# This file is a Tcl script to test out Tk's interactions with
# the window manager, including the "wm" command.  It is organized
# in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
# Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# All rights reserved.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: wm.test,v 1.1 2001/12/04 03:07:43 mdejong Exp $

# This file tests window manager interactions that work across
# platforms. Window manager tests that only work on a specific
# platform should be placed in unixWm.test or winWm.test.

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

proc deleteWindows {} {
    foreach i [winfo children .] {
    	catch [destroy $i]


test wm-stackorder-1.1 {usage} {
    list [catch {wm stackorder} err] $err
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"}}

test wm-stackorder-1.2 {usage} {
    list [catch {wm stackorder . _} err] $err
} {1 {wrong # arguments: must be "wm stackorder window ?isabove|isbelow? ?window?"}}

test wm-stackorder-1.3 {usage} {
    list [catch {wm stackorder . _ _ _} err] $err
} {1 {wrong # arguments: must be "wm stackorder window ?isabove|isbelow? ?window?"}}

test wm-stackorder-1.4 {usage} {
    list [catch {wm stackorder . is .} err] $err
} {1 {bad argument "is": must be isabove or isbelow}}

test wm-stackorder-1.5 {usage} {
    list [catch {wm stackorder _} err] $err
} {1 {bad window path name "_"}}

test wm-stackorder-1.6 {usage} {
    list [catch {wm stackorder . isabove _} err] $err
} {1 {bad window path name "_"}}

test wm-stackorder-1.7 {usage} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    toplevel .t
    button .t.b
    list [catch {wm stackorder .t.b} err] $err
} {1 {window ".t.b" isn't a top-level window}}

test wm-stackorder-1.8 {usage} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    toplevel .t
    button .t.b
    pack .t.b
    list [catch {wm stackorder . isabove .t.b} err] $err
} {1 {window ".t.b" isn't a top-level window}}

test wm-stackorder-1.9 {usage} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    toplevel .t
    button .t.b
    pack .t.b
    list [catch {wm stackorder . isbelow .t.b} err] $err
} {1 {window ".t.b" isn't a top-level window}}

test wm-stackorder-1.10 {usage, isabove|isbelow toplevels must be mapped} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    toplevel .t ; update
    wm withdraw .t
    list [catch {wm stackorder .t isabove .} err] $err
} {1 {window ".t" isn't mapped}}

test wm-stackorder-1.11 {usage, isabove|isbelow toplevels must be mapped} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    toplevel .t ; update
    wm withdraw .t
    list [catch {wm stackorder . isbelow .t} err] $err
} {1 {window ".t" isn't mapped}}


test wm-stackorder-2.1 {} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    toplevel .t ; update
    wm stackorder .
} {. .t}

test wm-stackorder-2.2 {} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    toplevel .t ; update
    raise .
    wm stackorder .
} {.t .}

test wm-stackorder-2.3 {} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    toplevel .t ; update
    catch {destroy .t2}
    toplevel .t2 ; update
    raise .
    raise .t2
    wm stackorder .
} {.t . .t2}

test wm-stackorder-2.4 {} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    toplevel .t ; update
    catch {destroy .t2}
    toplevel .t2 ; update
    raise .
    lower .t2
    wm stackorder .
} {.t2 .t .}

test wm-stackorder-2.5 {} {
    catch {destroy .parent}
    toplevel .parent ; update
    catch {destroy .parent.child1}
    toplevel .parent.child1 ; update
    catch {destroy .parent.child2}
    toplevel .parent.child2 ; update
    catch {destroy .extra}
    toplevel .extra ; update
    raise .parent
    lower .parent.child2
    wm stackorder .parent
} {.parent.child2 .parent.child1 .parent}


test wm-stackorder-2.6 {non-toplevel widgets ignored} {
    catch {destroy .t1}
    toplevel .t1
    button .t1.b
    pack .t1.b
    wm stackorder .
} {. .t1}


test wm-stackorder-2.7 {no children returns self} {
    wm stackorder .
} {.}


test wm-stackorder-3.1 {unmapped toplevel} {
    catch {destroy .t1}
    toplevel .t1 ; update
    catch {destroy .t2}
    toplevel .t2 ; update
    wm iconify .t1
    wm stackorder .
} {. .t2}

test wm-stackorder-3.2 {unmapped toplevel} {
    catch {destroy .t1}
    toplevel .t1 ; update
    catch {destroy .t2}
    toplevel .t2 ; update
    wm withdraw .t2
    wm stackorder .
} {. .t1}

test wm-stackorder-3.3 {unmapped toplevel} {
    catch {destroy .t1}
    toplevel .t1 ; update
    catch {destroy .t2}
    toplevel .t2 ; update
    wm withdraw .t2
    wm stackorder .t2
} {}

test wm-stackorder-3.4 {unmapped toplevel} {
    catch {destroy .t1}
    toplevel .t1 ; update
    toplevel .t1.t2 ; update
    wm withdraw .t1.t2
    wm stackorder .t1
} {.t1}

test wm-stackorder-3.5 {unmapped toplevel} {
    catch {destroy .t1}
    toplevel .t1 ; update
    toplevel .t1.t2 ; update
    wm withdraw .t1
    wm stackorder .t1
} {.t1.t2}

test wm-stackorder-3.6 {unmapped toplevel} {
    catch {destroy .t1}
    toplevel .t1 ; update
    toplevel .t1.t2 ; update
    toplevel .t1.t2.t3 ; update
    wm withdraw .t1.t2
    wm stackorder .t1
} {.t1 .t1.t2.t3}

test wm-stackorder-3.7 {unmapped toplevel, mapped children returned} {
    catch {destroy .t1}
    toplevel .t1 ; update
    toplevel .t1.t2 ; update
    wm withdraw .t1
    wm stackorder .t1
} {.t1.t2}

test wm-stackorder-3.8 {toplevel mapped in idle callback } {
    catch {destroy .t1}
    toplevel .t1
    wm stackorder .
} {.}


test wm-stackorder-4.1 {wm stackorder isabove|isbelow} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    toplevel .t ; update
    raise .t
    wm stackorder . isabove .t
} {0}

test wm-stackorder-4.2 {wm stackorder isabove|isbelow} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    toplevel .t ; update
    raise .t
    wm stackorder . isbelow .t
} {1}

test wm-stackorder-4.3 {wm stackorder isabove|isbelow} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    toplevel .t ; update
    raise .
    wm stackorder .t isa .
} {0}

test wm-stackorder-4.4 {wm stackorder isabove|isbelow} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    toplevel .t ; update
    raise .
    wm stackorder .t isb .
} {1}


test wm-stackorder-5.1 {overrideredirect does not change stackorder} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    toplevel .t
    wm overrideredirect .t 1
    raise .
    wm stackorder . isabove .t
} {1}

test wm-stackorder-5.2 {a menu is not a toplevel} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    toplevel .t
    menu .t.m -type menubar
    .t.m add cascade -label "File"
    .t configure -menu .t.m
    raise .
    wm stackorder .
} {.t .}



# Need test cases for embedded Windows, they should not appear in
# the stacking order since they are not actually toplevel Windows.

# Test delivery of virtual events to the WM. We could check to see
# if the window was raised after a button click for example.
# This sort of testing may not be possible.
