package require Tk 8.5 package require tcltest ; namespace import -force tcltest::* loadTestedCommands proc skip args {} proc ok {} { return } proc bgerror {error} { variable bgerror $error variable bgerrorInfo $::errorInfo variable bgerrorCode $::errorCode } # Self-destruct tests. # Do these early, so any memory corruption has a longer time to cause a crash. # proc selfdestruct {w args} { destroy $w } test ttk-6.1 "Self-destructing checkbutton" -body { pack [ttk::checkbutton .sd -text "Self-destruction" -variable ::sd] trace variable sd w [list selfdestruct .sd] update .sd invoke } -returnCodes 1 -result "Widget has been destroyed" test ttk-6.2 "Checkbutton self-destructed" -body { winfo exists .sd } -result 0 # test ttk-6.3 not applicable [see #2175411] test ttk-6.4 "Destroy widget in configure" -setup { set OUCH ouch trace variable OUCH r { kill.b } proc kill.b {args} { destroy .b } } -cleanup { unset OUCH } -body { pack [ttk::checkbutton .b] set rc [catch { .b configure -variable OUCH } msg] list $rc $msg [winfo exists .b] [info commands .b] } -result [list 1 "Widget has been destroyed" 0 {}] test ttk-6.5 "Clean up -textvariable traces" -body { foreach class {ttk::button ttk::checkbutton ttk::radiobutton} { $class .b1 -textvariable V set V "asdf" destroy .b1 set V "" } } test ttk-6.6 "Bad color spec in styles" -body { pack [ttk::button .b1 -text Hi!] ttk::style configure TButton -foreground badColor event generate .b1 update ttk::style configure TButton -foreground black destroy .b1 set ::bgerror } -result {unknown color name "badColor"} test ttk-6.7 "Basic destruction test" -body { foreach widget { button checkbutton radiobutton sizegrip separator notebook progressbar panedwindow scrollbar } { ttk::$widget .w pack .w destroy .w } } test ttk-6.8 "Button command removes itself" -body { ttk::button .b -command ".b configure -command {}; set ::A {it worked}" .b invoke destroy .b set ::A } -result {it worked} test ttk-6.9 "Bad font spec in styles" -setup { ttk::style theme create badfont -settings { ttk::style configure . -font {Helvetica 12 Bogus} } ttk::style theme use badfont } -cleanup { ttk::style theme use default } -body { pack [ttk::label .l -text Hi! -font {}] event generate .l update destroy .l set ::bgerror } -result {unknown font style "Bogus"} test ttk-construction-failure-1 "Excercise construction failure path" -setup { option add *TLabel.cursor badCursor 1 } -cleanup { option add *TLabel.cursor {} 1 } -body { catch {ttk::label .l} errmsg list $errmsg [info commands .l] [winfo exists .l] } -result [list {bad cursor spec "badCursor"} {} 0] test ttk-construction-failure-2 "Destroy widget in constructor" -setup { set OUCH ouch trace variable OUCH r { kill.b } proc kill.b {args} { destroy .b } } -cleanup { unset OUCH } -body { list \ [catch { ttk::checkbutton .b -variable OUCH } msg] \ $msg \ [winfo exists .b] \ [info commands .b] \ ; } -result [list 1 "Widget has been destroyed" 0 {}] # # Basic tests. # test ttk-1.1 "Create button" -body { pack [ttk::button .t] -expand true -fill both update } test ttk-1.2 "Check style" -body { .t cget -style } -result {} test ttk-1.4 "Restore default style" -body { .t cget -style } -result "" proc checkstate {w} { foreach statespec { {!active !disabled} {!active disabled} {active !disabled} {active disabled} active disabled } { lappend result [$w instate $statespec] } set result } # NB: this will fail if the top-level window pops up underneath the cursor test ttk-2.0 "Check state" -body { checkstate .t } -result [list 1 0 0 0 0 0] test ttk-2.1 "Change state" -body { .t state active } -result !active test ttk-2.2 "Check state again" -body { checkstate .t } -result [list 0 0 1 0 1 0] test ttk-2.3 "Change state again" -body { .t state {!active disabled} } -result {active !disabled} test ttk-2.4 "Check state again" -body { checkstate .t } -result [list 0 1 0 0 0 1] test ttk-2.5 "Change state again" -body { .t state !disabled } -result {disabled} test ttk-2.6 "instate scripts, false" -body { set x 0 .t instate disabled { set x 1 } set x } -result 0 test ttk-2.7 "instate scripts, true" -body { set x 0 .t instate !disabled { set x 1 } set x } -result 1 # misc. error detection test ttk-3.0 "Bad option" -body { ttk::button .bad -badoption foo } -returnCodes 1 -result {unknown option "-badoption"} -match glob test ttk-3.1 "Make sure widget command not created" -body { .bad state disabled } -returnCodes 1 -result {invalid command name ".bad"} -match glob test ttk-3.2 "Propagate errors from variable traces" -body { set A 0 trace add variable A write {error "failure" ;# } ttk::checkbutton .cb -variable A .cb invoke } -cleanup { unset ::A ; destroy .cb } -returnCodes error -result {can't set "A": failure} test ttk-3.3 "Constructor failure with cursor" -body { ttk::button .b -cursor bottom_right_corner -style BadStyle } -returnCodes 1 -result "Layout BadStyle not found" test ttk-3.4 "SF#2009213" -body { ttk::style configure TScale -sliderrelief {} pack [ttk::scale .s] update } -cleanup { ttk::style configure TScale -sliderrelief raised destroy .s } # Test resource allocation # (@@@ "-font" is a compatibility option now, so tests 4.1-4.3 # don't really test anything useful at the moment.) # test ttk-4.0 "Setup" -body { catch { destroy .t } pack [ttk::label .t -text "Button 1"] testConstraint fontOption [expr ![catch { set prevFont [.t cget -font] }]] ok } test ttk-4.1 "Change font" -constraints fontOption -body { .t configure -font "Helvetica 18 bold" } test ttk-4.2 "Check font" -constraints fontOption -body { .t cget -font } -result "Helvetica 18 bold" test ttk-4.3 "Restore font" -constraints fontOption -body { .t configure -font $prevFont } test ttk-4.4 "Bad resource specifications" -body { ttk::style theme settings alt { ttk::style configure TButton -font {Bad font} # @@@ it would be best to raise an error at this point, # @@@ but that's not really feasible in the current framework. } pack [ttk::button .tb1 -text "Ouch"] ttk::style theme use alt update; # As long as we haven't crashed, everything's OK ttk::style theme settings alt { ttk::style configure TButton -font TkDefaultFont } ttk::style theme use default destroy .tb1 } # # checkbutton tests # test ttk-5.1 "Checkbutton check" -body { pack [ttk::checkbutton .cb -text "TCheckbutton" -variable cb] } test ttk-5.2 "Checkbutton invoke" -body { .cb invoke list [set ::cb] [.cb instate selected] } -result [list 1 1] test ttk-5.3 "Checkbutton reinvoke" -body { .cb invoke list [set ::cb] [.cb instate selected] } -result [list 0 0] test ttk-5.4 "Checkbutton variable" -body { set result [] set ::cb 1 lappend result [.cb instate selected] set ::cb 0 lappend result [.cb instate selected] } -result {1 0} test ttk-5.5 "Unset checkbutton variable" -body { set result [] unset ::cb lappend result [.cb instate alternate] [info exists ::cb] set ::cb 1 lappend result [.cb instate alternate] [info exists ::cb] } -result {1 0 0 1} # See #1257319 test ttk-5.6 "Checkbutton default variable" -body { destroy .cb ; unset -nocomplain {} ; set result [list] ttk::checkbutton .cb -onvalue on -offvalue off lappend result [.cb cget -variable] [info exists .cb] [.cb state] .cb invoke lappend result [info exists .cb] [set .cb] [.cb state] .cb invoke lappend result [info exists .cb] [set .cb] [.cb state] } -result [list .cb 0 alternate 1 on selected 1 off {}] # # radiobutton tests # test ttk-7.1 "Radiobutton check" -body { pack \ [ttk::radiobutton .rb1 -text "One" -variable choice -value 1] \ [ttk::radiobutton .rb2 -text "Two" -variable choice -value 2] \ [ttk::radiobutton .rb3 -text "Three" -variable choice -value 3] \ ; } test ttk-7.2 "Radiobutton invoke" -body { .rb1 invoke set ::choice } -result 1 test ttk-7.3 "Radiobutton state" -body { .rb1 instate selected } -result 1 test ttk-7.4 "Other radiobutton invoke" -body { .rb2 invoke set ::choice } -result 2 test ttk-7.5 "Other radiobutton state" -body { .rb2 instate selected } -result 1 test ttk-7.6 "First radiobutton state" -body { .rb1 instate selected } -result 0 test ttk-7.7 "Unset radiobutton variable" -body { unset ::choice list [info exists ::choice] [.rb1 instate alternate] [.rb2 instate alternate] } -result {0 1 1} test ttk-7.8 "Reset radiobutton variable" -body { set ::choice 2 list [info exists ::choice] [.rb1 instate alternate] [.rb2 instate alternate] } -result {1 0 0} # # -compound tests: # variable iconData \ {R0lGODlhIAAgAKIAANnZ2YQAAP8AAISEhP///////////////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAgACAA AAP/CLoMGLqKoMvtGIqiqxEYCLrcioGiyxwIusyBgaLLLRiBoMsQKLrcjYGgu4Giy+2CAkFX A0WX2wXFIOgGii7trkCEohsDCACBoktEKLpKhISiGwAIECiqSKooukiqKKoxgACBooukKiIo SKooujGDECi6iqQqsopEV2MQAkV3kXQZRXdjEAJFl5F0FUWXY3ACRZcFSRdFlyVwJlB0WZB0 UXRZAmcCRZeRdBVFl2NwAkV3kXQZRXdjcAJFV5FURVaR6GoMDgSKLpKqiKAgqaLoxgwOBIoq kiqKLpIqimrM4ECg6BIRiq4SIaHoxgyCBoou7a5AhKIbMzgAAIGiy+2CTWJmBhAAAkWX2wXF zCDoBooud2PMDIKuRqDocgtGzMwg6O4Eii5z4Kgi6DIMhqLoagQGjiqCLvPgYOgqji6CLrfi 6DIj6HI7jq4i6DIkADs=} variable compoundStrings {text image center top bottom left right none} if {0} { proc now {} { set ::now [clock clicks -milliseconds] } proc tick {} { puts -nonewline stderr "+" ; flush stderr } proc tock {} { set then $::now; set ::now [clock clicks -milliseconds] puts stderr " [expr {$::now - $then}] ms" } } else { proc now {} {} ; proc tick {} {} ; proc tock {} {} } now ; tick test ttk-8.0 "Setup for 8.X" -body { ttk::button .ctb image create photo icon -data $::iconData; pack .ctb } tock now test ttk-8.1 "Test -compound options" -body { # Exhaustively test each combination. # Main goal is to make sure no code paths crash. foreach image {icon ""} { foreach text {"Hi!" ""} { foreach compound $::compoundStrings { .ctb configure -image $image -text $text -compound $compound update; tick } } } } tock test ttk-8.2 "Test -compound options with regular button" -body { button .rtb pack .rtb foreach image {"" icon} { foreach text {"Hi!" ""} { foreach compound [lrange $::compoundStrings 2 end] { .rtb configure -image $image -text $text -compound $compound update; tick } } } } tock test ttk-8.3 "Rerun test 8.1" -body { foreach image {icon ""} { foreach text {"Hi!" ""} { foreach compound $::compoundStrings { .ctb configure -image $image -text $text -compound $compound update; tick } } } } tock test ttk-8.4 "ImageChanged" -body { ttk::button .b -image icon icon blank } -cleanup { destroy .b } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ test ttk-9.1 "Traces on nonexistant namespaces" -body { ttk::checkbutton .tcb -variable foo::bar } -returnCodes 1 -result "*parent namespace doesn't exist*" -match glob test ttk-9.2 "Traces on nonexistant namespaces II" -body { ttk::checkbutton .tcb -variable X .tcb configure -variable foo::bar } -returnCodes 1 -result "*parent namespace doesn't exist*" -match glob test ttk-9.3 "Restore saved options on configure error" -body { .tcb cget -variable } -result X test ttk-9.4 "Textvariable tests" -body { set tcbLabel "Testing..." .tcb configure -textvariable tcbLabel .tcb cget -text } -result "Testing..." # Changing -text has no effect if there is a linked -textvariable. # Compatible with core widget. test ttk-9.5 "Change -text" -body { .tcb configure -text "Changed -text" .tcb cget -text } -result "Testing..." # Unset -textvariable clears the text. # NOTE: this is different from core widgets, which automagically reinitalize # the -textvariable to the last value of -text. # test ttk-9.6 "Unset -textvariable" -body { unset tcbLabel list [info exists tcbLabel] [.tcb cget -text] } -result [list 0 ""] test ttk-9.7 "Unset textvariable, comparison" -body { # # NB: ttk::label behaves differently from the standard label here; # NB: this is on purpose: I believe the standard behaviour is the Wrong Thing # unset -nocomplain V1 V2 label .l -text Foo ; ttk::label .tl -text Foo .l configure -textvariable V1 ; .tl configure -textvariable V2 list [set V1] [info exists V2] } -cleanup { destroy .l .tl } -result [list Foo 0] test ttk-9.8 "-textvariable overrides -text" -body { ttk::label .tl -textvariable TV set TV Foo .tl configure -text Bar .tl cget -text } -cleanup { destroy .tl } -result "Foo" # # Frame widget tests: # test ttk-10.1 "ttk::frame -class resource" -body { ttk::frame .f -class Foo } -result .f test ttk-10.2 "Check widget class" -body { winfo class .f } -result Foo test ttk-10.3 "Check class resource" -body { .f cget -class } -result Foo test ttk-10.4 "Try to modify class resource" -body { .f configure -class Bar } -returnCodes 1 -match glob -result "*read-only option*" test ttk-10.5 "Check class resource again" -body { .f cget -class } -result Foo test ttk-11.1 "-state test, setup" -body { ttk::button .b .b instate disabled } -result 0 test ttk-11.2 "-state test, disable" -body { .b configure -state disabled .b instate disabled } -result 1 test ttk-11.3 "-state test, reenable" -body { .b configure -state normal .b instate disabled } -result 0 test ttk-11.4 "-state test, unrecognized -state value" -body { .b configure -state bogus .b state } -result [list] test ttk-11.5 "-state test, 'active'" -body { .b configure -state active .b state } -result [list active] -cleanup { .b state !active } test ttk-11.6 "-state test, 'readonly'" -body { .b configure -state readonly .b state } -result [list readonly] -cleanup { .b state !readonly } test ttk-11.7 "-state test, cleanup" -body { destroy .b } test ttk-12.1 "-cursor option" -body { ttk::button .b .b cget -cursor } -result {} test ttk-12.2 "-cursor option" -body { .b configure -cursor arrow .b cget -cursor } -result arrow test ttk-12.3 "-borderwidth frame option" -body { destroy .t toplevel .t raise .t pack [set t [ttk::frame .t.f]] -expand true -fill x ; pack [ttk::label $t.l -text "ASDF QWERTY"] -expand true -fill both foreach theme {default alt} { ttk::style theme use $theme foreach relief {flat raised sunken ridge groove solid} { $t configure -relief $relief for {set i 5} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { $t configure -borderwidth $i update } } } } test ttk-12.4 "-borderwidth frame option" -body { .t.f configure -relief raised .t.f configure -borderwidth 1 ttk::style theme use alt update } test ttk-13.1 "Custom styles -- bad -style option" -body { ttk::button .tb1 -style badstyle } -returnCodes 1 -result "*badstyle not found*" -match glob test ttk-13.4 "Custom styles -- bad -style option" -body { ttk::button .tb1 .tb1 configure -style badstyle } -cleanup { destroy .tb1 } -returnCodes 1 -result "*badstyle not found*" -match glob test ttk-13.5 "Custom layouts -- missing element definition" -body { ttk::style layout badstyle { NoSuchElement } ttk::button .tb1 -style badstyle } -cleanup { destroy .tb1 } -result .tb1 # @@@ Should: signal an error, possibly a background error. # # See #793909 # test ttk-14.1 "-variable in nonexistant namespace" -body { ttk::checkbutton .tw -variable ::nsn::foo } -returnCodes 1 -result {can't trace *: parent namespace doesn't exist} \ -match glob -cleanup { destroy .tw } test ttk-14.2 "-textvariable in nonexistant namespace" -body { ttk::label .tw -textvariable ::nsn::foo } -returnCodes 1 -result {can't trace *: parent namespace doesn't exist} \ -match glob -cleanup { destroy .tw } test ttk-14.3 "-textvariable in nonexistant namespace" -body { ttk::entry .tw -textvariable ::nsn::foo } -returnCodes 1 -result {can't trace *: parent namespace doesn't exist} \ -match glob -cleanup { destroy .tw } test ttk-15.1 "style element create: insufficient args" -body { ttk::style element create } -returnCodes 1 -result "wrong # args: should be \"ttk::style element create name type ?-option value ...?\"" test ttk-15.2 "style element create: insufficient args" -body { ttk::style element create plain.background } -returnCodes 1 -result "wrong # args: should be \"ttk::style element create name type ?-option value ...?\"" test ttk-15.3 "style element create: insufficient args" -body { ttk::style element create plain.background from } -returnCodes 1 -result "wrong # args: should be \"theme ?element?\"" test ttk-15.4 "style element create: valid" -body { ttk::style element create plain.background from default } -returnCodes 0 -result "" eval destroy [winfo children .] tcltest::cleanupTests #*EOF*