path: root/tests/butGeom.tcl
blob: 2ee8fdc43f0214c7adb232e4bfa057126e5dd9a6 (plain)
# This file creates a visual test for button layout.  It is part of
# the Tk visual test suite, which is invoked via the "visual" script.

catch {destroy .t}
toplevel .t
wm title .t "Visual Tests for Button Geometry"
wm iconname .t "Button Geometry"
wm geom .t +0+0
wm minsize .t 1 1

label .t.l -text {This screen exercises the layout mechanisms for various flavors of buttons.  Select display options below, and they will be applied to all of the button widgets.  In order to see the effects of different anchor positions, expand the window so that there is extra space in the buttons.  The letter "o" in "automatically" should be underlined in the right column of widgets.} -wraplength 5i
pack .t.l -side top -fill both

button .t.quit -text Quit -command {destroy .t}
pack .t.quit -side bottom -pady 2m

set sepId 1
proc sep {} {
    global sepId
    frame .t.sep$sepId -height 2 -bd 1 -relief sunken
    pack .t.sep$sepId -side top -padx 2m -pady 2m -fill x
    incr sepId

# Create buttons that control configuration options.

frame .t.control
pack .t.control -side top -fill x -pady 3m
frame .t.control.left
frame .t.control.right
pack .t.control.left .t.control.right -side left -expand 1 -fill x
label .t.anchorLabel -text "Anchor:"
frame .t.control.left.f -width 6c -height 3c
pack .t.anchorLabel .t.control.left.f -in .t.control.left -side top
foreach anchor {nw n ne w center e sw s se} {
    button .t.anchor-$anchor -text $anchor -command "config -anchor $anchor"
place .t.anchor-nw -in .t.control.left.f -relx 0 -relwidth 0.333 \
	-rely 0 -relheight 0.333
place .t.anchor-n -in .t.control.left.f -relx 0.333 -relwidth 0.333 \
	-rely 0 -relheight 0.333
place .t.anchor-ne -in .t.control.left.f -relx 0.666 -relwidth 0.333 \
	-rely 0 -relheight 0.333
place .t.anchor-w -in .t.control.left.f -relx 0 -relwidth 0.333 \
	-rely 0.333 -relheight 0.333
place .t.anchor-center -in .t.control.left.f -relx 0.333 -relwidth 0.333 \
	-rely 0.333 -relheight 0.333
place .t.anchor-e -in .t.control.left.f -relx 0.666 -relwidth 0.333 \
	-rely 0.333 -relheight 0.333
place .t.anchor-sw -in .t.control.left.f -relx 0 -relwidth 0.333 \
	-rely 0.666 -relheight 0.333
place .t.anchor-s -in .t.control.left.f -relx 0.333 -relwidth 0.333 \
	-rely 0.666 -relheight 0.333
place .t.anchor-se -in .t.control.left.f -relx 0.666 -relwidth 0.333 \
	-rely 0.666 -relheight 0.333

set justify center
radiobutton .t.justify-left -text "Justify Left" -relief flat \
	-command "config -justify left" -variable justify \
	-value left
radiobutton .t.justify-center -text "Justify Center" -relief flat \
	-command "config -justify center" -variable justify \
	-value center
radiobutton .t.justify-right -text "Justify Right" -relief flat \
	-command "config -justify right" -variable justify \
	-value right
pack .t.justify-left .t.justify-center .t.justify-right \
	-in .t.control.right -anchor w

frame .t.f1
pack .t.f1 -side top -expand 1 -fill both
frame .t.f2
pack .t.f2 -side top -expand 1 -fill both
frame .t.f3
pack .t.f3 -side top -expand 1 -fill both
frame .t.f4
pack .t.f4 -side top -expand 1 -fill both

label .t.l1 -text Label -bd 2 -relief sunken
label .t.l2 -text "Explicit\nnewlines\n\nin the text" -bd 2 -relief sunken
label .t.l3 -text "This text is quite long, so it must be wrapped automatically by Tk" -wraplength 2i -bd 2 -relief sunken -underline 50
pack .t.l1 .t.l2 .t.l3 -in .t.f1 -side left -padx 5m -pady 3m \
	-expand y -fill both

button .t.b1 -text Button
button .t.b2 -text "Explicit\nnewlines\n\nin the text"
button .t.b3 -text "This text is quite long, so it must be wrapped automatically by Tk" -wraplength 2i -underline 50
pack .t.b1 .t.b2 .t.b3 -in .t.f2 -side left -padx 5m -pady 3m \
	-expand y -fill both

checkbutton .t.c1 -text Checkbutton -variable a
checkbutton .t.c2 -text "Explicit\nnewlines\n\nin the text" -variable b
checkbutton .t.c3 -text "This text is quite long, so it must be wrapped automatically by Tk" -wraplength 2i -variable c -underline 50
pack .t.c1 .t.c2 .t.c3 -in .t.f3 -side left -padx 5m -pady 3m \
	-expand y -fill both

radiobutton .t.r1 -text Radiobutton -value a
radiobutton .t.r2 -text "Explicit\nnewlines\n\nin the text" -value b
radiobutton .t.r3 -text "This text is quite long, so it must be wrapped automatically by Tk" -wraplength 2i -value c -underline 50
pack .t.r1 .t.r2 .t.r3 -in .t.f4 -side left -padx 5m -pady 3m \
	-expand y -fill both

proc config {option value} {
    foreach w {.t.l1 .t.l2 .t.l3 .t.b1 .t.b2 .t.b3 .t.c1 .t.c2 .t.c3
	    .t.r1 .t.r2 .t.r3} {
	$w configure $option $value

blic License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. You can contact the author at : - LZ4 homepage : - LZ4 source repository : */ /*-************************************ * Compiler specific **************************************/ #ifdef _MSC_VER /* Visual Studio */ # pragma warning(disable : 4127) /* disable: C4127: conditional expression is constant */ # pragma warning(disable : 4146) /* disable: C4146: minus unsigned expression */ #endif /*-************************************ * Includes **************************************/ #include "util.h" /* U32 */ #include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, free */ #include <stdio.h> /* fprintf */ #include <string.h> /* strcmp */ #include <time.h> /* clock_t, clock(), CLOCKS_PER_SEC */ #include <assert.h> #include "lz4frame.h" /* include multiple times to test correctness/safety */ #include "lz4frame.h" #define LZ4F_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY #include "lz4frame.h" #include "lz4frame.h" #include "lz4.h" /* LZ4_VERSION_STRING */ #define XXH_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY #include "xxhash.h" /* XXH64 */ /* unoptimized version; solves endianess & alignment issues */ static void FUZ_writeLE32 (void* dstVoidPtr, U32 value32) { BYTE* dstPtr = (BYTE*)dstVoidPtr; dstPtr[0] = (BYTE)value32; dstPtr[1] = (BYTE)(value32 >> 8); dstPtr[2] = (BYTE)(value32 >> 16); dstPtr[3] = (BYTE)(value32 >> 24); } /*-************************************ * Constants **************************************/ #define LZ4F_MAGIC_SKIPPABLE_START 0x184D2A50U #define KB *(1U<<10) #define MB *(1U<<20) #define GB *(1U<<30) static const U32 nbTestsDefault = 256 KB; #define FUZ_COMPRESSIBILITY_DEFAULT 50 static const U32 prime1 = 2654435761U; static const U32 prime2 = 2246822519U; /*-************************************ * Macros **************************************/ #define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__) #define DISPLAYLEVEL(l, ...) if (displayLevel>=l) { DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); } #define DISPLAYUPDATE(l, ...) if (displayLevel>=l) { \ if ((FUZ_GetClockSpan(g_clockTime) > refreshRate) || (displayLevel>=4)) \ { g_clockTime = clock(); DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); \ if (displayLevel>=4) fflush(stdout); } } static const clock_t refreshRate = CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 6; static clock_t g_clockTime = 0; /*-*************************************** * Local Parameters *****************************************/ static U32 no_prompt = 0; static U32 displayLevel = 2; static U32 use_pause = 0; /*-******************************************************* * Fuzzer functions *********************************************************/ #define MIN(a,b) ( (a) < (b) ? (a) : (b) ) #define MAX(a,b) ( (a) > (b) ? (a) : (b) ) static clock_t FUZ_GetClockSpan(clock_t clockStart) { return clock() - clockStart; /* works even if overflow; max span ~ 30 mn */ } #define FUZ_rotl32(x,r) ((x << r) | (x >> (32 - r))) unsigned int FUZ_rand(unsigned int* src) { U32 rand32 = *src; rand32 *= prime1; rand32 += prime2; rand32 = FUZ_rotl32(rand32, 13); *src = rand32; return rand32 >> 5; } #define FUZ_RAND15BITS (FUZ_rand(seed) & 0x7FFF) #define FUZ_RANDLENGTH ( (FUZ_rand(seed) & 3) ? (FUZ_rand(seed) % 15) : (FUZ_rand(seed) % 510) + 15) static void FUZ_fillCompressibleNoiseBuffer(void* buffer, size_t bufferSize, double proba, U32* seed) { BYTE* BBuffer = (BYTE*)buffer; size_t pos = 0; U32 P32 = (U32)(32768 * proba); /* First Byte */ BBuffer[pos++] = (BYTE)(FUZ_rand(seed)); while (pos < bufferSize) { /* Select : Literal (noise) or copy (within 64K) */ if (FUZ_RAND15BITS < P32) { /* Copy (within 64K) */ size_t const lengthRand = FUZ_RANDLENGTH + 4; size_t const length = MIN(lengthRand, bufferSize - pos); size_t const end = pos + length; size_t const offsetRand = FUZ_RAND15BITS + 1; size_t const offset = MIN(offsetRand, pos); size_t match = pos - offset; while (pos < end) BBuffer[pos++] = BBuffer[match++]; } else { /* Literal (noise) */ size_t const lengthRand = FUZ_RANDLENGTH + 4; size_t const length = MIN(lengthRand, bufferSize - pos); size_t const end = pos + length; while (pos < end) BBuffer[pos++] = (BYTE)(FUZ_rand(seed) >> 5); } } } static unsigned FUZ_highbit(U32 v32) { unsigned nbBits = 0; if (v32==0) return 0; while (v32) {v32 >>= 1; nbBits ++;} return nbBits; } /*-******************************************************* * Tests *********************************************************/ #define CHECK_V(v,f) v = f; if (LZ4F_isError(v)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", LZ4F_getErrorName(v)); goto _output_error; } #define CHECK(f) { LZ4F_errorCode_t const CHECK_V(err_ , f); } int basicTests(U32 seed, double compressibility) { #define COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH (2 MB) void* const CNBuffer = malloc(COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH); size_t const cBuffSize = LZ4F_compressFrameBound(COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH, NULL); void* const compressedBuffer = malloc(cBuffSize); void* const decodedBuffer = malloc(COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH); U32 randState = seed; size_t cSize, testSize; LZ4F_decompressionContext_t dCtx = NULL; LZ4F_compressionContext_t cctx = NULL; U64 crcOrig; int basicTests_error = 0; LZ4F_preferences_t prefs; memset(&prefs, 0, sizeof(prefs)); if (!CNBuffer || !compressedBuffer || !decodedBuffer) { DISPLAY("allocation error, not enough memory to start fuzzer tests \n"); goto _output_error; } FUZ_fillCompressibleNoiseBuffer(CNBuffer, COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH, compressibility, &randState); crcOrig = XXH64(CNBuffer, COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH, 1); /* LZ4F_compressBound() : special case : srcSize == 0 */ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_compressBound(0) = "); { size_t const cBound = LZ4F_compressBound(0, NULL); if (cBound < 64 KB) goto _output_error; DISPLAYLEVEL(3, " %u \n", (U32)cBound); } /* Special case : null-content frame */ testSize = 0; DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_compressFrame, compress null content : "); CHECK_V(cSize, LZ4F_compressFrame(compressedBuffer, LZ4F_compressFrameBound(testSize, NULL), CNBuffer, testSize, NULL)); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "null content encoded into a %u bytes frame \n", (unsigned)cSize); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_createDecompressionContext \n"); CHECK ( LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&dCtx, LZ4F_VERSION) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_getFrameInfo on null-content frame (#157) \n"); { size_t avail_in = cSize; LZ4F_frameInfo_t frame_info; CHECK( LZ4F_getFrameInfo(dCtx, &frame_info, compressedBuffer, &avail_in) ); } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext \n"); CHECK( LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext(dCtx) ); dCtx = NULL; /* test one-pass frame compression */ testSize = COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH; DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_compressFrame, using fast level -3 : "); { LZ4F_preferences_t fastCompressPrefs; memset(&fastCompressPrefs, 0, sizeof(fastCompressPrefs)); fastCompressPrefs.compressionLevel = -3; CHECK_V(cSize, LZ4F_compressFrame(compressedBuffer, LZ4F_compressFrameBound(testSize, NULL), CNBuffer, testSize, &fastCompressPrefs)); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compressed %u bytes into a %u bytes frame \n", (U32)testSize, (U32)cSize); } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_compressFrame, using default preferences : "); CHECK_V(cSize, LZ4F_compressFrame(compressedBuffer, LZ4F_compressFrameBound(testSize, NULL), CNBuffer, testSize, NULL)); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compressed %u bytes into a %u bytes frame \n", (U32)testSize, (U32)cSize); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Decompression test : \n"); { size_t decodedBufferSize = COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH; size_t compressedBufferSize = cSize; CHECK( LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&dCtx, LZ4F_VERSION) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Single Pass decompression : "); CHECK( LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, decodedBuffer, &decodedBufferSize, compressedBuffer, &compressedBufferSize, NULL) ); { U64 const crcDest = XXH64(decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 1); if (crcDest != crcOrig) goto _output_error; } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Regenerated %u bytes \n", (U32)decodedBufferSize); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Reusing decompression context \n"); { size_t const missingBytes = 4; size_t iSize = compressedBufferSize - missingBytes; const BYTE* cBuff = (const BYTE*) compressedBuffer; BYTE* const ostart = (BYTE*)decodedBuffer; BYTE* op = ostart; BYTE* const oend = (BYTE*)decodedBuffer + COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH; size_t decResult, oSize = COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH; DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Missing last %u bytes : ", (U32)missingBytes); CHECK_V(decResult, LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, op, &oSize, cBuff, &iSize, NULL)); if (decResult != missingBytes) { DISPLAY("%u bytes missing != %u bytes requested \n", (U32)missingBytes, (U32)decResult); goto _output_error; } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "indeed, requests %u bytes \n", (unsigned)decResult); cBuff += iSize; iSize = decResult; op += oSize; oSize = (size_t)(oend-op); decResult = LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, op, &oSize, cBuff, &iSize, NULL); if (decResult != 0) goto _output_error; /* should finish now */ op += oSize; if (op>oend) { DISPLAY("decompression write overflow \n"); goto _output_error; } { U64 const crcDest = XXH64(decodedBuffer, op-ostart, 1); if (crcDest != crcOrig) goto _output_error; } } { size_t oSize = 0; size_t iSize = 0; LZ4F_frameInfo_t fi; const BYTE* ip = (BYTE*)compressedBuffer; DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Start by feeding 0 bytes, to get next input size : "); CHECK( LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, NULL, &oSize, ip, &iSize, NULL) ); //DISPLAYLEVEL(3, " %u \n", (unsigned)errorCode); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, " OK \n"); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_getFrameInfo on zero-size input : "); { size_t nullSize = 0; size_t const fiError = LZ4F_getFrameInfo(dCtx, &fi, ip, &nullSize); if (LZ4F_getErrorCode(fiError) != LZ4F_ERROR_frameHeader_incomplete) { DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "incorrect error : %s != ERROR_frameHeader_incomplete \n", LZ4F_getErrorName(fiError)); goto _output_error; } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, " correctly failed : %s \n", LZ4F_getErrorName(fiError)); } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_getFrameInfo on not enough input : "); { size_t inputSize = 6; size_t const fiError = LZ4F_getFrameInfo(dCtx, &fi, ip, &inputSize); if (LZ4F_getErrorCode(fiError) != LZ4F_ERROR_frameHeader_incomplete) { DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "incorrect error : %s != ERROR_frameHeader_incomplete \n", LZ4F_getErrorName(fiError)); goto _output_error; } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, " correctly failed : %s \n", LZ4F_getErrorName(fiError)); } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_getFrameInfo on enough input : "); iSize = 15 - iSize; CHECK( LZ4F_getFrameInfo(dCtx, &fi, ip, &iSize) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, " correctly decoded \n"); ip += iSize; } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Decode a buggy input : "); assert(COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH > 64); assert(cSize > 48); memcpy(decodedBuffer, (char*)compressedBuffer+16, 32); /* save correct data */ memcpy((char*)compressedBuffer+16, (const char*)decodedBuffer+32, 32); /* insert noise */ { size_t dbSize = COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH; size_t cbSize = cSize; size_t const decompressError = LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, decodedBuffer, &dbSize, compressedBuffer, &cbSize, NULL); if (!LZ4F_isError(decompressError)) goto _output_error; DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "error detected : %s \n", LZ4F_getErrorName(decompressError)); } memcpy((char*)compressedBuffer+16, decodedBuffer, 32); /* restore correct data */ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Reset decompression context, since it's left in error state \n"); LZ4F_resetDecompressionContext(dCtx); /* always successful */ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Byte after byte : "); { BYTE* const ostart = (BYTE*)decodedBuffer; BYTE* op = ostart; BYTE* const oend = (BYTE*)decodedBuffer + COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH; const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*) compressedBuffer; const BYTE* const iend = ip + cSize; while (ip < iend) { size_t oSize = oend-op; size_t iSize = 1; CHECK( LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, op, &oSize, ip, &iSize, NULL) ); op += oSize; ip += iSize; } { U64 const crcDest = XXH64(decodedBuffer, COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH, 1); if (crcDest != crcOrig) goto _output_error; } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Regenerated %u/%u bytes \n", (unsigned)(op-ostart), (unsigned)COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH); } } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Using 64 KB block : "); prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID = LZ4F_max64KB; prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = LZ4F_contentChecksumEnabled; CHECK_V(cSize, LZ4F_compressFrame(compressedBuffer, LZ4F_compressFrameBound(testSize, &prefs), CNBuffer, testSize, &prefs)); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compressed %i bytes into a %i bytes frame \n", (int)testSize, (int)cSize); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "without checksum : "); prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = LZ4F_noContentChecksum; CHECK_V(cSize, LZ4F_compressFrame(compressedBuffer, LZ4F_compressFrameBound(testSize, &prefs), CNBuffer, testSize, &prefs)); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compressed %i bytes into a %i bytes frame \n", (int)testSize, (int)cSize); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Using 256 KB block : "); prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID = LZ4F_max256KB; prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = LZ4F_contentChecksumEnabled; CHECK_V(cSize, LZ4F_compressFrame(compressedBuffer, LZ4F_compressFrameBound(testSize, &prefs), CNBuffer, testSize, &prefs)); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compressed %i bytes into a %i bytes frame \n", (int)testSize, (int)cSize); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Decompression test : \n"); { size_t const decodedBufferSize = COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH; unsigned const maxBits = FUZ_highbit((U32)decodedBufferSize); BYTE* const ostart = (BYTE*)decodedBuffer; BYTE* op = ostart; BYTE* const oend = ostart + COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH; const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*)compressedBuffer; const BYTE* const iend = (const BYTE*)compressedBuffer + cSize; DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "random segment sizes : "); while (ip < iend) { unsigned const nbBits = FUZ_rand(&randState) % maxBits; size_t iSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBits)-1)) + 1; size_t oSize = oend-op; if (iSize > (size_t)(iend-ip)) iSize = iend-ip; CHECK( LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, op, &oSize, ip, &iSize, NULL) ); op += oSize; ip += iSize; } { size_t const decodedSize = (size_t)(op - ostart); U64 const crcDest = XXH64(decodedBuffer, decodedSize, 1); if (crcDest != crcOrig) goto _output_error; DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Regenerated %u bytes \n", (U32)decodedSize); } CHECK( LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext(dCtx) ); dCtx = NULL; } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "without checksum : "); prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = LZ4F_noContentChecksum; CHECK_V(cSize, LZ4F_compressFrame(compressedBuffer, LZ4F_compressFrameBound(testSize, &prefs), CNBuffer, testSize, &prefs) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compressed %i bytes into a %i bytes frame \n", (int)testSize, (int)cSize); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Using 1 MB block : "); prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID = LZ4F_max1MB; prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = LZ4F_contentChecksumEnabled; CHECK_V(cSize, LZ4F_compressFrame(compressedBuffer, LZ4F_compressFrameBound(testSize, &prefs), CNBuffer, testSize, &prefs) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compressed %i bytes into a %i bytes frame \n", (int)testSize, (int)cSize); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "without frame checksum : "); prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = LZ4F_noContentChecksum; CHECK_V(cSize, LZ4F_compressFrame(compressedBuffer, LZ4F_compressFrameBound(testSize, &prefs), CNBuffer, testSize, &prefs) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compressed %i bytes into a %i bytes frame \n", (int)testSize, (int)cSize); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Using 4 MB block : "); prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID = LZ4F_max4MB; prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = LZ4F_contentChecksumEnabled; { size_t const dstCapacity = LZ4F_compressFrameBound(testSize, &prefs); DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "dstCapacity = %u ; ", (U32)dstCapacity) CHECK_V(cSize, LZ4F_compressFrame(compressedBuffer, dstCapacity, CNBuffer, testSize, &prefs) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compressed %u bytes into a %u bytes frame \n", (U32)testSize, (U32)cSize); } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "without frame checksum : "); prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = LZ4F_noContentChecksum; { size_t const dstCapacity = LZ4F_compressFrameBound(testSize, &prefs); DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "dstCapacity = %u ; ", (U32)dstCapacity) CHECK_V(cSize, LZ4F_compressFrame(compressedBuffer, dstCapacity, CNBuffer, testSize, &prefs) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compressed %u bytes into a %u bytes frame \n", (U32)testSize, (U32)cSize); } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_compressFrame with block checksum : "); memset(&prefs, 0, sizeof(prefs)); prefs.frameInfo.blockChecksumFlag = LZ4F_blockChecksumEnabled; CHECK_V(cSize, LZ4F_compressFrame(compressedBuffer, LZ4F_compressFrameBound(testSize, &prefs), CNBuffer, testSize, &prefs) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compressed %i bytes into a %i bytes frame \n", (int)testSize, (int)cSize); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Decompress with block checksum : "); { size_t iSize = cSize; size_t decodedSize = COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH; LZ4F_decompressionContext_t dctx; CHECK( LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&dctx, LZ4F_VERSION) ); CHECK( LZ4F_decompress(dctx, decodedBuffer, &decodedSize, compressedBuffer, &iSize, NULL) ); if (decodedSize != testSize) goto _output_error; if (iSize != cSize) goto _output_error; { U64 const crcDest = XXH64(decodedBuffer, decodedSize, 1); U64 const crcSrc = XXH64(CNBuffer, testSize, 1); if (crcDest != crcSrc) goto _output_error; } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Regenerated %u bytes \n", (U32)decodedSize); CHECK( LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext(dctx) ); } /* frame content size tests */ { size_t cErr; BYTE* const ostart = (BYTE*)compressedBuffer; BYTE* op = ostart; CHECK( LZ4F_createCompressionContext(&cctx, LZ4F_VERSION) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "compress without frameSize : "); memset(&(prefs.frameInfo), 0, sizeof(prefs.frameInfo)); CHECK_V(cErr, LZ4F_compressBegin(cctx, compressedBuffer, testSize, &prefs)); op += cErr; CHECK_V(cErr, LZ4F_compressUpdate(cctx, op, LZ4F_compressBound(testSize, &prefs), CNBuffer, testSize, NULL)); op += cErr; CHECK( LZ4F_compressEnd(cctx, compressedBuffer, testSize, NULL) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compressed %i bytes into a %i bytes frame \n", (int)testSize, (int)(op-ostart)); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "compress with frameSize : "); prefs.frameInfo.contentSize = testSize; op = ostart; CHECK_V(cErr, LZ4F_compressBegin(cctx, compressedBuffer, testSize, &prefs)); op += cErr; CHECK_V(cErr, LZ4F_compressUpdate(cctx, op, LZ4F_compressBound(testSize, &prefs), CNBuffer, testSize, NULL)); op += cErr; CHECK( LZ4F_compressEnd(cctx, compressedBuffer, testSize, NULL) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compressed %i bytes into a %i bytes frame \n", (int)testSize, (int)(op-ostart)); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "compress with wrong frameSize : "); prefs.frameInfo.contentSize = testSize+1; op = ostart; CHECK_V(cErr, LZ4F_compressBegin(cctx, compressedBuffer, testSize, &prefs)); op += cErr; CHECK_V(cErr, LZ4F_compressUpdate(cctx, op, LZ4F_compressBound(testSize, &prefs), CNBuffer, testSize, NULL)); op += cErr; cErr = LZ4F_compressEnd(cctx, op, testSize, NULL); if (!LZ4F_isError(cErr)) goto _output_error; DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Error correctly detected : %s \n", LZ4F_getErrorName(cErr)); CHECK( LZ4F_freeCompressionContext(cctx) ); cctx = NULL; } /* dictID tests */ { size_t cErr; U32 const dictID = 0x99; CHECK( LZ4F_createCompressionContext(&cctx, LZ4F_VERSION) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "insert a dictID : "); memset(&prefs.frameInfo, 0, sizeof(prefs.frameInfo)); prefs.frameInfo.dictID = dictID; CHECK_V(cErr, LZ4F_compressBegin(cctx, compressedBuffer, testSize, &prefs)); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "created frame header of size %i bytes \n", (int)cErr); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "read a dictID : "); CHECK( LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&dCtx, LZ4F_VERSION) ); memset(&prefs.frameInfo, 0, sizeof(prefs.frameInfo)); CHECK( LZ4F_getFrameInfo(dCtx, &prefs.frameInfo, compressedBuffer, &cErr) ); if (prefs.frameInfo.dictID != dictID) goto _output_error; DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "%u \n", (U32)prefs.frameInfo.dictID); CHECK( LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext(dCtx) ); dCtx = NULL; CHECK( LZ4F_freeCompressionContext(cctx) ); cctx = NULL; } /* Dictionary compression test */ { size_t const dictSize = 63 KB; size_t const dstCapacity = LZ4F_compressFrameBound(dictSize, NULL); size_t cSizeNoDict, cSizeWithDict; LZ4F_CDict* const cdict = LZ4F_createCDict(CNBuffer, dictSize); if (cdict == NULL) goto _output_error; CHECK( LZ4F_createCompressionContext(&cctx, LZ4F_VERSION) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_compressFrame_usingCDict, with NULL dict : "); CHECK_V(cSizeNoDict, LZ4F_compressFrame_usingCDict(cctx, compressedBuffer, dstCapacity, CNBuffer, dictSize, NULL, NULL) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "%u bytes \n", (unsigned)cSizeNoDict); CHECK( LZ4F_freeCompressionContext(cctx) ); CHECK( LZ4F_createCompressionContext(&cctx, LZ4F_VERSION) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_compressFrame_usingCDict, with dict : "); CHECK_V(cSizeWithDict, LZ4F_compressFrame_usingCDict(cctx, compressedBuffer, dstCapacity, CNBuffer, dictSize, cdict, NULL) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "compressed %u bytes into %u bytes \n", (unsigned)dictSize, (unsigned)cSizeWithDict); if (cSizeWithDict >= cSizeNoDict) goto _output_error; /* must be more efficient */ crcOrig = XXH64(CNBuffer, dictSize, 0); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_decompress_usingDict : "); { LZ4F_dctx* dctx; size_t decodedSize = COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH; size_t compressedSize = cSizeWithDict; CHECK( LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&dctx, LZ4F_VERSION) ); CHECK( LZ4F_decompress_usingDict(dctx, decodedBuffer, &decodedSize, compressedBuffer, &compressedSize, CNBuffer, dictSize, NULL) ); if (compressedSize != cSizeWithDict) goto _output_error; if (decodedSize != dictSize) goto _output_error; { U64 const crcDest = XXH64(decodedBuffer, decodedSize, 0); if (crcDest != crcOrig) goto _output_error; } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Regenerated %u bytes \n", (U32)decodedSize); CHECK( LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext(dctx) ); } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_compressFrame_usingCDict, with dict, negative level : "); { size_t cSizeLevelMax; LZ4F_preferences_t cParams; memset(&cParams, 0, sizeof(cParams)); cParams.compressionLevel = -3; CHECK_V(cSizeLevelMax, LZ4F_compressFrame_usingCDict(cctx, compressedBuffer, dstCapacity, CNBuffer, dictSize, cdict, &cParams) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "%u bytes \n", (unsigned)cSizeLevelMax); } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_compressFrame_usingCDict, with dict, level max : "); { size_t cSizeLevelMax; LZ4F_preferences_t cParams; memset(&cParams, 0, sizeof(cParams)); cParams.compressionLevel = LZ4F_compressionLevel_max(); CHECK_V(cSizeLevelMax, LZ4F_compressFrame_usingCDict(cctx, compressedBuffer, dstCapacity, CNBuffer, dictSize, cdict, &cParams) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "%u bytes \n", (unsigned)cSizeLevelMax); } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_compressFrame_usingCDict, multiple linked blocks : "); { size_t cSizeContiguous; size_t const inSize = dictSize * 3; size_t const outCapacity = LZ4F_compressFrameBound(inSize, NULL); LZ4F_preferences_t cParams; memset(&cParams, 0, sizeof(cParams)); cParams.frameInfo.blockMode = LZ4F_blockLinked; cParams.frameInfo.blockSizeID = LZ4F_max64KB; CHECK_V(cSizeContiguous, LZ4F_compressFrame_usingCDict(cctx, compressedBuffer, outCapacity, CNBuffer, inSize, cdict, &cParams) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "compressed %u bytes into %u bytes \n", (unsigned)inSize, (unsigned)cSizeContiguous); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_decompress_usingDict on multiple linked blocks : "); { LZ4F_dctx* dctx; size_t decodedSize = COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH; size_t compressedSize = cSizeContiguous; CHECK( LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&dctx, LZ4F_VERSION) ); CHECK( LZ4F_decompress_usingDict(dctx, decodedBuffer, &decodedSize, compressedBuffer, &compressedSize, CNBuffer, dictSize, NULL) ); if (compressedSize != cSizeContiguous) goto _output_error; if (decodedSize != inSize) goto _output_error; crcOrig = XXH64(CNBuffer, inSize, 0); { U64 const crcDest = XXH64(decodedBuffer, decodedSize, 0); if (crcDest != crcOrig) goto _output_error; } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Regenerated %u bytes \n", (U32)decodedSize); CHECK( LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext(dctx) ); } } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_compressFrame_usingCDict, multiple independent blocks : "); { size_t cSizeIndep; size_t const inSize = dictSize * 3; size_t const outCapacity = LZ4F_compressFrameBound(inSize, NULL); LZ4F_preferences_t cParams; memset(&cParams, 0, sizeof(cParams)); cParams.frameInfo.blockMode = LZ4F_blockIndependent; cParams.frameInfo.blockSizeID = LZ4F_max64KB; CHECK_V(cSizeIndep, LZ4F_compressFrame_usingCDict(cctx, compressedBuffer, outCapacity, CNBuffer, inSize, cdict, &cParams) ); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "compressed %u bytes into %u bytes \n", (unsigned)inSize, (unsigned)cSizeIndep); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "LZ4F_decompress_usingDict on multiple independent blocks : "); { LZ4F_dctx* dctx; size_t decodedSize = COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH; size_t compressedSize = cSizeIndep; CHECK( LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&dctx, LZ4F_VERSION) ); CHECK( LZ4F_decompress_usingDict(dctx, decodedBuffer, &decodedSize, compressedBuffer, &compressedSize, CNBuffer, dictSize, NULL) ); if (compressedSize != cSizeIndep) goto _output_error; if (decodedSize != inSize) goto _output_error; crcOrig = XXH64(CNBuffer, inSize, 0); { U64 const crcDest = XXH64(decodedBuffer, decodedSize, 0); if (crcDest != crcOrig) goto _output_error; } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Regenerated %u bytes \n", (U32)decodedSize); CHECK( LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext(dctx) ); } } LZ4F_freeCDict(cdict); CHECK( LZ4F_freeCompressionContext(cctx) ); cctx = NULL; } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Skippable frame test : \n"); { size_t decodedBufferSize = COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH; unsigned maxBits = FUZ_highbit((U32)decodedBufferSize); BYTE* op = (BYTE*)decodedBuffer; BYTE* const oend = (BYTE*)decodedBuffer + COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH; BYTE* ip = (BYTE*)compressedBuffer; BYTE* iend = (BYTE*)compressedBuffer + cSize + 8; CHECK( LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&dCtx, LZ4F_VERSION) ); /* generate skippable frame */ FUZ_writeLE32(ip, LZ4F_MAGIC_SKIPPABLE_START); FUZ_writeLE32(ip+4, (U32)cSize); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "random segment sizes : \n"); while (ip < iend) { unsigned nbBits = FUZ_rand(&randState) % maxBits; size_t iSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBits)-1)) + 1; size_t oSize = oend-op; if (iSize > (size_t)(iend-ip)) iSize = iend-ip; CHECK( LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, op, &oSize, ip, &iSize, NULL) ); op += oSize; ip += iSize; } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Skipped %i bytes \n", (int)decodedBufferSize); /* generate zero-size skippable frame */ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "zero-size skippable frame\n"); ip = (BYTE*)compressedBuffer; op = (BYTE*)decodedBuffer; FUZ_writeLE32(ip, LZ4F_MAGIC_SKIPPABLE_START+1); FUZ_writeLE32(ip+4, 0); iend = ip+8; while (ip < iend) { unsigned const nbBits = FUZ_rand(&randState) % maxBits; size_t iSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBits)-1)) + 1; size_t oSize = oend-op; if (iSize > (size_t)(iend-ip)) iSize = iend-ip; CHECK( LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, op, &oSize, ip, &iSize, NULL) ); op += oSize; ip += iSize; } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Skipped %i bytes \n", (int)(ip - (BYTE*)compressedBuffer - 8)); DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Skippable frame header complete in first call \n"); ip = (BYTE*)compressedBuffer; op = (BYTE*)decodedBuffer; FUZ_writeLE32(ip, LZ4F_MAGIC_SKIPPABLE_START+2); FUZ_writeLE32(ip+4, 10); iend = ip+18; while (ip < iend) { size_t iSize = 10; size_t oSize = 10; if (iSize > (size_t)(iend-ip)) iSize = iend-ip; CHECK( LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, op, &oSize, ip, &iSize, NULL) ); op += oSize; ip += iSize; } DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Skipped %i bytes \n", (int)(ip - (BYTE*)compressedBuffer - 8)); } DISPLAY("Basic tests completed \n"); _end: free(CNBuffer); free(compressedBuffer); free(decodedBuffer); LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext(dCtx); dCtx = NULL; LZ4F_freeCompressionContext(cctx); cctx = NULL; return basicTests_error; _output_error: basicTests_error = 1; DISPLAY("Error detected ! \n"); goto _end; } static void locateBuffDiff(const void* buff1, const void* buff2, size_t size, unsigned nonContiguous) { size_t p=0; const BYTE* b1=(const BYTE*)buff1; const BYTE* b2=(const BYTE*)buff2; DISPLAY("locateBuffDiff: looking for error position \n"); if (nonContiguous) { DISPLAY("mode %u: non-contiguous output (%zu bytes), cannot search \n", nonContiguous, size); return; } while (p < size && b1[p]==b2[p]) p++; if (p != size) { DISPLAY("Error at pos %i/%i : %02X != %02X \n", (int)p, (int)size, b1[p], b2[p]); } } int fuzzerTests(U32 seed, unsigned nbTests, unsigned startTest, double compressibility, U32 duration_s) { unsigned testResult = 0; unsigned testNb = 0; size_t const srcDataLength = 9 MB; /* needs to be > 2x4MB to test large blocks */ void* srcBuffer = NULL; size_t const compressedBufferSize = LZ4F_compressFrameBound(srcDataLength, NULL); void* compressedBuffer = NULL; void* decodedBuffer = NULL; U32 coreRand = seed; LZ4F_decompressionContext_t dCtx = NULL; LZ4F_compressionContext_t cCtx = NULL; size_t result; clock_t const startClock = clock(); clock_t const clockDuration = duration_s * CLOCKS_PER_SEC; # undef CHECK # define CHECK(cond, ...) if (cond) { DISPLAY("Error => "); DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); \ DISPLAY(" (seed %u, test nb %u) \n", seed, testNb); goto _output_error; } /* Create buffers */ result = LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&dCtx, LZ4F_VERSION); CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Allocation failed (error %i)", (int)result); result = LZ4F_createCompressionContext(&cCtx, LZ4F_VERSION); CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Allocation failed (error %i)", (int)result); srcBuffer = malloc(srcDataLength); CHECK(srcBuffer==NULL, "srcBuffer Allocation failed"); compressedBuffer = malloc(compressedBufferSize); CHECK(compressedBuffer==NULL, "compressedBuffer Allocation failed"); decodedBuffer = calloc(1, srcDataLength); /* calloc avoids decodedBuffer being considered "garbage" by scan-build */ CHECK(decodedBuffer==NULL, "decodedBuffer Allocation failed"); FUZ_fillCompressibleNoiseBuffer(srcBuffer, srcDataLength, compressibility, &coreRand); /* jump to requested testNb */ for (testNb =0; (testNb < startTest); testNb++) (void)FUZ_rand(&coreRand); /* sync randomizer */ /* main fuzzer test loop */ for ( ; (testNb < nbTests) || (clockDuration > FUZ_GetClockSpan(startClock)) ; testNb++) { U32 randState = coreRand ^ prime1; unsigned const srcBits = (FUZ_rand(&randState) % (FUZ_highbit((U32)(srcDataLength-1)) - 1)) + 1; size_t const srcSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<srcBits)-1)) + 1; size_t const srcStartId = FUZ_rand(&randState) % (srcDataLength - srcSize); const BYTE* const srcStart = (const BYTE*)srcBuffer + srcStartId; unsigned const neverFlush = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & 15) == 1; U64 const crcOrig = XXH64(srcStart, srcSize, 1); LZ4F_preferences_t prefs; const LZ4F_preferences_t* prefsPtr = &prefs; size_t cSize; (void)FUZ_rand(&coreRand); /* update seed */ memset(&prefs, 0, sizeof(prefs)); prefs.frameInfo.blockMode = (LZ4F_blockMode_t)(FUZ_rand(&randState) & 1); prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID = (LZ4F_blockSizeID_t)(4 + (FUZ_rand(&randState) & 3)); prefs.frameInfo.blockChecksumFlag = (LZ4F_blockChecksum_t)(FUZ_rand(&randState) & 1); prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = (LZ4F_contentChecksum_t)(FUZ_rand(&randState) & 1); prefs.frameInfo.contentSize = ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 0xF) == 1) ? srcSize : 0; prefs.autoFlush = neverFlush ? 0 : (FUZ_rand(&randState) & 7) == 2; prefs.compressionLevel = -5 + (int)(FUZ_rand(&randState) % 11); if ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 0xF) == 1) prefsPtr = NULL; DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%5u ", testNb); if ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 0xFFF) == 0) { /* create a skippable frame (rare case) */ BYTE* op = (BYTE*)compressedBuffer; FUZ_writeLE32(op, LZ4F_MAGIC_SKIPPABLE_START + (FUZ_rand(&randState) & 15)); FUZ_writeLE32(op+4, (U32)srcSize); cSize = srcSize+8; } else if ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 0xF) == 2) { /* single pass compression (simple) */ cSize = LZ4F_compressFrame(compressedBuffer, LZ4F_compressFrameBound(srcSize, prefsPtr), srcStart, srcSize, prefsPtr); CHECK(LZ4F_isError(cSize), "LZ4F_compressFrame failed : error %i (%s)", (int)cSize, LZ4F_getErrorName(cSize)); } else { /* multi-segments compression */ const BYTE* ip = srcStart; const BYTE* const iend = srcStart + srcSize; BYTE* op = (BYTE*)compressedBuffer; BYTE* const oend = op + (neverFlush ? LZ4F_compressFrameBound(srcSize, prefsPtr) : compressedBufferSize); /* when flushes are possible, can't guarantee a max compressed size */ unsigned const maxBits = FUZ_highbit((U32)srcSize); LZ4F_compressOptions_t cOptions; memset(&cOptions, 0, sizeof(cOptions)); result = LZ4F_compressBegin(cCtx, op, oend-op, prefsPtr); CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Compression header failed (error %i)", (int)result); op += result; while (ip < iend) { unsigned const nbBitsSeg = FUZ_rand(&randState) % maxBits; size_t const sampleMax = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBitsSeg)-1)) + 1; size_t const iSize = MIN(sampleMax, (size_t)(iend-ip)); size_t const oSize = LZ4F_compressBound(iSize, prefsPtr); cOptions.stableSrc = ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 3) == 1); DISPLAYLEVEL(6, "Sending %u bytes to compress (stableSrc:%u) \n", (unsigned)iSize, cOptions.stableSrc); result = LZ4F_compressUpdate(cCtx, op, oSize, ip, iSize, &cOptions); CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Compression failed (error %i : %s)", (int)result, LZ4F_getErrorName(result)); op += result; ip += iSize; { unsigned const forceFlush = neverFlush ? 0 : ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 3) == 1); if (forceFlush) { result = LZ4F_flush(cCtx, op, oend-op, &cOptions); CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Compression failed (error %i)", (int)result); op += result; } } } CHECK(op>=oend, "LZ4F_compressFrameBound overflow"); { size_t const dstEndSafeSize = LZ4F_compressBound(0, prefsPtr); int const tooSmallDstEnd = ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 31) == 3); size_t const dstEndTooSmallSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) % dstEndSafeSize) + 1; size_t const dstEndSize = tooSmallDstEnd ? dstEndTooSmallSize : dstEndSafeSize; BYTE const canaryByte = (BYTE)(FUZ_rand(&randState) & 255); op[dstEndSize] = canaryByte; result = LZ4F_compressEnd(cCtx, op, dstEndSize, &cOptions); CHECK(op[dstEndSize] != canaryByte, "LZ4F_compressEnd writes beyond dstCapacity !"); if (LZ4F_isError(result)) { if (tooSmallDstEnd) /* failure is allowed */ continue; CHECK(1, "Compression completion failed (error %i : %s)", (int)result, LZ4F_getErrorName(result)); } } op += result; cSize = op-(BYTE*)compressedBuffer; DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "\nCompressed %u bytes into %u \n", (U32)srcSize, (U32)cSize); } /* multi-segments decompression */ { const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*)compressedBuffer; const BYTE* const iend = ip + cSize; BYTE* op = (BYTE*)decodedBuffer; BYTE* const oend = op + srcDataLength; unsigned const suggestedBits = FUZ_highbit((U32)cSize); unsigned const maxBits = MAX(3, suggestedBits); unsigned const nonContiguousDst = FUZ_rand(&randState) % 3; /* 0 : contiguous; 1 : non-contiguous; 2 : dst overwritten */ size_t totalOut = 0; XXH64_state_t xxh64; XXH64_reset(&xxh64, 1); while (ip < iend) { unsigned const nbBitsI = (FUZ_rand(&randState) % (maxBits-1)) + 1; unsigned const nbBitsO = (FUZ_rand(&randState) % (maxBits)) + 1; size_t const iSizeMax = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBitsI)-1)) + 1; size_t iSize = MIN(iSizeMax, (size_t)(iend-ip)); size_t const oSizeMax = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBitsO)-1)) + 2; size_t oSize = MIN(oSizeMax, (size_t)(oend-op)); LZ4F_decompressOptions_t dOptions; memset(&dOptions, 0, sizeof(dOptions)); dOptions.stableDst = FUZ_rand(&randState) & 1; if (nonContiguousDst==2) dOptions.stableDst = 0; /* overwrite mode */ result = LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, op, &oSize, ip, &iSize, &dOptions); if (LZ4F_getErrorCode(result) == LZ4F_ERROR_contentChecksum_invalid) locateBuffDiff(srcStart, decodedBuffer, srcSize, nonContiguousDst); CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Decompression failed (error %i:%s)", (int)result, LZ4F_getErrorName(result)); XXH64_update(&xxh64, op, (U32)oSize); totalOut += oSize; op += oSize; ip += iSize; op += nonContiguousDst; if (nonContiguousDst==2) op = (BYTE*)decodedBuffer; /* overwritten destination */ } CHECK(result != 0, "Frame decompression failed (error %i)", (int)result); if (totalOut) { /* otherwise, it's a skippable frame */ U64 const crcDecoded = XXH64_digest(&xxh64); if (crcDecoded != crcOrig) locateBuffDiff(srcStart, decodedBuffer, srcSize, nonContiguousDst); CHECK(crcDecoded != crcOrig, "Decompression corruption"); } } } DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\rAll tests completed \n"); _end: LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext(dCtx); LZ4F_freeCompressionContext(cCtx); free(srcBuffer); free(compressedBuffer); free(decodedBuffer); if (use_pause) { DISPLAY("press enter to finish \n"); (void)getchar(); } return testResult; _output_error: testResult = 1; goto _end; } int FUZ_usage(const char* programName) { DISPLAY( "Usage :\n"); DISPLAY( " %s [args]\n", programName); DISPLAY( "\n"); DISPLAY( "Arguments :\n"); DISPLAY( " -i# : Nb of tests (default:%u) \n", nbTestsDefault); DISPLAY( " -T# : Duration of tests, in seconds (default: use Nb of tests) \n"); DISPLAY( " -s# : Select seed (default:prompt user)\n"); DISPLAY( " -t# : Select starting test number (default:0)\n"); DISPLAY( " -P# : Select compressibility in %% (default:%i%%)\n", FUZ_COMPRESSIBILITY_DEFAULT); DISPLAY( " -v : verbose\n"); DISPLAY( " -h : display help and exit\n"); return 0; } int main(int argc, const char** argv) { U32 seed=0; int seedset=0; int argNb; int nbTests = nbTestsDefault; int testNb = 0; int proba = FUZ_COMPRESSIBILITY_DEFAULT; int result=0; U32 duration=0; const char* const programName = argv[0]; /* Check command line */ for (argNb=1; argNb<argc; argNb++) { const char* argument = argv[argNb]; if(!argument) continue; /* Protection if argument empty */ /* Decode command (note : aggregated short commands are allowed) */ if (argument[0]=='-') { if (!strcmp(argument, "--no-prompt")) { no_prompt=1; seedset=1; displayLevel=1; continue; } argument++; while (*argument!=0) { switch(*argument) { case 'h': return FUZ_usage(programName); case 'v': argument++; displayLevel++; break; case 'q': argument++; displayLevel--; break; case 'p': /* pause at the end */ argument++; use_pause = 1; break; case 'i': argument++; nbTests=0; duration=0; while ((*argument>='0') && (*argument<='9')) { nbTests *= 10; nbTests += *argument - '0'; argument++; } break; case 'T': argument++; nbTests = 0; duration = 0; for (;;) { switch(*argument) { case 'm': duration *= 60; argument++; continue; case 's': case 'n': argument++; continue; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': duration *= 10; duration += *argument++ - '0'; continue; } break; } break; case 's': argument++; seed=0; seedset=1; while ((*argument>='0') && (*argument<='9')) { seed *= 10; seed += *argument - '0'; argument++; } break; case 't': argument++; testNb=0; while ((*argument>='0') && (*argument<='9')) { testNb *= 10; testNb += *argument - '0'; argument++; } break; case 'P': /* compressibility % */ argument++; proba=0; while ((*argument>='0') && (*argument<='9')) { proba *= 10; proba += *argument - '0'; argument++; } if (proba<0) proba=0; if (proba>100) proba=100; break; default: ; return FUZ_usage(programName); } } } } /* Get Seed */ DISPLAY("Starting lz4frame tester (%i-bits, %s)\n", (int)(sizeof(size_t)*8), LZ4_VERSION_STRING); if (!seedset) { time_t const t = time(NULL); U32 const h = XXH32(&t, sizeof(t), 1); seed = h % 10000; } DISPLAY("Seed = %u\n", seed); if (proba!=FUZ_COMPRESSIBILITY_DEFAULT) DISPLAY("Compressibility : %i%%\n", proba); if (nbTests<=0) nbTests=1; if (testNb==0) result = basicTests(seed, ((double)proba) / 100); if (result) return 1; return fuzzerTests(seed, nbTests, testNb, ((double)proba) / 100, duration); }