path: root/tests
the window). .IP \0\(bu 4 The Left and Right keys move the insert cursor one character to the left or right; they also clear any selection in the entry. If Left or Right is typed with the Shift key down, then the insertion cursor moves and the selection is extended to include the new character. Control-Left and Control-Right move the insert cursor by words, and Control-Shift-Left and Control-Shift-Right move the insert cursor by words and also extend the selection. Control-b and Control-f behave the same as Left and Right, respectively. .IP \0\(bu 4 The Home key and Control-a move the insert cursor to the beginning of the entry and clear any selection in the entry. Shift-Home moves the insert cursor to the beginning of the entry and extends the selection to that point. .IP \0\(bu 4 The End key and Control-e move the insert cursor to the end of the entry and clear any selection in the entry. Shift-End moves the cursor to the end and extends the selection to that point. .IP \0\(bu 4 Control-/ selects all the text in the entry. .IP \0\(bu 4 Control-\e clears any selection in the entry. .IP \0\(bu 4 The standard Tk <<Cut>>, <<Copy>>, <<Paste>>, and <<Clear>> virtual events operate on the selection in the expected manner. .IP \0\(bu 4 The Delete key deletes the selection, if there is one in the entry. If there is no selection, it deletes the character to the right of the insert cursor. .IP \0\(bu 4 The BackSpace key and Control-h delete the selection, if there is one in the entry. If there is no selection, it deletes the character to the left of the insert cursor. .IP \0\(bu 4 Control-d deletes the character to the right of the insert cursor. .IP \0\(bu 4 Control-k deletes all the characters to the right of the insertion cursor. .SH "WIDGET STATES" .PP In the \fBdisabled\fR state, the entry cannot be edited and the text cannot be selected. In the \fBreadonly\fR state, no insert cursor is displayed and the entry cannot be edited (specifically: the \fBinsert\fR and \fBdelete\fR commands have no effect). The \fBdisabled\fR state is the same as \fBreadonly\fR, and in addition text cannot be selected. .PP Note that changes to the linked \fB\-textvariable\fR will still be reflected in the entry, even if it is disabled or readonly. .PP Typically, the text is .QW grayed-out in the \fBdisabled\fR state, and a different background is used in the \fBreadonly\fR state. .PP The entry widget sets the \fBinvalid\fR state if revalidation fails, and clears it whenever validation succeeds. .SH "SEE ALSO" ttk::widget(n), entry(n) .SH KEYWORDS entry, widget, text field '\" Local Variables: '\" mode: nroff '\" End: