8.5 package require tcltest ; namespace import -force tcltest::* loadTestedCommands test combobox-1.0 "Combobox tests -- setup" -body { ttk::combobox .cb } -result .cb test combobox-1.1 "Bad -values list" -body { .cb configure -values "bad \{list" } -result "unmatched open brace in list" -returnCodes 1 test combobox-1.end "Combobox tests -- cleanup" -body { destroy .cb } test combobox-2.0 "current command" -body { ttk::combobox .cb -values [list a b c d e a] .cb current } -result -1 test combobox-2.1 "current -- set index" -body { .cb current 5 .cb get } -result a test combobox-2.2 "current -- change -values" -body { .cb configure -values [list c b a d e] .cb current } -result 2 test combobox-2.3 "current -- change value" -body { .cb set "b" .cb current } -result 1 test combobox-2.4 "current -- value not in list" -body { .cb set "z" .cb current } -result -1 test combobox-2.5 "current -- set to end index" -body { .cb configure -values [list a b c d e thelastone] .cb current end .cb get } -result thelastone test combobox-2.6 "current -- set to unknown index" -body { .cb configure -values [list a b c d e] .cb current notanindex } -returnCodes error -result {Incorrect index notanindex} test combobox-2.end "Cleanup" -body { destroy .cb } test combobox-3 "Read postoffset value dynamically from current style" -body { ttk::combobox .cb -values [list a b c] -style "DerivedStyle.TCombobox" pack .cb -expand true -fill both ttk::style configure DerivedStyle.TCombobox -postoffset [list 25 0 0 0] ttk::combobox::Post .cb expr {[winfo rootx .cb.popdown] - [winfo rootx .cb]} } -result 25 -cleanup { destroy .cb } test combobox-1890211 "ComboboxSelected event after listbox unposted" -body { # whitebox test... pack [ttk::combobox .cb -values [list a b c]] set result [list] bind .cb <> { lappend result Event [winfo ismapped .cb.popdown] [.cb get] } lappend result Start 0 [.cb get] ttk::combobox::Post .cb lappend result Post [winfo ismapped .cb.popdown] [.cb get] .cb.popdown.f.l selection clear 0 end; .cb.popdown.f.l selection set 1 ttk::combobox::LBSelected .cb.popdown.f.l lappend result Select [winfo ismapped .cb.popdown] [.cb get] update set result } -result [list Start 0 {} Post 1 {} Select 0 b Event 0 b] -cleanup { destroy .cb } tcltest::cleanupTests