# RCS: @(#) $Id: random.tcl,v 1.21 2006/11/05 06:49:35 treectrl Exp $ set RandomN 500 set RandomDepth 5 # # Demo: random N items # proc DemoRandom {} { set T .f2.f1.t InitPics folder-* small-* set height [font metrics [$T cget -font] -linespace] if {$height < 18} { set height 18 } # # Configure the treectrl widget # $T configure -itemheight $height -selectmode extended \ -showroot yes -showrootbutton yes -showbuttons yes -showlines $::ShowLines \ -scrollmargin 16 -xscrolldelay "500 50" -yscrolldelay "500 50" # # Create columns # $T column create -expand yes -weight 4 -text Item -itembackground {#e0e8f0 {}} \ -tags colItem $T column create -text Parent -justify center -itembackground {gray90 {}} \ -uniform a -expand yes -tags colParent $T column create -text Depth -justify center -itembackground {linen {}} \ -uniform a -expand yes -tags colDepth $T configure -treecolumn colItem # # Create elements # $T element create elemImgFolder image -image {folder-open {open} folder-closed {}} $T element create elemImgFile image -image small-file $T element create elemTxtName text \ -fill [list $::SystemHighlightText {selected focus}] $T element create elemTxtCount text -fill blue $T element create elemTxtAny text $T element create elemRectSel rect -showfocus yes \ -fill [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus} gray {selected !focus}] # # Create styles using the elements # set S [$T style create styFolder] $T style elements $S {elemRectSel elemImgFolder elemTxtName elemTxtCount} $T style layout $S elemImgFolder -padx {0 4} -expand ns $T style layout $S elemTxtName -padx {0 4} -expand ns $T style layout $S elemTxtCount -padx {0 6} -expand ns $T style layout $S elemRectSel -union [list elemTxtName] -iexpand ns -ipadx 2 set S [$T style create styFile] $T style elements $S {elemRectSel elemImgFile elemTxtName} $T style layout $S elemImgFile -padx {0 4} -expand ns $T style layout $S elemTxtName -padx {0 4} -expand ns $T style layout $S elemRectSel -union [list elemTxtName] -iexpand ns -ipadx 2 set S [$T style create styAny] $T style elements $S {elemTxtAny} $T style layout $S elemTxtAny -padx 6 -expand ns TreeCtrl::SetSensitive $T { {colItem styFolder elemRectSel elemImgFolder elemTxtName} {colItem styFile elemRectSel elemImgFile elemTxtName} } TreeCtrl::SetDragImage $T { {colItem styFolder elemImgFolder elemTxtName} {colItem styFile elemImgFile elemTxtName} } # # Create items and assign styles # set clicks [clock clicks] set items [$T item create -count [expr {$::RandomN - 1}]] set added root foreach itemi $items { set j [expr {int(rand() * [llength $added])}] set itemj [lindex $added $j] if {[$T depth $itemj] < $::RandomDepth - 1} { lappend added $itemi } if {![$T item cget $itemj -button]} { $T item configure $itemj -button yes } if {rand() * 2 > 1} { $T item collapse $itemi } if {rand() * 2 > 1} { $T item lastchild $itemj $itemi } else { $T item firstchild $itemj $itemi } } puts "created $::RandomN-1 items in [expr [clock clicks] - $clicks] clicks" set clicks [clock clicks] lappend items [$T item id root] foreach item $items { set numChildren [$T item numchildren $item] if {$numChildren} { $T item style set $item colItem styFolder colParent styAny colDepth styAny $T item element configure $item \ colItem elemTxtName -text "Item $item" + elemTxtCount -text "($numChildren)" , \ colParent elemTxtAny -text "[$T item parent $item]" , \ colDepth elemTxtAny -text "[$T depth $item]" } else { $T item style set $item colItem styFile colParent styAny colDepth styAny $T item element configure $item \ colItem elemTxtName -text "Item $item" , \ colParent elemTxtAny -text "[$T item parent $item]" , \ colDepth elemTxtAny -text "[$T depth $item]" } } puts "configured $::RandomN items in [expr [clock clicks] - $clicks] clicks" bind DemoRandom { TreeCtrl::DoubleButton1 %W %x %y break } bind DemoRandom { set TreeCtrl::Priv(selectMode) toggle RandomButton1 %W %x %y break } bind DemoRandom { set TreeCtrl::Priv(selectMode) add RandomButton1 %W %x %y break } bind DemoRandom { set TreeCtrl::Priv(selectMode) set RandomButton1 %W %x %y break } bind DemoRandom { RandomMotion1 %W %x %y break } bind DemoRandom { RandomRelease1 %W %x %y break } bindtags $T [list $T DemoRandom TreeCtrl [winfo toplevel $T] all] return } proc RandomButton1 {T x y} { variable TreeCtrl::Priv focus $T set id [$T identify $x $y] set Priv(buttonMode) "" # Click outside any item if {$id eq ""} { $T selection clear # Click in header } elseif {[lindex $id 0] eq "header"} { TreeCtrl::ButtonPress1 $T $x $y # Click in item } else { foreach {where item arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4} $id {} switch $arg1 { button { $T item toggle $item } line { $T item toggle $arg2 } column { if {![TreeCtrl::IsSensitive $T $x $y]} { $T selection clear return } set Priv(drag,motion) 0 set Priv(drag,click,x) $x set Priv(drag,click,y) $y set Priv(drag,x) [$T canvasx $x] set Priv(drag,y) [$T canvasy $y] set Priv(drop) "" if {$Priv(selectMode) eq "add"} { TreeCtrl::BeginExtend $T $item } elseif {$Priv(selectMode) eq "toggle"} { TreeCtrl::BeginToggle $T $item } elseif {![$T selection includes $item]} { TreeCtrl::BeginSelect $T $item } $T activate $item if {[$T selection includes $item]} { set Priv(buttonMode) drag } } } } return } proc RandomMotion1 {T x y} { variable TreeCtrl::Priv switch $Priv(buttonMode) { "drag" { set Priv(autoscan,command,$T) {RandomMotion %T %x %y} TreeCtrl::AutoScanCheck $T $x $y RandomMotion $T $x $y } default { TreeCtrl::Motion1 $T $x $y } } return } proc RandomMotion {T x y} { variable TreeCtrl::Priv switch $Priv(buttonMode) { "drag" { if {!$Priv(drag,motion)} { # Detect initial mouse movement if {(abs($x - $Priv(drag,click,x)) <= 4) && (abs($y - $Priv(drag,click,y)) <= 4)} return set Priv(selection) [$T selection get] set Priv(drop) "" $T dragimage clear # For each selected item, add 2nd and 3rd elements of # column "item" to the dragimage foreach I $Priv(selection) { foreach list $Priv(dragimage,$T) { set C [lindex $list 0] set S [lindex $list 1] if {[$T item style set $I $C] eq $S} { eval $T dragimage add $I $C [lrange $list 2 end] } } } set Priv(drag,motion) 1 } # Find the item under the cursor set cursor X_cursor set drop "" set id [$T identify $x $y] if {[TreeCtrl::IsSensitive $T $x $y]} { set item [lindex $id 1] # If the item is not in the pre-drag selection # (i.e. not being dragged) see if we can drop on it if {[lsearch -exact $Priv(selection) $item] == -1} { set drop $item # We can drop if dragged item isn't an ancestor foreach item2 $Priv(selection) { if {[$T item isancestor $item2 $item]} { set drop "" break } } if {$drop ne ""} { scan [$T item bbox $drop] "%d %d %d %d" x1 y1 x2 y2 if {$y < $y1 + 3} { set cursor top_side set Priv(drop,pos) prevsibling } elseif {$y >= $y2 - 3} { set cursor bottom_side set Priv(drop,pos) nextsibling } else { set cursor "" set Priv(drop,pos) lastchild } } } } if {[$T cget -cursor] ne $cursor} { $T configure -cursor $cursor } # Select the item under the cursor (if any) and deselect # the previous drop-item (if any) $T selection modify $drop $Priv(drop) set Priv(drop) $drop # Show the dragimage in its new position set x [expr {[$T canvasx $x] - $Priv(drag,x)}] set y [expr {[$T canvasy $y] - $Priv(drag,y)}] $T dragimage offset $x $y $T dragimage configure -visible yes } default { TreeCtrl::Motion1 $T $x $y } } return } proc RandomRelease1 {T x y} { variable TreeCtrl::Priv if {![info exists Priv(buttonMode)]} return switch $Priv(buttonMode) { "drag" { TreeCtrl::AutoScanCancel $T $T dragimage configure -visible no $T selection modify {} $Priv(drop) $T configure -cursor "" if {$Priv(drop) ne ""} { RandomDrop $T $Priv(drop) $Priv(selection) $Priv(drop,pos) } unset Priv(buttonMode) } default { TreeCtrl::Release1 $T $x $y } } return } proc RandomDrop {T target source pos} { set parentList {} switch -- $pos { lastchild { set parent $target } prevsibling { set parent [$T item parent $target] } nextsibling { set parent [$T item parent $target] } } foreach item $source { # Ignore any item whose ancestor is also selected set ignore 0 foreach ancestor [$T item ancestors $item] { if {[lsearch -exact $source $ancestor] != -1} { set ignore 1 break } } if {$ignore} continue # Update the old parent of this moved item later if {[lsearch -exact $parentList $item] == -1} { lappend parentList [$T item parent $item] } # Add to target $T item $pos $target $item # Update text: parent $T item element configure $item colParent elemTxtAny -text $parent # Update text: depth $T item element configure $item colDepth elemTxtAny -text [$T depth $item] # Recursively update text: depth foreach item [$T item descendants $item] { $T item element configure $item colDepth elemTxtAny -text [$T depth $item] } } # Update items that lost some children foreach item $parentList { set numChildren [$T item numchildren $item] if {$numChildren == 0} { $T item configure $item -button no $T item style map $item colItem styFile {elemTxtName elemTxtName} } else { $T item element configure $item colItem elemTxtCount -text "($numChildren)" } } # Update the target that gained some children if {[$T item style set $parent colItem] ne "styFolder"} { $T item configure $parent -button yes $T item style map $parent colItem styFolder {elemTxtName elemTxtName} } set numChildren [$T item numchildren $parent] $T item element configure $parent colItem elemTxtCount -text "($numChildren)" return } # # Demo: random N items, button images # proc DemoRandom2 {} { set T .f2.f1.t DemoRandom InitPics mac-* $T configure -buttonimage {mac-collapse open mac-expand {}} \ -showlines no return }