/* * tkTreeItem.c -- * * This module implements items for treectrl widgets. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Tim Baker * * RCS: @(#) $Id: tkTreeItem.c,v 1.55 2006/07/11 00:07:20 treectrl Exp $ */ #include "tkTreeCtrl.h" typedef struct Column Column; typedef struct Item Item; /* * A data structure of the following type is kept for a single column in a * single item. */ struct Column { int cstate; /* STATE_xxx flags manipulated with the * [item state forcolumn] command */ #ifdef COLUMN_SPAN int span; /* Number of columns this column's style covers */ #endif int neededWidth; /* unused */ int neededHeight; /* unused */ TreeStyle style; Column *next; /* Column to the right of this one */ }; /* * A data structure of the following type is kept for each item. */ struct Item { int id; /* unique id */ int depth; /* tree depth (-1 for the unique root item) */ int neededHeight; /* unused */ int fixedHeight; /* -height: desired height of this item (0 for * no-such-value) */ int numChildren; int index; /* "row" in flattened tree */ int indexVis; /* visible "row" in flattened tree, -1 if hidden */ int state; /* STATE_xxx flags */ int isVisible; /* -visible option */ int hasButton; /* -button option */ Item *parent; Item *firstChild; Item *lastChild; Item *prevSibling; Item *nextSibling; TreeItemDInfo dInfo; /* display info, or NULL */ TreeItemRInfo rInfo; /* range info, or NULL */ Column *columns; }; /* * Macro to test whether an item is the unique root item */ #define ISROOT(i) ((i)->depth == -1) /* * Flags returned by Tk_SetOptions() (see itemOptionSpecs below). */ #define ITEM_CONF_BUTTON 0x0001 #define ITEM_CONF_SIZE 0x0002 #define ITEM_CONF_VISIBLE 0x0004 /* * Information used for Item objv parsing. */ static Tk_OptionSpec itemOptionSpecs[] = { {TK_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "-button", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, "0", -1, Tk_Offset(Item, hasButton), 0, (ClientData) NULL, ITEM_CONF_BUTTON}, {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-height", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, -1, Tk_Offset(Item, fixedHeight), TK_OPTION_NULL_OK, (ClientData) NULL, ITEM_CONF_SIZE}, {TK_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "-visible", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, "1", -1, Tk_Offset(Item, isVisible), 0, (ClientData) NULL, ITEM_CONF_VISIBLE}, {TK_OPTION_END, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0} }; /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Column_Alloc -- * * Allocate and initialize a new Column record. * * Results: * Pointer to allocated Column. * * Side effects: * Memory is allocated. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static Column * Column_Alloc( TreeCtrl *tree /* Widget info. */ ) { #ifdef ALLOC_HAX Column *column = (Column *) AllocHax_Alloc(tree->allocData, sizeof(Column)); #else Column *column = (Column *) ckalloc(sizeof(Column)); #endif memset(column, '\0', sizeof(Column)); #ifdef COLUMN_SPAN column->span = 1; #endif return column; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItemColumn_InvalidateSize -- * * Marks the needed height and width of the column as out-of-date. * NOTE: Column.neededWidth and Column.neededHeight are currently * unused. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItemColumn_InvalidateSize( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItemColumn column_ /* Column token. */ ) { Column *column = (Column *) column_; column->neededWidth = column->neededHeight = -1; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItemColumn_NeededWidth -- * * Returns the requested width of a Column. * * Results: * If the Column has a style, the requested width of the style * is returned (a positive pixel value). Otherwise 0 is returned. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItemColumn_NeededWidth( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ TreeItemColumn column_ /* Column token. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; Column *self = (Column *) column_; if (self->style != NULL) return TreeStyle_NeededWidth(tree, self->style, item->state | self->cstate); return 0; } #ifdef EXPENSIVE_SPAN_WIDTH /* NOT USED */ /* * When a style spans 2 or more columns, all of the requested width goes * to the first column in the span. Ideally the width needed by the style * would be distributed over each column in the span. To be done properly, * the visibility and fixed-width of each column needs to be considered. * * This routine does an okay job of calculating the requested width of a * column in an item when spans are involved; however there is a lot of * processing involved, and this routine is called for each column in * a span separately (it would be better to calculate the width of all * the columns in a span at the same time). */ int TreeItem_NeededWidthOfColumn( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ int _columnIndex /* Column index. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; TreeColumn treeColumn = tree->columns; Column *column = item->columns; int columnIndex = 0, itemColumnIndex = 0, span = 1; int selfIndex = _columnIndex, fixedWidth = 0, width = 0; int spanStart, spanEnd; struct span { Column *itemColumn; int itemColumnIndex; int fixedWidth; int spanWidth; int visible; } staticSpans[STATIC_SIZE], *spans = staticSpans; STATIC_ALLOC(spans, struct span, tree->columnCount); while (treeColumn != NULL) { spans[columnIndex].visible = TreeColumn_Visible(treeColumn); if (--span == 0) { if (spans[columnIndex].visible) span = column ? column->span : 1; else span = 1; itemColumnIndex = columnIndex; } spans[columnIndex].itemColumn = column; spans[columnIndex].itemColumnIndex = itemColumnIndex; spans[columnIndex].spanWidth = 0; spans[columnIndex].fixedWidth = TreeColumn_FixedWidth(treeColumn); ++columnIndex; treeColumn = TreeColumn_Next(treeColumn); if (column != NULL) column = column->next; } span = 0; columnIndex = spanStart = spanEnd = spans[selfIndex].itemColumnIndex; while (spans[columnIndex].itemColumnIndex == spanStart) { if (spans[columnIndex].visible) { if (spans[columnIndex].fixedWidth >= 0) { fixedWidth += spans[columnIndex].fixedWidth; spans[columnIndex].spanWidth = spans[columnIndex].fixedWidth; } else ++span; /* number of visible columns in the span with no * fixed width */ } spanEnd = columnIndex; ++columnIndex; if (columnIndex == tree->columnCount) break; } column = spans[spanStart].itemColumn; if (column != NULL && column->style != NULL) { width = TreeStyle_NeededWidth(tree, column->style, item->state | column->cstate); if (width > fixedWidth && span > 0) { width -= fixedWidth; while (width > 0) { int each = (width > span) ? width / span : 1; columnIndex = spanStart; while (columnIndex <= spanEnd) { if (spans[columnIndex].visible) { if (spans[columnIndex].fixedWidth < 0) { spans[columnIndex].spanWidth += each; width -= each; if (width <= 0) break; } } ++columnIndex; } } }; } if (0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < tree->columnCount; i++) { dbwin("%d,%d: itemColumn %p itemColumnIndex %d fixedWidth %d spanWidth %d\n", item->id, i, spans[i].itemColumn, spans[i].itemColumnIndex, spans[i].fixedWidth, spans[i].spanWidth); } } width = spans[selfIndex].spanWidth; STATIC_FREE(spans, struct span, tree->columnCount); return width; } #endif /* COLUMN_SPAN */ /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItemColumn_GetStyle -- * * Returns the style assigned to a Column. * * Results: * Returns the style, or NULL. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TreeStyle TreeItemColumn_GetStyle( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItemColumn column /* Column token. */ ) { return ((Column *) column)->style; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItemColumn_Index -- * * Return the 0-based index of a Column in an Item's linked list of * Columns. * * Results: * Integer index of the Column. * * Side effects: * Tcl_Panic() if the Column isn't found. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItemColumn_Index( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ TreeItemColumn column_ /* Column token. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; Column *column; int i = 0; column = item->columns; while ((column != NULL) && (column != (Column *) column_)) { i++; column = column->next; } if (column == NULL) panic("TreeItemColumn_Index: couldn't find the column\n"); return i; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItemColumn_ForgetStyle -- * * Free the style assigned to a Column. * * Results: * Column has no style assigned anymore. * * Side effects: * Memory is freed. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItemColumn_ForgetStyle( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItemColumn column_ /* Column token. */ ) { Column *self = (Column *) column_; if (self->style != NULL) { TreeStyle_FreeResources(tree, self->style); self->style = NULL; self->neededWidth = self->neededHeight = 0; } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItemColumn_GetNext -- * * Return the Column to the right of this one. * * Results: * The next Column in the linked list, or NULL. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TreeItemColumn TreeItemColumn_GetNext( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItemColumn column /* Column token. */ ) { return (TreeItemColumn) ((Column *) column)->next; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Column_FreeResources -- * * Free the style and memory associated with the given Column. * * Results: * The next Column in the linked list, or NULL. * * Side effects: * Memory is freed. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Column * Column_FreeResources( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ Column *self /* Column to free. */ ) { Column *next = self->next; if (self->style != NULL) TreeStyle_FreeResources(tree, self->style); #ifdef ALLOC_HAX AllocHax_Free(tree->allocData, (char *) self, sizeof(Column)); #else WFREE(self, Column); #endif return next; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Item_UpdateIndex -- * * Set the Item.depth, Item.index and Item.indexVis fields of the * given Item and all its descendants. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * The TreeCtrl.depth field may be updated to track the maximum * depth of all items. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void Item_UpdateIndex(TreeCtrl *tree, Item *item, /* Item to update. */ int *index, /* New Item.index value for the item. * Value is incremented. */ int *indexVis /* New Item.indexVis value for the item if * the item is ReallyVisible(). * Value is incremented if the item is * ReallyVisible(). */ ) { Item *child; int parentVis, parentOpen; /* Also track max depth */ if (item->parent != NULL) item->depth = item->parent->depth + 1; else item->depth = 0; if (item->depth > tree->depth) tree->depth = item->depth; item->index = (*index)++; item->indexVis = -1; if (item->parent != NULL) { parentOpen = (item->parent->state & STATE_OPEN) != 0; parentVis = item->parent->indexVis != -1; if (ISROOT(item->parent) && !tree->showRoot) { parentOpen = TRUE; parentVis = item->parent->isVisible; } if (parentVis && parentOpen && item->isVisible) item->indexVis = (*indexVis)++; } child = item->firstChild; while (child != NULL) { Item_UpdateIndex(tree, child, index, indexVis); child = child->nextSibling; } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Tree_UpdateItemIndex -- * * Set the Item.depth, Item.index and Item.indexVis fields of the * every Item. Set TreeCtrl.depth to the maximum depth of all * Items. Set TreeCtrl.itemVisCount to the count of all visible * items. * * Because this is slow we try not to do it until necessary. * The tree->updateIndex flags indicates when this is needed. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Tree_UpdateItemIndex( TreeCtrl *tree /* Widget info. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) tree->root; int index = 1, indexVis = 0; if (tree->debug.enable && tree->debug.data) dbwin("Tree_UpdateItemIndex %s\n", Tk_PathName(tree->tkwin)); /* Also track max depth */ tree->depth = -1; item->index = 0; item->indexVis = -1; if (tree->showRoot && item->isVisible) item->indexVis = indexVis++; item = item->firstChild; while (item != NULL) { Item_UpdateIndex(tree, item, &index, &indexVis); item = item->nextSibling; } tree->itemVisCount = indexVis; tree->updateIndex = 0; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Item_Alloc -- * * Allocate an initialize a new Item record. * * Results: * Pointer to the allocated Item record. * * Side effects: * Memory is allocated. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static Item * Item_Alloc( TreeCtrl *tree /* Widget info. */ ) { #ifdef ALLOC_HAX Item *item = (Item *) AllocHax_Alloc(tree->allocData, sizeof(Item)); #else Item *item = (Item *) ckalloc(sizeof(Item)); #endif memset(item, '\0', sizeof(Item)); if (Tk_InitOptions(tree->interp, (char *) item, tree->itemOptionTable, tree->tkwin) != TCL_OK) panic("Tk_InitOptions() failed in Item_Alloc()"); item->state = STATE_OPEN | STATE_ENABLED; if (tree->gotFocus) item->state |= STATE_FOCUS; item->indexVis = -1; Tree_AddItem(tree, (TreeItem) item); return item; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Item_AllocRoot -- * * Allocate an initialize a new Item record for the root item. * * Results: * Pointer to the allocated Item record. * * Side effects: * Memory is allocated. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static Item * Item_AllocRoot( TreeCtrl *tree /* Widget info. */ ) { Item *item; item = Item_Alloc(tree); item->depth = -1; item->state |= STATE_ACTIVE; return item; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_GetFirstColumn -- * * Return the first Column record for an Item. * * Results: * Token for the column, or NULL. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TreeItemColumn TreeItem_GetFirstColumn( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item /* Item token. */ ) { return (TreeItemColumn) ((Item *) item)->columns; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_GetState -- * * Return the state flags for an Item. * * Results: * Bit mask of STATE_xxx flags. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItem_GetState( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { return ((Item *) item_)->state; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Column_ChangeState -- * * Toggles zero or more STATE_xxx flags for a Column. If the * Column has a style assigned, its state may be changed. * * Results: * Bit mask of CS_LAYOUT and CS_DISPLAY flags, or zero if no * changes occurred. * * Side effects: * Display changes. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int Column_ChangeState( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ Item *item, /* Item containing the column. */ Column *column, /* Column to modify the state of. */ int columnIndex, /* 0-based column index. */ int stateOff, /* STATE_xxx flags to turn off. */ int stateOn /* STATE_xxx flags to turn on. */ ) { int cstate, state; int sMask, iMask = 0; cstate = column->cstate; cstate &= ~stateOff; cstate |= stateOn; if (cstate == column->cstate) return 0; state = item->state | column->cstate; state &= ~stateOff; state |= stateOn; if (column->style != NULL) { sMask = TreeStyle_ChangeState(tree, column->style, item->state | column->cstate, state); if (sMask) { if (sMask & CS_LAYOUT) Tree_InvalidateColumnWidth(tree, columnIndex); iMask |= sMask; } if (iMask & CS_LAYOUT) { TreeItem_InvalidateHeight(tree, (TreeItem) item); #if 1 TreeItemColumn_InvalidateSize(tree, (TreeItemColumn) column); Tree_FreeItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item, NULL); #endif Tree_DInfoChanged(tree, DINFO_REDO_RANGES); } if (iMask & CS_DISPLAY) Tree_InvalidateItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item, NULL); } column->cstate = cstate; return iMask; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_ChangeState -- * * Toggles zero or more STATE_xxx flags for an Item. If the * Column has a style assigned, its state may be changed. * * Results: * Bit mask of CS_LAYOUT and CS_DISPLAY flags, or zero if no * changes occurred. * * Side effects: * Display changes. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItem_ChangeState( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ int stateOff, /* STATE_xxx flags to turn off. */ int stateOn /* STATE_xxx flags to turn on. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; Column *column; int columnIndex = 0, state, cstate; int sMask, iMask = 0; state = item->state; state &= ~stateOff; state |= stateOn; if (state == item->state) return 0; column = item->columns; while (column != NULL) { if (column->style != NULL) { cstate = item->state | column->cstate; cstate &= ~stateOff; cstate |= stateOn; sMask = TreeStyle_ChangeState(tree, column->style, item->state | column->cstate, cstate); if (sMask) { if (sMask & CS_LAYOUT) { Tree_InvalidateColumnWidth(tree, columnIndex); #if 1 TreeItemColumn_InvalidateSize(tree, (TreeItemColumn) column); #endif } iMask |= sMask; } } columnIndex++; column = column->next; } /* This item has a button */ if (item->hasButton && tree->showButtons && (!ISROOT(item) || tree->showRootButton)) { Tk_Image image1, image2; Pixmap bitmap1, bitmap2; int butOpen, butClosed; int themeOpen, themeClosed; int w1, h1, w2, h2; void *ptr1 = NULL, *ptr2 = NULL; /* * Compare the image/bitmap/theme/xlib button for the old state * to the image/bitmap/theme/xlib button for the new state. Figure * out if the size or appearance has changed. */ /* image > bitmap > theme > draw */ image1 = PerStateImage_ForState(tree, &tree->buttonImage, item->state, NULL); if (image1 != NULL) { Tk_SizeOfImage(image1, &w1, &h1); ptr1 = image1; } if (ptr1 == NULL) { bitmap1 = PerStateBitmap_ForState(tree, &tree->buttonBitmap, item->state, NULL); if (bitmap1 != None) { Tk_SizeOfBitmap(tree->display, bitmap1, &w1, &h1); ptr1 = (void *) bitmap1; } } if (ptr1 == NULL) { if (tree->useTheme && TreeTheme_GetButtonSize(tree, Tk_WindowId(tree->tkwin), (item->state & STATE_OPEN) != 0, &w1, &h1) == TCL_OK) { ptr1 = (item->state & STATE_OPEN) ? &themeOpen : &themeClosed; } } if (ptr1 == NULL) { w1 = h1 = tree->buttonSize; ptr1 = (item->state & STATE_OPEN) ? &butOpen : &butClosed; } /* image > bitmap > theme > draw */ image2 = PerStateImage_ForState(tree, &tree->buttonImage, state, NULL); if (image2 != NULL) { Tk_SizeOfImage(image2, &w2, &h2); ptr2 = image2; } if (ptr2 == NULL) { bitmap2 = PerStateBitmap_ForState(tree, &tree->buttonBitmap, state, NULL); if (bitmap2 != None) { Tk_SizeOfBitmap(tree->display, bitmap2, &w2, &h2); ptr2 = (void *) bitmap2; } } if (ptr2 == NULL) { if (tree->useTheme && TreeTheme_GetButtonSize(tree, Tk_WindowId(tree->tkwin), (state & STATE_OPEN) != 0, &w2, &h2) == TCL_OK) { ptr2 = (state & STATE_OPEN) ? &themeOpen : &themeClosed; } } if (ptr2 == NULL) { w2 = h2 = tree->buttonSize; ptr2 = (state & STATE_OPEN) ? &butOpen : &butClosed; } if ((w1 != w2) || (h1 != h2)) { iMask |= CS_LAYOUT | CS_DISPLAY; } else if (ptr1 != ptr2) { iMask |= CS_DISPLAY; } } if (iMask & CS_LAYOUT) { TreeItem_InvalidateHeight(tree, item_); #if 1 Tree_FreeItemDInfo(tree, item_, NULL); #endif Tree_DInfoChanged(tree, DINFO_REDO_RANGES); } if (iMask & CS_DISPLAY) Tree_InvalidateItemDInfo(tree, item_, NULL); item->state = state; return iMask; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_UndefineState -- * * Clear a STATE_xxx flag in an Item and its Columns. This is * called when a user-defined state is undefined via the * [state undefine] widget command. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_UndefineState( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ int state /* STATE_xxx flag that is undefined. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; Column *column = item->columns; while (column != NULL) { column->cstate &= ~state; column = column->next; } item->state &= ~state; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_GetButton -- * * Return the value of the -button configuration option for an * Item. * * Results: * Boolean indicating whether the Item could have a button * displayed next to it (-showbuttons must also be set). * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItem_GetButton( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; return item->hasButton; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_GetDepth -- * * Return the depth of an Item. * * Results: * Integer >= -1. (-1 for the root) * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItem_GetDepth( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; #if 0 if (tree->updateIndex) Tree_UpdateItemIndex(tree); #endif return item->depth; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_GetID -- * * Return the unique ID of an Item. * * Results: * Integer >= 0. (0 for the root) * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItem_GetID( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; return item->id; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_SetID -- * * Set the unique ID of an Item. This is called when the item * is created. * * Results: * The given ID. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItem_SetID( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ int id /* Unique ID for the item. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; return item->id = id; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_GetSelected -- * * Return whether an Item is selected or not. * * Results: * TRUE if the item is part of the selection, FALSE otherwise. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItem_GetSelected( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; return (item->state & STATE_SELECTED) != 0; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_GetParent -- * * Return the parent of an Item. * * Results: * Token for parent Item, or NULL. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TreeItem TreeItem_GetParent( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; return (TreeItem) item->parent; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_GetNextSibling -- * * Return the next sibling of an Item. * * Results: * Token for next sibling Item, or NULL. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TreeItem TreeItem_GetNextSibling( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; return (TreeItem) item->nextSibling; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_NextSiblingVisible -- * * Find a following sibling that is ReallyVisible(). * * Results: * Token for a sibling Item, or NULL. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TreeItem TreeItem_NextSiblingVisible( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item /* Item token. */ ) { item = TreeItem_GetNextSibling(tree, item); while (item != NULL) { if (TreeItem_ReallyVisible(tree, item)) return item; item = TreeItem_GetNextSibling(tree, item); } return NULL; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_SetDInfo -- * * Store a display-info token in an Item. Called by the display * code. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_SetDInfo( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ TreeItemDInfo dInfo /* Display-info token. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; item->dInfo = dInfo; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_SetDInfo -- * * Return the display-info token of an Item. Called by the display * code. * * Results: * The display-info token or NULL. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TreeItemDInfo TreeItem_GetDInfo( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; return item->dInfo; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_SetRInfo -- * * Store a range-info token in an Item. Called by the display * code. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_SetRInfo( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ TreeItemRInfo rInfo /* Range-info token */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; item->rInfo = rInfo; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_GetRInfo -- * * Return the range-info token of an Item. Called by the display * code. * * Results: * The range-info token or NULL. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TreeItemRInfo TreeItem_GetRInfo( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; return item->rInfo; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_Next -- * * Return the Item after the given one. * * Results: * Result will be: * a) the first child, or * b) the next sibling, or * c) the next sibling of an ancestor, or * d) NULL if no item follows this one * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TreeItem TreeItem_Next( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; if (item->firstChild != NULL) return (TreeItem) item->firstChild; if (item->nextSibling != NULL) return (TreeItem) item->nextSibling; while (1) { item = item->parent; if (item == NULL) break; if (item->nextSibling != NULL) return (TreeItem) item->nextSibling; } return NULL; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_NextVisible -- * * Return the ReallyVisible() Item after the given one. * * Results: * Result will be: * a) the first ReallyVisible() child, or * b) the next ReallyVisible() sibling, or * c) the next ReallyVisible() sibling of an ancestor, or * d) NULL if no ReallyVisible() item follows this one * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TreeItem TreeItem_NextVisible( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item /* Item token. */ ) { item = TreeItem_Next(tree, item); while (item != NULL) { if (TreeItem_ReallyVisible(tree, item)) return item; item = TreeItem_Next(tree, item); } return NULL; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_Prev -- * * Return the Item before the given one. * * Results: * Result will be: * a) the last descendant of the previous sibling, or * b) the parent, or * c) NULL if the given Item is the root * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TreeItem TreeItem_Prev( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; Item *walk; if (item->parent == NULL) /* root */ return NULL; walk = item->parent; if (item->prevSibling) { walk = item->prevSibling; while (walk->lastChild != NULL) walk = walk->lastChild; } return (TreeItem) walk; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_PrevVisible -- * * Return the ReallyVisible() Item before the given one. * * Results: * Result will be: * a) the last descendant of the previous sibling, or * b) the parent, or * c) NULL if the given Item is the root * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TreeItem TreeItem_PrevVisible( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item /* Item token. */ ) { item = TreeItem_Prev(tree, item); while (item != NULL) { if (TreeItem_ReallyVisible(tree, item)) return item; item = TreeItem_Prev(tree, item); } return NULL; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_ToIndex -- * * Return Item.index and Item.indexVis. * * Results: * The zero-based indexes of the Item. * * Side effects: * Will recalculate the indexes of every item if needed. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_ToIndex( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ int *index, /* Returned Item.index, may be NULL */ int *indexVis /* Returned Item.indexVis, may be NULL */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; if (tree->updateIndex) Tree_UpdateItemIndex(tree); if (index != NULL) (*index) = item->index; if (indexVis != NULL) (*indexVis) = item->indexVis; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * IndexFromList -- * * Utility wrapper around Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(). * * Results: * The result of Tcl_GetIndexFromObj() or -1. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int IndexFromList( int listIndex, /* Index of objv[] to pass to * Tcl_GetIndexFromObj */ int objc, /* Number of arguments. */ Tcl_Obj **objv, /* Arguments. */ CONST char **indexNames /* NULL-terminated list of names. */ ) { Tcl_Obj *elemPtr; int index; if (listIndex >= objc) return -1; elemPtr = objv[listIndex]; if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(NULL, elemPtr, indexNames, NULL, 0, &index) != TCL_OK) return -1; return index; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_FromObj -- * * Convert a Tcl_Obj into a TreeItem. * * all * "active MODIFIERS" * "anchor MODIFIERS" * "nearest x y MODIFIERS" * "root MODIFIERS" * "first ?visible? MODIFIERS" * "last ?visible? MODIFIERS" * "end ?visible? MODIFIERS" * "rnc row col MODIFIERS" * "ID MODIFIERS" * * MODIFIERS: * above * below * left * right * top * bottom * leftmost * rightmost * next ?visible? * prev ?visible? * parent * firstchild ?visible? * lastchild ?visible? * child N ?visible? * nextsibling ?visible? * prevsibling ?visible? * sibling N ?visible? * * Examples: * %W index "first visible firstchild" * %W index "first visible firstchild visible" * %W index "nearest x y nextsibling visible" * * Results: * TCL_OK or TCL_ERROR. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItem_FromObj( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ Tcl_Obj *objPtr, /* Object to convert to TreeItem. */ TreeItem *itemPtr, /* Returned item token */ int flags /* IFO_xxx flags */ ) { Tcl_Interp *interp = tree->interp; int objc; int index, listIndex, id; Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; Tcl_Obj **objv, *elemPtr; Item *item = NULL; static CONST char *indexName[] = { "active", "all", "anchor", "end", "first", "last", "nearest", "rnc", "root", (char *) NULL }; enum indexEnum { INDEX_ACTIVE, INDEX_ALL, INDEX_ANCHOR, INDEX_END, INDEX_FIRST, INDEX_LAST, INDEX_NEAREST, INDEX_RNC, INDEX_ROOT } ; static CONST char *modifiers[] = { "above", "below", "bottom", "child", "firstchild", "lastchild", "left", "leftmost", "next", "nextsibling", "parent", "prev", "prevsibling", "right", "rightmost", "sibling", "top", "visible", (char *) NULL }; enum modEnum { TMOD_ABOVE, TMOD_BELOW, TMOD_BOTTOM, TMOD_CHILD, TMOD_FIRSTCHILD, TMOD_LASTCHILD, TMOD_LEFT, TMOD_LEFTMOST, TMOD_NEXT, TMOD_NEXTSIBLING, TMOD_PARENT, TMOD_PREV, TMOD_PREVSIBLING, TMOD_RIGHT, TMOD_RIGHTMOST, TMOD_SIBLING, TMOD_TOP, TMOD_VISIBLE }; static int modArgs[] = { 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1 }; if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(NULL, objPtr, &objc, &objv) != TCL_OK) goto baditem; if (objc == 0) goto baditem; listIndex = 0; elemPtr = objv[listIndex++]; if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(NULL, elemPtr, indexName, NULL, 0, &index) == TCL_OK) { switch ((enum indexEnum) index) { case INDEX_ACTIVE: { item = (Item *) tree->activeItem; break; } case INDEX_ALL: { if (!(flags & IFO_ALLOK)) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't specify \"all\" for this command", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } if (objc > 1) goto baditem; (*itemPtr) = ITEM_ALL; return TCL_OK; } case INDEX_ANCHOR: { item = (Item *) tree->anchorItem; break; } case INDEX_FIRST: { item = (Item *) tree->root; if (IndexFromList(listIndex, objc, objv, modifiers) == TMOD_VISIBLE) { if (!item->isVisible) item = NULL; else if (!tree->showRoot) item = (Item *) TreeItem_NextVisible(tree, (TreeItem) item); listIndex++; } break; } case INDEX_END: case INDEX_LAST: { item = (Item *) tree->root; while (item->lastChild) { item = item->lastChild; } if (IndexFromList(listIndex, objc, objv, modifiers) == TMOD_VISIBLE) { if (!((Item *) tree->root)->isVisible) item = NULL; /* nothing is visible */ else if (item == (Item *) tree->root && !tree->showRoot) item = NULL; /* no item but root, not visible */ else if (!TreeItem_ReallyVisible(tree, (TreeItem) item)) item = (Item *) TreeItem_PrevVisible(tree, (TreeItem) item); listIndex++; } break; } case INDEX_NEAREST: { int x, y; if (objc < 3) goto baditem; if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, objv[listIndex++], &x) != TCL_OK) goto baditem; if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, objv[listIndex++], &y) != TCL_OK) goto baditem; item = (Item *) Tree_ItemUnderPoint(tree, &x, &y, TRUE); break; } case INDEX_RNC: { int row, col; if (objc < 3) goto baditem; if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, objv[listIndex++], &row) != TCL_OK) goto baditem; if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, objv[listIndex++], &col) != TCL_OK) goto baditem; item = (Item *) Tree_RNCToItem(tree, row, col); break; } case INDEX_ROOT: { item = (Item *) tree->root; break; } } } else if (tree->itemPrefixLen) { char *end, *t = Tcl_GetString(elemPtr); if (strncmp(t, tree->itemPrefix, tree->itemPrefixLen) != 0) goto baditem; t += tree->itemPrefixLen; id = strtoul(t, &end, 10); if ((end == t) || (*end != '\0')) goto baditem; hPtr = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&tree->itemHash, (char *) id); if (!hPtr) { if (!(flags & IFO_NULLOK)) goto noitem; (*itemPtr) = NULL; return TCL_OK; } item = (Item *) Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); } else if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, elemPtr, &id) == TCL_OK) { hPtr = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&tree->itemHash, (char *) id); if (!hPtr) { if (!(flags & IFO_NULLOK)) goto noitem; (*itemPtr) = NULL; return TCL_OK; } item = (Item *) Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); } else { goto baditem; } /* This means a valid specification was given, but there is no such item */ if (item == NULL) { if (!(flags & IFO_NULLOK)) goto noitem; (*itemPtr) = (TreeItem) item; return TCL_OK; } for (; listIndex < objc; /* nothing */) { int nextIsVisible = FALSE; elemPtr = objv[listIndex]; if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, elemPtr, modifiers, "modifier", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (objc - listIndex < modArgs[index]) goto baditem; if (IndexFromList(listIndex + modArgs[index], objc, objv, modifiers) == TMOD_VISIBLE) nextIsVisible = TRUE; switch ((enum modEnum) index) { case TMOD_ABOVE: { item = (Item *) Tree_ItemAbove(tree, (TreeItem) item); nextIsVisible = FALSE; break; } case TMOD_BELOW: { item = (Item *) Tree_ItemBelow(tree, (TreeItem) item); nextIsVisible = FALSE; break; } case TMOD_BOTTOM: { item = (Item *) Tree_ItemBottom(tree, (TreeItem) item); nextIsVisible = FALSE; break; } case TMOD_CHILD: { int n; if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[listIndex + 1], &n) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; item = item->firstChild; if (nextIsVisible) { while (item != NULL) { if (TreeItem_ReallyVisible(tree, (TreeItem) item)) if (n-- <= 0) break; item = item->nextSibling; } } else { while ((n-- > 0) && (item != NULL)) item = item->nextSibling; } break; } case TMOD_FIRSTCHILD: { item = item->firstChild; if (nextIsVisible) { while ((item != NULL) && !TreeItem_ReallyVisible(tree, (TreeItem) item)) item = item->nextSibling; } break; } case TMOD_LASTCHILD: { item = item->lastChild; if (nextIsVisible) { while ((item != NULL) && !TreeItem_ReallyVisible(tree, (TreeItem) item)) item = item->prevSibling; } break; } case TMOD_LEFT: { item = (Item *) Tree_ItemLeft(tree, (TreeItem) item); nextIsVisible = FALSE; break; } case TMOD_LEFTMOST: { item = (Item *) Tree_ItemLeftMost(tree, (TreeItem) item); nextIsVisible = FALSE; break; } case TMOD_NEXT: { if (nextIsVisible) item = (Item *) TreeItem_NextVisible(tree, (TreeItem) item); else item = (Item *) TreeItem_Next(tree, (TreeItem) item); break; } case TMOD_NEXTSIBLING: { item = item->nextSibling; if (nextIsVisible) { while ((item != NULL) && !TreeItem_ReallyVisible(tree, (TreeItem) item)) { item = item->nextSibling; } } break; } case TMOD_PARENT: { item = item->parent; nextIsVisible = FALSE; break; } case TMOD_PREV: { if (nextIsVisible) item = (Item *) TreeItem_PrevVisible(tree, (TreeItem) item); else item = (Item *) TreeItem_Prev(tree, (TreeItem) item); break; } case TMOD_PREVSIBLING: { item = item->prevSibling; if (nextIsVisible) { while ((item != NULL) && !TreeItem_ReallyVisible(tree, (TreeItem) item)) { item = item->prevSibling; } } break; } case TMOD_RIGHT: { item = (Item *) Tree_ItemRight(tree, (TreeItem) item); nextIsVisible = FALSE; break; } case TMOD_RIGHTMOST: { item = (Item *) Tree_ItemRightMost(tree, (TreeItem) item); nextIsVisible = FALSE; break; } case TMOD_SIBLING: { int n; if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[listIndex + 1], &n) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; item = item->parent; if (item == NULL) break; item = item->firstChild; if (nextIsVisible) { while (item != NULL) { if (TreeItem_ReallyVisible(tree, (TreeItem) item)) if (n-- <= 0) break; item = item->nextSibling; } } else { while ((n-- > 0) && (item != NULL)) item = item->nextSibling; } break; } case TMOD_TOP: { item = (Item *) Tree_ItemTop(tree, (TreeItem) item); nextIsVisible = FALSE; break; } case TMOD_VISIBLE: { goto baditem; } } if (item == NULL) { if (!(flags & IFO_NULLOK)) goto noitem; (*itemPtr) = (TreeItem) item; return TCL_OK; } listIndex += modArgs[index]; if (nextIsVisible) listIndex++; } if (ISROOT(item)) { if ((flags & IFO_NOTROOT)) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't specify \"root\" for this command", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } } (*itemPtr) = (TreeItem) item; return TCL_OK; baditem: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad item description \"", Tcl_GetString(objPtr), "\"", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; noitem: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "item \"", Tcl_GetString(objPtr), "\" doesn't exist", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Item_ToggleOpen -- * * Inverts the STATE_OPEN flag of an Item. * * Results: * Items may be displayed/undisplayed. * * Side effects: * Display changes. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void Item_ToggleOpen( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ Item *item, /* Item record. */ int stateOff, /* STATE_OPEN or 0 */ int stateOn /* STATE_OPEN or 0 */ ) { int mask; mask = TreeItem_ChangeState(tree, (TreeItem) item, stateOff, stateOn); if (ISROOT(item) && !tree->showRoot) return; #if 0 /* Don't affect display if we weren't visible */ if (!TreeItem_ReallyVisible(tree, (TreeItem) item)) return; /* Invalidate display info for this item, so it is redrawn later. */ Tree_InvalidateItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item, NULL); #endif if (item->numChildren > 0) { /* indexVis needs updating for all items after this one, if we * have any visible children */ tree->updateIndex = 1; Tree_DInfoChanged(tree, DINFO_REDO_RANGES); /* Hiding/showing children may change the width of any column */ Tree_InvalidateColumnWidth(tree, -1); } /* If this item was previously onscreen, this call is repetitive. */ Tree_EventuallyRedraw(tree); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_OpenClose -- * * Inverts the STATE_OPEN flag of an Item, possibly recursively. * * Results: * Items may be displayed/undisplayed. * * Side effects: * Display changes. and events may be * generated. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_OpenClose( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ int mode, /* -1: toggle * 0: close * 1: open */ int recurse /* TRUE to perform same op on descendants, * FALSE to only affect given item. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; Item *child; int stateOff = 0, stateOn = 0; if (mode == -1) { if (item->state & STATE_OPEN) stateOff = STATE_OPEN; else stateOn = STATE_OPEN; } else if (!mode && (item->state & STATE_OPEN)) stateOff = STATE_OPEN; else if (mode && !(item->state & STATE_OPEN)) stateOn = STATE_OPEN; if (stateOff != stateOn) { TreeNotify_OpenClose(tree, item_, stateOn, TRUE); Item_ToggleOpen(tree, item, stateOff, stateOn); TreeNotify_OpenClose(tree, item_, stateOn, FALSE); } if (recurse) { for (child = item->firstChild; child != NULL; child = child->nextSibling) TreeItem_OpenClose(tree, (TreeItem) child, mode, recurse); } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_Delete -- * * Recursively frees resources associated with an Item and its * descendants. * * Results: * Items are removed from their parent and freed. * * Side effects: * Memory is freed. If the active item or selection-anchor item * is deleted, the root becomes the active/anchor item. * Display changes may occur. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_Delete( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; if (TreeItem_ReallyVisible(tree, item_)) Tree_InvalidateColumnWidth(tree, -1); while (self->numChildren > 0) TreeItem_Delete(tree, (TreeItem) self->firstChild); TreeItem_RemoveFromParent(tree, item_); TreeDisplay_ItemDeleted(tree, item_); Tree_RemoveItem(tree, item_); TreeItem_FreeResources(tree, item_); if (tree->activeItem == item_) { tree->activeItem = tree->root; TreeItem_ChangeState(tree, tree->activeItem, 0, STATE_ACTIVE); } if (tree->anchorItem == item_) tree->anchorItem = tree->root; if (tree->debug.enable && tree->debug.data) Tree_Debug(tree); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_UpdateDepth -- * * Recursively updates Item.depth of an Item and its * descendants. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_UpdateDepth( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; Item *child; if (ISROOT(self)) return; if (self->parent != NULL) self->depth = self->parent->depth + 1; else self->depth = 0; child = self->firstChild; while (child != NULL) { TreeItem_UpdateDepth(tree, (TreeItem) child); child = child->nextSibling; } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_AddToParent -- * * Called *after* an Item is added as a child to another Item. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Display changes. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_AddToParent( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; Item *last; /* If this is the new last child, redraw the lines of the previous * sibling and all of its descendants so the line from the previous * sibling reaches this item */ if ((self->prevSibling != NULL) && (self->nextSibling == NULL) && tree->showLines) { last = self->prevSibling; while (last->lastChild != NULL) last = last->lastChild; Tree_InvalidateItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) self->prevSibling, (TreeItem) last); } tree->updateIndex = 1; Tree_DInfoChanged(tree, DINFO_REDO_RANGES); /* Tree_UpdateItemIndex() also recalcs depth, but in one of my demos * I retrieve item depth during list creation. Since Tree_UpdateItemIndex() * is slow I will keep depth up-to-date here. */ TreeItem_UpdateDepth(tree, item_); Tree_InvalidateColumnWidth(tree, -1); if (tree->debug.enable && tree->debug.data) Tree_Debug(tree); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * RemoveFromParentAux -- * * Recursively update Item.depth, Item.index and Item.indexVis. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Display changes. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void RemoveFromParentAux( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ Item *self, /* Item being removed. */ int *index /* New value of Item.index. Is incremented. */ ) { Item *child; /* Invalidate display info. Don't free it because we may just be * moving the item to a new parent. FIXME: if it is being moved, * it might not actually need to be redrawn (just copied) */ if (self->dInfo != NULL) Tree_InvalidateItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) self, NULL); if (self->parent != NULL) self->depth = self->parent->depth + 1; else self->depth = 0; self->index = (*index)++; self->indexVis = -1; child = self->firstChild; while (child != NULL) { RemoveFromParentAux(tree, child, index); child = child->nextSibling; } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_RemoveFromParent -- * * Remove an Item from its parent (if any). * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Display changes. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_RemoveFromParent( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; Item *parent = self->parent; Item *last; int index = 0; if (parent == NULL) return; /* If this is the last child, redraw the lines of the previous * sibling and all of its descendants because the line from * the previous sibling to us is now gone */ if ((self->prevSibling != NULL) && (self->nextSibling == NULL) && tree->showLines) { last = self->prevSibling; while (last->lastChild != NULL) last = last->lastChild; Tree_InvalidateItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) self->prevSibling, (TreeItem) last); } /* * Set a flag indicating that item indexes are out-of-date. This doesn't * cover the current item being removed. */ tree->updateIndex = 1; Tree_DInfoChanged(tree, DINFO_REDO_RANGES); if (self->prevSibling) self->prevSibling->nextSibling = self->nextSibling; if (self->nextSibling) self->nextSibling->prevSibling = self->prevSibling; if (parent->firstChild == self) { parent->firstChild = self->nextSibling; if (!parent->firstChild) parent->lastChild = NULL; } if (parent->lastChild == self) parent->lastChild = self->prevSibling; self->prevSibling = self->nextSibling = NULL; self->parent = NULL; parent->numChildren--; /* * Update Item.depth, Item.index and Item.indexVis for the item and its * descendants. An up-to-date Item.index is needed for some operations that * use a range of items, such as [item delete]. */ RemoveFromParentAux(tree, self, &index); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_RemoveColumns -- * * Free a range of Columns in an Item. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Memory is deallocated. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_RemoveColumns( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ int first, /* 0-based column index at start of * the range. Must be <= last */ int last /* 0-based column index at end of * the range. Must be >= first */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; Column *column = self->columns; Column *prev = NULL, *next = NULL; int i = 0; while (column != NULL) { next = column->next; if (i == first - 1) prev = column; else if (i >= first) Column_FreeResources(tree, column); if (i == last) break; ++i; column = next; } if (prev != NULL) prev->next = next; else self->columns = next; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_RemoveAllColumns -- * * Free all the Columns in an Item. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Memory is deallocated. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_RemoveAllColumns( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; Column *column = self->columns; while (column != NULL) { Column *next = column->next; Column_FreeResources(tree, column); column = next; } self->columns = NULL; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Item_CreateColumn -- * * Allocate a Column record for an Item if it doesn't already * exist. * * Results: * Pointer to new or existing Column record. * * Side effects: * Any column records preceding the desired one are allocated * if they weren't already. Memory is allocated. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static Column * Item_CreateColumn( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ Item *self, /* Item to contain the column. */ int columnIndex, /* 0-based index of new column. */ int *isNew /* May be NULL. Set to TRUE if the * column record was created. */ ) { Column *column; int i; if (isNew != NULL) (*isNew) = FALSE; column = self->columns; if (column == NULL) { column = Column_Alloc(tree); column->neededWidth = column->neededHeight = -1; self->columns = column; if (isNew != NULL) (*isNew) = TRUE; } for (i = 0; i < columnIndex; i++) { if (column->next == NULL) { column->next = Column_Alloc(tree); column->next->neededWidth = column->next->neededHeight = -1; if (isNew != NULL) (*isNew) = TRUE; } column = column->next; } return column; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_MoveColumn -- * * Rearranges an Item''s list of Column records by moving one * in front of another. * * Results: * If the Column to be moved does not exist and the Column to place it * in front of does not exist, then nothing happens. If the Column is * to be moved past all currently allocated Columns, then new * Column records are allocated. * * Side effects: * Memory may be allocated. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_MoveColumn( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item, /* Item token. */ int columnIndex, /* 0-based index of the column to move. */ int beforeIndex /* 0-based index of the second column to move * the first column to the left of. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item; Column *before = NULL, *move = NULL; Column *prevM = NULL, *prevB = NULL; Column *last = NULL, *prev, *walk; int index = 0; prev = NULL; walk = self->columns; while (walk != NULL) { if (index == columnIndex) { prevM = prev; move = walk; } if (index == beforeIndex) { prevB = prev; before = walk; } prev = walk; if (walk->next == NULL) last = walk; index++; walk = walk->next; } if (move == NULL && before == NULL) return; if (move == NULL) move = Column_Alloc(tree); else { if (before == NULL) { prevB = Item_CreateColumn(tree, self, beforeIndex - 1, NULL); last = prevB; } if (prevM == NULL) self->columns = move->next; else prevM->next = move->next; } if (before == NULL) { last->next = move; move->next = NULL; } else { if (prevB == NULL) self->columns = move; else prevB->next = move; move->next = before; } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_FreeResources -- * * Free memory etc assocated with an Item. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Memory is deallocated. Display changes. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_FreeResources( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; Column *column; column = self->columns; while (column != NULL) column = Column_FreeResources(tree, column); if (self->dInfo != NULL) Tree_FreeItemDInfo(tree, item_, NULL); if (self->rInfo != NULL) Tree_FreeItemRInfo(tree, item_); #ifdef ALLOC_HAX AllocHax_Free(tree->allocData, (char *) self, sizeof(Item)); #else WFREE(self, Item); #endif } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Item_UseHeight -- * * Return the height used by styles in an Item. * * Results: * Maximum height in pixels of the style in each visible Column. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int Item_HeightOfStyles( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ Item *item /* Item record. */ ) { Column *column = item->columns; TreeColumn treeColumn = tree->columns; StyleDrawArgs drawArgs; int height = 0; drawArgs.tree = tree; while (column != NULL) { if (TreeColumn_Visible(treeColumn) && (column->style != NULL)) { drawArgs.state = item->state | column->cstate; drawArgs.style = column->style; drawArgs.indent = (treeColumn == tree->columnTree) ? TreeItem_Indent(tree, (TreeItem) item) : 0; if ((TreeColumn_FixedWidth(treeColumn) != -1) || TreeColumn_Squeeze(treeColumn)) { drawArgs.width = TreeColumn_UseWidth(treeColumn); } else drawArgs.width = -1; height = MAX(height, TreeStyle_UseHeight(&drawArgs)); } treeColumn = TreeColumn_Next(treeColumn); column = column->next; } return height; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_Height -- * * Return the height of an Item. * * Results: * If the Item -height option is > 0, the result is the maximum * of the button height (if a button is displayed) and the -height * option. * If the TreeCtrl -itemheight option is > 0, the result is the maximum * of the button height (if a button is displayed) and the -itemheight * option. * Otherwise the result is the maximum of the button height (if a button * is displayed) AND the TreeCtrl -minitemheight AND the height of * the style in each visible Column. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItem_Height( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; int buttonHeight = 0; int useHeight; if (!self->isVisible || (ISROOT(self) && !tree->showRoot)) return 0; /* Get requested height of the style in each column */ useHeight = Item_HeightOfStyles(tree, self); /* Can't have less height than our button */ if (tree->showButtons && self->hasButton && (!ISROOT(self) || tree->showRootButton)) { buttonHeight = ButtonHeight(tree, self->state); } /* User specified a fixed height for this item */ if (self->fixedHeight > 0) return MAX(self->fixedHeight, buttonHeight); /* Fixed height of all items */ if (tree->itemHeight > 0) return MAX(tree->itemHeight, buttonHeight); /* Minimum height of all items */ if (tree->minItemHeight > 0) useHeight = MAX(useHeight, tree->minItemHeight); /* No fixed height specified */ return MAX(useHeight, buttonHeight); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_InvalidateHeight -- * * Marks Item.neededHeight out-of-date. * NOTE: Item.neededHeight is unused. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_InvalidateHeight( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; if (self->neededHeight < 0) return; self->neededHeight = -1; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Item_FindColumn -- * * Return a Column record given a zero-based index. * * Results: * The Column record or NULL. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static Column * Item_FindColumn( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ Item *self, /* Item record. */ int columnIndex /* 0-based index of column to find. */ ) { Column *column; int i = 0; column = self->columns; if (!column) return NULL; while (column != NULL && i < columnIndex) { column = column->next; i++; } return column; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Item_FindColumnFromObj -- * * Return a Column record given a Tcl_Obj column description. * * Results: * TCL_OK or TCL_ERROR. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int Item_FindColumnFromObj( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ Item *item, /* Item record. */ Tcl_Obj *obj, /* Column description. */ Column **columnPtr, /* Returned column, or NULL. */ int *indexPtr /* May be NULL. Returned 0-based index of * the column. */ ) { TreeColumn treeColumn; int columnIndex; if (TreeColumn_FromObj(tree, obj, &treeColumn, CFO_NOT_ALL | CFO_NOT_NULL | CFO_NOT_TAIL) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; columnIndex = TreeColumn_Index(treeColumn); (*columnPtr) = Item_FindColumn(tree, item, columnIndex); if (indexPtr != NULL) (*indexPtr) = columnIndex; return TCL_OK; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_FindColumn -- * * Return an item-column token given a zero-based index. * * Results: * The item-column token or NULL. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TreeItemColumn TreeItem_FindColumn( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item, /* Item token. */ int columnIndex /* 0-based index of column to find. */ ) { return (TreeItemColumn) Item_FindColumn(tree, (Item *) item, columnIndex); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_ColumnFromObj -- * * Return an item-column token given a Tcl_Obj column description. * * Results: * TCL_OK or TCL_ERROR. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItem_ColumnFromObj( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item, /* Item token. */ Tcl_Obj *obj, /* Column description. */ TreeItemColumn *columnPtr, /* Returned column, or NULL. */ int *indexPtr /* May be NULL. Returned 0-based index of * the column. */ ) { return Item_FindColumnFromObj(tree, (Item *) item, obj, (Column **) columnPtr, indexPtr); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Item_CreateColumnFromObj -- * * Return a Column record given a Tcl_Obj column description. * The Column record is allocated if it doesn't exist. * * Results: * TCL_OK or TCL_ERROR. * * Side effects: * Memory may be allocated. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int Item_CreateColumnFromObj( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ Item *item, /* Item record. */ Tcl_Obj *obj, /* Column description. */ Column **column, /* Returned column. */ int *indexPtr, /* May be NULL. Returned 0-based index of * the column. */ int *isNew /* May be NULL. Set to TRUE if the * column record was created. */ ) { TreeColumn treeColumn; int columnIndex; if (TreeColumn_FromObj(tree, obj, &treeColumn, CFO_NOT_ALL | CFO_NOT_NULL | CFO_NOT_TAIL) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; columnIndex = TreeColumn_Index(treeColumn); (*column) = Item_CreateColumn(tree, item, columnIndex, isNew); if (indexPtr != NULL) (*indexPtr) = columnIndex; return TCL_OK; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_Indent -- * * Return the amount of indentation for the given item. This is * the width of the buttons/lines. * * Results: * Pixel value >= 0. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItem_Indent( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; int indent; if (ISROOT(self)) return (tree->showRoot && tree->showButtons && tree->showRootButton) ? tree->useIndent : 0; if (tree->updateIndex) Tree_UpdateItemIndex(tree); indent = tree->useIndent * self->depth; if (tree->showRoot || tree->showButtons || tree->showLines) indent += tree->useIndent; if (tree->showRoot && tree->showButtons && tree->showRootButton) indent += tree->useIndent; return indent; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ItemDrawBackground -- * * Draws part of the background area of an Item. The area is * erased to the -itembackground color of the tree column or the * TreeCtrl -background color. If the TreeCtrl -backgroundimage * option is specified then that image is tiled over the given area. * * NOTE: The given area may span multiple columns due to column- * spanning. In this case the -itembackground color of the first column * is used (if any). * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Stuff is drawn in a drawable. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void ItemDrawBackground( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeColumn treeColumn, /* Tree-column token. */ Item *item, /* Item record. */ Column *column, /* First column. */ Drawable drawable, /* Where to draw. */ int x, int y, /* Area of the item to draw. */ int width, int height, /* ^ */ int index /* Used to select a color from the * tree-column's -itembackground option. */ ) { GC gc = None; gc = TreeColumn_BackgroundGC(treeColumn, index); if (gc == None) gc = Tk_3DBorderGC(tree->tkwin, tree->border, TK_3D_FLAT_GC); /* * FIXME: If the background image is non-transparent, there is no * need to erase first. */ XFillRectangle(tree->display, drawable, gc, x, y, width, height); if (tree->backgroundImage != NULL) { Tree_DrawTiledImage(tree, drawable, tree->backgroundImage, x, y, x + width, y + height, tree->drawableXOrigin, tree->drawableYOrigin); } } #ifdef COLUMN_SPAN /* * The following structure holds information about which item column * is displayed at a given tree column. */ typedef struct SpanInfo { TreeColumn treeColumn; /* Always non-null. */ TreeItemColumn itemColumn; /* May be null. */ int itemColumnIndex; /* Actual Column displayed here. */ int width; /* Width of the tree column. */ } SpanInfo; /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Item_GetSpans -- * * Fills an array of SpanInfo records, one per tree column, with * information about the Column displayed in each tree column. * * Results: * spans[] is filled in. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void Item_GetSpans( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ SpanInfo spans[] /* Returned span records. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; TreeColumn treeColumn = tree->columns; Column *column = self->columns; int columnIndex = 0, itemColumnIndex = 0, span = 1; while (treeColumn != NULL) { if (--span == 0) { if (TreeColumn_Visible(treeColumn)) span = column ? column->span : 1; else span = 1; itemColumnIndex = columnIndex; } spans[columnIndex].treeColumn = treeColumn; spans[columnIndex].itemColumn = (TreeItemColumn) column; spans[columnIndex].itemColumnIndex = itemColumnIndex; spans[columnIndex].width = TreeColumn_UseWidth(treeColumn); ++columnIndex; treeColumn = TreeColumn_Next(treeColumn); if (column != NULL) column = column->next; } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_Draw -- * * Draws part of an Item. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Stuff is drawn in a drawable. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_Draw( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ int x, int y, /* Drawable coordinates of the item. */ int width, int height, /* Total size of the item. */ Drawable drawable, /* Where to draw. */ int minX, int maxX, /* Left/right edge that needs to be drawn. */ int index /* Used to select a color from a * tree-column's -itembackground option. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; int indent, columnWidth, totalWidth; Column *column; StyleDrawArgs drawArgs; TreeColumn treeColumn; int i, columnIndex; SpanInfo staticSpans[STATIC_SIZE], *spans = staticSpans; STATIC_ALLOC(spans, SpanInfo, tree->columnCount); Item_GetSpans(tree, item_, spans); drawArgs.tree = tree; drawArgs.drawable = drawable; totalWidth = 0; for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < tree->columnCount; columnIndex++) { treeColumn = spans[columnIndex].treeColumn; /* A preceding item column is displayed here */ if (spans[columnIndex].itemColumnIndex != columnIndex) continue; /* If this is the single visible column, use the provided width which * may be different than the column's width */ if ((tree->columnCountVis == 1) && (treeColumn == tree->columnVis)) { columnWidth = width; if ((columnWidth >= 0) && (x + totalWidth < maxX) && (x + totalWidth + columnWidth > minX)) { column = (Column *) spans[columnIndex].itemColumn; ItemDrawBackground(tree, treeColumn, self, column, drawable, x + totalWidth, y, columnWidth, height, index); } /* More than one column is visible, or this is not the visible * column. Add up the widths of all columns this column spans */ } else { columnWidth = 0; for (i = columnIndex; i < tree->columnCount; i++) { int x2 = x + totalWidth + columnWidth; if (spans[i].itemColumnIndex != columnIndex) break; if ((spans[i].width >= 0) && (x2 < maxX) && (x2 + spans[i].width > minX)) { column = (Column *) spans[columnIndex].itemColumn; ItemDrawBackground(tree, spans[i].treeColumn, self, column, drawable, x2, y, spans[i].width, height, index); } columnWidth += spans[i].width; } } if (columnWidth <= 0) continue; if ((x + totalWidth < maxX) && (x + totalWidth + columnWidth > minX)) { column = (Column *) spans[columnIndex].itemColumn; if ((column != NULL) && (column->style != NULL)) { if (treeColumn == tree->columnTree) indent = TreeItem_Indent(tree, item_); else indent = 0; drawArgs.state = self->state | column->cstate; drawArgs.style = column->style; drawArgs.indent = indent; drawArgs.x = x + totalWidth; drawArgs.y = y; drawArgs.width = columnWidth; drawArgs.height = height; drawArgs.justify = TreeColumn_Justify(treeColumn); TreeStyle_Draw(&drawArgs); } if (treeColumn == tree->columnTree) { if (tree->showLines) TreeItem_DrawLines(tree, item_, x, y, width, height, drawable); if (tree->showButtons) TreeItem_DrawButton(tree, item_, x, y, width, height, drawable); } } totalWidth += columnWidth; } STATIC_FREE(spans, SpanInfo, tree->columnCount); } #else /* COLUMN_SPAN */ void TreeItem_Draw(TreeCtrl *tree, TreeItem item_, int x, int y, int width, int height, Drawable drawable, int minX, int maxX, int index) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; int indent, columnWidth, totalWidth; Column *column; StyleDrawArgs drawArgs; TreeColumn treeColumn; drawArgs.tree = tree; drawArgs.drawable = drawable; totalWidth = 0; treeColumn = tree->columns; column = self->columns; while (treeColumn != NULL) { if (!TreeColumn_Visible(treeColumn)) columnWidth = 0; else if (tree->columnCountVis == 1) columnWidth = width; else columnWidth = TreeColumn_UseWidth(treeColumn); if (columnWidth > 0) { if (treeColumn == tree->columnTree) { indent = TreeItem_Indent(tree, item_); } else indent = 0; if ((x /* + indent */ + totalWidth < maxX) && (x + totalWidth + columnWidth > minX)) { ItemDrawBackground(tree, treeColumn, self, column, drawable, x + totalWidth /* + indent*/ , y, columnWidth /* - indent */, height, index); if ((column != NULL) && (column->style != NULL)) { drawArgs.state = self->state | column->cstate; drawArgs.style = column->style; drawArgs.indent = indent; drawArgs.x = x + totalWidth; drawArgs.y = y; drawArgs.width = columnWidth; drawArgs.height = height; drawArgs.justify = TreeColumn_Justify(treeColumn); TreeStyle_Draw(&drawArgs); } if (treeColumn == tree->columnTree) { if (tree->showLines) TreeItem_DrawLines(tree, item_, x, y, width, height, drawable); if (tree->showButtons) TreeItem_DrawButton(tree, item_, x, y, width, height, drawable); } } totalWidth += columnWidth; } treeColumn = TreeColumn_Next(treeColumn); if (column != NULL) column = column->next; } } #endif /* not COLUMN_SPAN */ /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_DrawLines -- * * Draws horizontal and vertical lines indicating parent-child * relationship in an item. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Stuff is drawn in a drawable. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_DrawLines( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ int x, int y, /* Drawable coordinates of the item. */ int width, int height, /* Total size of the item. */ Drawable drawable /* Where to draw. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; Item *item, *parent; int indent, left, lineLeft, lineTop; int hasPrev, hasNext; int i, vert = 0; indent = TreeItem_Indent(tree, item_); /* Left edge of button/line area */ left = x + tree->columnTreeLeft + indent - tree->useIndent; /* Left edge of vertical line */ lineLeft = left + (tree->useIndent - tree->lineThickness) / 2; /* Top edge of horizontal line */ lineTop = y + (height - tree->lineThickness) / 2; /* NOTE: The next three checks do not call TreeItem_ReallyVisible() * since 'self' is ReallyVisible */ /* Check for ReallyVisible previous sibling */ item = self->prevSibling; while ((item != NULL) && !item->isVisible) item = item->prevSibling; hasPrev = (item != NULL); /* Check for ReallyVisible parent */ if ((self->parent != NULL) && (!ISROOT(self->parent) || tree->showRoot)) hasPrev = TRUE; /* Check for ReallyVisible next sibling */ item = self->nextSibling; while ((item != NULL) && !item->isVisible) item = item->nextSibling; hasNext = (item != NULL); /* Option: Don't connect children of root item */ if ((self->parent != NULL) && ISROOT(self->parent) && !tree->showRootLines) hasPrev = hasNext = FALSE; /* Vertical line to parent and/or previous/next sibling */ if (hasPrev || hasNext) { int top = y, bottom = y + height; if (!hasPrev) top = lineTop; if (!hasNext) bottom = lineTop + tree->lineThickness; if (tree->lineStyle == LINE_STYLE_DOT) { for (i = 0; i < tree->lineThickness; i++) VDotLine(tree, drawable, tree->lineGC, lineLeft + i, top, bottom); } else XFillRectangle(tree->display, drawable, tree->lineGC, lineLeft, top, tree->lineThickness, bottom - top); /* Don't overlap horizontal line */ vert = tree->lineThickness; } /* Horizontal line to self */ if (hasPrev || hasNext) { if (tree->lineStyle == LINE_STYLE_DOT) { for (i = 0; i < tree->lineThickness; i++) HDotLine(tree, drawable, tree->lineGC, lineLeft + vert, lineTop + i, x + tree->columnTreeLeft + indent); } else XFillRectangle(tree->display, drawable, tree->lineGC, lineLeft + vert, lineTop, left + tree->useIndent - (lineLeft + vert), tree->lineThickness); } /* Vertical lines from ancestors to their next siblings */ for (parent = self->parent; parent != NULL; parent = parent->parent) { lineLeft -= tree->useIndent; /* Option: Don't connect children of root item */ if ((parent->parent != NULL) && ISROOT(parent->parent) && !tree->showRootLines) continue; /* Check for ReallyVisible next sibling */ item = parent->nextSibling; while ((item != NULL) && !item->isVisible) item = item->nextSibling; if (item != NULL) { if (tree->lineStyle == LINE_STYLE_DOT) { for (i = 0; i < tree->lineThickness; i++) VDotLine(tree, drawable, tree->lineGC, lineLeft + i, y, y + height); } else XFillRectangle(tree->display, drawable, tree->lineGC, lineLeft, y, tree->lineThickness, height); } } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_DrawButton -- * * Draws the button (if any) in an item. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Stuff is drawn in a drawable. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_DrawButton( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ int x, int y, /* Drawable coordinates of the item. */ int width, int height, /* Total size of the item. */ Drawable drawable /* Where to draw. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; int indent, left, lineLeft, lineTop; int buttonLeft, buttonTop, w1; int macoffset = 0; Tk_Image image; Pixmap bitmap; if (!self->hasButton) return; if (ISROOT(self) && !tree->showRootButton) return; #if defined(MAC_TCL) || defined(MAC_OSX_TK) /* QuickDraw on Mac is offset by one pixel in both x and y. */ macoffset = 1; #endif indent = TreeItem_Indent(tree, item_); /* Left edge of button/line area */ left = x + tree->columnTreeLeft + indent - tree->useIndent; image = PerStateImage_ForState(tree, &tree->buttonImage, self->state, NULL); if (image != NULL) { int imgW, imgH; Tk_SizeOfImage(image, &imgW, &imgH); Tk_RedrawImage(image, 0, 0, imgW, imgH, drawable, left + (tree->useIndent - imgW) / 2, y + (height - imgH) / 2); return; } bitmap = PerStateBitmap_ForState(tree, &tree->buttonBitmap, self->state, NULL); if (bitmap != None) { int bmpW, bmpH; int bx, by; Tk_SizeOfBitmap(tree->display, bitmap, &bmpW, &bmpH); bx = left + (tree->useIndent - bmpW) / 2; by = y + (height - bmpH) / 2; Tree_DrawBitmap(tree, bitmap, drawable, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, (unsigned int) bmpW, (unsigned int) bmpH, bx, by); return; } if (tree->useTheme) { int bw, bh; if (TreeTheme_GetButtonSize(tree, drawable, self->state & STATE_OPEN, &bw, &bh) == TCL_OK) { if (TreeTheme_DrawButton(tree, drawable, self->state & STATE_OPEN, left + (tree->useIndent - bw) / 2, y + (height - bh) / 2, bw, bh) == TCL_OK) { return; } } } w1 = tree->buttonThickness / 2; /* Left edge of vertical line */ /* Make sure this matches TreeItem_DrawLines() */ lineLeft = left + (tree->useIndent - tree->buttonThickness) / 2; /* Top edge of horizontal line */ /* Make sure this matches TreeItem_DrawLines() */ lineTop = y + (height - tree->buttonThickness) / 2; buttonLeft = left + (tree->useIndent - tree->buttonSize) / 2; buttonTop = y + (height - tree->buttonSize) / 2; /* Erase button background */ XFillRectangle(tree->display, drawable, Tk_3DBorderGC(tree->tkwin, tree->border, TK_3D_FLAT_GC), buttonLeft + tree->buttonThickness, buttonTop + tree->buttonThickness, tree->buttonSize - tree->buttonThickness, tree->buttonSize - tree->buttonThickness); /* Draw button outline */ XDrawRectangle(tree->display, drawable, tree->buttonGC, buttonLeft + w1, buttonTop + w1, tree->buttonSize - tree->buttonThickness + macoffset, tree->buttonSize - tree->buttonThickness + macoffset); /* Horizontal '-' */ XFillRectangle(tree->display, drawable, tree->buttonGC, buttonLeft + tree->buttonThickness * 2, lineTop, tree->buttonSize - tree->buttonThickness * 4, tree->buttonThickness); if (!(self->state & STATE_OPEN)) { /* Finish '+' */ XFillRectangle(tree->display, drawable, tree->buttonGC, lineLeft, buttonTop + tree->buttonThickness * 2, tree->buttonThickness, tree->buttonSize - tree->buttonThickness * 4); } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_UpdateWindowPositions -- * * Updates the geometry of any window elements. Called by the * display code when an item was possibly scrolled. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Windows in window elements may be resized/repositioned. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_UpdateWindowPositions( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ int x, int y, /* Window coordinates of the item. */ int width, int height /* Total size of the item. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; int indent, columnWidth, totalWidth; Column *column; StyleDrawArgs drawArgs; TreeColumn treeColumn; drawArgs.tree = tree; drawArgs.drawable = None; totalWidth = 0; treeColumn = tree->columns; column = self->columns; while ((column != NULL) && (treeColumn != NULL)) { if (!TreeColumn_Visible(treeColumn)) columnWidth = 0; else if (tree->columnCountVis == 1) columnWidth = width; else columnWidth = TreeColumn_UseWidth(treeColumn); if (columnWidth > 0) { if (treeColumn == tree->columnTree) indent = TreeItem_Indent(tree, item_); else indent = 0; if ((column != NULL) && (column->style != NULL)) { drawArgs.state = self->state | column->cstate; drawArgs.style = column->style; drawArgs.indent = indent; drawArgs.x = x + totalWidth; drawArgs.y = y; drawArgs.width = columnWidth; drawArgs.height = height; drawArgs.justify = TreeColumn_Justify(treeColumn); TreeStyle_UpdateWindowPositions(&drawArgs); } totalWidth += columnWidth; } treeColumn = TreeColumn_Next(treeColumn); column = column->next; } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_OnScreen -- * * Called by the display code when the item becomes visible * (i.e., actually displayed) or hidden. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Windows in window elements may be mapped/unmapped. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_OnScreen( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ int onScreen /* TRUE if item is displayed. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; Column *column = self->columns; while (column != NULL) { if (column->style != NULL) { TreeStyle_OnScreen(tree, column->style, onScreen); } column = column->next; } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_ReallyVisible -- * * Return whether the given Item could be displayed. * * Results: * TRUE if the item's -visible is TRUE, all of its ancestors' * -visible options are TRUE, and all of its ancestors are open. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItem_ReallyVisible( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; #if 0 if (tree->updateIndex) Tree_UpdateItemIndex(tree); return self->indexVis != -1; #else if (!tree->updateIndex) return self->indexVis != -1; if (!self->isVisible) return 0; if (self->parent == NULL) return ISROOT(self) ? tree->showRoot : 0; if (ISROOT(self->parent)) { if (!self->parent->isVisible) return 0; if (!tree->showRoot) return 1; if (!(self->parent->state & STATE_OPEN)) return 0; } if (!self->parent->isVisible || !(self->parent->state & STATE_OPEN)) return 0; return TreeItem_ReallyVisible(tree, (TreeItem) self->parent); #endif } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_RootAncestor -- * * Return the toplevel ancestor of an Item. * * Results: * Returns the root, or an orphan ancestor, or the given Item. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TreeItem TreeItem_RootAncestor( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; while (item->parent != NULL) item = item->parent; return (TreeItem) item; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_IsAncestor -- * * Determine if one Item is the ancestor of another. * * Results: * TRUE if item1 is an ancestor of item2. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItem_IsAncestor( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item1, /* Possible ancestor. */ TreeItem item2 /* Item to check ancestry of. */ ) { if (item1 == item2) return 0; while (item2 && item2 != item1) item2 = (TreeItem) ((Item *) item2)->parent; return item2 != NULL; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_ToObj -- * * Convert an Item to a Tcl_Obj. * * Results: * A new Tcl_Obj representing the Item. * * Side effects: * Memory is allocated. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Tcl_Obj *TreeItem_ToObj( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { if (tree->itemPrefixLen) { char buf[100 + TCL_INTEGER_SPACE]; (void) sprintf(buf, "%s%d", tree->itemPrefix, ((Item *) item_)->id); return Tcl_NewStringObj(buf, -1); } return Tcl_NewIntObj(((Item *) item_)->id); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Item_Configure -- * * This procedure is called to process an objc/objv list, plus * the Tk option database, in order to configure (or reconfigure) * an Item. * * Results: * The return value is a standard Tcl result. If TCL_ERROR is * returned, then the interp's result contains an error message. * * Side effects: * Configuration information gets set for item; old resources get * freed, if there were any. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int Item_Configure( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ Item *item, /* Item to configure. */ int objc, /* Number of arguments */ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[] /* Array of arguments */ ) { Tk_SavedOptions savedOptions; int error; Tcl_Obj *errorResult = NULL; int mask; for (error = 0; error <= 1; error++) { if (error == 0) { if (Tk_SetOptions(tree->interp, (char *) item, tree->itemOptionTable, objc, objv, tree->tkwin, &savedOptions, &mask) != TCL_OK) { mask = 0; continue; } /* xxx */ Tk_FreeSavedOptions(&savedOptions); break; } else { errorResult = Tcl_GetObjResult(tree->interp); Tcl_IncrRefCount(errorResult); Tk_RestoreSavedOptions(&savedOptions); /* xxx */ Tcl_SetObjResult(tree->interp, errorResult); Tcl_DecrRefCount(errorResult); return TCL_ERROR; } } if (mask & ITEM_CONF_SIZE) { Tree_FreeItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item, NULL); Tree_DInfoChanged(tree, DINFO_REDO_RANGES); } if (mask & ITEM_CONF_BUTTON) Tree_InvalidateItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item, NULL); if (mask & ITEM_CONF_VISIBLE) { /* May change the width of any column */ Tree_InvalidateColumnWidth(tree, -1); /* If this is the last child, redraw the lines of the previous * sibling and all of its descendants because the line from * the previous sibling to us is appearing/disappearing */ if ((item->prevSibling != NULL) && (item->nextSibling == NULL) && tree->showLines) { Item *last = item->prevSibling; while (last->lastChild != NULL) last = last->lastChild; Tree_InvalidateItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item->prevSibling, (TreeItem) last); } tree->updateIndex = 1; Tree_DInfoChanged(tree, DINFO_REDO_RANGES); #ifdef SELECTION_VISIBLE Tree_DeselectHidden(tree); #endif } return TCL_OK; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ItemCreateCmd -- * * This procedure is invoked to process the [item create] widget * command. See the user documentation for details on what * it does. * * Results: * A standard Tcl result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int ItemCreateCmd( ClientData clientData, /* Widget info. */ Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */ int objc, /* Number of arguments. */ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[] /* Argument values. */ ) { TreeCtrl *tree = (TreeCtrl *) clientData; static CONST char *optionNames[] = { "-button", "-count", "-height", "-nextsibling", "-open", "-parent", "-prevsibling", "-returnid", "-visible", (char *) NULL }; enum { OPT_BUTTON, OPT_COUNT, OPT_HEIGHT, OPT_NEXTSIBLING, OPT_OPEN, OPT_PARENT, OPT_PREVSIBLING, OPT_RETURNID, OPT_VISIBLE }; int index, i, count = 1, button = 0, returnId = 1, open = 1, visible = 1; int height = 0; TreeItem _item; Item *item, *parent = NULL, *prevSibling = NULL, *nextSibling = NULL; Item *head = NULL, *tail = NULL; Tcl_Obj *listObj = NULL; for (i = 3; i < objc; i += 2) { if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[i], optionNames, "option", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } if (i + 1 == objc) { FormatResult(interp, "missing value for \"%s\" option", optionNames[index]); return TCL_ERROR; } switch (index) { case OPT_BUTTON: if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, objv[i + 1], &button) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } break; case OPT_COUNT: if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[i + 1], &count) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (count < 0) { FormatResult(interp, "bad count \"%d\": must be > 0", count); } break; case OPT_HEIGHT: if (Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(interp, tree->tkwin, objv[i + 1], &height) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (height < 0) { FormatResult(interp, "bad screen distance \"%s\": must be > 0", Tcl_GetString(objv[i + 1])); } break; case OPT_NEXTSIBLING: if (TreeItem_FromObj(tree, objv[i + 1], &_item, IFO_NOTROOT) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } nextSibling = (Item *) _item; parent = prevSibling = NULL; break; case OPT_OPEN: if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, objv[i + 1], &open) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } break; case OPT_PARENT: if (TreeItem_FromObj(tree, objv[i + 1], &_item, 0) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } parent = (Item *) _item; prevSibling = nextSibling = NULL; break; case OPT_PREVSIBLING: if (TreeItem_FromObj(tree, objv[i + 1], &_item, IFO_NOTROOT) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } prevSibling = (Item *) _item; parent = nextSibling = NULL; break; case OPT_RETURNID: if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, objv[i + 1], &returnId) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } break; case OPT_VISIBLE: if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, objv[i + 1], &visible) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } break; } } if (!count) return TCL_OK; if (returnId) listObj = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { item = Item_Alloc(tree); item->hasButton = button; item->isVisible = visible; if (!open) item->state &= ~STATE_OPEN; item->fixedHeight = height; /* Apply default styles */ if (tree->defaultStyle.numStyles) { int i, n = MIN(tree->columnCount, tree->defaultStyle.numStyles); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { Column *column = Item_CreateColumn(tree, item, i, NULL); if (tree->defaultStyle.styles[i] != NULL) { column->style = TreeStyle_NewInstance(tree, tree->defaultStyle.styles[i]); } } } /* Link the new items together as siblings */ if (parent || prevSibling || nextSibling) { if (head == NULL) head = item; if (tail != NULL) { tail->nextSibling = item; item->prevSibling = tail; } tail = item; } if (returnId) Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObj, TreeItem_ToObj(tree, (TreeItem) item)); } if (parent != NULL) { head->prevSibling = parent->lastChild; if (parent->lastChild != NULL) parent->lastChild->nextSibling = head; else parent->firstChild = head; parent->lastChild = tail; } else if (prevSibling != NULL) { parent = prevSibling->parent; if (prevSibling->nextSibling != NULL) prevSibling->nextSibling->prevSibling = tail; else parent->lastChild = tail; head->prevSibling = prevSibling; tail->nextSibling = prevSibling->nextSibling; prevSibling->nextSibling = head; } else if (nextSibling != NULL) { parent = nextSibling->parent; if (nextSibling->prevSibling != NULL) nextSibling->prevSibling->nextSibling = head; else parent->firstChild = head; head->prevSibling = nextSibling->prevSibling; tail->nextSibling = nextSibling; nextSibling->prevSibling = tail; } if (parent != NULL) { for (item = head; item != NULL; item = item->nextSibling) { item->parent = parent; item->depth = parent->depth + 1; } parent->numChildren += count; TreeItem_AddToParent(tree, (TreeItem) head); } if (returnId) Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObj); return TCL_OK; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * NoStyleMsg -- * * Utility to set the interpreter result with a message indicating * a Column has no assigned style. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Interpreter result is changed. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void NoStyleMsg( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ Item *item, /* Item record. */ int columnIndex /* 0-based index of the column that * has no style. */ ) { FormatResult(tree->interp, "item %s%d column %s%d has no style", tree->itemPrefix, item->id, tree->columnPrefix, TreeColumn_GetID(Tree_FindColumn(tree, columnIndex))); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ItemElementCmd -- * * This procedure is invoked to process the [item element] widget * command. See the user documentation for details on what * it does. * * Results: * A standard Tcl result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int ItemElementCmd( ClientData clientData, /* Widget info. */ Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */ int objc, /* Number of arguments. */ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[] /* Argument values. */ ) { TreeCtrl *tree = (TreeCtrl *) clientData; static CONST char *commandNames[] = { "actual", "cget", "configure", "perstate", (char *) NULL }; enum { COMMAND_ACTUAL, COMMAND_CGET, COMMAND_CONFIGURE, COMMAND_PERSTATE }; int index; int columnIndex; Column *column; TreeItem _item; Item *item; if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[3], commandNames, "command", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (TreeItem_FromObj(tree, objv[4], &_item, 0) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; item = (Item *) _item; if (Item_FindColumnFromObj(tree, item, objv[5], &column, &columnIndex) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if ((column == NULL) || (column->style == NULL)) { NoStyleMsg(tree, item, columnIndex); return TCL_ERROR; } switch (index) { /* T item element perstate I C E option ?stateList? */ case COMMAND_ACTUAL: case COMMAND_PERSTATE: { int state = item->state | column->cstate; if (objc < 8 || objc > 9) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(tree->interp, 4, objv, "item column element option ?stateList?"); return TCL_ERROR; } if (objc == 9) { int i, listObjc; Tcl_Obj **listObjv; int states[3]; if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, objv[8], &listObjc, &listObjv) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; states[0] = states[1] = states[2] = 0; for (i = 0; i < listObjc; i++) { if (Tree_StateFromObj(tree, listObjv[i], states, NULL, SFO_NOT_OFF | SFO_NOT_TOGGLE) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; } state = states[STATE_OP_ON]; } return TreeStyle_ElementActual(tree, column->style, state, objv[6], objv[7]); } /* T item element cget I C E option */ case COMMAND_CGET: { if (objc != 8) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(tree->interp, 4, objv, "item column element option"); return TCL_ERROR; } return TreeStyle_ElementCget(tree, (TreeItem) item, (TreeItemColumn) column, column->style, objv[6], objv[7]); } /* T item element configure I C E ... */ case COMMAND_CONFIGURE: { #if 1 /* T item element configure I C E option value \ * + E option value , C E option value */ int eMask, cMask = 0, iMask = 0; int indexElem = 6; int result; while (1) { int numArgs = 0; char breakChar = '\0'; /* Look for a + or , */ for (index = indexElem + 1; index < objc; index++) { if (numArgs % 2 == 0) { int length; char *s = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[index], &length); if ((length == 1) && ((s[0] == '+') || (s[0] == ','))) { breakChar = s[0]; break; } } numArgs++; } /* Require at least one option-value pair if more than one * element is specified */ if (breakChar && numArgs < 2) { FormatResult(interp, "missing option-value pair after element \"%s\"", Tcl_GetString(objv[indexElem])); result = TCL_ERROR; break; } result = TreeStyle_ElementConfigure(tree, (TreeItem) item, (TreeItemColumn) column, column->style, objv[indexElem], numArgs, (Tcl_Obj **) objv + indexElem + 1, &eMask); if (result != TCL_OK) break; cMask |= eMask; if (cMask & CS_LAYOUT) { TreeItemColumn_InvalidateSize(tree, (TreeItemColumn) column); Tree_InvalidateColumnWidth(tree, columnIndex); } iMask |= cMask; if (breakChar) { if (index == objc - 1) { FormatResult(interp, "missing %s after \"%c\"", (breakChar == '+') ? "element name" : "column", breakChar); result = TCL_ERROR; break; } /* + indicates start of another element */ if (breakChar == '+') { indexElem = index + 1; } /* , indicates start of another column */ else if (breakChar == ',') { if (Item_FindColumnFromObj(tree, item, objv[index + 1], &column, &columnIndex) != TCL_OK) { result = TCL_ERROR; break; } if ((column == NULL) || (column->style == NULL)) { NoStyleMsg(tree, item, columnIndex); result = TCL_ERROR; break; } indexElem = index + 2; if (indexElem == objc) { FormatResult(interp, "missing element name after column \"%s\"", Tcl_GetString(objv[index + 1])); result = TCL_ERROR; break; } } } else if (index == objc) break; } if (iMask & CS_LAYOUT) { TreeItem_InvalidateHeight(tree, (TreeItem) item); Tree_FreeItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item, NULL); Tree_DInfoChanged(tree, DINFO_REDO_RANGES); } else if (iMask & CS_DISPLAY) Tree_InvalidateItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item, NULL); return result; #else int result, eMask; result = TreeStyle_ElementConfigure(tree, (TreeItem) item, (TreeItemColumn) column, column->style, objv[6], objc - 7, (Tcl_Obj **) objv + 7, &eMask); if (eMask != 0) { if (eMask & CS_DISPLAY) Tree_InvalidateItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item, NULL); if (eMask & CS_LAYOUT) { TreeItemColumn_InvalidateSize(tree, (TreeItemColumn) column); Tree_InvalidateColumnWidth(tree, columnIndex); TreeItem_InvalidateHeight(tree, (TreeItem) item); Tree_FreeItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item, NULL); Tree_DInfoChanged(tree, DINFO_REDO_RANGES); } } return result; #endif } } return TCL_OK; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ItemStyleCmd -- * * This procedure is invoked to process the [item style] widget * command. See the user documentation for details on what * it does. * * Results: * A standard Tcl result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int ItemStyleCmd( ClientData clientData, /* Widget info. */ Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */ int objc, /* Number of arguments. */ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[] /* Argument values. */ ) { TreeCtrl *tree = (TreeCtrl *) clientData; static CONST char *commandNames[] = { "elements", "map", "set", (char *) NULL }; enum { COMMAND_ELEMENTS, COMMAND_MAP, COMMAND_SET }; int index; TreeItem _item; Item *item; if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[3], commandNames, "command", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } if (TreeItem_FromObj(tree, objv[4], &_item, 0) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } item = (Item *) _item; switch (index) { /* T item style elements I C */ case COMMAND_ELEMENTS: { Column *column; int columnIndex; if (objc != 6) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 4, objv, "item column"); return TCL_ERROR; } if (Item_FindColumnFromObj(tree, item, objv[5], &column, &columnIndex) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } if ((column == NULL) || (column->style == NULL)) { NoStyleMsg(tree, item, columnIndex); return TCL_ERROR; } TreeStyle_ListElements(tree, column->style); break; } /* T item style map I C S map */ case COMMAND_MAP: { TreeStyle style; Column *column; int columnIndex; int objcM; Tcl_Obj **objvM; if (objc != 8) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 4, objv, "item column style map"); return TCL_ERROR; } if (Item_CreateColumnFromObj(tree, item, objv[5], &column, &columnIndex, NULL) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (TreeStyle_FromObj(tree, objv[6], &style) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (column->style != NULL) { if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, objv[7], &objcM, &objvM) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (objcM & 1) { FormatResult(interp, "list must contain even number of elements"); return TCL_ERROR; } if (TreeStyle_Remap(tree, column->style, style, objcM, objvM) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; } else column->style = TreeStyle_NewInstance(tree, style); Tree_InvalidateColumnWidth(tree, columnIndex); TreeItem_InvalidateHeight(tree, (TreeItem) item); Tree_FreeItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item, NULL); TreeItemColumn_InvalidateSize(tree, (TreeItemColumn) column); Tree_DInfoChanged(tree, DINFO_REDO_RANGES); break; } /* T item style set I ?C? ?S? ?C S ...?*/ case COMMAND_SET: { TreeStyle style; Column *column; int i, columnIndex, length; if (objc < 5) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 4, objv, "item ?column? ?style? ?column style ...?"); return TCL_ERROR; } if (objc == 5) { TreeColumn treeColumn = tree->columns; Tcl_Obj *listObj = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL); column = item->columns; while (treeColumn != NULL) { if ((column != NULL) && (column->style != NULL)) Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObj, TreeStyle_ToObj(column->style)); else Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObj, Tcl_NewObj()); treeColumn = TreeColumn_Next(treeColumn); if (column != NULL) column = column->next; } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObj); break; } if (objc == 6) { if (Item_FindColumnFromObj(tree, item, objv[5], &column, NULL) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if ((column != NULL) && (column->style != NULL)) Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, TreeStyle_ToObj(column->style)); break; } for (i = 5; i < objc; i += 2) { if (Item_CreateColumnFromObj(tree, item, objv[i], &column, &columnIndex, NULL) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (i + 1 == objc) { FormatResult(interp, "missing style for column \"%s\"", Tcl_GetString(objv[i])); return TCL_ERROR; } (void) Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[i + 1], &length); if (length == 0) { if (column->style == NULL) continue; TreeItemColumn_ForgetStyle(tree, (TreeItemColumn) column); } else { if (TreeStyle_FromObj(tree, objv[i + 1], &style) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (column->style != NULL) { if (TreeStyle_GetMaster(tree, column->style) == style) continue; TreeItemColumn_ForgetStyle(tree, (TreeItemColumn) column); } column->style = TreeStyle_NewInstance(tree, style); } Tree_InvalidateColumnWidth(tree, columnIndex); TreeItem_InvalidateHeight(tree, (TreeItem) item); Tree_FreeItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item, NULL); TreeItemColumn_InvalidateSize(tree, (TreeItemColumn) column); Tree_DInfoChanged(tree, DINFO_REDO_RANGES); } break; } } return TCL_OK; } /* one per column per SortItem */ struct SortItem1 { long longValue; double doubleValue; char *string; }; /* one per Item */ struct SortItem { Item *item; struct SortItem1 *item1; Tcl_Obj *obj; /* TreeItem_ToObj() */ }; typedef struct SortData SortData; /* Used to process -element option */ struct SortElement { TreeStyle style; TreeElement elem; int elemIndex; }; /* One per TreeColumn */ struct SortColumn { int (*proc)(SortData *, struct SortItem *, struct SortItem *, int); int sortBy; int column; int order; Tcl_Obj *command; struct SortElement elems[20]; int elemCount; }; /* Data for sort as a whole */ struct SortData { TreeCtrl *tree; struct SortItem *items; struct SortItem1 *item1s; /* SortItem.item1 points in here */ #define MAX_SORT_COLUMNS 40 struct SortColumn columns[MAX_SORT_COLUMNS]; int columnCount; /* max number of columns to compare */ int result; }; /* from Tcl 8.4.0 */ static int DictionaryCompare( char *left, char *right ) { Tcl_UniChar uniLeft, uniRight, uniLeftLower, uniRightLower; int diff, zeros; int secondaryDiff = 0; while (1) { if (isdigit(UCHAR(*right)) && isdigit(UCHAR(*left))) { /* INTL: digit */ /* * There are decimal numbers embedded in the two * strings. Compare them as numbers, rather than * strings. If one number has more leading zeros than * the other, the number with more leading zeros sorts * later, but only as a secondary choice. */ zeros = 0; while ((*right == '0') && (isdigit(UCHAR(right[1])))) { right++; zeros--; } while ((*left == '0') && (isdigit(UCHAR(left[1])))) { left++; zeros++; } if (secondaryDiff == 0) { secondaryDiff = zeros; } /* * The code below compares the numbers in the two * strings without ever converting them to integers. It * does this by first comparing the lengths of the * numbers and then comparing the digit values. */ diff = 0; while (1) { if (diff == 0) { diff = UCHAR(*left) - UCHAR(*right); } right++; left++; if (!isdigit(UCHAR(*right))) { /* INTL: digit */ if (isdigit(UCHAR(*left))) { /* INTL: digit */ return 1; } else { /* * The two numbers have the same length. See * if their values are different. */ if (diff != 0) { return diff; } break; } } else if (!isdigit(UCHAR(*left))) { /* INTL: digit */ return -1; } } continue; } /* * Convert character to Unicode for comparison purposes. If either * string is at the terminating null, do a byte-wise comparison and * bail out immediately. */ if ((*left != '\0') && (*right != '\0')) { left += Tcl_UtfToUniChar(left, &uniLeft); right += Tcl_UtfToUniChar(right, &uniRight); /* * Convert both chars to lower for the comparison, because * dictionary sorts are case insensitve. Covert to lower, not * upper, so chars between Z and a will sort before A (where most * other interesting punctuations occur) */ uniLeftLower = Tcl_UniCharToLower(uniLeft); uniRightLower = Tcl_UniCharToLower(uniRight); } else { diff = UCHAR(*left) - UCHAR(*right); break; } diff = uniLeftLower - uniRightLower; if (diff) { return diff; } else if (secondaryDiff == 0) { if (Tcl_UniCharIsUpper(uniLeft) && Tcl_UniCharIsLower(uniRight)) { secondaryDiff = -1; } else if (Tcl_UniCharIsUpper(uniRight) && Tcl_UniCharIsLower(uniLeft)) { secondaryDiff = 1; } } } if (diff == 0) { diff = secondaryDiff; } return diff; } static int CompareAscii( SortData *sortData, struct SortItem *a, struct SortItem *b, int n /* Column index. */ ) { char *left = a->item1[n].string; char *right = b->item1[n].string; /* make sure to handle case where no string value has been set */ if (left == NULL) { return ((right == NULL) ? 0 : (0 - UCHAR(*right))); } else if (right == NULL) { return UCHAR(*left); } else { return strcmp(left, right); } } static int CompareDict( SortData *sortData, struct SortItem *a, struct SortItem *b, int n /* Column index. */ ) { char *left = a->item1[n].string; char *right = b->item1[n].string; /* make sure to handle case where no string value has been set */ if (left == NULL) { return ((right == NULL) ? 0 : (0 - UCHAR(*right))); } else if (right == NULL) { return UCHAR(*left); } else { return DictionaryCompare(left, right); } } static int CompareDouble( SortData *sortData, struct SortItem *a, struct SortItem *b, int n /* Column index. */ ) { return (a->item1[n].doubleValue < b->item1[n].doubleValue) ? -1 : ((a->item1[n].doubleValue == b->item1[n].doubleValue) ? 0 : 1); } static int CompareLong( SortData *sortData, struct SortItem *a, struct SortItem *b, int n /* Column index. */ ) { return (a->item1[n].longValue < b->item1[n].longValue) ? -1 : ((a->item1[n].longValue == b->item1[n].longValue) ? 0 : 1); } static int CompareCmd( SortData *sortData, struct SortItem *a, struct SortItem *b, int n /* Column index. */ ) { Tcl_Interp *interp = sortData->tree->interp; Tcl_Obj **objv, *paramObjv[2]; int objc, v; paramObjv[0] = a->obj; paramObjv[1] = b->obj; Tcl_ListObjLength(interp, sortData->columns[n].command, &objc); Tcl_ListObjReplace(interp, sortData->columns[n].command, objc - 2, 2, 2, paramObjv); Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, sortData->columns[n].command, &objc, &objv); sortData->result = Tcl_EvalObjv(interp, objc, objv, 0); if (sortData->result != TCL_OK) { Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, "\n (evaluating item sort -command)"); return 0; } sortData->result = Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), &v); if (sortData->result != TCL_OK) { Tcl_ResetResult(interp); Tcl_AppendToObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), "-command returned non-numeric result", -1); return 0; } return v; } static int CompareProc( SortData *sortData, struct SortItem *a, struct SortItem *b ) { int i, v; if (a->item == b->item) return 0; for (i = 0; i < sortData->columnCount; i++) { v = (*sortData->columns[i].proc)(sortData, a, b, i); /* -command returned error */ if (sortData->result != TCL_OK) return 0; if (v != 0) { if (i && (sortData->columns[i].order != sortData->columns[0].order)) v *= -1; return v; } } return 0; } /* BEGIN custom quicksort() */ static int find_pivot( SortData *sortData, struct SortItem *left, struct SortItem *right, struct SortItem *pivot ) { struct SortItem *a, *b, *c, *p, *tmp; int v; a = left; b = (left + (right - left) / 2); c = right; /* Arrange a <= b <= c. */ v = CompareProc(sortData, a, b); if (sortData->result != TCL_OK) return 0; if (v > 0) { tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } v = CompareProc(sortData, a, c); if (sortData->result != TCL_OK) return 0; if (v > 0) { tmp = a; a = c; c = tmp; } v = CompareProc(sortData, b, c); if (sortData->result != TCL_OK) return 0; if (v > 0) { tmp = b; b = c; c = tmp; } /* if (a < b) pivot = b */ v = CompareProc(sortData, a, b); if (sortData->result != TCL_OK) return 0; if (v < 0) { (*pivot) = *b; return 1; } /* if (b < c) pivot = c */ v = CompareProc(sortData, b, c); if (sortData->result != TCL_OK) return 0; if (v < 0) { (*pivot) = *c; return 1; } for (p = left + 1; p <= right; p++) { int v = CompareProc(sortData, p, left); if (sortData->result != TCL_OK) return 0; if (v != 0) { (*pivot) = (v < 0) ? *left : *p; return 1; } } return 0; } /* If the user provides a -command which does not properly compare two * elements, quicksort may go into an infinite loop or access illegal memory. * This #define indicates parts of the code which are not part of a normal * quicksort, but are present to detect the aforementioned bugs. */ #define BUGGY_COMMAND static struct SortItem * partition( SortData *sortData, struct SortItem *left, struct SortItem *right, struct SortItem *pivot ) { int v; #ifdef BUGGY_COMMAND struct SortItem *min = left, *max = right; #endif while (left <= right) { /* while (*left < *pivot) ++left; */ while (1) { v = CompareProc(sortData, left, pivot); if (sortData->result != TCL_OK) return NULL; if (v >= 0) break; #ifdef BUGGY_COMMAND /* If -command always returns < 0, 'left' becomes invalid */ if (left == max) goto buggy; #endif left++; } /* while (*right >= *pivot) --right; */ while (1) { v = CompareProc(sortData, right, pivot); if (sortData->result != TCL_OK) return NULL; if (v < 0) break; #ifdef BUGGY_COMMAND /* If -command always returns >= 0, 'right' becomes invalid */ if (right == min) goto buggy; #endif right--; } if (left < right) { struct SortItem tmp = *left; *left = *right; *right = tmp; left++; right--; } } return left; #ifdef BUGGY_COMMAND buggy: FormatResult(sortData->tree->interp, "buggy item sort -command detected"); sortData->result = TCL_ERROR; return NULL; #endif } static void quicksort( SortData *sortData, struct SortItem *left, struct SortItem *right ) { struct SortItem *p, pivot; if (sortData->result != TCL_OK) return; if (left == right) return; /* FIXME: switch to insertion sort or similar when the number of * elements is small. */ if (find_pivot(sortData, left, right, &pivot) == 1) { p = partition(sortData, left, right, &pivot); quicksort(sortData, left, p - 1); quicksort(sortData, p, right); } } /* END custom quicksort() */ /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ItemSortCmd -- * * This procedure is invoked to process the [item sort] widget * command. See the user documentation for details on what * it does. * * Results: * A standard Tcl result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int ItemSortCmd( ClientData clientData, /* Widget info. */ Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */ int objc, /* Number of arguments. */ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[] /* Argument values. */ ) { TreeCtrl *tree = (TreeCtrl *) clientData; TreeItem _item; Item *item, *first, *last, *walk, *lastChild; Column *column; int i, j, count, elemIndex, index, indexF = 0, indexL = 0; int sawColumn = FALSE, sawCmd = FALSE; static int (*sortProc[5])(SortData *, struct SortItem *, struct SortItem *, int) = { CompareAscii, CompareDict, CompareDouble, CompareLong, CompareCmd }; SortData sortData; TreeColumn treeColumn; struct SortElement *elemPtr; int notReally = FALSE; int result = TCL_OK; if (TreeItem_FromObj(tree, objv[3], &_item, 0) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; item = (Item *) _item; /* If the item has no children, then nothing is done and no error * is generated. */ if (item->numChildren < 1) return TCL_OK; /* Defaults: sort ascii strings in column 0 only */ sortData.tree = tree; sortData.columnCount = 1; sortData.columns[0].column = 0; sortData.columns[0].sortBy = SORT_ASCII; sortData.columns[0].order = 1; sortData.columns[0].elemCount = 0; sortData.result = TCL_OK; first = item->firstChild; last = item->lastChild; for (i = 4; i < objc; ) { static CONST char *optionName[] = { "-ascii", "-column", "-command", "-decreasing", "-dictionary", "-element", "-first", "-increasing", "-integer", "-last", "-notreally", "-real", NULL }; int numArgs[] = { 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1 }; enum { OPT_ASCII, OPT_COLUMN, OPT_COMMAND, OPT_DECREASING, OPT_DICT, OPT_ELEMENT, OPT_FIRST, OPT_INCREASING, OPT_INTEGER, OPT_LAST, OPT_NOT_REALLY, OPT_REAL }; if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[i], optionName, "option", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (objc - i < numArgs[index]) { FormatResult(interp, "missing value for \"%s\" option", optionName[index]); return TCL_ERROR; } switch (index) { case OPT_ASCII: sortData.columns[sortData.columnCount - 1].sortBy = SORT_ASCII; break; case OPT_COLUMN: if (TreeColumn_FromObj(tree, objv[i + 1], &treeColumn, CFO_NOT_ALL | CFO_NOT_NULL | CFO_NOT_TAIL) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; /* The first -column we see is the first column we compare */ if (sawColumn) { if (sortData.columnCount + 1 > MAX_SORT_COLUMNS) { FormatResult(interp, "can't compare more than %d columns", MAX_SORT_COLUMNS); return TCL_ERROR; } sortData.columnCount++; /* Defaults for this column */ sortData.columns[sortData.columnCount - 1].sortBy = SORT_ASCII; sortData.columns[sortData.columnCount - 1].order = 1; sortData.columns[sortData.columnCount - 1].elemCount = 0; } sortData.columns[sortData.columnCount - 1].column = TreeColumn_Index(treeColumn); sawColumn = TRUE; break; case OPT_COMMAND: sortData.columns[sortData.columnCount - 1].command = objv[i + 1]; sortData.columns[sortData.columnCount - 1].sortBy = SORT_COMMAND; sawCmd = TRUE; break; case OPT_DECREASING: sortData.columns[sortData.columnCount - 1].order = 0; break; case OPT_DICT: sortData.columns[sortData.columnCount - 1].sortBy = SORT_DICT; break; case OPT_ELEMENT: { int listObjc; Tcl_Obj **listObjv; if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, objv[i + 1], &listObjc, &listObjv) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; elemPtr = sortData.columns[sortData.columnCount - 1].elems; sortData.columns[sortData.columnCount - 1].elemCount = 0; if (listObjc == 0) { } else if (listObjc == 1) { if (TreeElement_FromObj(tree, listObjv[0], &elemPtr->elem) != TCL_OK) { Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, "\n (processing -element option)"); return TCL_ERROR; } if (!TreeElement_IsType(tree, elemPtr->elem, "text")) { FormatResult(interp, "element %s is not of type \"text\"", Tcl_GetString(listObjv[0])); Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, "\n (processing -element option)"); return TCL_ERROR; } elemPtr->style = NULL; elemPtr->elemIndex = -1; sortData.columns[sortData.columnCount - 1].elemCount++; } else { if (listObjc & 1) { FormatResult(interp, "list must have even number of elements"); Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, "\n (processing -element option)"); return TCL_ERROR; } for (j = 0; j < listObjc; j += 2) { if ((TreeStyle_FromObj(tree, listObjv[j], &elemPtr->style) != TCL_OK) || (TreeElement_FromObj(tree, listObjv[j + 1], &elemPtr->elem) != TCL_OK) || (TreeStyle_FindElement(tree, elemPtr->style, elemPtr->elem, &elemPtr->elemIndex) != TCL_OK)) { Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, "\n (processing -element option)"); return TCL_ERROR; } if (!TreeElement_IsType(tree, elemPtr->elem, "text")) { FormatResult(interp, "element %s is not of type \"text\"", Tcl_GetString(listObjv[j + 1])); Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, "\n (processing -element option)"); return TCL_ERROR; } sortData.columns[sortData.columnCount - 1].elemCount++; elemPtr++; } } break; } case OPT_FIRST: if (TreeItem_FromObj(tree, objv[i + 1], &_item, 0) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; first = (Item *) _item; if (first->parent != item) { FormatResult(interp, "item %s%d is not a child of item %s%d", tree->itemPrefix, first->id, tree->itemPrefix, item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } break; case OPT_INCREASING: sortData.columns[sortData.columnCount - 1].order = 1; break; case OPT_INTEGER: sortData.columns[sortData.columnCount - 1].sortBy = SORT_LONG; break; case OPT_LAST: if (TreeItem_FromObj(tree, objv[i + 1], &_item, 0) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; last = (Item *) _item; if (last->parent != item) { FormatResult(interp, "item %s%d is not a child of item %s%d", tree->itemPrefix, last->id, tree->itemPrefix, item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } break; case OPT_NOT_REALLY: notReally = TRUE; break; case OPT_REAL: sortData.columns[sortData.columnCount - 1].sortBy = SORT_DOUBLE; break; } i += numArgs[index]; } /* If there are no columns, we cannot perform a sort unless -command * is specified. */ if ((tree->columnCount < 1) && (sortData.columns[0].sortBy != SORT_COMMAND)) { FormatResult(interp, "there are no columns"); return TCL_ERROR; } /* If there is only one item to sort, then return early. */ if (first == last) { if (notReally) Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, TreeItem_ToObj(tree, (TreeItem) first)); return TCL_OK; } for (i = 0; i < sortData.columnCount; i++) { /* Initialize the sort procedure for this column. */ sortData.columns[i].proc = sortProc[sortData.columns[i].sortBy]; /* Append two dummy args to the -command argument. These two dummy * args are replaced by the 2 item ids being compared. See * CompareCmd(). */ if (sortData.columns[i].sortBy == SORT_COMMAND) { Tcl_Obj *obj = Tcl_DuplicateObj(sortData.columns[i].command); Tcl_Obj *obj2 = Tcl_NewObj(); Tcl_IncrRefCount(obj); if (Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, obj, obj2) != TCL_OK) { Tcl_DecrRefCount(obj); Tcl_IncrRefCount(obj2); Tcl_DecrRefCount(obj2); for (j = 0; j < i; j++) if (sortData.columns[j].sortBy == SORT_COMMAND) Tcl_DecrRefCount(sortData.columns[j].command); return TCL_ERROR; } (void) Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, obj, obj2); sortData.columns[i].command = obj; } } index = 0; walk = item->firstChild; while (walk != NULL) { if (walk == first) indexF = index; if (walk == last) indexL = index; index++; walk = walk->nextSibling; } if (indexF > indexL) { walk = last; last = first; first = walk; index = indexL; indexL = indexF; indexF = index; } count = indexL - indexF + 1; sortData.item1s = (struct SortItem1 *) ckalloc(sizeof(struct SortItem1) * count * sortData.columnCount); sortData.items = (struct SortItem *) ckalloc(sizeof(struct SortItem) * count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { sortData.items[i].item1 = sortData.item1s + i * sortData.columnCount; sortData.items[i].obj = NULL; } index = 0; walk = first; while (walk != last->nextSibling) { struct SortItem *sortItem = &sortData.items[index]; sortItem->item = walk; if (sawCmd) { Tcl_Obj *obj = TreeItem_ToObj(tree, (TreeItem) walk); Tcl_IncrRefCount(obj); sortData.items[index].obj = obj; } for (i = 0; i < sortData.columnCount; i++) { struct SortItem1 *sortItem1 = sortItem->item1 + i; if (sortData.columns[i].sortBy == SORT_COMMAND) continue; column = Item_FindColumn(tree, walk, sortData.columns[i].column); if ((column == NULL) || (column->style == NULL)) { NoStyleMsg(tree, walk, sortData.columns[i].column); result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } /* -element was empty. Find the first text element in the style */ if (sortData.columns[i].elemCount == 0) elemIndex = -1; /* -element was element name. Find the element in the style */ else if ((sortData.columns[i].elemCount == 1) && (sortData.columns[i].elems[0].style == NULL)) { if (TreeStyle_FindElement(tree, column->style, sortData.columns[i].elems[0].elem, &elemIndex) != TCL_OK) { result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } } /* -element was style/element pair list */ else { TreeStyle masterStyle = TreeStyle_GetMaster(tree, column->style); /* If the item style does not match any in the -element list, * we will use the first text element in the item style. */ elemIndex = -1; /* Match a style from the -element list. Look in reverse order * to handle duplicates. */ for (j = sortData.columns[i].elemCount - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (sortData.columns[i].elems[j].style == masterStyle) { elemIndex = sortData.columns[i].elems[j].elemIndex; break; } } } if (TreeStyle_GetSortData(tree, column->style, elemIndex, sortData.columns[i].sortBy, &sortItem1->longValue, &sortItem1->doubleValue, &sortItem1->string) != TCL_OK) { result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } } index++; walk = walk->nextSibling; } quicksort(&sortData, sortData.items, sortData.items + count - 1); if (sortData.result != TCL_OK) { result = sortData.result; goto done; } if (sawCmd) Tcl_ResetResult(interp); if (notReally) { Tcl_Obj *listObj = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL); Tcl_Obj *itemObj; /* Smallest to largest */ if (sortData.columns[0].order == 1) { for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { itemObj = sortData.items[i].obj; if (itemObj == NULL) itemObj = TreeItem_ToObj(tree, (TreeItem) sortData.items[i].item); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObj, itemObj); } } /* Largest to smallest */ else { for (i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { itemObj = sortData.items[i].obj; if (itemObj == NULL) itemObj = TreeItem_ToObj(tree, (TreeItem) sortData.items[i].item); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObj, itemObj); } } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObj); goto done; } first = first->prevSibling; last = last->nextSibling; /* Smallest to largest */ if (sortData.columns[0].order == 1) { for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { sortData.items[i].item->nextSibling = sortData.items[i + 1].item; sortData.items[i + 1].item->prevSibling = sortData.items[i].item; } indexF = 0; indexL = count - 1; } /* Largest to smallest */ else { for (i = count - 1; i > 0; i--) { sortData.items[i].item->nextSibling = sortData.items[i - 1].item; sortData.items[i - 1].item->prevSibling = sortData.items[i].item; } indexF = count - 1; indexL = 0; } lastChild = item->lastChild; sortData.items[indexF].item->prevSibling = first; if (first) first->nextSibling = sortData.items[indexF].item; else item->firstChild = sortData.items[indexF].item; sortData.items[indexL].item->nextSibling = last; if (last) last->prevSibling = sortData.items[indexL].item; else item->lastChild = sortData.items[indexL].item; /* Redraw the lines of the old/new lastchild */ if ((item->lastChild != lastChild) && tree->showLines) { if (lastChild->dInfo != NULL) Tree_InvalidateItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) lastChild, (TreeItem) NULL); if (item->lastChild->dInfo != NULL) Tree_InvalidateItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item->lastChild, (TreeItem) NULL); } tree->updateIndex = 1; Tree_DInfoChanged(tree, DINFO_REDO_RANGES); done: for (i = 0; i < count; i++) if (sortData.items[i].obj != NULL) Tcl_DecrRefCount(sortData.items[i].obj); for (i = 0; i < sortData.columnCount; i++) if (sortData.columns[i].sortBy == SORT_COMMAND) Tcl_DecrRefCount(sortData.columns[i].command); ckfree((char *) sortData.item1s); ckfree((char *) sortData.items); if (tree->debug.enable && tree->debug.data) Tree_Debug(tree); return result; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ItemStateCmd -- * * This procedure is invoked to process the [item state] widget * command. See the user documentation for details on what * it does. * * Results: * A standard Tcl result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int ItemStateCmd( ClientData clientData, /* Widget info. */ Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */ int objc, /* Number of arguments. */ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[] /* Argument values. */ ) { TreeCtrl *tree = (TreeCtrl *) clientData; static CONST char *commandNames[] = { "forcolumn", "get", "set", (char *) NULL }; enum { COMMAND_FORCOLUMN, COMMAND_GET, COMMAND_SET }; int index; TreeItem _item; Item *item; if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[3], commandNames, "command", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; switch (index) { /* T item state forcolumn I C ?stateList? */ case COMMAND_FORCOLUMN: { Tcl_Obj *listObj; Column *column; int columnIndex; int i, states[3], stateOn, stateOff; int listObjc; Tcl_Obj **listObjv; if (objc < 6 || objc > 7) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 5, objv, "column ?stateList?"); return TCL_ERROR; } if (TreeItem_FromObj(tree, objv[4], &_item, 0) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; item = (Item *) _item; if (Item_FindColumnFromObj(tree, item, objv[5], &column, &columnIndex) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (objc == 6) { if ((column == NULL) || !column->cstate) break; listObj = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (tree->stateNames[i] == NULL) continue; if (column->cstate & (1L << i)) { Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObj, Tcl_NewStringObj(tree->stateNames[i], -1)); } } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObj); break; } states[0] = states[1] = states[2] = 0; if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, objv[6], &listObjc, &listObjv) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (listObjc == 0) break; for (i = 0; i < listObjc; i++) { if (Tree_StateFromObj(tree, listObjv[i], states, NULL, SFO_NOT_STATIC) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; } if (column == NULL) { column = Item_CreateColumn(tree, item, columnIndex, NULL); } stateOn = states[STATE_OP_ON]; stateOff = states[STATE_OP_OFF]; stateOn |= ~column->cstate & states[STATE_OP_TOGGLE]; stateOff |= column->cstate & states[STATE_OP_TOGGLE]; Column_ChangeState(tree, item, column, columnIndex, stateOff, stateOn); break; } /* T item state get I ?state? */ case COMMAND_GET: { Tcl_Obj *listObj; int i, states[3]; if (objc > 6) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 5, objv, "?state?"); return TCL_ERROR; } if (TreeItem_FromObj(tree, objv[4], &_item, 0) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; item = (Item *) _item; if (objc == 6) { states[STATE_OP_ON] = 0; if (Tree_StateFromObj(tree, objv[5], states, NULL, SFO_NOT_OFF | SFO_NOT_TOGGLE) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewBooleanObj((item->state & states[STATE_OP_ON]) != 0)); break; } listObj = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (tree->stateNames[i] == NULL) continue; if (item->state & (1L << i)) { Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObj, Tcl_NewStringObj(tree->stateNames[i], -1)); } } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObj); break; } /* T item state set I ?I? {state ...} */ case COMMAND_SET: { TreeItem item, itemFirst, itemLast; int i, states[3], stateOn, stateOff; int listObjc; Tcl_Obj **listObjv; if (objc < 6 || objc > 7) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 5, objv, "?last? stateList"); return TCL_ERROR; } if (TreeItem_FromObj(tree, objv[4], &itemFirst, IFO_ALLOK) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (objc == 6) { itemLast = itemFirst; } if (objc == 7) { if (TreeItem_FromObj(tree, objv[5], &itemLast, IFO_ALLOK) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; } states[0] = states[1] = states[2] = 0; if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, objv[objc - 1], &listObjc, &listObjv) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (listObjc == 0) break; for (i = 0; i < listObjc; i++) { if (Tree_StateFromObj(tree, listObjv[i], states, NULL, SFO_NOT_STATIC) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; } if ((itemFirst == ITEM_ALL) || (itemLast == ITEM_ALL)) { Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; Tcl_HashSearch search; hPtr = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&tree->itemHash, &search); while (hPtr != NULL) { item = (TreeItem) Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); stateOn = states[STATE_OP_ON]; stateOff = states[STATE_OP_OFF]; stateOn |= ~((Item *) item)->state & states[STATE_OP_TOGGLE]; stateOff |= ((Item *) item)->state & states[STATE_OP_TOGGLE]; TreeItem_ChangeState(tree, item, stateOff, stateOn); hPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&search); } break; } if (objc == 7) { int indexFirst, indexLast; if (TreeItem_RootAncestor(tree, itemFirst) != TreeItem_RootAncestor(tree,itemLast)) { FormatResult(interp, "item %s%d and item %s%d don't share a common ancestor", tree->itemPrefix, TreeItem_GetID(tree, itemFirst), tree->itemPrefix, TreeItem_GetID(tree, itemLast)); return TCL_ERROR; } TreeItem_ToIndex(tree, itemFirst, &indexFirst, NULL); TreeItem_ToIndex(tree, itemLast, &indexLast, NULL); if (indexFirst > indexLast) { item = itemFirst; itemFirst = itemLast; itemLast = item; } } item = itemFirst; while (item != NULL) { stateOn = states[STATE_OP_ON]; stateOff = states[STATE_OP_OFF]; stateOn |= ~((Item *) item)->state & states[STATE_OP_TOGGLE]; stateOff |= ((Item *) item)->state & states[STATE_OP_TOGGLE]; TreeItem_ChangeState(tree, item, stateOff, stateOn); if (item == itemLast) break; item = TreeItem_Next(tree, item); } break; } } return TCL_OK; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ItemDeleteDeselect -- * * Generate a event for any Items that are about to * be deleted. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * event is generated. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void ItemDeleteDeselect( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem itemFirst, /* First item in range. May be ITEM_ALL. */ TreeItem itemLast /* Last item in range. May be ITEM_ALL. * Must be >= itemFirst. */ ) { int i, indexFirst, indexLast, count; TreeItem staticItems[STATIC_SIZE], *items = staticItems; Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; Tcl_HashSearch search; TreeItem item; /* Basically same as "selection clear" */ if ((itemFirst == ITEM_ALL) || (itemLast == ITEM_ALL)) { count = tree->selectCount; STATIC_ALLOC(items, TreeItem, count + 1); count = 0; hPtr = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&tree->selection, &search); while (hPtr != NULL) { item = (TreeItem) Tcl_GetHashKey(&tree->selection, hPtr); if (item == tree->root) { hPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&search); if (hPtr == NULL) break; item = (TreeItem) Tcl_GetHashKey(&tree->selection, hPtr); } items[count++] = item; hPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&search); } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) Tree_RemoveFromSelection(tree, items[i]); goto doneCLEAR; } if (itemFirst == itemLast) { count = 1; } else { TreeItem_ToIndex(tree, itemFirst, &indexFirst, NULL); TreeItem_ToIndex(tree, itemLast, &indexLast, NULL); count = indexLast - indexFirst + 1; } STATIC_ALLOC(items, TreeItem, count + 1); count = 0; item = itemFirst; while (item != NULL) { if (TreeItem_GetSelected(tree, item)) { Tree_RemoveFromSelection(tree, item); items[count++] = item; } if (item == itemLast) break; item = TreeItem_Next(tree, item); } doneCLEAR: if (count) { items[count] = NULL; TreeNotify_Selection(tree, NULL, items); } STATIC_FREE2(items, staticItems); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ItemDeleteNotify -- * * Generate a event for any Items that are about to * be deleted. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * event is generated. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void ItemDeleteNotify( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem itemFirst, /* First item in range. May be ITEM_ALL. */ TreeItem itemLast /* Last item in range. May be ITEM_ALL. * Must be >= itemFirst. */ ) { int staticItemIds[256], *itemIds = staticItemIds; int itemIdCnt = 0; TreeItem item; if (itemFirst == ITEM_ALL || itemLast == ITEM_ALL) { Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; Tcl_HashSearch search; itemIdCnt = tree->itemCount - 1; if (itemIdCnt > sizeof(staticItemIds) / sizeof(int)) itemIds = (int *) ckalloc(sizeof(int) * itemIdCnt); itemIdCnt = 0; /* TreeItem_Delete() deletes child items, so we must iterate * over each individually. Plus we need to process orphans */ hPtr = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&tree->itemHash, &search); while (hPtr != NULL) { item = (TreeItem) Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); if (item != tree->root) itemIds[itemIdCnt++] = ((Item *) item)->id; hPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&search); } goto doNotify; } if (itemFirst == itemLast) { itemIdCnt = 1; } else { int indexFirst, indexLast; TreeItem_ToIndex(tree, itemFirst, &indexFirst, NULL); TreeItem_ToIndex(tree, itemLast, &indexLast, NULL); itemIdCnt = indexLast - indexFirst + 1; } if (itemIdCnt > sizeof(staticItemIds) / sizeof(int)) itemIds = (int *) ckalloc(sizeof(int) * itemIdCnt); itemIdCnt = 0; item = itemFirst; while (item != NULL) { itemIds[itemIdCnt++] = ((Item *) item)->id; if (item == itemLast) break; item = TreeItem_Next(tree, item); } doNotify: if (itemIdCnt) TreeNotify_ItemDeleted(tree, itemIds, itemIdCnt); if (itemIds != staticItemIds) ckfree((char *) itemIds); } #ifdef SELECTION_VISIBLE /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Tree_DeselectHidden -- * * Removes any selected items which are no longer ReallyVisible() * from the selection. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * event may be generated. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* FIXME: optimize all calls to this routine */ void Tree_DeselectHidden( TreeCtrl *tree /* Widget info. */ ) { TreeItem staticItems[STATIC_SIZE], *items = staticItems; Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; Tcl_HashSearch search; TreeItem item; int i, count; if (tree->selectCount < 1) return; if (tree->updateIndex) Tree_UpdateItemIndex(tree); count = tree->selectCount; STATIC_ALLOC(items, TreeItem, count + 1); count = 0; hPtr = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&tree->selection, &search); while (hPtr != NULL) { item = (TreeItem) Tcl_GetHashKey(&tree->selection, hPtr); if (!TreeItem_ReallyVisible(tree, item)) items[count++] = item; hPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&search); } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) Tree_RemoveFromSelection(tree, items[i]); if (count) { items[count] = NULL; TreeNotify_Selection(tree, NULL, items); } STATIC_FREE2(items, staticItems); } #endif /* SELECTION_VISIBLE */ /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItemCmd -- * * This procedure is invoked to process the [item] widget * command. See the user documentation for details on what * it does. * * Results: * A standard Tcl result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItemCmd( ClientData clientData, /* Widget info. */ Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */ int objc, /* Number of arguments. */ Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[] /* Argument values. */ ) { TreeCtrl *tree = (TreeCtrl *) clientData; static CONST char *commandNames[] = { "ancestors", "children", "create", "delete", "firstchild", "lastchild", "nextsibling", "numchildren", "parent", "prevsibling", "remove", "bbox", "cget", "collapse", "compare", "complex", "configure", "count", "dump", "element", "expand", "id", "image", "isancestor", "isopen", "order", "range", "rnc", "sort", #ifdef COLUMN_SPAN "span", #endif "state", "style", "text", "toggle", (char *) NULL }; enum { COMMAND_ANCESTORS, COMMAND_CHILDREN, COMMAND_CREATE, COMMAND_DELETE, COMMAND_FIRSTCHILD, COMMAND_LASTCHILD, COMMAND_NEXTSIBLING, COMMAND_NUMCHILDREN, COMMAND_PARENT, COMMAND_PREVSIBLING, COMMAND_REMOVE, COMMAND_BBOX, COMMAND_CGET, COMMAND_COLLAPSE, COMMAND_COMPARE, COMMAND_COMPLEX, COMMAND_CONFIGURE, COMMAND_COUNT, COMMAND_DUMP, COMMAND_ELEMENT, COMMAND_EXPAND, COMMAND_ID, COMMAND_IMAGE, COMMAND_ISANCESTOR, COMMAND_ISOPEN, COMMAND_ORDER, COMMAND_RANGE, COMMAND_RNC, COMMAND_SORT, #ifdef COLUMN_SPAN COMMAND_SPAN, #endif COMMAND_STATE, COMMAND_STYLE, COMMAND_TEXT, COMMAND_TOGGLE }; #define AF_NOTANCESTOR 0x00010000 /* item can't be ancestor of other item */ #define AF_PARENT 0x00020000 /* item must have a parent */ #define AF_NOT_EQUAL 0x00040000 /* second item can't be same as first */ #define AF_SAMEROOT 0x00080000 /* both items must be descendants of a common ancestor */ #define AF_NOT_ITEM 0x00100000 /* arg is not an Item */ struct { int minArgs; int maxArgs; int flags; int flags2; char *argString; } argInfo[] = { { 1, 1, 0, 0, "item" }, /* ancestors */ { 1, 1, 0, 0, "item" }, /* children */ { 0, 10000, AF_NOT_ITEM, AF_NOT_ITEM, "?option value ...?" }, /* create */ { 1, 2, IFO_ALLOK, IFO_ALLOK | AF_SAMEROOT, "first ?last?" }, /* delete */ { 1, 2, 0, IFO_NOTROOT | AF_NOTANCESTOR | AF_NOT_EQUAL, "item ?newFirstChild?" }, /* firstchild */ { 1, 2, 0, IFO_NOTROOT | AF_NOTANCESTOR | AF_NOT_EQUAL, "item ?newLastChild?" }, /* lastchild */ { 1, 2, IFO_NOTROOT | AF_PARENT, IFO_NOTROOT | AF_NOTANCESTOR | AF_NOT_EQUAL, "item ?newNextSibling?" }, /* nextsibling */ { 1, 1, 0, 0, "item" }, /* numchildren */ { 1, 1, 0, 0, "item" }, /* parent */ { 1, 2, IFO_NOTROOT | AF_PARENT, IFO_NOTROOT | AF_NOTANCESTOR | AF_NOT_EQUAL, "item ?newPrevSibling?" }, /* prevsibling */ { 1, 1, IFO_NOTROOT, 0, "item" }, /* remove */ { 1, 3, 0, AF_NOT_ITEM, "item ?column? ?element?" }, /* bbox */ { 2, 2, 0, AF_NOT_ITEM, "item option" }, /* cget */ { 1, 2, IFO_ALLOK, AF_NOT_ITEM, "item ?-recurse?"}, /* collapse */ { 3, 3, 0, AF_NOT_ITEM, "item1 op item2" }, /* compare */ { 2, 100000, 0, AF_NOT_ITEM, "item list ..." }, /* complex */ { 1, 100000, 0, AF_NOT_ITEM, "item ?option? ?value? ?option value ...?" }, /* configure */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL }, /* count */ { 1, 1, 0, 0, "item" }, /* dump */ { 4, 100000, AF_NOT_ITEM, AF_NOT_ITEM, "command item column element ?arg ...?" }, /* element */ { 1, 2, IFO_ALLOK, AF_NOT_ITEM, "item ?-recurse?"}, /* expand */ { 1, 1, IFO_NULLOK, 0, "item" }, /* id */ { 1, 100000, 0, AF_NOT_ITEM, "item ?column? ?image? ?column image ...?" }, /* text */ { 2, 2, 0, 0, "item item2" }, /* isancestor */ { 1, 1, 0, 0, "item" }, /* isopen */ { 1, 2, 0, AF_NOT_ITEM, "item ?-visible?" }, /* order */ { 2, 2, 0, AF_SAMEROOT, "first last" }, /* range */ { 1, 1, 0, 0, "item" }, /* rnc */ { 1, 100000, 0, AF_NOT_ITEM, "item ?option ...?" }, /* sort */ #ifdef COLUMN_SPAN { 1, 100000, 0, AF_NOT_ITEM, "item ?column? ?span? ?column span ...?" }, /* span */ #endif { 2, 100000, AF_NOT_ITEM, AF_NOT_ITEM, "command item ?arg ...?" }, /* state */ { 2, 100000, AF_NOT_ITEM, AF_NOT_ITEM, "command item ?arg ...?" }, /* style */ { 1, 100000, 0, AF_NOT_ITEM, "item ?column? ?text? ?column text ...?" }, /* text */ { 1, 2, IFO_ALLOK, AF_NOT_ITEM, "item ?-recurse?"}, /* toggle */ }; int index; int numArgs = objc - 3; TreeItem _item, _item2; Item *item = NULL, *item2 = NULL, *child; if (objc < 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "command ?arg arg ...?"); return TCL_ERROR; } if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[2], commandNames, "command", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } if ((numArgs < argInfo[index].minArgs) || (numArgs > argInfo[index].maxArgs)) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, argInfo[index].argString); return TCL_ERROR; } if ((numArgs >= 1) && !(argInfo[index].flags & AF_NOT_ITEM)) { if (TreeItem_FromObj(tree, objv[3], &_item, argInfo[index].flags & 0xFFFF) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } item = (Item *) _item; if ((argInfo[index].flags & AF_PARENT) && (item->parent == NULL)) { FormatResult(interp, "item %s%d must have a parent", tree->itemPrefix, item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } } if ((numArgs >= 2) && !(argInfo[index].flags2 & AF_NOT_ITEM)) { if (TreeItem_FromObj(tree, objv[4], &_item2, argInfo[index].flags2 & 0xFFFF) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } item2 = (Item *) _item2; if ((argInfo[index].flags2 & AF_NOT_EQUAL) && (item == item2)) { FormatResult(interp, "item %s%d same as second item", tree->itemPrefix, item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if ((argInfo[index].flags2 & AF_PARENT) && (item2->parent == NULL)) { FormatResult(interp, "item %s%d must have a parent", tree->itemPrefix, item2->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if ((argInfo[index].flags & AF_NOTANCESTOR) && TreeItem_IsAncestor(tree, (TreeItem) item, (TreeItem) item2)) { FormatResult(interp, "item %s%d is ancestor of item %s%d", tree->itemPrefix, item->id, tree->itemPrefix, item2->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if ((argInfo[index].flags2 & AF_NOTANCESTOR) && TreeItem_IsAncestor(tree, (TreeItem) item2, (TreeItem) item)) { FormatResult(interp, "item %s%d is ancestor of item %s%d", tree->itemPrefix, item2->id, tree->itemPrefix, item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if ((argInfo[index].flags2 & AF_SAMEROOT) && TreeItem_RootAncestor(tree, (TreeItem) item) != TreeItem_RootAncestor(tree, (TreeItem) item2)) { FormatResult(interp, "item %s%d and item %s%d don't share a common ancestor", tree->itemPrefix, item->id, tree->itemPrefix, item2->id); return TCL_ERROR; } } switch (index) { case COMMAND_ANCESTORS: { Tcl_Obj *listObj; Item *parent = item->parent; listObj = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL); while (parent != NULL) { Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObj, TreeItem_ToObj(tree, (TreeItem) parent)); parent = parent->parent; } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObj); break; } /* T item bbox I ?C? ?E? */ case COMMAND_BBOX: { int x, y, w, h; int i, columnIndex, indent, totalWidth; TreeColumn treeColumn; Column *itemColumn; StyleDrawArgs drawArgs; TreeItem item_ = (TreeItem) item; XRectangle rect; if (Tree_ItemBbox(tree, item_, &x, &y, &w, &h) < 0) break; if (objc > 4) { if (Item_FindColumnFromObj(tree, item, objv[4], &itemColumn, &columnIndex) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; totalWidth = 0; treeColumn = tree->columns; for (i = 0; i < columnIndex; i++) { totalWidth += TreeColumn_UseWidth(treeColumn); treeColumn = TreeColumn_Next(treeColumn); } if (treeColumn == tree->columnTree) indent = TreeItem_Indent(tree, item_); else indent = 0; if (objc == 5) { FormatResult(interp, "%d %d %d %d", x + totalWidth + indent - tree->xOrigin, y - tree->yOrigin, x + totalWidth + TreeColumn_UseWidth(treeColumn) - tree->xOrigin, y + h - tree->yOrigin); break; } if ((itemColumn == NULL) || (itemColumn->style == NULL)) { NoStyleMsg(tree, item, columnIndex); return TCL_ERROR; } drawArgs.style = itemColumn->style; drawArgs.tree = tree; drawArgs.drawable = None; drawArgs.state = TreeItem_GetState(tree, item_); drawArgs.indent = indent; drawArgs.x = x + totalWidth; drawArgs.y = y; drawArgs.width = TreeColumn_UseWidth(treeColumn); drawArgs.height = h; drawArgs.justify = TreeColumn_Justify(treeColumn); if (TreeStyle_GetElemRects(&drawArgs, objc - 5, objv + 5, &rect) == -1) return TCL_ERROR; x = rect.x; y = rect.y; w = rect.width; h = rect.height; } FormatResult(interp, "%d %d %d %d", x - tree->xOrigin, y - tree->yOrigin, x - tree->xOrigin + w, y - tree->yOrigin + h); break; } case COMMAND_CGET: { Tcl_Obj *resultObjPtr; resultObjPtr = Tk_GetOptionValue(interp, (char *) item, tree->itemOptionTable, objv[4], tree->tkwin); if (resultObjPtr == NULL) return TCL_ERROR; Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, resultObjPtr); break; } case COMMAND_CHILDREN: { if (item->numChildren != 0) { Tcl_Obj *listObj; listObj = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL); child = item->firstChild; while (child != NULL) { Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObj, TreeItem_ToObj(tree, (TreeItem) child)); child = child->nextSibling; } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObj); } break; } case COMMAND_COLLAPSE: case COMMAND_EXPAND: case COMMAND_TOGGLE: { int recurse = 0; int mode = 0; /* lint */ if (numArgs == 2) { char *s = Tcl_GetString(objv[4]); if (strcmp(s, "-recurse")) { FormatResult(interp, "bad option \"%s\": must be -recurse", s); return TCL_ERROR; } recurse = 1; } switch (index) { case COMMAND_COLLAPSE: mode = 0; break; case COMMAND_EXPAND: mode = 1; break; case COMMAND_TOGGLE: mode = -1; break; } if (item == (Item *) ITEM_ALL) { Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; Tcl_HashSearch search; hPtr = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&tree->itemHash, &search); while (hPtr != NULL) { item = (Item *) Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); TreeItem_OpenClose(tree, (TreeItem) item, mode, 0); hPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&search); } #ifdef SELECTION_VISIBLE Tree_DeselectHidden(tree); #endif break; } TreeItem_OpenClose(tree, (TreeItem) item, mode, recurse); #ifdef SELECTION_VISIBLE Tree_DeselectHidden(tree); #endif break; } /* T item compare I op I */ case COMMAND_COMPARE: { static CONST char *opName[] = { "<", "<=", "==", ">=", ">", "!=", NULL }; int op, compare = 0, index1, index2; if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[4], opName, "comparison operator", 0, &op) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (TreeItem_FromObj(tree, objv[5], &_item2, 0) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; item2 = (Item *) _item2; if (TreeItem_RootAncestor(tree, _item) != TreeItem_RootAncestor(tree, _item2)) { FormatResult(interp, "item %s%d and item %s%d don't share a common ancestor", tree->itemPrefix, item->id, tree->itemPrefix, item2->id); return TCL_ERROR; } TreeItem_ToIndex(tree, _item, &index1, NULL); TreeItem_ToIndex(tree, _item2, &index2, NULL); switch (op) { case 0: compare = index1 < index2; break; case 1: compare = index1 <= index2; break; case 2: compare = index1 == index2; break; case 3: compare = index1 >= index2; break; case 4: compare = index1 > index2; break; case 5: compare = index1 != index2; break; } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewBooleanObj(compare)); break; } case COMMAND_COMPLEX: { int i, j, columnIndex; int objc1, objc2; Tcl_Obj **objv1, **objv2; TreeColumn treeColumn = tree->columns; Column *column; int eMask, cMask, iMask = 0; int result = TCL_OK; if (objc <= 4) break; columnIndex = 0; for (i = 4; i < objc; i++, columnIndex++, treeColumn = TreeColumn_Next(treeColumn)) { if (treeColumn == NULL) { FormatResult(interp, "column #%d doesn't exist", columnIndex); result = TCL_ERROR; goto doneComplex; } column = Item_FindColumn(tree, item, columnIndex); if (column == NULL) { FormatResult(interp, "item %s%d doesn't have column %s%d", tree->itemPrefix, item->id, tree->columnPrefix, TreeColumn_GetID(treeColumn)); result = TCL_ERROR; goto doneComplex; } /* List of element-configs per column */ if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, objv[i], &objc1, &objv1) != TCL_OK) { result = TCL_ERROR; goto doneComplex; } if (objc1 == 0) continue; if (column->style == NULL) { FormatResult(interp, "item %s%d column %s%d has no style", tree->itemPrefix, item->id, tree->columnPrefix, TreeColumn_GetID(treeColumn)); result = TCL_ERROR; goto doneComplex; } cMask = 0; for (j = 0; j < objc1; j++) { /* elem option value... */ if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, objv1[j], &objc2, &objv2) != TCL_OK) { result = TCL_ERROR; goto doneComplex; } if (objc2 < 3) { FormatResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"element option value ...\""); result = TCL_ERROR; goto doneComplex; } if (TreeStyle_ElementConfigure(tree, (TreeItem) item, (TreeItemColumn) column, column->style, objv2[0], objc2 - 1, objv2 + 1, &eMask) != TCL_OK) { result = TCL_ERROR; goto doneComplex; } cMask |= eMask; iMask |= eMask; } if (cMask & CS_LAYOUT) TreeItemColumn_InvalidateSize(tree, (TreeItemColumn) column); } doneComplex: if (iMask & CS_DISPLAY) Tree_InvalidateItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item, NULL); if (iMask & CS_LAYOUT) { Tree_InvalidateColumnWidth(tree, -1); TreeItem_InvalidateHeight(tree, (TreeItem) item); Tree_FreeItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item, NULL); Tree_DInfoChanged(tree, DINFO_REDO_RANGES); } return result; } case COMMAND_CONFIGURE: { if (objc <= 5) { Tcl_Obj *resultObjPtr; resultObjPtr = Tk_GetOptionInfo(interp, (char *) item, tree->itemOptionTable, (objc == 4) ? (Tcl_Obj *) NULL : objv[4], tree->tkwin); if (resultObjPtr == NULL) return TCL_ERROR; Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, resultObjPtr); break; } return Item_Configure(tree, item, objc - 4, objv + 4); } case COMMAND_COUNT: { if (objc != 3) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(tree->itemCount)); break; } case COMMAND_CREATE: { #if 1 return ItemCreateCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv); #else item = Item_Alloc(tree); if (objc > 3) { if (Item_Configure(tree, item, objc - 3, objv + 3) != TCL_OK) { TreeItem_Delete(tree, (TreeItem) item); return TCL_ERROR; } } /* Apply default styles */ if (tree->defaultStyle.numStyles) { int i, n = MIN(tree->columnCount, tree->defaultStyle.numStyles); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { Column *column = Item_CreateColumn(tree, item, i, NULL); if (tree->defaultStyle.styles[i] != NULL) { column->style = TreeStyle_NewInstance(tree, tree->defaultStyle.styles[i]); } } } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, TreeItem_ToObj(tree, (TreeItem) item)); #endif break; } case COMMAND_DELETE: { Item *itemFirst, *itemLast; int index1, index2; if (tree->displayInProgress) break; /* The root is never deleted */ if (tree->itemCount == 1) break; /* Exclude root from the range */ if (item == item2) item2 = NULL; if ((item != (Item *) ITEM_ALL) && (item2 != (Item *) ITEM_ALL)) { if (item2 == NULL) { if (ISROOT(item)) break; } else { if (ISROOT(item)) item = (Item *) TreeItem_Next(tree, (TreeItem) item); if (ISROOT(item2)) item2 = (Item *) TreeItem_Next(tree, (TreeItem) item2); if (item == item2) item2 = NULL; } } if (item == (Item *) ITEM_ALL || item2 == (Item *) ITEM_ALL) { itemFirst = (Item *) ITEM_ALL; itemLast = NULL; } else if ((item2 != NULL) && (item != item2)) { int indexFirst; Item *ancestor; TreeItem_ToIndex(tree, (TreeItem) item, &index1, NULL); TreeItem_ToIndex(tree, (TreeItem) item2, &index2, NULL); if (index1 < index2) { itemFirst = item; itemLast = item2; indexFirst = index1; } else { itemFirst = item2; itemLast = item; indexFirst = index2; } ancestor = itemLast; while (ancestor->parent != NULL) { int index; TreeItem_ToIndex(tree, (TreeItem) ancestor, &index, NULL); if (index >= indexFirst) itemLast = ancestor; else break; ancestor = ancestor->parent; } while (itemLast->lastChild != NULL) itemLast = itemLast->lastChild; } else { itemFirst = item; itemLast = item; while (itemLast->lastChild != NULL) itemLast = itemLast->lastChild; } /* Generate event for selected items being deleted */ if (tree->selectCount) ItemDeleteDeselect(tree, (TreeItem) itemFirst, (TreeItem) itemLast); /* Generate event for items being deleted */ ItemDeleteNotify(tree, (TreeItem) itemFirst, (TreeItem) itemLast); if (item == (Item *) ITEM_ALL || item2 == (Item *) ITEM_ALL) { Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; Tcl_HashSearch search; Item *staticItems[256], **items = staticItems; int i, count; /* Create a list of all items that are a child of the root * item or that have no parent. */ count = tree->itemCount - 1; if (count > sizeof(staticItems) / sizeof(Item *)) items = (Item **) ckalloc(sizeof(Item *) * count); count = 0; /* The old method of repeatedly calling Tcl_FirstHashEntry() * was *terribly* slow when there were large numbers of * detached items. For example: * * for {set i 0} {$i < 100000} {incr i} { * .f2.f1.t item create * } * .f2.f1.t item delete all * * I think the performance hit happened because the hash table * had a very large number of empty buckets. */ hPtr = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&tree->itemHash, &search); while (hPtr != NULL) { item = (Item *) Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); if (!ISROOT(item) && ((item->parent == NULL) || ISROOT(item->parent))) items[count++] = item; hPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&search); } /* Recursively delete each item */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) TreeItem_Delete(tree, (TreeItem) items[i]); if (items != staticItems) ckfree((char *) items); } else if ((item2 != NULL) && (item != item2)) { TreeItem_ToIndex(tree, (TreeItem) item, &index1, NULL); TreeItem_ToIndex(tree, (TreeItem) item2, &index2, NULL); if (index1 > index2) { Item *swap = item; item = item2; item2 = swap; } while (1) { Item *prev = (Item *) TreeItem_Prev(tree, (TreeItem) item2); if (!ISROOT(item2)) TreeItem_Delete(tree, (TreeItem) item2); if (item2 == item) break; item2 = prev; } } else { if (!ISROOT(item)) TreeItem_Delete(tree, (TreeItem) item); } break; } case COMMAND_DUMP: { if (tree->updateIndex) Tree_UpdateItemIndex(tree); FormatResult(interp, "index %d indexVis %d neededHeight %d", item->index, item->indexVis, item->neededHeight); break; } case COMMAND_ELEMENT: { return ItemElementCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv); } case COMMAND_FIRSTCHILD: { if (item2 != NULL && item2 != item->firstChild) { TreeItem_RemoveFromParent(tree, (TreeItem) item2); item2->nextSibling = item->firstChild; if (item->firstChild != NULL) item->firstChild->prevSibling = item2; else item->lastChild = item2; item->firstChild = item2; item2->parent = item; item->numChildren++; TreeItem_AddToParent(tree, (TreeItem) item2); #ifdef SELECTION_VISIBLE Tree_DeselectHidden(tree); #endif } if (item->firstChild != NULL) Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, TreeItem_ToObj(tree, (TreeItem) item->firstChild)); break; } case COMMAND_ID: { if (item != NULL) Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, TreeItem_ToObj(tree, (TreeItem) item)); break; } case COMMAND_ISANCESTOR: { Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewBooleanObj( TreeItem_IsAncestor(tree, (TreeItem) item, (TreeItem) item2))); break; } case COMMAND_ISOPEN: { Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewBooleanObj(item->state & STATE_OPEN)); break; } case COMMAND_LASTCHILD: { if (item2 != NULL && item2 != item->lastChild) { TreeItem_RemoveFromParent(tree, (TreeItem) item2); item2->prevSibling = item->lastChild; if (item->lastChild != NULL) item->lastChild->nextSibling = item2; else item->firstChild = item2; item->lastChild = item2; item2->parent = item; item->numChildren++; TreeItem_AddToParent(tree, (TreeItem) item2); #ifdef SELECTION_VISIBLE Tree_DeselectHidden(tree); #endif } if (item->lastChild != NULL) Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, TreeItem_ToObj(tree, (TreeItem) item->lastChild)); break; } case COMMAND_NEXTSIBLING: { if (item2 != NULL && item2 != item->nextSibling) { TreeItem_RemoveFromParent(tree, (TreeItem) item2); item2->prevSibling = item; if (item->nextSibling != NULL) { item->nextSibling->prevSibling = item2; item2->nextSibling = item->nextSibling; } else item->parent->lastChild = item2; item->nextSibling = item2; item2->parent = item->parent; item->parent->numChildren++; TreeItem_AddToParent(tree, (TreeItem) item2); #ifdef SELECTION_VISIBLE Tree_DeselectHidden(tree); #endif } if (item->nextSibling != NULL) Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, TreeItem_ToObj(tree, (TreeItem) item->nextSibling)); break; } case COMMAND_NUMCHILDREN: { Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(item->numChildren)); break; } /* T item order I ?-visible? */ case COMMAND_ORDER: { int visible = FALSE; if (objc == 5) { int len; char *s = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[4], &len); if ((s[0] == '-') && (strncmp(s, "-visible", len) == 0)) visible = TRUE; else { FormatResult(interp, "bad switch \"%s\": must be -visible", s); return TCL_ERROR; } } if (tree->updateIndex) Tree_UpdateItemIndex(tree); Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(visible ? item->indexVis : item->index)); break; } /* T item range I I */ case COMMAND_RANGE: { TreeItem itemFirst = (TreeItem) item; TreeItem itemLast = (TreeItem) item2; int indexFirst, indexLast; Tcl_Obj *listObj; if (itemFirst == itemLast) { Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, TreeItem_ToObj(tree, itemFirst)); break; } TreeItem_ToIndex(tree, itemFirst, &indexFirst, NULL); TreeItem_ToIndex(tree, itemLast, &indexLast, NULL); if (indexFirst > indexLast) { TreeItem swap = itemFirst; itemFirst = itemLast; itemLast = swap; } listObj = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL); while (itemFirst != NULL) { Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObj, TreeItem_ToObj(tree, itemFirst)); if (itemFirst == itemLast) break; itemFirst = TreeItem_Next(tree, itemFirst); } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObj); break; } case COMMAND_PARENT: { if (item->parent != NULL) Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, TreeItem_ToObj(tree, (TreeItem) item->parent)); break; } case COMMAND_PREVSIBLING: { if (item2 != NULL && item2 != item->prevSibling) { TreeItem_RemoveFromParent(tree, (TreeItem) item2); item2->nextSibling = item; if (item->prevSibling != NULL) { item->prevSibling->nextSibling = item2; item2->prevSibling = item->prevSibling; } else item->parent->firstChild = item2; item->prevSibling = item2; item2->parent = item->parent; item->parent->numChildren++; TreeItem_AddToParent(tree, (TreeItem) item2); #ifdef SELECTION_VISIBLE Tree_DeselectHidden(tree); #endif } if (item->prevSibling != NULL) Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, TreeItem_ToObj(tree, (TreeItem) item->prevSibling)); break; } case COMMAND_REMOVE: { if (item->parent == NULL) break; TreeItem_RemoveFromParent(tree, (TreeItem) item); if (tree->debug.enable && tree->debug.data) Tree_Debug(tree); Tree_InvalidateColumnWidth(tree, -1); Tree_FreeItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item, NULL); #ifdef SELECTION_VISIBLE Tree_DeselectHidden(tree); #endif break; } case COMMAND_RNC: { int row,col; if (Tree_ItemToRNC(tree, (TreeItem) item, &row, &col) == TCL_OK) FormatResult(interp, "%d %d", row, col); break; } case COMMAND_SORT: { return ItemSortCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv); } #ifdef COLUMN_SPAN /* T item span I ?C? ?span? ?C span ...? */ case COMMAND_SPAN: { TreeColumn treeColumn = tree->columns; Column *column = item->columns; Tcl_Obj *listObj; int i, columnIndex, span; if (objc == 4) { listObj = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL); while (treeColumn != NULL) { Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObj, Tcl_NewIntObj(column ? column->span : 1)); treeColumn = TreeColumn_Next(treeColumn); if (column != NULL) column = column->next; } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObj); break; } if (objc == 5) { if (Item_FindColumnFromObj(tree, item, objv[4], &column, NULL) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(column ? column->span : 1)); break; } if ((objc - 4) & 1) { FormatResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"column span column span ...\""); return TCL_ERROR; } TreeItem_InvalidateHeight(tree, (TreeItem) item); Tree_FreeItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item, NULL); Tree_DInfoChanged(tree, DINFO_REDO_RANGES); for (i = 4; i < objc; i += 2) { if (Item_CreateColumnFromObj(tree, item, objv[i], &column, &columnIndex, NULL) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[i + 1], &span) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if (span <= 0) { FormatResult(interp, "bad span \"%d\": must be > 0", span); return TCL_ERROR; } column->span = span; TreeItemColumn_InvalidateSize(tree, (TreeItemColumn) column); Tree_InvalidateColumnWidth(tree, columnIndex); } break; } #endif case COMMAND_STATE: { return ItemStateCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv); } case COMMAND_STYLE: { return ItemStyleCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv); } /* T item image I ?C? ?image? ?C image ...? */ case COMMAND_IMAGE: /* T item text I ?C? ?text? ?C text ...? */ case COMMAND_TEXT: { TreeColumn treeColumn = tree->columns; Column *column = item->columns; Tcl_Obj *objPtr; int i, columnIndex; int isImage = (index == COMMAND_IMAGE); int result; if (objc == 4) { Tcl_Obj *listObj = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL); while (treeColumn != NULL) { if ((column != NULL) && (column->style != NULL)) objPtr = isImage ? TreeStyle_GetImage(tree, column->style) : TreeStyle_GetText(tree, column->style); else objPtr = NULL; if (objPtr == NULL) objPtr = Tcl_NewObj(); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObj, objPtr); treeColumn = TreeColumn_Next(treeColumn); if (column != NULL) column = column->next; } Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObj); break; } if (objc == 5) { if (Item_FindColumnFromObj(tree, item, objv[4], &column, NULL) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } if ((column != NULL) && (column->style != NULL)) { objPtr = isImage ? TreeStyle_GetImage(tree, column->style) : TreeStyle_GetText(tree, column->style); if (objPtr != NULL) Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, objPtr); } break; } if ((objc - 4) & 1) { FormatResult(interp, "missing argument after column \"%s\"", Tcl_GetString(objv[objc - 1])); return TCL_ERROR; } TreeItem_InvalidateHeight(tree, (TreeItem) item); Tree_FreeItemDInfo(tree, (TreeItem) item, NULL); Tree_DInfoChanged(tree, DINFO_REDO_RANGES); for (i = 4; i < objc; i += 2) { if (Item_FindColumnFromObj(tree, item, objv[i], &column, &columnIndex) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; if ((column == NULL) || (column->style == NULL)) { NoStyleMsg(tree, item, columnIndex); return TCL_ERROR; } result = isImage ? TreeStyle_SetImage(tree, (TreeItem) item, (TreeItemColumn) column, column->style, objv[i + 1]) : TreeStyle_SetText(tree, (TreeItem) item, (TreeItemColumn) column, column->style, objv[i + 1]); if (result != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; TreeItemColumn_InvalidateSize(tree, (TreeItemColumn) column); Tree_InvalidateColumnWidth(tree, columnIndex); } break; } } return TCL_OK; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_Debug -- * * Perform some sanity checks on an Item and its descendants. * * Results: * TCL_OK or TCL_ERROR. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItem_Debug( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_ /* Item token. */ ) { Item *item = (Item *) item_; Item *child; Tcl_Interp *interp = tree->interp; int count; if (item->parent == item) { FormatResult(interp, "parent of %d is itself", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if (item->parent == NULL) { if (item->prevSibling != NULL) { FormatResult(interp, "parent of %d is nil, prevSibling is not nil", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if (item->nextSibling != NULL) { FormatResult(interp, "parent of %d is nil, nextSibling is not nil", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } } if (item->prevSibling != NULL) { if (item->prevSibling == item) { FormatResult(interp, "prevSibling of %d is itself", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if (item->prevSibling->nextSibling != item) { FormatResult(interp, "item%d.prevSibling.nextSibling is not it", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } } if (item->nextSibling != NULL) { if (item->nextSibling == item) { FormatResult(interp, "nextSibling of %d is itself", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if (item->nextSibling->prevSibling != item) { FormatResult(interp, "item%d.nextSibling->prevSibling is not it", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } } if (item->numChildren < 0) { FormatResult(interp, "numChildren of %d is %d", item->id, item->numChildren); return TCL_ERROR; } if (item->numChildren == 0) { if (item->firstChild != NULL) { FormatResult(interp, "item%d.numChildren is zero, firstChild is not nil", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if (item->lastChild != NULL) { FormatResult(interp, "item%d.numChildren is zero, lastChild is not nil", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } } if (item->numChildren > 0) { if (item->firstChild == NULL) { FormatResult(interp, "item%d.firstChild is nil", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if (item->firstChild == item) { FormatResult(interp, "item%d.firstChild is itself", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if (item->firstChild->parent != item) { FormatResult(interp, "item%d.firstChild.parent is not it", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if (item->firstChild->prevSibling != NULL) { FormatResult(interp, "item%d.firstChild.prevSibling is not nil", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if (item->lastChild == NULL) { FormatResult(interp, "item%d.lastChild is nil", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if (item->lastChild == item) { FormatResult(interp, "item%d.lastChild is itself", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if (item->lastChild->parent != item) { FormatResult(interp, "item%d.lastChild.parent is not it", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if (item->lastChild->nextSibling != NULL) { FormatResult(interp, "item%d.lastChild.nextSibling is not nil", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } /* Count number of children */ count = 0; child = item->firstChild; while (child != NULL) { count++; child = child->nextSibling; } if (count != item->numChildren) { FormatResult(interp, "item%d.numChildren is %d, but counted %d", item->id, item->numChildren, count); return TCL_ERROR; } /* Debug each child recursively */ child = item->firstChild; while (child != NULL) { if (child->parent != item) { FormatResult(interp, "child->parent of %d is not it", item->id); return TCL_ERROR; } if (TreeItem_Debug(tree, (TreeItem) child) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; child = child->nextSibling; } } return TCL_OK; } #ifdef COLUMN_SPAN /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_Identify -- * * Determine which column and element the given point is in. * This is used by the [identify] widget command. * * Results: * If the Item is not ReallyVisible() or no columns are visible * then buf[] is untouched. Otherwise the given string may be * appended with "column C" followed by "elem E" although both * are optional. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_Identify( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ int x, int y, /* Window coords to hit-test with. */ char *buf /* NULL-terminated string which may be * appended. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; int left, top, width, height; int indent, columnWidth, totalWidth; Column *column; StyleDrawArgs drawArgs; TreeColumn treeColumn; int i, columnIndex; SpanInfo staticSpans[STATIC_SIZE], *spans = staticSpans; char *elem; if (Tree_ItemBbox(tree, item_, &left, &top, &width, &height) < 0) return; STATIC_ALLOC(spans, SpanInfo, tree->columnCount); Item_GetSpans(tree, item_, spans); drawArgs.tree = tree; drawArgs.drawable = None; totalWidth = 0; for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < tree->columnCount; columnIndex++) { treeColumn = spans[columnIndex].treeColumn; if (spans[columnIndex].itemColumnIndex != columnIndex) continue; if ((tree->columnCountVis == 1) && (treeColumn == tree->columnVis)) columnWidth = width; else { columnWidth = 0; for (i = columnIndex; i < tree->columnCount; i++) { if (spans[i].itemColumnIndex != columnIndex) break; columnWidth += spans[i].width; } } if (columnWidth <= 0) continue; if (treeColumn == tree->columnTree) indent = TreeItem_Indent(tree, item_); else indent = 0; if ((x >= totalWidth + indent) && (x < totalWidth + columnWidth)) { sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " column %s%d", tree->columnPrefix, TreeColumn_GetID(treeColumn)); column = (Column *) spans[columnIndex].itemColumn; if ((column != NULL) && (column->style != NULL)) { drawArgs.state = self->state | column->cstate; drawArgs.style = column->style; drawArgs.indent = indent; drawArgs.x = totalWidth; drawArgs.y = 0; drawArgs.width = columnWidth; drawArgs.height = height; drawArgs.justify = TreeColumn_Justify(treeColumn); elem = TreeStyle_Identify(&drawArgs, x, y); if (elem != NULL) sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " elem %s", elem); break; } break; } totalWidth += columnWidth; } STATIC_FREE(spans, SpanInfo, tree->columnCount); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_Identify2 -- * * Determine which columns and elements intersect the given * area. This is used by the [marquee identify] widget command. * * Results: * If the Item is not ReallyVisible() or no columns are visible * then listObj is untouched. Otherwise the list is appended * with C {E ...} C {E...}. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TreeItem_Identify2( TreeCtrl *tree, /* Widget info. */ TreeItem item_, /* Item token. */ int x1, int y1, /* Top-left of area to hit-test. */ int x2, int y2, /* Bottom-right of area to hit-test. */ Tcl_Obj *listObj /* Initialized list object. */ ) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; int indent, columnWidth, totalWidth; int x, y, w, h; Column *column; StyleDrawArgs drawArgs; TreeColumn treeColumn; int i, columnIndex; SpanInfo staticSpans[STATIC_SIZE], *spans = staticSpans; if (Tree_ItemBbox(tree, item_, &x, &y, &w, &h) < 0) return; STATIC_ALLOC(spans, SpanInfo, tree->columnCount); Item_GetSpans(tree, item_, spans); drawArgs.tree = tree; drawArgs.drawable = None; totalWidth = 0; for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < tree->columnCount; columnIndex++) { treeColumn = spans[columnIndex].treeColumn; if (spans[columnIndex].itemColumnIndex != columnIndex) continue; if ((tree->columnCountVis == 1) && (treeColumn == tree->columnVis)) columnWidth = w; else { columnWidth = 0; for (i = columnIndex; i < tree->columnCount; i++) { if (spans[i].itemColumnIndex != columnIndex) break; columnWidth += spans[i].width; } } if (columnWidth <= 0) continue; if (treeColumn == tree->columnTree) indent = TreeItem_Indent(tree, item_); else indent = 0; if ((x2 >= x + totalWidth + indent) && (x1 < x + totalWidth + columnWidth)) { Tcl_Obj *subListObj = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(tree->interp, subListObj, TreeColumn_ToObj(tree, treeColumn)); column = (Column *) spans[columnIndex].itemColumn; if ((column != NULL) && (column->style != NULL)) { drawArgs.state = self->state | column->cstate; drawArgs.style = column->style; drawArgs.indent = indent; drawArgs.x = x + totalWidth; drawArgs.y = y; drawArgs.width = columnWidth; drawArgs.height = h; drawArgs.justify = TreeColumn_Justify(treeColumn); TreeStyle_Identify2(&drawArgs, x1, y1, x2, y2, subListObj); } Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(tree->interp, listObj, subListObj); } totalWidth += columnWidth; } STATIC_FREE(spans, SpanInfo, tree->columnCount); } #else /* COLUMN_SPAN */ char *TreeItem_Identify(TreeCtrl *tree, TreeItem item_, int x, int y) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; int left, top, width, height; int indent, columnWidth, totalWidth; Column *column; StyleDrawArgs drawArgs; TreeColumn treeColumn; if (Tree_ItemBbox(tree, item_, &left, &top, &width, &height) < 0) return NULL; #if 0 if (y >= Tk_Height(tree->tkwin) || y + height <= 0) return NULL; #endif drawArgs.tree = tree; drawArgs.drawable = None; totalWidth = 0; treeColumn = tree->columns; column = self->columns; while (column != NULL) { if (!TreeColumn_Visible(treeColumn)) columnWidth = 0; else if (tree->columnCountVis == 1) columnWidth = width; else columnWidth = TreeColumn_UseWidth(treeColumn); if (columnWidth > 0) { if (treeColumn == tree->columnTree) indent = TreeItem_Indent(tree, item_); else indent = 0; if ((x >= totalWidth + indent) && (x < totalWidth + columnWidth)) { if (column->style != NULL) { drawArgs.state = self->state | column->cstate; drawArgs.style = column->style; drawArgs.indent = indent; drawArgs.x = totalWidth; drawArgs.y = 0; drawArgs.width = columnWidth; drawArgs.height = height; drawArgs.justify = TreeColumn_Justify(treeColumn); return TreeStyle_Identify(&drawArgs, x, y); } return NULL; } totalWidth += columnWidth; } treeColumn = TreeColumn_Next(treeColumn); column = column->next; } return NULL; } void TreeItem_Identify2(TreeCtrl *tree, TreeItem item_, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Tcl_Obj *listObj) { Item *self = (Item *) item_; int indent, columnWidth, totalWidth; int x, y, w, h; Column *column; StyleDrawArgs drawArgs; TreeColumn treeColumn; if (Tree_ItemBbox(tree, item_, &x, &y, &w, &h) < 0) return; drawArgs.tree = tree; drawArgs.drawable = None; totalWidth = 0; treeColumn = tree->columns; column = self->columns; while (treeColumn != NULL) { if (!TreeColumn_Visible(treeColumn)) columnWidth = 0; else if (tree->columnCountVis == 1) columnWidth = w; else columnWidth = TreeColumn_UseWidth(treeColumn); if (columnWidth > 0) { if (treeColumn == tree->columnTree) indent = TreeItem_Indent(tree, item_); else indent = 0; if ((x2 >= x + totalWidth + indent) && (x1 < x + totalWidth + columnWidth)) { Tcl_Obj *subListObj = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL); Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(tree->interp, subListObj, TreeColumn_ToObj(tree, treeColumn)); if ((column != NULL) && (column->style != NULL)) { drawArgs.state = self->state | column->cstate; drawArgs.style = column->style; drawArgs.indent = indent; drawArgs.x = x + totalWidth; drawArgs.y = y; drawArgs.width = columnWidth; drawArgs.height = h; drawArgs.justify = TreeColumn_Justify(treeColumn); TreeStyle_Identify2(&drawArgs, x1, y1, x2, y2, subListObj); } Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(tree->interp, listObj, subListObj); } totalWidth += columnWidth; } treeColumn = TreeColumn_Next(treeColumn); if (column != NULL) column = column->next; } } #endif /* not COLUMN_SPAN */ /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TreeItem_Init -- * * Perform item-related initialization when a new TreeCtrl is * created. * * Results: * TCL_OK. * * Side effects: * Memory is allocated. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TreeItem_Init( TreeCtrl *tree /* Widget info. */ ) { tree->itemOptionTable = Tk_CreateOptionTable(tree->interp, itemOptionSpecs); tree->root = (TreeItem) Item_AllocRoot(tree); tree->activeItem = tree->root; /* always non-null */ tree->anchorItem = tree->root; /* always non-null */ return TCL_OK; }