set Dir [file dirname [file dirname [info script]]] proc DemoExplorerAux {scriptDir scriptFile} { set T .f2.f1.t set clicks [clock clicks] set globDirs [glob -nocomplain -types d -dir $::Dir *] set clickGlobDirs [expr {[clock clicks] - $clicks}] set clicks [clock clicks] set list [lsort -dictionary $globDirs] set clickSortDirs [expr {[clock clicks] - $clicks}] set clicks [clock clicks] foreach file $list $scriptDir set clickAddDirs [expr {[clock clicks] - $clicks}] set clicks [clock clicks] set globFiles [glob -nocomplain -types f -dir $::Dir *] set clickGlobFiles [expr {[clock clicks] - $clicks}] set clicks [clock clicks] set list [lsort -dictionary $globFiles] set clickSortFiles [expr {[clock clicks] - $clicks}] set clicks [clock clicks] foreach file $list $scriptFile set clickAddFiles [expr {[clock clicks] - $clicks}] set gd [ClicksToSeconds $clickGlobDirs] set sd [ClicksToSeconds $clickSortDirs] set ad [ClicksToSeconds $clickAddDirs] set gf [ClicksToSeconds $clickGlobFiles] set sf [ClicksToSeconds $clickSortFiles] set af [ClicksToSeconds $clickAddFiles] puts "dirs([llength $globDirs]) glob/sort/add $gd/$sd/$ad files([llength $globFiles]) glob/sort/add $gf/$sf/$af" set ::TreeCtrl::Priv(DirCnt,$T) [llength $globDirs] return } # # Demo: explorer files # proc DemoExplorerDetails {} { set T .f2.f1.t set height [font metrics [$T cget -font] -linespace] if {$height < 18} { set height 18 } # # Configure the treectrl widget # $T configure -showroot no -showbuttons no -showlines no -itemheight $height \ -selectmode extended -xscrollincrement 20 \ -scrollmargin 16 -xscrolldelay "500 50" -yscrolldelay "500 50" InitPics small-* # # Create columns # $T column create -text Name -tag name -width 200 \ -arrow up -arrowpadx 6 $T column create -text Size -tag size -justify right -width 60 \ -arrowside left -arrowgravity right $T column create -text Type -tag type -width 120 $T column create -text Modified -tag modified -width 120 # Demonstration of per-state column options and configure "all" $T configure -usetheme no $T column configure all -background {gray90 active gray70 normal gray50 pressed} # # Create elements # $T element create e1 image -image {small-folderSel {selected} small-folder {}} $T element create e2 text -fill [list $::SystemHighlightText {selected focus}] \ -lines 1 $T element create txtType text -lines 1 $T element create txtSize text -datatype integer -format "%dKB" -lines 1 $T element create txtDate text -datatype time -format "%d/%m/%y %I:%M %p" -lines 1 $T element create e4 rect -fill [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus} gray {selected !focus}] -showfocus yes # # Create styles using the elements # # image + text set S [$T style create styName -orient horizontal] $T style elements $S {e4 e1 e2} $T style layout $S e1 -expand ns $T style layout $S e2 -padx {2 0} -squeeze x -expand ns $T style layout $S e4 -union [list e2] -iexpand ns -ipadx 2 # column 1: text set S [$T style create stySize] $T style elements $S txtSize $T style layout $S txtSize -padx 6 -squeeze x -expand ns # column 2: text set S [$T style create styType] $T style elements $S txtType $T style layout $S txtType -padx 6 -squeeze x -expand ns # column 3: text set S [$T style create styDate] $T style elements $S txtDate $T style layout $S txtDate -padx 6 -squeeze x -expand ns set ::TreeCtrl::Priv(edit,$T) { {name styName e2} } set ::TreeCtrl::Priv(sensitive,$T) { {name styName e1 e2} } set ::TreeCtrl::Priv(dragimage,$T) { {name styName e1 e2} } $T notify bind $T { %T item element configure %I %C %E -text %t } # # Create items and assign styles # set scriptDir { set item [$T item create] $T item style set $item name styName type styType modified styDate $T item complex $item \ [list [list e2 -text [file tail $file]]] \ [list] \ [list [list txtType -text "Folder"]] \ [list [list txtDate -data [file mtime $file]]] $T item lastchild root $item } set scriptFile { set item [$T item create] $T item style set $item name styName size stySize type styType modified styDate switch [file extension $file] { .dll { set img small-dll } .exe { set img small-exe } .txt { set img small-txt } default { set img small-file } } set type [string toupper [file extension $file]] if {$type ne ""} { set type "[string range $type 1 end] " } append type "File" $T item complex $item \ [list [list e1 -image [list ${img}Sel {selected} $img {}]] [list e2 -text [file tail $file]]] \ [list [list txtSize -data [expr {[file size $file] / 1024 + 1}]]] \ [list [list txtType -text $type]] \ [list [list txtDate -data [file mtime $file]]] $T item lastchild root $item } DemoExplorerAux $scriptDir $scriptFile set ::SortColumn name $T notify bind $T { ExplorerHeaderInvoke %T %C } bindtags $T [list $T TreeCtrlFileList TreeCtrl [winfo toplevel $T] all] return } proc ExplorerHeaderInvoke {T C} { global SortColumn if {[$T column compare $C == $SortColumn]} { if {[$T column cget $SortColumn -arrow] eq "down"} { set order -increasing set arrow up } else { set order -decreasing set arrow down } } else { if {[$T column cget $SortColumn -arrow] eq "down"} { set order -decreasing set arrow down } else { set order -increasing set arrow up } $T column configure $SortColumn -arrow none set SortColumn $C } $T column configure $C -arrow $arrow set dirCount $::TreeCtrl::Priv(DirCnt,$T) set lastDir [expr {$dirCount - 1}] switch [$T column cget $C -tag] { name { if {$dirCount} { $T item sort root $order -last "root child $lastDir" -column $C -dictionary } if {$dirCount < [$T item count] - 1} { $T item sort root $order -first "root child $dirCount" -column $C -dictionary } } size { if {$dirCount < [$T item count] - 1} { $T item sort root $order -first "root child $dirCount" -column $C -integer -column name -dictionary } } type { if {$dirCount < [$T item count] - 1} { $T item sort root $order -first "root child $dirCount" -column $C -dictionary -column name -dictionary } } modified { if {$dirCount} { $T item sort root $order -last "root child $lastDir" -column $C -integer -column name -dictionary } if {$dirCount < [$T item count] - 1} { $T item sort root $order -first "root child $dirCount" -column $C -integer -column name -dictionary } } } return } proc DemoExplorerLargeIcons {} { set T .f2.f1.t # Item height is 32 for icon, 4 padding, 3 lines of text set itemHeight [expr {32 + 4 + [font metrics [$T cget -font] -linespace] * 3}] # # Configure the treectrl widget # $T configure -showroot no -showbuttons no -showlines no \ -selectmode extended -wrap window -orient horizontal \ -itemheight $itemHeight -showheader no \ -scrollmargin 16 -xscrolldelay "500 50" -yscrolldelay "500 50" InitPics big-* # # Create columns # $T column create -width 75 -tag C0 # # Create elements # $T element create elemImg image -image {big-folderSel {selected} big-folder {}} $T element create elemTxt text -fill [list $::SystemHighlightText {selected focus}] \ -justify center -lines 1 -width 71 -wrap word $T element create elemSel rect -fill [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus} gray {selected}] -showfocus yes # # Create styles using the elements # # image + text set S [$T style create STYLE -orient vertical] $T style elements $S {elemSel elemImg elemTxt} $T style layout $S elemImg -expand we $T style layout $S elemTxt -pady {4 0} -padx 2 -squeeze x -expand we $T style layout $S elemSel -union [list elemTxt] set ::TreeCtrl::Priv(edit,$T) { {C0 STYLE elemTxt} } set ::TreeCtrl::Priv(sensitive,$T) { {C0 STYLE elemImg elemTxt} } set ::TreeCtrl::Priv(dragimage,$T) { {C0 STYLE elemImg elemTxt} } $T notify bind $T { %T item element configure %I %C %E -text %t } # # Create items and assign styles # set scriptDir { set item [$T item create] $T item style set $item C0 STYLE $T item text $item C0 [file tail $file] $T item lastchild root $item } set scriptFile { set item [$T item create] $T item style set $item C0 STYLE switch [file extension $file] { .dll { set img big-dll } .exe { set img big-exe } .txt { set img big-txt } default { set img big-file } } set type [string toupper [file extension $file]] if {$type ne ""} { set type "[string range $type 1 end] " } append type "File" $T item complex $item \ [list [list elemImg -image [list ${img}Sel {selected} $img {}]] [list elemTxt -text [file tail $file]]] $T item lastchild root $item } DemoExplorerAux $scriptDir $scriptFile $T activate [$T item id "root firstchild"] $T notify bind $T { %T item element configure %p C0 elemTxt -lines {} %T item element configure %c C0 elemTxt -lines 3 } bindtags $T [list $T TreeCtrlFileList TreeCtrl [winfo toplevel $T] all] return } # Tree is horizontal, wrapping occurs at right edge of window, each item # is as wide as the smallest needed multiple of 110 pixels proc DemoExplorerSmallIcons {} { set T .f2.f1.t DemoExplorerList $T configure -orient horizontal -xscrollincrement 0 $T column configure C0 -width {} -stepwidth 110 -widthhack no return } # Tree is vertical, wrapping occurs at bottom of window, each range has the # same width (as wide as the longest item), xscrollincrement is by range proc DemoExplorerList {} { set T .f2.f1.t set height [font metrics [$T cget -font] -linespace] if {$height < 18} { set height 18 } # # Configure the treectrl widget # $T configure -showroot no -showbuttons no -showlines no -itemheight $height \ -selectmode extended -wrap window -showheader no \ -scrollmargin 16 -xscrolldelay "500 50" -yscrolldelay "500 50" InitPics small-* # # Create columns # $T column create -widthhack yes -tag C0 # # Create elements # $T element create elemImg image -image {small-folderSel {selected} small-folder {}} $T element create elemTxt text -fill [list $::SystemHighlightText {selected focus}] \ -lines 1 $T element create elemSel rect -fill [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus} gray {selected !focus}] -showfocus yes # # Create styles using the elements # # image + text set S [$T style create STYLE] $T style elements $S {elemSel elemImg elemTxt} $T style layout $S elemImg -expand ns $T style layout $S elemTxt -squeeze x -expand ns -padx {2 0} $T style layout $S elemSel -union [list elemTxt] -iexpand ns -ipadx 2 set ::TreeCtrl::Priv(edit,$T) { {C0 STYLE elemTxt} } set ::TreeCtrl::Priv(sensitive,$T) { {C0 STYLE elemImg elemTxt} } set ::TreeCtrl::Priv(dragimage,$T) { {C0 STYLE elemImg elemTxt} } $T notify bind $T { %T item element configure %I %C %E -text %t } # # Create items and assign styles # set scriptDir { set item [$T item create] $T item style set $item C0 STYLE $T item text $item C0 [file tail $file] $T item lastchild root $item } set scriptFile { set item [$T item create] $T item style set $item C0 STYLE switch [file extension $file] { .dll { set img small-dll } .exe { set img small-exe } .txt { set img small-txt } default { set img small-file } } set type [string toupper [file extension $file]] if {$type ne ""} { set type "[string range $type 1 end] " } append type "File" $T item complex $item \ [list \ [list elemImg -image [list ${img}Sel {selected} $img {}]] \ [list elemTxt -text [file tail $file]]] $T item lastchild root $item } DemoExplorerAux $scriptDir $scriptFile $T activate [$T item firstchild root] bindtags $T [list $T TreeCtrlFileList TreeCtrl [winfo toplevel $T] all] return }