## Entry widget validation tests
## Derived from core test suite entry-19.1 through entry-19.20

package require Tk 8.5
package require tcltest 2.1
namespace import -force tcltest::*


testConstraint ttkEntry 1
testConstraint coreEntry [expr {![testConstraint ttkEntry]}]

eval tcltest::configure $argv

test validate-0.0 "Setup" -constraints ttkEntry -body {
    rename entry {}
    interp alias {} entry {} ttk::entry

test validate-0.1 "More setup" -body {
    destroy .e
    catch {unset ::e}
    catch {unset ::vVals}
    entry .e -validate all \
	    -validatecommand [list doval %W %d %i %P %s %S %v %V] \
	    -invalidcommand bell \
	    -textvariable ::e \
    pack .e
    proc doval {W d i P s S v V} {
	set ::vVals [list $W $d $i $P $s $S $v $V]
	return 1

# The validation tests build each one upon the previous, so cascading
# failures aren't good
test validate-1.1 {entry widget validation - insert} -body {
    .e insert 0 a
    set ::vVals
} -result {.e 1 0 a {} a all key}

test validate-1.2 {entry widget validation - insert} -body {
    .e insert 1 b
    set ::vVals
} -result {.e 1 1 ab a b all key}

test validate-1.3 {entry widget validation - insert} -body {
    .e insert end c
    set ::vVals
} -result {.e 1 2 abc ab c all key}

test validate-1.4 {entry widget validation - insert} -body {
    .e insert 1 123
    list $::vVals $::e
} -result {{.e 1 1 a123bc abc 123 all key} a123bc}

test validate-1.5 {entry widget validation - delete} -body {
    .e delete 2
    set ::vVals
} -result {.e 0 2 a13bc a123bc 2 all key}

test validate-1.6 {entry widget validation - delete} -body {
    .e configure -validate key
    .e delete 1 3
    set ::vVals
} -result {.e 0 1 abc a13bc 13 key key}

test validate-1.7 {entry widget validation - vmode focus} -body {
    set ::vVals {}
    .e configure -validate focus
    .e insert end d
    set ::vVals
} -result {}

test validate-1.8 {entry widget validation - vmode focus} -body {
    focus -force .e
    # update necessary to process FocusIn event
    set ::vVals
} -result {.e -1 -1 abcd abcd {} focus focusin}

test validate-1.9 {entry widget validation - vmode focus} -body {
    focus -force .
    # update necessary to process FocusOut event
    set ::vVals
} -result {.e -1 -1 abcd abcd {} focus focusout}

.e configure -validate all
test validate-1.10 {entry widget validation - vmode all} -body {
    focus -force .e
    # update necessary to process FocusIn event
    set ::vVals
} -result {.e -1 -1 abcd abcd {} all focusin}

test validate-1.11 {entry widget validation} -body {
    focus -force .
    # update necessary to process FocusOut event
    set ::vVals
} -result {.e -1 -1 abcd abcd {} all focusout}
.e configure -validate focusin

test validate-1.12 {entry widget validation} -body {
    focus -force .e
    # update necessary to process FocusIn event
    set ::vVals
} -result {.e -1 -1 abcd abcd {} focusin focusin}

test validate-1.13 {entry widget validation} -body {
    set ::vVals {}
    focus -force .
    # update necessary to process FocusOut event
    set ::vVals
} -result {}
.e configure -validate focuso

test validate-1.14 {entry widget validation} -body {
    focus -force .e
    # update necessary to process FocusIn event
    set ::vVals
} -result {}

test validate-1.15 {entry widget validation} -body {
    focus -force .
    # update necessary to process FocusOut event
    set ::vVals
} -result {.e -1 -1 abcd abcd {} focusout focusout}

# DIFFERENCE: core entry temporarily sets "-validate all", ttk::entry doesn't.
test validate-1.16 {entry widget validation} -body {
    .e configure -validate all
    list [.e validate] $::vVals
} -result {1 {.e -1 -1 abcd abcd {} all forced}}

# DIFFERENCE: ttk::entry does not perform validation when setting the -variable
test validate-1.17 {entry widget validation} -constraints coreEntry -body {
    .e configure -validate all
    set ::e newdata
    list [.e cget -validate] $::vVals
} -result {all {.e -1 -1 newdata abcd {} all forced}}

proc doval {W d i P s S v V} {
    set ::vVals [list $W $d $i $P $s $S $v $V]
    return 0

test validate-1.18 {entry widget validation} -constraints coreEntry -body {
    .e configure -validate all
    set ::e nextdata
    list [.e cget -validate] $::vVals
} -result {none {.e -1 -1 nextdata newdata {} all forced}}
# DIFFERENCE: ttk::entry doesn't validate when setting linked -variable
# DIFFERENCE: ttk::entry doesn't disable validation

proc doval {W d i P s S v V} {
    set ::vVals [list $W $d $i $P $s $S $v $V]
    set ::e mydata
    return 1

## This sets validate to none because it shows that we prevent a possible
## loop condition in the validation, when the entry textvar is also set
test validate-1.19 {entry widget validation} -constraints coreEntry -body {
    .e configure -validate all
    .e validate
    list [.e cget -validate] [.e get] $::vVals
} -result {none mydata {.e -1 -1 nextdata nextdata {} all forced}}

## This leaves validate alone because we trigger validation through the
## textvar (a write trace), and the write during validation triggers
## nothing (by definition of avoiding loops on var traces).  This is
## one of those "dangerous" conditions where the user will have a
## different value in the entry widget shown as is in the textvar.

# DIFFERENCE: ttk entry doesn't get out of sync w/textvar
test validate-1.20 {entry widget validation} -constraints coreEntry -body {
    .e configure -validate all
    set ::e testdata
    list [.e cget -validate] [.e get] $::e $::vVals
} -result {all testdata mydata {.e -1 -1 testdata mydata {} all forced}}

# New tests, -JE:
proc doval {W d i P s S v V} {
    set ::vVals [list $W $d $i $P $s $S $v $V]
    .e delete 0 end;
    .e insert end dovaldata
    return 0
test validate-2.1 "Validation script changes value" -body {
    .e configure -validate none
    set ::e testdata
    .e configure -validate all
    .e validate
    list [.e get] $::e $::vVals
} -result {dovaldata dovaldata {.e -1 -1 testdata testdata {} all forced}}
# DIFFERENCE: core entry disables validation, ttk entry does not.

destroy .e
catch {unset ::e ::vVals}

# See bug #1236979

test validate-2.2 "configure in -validatecommand" -body {
    proc validate-2.2 {win str} {
	$win configure -foreground black
	return 1
    ttk::entry .e -textvariable var -validatecommand {validate-2.2 %W %P}
    .e validate
} -result 1 -cleanup { destroy .e }

### invalid state behavior

test validate-3.0 "Setup" -body {
    set ::E "123"
    ttk::entry .e \
    	-validatecommand {string is integer -strict %P} \
	-validate all \
	-textvariable ::E \
    return [list [.e get] [.e state]]
} -result [list 123 {}]

test validate-3.1 "insert - valid" -body {
    .e insert end "4"
    return [list [.e get] [.e state]]
} -result [list 1234 {}]

test validate-3.2 "insert - invalid" -body {
    .e insert end "X"
    return [list [.e get] [.e state]]
} -result [list 1234 {}]

test validate-3.3 "force invalid value" -body {
    append ::E "XY"
    return [list [.e get] [.e state]]
} -result [list 1234XY {}]

test validate-3.4 "revalidate" -body {
    return [list [.e validate] [.e get] [.e state]]
} -result [list 0 1234XY {invalid}]

testConstraint NA 0
# the next two tests (used to) exercise validation lockout protection --
# if the widget is currently invalid, all edits are allowed.
# This behavior is currently disabled.
test validate-3.5 "all edits allowed while invalid" -constraints NA -body {
    .e delete 4
    return [list [.e get] [.e state]]
} -result [list 1234Y {invalid}]

test validate-3.6 "...until the value becomes valid" -constraints NA -body {
    .e delete 4
    return [list [.e get] [.e state]]
} -result [list 1234 {}]

test validate-3.last "Cleanup" -body { destroy .e }
