# RCS: @(#) $Id: style-editor.tcl,v 1.7 2006/09/16 20:10:27 treectrl Exp $ namespace eval StyleEditor { variable Info array unset Info } proc StyleEditor::Info {info args} { variable Info if {[llength $args]} { set Info($info) [lindex $args 0] } return $Info($info) } proc StyleEditor::Init {Tdemo} { set w .styleEditor toplevel $w wm title $w "TkTreeCtrl Style Editor" Info Tdemo $Tdemo panedwindow $w.pwH -orient horizontal -borderwidth 0 panedwindow $w.pwH.pwV -orient vertical -borderwidth 0 TreePlusScrollbarsInAFrame $w.pwH.pwV.styleList 0 1 set T $w.pwH.pwV.styleList.t $T configure -showbuttons no -showlines no -showroot no -width 100 -height 200 $T column create -text "Styles" -expand yes -button no -tag C0 $T configure -treecolumn C0 $T notify bind $T { StyleEditor::SelectStyle } Info styleList $T TreePlusScrollbarsInAFrame $w.pwH.pwV.elementList 0 1 set T $w.pwH.pwV.elementList.t $T configure -showbuttons no -showlines no -showroot no -width 100 -height 200 $T column create -text "Elements" -expand yes -button no -tag C0 $T configure -treecolumn C0 $T notify bind $T { StyleEditor::SelectElement } Info elementList $T $w.pwH.pwV add $w.pwH.pwV.styleList $w.pwH.pwV.elementList set fRight [panedwindow $w.pwH.pwV2 -orient vertical] # # Property editor # TreePlusScrollbarsInAFrame $fRight.propertyList 0 1 set T $fRight.propertyList.t $T configure -showbuttons no -showlines no -showroot no $T column create -text "Property" -expand yes -button no -tag property \ -itembackground {#E8E8E8 ""} $T column create -text "Value" -expand yes -button no -tag value \ -itembackground {#E8E8E8 ""} $T configure -treecolumn property $T notify bind $T { StyleEditor::SelectProperty %S %D } Info propertyList $T # # Style canvas # set fCanvas [frame $fRight.fCanvas -borderwidth 0] set canvas [canvas $fCanvas.canvas -background white \ -scrollregion {0 0 0 0} -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 \ -xscrollcommand [list $fCanvas.xscroll set] \ -yscrollcommand [list $fCanvas.yscroll set]] scrollbar $fCanvas.xscroll -orient horizontal \ -command [list $canvas xview] scrollbar $fCanvas.yscroll -orient vertical \ -command [list $canvas yview] # Copy element config info from the selected item in the demo list $Tdemo notify bind StyleEditor { if {[winfo ismapped .styleEditor]} { StyleEditor::StyleToCanvas } } Info canvas $canvas # Create a new treectrl to copy the states/style/elements into, so I don't # have to worry about column width or item visibility in the demo list set T [treectrl $canvas.t] $T configure -itemheight 0 -minitemheight 0 -showbuttons no -showlines no \ -font [$Tdemo cget -font] $T column create grid rowconfigure $fCanvas 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $fCanvas 0 -weight 1 grid $canvas -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news grid $fCanvas.xscroll -row 1 -column 0 -sticky we grid $fCanvas.yscroll -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns $w.pwH.pwV2 add $fRight.propertyList $fCanvas $w.pwH add $w.pwH.pwV $w.pwH.pwV2 grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 grid $w.pwH -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news Info selectedStyle "" Info selectedElement "" wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "ToggleStyleEditorWindow" wm geometry $w -0+0 return } proc StyleEditor::SetListOfStyles {} { set T [Info styleList] set Tdemo [Info Tdemo] # Create elements and styles the first time this is called if {[llength [$T style names]] == 0} { $T element create e1 text -fill [list $::SystemHighlightText {selected focus}] $T element create e2 rect -fill [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus} gray {selected !focus}] \ -showfocus yes $T style create s1 $T style elements s1 {e2 e1} $T style layout s1 e2 -union [list e1] -ipadx 2 -ipady 2 -iexpand e $T configure -defaultstyle s1 } # Clear the list $T item delete all # One item for each style in the demo list foreach style [lsort -dictionary [$Tdemo style names]] { set I [$T item create] $T item text $I C0 $style $T item lastchild root $I Info item2style,$I $style } return } proc StyleEditor::SelectStyle {} { set T [Info styleList] set Tdemo [Info Tdemo] set selection [$T selection get] if {![llength $selection]} { [Info elementList] item delete all Info selectedStyle "" StyleToCanvas return } set I [lindex $selection 0] set style [Info item2style,$I] Info selectedStyle $style SetListOfElements $style Info -orient [$Tdemo style cget $style -orient] StyleToCanvas 1 return } proc StyleEditor::SetListOfElements {style} { set T [Info elementList] set Tdemo [Info Tdemo] # Create elements and styles the first time this is called if {[llength [$T style names]] == 0} { $T element create e1 text -fill [list $::SystemHighlightText {selected focus}] $T element create e2 rect -fill [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus} gray {selected !focus}] \ -showfocus yes $T style create s1 $T style elements s1 {e2 e1} $T style layout s1 e2 -union [list e1] -ipadx 2 -ipady 2 -iexpand e $T configure -defaultstyle s1 } # Clear the list $T item delete all # One item for each element in the style foreach E [$Tdemo style elements $style] { set I [$T item create] $T item text $I C0 "$E ([$Tdemo element type $E])" $T item lastchild root $I Info item2element,$I $E } return } proc StyleEditor::SelectElement {} { set T [Info elementList] set Tdemo [Info Tdemo] set style [Info selectedStyle] set selection [$T selection get] if {![llength $selection]} { Info selectedElement "" SetPropertyList CanvasSelectElement return } set I [lindex $selection 0] set element [Info item2element,$I] Info selectedElement $element SetPropertyList CanvasSelectElement return } proc StyleEditor::SetPropertyList {} { set T [Info propertyList] set Tdemo [Info Tdemo] set style [Info selectedStyle] set element [Info selectedElement] # Create elements and styles the first time this is called if {[llength [$T style names]] == 0} { $T state define header $T element create e1 text \ -fill [list $::SystemHighlightText selected white header] \ -font [list "[$T cget -font] bold" header] $T element create e2 rect \ -fill [list #ACA899 header $::SystemHighlight selected] \ -outline black -outlinewidth 1 -open nw -showfocus no $T element create eWindow window set S [$T style create s1] $T style elements $S {e2 e1} $T style layout $S e2 -detach yes -indent no -iexpand xy $T style layout $S e1 -expand ns -padx {4 0} set S [$T style create sWindow] $T style elements $S {e2 eWindow} $T style layout $S e2 -detach yes -indent no -iexpand xy $T style layout $S eWindow -expand ns -padx {0 1} -pady {0 1} set S [$T style create sHeader] $T style elements $S {e2 e1} $T style layout $S e2 -detach yes -iexpand xy $T style layout $S e1 -expand ns -padx {4 0} Info editor,pad [MakePadEditor $T] Info editor,expand [MakeExpandEditor $T] Info editor,iexpand [MakeIExpandEditor $T] Info editor,squeeze [MakeSqueezeEditor $T] Info editor,boolean [MakeBooleanEditor $T] Info editor,pixels [MakePixelsEditor $T] update idletasks set height 0 foreach editor {pad expand iexpand squeeze boolean pixels} { set heightWin [winfo reqheight [Info editor,$editor]] incr heightWin if {$heightWin > $height} { set height $heightWin } } $T configure -font [[Info editor,pad].v1 cget -font] \ -minitemheight $height $T configure -defaultstyle s1 } $T item delete all if {$element eq ""} return foreach {header option} { "Detach" "" "" -detach "" -indent "Union" "" "" -union "Expand and Squeeze" "" "" -expand "" -iexpand "" -squeeze "Sticky" "" "" -sticky "Padding" "" "" -ipadx "" -ipady "" -padx "" -pady "Height" "" "" -minheight "" -height "" -maxheight "Width" "" "" -minwidth "" -width "" -maxwidth } { set I [$T item create] if {$header ne ""} { $T item style set $I 0 sHeader $T item span $I 0 2 $T item element configure $I 0 e1 -text $header -fill White $T item state set $I header $T item enabled $I false } else { $T item style set $I 1 s1 $T item text $I 0 $option 1 [$Tdemo style layout $style $element $option] } $T item lastchild root $I } $T column configure 0 -width [expr {[$T column neededwidth 0] * 1.0}] return } proc StyleEditor::SelectProperty {select deselect} { set T [Info propertyList] set Tdemo [Info Tdemo] set style [Info selectedStyle] set element [Info selectedElement] if {[llength $deselect] && ($element ne "")} { set I [lindex $deselect 0] set option [$T item text $I 0] if {[string index $option 0] eq "-"} { $T item style set $I 1 s1 $T item text $I 1 [$Tdemo style layout $style $element $option] } } set selection [$T selection get] if {![llength $selection]} { Info selectedOption "" return } set I [lindex $selection 0] set option [$T item text $I 0] if {[string index $option 0] ne "-"} { Info selectedOption "" return } Info selectedOption $option $T item style set $I 1 sWindow switch -- $option { -padx - -pady - -ipadx - -ipady { $T item element configure $I 1 eWindow -window [Info editor,pad] set pad [$Tdemo style layout $style $element $option] if {[llength $pad] == 2} { Info -pad,1 [lindex $pad 0] Info -pad,2 [lindex $pad 1] Info -pad,equal 0 } else { Info -pad,1 $pad Info -pad,2 $pad Info -pad,equal 1 } Info -pad,edit "" } -expand - -sticky { $T item element configure $I 1 eWindow -window [Info editor,expand] set value [$Tdemo style layout $style $element $option] foreach flag {n s w e} { Info -expand,$flag [expr {[string first $flag $value] != -1}] } } -iexpand { $T item element configure $I 1 eWindow -window [Info editor,iexpand] set value [$Tdemo style layout $style $element $option] foreach flag {x y n s w e} { Info -iexpand,$flag [expr {[string first $flag $value] != -1}] } } -detach - -indent { $T item element configure $I 1 eWindow -window [Info editor,boolean] Info -boolean [$Tdemo style layout $style $element $option] } -squeeze { $T item element configure $I 1 eWindow -window [Info editor,squeeze] set value [$Tdemo style layout $style $element $option] foreach flag {x y} { Info -squeeze,$flag [expr {[string first $flag $value] != -1}] } } -minheight - -height - -maxheight - -minwidth - -width - -maxwidth { $T item element configure $I 1 eWindow -window [Info editor,pixels] Info -pixels [$Tdemo style layout $style $element $option] if {[Info -pixels] eq ""} { Info -pixels,empty 1 [Info editor,pixels].v1 conf -state disabled } else { Info -pixels,empty 0 [Info editor,pixels].v1 conf -state normal } } } return } proc StyleEditor::MakePadEditor {parent} { set f [frame $parent.editPad -borderwidth 0] spinbox $f.v1 -from 0 -to 100 -width 3 \ -command {StyleEditor::Sync_pad 1} \ -textvariable ::StyleEditor::Info(-pad,1) spinbox $f.v2 -from 0 -to 100 -width 3 \ -command {StyleEditor::Sync_pad 2} \ -textvariable ::StyleEditor::Info(-pad,2) checkbutton $f.cb -text "Equal" \ -command {StyleEditor::Sync_pad_equal} \ -variable ::StyleEditor::Info(-pad,equal) pack $f.v1 -side left -padx {0 10} -pady 0 pack $f.v2 -side left -padx {0 10} -pady 0 pack $f.cb -side left -padx 0 -pady 0 bind $f.v1 { StyleEditor::Sync_pad 1 } bind $f.v2 { StyleEditor::Sync_pad 2 } return $f } proc StyleEditor::MakeExpandEditor {parent} { set f [frame $parent.editExpand -borderwidth 0] foreach flag {w n e s} { checkbutton $f.$flag -text $flag -width 1 \ -variable ::StyleEditor::Info(-expand,$flag) \ -command {StyleEditor::Sync_expand} pack $f.$flag -side left -padx 10 } return $f } proc StyleEditor::MakeIExpandEditor {parent} { set f [frame $parent.editIExpand -borderwidth 0] foreach flag {x y w n e s} { checkbutton $f.$flag -text $flag -width 1 \ -variable ::StyleEditor::Info(-iexpand,$flag) \ -command {StyleEditor::Sync_iexpand} pack $f.$flag -side left -padx 10 } return $f } proc StyleEditor::MakePixelsEditor {parent} { set f [frame $parent.editPixels -borderwidth 0] spinbox $f.v1 -from 0 -to 10000 -width 10 \ -command {StyleEditor::Sync_pixels} \ -textvariable ::StyleEditor::Info(-pixels) \ -validate key -validatecommand {string is integer %P} checkbutton $f.cb -text "Unspecified" \ -command {StyleEditor::Sync_pixels} \ -variable ::StyleEditor::Info(-pixels,empty) pack $f.v1 -side left -padx 0 -pady 0 pack $f.cb -side left -padx 0 -pady 0 bind $f.v1 { StyleEditor::Sync_pixels } return $f } proc StyleEditor::MakeSqueezeEditor {parent} { set f [frame $parent.editSqueeze -borderwidth 0] foreach flag {x y} { checkbutton $f.$flag -text $flag -width 1 \ -variable ::StyleEditor::Info(-squeeze,$flag) \ -command {StyleEditor::Sync_squeeze} pack $f.$flag -side left -padx 10 } return $f } proc StyleEditor::MakeBooleanEditor {parent} { set f [frame $parent.editBoolean -borderwidth 0] foreach value {yes no} { radiobutton $f.$value -text $value \ -variable ::StyleEditor::Info(-boolean) \ -value $value \ -command {StyleEditor::Sync_boolean} pack $f.$value -side left -padx 10 } return $f } proc StyleEditor::Sync_orient {} { set Tdemo [Info Tdemo] set style [Info selectedStyle] $Tdemo style configure $style -orient [Info -orient] return } proc StyleEditor::Sync_pad {index} { set Tdemo [Info Tdemo] set style [Info selectedStyle] set element [Info selectedElement] set option [Info selectedOption] if {[Info -pad,equal]} { if {$index == 1} { Info -pad,2 [Info -pad,1] } else { Info -pad,1 [Info -pad,2] } } $Tdemo style layout $style $element $option [list [Info -pad,1] [Info -pad,2]] Info -pad,edit $index StyleToCanvas return } proc StyleEditor::Sync_pad_equal {} { if {![Info -pad,equal]} return if {[Info -pad,edit] eq ""} { Info -pad,edit 1 } if {[Info -pad,edit] == 1} { Info -pad,2 [Info -pad,1] } else { Info -pad,1 [Info -pad,2] } Sync_pad [Info -pad,edit] return } proc StyleEditor::Sync_expand {} { set Tdemo [Info Tdemo] set style [Info selectedStyle] set element [Info selectedElement] set option [Info selectedOption] set value "" foreach flag {n s w e} { if {[Info -expand,$flag]} { append value $flag } } $Tdemo style layout $style $element $option $value StyleToCanvas return } proc StyleEditor::Sync_iexpand {} { set Tdemo [Info Tdemo] set style [Info selectedStyle] set element [Info selectedElement] set option [Info selectedOption] set value "" foreach flag {x y n s w e} { if {[Info -iexpand,$flag]} { append value $flag } } $Tdemo style layout $style $element $option $value StyleToCanvas return } proc StyleEditor::Sync_squeeze {} { set Tdemo [Info Tdemo] set style [Info selectedStyle] set element [Info selectedElement] set option [Info selectedOption] set value "" foreach flag {x y} { if {[Info -squeeze,$flag]} { append value $flag } } $Tdemo style layout $style $element -squeeze $value StyleToCanvas return } proc StyleEditor::Sync_boolean {} { set Tdemo [Info Tdemo] set style [Info selectedStyle] set element [Info selectedElement] set option [Info selectedOption] $Tdemo style layout $style $element $option [Info -boolean] StyleToCanvas return } proc StyleEditor::Sync_pixels {} { set Tdemo [Info Tdemo] set style [Info selectedStyle] set element [Info selectedElement] set option [Info selectedOption] set value [Info -pixels] if {[Info -pixels,empty]} { set value {} [Info editor,pixels].v1 conf -state disabled } else { [Info editor,pixels].v1 conf -state normal } $Tdemo style layout $style $element $option $value StyleToCanvas return } proc StyleEditor::StyleToCanvas {{scroll 0}} { set Tdemo [Info Tdemo] set canvas [Info canvas] set style [Info selectedStyle] $canvas delete all if {$style eq ""} { $canvas configure -scrollregion {0 0 0 0} return } set T $canvas.t $T configure -itemheight 0 $T column configure 0 -width {} eval $T state undefine [$T state names] eval $T style delete [$T style names] eval $T element delete [$T element names] # Copy states foreach state [$Tdemo state names] { $T state define $state } # Copy elements foreach E [$Tdemo style elements $style] { $T element create $E [$Tdemo element type $E] foreach list [$Tdemo element configure $E] { foreach {name x y default current} $list {} $T element configure $E $name $current } } # Copy style $T style create $style -orient [$Tdemo style cget $style -orient] $T style elements $style [$Tdemo style elements $style] foreach E [$T style elements $style] { eval $T style layout $style $E [$Tdemo style layout $style $E] } # Find a selected item using the style to copy element config info from set match "" foreach I [$Tdemo selection get] { set C 0 foreach S [$Tdemo item style set $I] { if {$S eq $style} { set match $I break } incr C } if {$match ne ""} break } # No selected item uses the current style, look for an unselected item if {$match eq ""} { foreach I [$Tdemo range first last] { set C 0 foreach S [$Tdemo item style set $I] { if {$S eq $style} { set match $I break } incr C } if {$match ne ""} break } } if {$match ne ""} { set I $match foreach E [$Tdemo item style elements $I $C] { foreach list [$Tdemo item element configure $I $C $E] { foreach {name x y default current} $list {} set masterDefault [$Tdemo element cget $E $name] set sameAsMaster [string equal $masterDefault $current] if {!$sameAsMaster && ![string length $current]} { set sameAsMaster 1 set current $masterDefault } if {$sameAsMaster} { } elseif {$name eq "-window"} { $T style layout $style $E -width [winfo reqwidth $current] \ -height [winfo reqheight $current] } else { $T element configure $E $name $current } } } } if 0 { # Do this after creating styles so -defaultstyle works foreach list [$Tdemo configure] { if {[llength $list] == 2} continue foreach {name x y default current} $list {} $T configure $name $current } } set I root $T item style set $I 0 $style set scale 2 set dx 10 set dy 10 scan [$T item bbox $I 0] "%d %d %d %d" x1 y1 x2 y2 $canvas create rectangle \ [expr {$dx + $x1 * $scale}] [expr {$dy + $y1 * $scale}] \ [expr {$dx + $x2 * $scale}] [expr {$dy + $y2 * $scale}] \ -outline gray90 foreach E [$T style elements $style] { scan [$T item bbox $I 0 $E] "%d %d %d %d" x1 y1 x2 y2 $canvas create rectangle \ [expr {$dx + $x1 * $scale}] [expr {$dy + $y1 * $scale}] \ [expr {$dx + $x2 * $scale}] [expr {$dy + $y2 * $scale}] \ -tags $E } scan [$T item bbox $I 0] "%d %d %d %d" x1 y1 x2 y2 incr dy [expr {($y2 - $y1) * $scale + 20}] # Now give the style 1.5 times its needed space to test expansion scan [$T item bbox $I 0] "%d %d %d %d" x1 y1 x2 y2 $T column configure 0 -width [expr {($x2 - $x1) * 1.5}] $T configure -itemheight [expr {($y2 - $y1) * 1.5}] scan [$T item bbox $I 0] "%d %d %d %d" x1 y1 x2 y2 $canvas create rectangle \ [expr {$dx + $x1 * $scale}] [expr {$dy + $y1 * $scale}] \ [expr {$dx + $x2 * $scale}] [expr {$dy + $y2 * $scale}] \ -outline gray90 foreach E [$T style elements $style] { scan [$T item bbox $I 0 $E] "%d %d %d %d" x1 y1 x2 y2 $canvas create rectangle \ [expr {$dx + $x1 * $scale}] [expr {$dy + $y1 * $scale}] \ [expr {$dx + $x2 * $scale}] [expr {$dy + $y2 * $scale}] \ -tags $E } scan [$canvas bbox all] "%d %d %d %d" x1 y1 x2 y2 incr x2 10 incr y2 10 $canvas configure -scrollregion [list 0 0 $x2 $y2] if {$scroll} { $canvas xview moveto 0.0 $canvas yview moveto 0.0 } CanvasSelectElement return } proc StyleEditor::CanvasSelectElement {} { set canvas [Info canvas] set style [Info selectedStyle] set element [Info selectedElement] $canvas itemconfigure all -fill "" if {$element ne ""} { $canvas itemconfigure $element -fill gray75 } return }