package require Tk 8.5
package require tcltest ; namespace import -force tcltest::*

test notebook-1.0 "Setup" -body {
    ttk::notebook .nb
} -result .nb

# Error handling tests:
test notebook-1.1 "Cannot add ancestor" -body {
    .nb add .
} -returnCodes error -result "*" -match glob

proc inoperative {args} {}

inoperative test notebook-1.2 "Cannot add siblings" -body {
    # This is legal now
    .nb add [frame .sibling]
} -returnCodes error -result "*" -match glob

test notebook-1.3 "Cannot add toplevel" -body {
    .nb add [toplevel .nb.t]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .t.nb
} -returnCodes 1 -match glob -result "can't add .nb.t*"

test notebook-1.4 "Try to select bad tab" -body {
    .nb select @6000,6000
} -returnCodes 1 -match glob -result "* not found"

# Now add stuff:
test notebook-2.0 "Add children" -body {
    pack .nb -expand true -fill both
    .nb add [frame] -text "Foo"
    pack [label -text "Foo"]

    .nb add [frame -relief raised -borderwidth 2] -text "Bar"
    pack [label -text "Bar"]

    .nb tabs
} -result [list]

test notebook-2.1 "select pane" -body {
    .nb select
    list [winfo viewable] [winfo viewable] [.nb index current]
} -result [list 1 0 0]

test notebook-2.2 "select another pane" -body {
    .nb select 1
    list [winfo viewable] [winfo viewable] [.nb index current]
} -result [list 0 1 1]

test notebook-2.3 "tab - get value" -body {
    .nb tab -text
} -result "Foo"

test notebook-2.4 "tab - set value" -body {
    .nb tab -text "Changed Foo"
    .nb tab -text
} -result "Changed Foo"

test notebook-2.5 "tab - get all options" -body {
    .nb tab
} -result [list \
    -padding 0 -sticky nsew \
    -state normal -text "Changed Foo" -image "" -compound none -underline -1]

test notebook-4.1 "Test .nb index end" -body {
    .nb index end
} -result 2

test notebook-4.2 "'end' is not a selectable index" -body {
    .nb select end
} -returnCodes error -result "*" -match glob

test notebook-4.3 "Select index out of range" -body {
    .nb select 2
} -returnCodes error -result "*" -match glob

test notebook-4.4 "-padding option" -body {
    .nb configure -padding "5 5 5 5"

test notebook-4.end "Cleanup test suite 1-4.*" -body { destroy .nb }

test notebook-5.1 "Virtual events" -body {
    toplevel .t
    set ::events [list]
    bind .t <<NotebookTabChanged>> { lappend events changed %W }

    pack [set nb [ttk::notebook .t.nb]] -expand true -fill both; update
    $nb add [frame $nb.f1]
    $nb add [frame $nb.f2]
    $nb add [frame $nb.f3]

    $nb select $nb.f1
    update; set events
} -result [list changed .t.nb]

test notebook-5.2 "Virtual events, continued" -body {
    set events [list]
    $nb select $nb.f3
    update ; set events
} -result [list changed .t.nb]
# OR: [list deselected .t.nb.f1 selected .t.nb.f3 changed .t.nb]

test notebook-5.3 "Disabled tabs" -body {
    set events [list]
    $nb tab $nb.f2 -state disabled
    $nb select $nb.f2
    list $events [$nb index current]
} -result [list [list] 2]

test notebook-5.4 "Reenable tab" -body {
    set events [list]
    $nb tab $nb.f2 -state normal
    $nb select $nb.f2
    list $events [$nb index current]
} -result [list [list changed .t.nb] 1]

test notebook-5.end "Virtual events, cleanup" -body { destroy .t }

test notebook-6.0 "Select hidden tab" -setup {
    set nb [ttk::notebook .nb]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f1]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f2]
    $nb select $nb.f2
} -cleanup  {
    destroy $nb
} -body {
    set result [list]
    $nb tab $nb.f1 -state hidden
    lappend result [$nb tab $nb.f1 -state]
    $nb select $nb.f1
    lappend result [$nb tab $nb.f1 -state]
} -result [list hidden normal]

test notebook-6.1 "Hide selected tab" -setup {
    pack [set nb [ttk::notebook .nb]] ; update
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f1]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f2]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f3]
    $nb select $nb.f2
} -cleanup  {
    destroy $nb
} -body {
    set result [list]
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
    $nb hide $nb.f2
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
    update idletasks; lappend result [winfo ismapped $nb.f3]
} -result [list 1 1 2 0 1]

# See 1370833
test notebook-6.2 "Forget selected tab" -setup {
    ttk::notebook .n
    pack .n
    label .n.l -text abc
    .n add .n.l
} -body {
    after 100
    .n forget .n.l
    update		;# Yowch!
} -cleanup {
    destroy .n
} -result {}

test notebook-6.3 "Hide first tab when it's the current" -setup {
    pack [set nb [ttk::notebook .nb]] ; update
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f1]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f2]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f3]
    $nb select $nb.f1
} -cleanup  {
    destroy $nb
} -body {
    set result [list]
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f1]
    $nb hide $nb.f1
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f1]
} -result [list 0 1 1 0]

test notebook-6.4 "Forget first tab when it's the current" -setup {
    pack [set nb [ttk::notebook .nb]] ; update
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f1]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f2]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f3]
    $nb select $nb.f1
} -cleanup  {
    destroy $nb
} -body {
    set result [list]
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f1]
    $nb forget $nb.f1
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f1]
} -result [list 0 1 0 0]

test notebook-6.5 "Hide last tab when it's the current" -setup {
    pack [set nb [ttk::notebook .nb]] ; update
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f1]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f2]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f3]
    $nb select $nb.f3
} -cleanup  {
    destroy $nb
} -body {
    set result [list]
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f3]
    $nb hide $nb.f3
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f3]
} -result [list 2 1 1 0]

test notebook-6.6 "Forget a middle tab when it's the current" -setup {
    pack [set nb [ttk::notebook .nb]] ; update
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f1]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f2]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f3]
    $nb select $nb.f2
} -cleanup  {
    destroy $nb
} -body {
    set result [list]
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
    $nb forget $nb.f2
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
} -result [list 1 1 1 0]

test notebook-6.7 "Hide a middle tab when it's the current" -setup {
    pack [set nb [ttk::notebook .nb]]; update
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f1]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f2]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f3]
    $nb select $nb.f2
} -cleanup  {
    destroy $nb
} -body {
    set result [list]
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
    $nb hide $nb.f2
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
} -result [list 1 1 2 0]

test notebook-6.8 "Forget a non-current tab < current" -setup {
    pack [set nb [ttk::notebook .nb]] ; update
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f1]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f2]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f3]
    $nb select $nb.f2
} -cleanup  {
    destroy $nb
} -body {
    set result [list]
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
    $nb forget $nb.f1
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
} -result [list 1 1 0 1]

test notebook-6.9 "Hide a non-current tab < current" -setup {
    pack [set nb [ttk::notebook .nb]] ; update
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f1]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f2]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f3]
    $nb select $nb.f2
} -cleanup  {
    destroy $nb
} -body {
    set result [list]
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
    $nb hide $nb.f1
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
} -result [list 1 1 1 1]

test notebook-6.10 "Forget a non-current tab > current" -setup {
    pack [set nb [ttk::notebook .nb]] ; update
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f1]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f2]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f3]
    $nb select $nb.f2
} -cleanup  {
    destroy $nb
} -body {
    set result [list]
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
    $nb forget $nb.f3
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
} -result [list 1 1 1 1]

test notebook-6.11 "Hide a non-current tab > current" -setup {
    pack [set nb [ttk::notebook .nb]]; update
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f1]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f2]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f3]
    $nb select $nb.f2
} -cleanup  {
    destroy $nb
} -body {
    set result [list]
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
    $nb hide $nb.f3
    lappend result [$nb index current] [winfo ismapped $nb.f2]
} -result [list 1 1 1 1]

test notebook-6.12 "Hide and re-add a tab" -setup {
    pack [set nb [ttk::notebook .nb]]; update
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f1]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f2]
    $nb add [ttk::frame $nb.f3]
    $nb select $nb.f2
} -cleanup  {
    destroy $nb
} -body {
    set result [list]
    lappend result [$nb index current] [$nb tab $nb.f2 -state]
    $nb hide $nb.f2
    lappend result [$nb index current] [$nb tab $nb.f2 -state]
    $nb add $nb.f2
    lappend result [$nb index current] [$nb tab $nb.f2 -state]
} -result [list 1 normal 2 hidden 2 normal]

# Insert:
unset nb
test notebook-7.0 "insert - setup" -body {
    pack [ttk::notebook .nb]
    for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
	.nb add [ttk::frame .nb.f$i] -text "$i"
    .nb select .nb.f1
    list [.nb index current] [.nb tabs]
} -result [list 1 [list .nb.f0 .nb.f1 .nb.f2 .nb.f3 .nb.f4]]

test notebook-7.1 "insert - move backwards" -body {
    .nb insert 1 3
    list [.nb index current] [.nb tabs]
} -result [list 2 [list .nb.f0 .nb.f3 .nb.f1 .nb.f2 .nb.f4]]

test notebook-7.2 "insert - move backwards again" -body {
    .nb insert 1 3
    list [.nb index current] [.nb tabs]
} -result [list 3 [list .nb.f0 .nb.f2 .nb.f3 .nb.f1 .nb.f4]]

test notebook-7.3 "insert - move backwards again" -body {
    .nb insert 1 3
    list [.nb index current] [.nb tabs]
} -result [list 1 [list .nb.f0 .nb.f1 .nb.f2 .nb.f3 .nb.f4]]

test notebook-7.4 "insert - move forwards" -body {
    .nb insert 3 1
    list [.nb index current] [.nb tabs]
} -result [list 3 [list .nb.f0 .nb.f2 .nb.f3 .nb.f1 .nb.f4]]

test notebook-7.5 "insert - move forwards again" -body {
    .nb insert 3 1
    list [.nb index current] [.nb tabs]
} -result [list 2 [list .nb.f0 .nb.f3 .nb.f1 .nb.f2 .nb.f4]]

test notebook-7.6 "insert - move forwards again" -body {
    .nb insert 3 1
    list [.nb index current] [.nb tabs]
} -result [list 1 [list .nb.f0 .nb.f1 .nb.f2 .nb.f3 .nb.f4]]

test notebook-7.7a "insert - current tab undisturbed" -body {
    .nb select 0
    .nb insert 3 1
    .nb index current
} -result 0

test notebook-7.7b "insert - current tab undisturbed" -body {
    .nb select 0
    .nb insert 1 3
    .nb index current
} -result 0

test notebook-7.7c "insert - current tab undisturbed" -body {
    .nb select 4
    .nb insert 3 1
    .nb index current
} -result 4

test notebook-7.7d "insert - current tab undisturbed" -body {
    .nb select 4
    .nb insert 1 3
    .nb index current
} -result 4

test notebook-7.8a "move tabs - current tab undisturbed - exhaustive" -body {
    .nb select .nb.f0
    foreach i {0 1 2 3 4} {
    	.nb insert $i .nb.f$i

    foreach i {0 1 2 3 4} {
	.nb select .nb.f$i
	foreach j {0 1 2 3 4} {
	    foreach k {0 1 2 3 4} {
		.nb insert $j $k
		set current [lindex [.nb tabs] [.nb index current]]
		if {$current != ".nb.f$i"} {
		    error "($i,$j,$k) current = $current"
		.nb insert $k $j
		if {[.nb tabs] ne [list .nb.f0 .nb.f1 .nb.f2 .nb.f3 .nb.f4]} {
		    error "swap $j $k; swap $k $j => [.nb tabs]"
    .nb tabs
} -result [list .nb.f0 .nb.f1 .nb.f2 .nb.f3 .nb.f4]

test notebook-7.8b "insert new - current tab undisturbed - exhaustive" -body {
    foreach i {0 1 2 3 4} {
	.nb select .nb.f$i
	foreach j {0 1 2 3 4} {
.nb select .nb.f$i
	    .nb insert $j [frame .nb.newf]
	    set current [lindex [.nb tabs] [.nb index current]]
	    if {$current != ".nb.f$i"} {
		puts stderr "new tab at $j, current = $current, expect .nb.f$i"
	    destroy .nb.newf
	    if {[.nb tabs] ne [list .nb.f0 .nb.f1 .nb.f2 .nb.f3 .nb.f4]} {
		error "tabs disturbed"

test notebook-7.end "insert - cleanup" -body {
    destroy .nb

test notebook-1817596-1 "insert should autoselect first tab" -body {
    pack [ttk::notebook .nb]
    list \
	[.nb insert end [ttk::label .nb.l1 -text One] -text One] \
	[.nb select] \
} -result [list "" .nb.l1] -cleanup { destroy .nb }

test notebook-1817596-2 "error in insert should have no effect" -body {
    pack [ttk::notebook .nb]
    .nb insert end [ttk::label .nb.l1]
    .nb insert end [ttk::label .nb.l2]
    list \
    	[catch { .nb insert .l2 0 -badoption badvalue } err] \
	[.nb tabs] \
} -result [list 1 [list .nb.l1 .nb.l2]] -cleanup { destroy .nb }

test notebook-1817596-3 "insert/configure" -body {
    pack [ttk::notebook .nb]
    .nb insert end [ttk::label .nb.l0] -text "L0"
    .nb insert end [ttk::label .nb.l1] -text "L1"
    .nb insert end [ttk::label .nb.l2] -text "XX"
    .nb insert 0 2 -text "L2"

    list [.nb tabs] [.nb tab 0 -text] [.nb tab 1 -text] [.nb tab 2 -text]

} -result [list [list .nb.l2 .nb.l0 .nb.l1] L2 L0 L1] -cleanup { destroy .nb }

test notebook-readd-1 "add same widget twice" -body {
    pack [ttk::notebook .nb]
    .nb add [ttk::button .nb.b1] -text "Button"
    .nb add .nb.b1
    .nb tabs
} -result [list .nb.b1] -cleanup { destroy .nb }

test notebook-readd-2 "add same widget twice, with options" -body {
    pack [ttk::notebook .nb]
    .nb add [ttk::button .nb.b1] -text "Tab label"
    .nb add .nb.b1 -text "Changed tab label"
    .nb tabs
} -result [list .nb.b1] -cleanup { destroy .nb }

test notebook-readd-3 "insert same widget twice, with options" -body {
    pack [ttk::notebook .nb]
    .nb insert end [ttk::button .nb.b1] -text "Tab label"
    .nb insert end .nb.b1 -text "Changed tab label"
    .nb tabs
} -result [list .nb.b1] -cleanup { destroy .nb }

# See #1343984
test notebook-1343984-1 "don't autoselect on destroy - setup" -body {
    ttk::notebook .nb
    set ::history [list]
    bind TestFrame <Map> { lappend history MAP %W }
    bind TestFrame <Destroy> { lappend history DESTROY %W }
    .nb add [ttk::frame .nb.frame1 -class TestFrame] -text "Frame 1"
    .nb add [ttk::frame .nb.frame2 -class TestFrame] -text "Frame 2"
    .nb add [ttk::frame .nb.frame3 -class TestFrame] -text "Frame 3"
    pack .nb -fill both -expand 1
    set ::history
} -result [list MAP .nb.frame1]

test notebook-1343984-2 "don't autoselect on destroy" -body {
    set ::history [list]
    destroy .nb
    set ::history
} -result [list DESTROY .nb.frame1 DESTROY .nb.frame2 DESTROY .nb.frame3]
