What's New in TkTreeCtrl 2.2

Item Command

Arguments/Result Changed What changed
item count New option -visible added to return the number of items that are displayed (i.e., those whose ancestors are all expanded etc).
item create New option -tags specifies an initial list of tags for created items.
item id Returns a list of item ids if the item description matches multiple items.
New Comment
item descendants Returns the ids of the children, grandchildren, etc of an item.
item enabled Gets and sets the enabled state for items. All items are enabled when first created. Disabled items cannot be selected, and are ignored by the default key-navigation bindings.

Tag Command

New Comment
tag add Add tags to items. For example:
.t tag add all {a b c}
will add tags "a", "b" and "c" to every item.
tag expr Evaluate a tag expression against items. For example:
.t tag expr $item a
returns 1 if an item has tag "a". Also:
.t tag expr $item a||b
returns 1 if  an item has tag "a" or "b".
tag names Return a list of tag names assigned to items. For example:
.t tag names $item
returns the tag list for an item, and:
.t tag names all
returns every tag assigned to any item.
tag remove Remove tags from items. For example:
.t tag remove all {b c}
will remove tags "b" and "c" from any items that have them.

Item Tags

Tags are textual labels applied to items to group them together. Tags do not affect the appearance or behaviour of items. Tags can be used in item descriptions to operate on multiple items. More information can be found in the man page.

Window Element

Window elements can now be properly clipped so they don't draw over the column header, borders, or outside the bounds of the item columns they occupy. This is accomplished by making the window you want to display a child of a borderless frame widget, and setting the new -clip option of the window element to TRUE. So if your program displays a canvas widget in a window element, you would change this code:
set canvas [canvas .t.canvas ...]
.t item element configure $item $column myElement -window $canvas
to this:
set frame [frame .t.clip -borderwidth 0]
set canvas [canvas $frame.canvas ...]
.t item element configure $item $column myElement -window $frame -clip yes
The -clip option tells the window element to manage the geometry of both the -window widget (i.e, the frame) and its first child widget (i.e., the canvas). In this case, the frame widget is kept sized and positioned so that it is never out-of-bounds. You can see this in the "Big List" and "Firefox Privacy" demos.

Item Descriptions

New keywords were added to allow multiple items to be specified by an item description:
New modifiers were added to match multiple items: New qualifiers were added to refine which items are matched:
Also, the keyword all may now be followed by a list of qualifiers: For example:
.t item id "all !visible state myState" ; # find every item that is not displayed with user-defined state "myState"
The following commands can now operate on multiple items in a single call:

Demo Changes

Bug Fixes

What's New in TkTreeCtrl 2.1.1

Column Command

Arguments/Result Changed What changed
column delete
Added an optional second argument allowing a range of columns to be deleted.

Bug Fixes

Other Changes

Demo Changes

What's New in TkTreeCtrl 2.1

This version should be backwards compatible with 2.0, except for a few obscure changes.

TreeCtrl Configuration Options

New Comment
-itemwidthequal Deprecates the column -widthhack option.
-itemwidthmultiple Deprecates the column -stepwidth option.

Column Configuration Options

Deprecated What to use instead
-stepwidth treectrl's -itemwidthmultiple option
-widthhack treectrl's -itemwidthequal option

Element Command

New Comment
element perstate Like [item element perstate].

Item Configuration Options

New Comment
-height Overrides the treectrl's -itemheight option

Item Command

Deprecated What to use instead
item element actual item element perstate
item complex item element configure
Behaviour Changed What changed
item bbox No longer returns an error if no style had been assigned to the column.
item state forcolumn No longer returns an error if no style had been assigned to the column.
item style set Does nothing when replacing a style with the same style. Previously the old style was freed before assigning the new style, losing the element config info if the old and new styles were the same.
Potential incompatibility
Arguments/Result Changed What changed
item create Added options: -count -height, -nextsibling, -open, -parent, -prevsibling, and -returnid. Multiple items may be created with one call using the -count option.
item element configure Multiple elements in multiple columns may be configured with a single call. Use '+' to separate elements, and ',' to separate columns. See the docs.
item style set When no column is specified, returns a list of one style name per column. Previously, the list would have less values than the number of columns if no styles had ever been assigned to the rightmost column(s).
Potential incompatibility
item text When no column is specified, returns a list of one string per column.
New Comment
item image Partner to the [item text] command.
item element perstate Not really new, just renamed from [item element actual] to better describe what it does. Accepts a new optional argument which specifies the state to use when determining the value of the per-state option.

The following options no longer return a default value if the per-state option itself does not have a value specified:
  • bitmap -foreground, -background
  • border -relief
  • text -fill, -font
Potential incompatibility
item span A style may now be displayed over multiple adjacent columns.

Notify Command

New Comment
notify unbind
Let's you unbind all scripts from an object with one call.

Style Layout Changes

  1. If a -detach element had a fixed width larger than the other elements.
  2. If an element had -iexpand x specified as well as -maxwidth, leaving some space available.

Element Changes

Event Changes

Other Changes

Demo Changes

What's New in TkTreeCtrl 2.0

TreeCtrl Configuration Options

Replaced What to use instead
-openbuttonimage -buttonimage
-closedbuttonimage -buttonimage
-openbuttonbitmap -buttonbitmap
-closedbuttonbitmap -buttonbitmap
Usage Changed How it changed
-backgroundmode The values "index" and "visindex" are deprecated. The value "order" should be used instead of "index", and "ordervisible" should be used instead of "visindex". This brings agreement with the new "item order" command which replaces the "item index" command.
-treecolumn This used to be any integer value which may or may not have corresponded to an actual column. Now the value must be a valid column description, or an empty string to indicate no column should display buttons/lines.

TreeCtrl Commands

Deprecated What to use instead
compare item compare
index item id
numcolumns column count
numitems item count
range item range

Column Configuration Options

Removed What to use instead
-sunken -state
New name
-arrowpad -arrowpadx
Usage Changed How it changed
-background This is now a per-state option. See COLUMNS in the help file for valid state names.

Column Command

Deprecated What to use instead
column index column id
Arguments/Result Changed What changed
column configure
A column description of "all" is allowed if at least one option-value pair is given.
column create The result is a unique identifier. Previously the result was an index in the list of columns.
column delete A column description of "all" is allowed.
New Comment
column compare
column count replaces "numcolumns"
column dragconfigure
column dragcget
column id replaces "column index"
column list
column order

Item Command

Removed What to use instead
item index item order
New Comment
item compare replaces "compare"
item count replaces "numitems"
item id replaces "index"
item order replaces "item index"
item range replaces "range"

Notify Command

Arguments/Result Changed What changed
notify generate
Added optional percentsCommand argument
notify install Old syntax (supported but deprecated):
notify install event eventName
notify install detail eventName detail
New syntax:
notify install <eventName>
notify install <eventName-detail>
notify linkage Old syntax (supported but deprecated):
notify linkage eventName
notify linkage eventName detail
New syntax:
notify linkage <eventName>
notify linkage <eventName-detail>
notify uninstall see notify install above

Style Layout Options

Usage Changed How it changed
-iexpand Two new flags "x' and "y" are allowed. Previously, only the -ipadx and -ipady padding could be expanded by this option. The new xy flags expand the display area of the element, not the padding. To update your code, you will probably want to change this:
$T style layout $S $E -iexpand we
to this:
$T style layout $S $E -iexpand x
Keep in mind that -union elements are not affected by -iexpand xy, since the size of a -union element is determined by the elements it surrounds.

Element Changes

Event Changes

Library Script Changes



Other Changes

Demo Changes