# This file is a Tcl script to test the Unix specific behavior of
# labels, buttons, checkbuttons, and radiobuttons in Tk (i.e., all the
# widgets defined in tkUnixButton.c).  It is organized in the standard
# fashion for Tcl tests.
# Copyright (c) 1994 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# All rights reserved.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: unixButton.test,v 1.6 2003/02/25 01:39:56 hobbs Exp $

package require tcltest 2.1
namespace import -force tcltest::configure
namespace import -force tcltest::testsDirectory
configure -testdir [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]]]
configure -loadfile [file join [testsDirectory] constraints.tcl]

# Create entries in the option database to be sure that geometry options
# like border width have predictable values.
option add *Label.borderWidth 2
option add *Label.highlightThickness 0
option add *Label.font {Helvetica -12 bold}
option add *Button.borderWidth 2
option add *Button.highlightThickness 2
option add *Button.font {Helvetica -12 bold}
option add *Checkbutton.borderWidth 2
option add *Checkbutton.highlightThickness 2
option add *Checkbutton.font {Helvetica -12 bold}
option add *Radiobutton.borderWidth 2
option add *Radiobutton.highlightThickness 2
option add *Radiobutton.font {Helvetica -12 bold}

proc bogusTrace args {
    error "trace aborted"
catch {unset value}
catch {unset value2}

eval image delete [image names]
label .l -text Label
button .b -text Button
checkbutton .c -text Checkbutton
radiobutton .r -text Radiobutton
pack .l .b .c .r

test unixbutton-1.1 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} {unix testImageType} {
    image create test image1
    image1 changed 0 0 0 0 60 40
    label .b1 -image image1 -bd 4 -padx 0 -pady 2
    button .b2 -image image1 -bd 4 -padx 0 -pady 2
    checkbutton .b3 -image image1 -bd 4 -padx 1 -pady 1
    radiobutton .b4 -image image1 -bd 4 -padx 2 -pady 0
    pack .b1 .b2 .b3 .b4
    list [winfo reqwidth .b1] [winfo reqheight .b1] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b2] [winfo reqheight .b2] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b3] [winfo reqheight .b3] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b4] [winfo reqheight .b4]
} {68 48 74 54 112 52 112 52}
test unixbutton-1.2 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} unix {
    label .b1 -bitmap question -bd 3 -padx 0 -pady 2
    button .b2 -bitmap question -bd 3 -padx 0 -pady 2
    checkbutton .b3 -bitmap question -bd 3 -padx 1 -pady 1
    radiobutton .b4 -bitmap question -bd 3 -padx 2 -pady 0
    pack .b1 .b2 .b3 .b4
    list [winfo reqwidth .b1] [winfo reqheight .b1] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b2] [winfo reqheight .b2] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b3] [winfo reqheight .b3] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b4] [winfo reqheight .b4]
} {23 33 29 39 54 37 54 37}
test unixbutton-1.3 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} unix {
    label .b1 -bitmap question -bd 3 -highlightthickness 4
    button .b2 -bitmap question -bd 3 -highlightthickness 0
    checkbutton .b3 -bitmap question -bd 3 -highlightthickness 1 \
	    -indicatoron 0
    radiobutton .b4 -bitmap question -bd 3 -highlightthickness 1 \
	-indicatoron false
    pack .b1 .b2 .b3 .b4
    list [winfo reqwidth .b1] [winfo reqheight .b1] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b2] [winfo reqheight .b2] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b3] [winfo reqheight .b3] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b4] [winfo reqheight .b4]
} {31 41 25 35 25 35 25 35}
test unixbutton-1.4 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} {unix nonPortable fonts} {
    label .b1 -text Xagqpim -padx 0 -pady 2 -font {Helvetica -18 bold}
    button .b2 -text Xagqpim -padx 0 -pady 2 -font {Helvetica -18 bold}
    checkbutton .b3 -text Xagqpim -padx 1 -pady 1 -font {Helvetica -18 bold}
    radiobutton .b4 -text Xagqpim -padx 2 -pady 0 -font {Helvetica -18 bold}
    pack .b1 .b2 .b3 .b4
    list [winfo reqwidth .b1] [winfo reqheight .b1] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b2] [winfo reqheight .b2] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b3] [winfo reqheight .b3] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b4] [winfo reqheight .b4]
} {82 29 88 35 114 31 121 29}
test unixbutton-1.5 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} {unix nonPortable fonts} {
    label .l1 -text "This is a long string that will wrap around on several lines.\n\nIt also has a blank line (above)." -wraplength 1.5i -padx 0 -pady 0
    pack .l1
    list [winfo reqwidth .l1] [winfo reqheight .l1]
} {136 88}
test unixbutton-1.6 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} {unix nonPortable fonts} {
    label .l1 -text "This is a long string without wrapping.\n\nIt also has a blank line (above)." -padx 0 -pady 0
    pack .l1
    list [winfo reqwidth .l1] [winfo reqheight .l1]
} {231 46}
test unixbutton-1.7 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} {unix nonPortable fonts} {
    label .b1 -text Xagqpim -bd 2 -padx 0 -pady 2 -width 10
    button .b2 -text Xagqpim -bd 2 -padx 0 -pady 2 -height 5
    checkbutton .b3 -text Xagqpim -bd 2 -padx 1 -pady 1 -width 20 -height 2
    radiobutton .b4 -text Xagqpim -bd 2 -padx 2 -pady 0 -width 4
    pack .b1 .b2 .b3 .b4
    list [winfo reqwidth .b1] [winfo reqheight .b1] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b2] [winfo reqheight .b2] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b3] [winfo reqheight .b3] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b4] [winfo reqheight .b4]
} {74 22 60 84 168 38 61 22}
test unixbutton-1.8 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} {unix nonPortable fonts} {
    label .b1 -text Xagqpim -bd 2 -padx 0 -pady 2 \
	-highlightthickness 4
    button .b2 -text Xagqpim -bd 2 -padx 0 -pady 2 \
	-highlightthickness 0
    checkbutton .b3 -text Xagqpim -bd 2 -padx 1 -pady 1  \
	-highlightthickness 1 -indicatoron no
    radiobutton .b4 -text Xagqpim -bd 2 -padx 2 -pady 0 -indicatoron 0
    pack .b1 .b2 .b3 .b4
    list [winfo reqwidth .b1] [winfo reqheight .b1] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b2] [winfo reqheight .b2] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b3] [winfo reqheight .b3] \
	    [winfo reqwidth .b4] [winfo reqheight .b4]
} {62 30 56 24 58 22 62 22}
test unixbutton-1.9 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} unix {
    button .b2 -bitmap question -default active
    list [winfo reqwidth .b2] [winfo reqheight .b2]
} {37 47}
test unixbutton-1.10 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} unix {
    button .b2 -bitmap question -default normal
    list [winfo reqwidth .b2] [winfo reqheight .b2]
} {37 47}
test unixbutton-1.11 {TkpComputeButtonGeometry procedure} unix {
    button .b2 -bitmap question -default disabled
    list [winfo reqwidth .b2] [winfo reqheight .b2]
} {27 37}

test unixbutton-2.1 {disabled coloring check, bug 669595} unix {
    # this was just a visual bug, but at least this shows the visual
    set on 1
    set off 0
    label .l -text "The following widgets should\
	    \nshow significant visible diffs\
	    \nfor selected vs unselected."
    checkbutton .cb0 -anchor w -state disabled \
	    -text Unselected -variable off
    checkbutton .cb1 -anchor w -state disabled \
	    -text Selected -variable on
    checkbutton .cb2 -anchor w -state disabled \
	    -text Unselected -variable off -disabledforeground ""
    checkbutton .cb3 -anchor w -state disabled \
	    -text Selected -variable on -disabledforeground ""
    radiobutton .rb0 -anchor w -state disabled \
	    -text Unselected -variable off
    radiobutton .rb1 -anchor w -state disabled \
	    -text Selected -variable on -value 1
    radiobutton .rb2 -anchor w -state disabled \
	    -text Unselected -variable off -disabledforeground ""
    radiobutton .rb3 -anchor w -state disabled \
	    -text Selected -variable on -value 1 -disabledforeground ""
    pack .l .cb0 .cb1 .cb2 .cb3 .rb0 .rb1 .rb2 .rb3 -side top -fill x
    after 400
    set on
} 1


# cleanup