# RCS: @(#) $Id: biglist.tcl,v 1.7 2006/09/27 01:58:43 treectrl Exp $ set ::clip 1 proc DemoBigList {} { global BigList set T .f2.f1.t # # Configure the treectrl widget # $T configure -selectmode extended \ -showroot no -showbuttons no -showlines no \ -showrootlines no if {$::clip} { $T configure -xscrollincrement 4 -yscrollincrement 4 } else { # Hide the borders because child windows appear on top of them $T configure -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 } # # Create columns # $T column create -expand yes -text Item -itembackground {#F7F7F7} -tag colItem $T column create -text "Item ID" -justify center -itembackground {} -tag colID $T column create -text "Parent ID" -justify center -itembackground {} -tag colParent # Specify the column that will display the heirarchy buttons and lines $T configure -treecolumn colItem # # Create elements # set BigList(bg) $::SystemButtonFace set outline gray70 $T element create eRectTop.e rect -outline $outline -fill $BigList(bg) \ -draw {yes open no {}} -outlinewidth 1 -open es $T element create eRectTop.we rect -outline $outline -fill $BigList(bg) \ -draw {yes open no {}} -outlinewidth 1 -open wes $T element create eRectTop.w rect -outline $outline -fill $BigList(bg) \ -draw {yes open no {}} -outlinewidth 1 -open ws $T element create eRectBottom rect -outline $outline -fill $BigList(bg) \ -outlinewidth 1 -open n # Title $T element create elemBorderTitle border -relief {sunken open raised {}} -thickness 1 \ -filled yes -background $::SystemButtonFace $T element create elemTxtTitle text \ -font [list "[$T cget -font] bold"] # Citizen $T element create elemRectSel rect -showfocus no \ -fill [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus} gray {selected !focus}] $T element create elemTxtItem text \ -fill [list $::SystemHighlightText {selected focus}] $T element create elemTxtName text \ -fill [list $::SystemHighlightText {selected focus} blue {}] # Citizen info $T element create elemWindow window if {$::clip} { $T element configure elemWindow -clip yes } # # Create styles using the elements # set S [$T style create styTitle] $T style elements $S {elemBorderTitle elemTxtTitle} $T style layout $S elemTxtTitle -expand news $T style layout $S elemBorderTitle -detach yes -indent no -iexpand xy set S [$T style create styItem] $T style elements $S {eRectTop.e elemRectSel elemTxtItem elemTxtName} $T style layout $S eRectTop.e -detach yes -indent no -iexpand xy $T style layout $S elemTxtItem -expand ns $T style layout $S elemTxtName -expand ns -padx {20} $T style layout $S elemRectSel -detach yes -indent no -iexpand xy set S [$T style create styID] $T style elements $S {eRectTop.we elemRectSel elemTxtItem} $T style layout $S eRectTop.we -detach yes -indent yes -iexpand xy $T style layout $S elemTxtItem -padx 6 -expand ns $T style layout $S elemRectSel -detach yes -indent no -iexpand xy set S [$T style create styParent] $T style elements $S {eRectTop.w elemRectSel elemTxtItem} $T style layout $S eRectTop.w -detach yes -indent yes -iexpand xy $T style layout $S elemTxtItem -padx 6 -expand ns $T style layout $S elemRectSel -detach yes -indent no -iexpand xy set S [$T style create styCitizen] $T style elements $S {eRectBottom elemWindow} $T style layout $S eRectBottom -detach yes -indent no -iexpand xy $T style layout $S elemWindow -pady {0 1} # # Create 10000 items. Each of these items will hold 10 child items. # set index 1 foreach I [$T item create -count 10000 -parent root -button yes -open no \ -height 20 -tags title] { set BigList(titleIndex,$I) $index incr index 10 } # This binding will add child items to an item just before it is expanded. $T notify bind $T { BigListExpandBefore %T %I } # This binding will assign styles to items when they are displayed and # clear the styles when they are no longer displayed. $T notify bind $T { BigListItemVisibility %T %v %h } set BigList(freeWindows) {} set BigList(nextWindowId) 0 set BigList(prev) "" # Create a new window just to get the requested size. This will be the # value of the item -height option for some items. set w [BigListNewWindow $T root] update idletasks if {$::clip} { set height [winfo reqheight [lindex [winfo children $w] 0]] } else { set height [winfo reqheight $w] } # Add 1 pixel for the border incr height set BigList(windowHeight) $height BigListFreeWindow $T $w bind DemoBigList { if {[lindex [%W identify %x %y] 0] eq "header"} { TreeCtrl::DoubleButton1 %W %x %y } else { BigListButton1 %W %x %y } break } bind DemoBigList { BigListButton1 %W %x %y break } bind DemoBigList { BigListMotion %W %x %y } bind DemoBigListChildWindow { set x [expr {%X - [winfo rootx .f2.f1.t]}] set y [expr {%Y - [winfo rooty .f2.f1.t]}] BigListMotion .f2.f1.t $x $y } bindtags $T [list $T DemoBigList TreeCtrl [winfo toplevel $T] all] return } proc BigListExpandBefore {T I} { global BigList set parent [$T item parent $I] if {[$T item numchildren $I]} return # Title if {[$T tag expr $I title]} { set index $BigList(titleIndex,$I) set threats {Severe High Elevated Guarded Low} set names1 {Bill John Jack Bob Tim Sam Mary Susan Lilian Jeff Gary Neil Margaret} set names2 {Smith Hobbs Baker Furst Newel Gates Marshal McNoodle Marley} # Add 10 child items to this item. Each item represents 1 citizen. # The styles will be assigned in BigListItemVisibility. foreach I [$T item create -count 10 -parent $I -open no -button yes \ -height 20 -tags citizen] { set name1 [lindex $names1 [expr {int(rand() * [llength $names1])}]] set name2 [lindex $names2 [expr {int(rand() * [llength $names2])}]] set BigList(itemIndex,$I) $index set BigList(name,$I) "$name1 $name2" set BigList(threat,$I) [lindex $threats [expr {int(rand() * 5)}]] incr index } return } # Citizen if {[$T tag expr $I citizen]} { # Add 1 child item to this item. # The styles will be assigned in BigListItemVisibility. $T item create -parent $I -height $BigList(windowHeight) -tags info } return } proc BigListItemVisibility {T visible hidden} { global BigList # Assign styles and configure elements in each item that is now # visible on screen. foreach I $visible { set parent [$T item parent $I] # Title if {[$T tag expr $I title]} { set first $BigList(titleIndex,$I) set last [expr {$first + 10 - 1}] set first [format %06d $first] set last [format %06d $last] $T item span $I colItem 3 $T item style set $I colItem styTitle $T item element configure $I \ colItem elemTxtTitle -text "Citizens $first-$last" continue } # Citizen if {[$T tag expr $I citizen]} { set index $BigList(itemIndex,$I) $T item style set $I colItem styItem colID styID colParent styParent $T item element configure $I \ colItem elemTxtItem -text "Citizen $index" + elemTxtName -textvariable ::BigList(name,$I) , \ colParent elemTxtItem -text $parent , \ colID elemTxtItem -text $I continue } # Citizen info if {[$T tag expr $I info]} { set w [BigListNewWindow $T $parent] $T item style set $I colItem styCitizen $T item span $I colItem 3 $T item element configure $I colItem \ elemWindow -window $w } } # Clear the styles of each item that is no longer visible on screen. foreach I $hidden { # Citizen info if {[$T tag expr $I info]} { # Add this window to the list of unused windows set w [$T item element cget $I colItem elemWindow -window] BigListFreeWindow $T $w } $T item style set $I colItem "" colParent "" colID "" } return } proc BigListNewWindow {T I} { global BigList # Check the list of unused windows if {[llength $BigList(freeWindows)]} { set w [lindex $BigList(freeWindows) 0] set BigList(freeWindows) [lrange $BigList(freeWindows) 1 end] if {$::clip} { set f $w set w [lindex [winfo children $f] 0] } puts "reuse window $w" # No unused windows exist. Create a new one. } else { set id [incr BigList(nextWindowId)] if {$::clip} { set f [frame $T.clip$id -background blue] set w [frame $f.frame$id -background $BigList(bg)] } else { set w [frame $T.frame$id -background $BigList(bg)] } # Name: label + entry label $w.label1 -text "Name:" -anchor w -background $BigList(bg) entry $w.entry1 -width 24 # Threat Level: label + menubutton label $w.label2 -text "Threat Level:" -anchor w -background $BigList(bg) if {$::tile} { ttk::combobox $w.mb2 -values {Severe High Elevated Guarded Low} \ -state readonly -width [string length "Elevated"] } else { menubutton $w.mb2 -indicatoron yes -menu $w.mb2.m \ -width [string length Elevated] -relief raised menu $w.mb2.m -tearoff no foreach label {Severe High Elevated Guarded Low} { $w.mb2.m add radiobutton -label $label \ -value $label \ -command [list $w.mb2 configure -text $label] } } # Button set message \ "After abducting and probing these people over the last\n\ 50 years, the only thing we've learned for certain is that\n\ one in ten just doesn't seem to mind." if {$::thisPlatform ne "windows"} { set message [string map {\n ""} $message] } button $w.b3 -text "Anal Probe Wizard..." -command [list tk_messageBox \ -parent . -message $message -title "Anal Probe 2.0"] grid $w.label1 -row 0 -column 0 -sticky w -padx {0 8} grid $w.entry1 -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w -pady 4 grid $w.label2 -row 1 -column 0 -sticky w -padx {0 8} grid $w.mb2 -row 1 -column 1 -sticky w -pady 4 grid $w.b3 -row 3 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky we -pady {0 4} AddBindTag $w DemoBigListChildWindow AddBindTag $w TagIdentify puts "create window $w" } # Tie the widgets to the global variables for this citizen $w.entry1 configure -textvariable BigList(name,$I) $w.mb2 configure -textvariable BigList(threat,$I) if {!$::tile} { foreach label {Severe High Elevated Guarded Low} { $w.mb2.m entryconfigure $label -variable BigList(threat,$I) } } if {$::clip} { return $f } return $w } proc BigListFreeWindow {T w} { global BigList # Add the window to our list of free windows. DemoClear will actually # delete the window when the demo changes. lappend BigList(freeWindows) $w puts "free window $w" return } proc BigListButton1 {w x y} { variable TreeCtrl::Priv focus $w set id [$w identify $x $y] set Priv(buttonMode) "" if {[lindex $id 0] eq "header"} { TreeCtrl::ButtonPress1 $w $x $y } elseif {[lindex $id 0] eq "item"} { set item [lindex $id 1] # click a button if {[llength $id] != 6} { TreeCtrl::ButtonPress1 $w $x $y return } if {[$w tag expr $item !info]} { $w toggle $item } } return } proc BigListMotion {w x y} { global BigList set id [$w identify $x $y] if {[lindex $id 0] eq "item"} { set item [lindex $id 1] if {[$w tag expr $item !info]} { if {$item ne $BigList(prev)} { $w configure -cursor hand2 set BigList(prev) $item } return } } if {$BigList(prev) ne ""} { $w configure -cursor "" set BigList(prev) "" } return }