# This file is a Tcl script to test out Tk's interactions with the window # manager, including the "wm" command. It is organized in the standard fashion # for Tcl tests. # # Copyright © 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California. # Copyright © 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # Copyright © 1998-1999 Scriptics Corporation. # All rights reserved. # This file tests window manager interactions that work across platforms. # Window manager tests that only work on a specific platform should be placed # in unixWm.test or winWm.test. package require tcltest 2.2 eval tcltest::configure $argv tcltest::loadTestedCommands image create photo icon -data { iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACAAAAAgCAYAAABzenr0AAAABGdBTUEAALGPC/xhBQAAA CBjSFJNAAB6JgAAgIQAAPoAAACA6AAAdTAAAOpgAAA6mAAAF3CculE8AAAABmJLR0QA/w D/AP+gvaeTAAAACXBIWXMAArQNAAK0DQEdFIm+AAAJQElEQVRYw+WXW2xdV5nHf/ty7lc f2/FxYsdOnMSNC0HTpDiRKJWAQjWCEQNUSEAFfUOiQqrEC2+IxwpemDLSzNBBCCQeQEKq RJgBSikiuGlN22TqhsR27OPL8eWc43Pdt7X22osHHydOm4FBPM6Slr69paX9/32Xtb614 f/7MP6vC3O5f8L3G7HJyZPHBwfz5wrF7HQ6nRwxLTOhQuU4PW+z3eq9Xa+33rq9cms7k8 pHjvfS3w8wOfk52u1u8oHpiUff897JJ8+dO/nI6LHho6OjQ3ahkMYwTTZ2O2zXutS3G/7 ayubq7Vtr/7Ve2f7RytLam4ViXq1t/vRvB0ilPsjzz3+LZ5/9j7MzM5Nf/8hj5//5H97/ YNbK5hkfTFLMxAEQQvD766v0yBGIEBEEuPUGi9dv7lx77cb3Vm9vfqc0WNi9evUKWr/xL h3rfuLj45+l0bjM7m768U98/OJ/fulLH/3wiemxeCafxRcKw7TJxKC+12RpbYdAx7HsOC rSRNpg+sQQj1w8nS0N5h8JAvm+rWr99ZmZB2qWdZq9vWt/GWBm5im+9rUn6HRGPv7EE4/ ++2P/eOFkV0FkJTDQgCaXTbO1tcV2R2EmCxBJQixs2+R9EwV00MFAceJE2ZiZOT7VaTsP LyxU5orFTK1cfphq9bX7A8zOfoV8Ps3c3NsXPvWpD37vc5//0ETNt8gNjDAzlsdAE0vli TCRxEhnC2CaRIZNMmZiaonv9mh1PcrDJQZzCfK5OGNjQ8e2tvZO37y5+ctk0naq1fn7A4 yOnmd5uVp4/PGHn/vylz8xe+zoEIP5JAMpA0OHeK6DG4TEk2li8ThaQxRpIg0q6DGUNjg 6UuLYSInhYoYoigiCgHQ6TrGYnlpd3Q1ffvk3L128+ITe2Hj1XoBLl55menqcbDb1haee evyrDz102tJaE7ctLBMqG1X23Ag7kcKOJzAADSilCVWEZdmMDaXJJCxSiRimaaK1RkqJ7 /uUSlk6Hed0oxG9HI9bm+Pjs2xsvIp5AKC15oUX/lA8f/7MF2dnz8YADMNASslypYqrUx SHyqSy+f31hzaRZRpMDKVYr+7y4usVri1WWavWCWSIZZkYhoFSIRcuTI1MTAw9OTf33Tu 7zz54SCRinD17/Pzs7AMPFQqZPlTE8vo2DlmGhgbo12BffD/8SmukitiuNxHKoDwyzPJG 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3wLwzvVmX9jsvx8AHEAcnn91/BlySEFKTpuCtgAAABN0RVh0QXV0aG9yAHdhcnN6YXdpY W5rYQy+S5cAAABYdEVYdENvcHlyaWdodABDQzAgUHVibGljIERvbWFpbiBEZWRpY2F0aW 9uIGh0dHA6Ly9jcmVhdGl2ZWNvbW1vbnMub3JnL3B1YmxpY2RvbWFpbi96ZXJvLzEuMC/ G4735AAAAIXRFWHRDcmVhdGlvbiBUaW1lADIwMTAtMDMtMjlUMDg6MDg6MzD47LxwAAAA JXRFWHRkYXRlOmNyZWF0ZQAyMDIxLTA4LTE1VDIwOjU0OjM5LTA0OjAwNBT3DQAAACV0R Vh0ZGF0ZTptb2RpZnkAMjAyMS0wOC0xNVQyMDo1NDoxMS0wNDowMDSDBqsAAADIelRYdE Rlc2NyaXB0aW9uAAAY042OwQqCQBCGn6B3GOy+Cl0qTAjEc1HRJVhWHXUrd2pmLXr7tDr VpcMP838w/F+wxxxyprsgB2ALclAxtRAbaBirRdB4f5mHoTeuJlUxYoly8nRRxHW4HahO 30SvmI5Y+CCBF4dPhzg0CYwOLs45GdKfG+sKhBuy2H4xUlM1i76+BhcBwwirLj/bAlJqj XXzP9UyxmuHzp8feiknLPW6Q/H9moy3yK1oqvROUE2yH99suX45PwEyf2MTOoCNrQAAAB l0RVh0U29mdHdhcmUAd3d3Lmlua3NjYXBlLm9yZ5vuPBoAAABWdEVYdFNvdXJjZQBodHR wczovL29wZW5jbGlwYXJ0Lm9yZy9kZXRhaWwvMzUyMzMvdGFuZ28taW5ldHJuZXQtd2Vi LWJyb3dzZXItYnktd2Fyc3phd2lhbmth5nAuRgAAACB0RVh0VGl0bGUAdGFuZ28gaW5ld HJuZXQgd2ViIGJyb3dzZXLyr62TAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC } wm deiconify . if {![winfo ismapped .]} { tkwait visibility . } proc stdWindow {} { destroy .t toplevel .t -width 100 -height 50 wm geom .t +0+0 update } testConstraint failsOnUbuntu [expr {![info exists ::env(CI)] || ![string match Linux $::tcl_platform(os)]}] testConstraint failsOnXQuarz [expr {$tcl_platform(os) ne "Darwin" || [tk windowingsystem] ne "x11" }] # [raise] and [lower] may return before the window manager has completed the # operation. The raiseDelay procedure idles for a while to give the operation # a chance to complete. # proc raiseDelay {} { after 250; update idletasks update } # How to carry out a small delay while processing events proc eventDelay {{delay 200}} { after $delay "set done 1" ; vwait done } deleteWindows ############################################################################## stdWindow test wm-1.1 {Tk_WmObjCmd procedure, miscellaneous errors} -returnCodes error -body { wm } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} # Next test will fail every time set of subcommands is changed test wm-1.2 {Tk_WmObjCmd procedure, miscellaneous errors} -returnCodes error -body { wm foo } -result {bad option "foo": must be aspect, attributes, client, colormapwindows, command, deiconify, focusmodel, forget, frame, geometry, grid, group, iconbadge, iconbitmap, iconify, iconmask, iconname, iconphoto, iconposition, iconwindow, manage, maxsize, minsize, overrideredirect, positionfrom, protocol, resizable, sizefrom, stackorder, state, title, transient, or withdraw} test wm-1.3 {Tk_WmObjCmd procedure, miscellaneous errors} -returnCodes error -body { wm command } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-1.4 {Tk_WmObjCmd procedure, miscellaneous errors} -returnCodes error -body { wm aspect bogus } -result {bad window path name "bogus"} test wm-1.5 {Tk_WmObjCmd procedure, miscellaneous errors} -body { button .b -text hello wm geometry .b } -returnCodes error -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {window ".b" isn't a top-level window} ### wm aspect ### test wm-aspect-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm aspect } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-aspect-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm aspect . _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm aspect window ?minNumer minDenom maxNumer maxDenom?"} test wm-aspect-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm aspect . _ _ _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm aspect window ?minNumer minDenom maxNumer maxDenom?"} test wm-aspect-1.4 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm aspect . _ _ _ _ _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm aspect window ?minNumer minDenom maxNumer maxDenom?"} test wm-aspect-1.5 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm aspect . bad 14 15 16 } -result {expected integer but got "bad"} test wm-aspect-1.6 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm aspect . 13 foo 15 16 } -result {expected integer but got "foo"} test wm-aspect-1.7 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm aspect . 13 14 bar 16 } -result {expected integer but got "bar"} test wm-aspect-1.8 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm aspect . 13 14 15 baz } -result {expected integer but got "baz"} test wm-aspect-1.9 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm aspect . 0 14 15 16 } -result {aspect number can't be <= 0} test wm-aspect-1.10 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm aspect . 13 0 15 16 } -result {aspect number can't be <= 0} test wm-aspect-1.11 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm aspect . 13 14 0 16 } -result {aspect number can't be <= 0} test wm-aspect-1.12 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm aspect . 13 14 15 0 } -result {aspect number can't be <= 0} test wm-aspect-2.1 {setting and reading values} -setup { set result {} } -body { lappend result [wm aspect .t] wm aspect .t 3 4 10 2 lappend result [wm aspect .t] wm aspect .t {} {} {} {} lappend result [wm aspect .t] } -result [list {} {3 4 10 2} {}] ### wm attributes ### test wm-attributes-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm attributes } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-attributes-1.2.1 {usage} -constraints win -returnCodes error -body { wm attributes . _ } -result {bad attribute "_": must be -alpha, -disabled, -fullscreen, -toolwindow, -topmost, or -transparentcolor} test wm-attributes-1.2.2 {usage} -constraints win -returnCodes error -body { wm attributes . -alpha 1.0 -disabled } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm attributes window ?-alpha ?double?? ?-transparentcolor ?color?? ?-disabled ?bool?? ?-fullscreen ?bool?? ?-toolwindow ?bool?? ?-topmost ?bool??"} test wm-attributes-1.2.3 {usage} -constraints win -returnCodes error -body { wm attributes . -to } -result {bad attribute "-to": must be -alpha, -disabled, -fullscreen, -toolwindow, -topmost, or -transparentcolor} test wm-attributes-1.2.4 {usage} -constraints {unix notAqua} -returnCodes error -body { wm attributes . _ } -result {bad attribute "_": must be -alpha, -fullscreen, -topmost, -type, or -zoomed} if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} { set result_1_2_5 {bad attribute "_": must be -alpha, -appearance, -buttons, -fullscreen, -isdark, -modified, -notify, -titlepath, -topmost, -transparent, -stylemask, -class, -tabbingid, -tabbingmode, or -type} } else {set result_1_2_5 {bad attribute "_": must be -alpha, -fullscreen, -modified, -notify, -titlepath, -topmost, -transparent, or -type}} test wm-attributes-1.2.5 {usage} -constraints aqua -returnCodes error -body { wm attributes . _ } -result $result_1_2_5 ### wm client ### test wm-client-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm client } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-client-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm client . _ _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm client window ?name?"} test wm-client-2.1 {setting and reading values} -setup { set result {} } -body { lappend result [wm client .t] wm client .t Miffo lappend result [wm client .t] wm client .t {} lappend result [wm client .t] } -result [list {} Miffo {}] deleteWindows test wm-attributes-1.3.0 {default -fullscreen value} -constraints win -body { toplevel .t wm attributes .t -fullscreen } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 0 test wm-attributes-1.3.1 {change -fullscreen before map} -constraints win -body { toplevel .t wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 wm attributes .t -fullscreen } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 1 test wm-attributes-1.3.2 {change -fullscreen before map} -constraints win -body { toplevel .t wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 update wm attributes .t -fullscreen } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 1 test wm-attributes-1.3.3 {change -fullscreen after map} -constraints win -body { toplevel .t update wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 wm attributes .t -fullscreen } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 1 test wm-attributes-1.3.4 {change -fullscreen after map} -setup { set booleans [list] } -constraints win -body { toplevel .t update lappend booleans [wm attributes .t -fullscreen] wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 lappend booleans [wm attributes .t -fullscreen] # Query above should not clear fullscreen state lappend booleans [wm attributes .t -fullscreen] wm attributes .t -fullscreen 0 lappend booleans [wm attributes .t -fullscreen] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {0 1 1 0} test wm-attributes-1.3.5 {change -fullscreen after map} -setup { set results [list] set normal_geom "301x302+101+102" set fullscreen_geom "[winfo screenwidth .]x[winfo screenheight .]+0+0" } -constraints win -body { toplevel .t wm geom .t $normal_geom update lappend results [string equal [wm geom .t] $normal_geom] wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 lappend results [string equal [wm geom .t] $fullscreen_geom] wm attributes .t -fullscreen 0 lappend results [string equal [wm geom .t] $normal_geom] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {1 1 1} test wm-attributes-1.3.6 {state change does not change -fullscreen} -constraints win -body { toplevel .t update wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 wm withdraw .t wm deiconify .t wm attributes .t -fullscreen } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 1 test wm-attributes-1.3.7 {state change does not change -fullscreen} -constraints win -body { toplevel .t update wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 wm iconify .t wm deiconify .t wm attributes .t -fullscreen } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 1 test wm-attributes-1.3.8 {override-redirect not compatible with fullscreen attribute} -constraints win -body { toplevel .t update wm overrideredirect .t 1 wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {can't set fullscreen attribute for ".t": override-redirect flag is set} test wm-attributes-1.3.9 {max height too small} -constraints win -body { toplevel .t update wm maxsize .t 5000 450 wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {can't set fullscreen attribute for ".t": max width/height is too small} test wm-attributes-1.3.10 {max height too small} -constraints win -body { toplevel .t update wm maxsize .t 450 5000 wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {can't set fullscreen attribute for ".t": max width/height is too small} test wm-attributes-1.3.11 {another attribute, then -fullscreen} -constraints win -body { toplevel .t update wm attributes .t -alpha 1.0 -fullscreen 1 wm attributes .t -fullscreen } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 1 test wm-attributes-1.3.12 {another attribute, then -fullscreen, then another} -constraints win -body { toplevel .t update wm attributes .t -toolwindow 0 -fullscreen 1 -topmost 0 wm attributes .t -fullscreen } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 1 test wm-attributes-1.4.0 {setting/unsetting fullscreen does not change the focus} -setup { set results [list] } -constraints win -body { focus -force . toplevel .t lower .t update lappend results [focus] wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 eventDelay lappend results [focus] wm attributes .t -fullscreen 0 eventDelay lappend results [focus] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {. . .} test wm-attributes-1.4.1 {setting fullscreen does not generate FocusIn on wrapper create} -setup { catch {unset focusin} } -constraints win -body { focus -force . toplevel .t pack [entry .t.e] lower .t bind .t {lappend focusin %W} eventDelay lappend focusin 1 focus -force .t.e eventDelay lappend focusin 2 wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 eventDelay lappend focusin 3 wm attributes .t -fullscreen 0 eventDelay lappend focusin final [focus] } -cleanup { bind . {} bind .t {} deleteWindows } -result {1 .t .t.e 2 3 final .t.e} test wm-attributes-1.5.0 {fullscreen stackorder} -setup { set results [list] } -constraints win -body { toplevel .t lappend results [wm stackorder .] eventDelay lappend results [wm stackorder .] # Default stacking is on top of other windows on the display. Setting the # fullscreen attribute does not change this. wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 eventDelay lappend results [wm stackorder .] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {. {. .t} {. .t}} test wm-attributes-1.5.1 {fullscreen stackorder} -setup { set results [list] } -constraints win -body { toplevel .t lower .t eventDelay lappend results [wm stackorder .] # If stacking order is explicitly set, then setting the fullscreen # attribute should not change it. wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 eventDelay lappend results [wm stackorder .] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{.t .} {.t .}} test wm-attributes-1.5.2 {fullscreen stackorder} -setup { set results [list] } -constraints win -body { toplevel .t # lower forces the window to be mapped, it would not be otherwise lower .t lappend results [wm stackorder .] # If stacking order is explicitly set for an unmapped window, then setting # the fullscreen attribute should not change it. wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 eventDelay lappend results [wm stackorder .] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{.t .} {.t .}} test wm-attributes-1.5.3 {fullscreen stackorder} -setup { set results [list] } -constraints win -body { toplevel .t eventDelay lappend results [wm stackorder .] wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 eventDelay lappend results [wm stackorder .] # Unsetting the fullscreen attribute should not change the stackorder. wm attributes .t -fullscreen 0 eventDelay lappend results [wm stackorder .] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{. .t} {. .t} {. .t}} test wm-attributes-1.5.4 {fullscreen stackorder} -setup { set results [list] } -constraints win -body { toplevel .t lower .t eventDelay lappend results [wm stackorder .] wm attributes .t -fullscreen 1 eventDelay lappend results [wm stackorder .] # Unsetting the fullscreen attribute should not change the stackorder. wm attributes .t -fullscreen 0 eventDelay lappend results [wm stackorder .] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{.t .} {.t .} {.t .}} test wm-attributes-1.5.5 {fullscreen stackorder} -setup { set results [list] } -constraints win -body { toplevel .a toplevel .b toplevel .c raise .a raise .b raise .c eventDelay lappend results [wm stackorder .] wm attributes .b -fullscreen 1 eventDelay lappend results [wm stackorder .] # Unsetting the fullscreen attribute should not change the stackorder. wm attributes .b -fullscreen 0 eventDelay lappend results [wm stackorder .] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{. .a .b .c} {. .a .b .c} {. .a .b .c}} stdWindow ### wm colormapwindows ### test wm-colormapwindows-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm colormapwindows } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-colormapwindows-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm colormapwindows . _ _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm colormapwindows window ?windowList?"} test wm-colormapwindows-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm colormapwindows . "a \{" } -result {unmatched open brace in list} test wm-colormapwindows-1.4 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm colormapwindows . foo } -result {bad window path name "foo"} test wm-colormapwindows-2.1 {reading values} -body { toplevel .t2 -width 200 -height 200 -colormap new wm geom .t2 +0+0 frame .t2.a -width 100 -height 30 frame .t2.b -width 100 -height 30 -colormap new pack .t2.a .t2.b -side top update set x [wm colormapwindows .t2] frame .t2.c -width 100 -height 30 -colormap new pack .t2.c -side top update list $x [wm colormapwindows .t2] } -cleanup { destroy .t2 } -result {{.t2.b .t2} {.t2.b .t2.c .t2}} test wm-colormapwindows-2.2 {setting and reading values} -body { toplevel .t2 -width 200 -height 200 wm geom .t2 +0+0 frame .t2.a -width 100 -height 30 frame .t2.b -width 100 -height 30 frame .t2.c -width 100 -height 30 pack .t2.a .t2.b .t2.c -side top wm colormapwindows .t2 {.t2.b .t2.a} wm colormapwindows .t2 } -cleanup { destroy .t2 } -result {.t2.b .t2.a} ### wm command ### test wm-command-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm command } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-command-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm command . _ _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm command window ?value?"} test wm-command-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm command . "a \{" } -result {unmatched open brace in list} test wm-command-2.1 {setting and reading values} -setup { set result {} } -body { lappend result [wm command .t] wm command .t [list Miffo Foo] lappend result [wm command .t] wm command .t {} lappend result [wm command .t] } -result [list {} [list Miffo Foo] {}] ### wm deiconify ### test wm-deiconify-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm deiconify } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-deiconify-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm deiconify . _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm deiconify window"} test wm-deiconify-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm deiconify _ } -result {bad window path name "_"} test wm-deiconify-1.4 {usage} -setup { destroy .icon } -body { toplevel .icon -width 50 -height 50 -bg red wm iconwindow .t .icon wm deiconify .icon } -returnCodes error -cleanup { destroy .icon } -result {can't deiconify .icon: it is an icon for .t} # test embedded window for Windows test wm-deiconify-1.5 {usage} -constraints win -setup { destroy .embed } -body { frame .t.f -container 1 toplevel .embed -use [winfo id .t.f] wm deiconify .embed } -returnCodes error -cleanup { destroy .t.f .embed } -result {can't deiconify .embed: the container does not support the request} # test embedded window for other platforms test wm-deiconify-1.6 {usage} -constraints !win -setup { destroy .embed } -body { frame .t.f -container 1 toplevel .embed -use [winfo id .t.f] wm deiconify .embed } -returnCodes error -cleanup { destroy .t.f .embed } -result {can't deiconify .embed: it is an embedded window} deleteWindows test wm-deiconify-2.1 {a window that has never been mapped\ should not be mapped by a call to deiconify} -body { toplevel .t wm deiconify .t winfo ismapped .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 0 test wm-deiconify-2.2 {a window that has already been\ mapped should be mapped by deiconify} -body { toplevel .t update idletasks wm withdraw .t wm deiconify .t winfo ismapped .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 1 test wm-deiconify-2.3 {geometry for an unmapped window\ should not be calculated by a call to deiconify,\ it should be done at idle time} -setup { set results {} } -body { toplevel .t -width 200 -height 200 lappend results [wm geometry .t] wm deiconify .t lappend results [wm geometry .t] update idletasks lappend results [lindex [split \ [wm geometry .t] +] 0] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {1x1+0+0 1x1+0+0 200x200} test wm-deiconify-2.4 {invoking destroy after a deiconify\ should not result in a crash because of a callback\ set on the toplevel} -body { toplevel .t wm withdraw .t wm deiconify .t destroy .t update } -cleanup { deleteWindows } ### wm focusmodel ### test wm-focusmodel-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm focusmodel } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-focusmodel-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm focusmodel . _ _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm focusmodel window ?active|passive?"} test wm-focusmodel-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm focusmodel . bogus } -result {bad argument "bogus": must be active or passive} stdWindow test wm-focusmodel-2.1 {setting and reading values} -setup { set result {} } -body { lappend result [wm focusmodel .t] wm focusmodel .t active lappend result [wm focusmodel .t] wm focusmodel .t passive lappend result [wm focusmodel .t] } -result {passive active passive} ### wm frame ### test wm-frame-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm frame } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-frame-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm frame . _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm frame window"} ### wm geometry ### test wm-geometry-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm geometry } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-geometry-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm geometry . _ _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm geometry window ?newGeometry?"} test wm-geometry-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm geometry . bogus } -result {bad geometry specifier "bogus"} test wm-geometry-2.1 {setting values} -body { wm geometry .t 150x150+50+50 update set result [wm geometry .t] wm geometry .t {} update return [list $result [string equal [wm geometry .t] $result]] } -cleanup { unset result } -match glob -result [list 150x150+*+* 0] ### wm grid ### test wm-grid-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm grid } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-grid-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm grid . _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm grid window ?baseWidth baseHeight widthInc heightInc?"} test wm-grid-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm grid . _ _ _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm grid window ?baseWidth baseHeight widthInc heightInc?"} test wm-grid-1.4 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm grid . _ _ _ _ _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm grid window ?baseWidth baseHeight widthInc heightInc?"} test wm-grid-1.5 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm grid . bad 14 15 16 } -result {expected integer but got "bad"} test wm-grid-1.6 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm grid . 13 foo 15 16 } -result {expected integer but got "foo"} test wm-grid-1.7 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm grid . 13 14 bar 16 } -result {expected integer but got "bar"} test wm-grid-1.8 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm grid . 13 14 15 baz } -result {expected integer but got "baz"} test wm-grid-1.9 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm grid . -1 14 15 16 } -result {baseWidth can't be < 0} test wm-grid-1.10 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm grid . 13 -1 15 16 } -result {baseHeight can't be < 0} test wm-grid-1.11 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm grid . 13 14 -1 16 } -result {widthInc can't be <= 0} test wm-grid-1.12 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm grid . 13 14 15 -1 } -result {heightInc can't be <= 0} test wm-grid-2.1 {setting and reading values} -setup { set result {} } -body { lappend result [wm grid .t] wm grid .t 3 4 10 2 lappend result [wm grid .t] wm grid .t {} {} {} {} lappend result [wm grid .t] } -result [list {} {3 4 10 2} {}] ### wm group ### test wm-group-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm group } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-group-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm group .t 12 13 } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm group window ?pathName?"} test wm-group-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm group .t bogus } -result {bad window path name "bogus"} test wm-group-2.1 {setting and reading values} -setup { set result {} } -body { lappend result [wm group .t] wm group .t . lappend result [wm group .t] wm group .t {} lappend result [wm group .t] } -result [list {} . {}] ### wm iconbadge ### test wm-iconbadge-1.1 {usage} -body { wm iconbadge } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-iconbadge-1.2 {usage} -body { frame .f set ::tk::icons::base_icon(.f) icon wm iconbadge .f icon } -cleanup { destroy .f unset ::tk::icons::base_icon(.f) } -returnCodes error -result {window ".f" isn't a top-level window} test wm-iconbadge-1.3 {::tk::icons::base_icon($win) must be set on X11} -constraints { x11 } -setup { unset -nocomplain ::tk::icons::base_icon(.) } -body { wm iconbadge . ! } -returnCodes error -result {::tk::icons::base_icon(.) must be set on X11} test wm-iconbadge-1.4 {::tk::icons::base_icon($win) must be a Tk photo on X11} -constraints { x11 } -setup { catch {image delete book} } -body { set ::tk::icons::base_icon(.) book wm iconbadge . 27 } -returnCodes error -result {can't use "book" as iconphoto: not a photo image} test wm-iconbadge-1.5 {illegal badge number} -body { image create photo book -data { R0lGODlhDwAPAKIAAP//////AP8AAMDAwICAgAAAAAAAAAAAAC wAAAAADwAPAAADSQhA2u5ksPeKABKSCaya29d4WKgERFF0l1IM QCAKatvBJ0OTdzzXI1xMB3TBZAvATtB6NSLKleXi3OBoLqrVgc 0yv+DVSEUuFxIAOw== } set ::tk::icons::base_icon(.) book wm iconbadge . illegal } -cleanup { image delete book } -returnCodes error -result {can't use "illegal" as icon badge} test wm-iconbadge-1.6 {non-integer badge number} -body { image create photo book -data { R0lGODlhDwAPAKIAAP//////AP8AAMDAwICAgAAAAAAAAAAAAC wAAAAADwAPAAADSQhA2u5ksPeKABKSCaya29d4WKgERFF0l1IM QCAKatvBJ0OTdzzXI1xMB3TBZAvATtB6NSLKleXi3OBoLqrVgc 0yv+DVSEUuFxIAOw== } set ::tk::icons::base_icon(.) book wm iconbadge . 3.2 } -cleanup { image delete book } -returnCodes error -result {can't use "3.2" as icon badge} test wm-iconbadge-1.7 {negative or zero badge number} -body { image create photo book -data { R0lGODlhDwAPAKIAAP//////AP8AAMDAwICAgAAAAAAAAAAAAC wAAAAADwAPAAADSQhA2u5ksPeKABKSCaya29d4WKgERFF0l1IM QCAKatvBJ0OTdzzXI1xMB3TBZAvATtB6NSLKleXi3OBoLqrVgc 0yv+DVSEUuFxIAOw== } set ::tk::icons::base_icon(.) book wm iconbadge . 0 } -cleanup { image delete book } -returnCodes error -result {can't use "0" as icon badge} test wm-iconbadge-1.8 {usage, no need to call iconphoto on aqua or win32} -constraints { aquaOrWin32 } -body { wm iconbadge . 3 wm iconbadge . 5000 wm iconbadge . ! wm iconbadge . "" } -result {} ### wm iconbitmap ### test wm-iconbitmap-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconbitmap } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-iconbitmap-1.2.1 {usage} -constraints unix -returnCodes error -body { wm iconbitmap .t 12 13 } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm iconbitmap window ?bitmap?"} test wm-iconbitmap-1.2.2 {usage} -constraints win -returnCodes error -body { wm iconbitmap .t 12 13 14 } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm iconbitmap window ?-default? ?image?"} test wm-iconbitmap-1.3 {usage} -constraints win -returnCodes error -body { wm iconbitmap .t 12 13 } -result {illegal option "12" must be "-default"} test wm-iconbitmap-1.4 {usage} -constraints notAqua -returnCodes error -body { wm iconbitmap .t bad-bitmap } -result {bitmap "bad-bitmap" not defined} test wm-iconbitmap-2.1 {setting and reading values} -constraints notAqua -setup { set result {} } -body { lappend result [wm iconbitmap .t] wm iconbitmap .t hourglass lappend result [wm iconbitmap .t] wm iconbitmap .t {} lappend result [wm iconbitmap .t] } -result [list {} hourglass {}] ### wm iconify ### test wm-iconify-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconify } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-iconify-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconify .t _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm iconify window"} destroy .t2 test wm-iconify-2.1 {Misc errors} -body { toplevel .t2 wm overrideredirect .t2 1 wm iconify .t2 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { destroy .t2 } -result {can't iconify ".t2": override-redirect flag is set} test wm-iconify-2.2 {Misc errors} -body { toplevel .t2 wm geom .t2 +0+0 wm transient .t2 .t wm iconify .t2 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { destroy .t2 } -result {can't iconify ".t2": it is a transient} test wm-iconify-2.3 {Misc errors} -body { toplevel .t2 wm geom .t2 +0+0 wm iconwindow .t .t2 wm iconify .t2 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { destroy .t2 } -result {can't iconify ".t2": it is an icon for ".t"} # test embedded window for Windows test wm-iconify-2.4.1 {Misc errors} -constraints win -setup { destroy .t2 } -body { frame .t.f -container 1 toplevel .t2 -use [winfo id .t.f] wm iconify .t2 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { destroy .t2 .r.f } -result {can't iconify ".t2": the container does not support the request} # test embedded window for other platforms test wm-iconify-2.4.2 {Misc errors} -constraints !win -setup { destroy .t2 } -body { frame .t.f -container 1 toplevel .t2 -use [winfo id .t.f] wm iconify .t2 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { destroy .t2 .r.f } -result {can't iconify ".t2": it is an embedded window} test wm-iconify-3.1 {iconify behavior} -constraints {failsOnUbuntu failsOnXQuarz} -body { toplevel .t2 wm geom .t2 -0+0 update idletasks set result [winfo ismapped .t2] wm iconify .t2 update idletasks lappend result [winfo ismapped .t2] } -cleanup { destroy .t2 } -result {1 0} ### wm iconmask ### test wm-iconmask-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconmask } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-iconmask-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconmask .t 12 13 } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm iconmask window ?bitmap?"} test wm-iconmask-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconmask .t bad-bitmap } -result {bitmap "bad-bitmap" not defined} test wm-iconmask-2.1 {setting and reading values} -setup { set result {} } -body { lappend result [wm iconmask .t] wm iconmask .t hourglass lappend result [wm iconmask .t] wm iconmask .t {} lappend result [wm iconmask .t] } -result [list {} hourglass {}] ### wm iconname ### test wm-iconname-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconname } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-iconname-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconname .t 12 13 } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm iconname window ?newName?"} test wm-iconname-2.1 {setting and reading values} -setup { set result {} } -body { lappend result [wm iconname .t] wm iconname .t ThisIconHasAName lappend result [wm iconname .t] wm iconname .t {} lappend result [wm iconname .t] } -result [list {} ThisIconHasAName {}] ### wm iconphoto ### test wm-iconphoto-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconphoto } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-iconphoto-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconphoto . } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm iconphoto window ?-default? image1 ?image2 ...?"} test wm-iconphoto-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconphoto . notanimage } -result {can't use "notanimage" as iconphoto: not a photo image} test wm-iconphoto-1.4 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { # we currently have no return info wm iconphoto . -default } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm iconphoto window ?-default? image1 ?image2 ...?"} test wm-iconphoto-1.5.1 {usage} -constraints aquaOrWin32 -returnCodes error -body { wm iconphoto . -default [image create photo -file {}] } -match {glob} -result {failed to create an iconphoto with image *} test wm-iconphoto-1.5.2 {usage} -constraints x11 -body { wm iconphoto . -default [image create photo -file {}] } -result {} # All other iconphoto tests are platform specific ### wm iconposition ### test wm-iconposition-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconposition } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-iconposition-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconposition .t 12 } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm iconposition window ?x y?"} test wm-iconposition-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconposition .t 12 13 14 } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm iconposition window ?x y?"} test wm-iconposition-1.4 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconposition .t bad 13 } -result {expected integer but got "bad"} test wm-iconposition-1.5 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconposition .t 13 lousy } -result {expected integer but got "lousy"} test wm-iconposition-2.1 {setting and reading values} -setup { set result {} } -body { lappend result [wm iconposition .t] wm iconposition .t 10 20 lappend result [wm iconposition .t] wm iconposition .t {} {} lappend result [wm iconposition .t] } -result [list {} {10 20} {}] ### wm iconwindow ### test wm-iconwindow-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconwindow } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-iconwindow-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconwindow .t 12 13 } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm iconwindow window ?pathName?"} test wm-iconwindow-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm iconwindow .t bogus } -result {bad window path name "bogus"} test wm-iconwindow-1.4 {usage} -setup { destroy .b } -body { button .b -text Help wm iconwindow .t .b } -returnCodes error -cleanup { destroy .b } -result {can't use .b as icon window: not at top level} test wm-iconwindow-1.5 {usage} -setup { destroy .icon .t2 } -body { toplevel .icon -width 50 -height 50 -bg green toplevel .t2 wm geom .t2 -0+0 wm iconwindow .t2 .icon wm iconwindow .t .icon } -returnCodes error -cleanup { destroy .t2 .icon } -result {.icon is already an icon for .t2} test wm-iconwindow-2.1 {setting and reading values} -setup { destroy .icon set result {} } -body { lappend result [wm iconwindow .t] toplevel .icon -width 50 -height 50 -bg green wm iconwindow .t .icon lappend result [wm iconwindow .t] wm iconwindow .t {} destroy .icon lappend result [wm iconwindow .t] } -result {{} .icon {}} ### wm maxsize ### test wm-maxsize-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm maxsize } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-maxsize-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm maxsize . a } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm maxsize window ?width height?"} test wm-maxsize-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm maxsize . a b c } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm maxsize window ?width height?"} test wm-maxsize-1.4 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm maxsize . x 100 } -result {expected screen distance but got "x"} test wm-maxsize-1.5 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm maxsize . 100 bogus } -result {expected screen distance but got "bogus"} test wm-maxsize-1.6 {usage} -setup { destroy .t2 } -body { toplevel .t2 wm maxsize .t2 300 200 wm maxsize .t2 } -cleanup { destroy .t2 } -result {300 200} test wm-maxsize-1.7 {maxsize must be <= screen size} -setup { destroy .t } -body { toplevel .t lassign [wm maxsize .t] t_width t_height set s_width [winfo screenwidth .t] set s_height [winfo screenheight .t] expr {($t_width <= $s_width) && ($t_height <= $s_height)} } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result 1 destroy .t test wm-maxsize-2.1 {setting the maxsize to a value smaller\ than the current size will resize a toplevel} -body { toplevel .t -width 300 -height 300 update wm maxsize .t 200 150 # UpdateGeometryInfo invoked at idle update lrange [split [wm geom .t] x+] 0 1 } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result {200 150} test wm-maxsize-2.2 {setting the maxsize to a value smaller\ than the current size will resize a gridded toplevel} -body { toplevel .t wm grid .t 0 0 50 50 wm geometry .t 6x6 update wm maxsize .t 4 3 # UpdateGeometryInfo invoked at idle update lrange [split [wm geom .t] x+] 0 1 } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result {4 3} test wm-maxsize-2.3 {attempting to resize to a value\ bigger than the current maxsize will set it to the max size} -body { toplevel .t -width 200 -height 200 wm maxsize .t 300 250 update wm geom .t 400x300 update lrange [split [wm geom .t] x+] 0 1 } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result {300 250} test wm-maxsize-2.4 {attempting to resize to a value bigger than the\ current maxsize will set it to the max size when gridded} -body { toplevel .t wm grid .t 1 1 50 50 wm geom .t 4x4 wm maxsize .t 6 5 update wm geom .t 8x6 update lrange [split [wm geom .t] x+] 0 1 } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result {6 5} test wm-maxsize-2.5 {Use max size if window size is not explicitly set\ and the reqWidth/reqHeight are bigger than the max size} -body { toplevel .t pack [frame .t.f -width 400 -height 400] update idletasks set req [list [winfo reqwidth .t] [winfo reqheight .t]] wm maxsize .t 300 300 update list $req [lrange [split [wm geom .t] x+] 0 1] } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result {{400 400} {300 300}} ### wm minsize ### test wm-minsize-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm minsize } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-minsize-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm minsize . a } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm minsize window ?width height?"} test wm-minsize-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm minsize . a b c } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm minsize window ?width height?"} test wm-minsize-1.4 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm minsize . x 100 } -result {expected screen distance but got "x"} test wm-minsize-1.5 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm minsize . 100 bogus } -result {expected screen distance but got "bogus"} test wm-minsize-1.6 {usage} -setup { destroy .t2 } -body { toplevel .t2 wm minsize .t2 300 200 wm minsize .t2 } -cleanup { destroy .t2 } -result {300 200} test wm-minsize-2.1 {setting the minsize to a value larger\ than the current size will resize a toplevel} -body { toplevel .t -width 200 -height 200 update wm minsize .t 400 300 # UpdateGeometryInfo invoked at idle update lrange [split [wm geom .t] x+] 0 1 } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result {400 300} test wm-minsize-2.2 {setting the minsize to a value larger\ than the current size will resize a gridded toplevel} -body { toplevel .t wm grid .t 1 1 50 50 wm geom .t 4x4 update wm minsize .t 8 8 # UpdateGeometryInfo invoked at idle update lrange [split [wm geom .t] x+] 0 1 } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result {8 8} test wm-minsize-2.3 {attempting to resize to a value\ smaller than the current minsize will set it to the minsize} -body { toplevel .t -width 400 -height 400 wm minsize .t 300 300 update wm geom .t 200x200 update lrange [split [wm geom .t] x+] 0 1 } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result {300 300} test wm-minsize-2.4 {attempting to resize to a value smaller than the\ current minsize will set it to the minsize when gridded} -body { toplevel .t wm grid .t 1 1 50 50 wm geom .t 8x8 wm minsize .t 6 6 update wm geom .t 4x4 update lrange [split [wm geom .t] x+] 0 1 } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result {6 6} test wm-minsize-2.5 {Use min size if window size is not explicitly set\ and the reqWidth/reqHeight are smaller than the min size} -setup { set result [list] } -body { toplevel .t pack [frame .t.f -width 250 -height 250] update idletasks lappend result [list [winfo reqwidth .t] [winfo reqheight .t]] wm minsize .t 300 300 update lappend result [lrange [split [wm geom .t] x+] 0 1] } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result {{250 250} {300 300}} stdWindow ### wm overrideredirect ### test wm-overrideredirect-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm overrideredirect } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-overrideredirect-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm overrideredirect .t 1 2 } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm overrideredirect window ?boolean?"} test wm-overrideredirect-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm overrideredirect .t boo } -result {expected boolean value but got "boo"} test wm-overrideredirect-2.1 {setting and reading values} -setup { set result {} } -body { lappend result [wm overrideredirect .t] wm overrideredirect .t true lappend result [wm overrideredirect .t] wm overrideredirect .t off lappend result [wm overrideredirect .t] } -result {0 1 0} ### wm positionfrom ### test wm-positionfrom-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm positionfrom } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-positionfrom-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm positionfrom .t 1 2 } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm positionfrom window ?user/program?"} test wm-positionfrom-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm positionfrom .t none } -result {bad argument "none": must be program or user} test wm-positionfrom-2.1 {setting and reading values} -setup { destroy .t2 set result {} } -body { toplevel .t2 wm positionfrom .t user lappend result [wm positionfrom .t] wm positionfrom .t program lappend result [wm positionfrom .t] wm positionfrom .t {} lappend result [wm positionfrom .t] } -cleanup { destroy .t2 } -result {user program {}} ### wm protocol ### test wm-protocol-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm protocol } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-protocol-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm protocol .t 1 2 3 } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm protocol window ?name? ?command?"} test wm-protocol-2.1 {setting and reading values} -body { wm protocol .t {foo a} {a b c} wm protocol .t bar {test script for bar} wm protocol .t } -cleanup { wm protocol .t {foo a} {} wm protocol .t bar {} } -result {bar {foo a}} test wm-protocol-2.2 {setting and reading values} -setup { set result {} } -body { wm protocol .t foo {a b c} wm protocol .t bar {test script for bar} lappend result [wm protocol .t foo] [wm protocol .t bar] wm protocol .t foo {} wm protocol .t bar {} lappend result [wm protocol .t foo] [wm protocol .t bar] } -result {{a b c} {test script for bar} {} {}} test wm-protocol-2.3 {setting and reading values} -body { wm protocol .t foo {a b c} wm protocol .t foo {test script} wm protocol .t foo } -cleanup { wm protocol .t foo {} } -result {test script} ### wm resizable ### test wm-resizable-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm resizable } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-resizable-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm resizable .t 1 } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm resizable window ?width height?"} test wm-resizable-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm resizable .t 1 2 3 } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm resizable window ?width height?"} test wm-resizable-1.4 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm resizable .t bad 0 } -result {expected boolean value but got "bad"} test wm-resizable-1.5 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm resizable .t 1 bad } -result {expected boolean value but got "bad"} test wm-resizable-2.1 {setting and reading values} { wm resizable .t 0 0 set result [wm resizable .t] wm resizable .t 0 1 lappend result [wm resizable .t] wm resizable .t 1 0 lappend result [wm resizable .t] wm resizable .t 1 1 lappend result [wm resizable .t] } {0 0 {0 1} {1 0} {1 1}} ### wm sizefrom ### test wm-sizefrom-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm sizefrom } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-sizefrom-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm sizefrom .t 1 2 } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm sizefrom window ?user|program?"} test wm-sizefrom-1.4 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm sizefrom .t bad } -result {bad argument "bad": must be program or user} test wm-sizefrom-2.1 {setting and reading values} { set result [list [wm sizefrom .t]] wm sizefrom .t user lappend result [wm sizefrom .t] wm sizefrom .t program lappend result [wm sizefrom .t] wm sizefrom .t {} lappend result [wm sizefrom .t] } {{} user program {}} destroy .t ### wm stackorder ### test wm-stackorder-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm stackorder } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-stackorder-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm stackorder . _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm stackorder window ?isabove|isbelow window?"} test wm-stackorder-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm stackorder . _ _ _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm stackorder window ?isabove|isbelow window?"} test wm-stackorder-1.4 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm stackorder . is . } -result {ambiguous argument "is": must be isabove or isbelow} test wm-stackorder-1.5 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm stackorder _ } -result {bad window path name "_"} test wm-stackorder-1.6 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm stackorder . isabove _ } -result {bad window path name "_"} test wm-stackorder-1.7 {usage} -body { toplevel .t button .t.b wm stackorder .t.b } -cleanup { destroy .t } -returnCodes error -result {window ".t.b" isn't a top-level window} test wm-stackorder-1.8 {usage} -body { toplevel .t button .t.b pack .t.b update wm stackorder . isabove .t.b } -cleanup { destroy .t } -returnCodes error -result {window ".t.b" isn't a top-level window} test wm-stackorder-1.9 {usage} -body { toplevel .t button .t.b pack .t.b update wm stackorder . isbelow .t.b } -cleanup { destroy .t } -returnCodes error -result {window ".t.b" isn't a top-level window} test wm-stackorder-1.10 {usage, isabove|isbelow toplevels must be mapped} -body { toplevel .t update wm withdraw .t wm stackorder .t isabove . } -cleanup { destroy .t } -returnCodes error -result {window ".t" isn't mapped} test wm-stackorder-1.11 {usage, isabove|isbelow toplevels must be mapped} -body { toplevel .t update wm withdraw .t wm stackorder . isbelow .t } -cleanup { destroy .t } -returnCodes error -result {window ".t" isn't mapped} deleteWindows test wm-stackorder-2.1 {stacking order} -body { toplevel .t ; update raiseDelay wm stackorder . } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result {. .t} test wm-stackorder-2.2 {stacking order} -body { toplevel .t ; update raise . raiseDelay wm stackorder . } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result {.t .} test wm-stackorder-2.3 {stacking order} -body { toplevel .t tkwait visibility .t toplevel .t2 tkwait visibility .t2 raise . raiseDelay raise .t2 raiseDelay wm stackorder . } -cleanup { destroy .t .t2 } -result {.t . .t2} test wm-stackorder-2.4 {stacking order} -body { toplevel .t ; update toplevel .t2 ; update raise . lower .t2 raiseDelay wm stackorder . } -cleanup { destroy .t .t2 } -result {.t2 .t .} test wm-stackorder-2.5 {stacking order} -setup { destroy .parent } -body { toplevel .parent ; update destroy .parent.child1 toplevel .parent.child1 ; update destroy .parent.child2 toplevel .parent.child2 ; update destroy .extra toplevel .extra ; update raise .parent lower .parent.child2 raiseDelay wm stackorder .parent } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.parent.child2 .parent.child1 .parent} test wm-stackorder-2.6 {stacking order: non-toplevel widgets ignored} -body { toplevel .t1 raiseDelay button .t1.b pack .t1.b update wm stackorder . } -cleanup { destroy .t1 } -result {. .t1} test wm-stackorder-2.7 {stacking order: no children returns self} -setup { deleteWindows } -body { wm stackorder . } -result {.} deleteWindows test wm-stackorder-3.1 {unmapped toplevel} -constraints {failsOnUbuntu failsOnXQuarz} -body { toplevel .t1 ; update toplevel .t2 ; update wm iconify .t1 raiseDelay wm stackorder . } -cleanup { destroy .t1 .t2 } -result {. .t2} test wm-stackorder-3.2 {unmapped toplevel} -body { toplevel .t1 ; update toplevel .t2 ; update wm withdraw .t2 raiseDelay wm stackorder . } -cleanup { destroy .t1 .t2 } -result {. .t1} test wm-stackorder-3.3 {unmapped toplevel} -body { toplevel .t1 ; update toplevel .t2 ; update wm withdraw .t2 wm stackorder .t2 } -cleanup { destroy .t1 .t2 } -result {} test wm-stackorder-3.4 {unmapped toplevel} -body { toplevel .t1 ; update toplevel .t1.t2 ; update wm withdraw .t1.t2 wm stackorder .t1 } -cleanup { destroy .t1 } -result {.t1} test wm-stackorder-3.5 {unmapped toplevel} -body { toplevel .t1 ; update toplevel .t1.t2 ; update wm withdraw .t1 wm stackorder .t1 } -cleanup { destroy .t1 } -result {.t1.t2} test wm-stackorder-3.6 {unmapped toplevel} -body { toplevel .t1 tkwait visibility .t1 toplevel .t1.t2 tkwait visibility .t1.t2 toplevel .t1.t2.t3 tkwait visibility .t1.t2.t3 wm withdraw .t1.t2 raiseDelay wm stackorder .t1 } -cleanup { destroy .t1 } -result {.t1 .t1.t2.t3} test wm-stackorder-3.7 {unmapped toplevel, mapped children returned} -body { toplevel .t1 ; update toplevel .t1.t2 ; update wm withdraw .t1 wm stackorder .t1 } -cleanup { destroy .t1 } -result {.t1.t2} test wm-stackorder-3.8 {toplevel mapped in idle callback} -body { toplevel .t1 wm stackorder . } -cleanup { destroy .t1 } -result {.} deleteWindows test wm-stackorder-4.1 {wm stackorder isabove|isbelow} -body { toplevel .t ; update raise .t wm stackorder . isabove .t } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result 0 test wm-stackorder-4.2 {wm stackorder isabove|isbelow} -body { toplevel .t ; update raise .t wm stackorder . isbelow .t } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result 1 test wm-stackorder-4.3 {wm stackorder isabove|isbelow} -body { toplevel .t tkwait visibility .t raise . raiseDelay wm stackorder .t isabove . } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result 0 test wm-stackorder-4.4 {wm stackorder isabove|isbelow} -body { toplevel .t ; update raise . raiseDelay wm stackorder .t isb . } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result 1 deleteWindows test wm-stackorder-5.1 {a menu is not a toplevel} -body { toplevel .t menu .t.m -type menubar .t.m add cascade -label "File" .t configure -menu .t.m update raise . raiseDelay wm stackorder . } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result {.t .} test wm-stackorder-5.2 {A normal toplevel can't be raised above an \ overrideredirect toplevel on unix} -constraints {x11 failsOnUbuntu failsOnXQuarz} -body { toplevel .t wm overrideredirect .t 1 tkwait visibility .t raise . update raiseDelay wm stackorder . isabove .t } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result 0 test wm-stackorder-5.2.1 {A normal toplevel can be raised above an \ overrideredirect toplevel on macOS or win} -constraints aquaOrWin32 -body { toplevel .t wm overrideredirect .t 1 tkwait visibility .t raise . update raiseDelay wm stackorder . isabove .t } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result 1 test wm-stackorder-5.3 {An overrideredirect window\ can be explicitly lowered} -body { toplevel .t wm overrideredirect .t 1 tkwait visibility .t lower .t update raiseDelay wm stackorder .t isbelow . } -cleanup { destroy .t } -result 1 test wm-stackorder-6.1 {An embedded toplevel does not appear in the \ stacking order} -body { toplevel .real -container 1 raiseDelay toplevel .embd -bg blue -use [winfo id .real] raiseDelay wm stackorder . } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {. .real} stdWindow ### wm title ### test wm-title-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm title } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-title-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm title . 1 2 } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm title window ?newTitle?"} test wm-title-2.1 {setting and reading values} -setup { destroy .t } -body { toplevel .t set result [wm title .t] wm title .t Apa lappend result [wm title .t] wm title .t {} lappend result [wm title .t] } -result {t Apa {}} ### wm transient ### test wm-transient-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { catch {destroy .t} ; toplevel .t wm transient .t 1 2 } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm transient window ?window?"} test wm-transient-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { catch {destroy .t} ; toplevel .t wm transient .t foo } -result {bad window path name "foo"} test wm-transient-1.3 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { catch {destroy .t} ; toplevel .t wm transient foo .t } -result {bad window path name "foo"} deleteWindows test wm-transient-1.4 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { toplevel .top toplevel .subject wm transient .subject .top wm iconify .subject } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {can't iconify ".subject": it is a transient} test wm-transient-1.5 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { toplevel .icon -bg blue toplevel .top wm iconwindow .top .icon toplevel .dummy wm transient .icon .dummy } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {can't make ".icon" a transient: it is an icon for .top} test wm-transient-1.6 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { toplevel .icon -bg blue toplevel .top wm iconwindow .top .icon toplevel .dummy wm transient .dummy .icon } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {can't make ".icon" a container: it is an icon for .top} test wm-transient-1.7 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { toplevel .top wm transient .top .top } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {can't set ".top" as container: would cause management loop} test wm-transient-1.8 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { toplevel .t1 toplevel .t2 toplevel .t3 wm transient .t2 .t1 wm transient .t3 .t2 wm transient .t1 .t3 } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {can't set ".t3" as container: would cause management loop} test wm-transient-1.9 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { toplevel .top frame .top.f wm transient .top .top.f } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {can't set ".top" as container: would cause management loop} test wm-transient-2.1 {basic get/set of toplevel} -setup { set results [list] } -body { toplevel .top toplevel .subject lappend results [wm transient .subject] wm transient .subject .top lappend results [wm transient .subject] wm transient .subject {} lappend results [wm transient .subject] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {{} .top {}} test wm-transient-2.2 {first toplevel parent of non-toplevel container window is used} -body { toplevel .top frame .top.f toplevel .subject wm transient .subject .top.f wm transient .subject } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {.top} test wm-transient-3.1 {transient toplevel is withdrawn when mapped if toplevel is withdrawn} -body { toplevel .top wm withdraw .top update toplevel .subject wm transient .subject .top update list [wm state .subject] [winfo ismapped .subject] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {withdrawn 0} test wm-transient-3.2 {already mapped transient toplevel takes on withdrawn state of toplevel} -body { toplevel .top wm withdraw .top update toplevel .subject update wm transient .subject .top update list [wm state .subject] [winfo ismapped .subject] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {withdrawn 0} test wm-transient-3.3 {withdraw/deiconify on the toplevel also does a withdraw/deiconify on the transient} -setup { set results [list] } -body { toplevel .top toplevel .subject update wm transient .subject .top wm withdraw .top update lappend results [wm state .subject] [winfo ismapped .subject] wm deiconify .top update lappend results [wm state .subject] [winfo ismapped .subject] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {withdrawn 0 normal 1} test wm-transient-4.1 {transient toplevel is withdrawn when mapped if toplevel is iconic} -constraints {failsOnUbuntu failsOnXQuarz} -body { toplevel .top wm iconify .top update toplevel .subject wm transient .subject .top update list [wm state .subject] [winfo ismapped .subject] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {withdrawn 0} test wm-transient-4.2 {already mapped transient toplevel is withdrawn if toplevel is iconic} -constraints {failsOnUbuntu failsOnXQuarz} -body { toplevel .top raiseDelay wm iconify .top update idletasks toplevel .subject update idletasks wm transient .subject .top update idletasks list [wm state .subject] [winfo ismapped .subject] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {withdrawn 0} test wm-transient-4.3 {iconify/deiconify on the toplevel does a withdraw/deiconify on the transient} -constraints {failsOnUbuntu failsOnXQuarz} -setup { set results [list] } -body { toplevel .top toplevel .subject update idletasks wm transient .subject .top wm iconify .top update idletasks lappend results [wm state .subject] [winfo ismapped .subject] wm deiconify .top update idletasks lappend results [wm state .subject] [winfo ismapped .subject] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {withdrawn 0 normal 1} test wm-transient-5.1 {an error during transient command should not cause the map/unmap binding to be deleted} -setup { set results [list] } -body { toplevel .top toplevel .subject update wm transient .subject .top # Expect a bad window path error here lappend results [catch {wm transient .subject .bad}] wm withdraw .top update lappend results [wm state .subject] wm deiconify .top update lappend results [wm state .subject] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {1 withdrawn normal} test wm-transient-5.2 {remove transient property when toplevel is destroyed} -body { toplevel .top toplevel .subject wm transient .subject .top update destroy .top update wm transient .subject } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test wm-transient-5.3 {remove transient property from window that had never been mapped when toplevel is destroyed} -body { toplevel .top toplevel .subject wm transient .subject .top destroy .top wm transient .subject } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test wm-transient-6.1 {a withdrawn transient does not track state changes in the toplevel} -body { toplevel .top toplevel .subject update wm transient .subject .top wm withdraw .subject wm withdraw .top wm deiconify .top # idle handler should not map the transient update wm state .subject } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {withdrawn} test wm-transient-6.2 {a withdrawn transient does not track state changes in the toplevel} -setup { set results [list] } -body { toplevel .top toplevel .subject update wm transient .subject .top wm withdraw .subject wm withdraw .top wm deiconify .top # idle handler should not map the transient update lappend results [wm state .subject] wm deiconify .subject lappend results [wm state .subject] wm withdraw .top lappend results [wm state .subject] wm deiconify .top # idle handler should map transient update lappend results [wm state .subject] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {withdrawn normal withdrawn normal} test wm-transient-6.3 {a withdrawn transient does not track state changes in the toplevel} -body { toplevel .top toplevel .subject update # withdraw before making window a transient wm withdraw .subject wm transient .subject .top wm withdraw .top wm deiconify .top # idle handler should not map the transient update wm state .subject } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {withdrawn} # wm-transient-7.*: See SF Tk Bug #592201 "wm transient fails with two toplevels" # wm-transient-7.3 through 7.5 all caused panics on Unix in Tk 8.4b1. # 7.1 and 7.2 added to catch (potential) future errors. # test wm-transient-7.1 {Destroying transient} -body { toplevel .t toplevel .transient wm transient .transient .t destroy .transient destroy .t # OK: the above did not cause a panic. } -cleanup { deleteWindows } test wm-transient-7.2 {Destroying toplevel} -body { toplevel .top toplevel .transient wm transient .transient .top destroy .top wm transient .transient } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test wm-transient-7.3 {Reassign transient, destroy old toplevel} -body { toplevel .t1 toplevel .t2 toplevel .transient wm transient .transient .t1 wm transient .transient .t2 destroy .t1 ;# Caused panic in 8.4b1 destroy .t2 destroy .transient } -cleanup { deleteWindows } test wm-transient-7.4 {Reassign transient, destroy new toplevel} -body { toplevel .t1 toplevel .t2 toplevel .transient wm transient .transient .t1 wm transient .transient .t2 destroy .t2 ;# caused panic in 8.4b1 destroy .t1 destroy .transient } -cleanup { deleteWindows } test wm-transient-7.5 {Reassign transient, destroy transient} -body { toplevel .t1 toplevel .t2 toplevel .transient wm transient .transient .t1 wm transient .transient .t2 destroy .transient destroy .t2 ;# caused panic in 8.4b1 destroy .t1 ;# so did this } -cleanup { deleteWindows } test wm-transient-8.1 {transient to withdrawn window, Bug 1163496} -constraints {failsOnUbuntu failsOnXQuarz} -setup { deleteWindows set result {} } -body { # Verifies that transients stay on top of their toplevels, even if they were # made transients when those toplevels were withdrawn. toplevel .t1; wm withdraw .t1; update toplevel .t2; wm transient .t2 .t1; update lappend result [winfo ismapped .t1] [winfo ismapped .t2] wm deiconify .t1; update lappend result [winfo ismapped .t1] [winfo ismapped .t2] raise .t1; raiseDelay; update lappend result [lsearch -all -inline -glob [wm stackorder .] ".t?"] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {0 0 1 1 {.t1 .t2}} ### wm state ### test wm-state-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm state } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-state-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm state . _ _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm state window ?state?"} deleteWindows test wm-state-2.1 {initial state} -body { toplevel .t wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {normal} test wm-state-2.2 {state change before map} -body { toplevel .t wm state .t withdrawn wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {withdrawn} test wm-state-2.3 {state change before map} -body { toplevel .t wm withdraw .t wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {withdrawn} test wm-state-2.4 {state change after map} -body { toplevel .t update wm state .t withdrawn wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {withdrawn} test wm-state-2.5 {state change after map} -body { toplevel .t update wm withdraw .t wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {withdrawn} test wm-state-2.6 {state change before map} -body { toplevel .t wm state .t iconic wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {iconic} test wm-state-2.7 {state change before map} -body { toplevel .t wm iconify .t wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {iconic} test wm-state-2.8 {state change after map} -constraints {failsOnUbuntu failsOnXQuarz} -body { toplevel .t update wm state .t iconic wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {iconic} test wm-state-2.9 {state change after map} -constraints {failsOnUbuntu failsOnXQuarz} -body { toplevel .t update wm iconify .t wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {iconic} test wm-state-2.10 {state change before map} -body { toplevel .t wm withdraw .t wm state .t normal wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {normal} test wm-state-2.11 {state change before map} -body { toplevel .t wm withdraw .t wm deiconify .t wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {normal} test wm-state-2.12 {state change after map} -body { toplevel .t update wm withdraw .t wm state .t normal wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {normal} test wm-state-2.13 {state change after map} -body { toplevel .t update wm withdraw .t wm deiconify .t wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {normal} test wm-state-2.14 {state change before map} -body { toplevel .t wm iconify .t wm state .t normal wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {normal} test wm-state-2.15 {state change before map} -body { toplevel .t wm iconify .t wm deiconify .t wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {normal} test wm-state-2.16 {state change after map} -body { toplevel .t update wm iconify .t wm state .t normal wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {normal} test wm-state-2.17 {state change after map} -body { toplevel .t update wm iconify .t wm deiconify .t wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {normal} test wm-state-2.18 {state change after map} -constraints win -body { toplevel .t update wm state .t zoomed wm state .t } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {zoomed} ### wm withdraw ### test wm-withdraw-1.1 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm withdraw } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm option window ?arg ...?"} test wm-withdraw-1.2 {usage} -returnCodes error -body { wm withdraw . _ } -result {wrong # args: should be "wm withdraw window"} deleteWindows test wm-withdraw-2.1 {Misc errors} -body { toplevel .t toplevel .t2 wm iconwindow .t .t2 wm withdraw .t2 } -returnCodes error -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {can't withdraw .t2: it is an icon for .t} test wm-withdraw-3.1 {} -setup { set result {} } -body { toplevel .t update wm withdraw .t lappend result [wm state .t] [winfo ismapped .t] wm deiconify .t lappend result [wm state .t] [winfo ismapped .t] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {withdrawn 0 normal 1} ### Misc. wm tests ### test wm-deletion-epoch-1.1 {Deletion epoch on multiple displays} -constraints altDisplay -body { # See Tk Bug #671330 "segfault when e.g. deiconifying destroyed window" set w [toplevel .t -screen $env(TK_ALT_DISPLAY)] wm deiconify $w ;# this caches the WindowRep destroy .t wm deiconify $w } -returnCodes error -result {bad window path name ".t"} -cleanup { deleteWindows } ### Docking test (manage, forget) ### test wm-manage-1.1 {managing a frame} -setup { set result [list] } -body { toplevel .t frame .t.f pack [label .t.f.l -text hello] wm manage .t.f raise .t.f update lappend result [winfo manage .t.f] lappend result [winfo toplevel .t.f] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {wm .t.f} test wm-manage-1.2 {managing a toplevel} -setup { set result [list] } -body { toplevel .t pack [label .t.l -text hello] wm manage .t raise .t update lappend result [winfo manage .t] lappend result [winfo toplevel .t] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {wm .t} test wm-manage-1.3 {managing a labelframe} -setup { set result [list] } -body { toplevel .t labelframe .t.f -text Labelframe pack [label .t.f.l -text hello] wm manage .t.f raise .t.f update lappend result [winfo manage .t.f] lappend result [winfo toplevel .t.f] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {wm .t.f} test wm-manage-1.4 {managing a ttk::frame} -setup { set result [list] } -body { toplevel .t ttk::frame .t.f pack [label .t.f.l -text hello] wm manage .t.f raise .t.f update lappend result [winfo manage .t.f] lappend result [winfo toplevel .t.f] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes error -result "window \".t.f\" is not manageable: must be a frame, labelframe or toplevel" test wm-manage-1.5 {managing a text widget} -setup { set result [list] } -body { toplevel .t text .t.f .t.f insert end "Manage text\n" {} wm manage .t.f raise .t.f update lappend result [winfo manage .t.f] lappend result [winfo toplevel .t.f] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes error -result "window \".t.f\" is not manageable: must be a frame, labelframe or toplevel" test wm-manage-1.6 {managing a button} -setup { set result [list] } -body { toplevel .t button .t.f -text Button wm manage .t.f raise .t.f update lappend result [winfo manage .t.f] lappend result [winfo toplevel .t.f] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -returnCodes error -result "window \".t.f\" is not manageable: must be a frame, labelframe or toplevel" test wm-manage-1.7 {managing a frame} -setup { set result [list] } -body { toplevel .t frame .t.f pack [label .t.f.l -text Label] pack .t.f update lappend result [winfo manage .t.f] lappend result [winfo toplevel .t.f] wm manage .t.f raise .t.f update lappend result [winfo manage .t.f] lappend result [winfo toplevel .t.f] wm forget .t.f pack .t.f update lappend result [winfo manage .t.f] lappend result [winfo toplevel .t.f] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {pack .t wm .t.f pack .t} test wm-manage-1.8 {unmanaging a toplevel} -setup { set result [list] } -body { toplevel .t toplevel .t.t button .t.t.b -text "Manage This" pack .t.t.b update lappend result [winfo manage .t.t] lappend result [winfo toplevel .t.t.b] wm forget .t.t wm forget .t.t ; # second call should be a no-op pack .t.t update lappend result [winfo manage .t.t] lappend result [winfo toplevel .t.t.b] wm manage .t.t wm manage .t.t ; # second call should be a no-op wm deiconify .t.t update lappend result [winfo manage .t.t] lappend result [winfo toplevel .t.t.b] } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {wm .t.t pack .t wm .t.t} test wm-forget-1.1 "bug #2009788: forget toplevel can cause crash" -body { toplevel .parent toplevel .parent.child wm forget .parent.child winfo exists .parent.child } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 1 test wm-forget-1.2 "bug #2009788: forget toplevel can cause crash" -body { toplevel .parent update toplevel .parent.child wm forget .parent.child winfo exists .parent.child } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 1 test wm-forget-1.3 "bug #2009788: forget toplevel can cause crash" -body { toplevel .parent toplevel .parent.child wm forget .parent.child wm manage .parent.child winfo exists .parent.child } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result 1 test wm-forget-1.4 "pack into unmapped toplevel causes crash" -body { toplevel .parent toplevel .parent.child wm forget .parent.child pack [button .parent.child.button -text Hello] after 250 {destroy .parent} tkwait window .parent } -cleanup { deleteWindows } -result {} test wm-forget-2 {bug [e9112ef96e] - [wm forget] doesn't completely} -setup { catch {destroy .l .f.b .f} set res {} } -body { label .l -text "Top Dot" frame .f button .f.b -text Hello -command "puts Hello!" pack .l -side top pack .f.b pack .f -side bottom set res [winfo manager .f] pack forget .f update lappend res [winfo manager .f] wm manage .f update lappend res [winfo manager .f] wm forget .f update lappend res [winfo manager .f] } -cleanup { destroy .l .f.b .f unset res } -result {pack {} wm {}} # FIXME: # Test delivery of virtual events to the WM. We could check to see if the # window was raised after a button click for example. This sort of testing may # not be possible. ############################################################################## deleteWindows cleanupTests catch {unset results} catch {unset focusin} return # Local variables: # mode: tcl # End: