# This file is a Tcl script to test out the procedures in tkWinFont.c. 
# It is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
# Many of these tests are visually oriented and cannot be checked
# programmatically (such as "does an underlined font appear to be
# underlined?"); these tests attempt to exercise the code in question,
# but there are no results that can be checked.  
# Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# All rights reserved.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: winFont.test,v 1.6 2001/09/21 20:38:18 hobbs Exp $

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    source [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]] defs.tcl]

catch {destroy .b}
catch {font delete xyz}

toplevel .b
wm geometry .b +0+0
update idletasks

set courier {Courier 14}
set cx [font measure $courier 0]

label .b.l -padx 0 -pady 0 -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 -justify left -text "0" -font systemfixed
pack .b.l
canvas .b.c -closeenough 0

set t [.b.c create text 0 0 -anchor nw -just left -font $courier]
pack .b.c

set ax [winfo reqwidth .b.l]
set ay [winfo reqheight .b.l]
proc getsize {} {
    return "[winfo reqwidth .b.l] [winfo reqheight .b.l]"

test winfont-1.1 {TkpGetNativeFont procedure: not native} {pcOnly} {
    list [catch {font measure {} xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {font "" doesn't exist}}
test winfont-1.2 {TkpGetNativeFont procedure: native} {pcOnly} {
    font measure ansifixed 0
    font measure ansi 0
    font measure device 0
    font measure oemfixed 0
    font measure systemfixed 0
    font measure system 0
    set x {}
} {}

test winfont-2.1 {TkpGetFontFromAttributes procedure: pointsize} {pcOnly} {
    expr [font actual {-size -10} -size]>0
} {1}
test winfont-2.2 {TkpGetFontFromAttributes procedure: pointsize} {pcOnly} {
    expr [font actual {-family Arial} -size]>0
} {1}
test winfont-2.3 {TkpGetFontFromAttributes procedure: normal weight} {pcOnly} {
    font actual {-weight normal} -weight
} {normal}
test winfont-2.4 {TkpGetFontFromAttributes procedure: bold weight} {pcOnly} {
    font actual {-weight bold} -weight
} {bold}
test winfont-2.5 {TkpGetFontFromAttributes procedure: no family} {pcOnly} {
    catch {expr {[font actual {-size 10} -size]}}
} 0
test winfont-2.6 {TkpGetFontFromAttributes procedure: family} {pcOnly} {
    font actual {-family Arial} -family
} {Arial}
test winfont-2.7 {TkpGetFontFromAttributes procedure: Times fonts} {pcOnly} {
    set x {}
    lappend x [font actual {-family "Times"} -family]
    lappend x [font actual {-family "New York"} -family]
    lappend x [font actual {-family "Times New Roman"} -family]
} {{Times New Roman} {Times New Roman} {Times New Roman}}
test winfont-2.8 {TkpGetFontFromAttributes procedure: Courier fonts} {pcOnly} {
    set x {}
    lappend x [font actual {-family "Courier"} -family]
    lappend x [font actual {-family "Monaco"} -family]
    lappend x [font actual {-family "Courier New"} -family]
} {{Courier New} {Courier New} {Courier New}}
test winfont-2.9 {TkpGetFontFromAttributes procedure: Helvetica fonts} {pcOnly} {
    set x {}
    lappend x [font actual {-family "Helvetica"} -family]
    lappend x [font actual {-family "Geneva"} -family]
    lappend x [font actual {-family "Arial"} -family]
} {Arial Arial Arial}
test winfont-2.10 {TkpGetFontFromAttributes procedure: fallback} {pcOnly} {
    # No way to get it to fail! Any font name is acceptable.
} {}

test winfont-3.1 {TkpDeleteFont procedure} {pcOnly} {
    font actual {-family xyz}
    set x {}
} {}

test winfont-4.1 {TkpGetFontFamilies procedure} {pcOnly} {
    font families
    set x {}
} {}

test winfont-5.1 {Tk_MeasureChars procedure: unbounded right margin} {pcOnly} {
    .b.l config -wrap 0 -text "000000"
} "[expr $ax*6] $ay"
test winfont-5.2 {Tk_MeasureChars procedure: static width buffer exceeded} {pcOnly} {
    .b.l config -wrap 100000 -text "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
} "[expr $ax*256] $ay"
test winfont-5.3 {Tk_MeasureChars procedure: all chars did fit} {pcOnly} {
    .b.l config -wrap [expr $ax*10] -text "00000000"
} "[expr $ax*8] $ay"
test winfont-5.4 {Tk_MeasureChars procedure: not all chars fit} {pcOnly} {
    .b.l config -wrap [expr $ax*6] -text "00000000"
} "[expr $ax*6] [expr $ay*2]"
test winfont-5.5 {Tk_MeasureChars procedure: include last partial char} {pcOnly} {
    .b.c dchars $t 0 end
    .b.c insert $t 0 "0000"
    .b.c index $t @[expr int($cx*2.5)],1
} {2}
test winfont-5.6 {Tk_MeasureChars procedure: at least one char on line} {pcOnly} { 
    .b.l config -text "000000" -wrap 1
} "$ax [expr $ay*6]"
test winfont-5.7 {Tk_MeasureChars procedure: whole words} {pcOnly} {
    .b.l config -wrap [expr $ax*8] -text "000000 0000"
} "[expr $ax*6] [expr $ay*2]"
test winfont-5.8 {Tk_MeasureChars procedure: already saw space in line} {pcOnly} {
    .b.l config -wrap [expr $ax*12] -text "000000    0000000"
} "[expr $ax*7] [expr $ay*2]"
test winfont-5.9 {Tk_MeasureChars procedure: internal spaces significant} {pcOnly} {
    .b.l config -wrap [expr $ax*12] -text "000  00   00000"
} "[expr $ax*7] [expr $ay*2]"
test winfont-5.10 {Tk_MeasureChars procedure: make first part of word fit} {pcOnly} {
    .b.l config -wrap [expr $ax*12] -text "0000000000000000"
} "[expr $ax*12] [expr $ay*2]"
test winfont-5.10 {Tk_MeasureChars procedure: check for kerning} \
	{pcOnly nonPortable} {
    set font [.b.l cget -font]
    .b.l config -font {{MS Sans Serif} 8} -text "W"
    set width [winfo reqwidth .b.l]
    .b.l config -text "XaYoYaKaWx"
    set x [lindex [getsize] 0]
    .b.l config -font $font
    expr $x < ($width*10)
} 1
test winfont-6.1 {Tk_DrawChars procedure: loop test} {pcOnly} {
    .b.l config -text "a"
} {}

test winfont-7.1 {AllocFont procedure: use old font} {pcOnly} {
    font create xyz
    catch {destroy .c}
    button .c -font xyz
    font configure xyz -family times
    destroy .c
    font delete xyz
} {}
test winfont-7.2 {AllocFont procedure: extract info from logfont} {pcOnly} {
    font actual {arial 10 bold italic underline overstrike}
} {-family Arial -size 10 -weight bold -slant italic -underline 1 -overstrike 1}
test winfont-7.3 {AllocFont procedure: extract info from textmetric} {pcOnly} {
    font metric {arial 10 bold italic underline overstrike} -fixed
} {0}
test winfont-7.4 {AllocFont procedure: extract info from textmetric} {pcOnly} {
    font metric systemfixed -fixed
} {1}

# cleanup
destroy .b