# # Tile package: entry widget tests # package require Tk 8.5 package require tcltest ; namespace import -force tcltest::* loadTestedCommands variable scrollInfo proc scroll args { global scrollInfo set scrollInfo $args } # Some of the tests raise background errors; # override default bgerror to catch them. # variable bgerror "" proc bgerror {error} { variable bgerror $error variable bgerrorInfo $::errorInfo variable bgerrorCode $::errorCode } # test entry-1.1 "Create entry widget" -body { ttk::entry .e } -result .e test entry-1.2 "Insert" -body { .e insert end abcde .e get } -result abcde test entry-1.3 "Selection" -body { .e selection range 1 3 selection get } -result bc test entry-1.4 "Delete" -body { .e delete 1 3 .e get } -result ade test entry-1.5 "Deletion - insert cursor" -body { .e insert end abcde .e icursor 0 .e delete 0 end .e index insert } -result 0 test entry-1.6 "Deletion - insert cursor at end" -body { .e insert end abcde .e icursor end .e delete 0 end .e index insert } -result 0 test entry-1.7 "Deletion - insert cursor in the middle " -body { .e insert end abcde .e icursor 3 .e delete 0 end .e index insert } -result 0 test entry-1.done "Cleanup" -body { destroy .e } # Scrollbar tests. test entry-2.1 "Create entry before scrollbar" -body { pack [ttk::entry .te -xscrollcommand [list .tsb set]] \ -expand true -fill both pack [ttk::scrollbar .tsb -orient horizontal -command [list .te xview]] \ -expand false -fill x } -cleanup {destroy .te .tsb} test entry-2.1.1 "Create entry before scrollbar - scrollbar catches up" -body { pack [ttk::entry .te -xscrollcommand [list .tsb set]] \ -expand true -fill both .te insert end [string repeat "abc" 50] catch {update} ; # error triggers because the -xscrollcommand callback # errors out: invalid command name ".tsb" pack [ttk::scrollbar .tsb -orient horizontal -command [list .te xview]] \ -expand false -fill x update ; # no error lappend res [expr [lindex [.tsb get] 1] < 1] ; # scrollbar did update } -result 1 -cleanup {destroy .te .tsb} test entry-2.2 "Initial scroll position" -body { ttk::entry .e -font fixed -width 5 -xscrollcommand scroll .e insert end "0123456789" pack .e; set timeout [after 500 {set $scrollInfo "timeout"}] vwait scrollInfo set scrollInfo } -cleanup { destroy .e after cancel $timeout } -result {0.0 0.5} # NOTE: result can vary depending on font. # Bounding box / scrolling tests. test entry-3.0 "Series 3 setup" -body { ttk::style theme use default variable fixed TkFixedFont variable cw [font measure $fixed a] variable ch [font metrics $fixed -linespace] variable bd 2 ;# border + padding variable ux [font measure $fixed \u4e4e] pack [ttk::entry .e -font $fixed -width 20] update } test entry-3.1 "bbox widget command" -body { .e delete 0 end .e bbox 0 } -result [list $bd $bd 0 $ch] test entry-3.2 "xview" -body { .e delete 0 end; .e insert end [string repeat "0" 40] set result [.e xview] } -result {0.0 0.5} test entry-3.3 "xview" -body { .e delete 0 end; .e insert end abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz .e xview end set result [.e index @0] } -result 7 test entry-3.4 "xview" -body { .e delete 0 end; .e insert end abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz .e xview moveto 1.0 set result [.e index @0] } -result 7 test entry-3.5 "xview" -body { .e delete 0 end; .e insert end abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz .e xview scroll 5 units set result [.e index @0] } -result 5 test entry-3.6 "xview" -body { .e delete 0 end; .e insert end [string repeat abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 5] .e xview scroll 2 pages set result [.e index @0] } -result 40 test entry-3.last "Series 3 cleanup" -body { destroy .e } # Selection tests: test entry-4.0 "Selection test - setup" -body { ttk::entry .e .e insert end asdfasdf .e selection range 0 end } test entry-4.1 "Selection test" -body { selection get } -result asdfasdf test entry-4.2 "Disable -exportselection" -body { .e configure -exportselection false selection get } -returnCodes error -result "PRIMARY selection doesn't exist*" -match glob test entry-4.3 "Reenable -exportselection" -body { .e configure -exportselection true selection get } -result asdfasdf test entry-4.4 "Force selection loss" -body { selection own . .e index sel.first } -returnCodes error -result "selection isn't in widget .e" test entry-4.5 "Allow selection changes if readonly" -body { .e delete 0 end .e insert end 0123456789 .e selection range 0 end .e configure -state readonly .e selection range 2 4 .e configure -state normal list [.e index sel.first] [.e index sel.last] } -result {2 4} test entry-4.6 "Disallow selection changes if disabled" -body { .e delete 0 end .e insert end 0123456789 .e selection range 0 end .e configure -state disabled .e selection range 2 4 .e configure -state normal list [.e index sel.first] [.e index sel.last] } -result {0 10} test entry-4.7 {sel.first and sel.last gravity} -body { set result [list] .e delete 0 end .e insert 0 0123456789 .e select range 2 6 .e insert 2 XXX lappend result [.e index sel.first] [.e index sel.last] .e insert 6 YYY lappend result [.e index sel.first] [.e index sel.last] [.e get] } -result {5 9 5 12 01XXX2YYY3456789} # Self-destruct tests. test entry-5.1 {widget deletion while active} -body { destroy .e pack [ttk::entry .e] update .e config -xscrollcommand { destroy .e } update idletasks winfo exists .e } -result 0 # TODO: test killing .e in -validatecommand, -invalidcommand, variable trace; # -textvariable tests. test entry-6.1 {Update linked variable in write trace} -body { proc override args { global x set x "Overridden!" } catch {destroy .e} set x "" trace variable x w override ttk::entry .e -textvariable x .e insert 0 "Some text" set result [list $x [.e get]] set result } -result {Overridden! Overridden!} -cleanup { unset x rename override {} destroy .e } test entry-6.2 {-textvariable tests} -body { set result [list] ttk::entry .e -textvariable x set x "text" lappend result [.e get] unset x lappend result [.e get] .e insert end "newtext" lappend result [.e get] [set x] } -result [list "text" "" "newtext" "newtext"] -cleanup { destroy .e unset -nocomplain x } test entry-7.1 {Bad style options} -body { ttk::style theme create entry-7.1 -settings { ttk::style configure TEntry -foreground BadColor ttk::style map TEntry -foreground {readonly AnotherBadColor} ttk::style map TEntry -font {readonly ABadFont} ttk::style map TEntry \ -selectbackground {{} BadColor} \ -selectforeground {{} BadColor} \ -insertcolor {{} BadColor} } pack [ttk::entry .e -text "Don't crash"] ttk::style theme use entry-7.1 update .e selection range 0 end update .e state readonly; update } -cleanup { destroy .e ; ttk::style theme use default } test entry-8.1 "Unset linked variable" -body { variable foo "bar" pack [ttk::entry .e -textvariable foo] unset foo .e insert end "baz" list [.e cget -textvariable] [.e get] [set foo] } -result [list foo "baz" "baz"] -cleanup { destroy .e } test entry-8.2 "Unset linked variable by deleting namespace" -body { namespace eval ::test { variable foo "bar" } pack [ttk::entry .e -textvariable ::test::foo] namespace delete ::test .e insert end "baz" ;# <== error here list [.e cget -textvariable] [.e get] [set foo] } -returnCodes error -result "*parent namespace doesn't exist*" -match glob # '-result [list ::test::foo "baz" "baz"]' would also be sensible, # but Tcl namespaces don't work that way. test entry-8.2a "Followup to test 8.2" -body { .e cget -textvariable } -result ::test::foo -cleanup { destroy .e } # For 8.2a, -result {} would also be sensible. test entry-9.1 "Index range invariants" -setup { # See bug#1721532 for discussion proc entry-9.1-trace {n1 n2 op} { set ::V NO! } variable V trace add variable V write entry-9.1-trace ttk::entry .e -textvariable V } -body { set result [list] .e insert insert a ; lappend result [.e index insert] [.e index end] .e insert insert b ; lappend result [.e index insert] [.e index end] .e insert insert c ; lappend result [.e index insert] [.e index end] .e insert insert d ; lappend result [.e index insert] [.e index end] .e insert insert e ; lappend result [.e index insert] [.e index end] set result } -result [list 1 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3] -cleanup { unset V destroy .e } test entry-10.1 {configuration option: "-placeholder"} -setup { pack [ttk::entry .e] } -body { .e configure -placeholder {Some text} .e cget -placeholder } -cleanup { destroy .e } -result {Some text} test entry-10.2 {configuration option: "-placeholderforeground"} -setup { pack [ttk::entry .e] } -body { .e configure -placeholder {Some text} -placeholderforeground red .e cget -placeholderforeground } -cleanup { destroy .e } -result {red} test entry-10.3 {styling option: "-placeholderforeground"} -setup { pack [ttk::entry .e] } -body { set current [ttk::style configure TEntry -placeholderforeground] ttk::style configure TEntry -placeholderforeground blue set res [ttk::style configure TEntry -placeholderforeground] ttk::style configure TEntry -placeholderforeground $current set res } -cleanup { destroy .e } -result {blue} test entry-11.1 {Bug [2830360fff] - Don't loose invalid at focus events} -setup { pack [ttk::entry .e] update } -body { .e state invalid set res [.e state] event generate .e lappend res [.e state] } -result {invalid invalid} -cleanup { destroy .e } tcltest::cleanupTests