# This file is a Tcl script to test the Windows specific message box # # Copyright (c) 2007 Pat Thoyts <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net> # # RCS: @(#) $Id: winMsgbox.test,v 1.2 2007/12/13 15:27:55 dgp Exp $ package require tcltest 2.1 eval tcltest::configure $argv tcltest::loadTestedCommands testConstraint getwindowinfo [expr {[llength [info command ::testgetwindowinfo]] > 0}] if {[testConstraint testwinevent]} { catch {testwinevent debug 1} } proc Click {hwnd button} { testwinevent $hwnd $button WM_COMMAND } proc GetWindowInfo {title button} { global windowInfo set windowInfo {} set hwnd [testfindwindow $title "#32770"] set windowInfo [testgetwindowinfo $hwnd] array set a $windowInfo set childinfo {} ; set childtext "" foreach child $a(children) { lappend childinfo $child [set info [testgetwindowinfo $child]] array set ca $info if {$ca(class) eq "Static"} { append childtext $ca(text) } } set a(children) $childinfo set a(childtext) $childtext set windowInfo [array get a] testwinevent $hwnd $button WM_COMMAND } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test winMsgbox-1.0 {tk_messageBox ok} -constraints {win getwindowinfo} -setup { wm iconify . } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-1.0 [pid]" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 2] tk_messageBox -icon info -type ok -title $title -message Message } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result {ok} test winMsgbox-1.1 {tk_messageBox okcancel} -constraints {win getwindowinfo} -setup { wm iconify . } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-1.1 [pid]" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 1] tk_messageBox -icon info -type okcancel -title $title -message Message } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result {ok} test winMsgbox-1.2 {tk_messageBox okcancel} -constraints {win getwindowinfo} -setup { wm iconify . } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-1.2 [pid]" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 2] tk_messageBox -icon info -type okcancel -title $title -message Message } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result {cancel} test winMsgbox-1.3 {tk_messageBox yesno} -constraints {win getwindowinfo} -setup { wm iconify . } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-1.3 [pid]" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 6] tk_messageBox -icon info -type yesno -title $title -message Message } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result {yes} test winMsgbox-1.4 {tk_messageBox yesno} -constraints {win getwindowinfo} -setup { wm iconify . } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-1.4 [pid]" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 7] tk_messageBox -icon info -type yesno -title $title -message Message } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result {no} test winMsgbox-1.5 {tk_messageBox abortretryignore} -constraints {win getwindowinfo} -setup { wm iconify . } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-1.5 [pid]" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 3] tk_messageBox -icon info -type abortretryignore -title $title -message Message } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result {abort} test winMsgbox-1.6 {tk_messageBox abortretryignore} -constraints {win getwindowinfo} -setup { wm iconify . } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-1.6 [pid]" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 4] tk_messageBox -icon info -type abortretryignore -title $title -message Message } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result {retry} test winMsgbox-1.7 {tk_messageBox abortretryignore} -constraints {win getwindowinfo} -setup { wm iconify . } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-1.7 [pid]" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 5] tk_messageBox -icon info -type abortretryignore -title $title -message Message } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result {ignore} test winMsgbox-1.8 {tk_messageBox retrycancel} -constraints {win getwindowinfo} -setup { wm iconify . } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-1.8 [pid]" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 4] tk_messageBox -icon info -type retrycancel -title $title -message Message } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result {retry} test winMsgbox-1.9 {tk_messageBox retrycancel} -constraints {win getwindowinfo} -setup { wm iconify . } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-1.9 [pid]" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 2] tk_messageBox -icon info -type retrycancel -title $title -message Message } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result {cancel} test winMsgbox-1.10 {tk_messageBox yesnocancel} -constraints {win getwindowinfo} -setup { wm iconify . } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-1.10 [pid]" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 6] tk_messageBox -icon info -type yesnocancel -title $title -message Message } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result {yes} test winMsgbox-1.11 {tk_messageBox yesnocancel} -constraints {win getwindowinfo} -setup { wm iconify . } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-1.11 [pid]" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 7] tk_messageBox -icon info -type yesnocancel -title $title -message Message } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result {no} test winMsgbox-1.12 {tk_messageBox yesnocancel} -constraints {win getwindowinfo} -setup { wm iconify . } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-1.12 [pid]" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 2] tk_messageBox -icon info -type yesnocancel -title $title -message Message } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result {cancel} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test winMsgbox-2.0 {tk_messageBox message} -constraints {win getwindowinfo} -setup { wm iconify . unset -nocomplain info } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-2.0 [pid]" set message "message" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 2] set r [tk_messageBox -type ok -title $title -message $message] array set info $windowInfo lappend r $info(childtext) } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result [list ok "message"] test winMsgbox-2.1 {tk_messageBox message (long)} -constraints { win getwindowinfo } -setup { wm iconify . unset -nocomplain info } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-2.1 [pid]" set message [string repeat Ab 80] after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 2] set r [tk_messageBox -type ok -title $title -message $message] array set info $windowInfo lappend r $info(childtext) } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result [list ok [string repeat Ab 80]] test winMsgbox-2.2 {tk_messageBox message (unicode)} -constraints { win getwindowinfo } -setup { wm iconify . unset -nocomplain info } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-2.2 [pid]" set message "\u041f\u043e\u0438\u0441\u043a\u0020\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0446" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 2] set r [tk_messageBox -type ok -title $title -message $message] array set info $windowInfo lappend r $info(childtext) } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result [list ok "\u041f\u043e\u0438\u0441\u043a\u0020\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0446"] test winMsgbox-2.3 {tk_messageBox message (empty)} -constraints { win getwindowinfo } -setup { wm iconify . unset -nocomplain info } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-2.3 [pid]" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 2] set r [tk_messageBox -type ok -title $title] array set info $windowInfo lappend r $info(childtext) } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result [list ok ""] test winMsgbox-3.0 {tk_messageBox detail (sourceforge bug #1692927)} -constraints { win getwindowinfo } -setup { wm iconify . unset -nocomplain info } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-3.0 [pid]" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 2] set r [tk_messageBox -type ok -title $title \ -message Hello -detail "Pleased to meet you"] array set info $windowInfo lappend r $info(childtext) } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result [list ok "Hello\n\nPleased to meet you"] test winMsgbox-3.1 {tk_messageBox detail (unicode)} -constraints { win getwindowinfo } -setup { wm iconify . unset -nocomplain info } -body { global windowInfo set title "winMsgbox-3.1 [pid]" set message "\u041f\u043e\u0438\u0441\u043a" set detail "\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0446" after 100 [list GetWindowInfo $title 2] set r [tk_messageBox -type ok -title $title -message $message -detail $detail] array set info $windowInfo lappend r $info(childtext) } -cleanup { wm deiconify . } -result [list ok "\u041f\u043e\u0438\u0441\u043a\n\n\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0446"] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if {[testConstraint testwinevent]} { catch {testwinevent debug 0} } cleanupTests return # Local variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: