/* * tkTreeTheme.c -- * * This module implements platform-specific visual themes. * * Copyright (c) 2006 Tim Baker * * RCS: @(#) $Id: tkTreeTheme.c,v 1.19 2006/12/22 22:33:00 treectrl Exp $ */ #ifdef WIN32 #define WINVER 0x0501 /* Cygwin */ #endif #include "tkTreeCtrl.h" #ifdef USE_TTK #include "ttk/ttkTheme.h" #include "ttk/ttk-extra.h" #endif /* These must agree with tkTreeColumn.c */ #define COLUMN_STATE_NORMAL 0 #define COLUMN_STATE_ACTIVE 1 #define COLUMN_STATE_PRESSED 2 #ifndef USE_TTK #ifdef WIN32 #include "tkWinInt.h" #include #include #include /* Cygwin */ #ifndef TMT_CONTENTMARGINS #define TMT_CONTENTMARGINS 3602 #endif typedef HTHEME (STDAPICALLTYPE OpenThemeDataProc)(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszClassList); typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE CloseThemeDataProc)(HTHEME hTheme); typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE DrawThemeBackgroundProc)(HTHEME hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, const RECT *pRect, OPTIONAL const RECT *pClipRect); typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE DrawThemeBackgroundExProc)(HTHEME hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, const RECT *pRect, DTBGOPTS *PDTBGOPTS); typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE DrawThemeParentBackgroundProc)(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, OPTIONAL const RECT *prc); typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE DrawThemeEdgeProc)(HTHEME hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, const RECT *pDestRect, UINT uEdge, UINT uFlags, RECT *pContentRect); typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE DrawThemeTextProc)(HTHEME hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, LPCWSTR pszText, int iCharCount, DWORD dwTextFlags, DWORD dwTextFlags2, const RECT *pRect); typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE GetThemeBackgroundContentRectProc)( HTHEME hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, const RECT *pBoundingRect, RECT *pContentRect); typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE GetThemeBackgroundExtentProc)(HTHEME hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, const RECT *pContentRect, RECT *pExtentRect); typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE GetThemeMarginsProc)(HTHEME, HDC, int iPartId, int iStateId, int iPropId, OPTIONAL RECT *prc, MARGINS *pMargins); typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE GetThemePartSizeProc)(HTHEME, HDC, int iPartId, int iStateId, RECT *prc, enum THEMESIZE eSize, SIZE *psz); typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE GetThemeTextExtentProc)(HTHEME hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, LPCWSTR pszText, int iCharCount, DWORD dwTextFlags, const RECT *pBoundingRect, RECT *pExtentRect); typedef BOOL (STDAPICALLTYPE IsThemeActiveProc)(VOID); typedef BOOL (STDAPICALLTYPE IsThemePartDefinedProc)(HTHEME, int, int); typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparentProc)( HTHEME, int, int); typedef struct { OpenThemeDataProc *OpenThemeData; CloseThemeDataProc *CloseThemeData; DrawThemeBackgroundProc *DrawThemeBackground; DrawThemeBackgroundExProc *DrawThemeBackgroundEx; DrawThemeParentBackgroundProc *DrawThemeParentBackground; DrawThemeEdgeProc *DrawThemeEdge; DrawThemeTextProc *DrawThemeText; GetThemeBackgroundContentRectProc *GetThemeBackgroundContentRect; GetThemeBackgroundExtentProc *GetThemeBackgroundExtent; GetThemeMarginsProc *GetThemeMargins; GetThemePartSizeProc *GetThemePartSize; GetThemeTextExtentProc *GetThemeTextExtent; IsThemeActiveProc *IsThemeActive; IsThemePartDefinedProc *IsThemePartDefined; IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparentProc *IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent; } XPThemeProcs; typedef struct { HINSTANCE hlibrary; XPThemeProcs *procs; int registered; int themeEnabled; SIZE buttonOpen; SIZE buttonClosed; } XPThemeData; typedef struct TreeThemeData_ { HTHEME hThemeHEADER; HTHEME hThemeTREEVIEW; } TreeThemeData_; static XPThemeProcs *procs = NULL; static XPThemeData *appThemeData = NULL; TCL_DECLARE_MUTEX(themeMutex) /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * LoadXPThemeProcs -- * Initialize XP theming support. * * XP theme support is included in UXTHEME.DLL * We dynamically load this DLL at runtime instead of linking * to it at build-time. * * Returns: * A pointer to an XPThemeProcs table if successful, NULL otherwise. */ static XPThemeProcs * LoadXPThemeProcs(HINSTANCE *phlib) { OSVERSIONINFO os; /* * We have to check whether we are running at least on Windows XP. * In order to determine this we call GetVersionEx directly, although * it would be a good idea to wrap it inside a function similar to * TkWinGetPlatformId... */ ZeroMemory(&os, sizeof(os)); os.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&os); if (os.dwMajorVersion >= 5 && os.dwMinorVersion >= 1) { /* * We are running under Windows XP or a newer version. * Load the library "uxtheme.dll", where the native widget * drawing routines are implemented. */ HINSTANCE handle; *phlib = handle = LoadLibrary("uxtheme.dll"); if (handle != 0) { /* * We have successfully loaded the library. Proceed in storing the * addresses of the functions we want to use. */ XPThemeProcs *procs = (XPThemeProcs*)ckalloc(sizeof(XPThemeProcs)); #define LOADPROC(name) \ (0 != (procs->name = (name ## Proc *)GetProcAddress(handle, #name) )) if ( LOADPROC(OpenThemeData) && LOADPROC(CloseThemeData) && LOADPROC(DrawThemeBackground) && LOADPROC(DrawThemeBackgroundEx) && LOADPROC(DrawThemeParentBackground) && LOADPROC(DrawThemeEdge) && LOADPROC(DrawThemeText) && LOADPROC(GetThemeBackgroundContentRect) && LOADPROC(GetThemeBackgroundExtent) && LOADPROC(GetThemeMargins) && LOADPROC(GetThemePartSize) && LOADPROC(GetThemeTextExtent) && LOADPROC(IsThemeActive) && LOADPROC(IsThemePartDefined) && LOADPROC(IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent) ) { return procs; } #undef LOADPROC ckfree((char*)procs); } } return 0; } int TreeTheme_DrawHeaderItem(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int state, int arrow, int x, int y, int width, int height) { HTHEME hTheme; HDC hDC; TkWinDCState dcState; RECT rc; HRESULT hr; int iPartId = HP_HEADERITEM; int iStateId = HIS_NORMAL; switch (state) { case COLUMN_STATE_ACTIVE: iStateId = HIS_HOT; break; case COLUMN_STATE_PRESSED: iStateId = HIS_PRESSED; break; } if (!appThemeData->themeEnabled || !procs) return TCL_ERROR; hTheme = tree->themeData->hThemeHEADER; if (!hTheme) return TCL_ERROR; #if 0 /* Always returns FALSE */ if (!procs->IsThemePartDefined( hTheme, iPartId, iStateId)) { return TCL_ERROR; } #endif rc.left = x; rc.top = y; rc.right = x + width; rc.bottom = y + height; /* Is transparent for the default XP style. */ if (procs->IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent( hTheme, iPartId, iStateId)) { #if 1 /* What color should I use? */ Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tree->tkwin, drawable, tree->border, x, y, width, height, 0, TK_RELIEF_FLAT); #else /* This draws nothing, maybe because the parent window is not * themed */ procs->DrawThemeParentBackground( hwnd, hDC, &rc); #endif } hDC = TkWinGetDrawableDC(tree->display, drawable, &dcState); #if 0 { /* Default XP theme gives rect 3 pixels narrower than rc */ RECT contentRect, extentRect; hr = procs->GetThemeBackgroundContentRect( hTheme, hDC, iPartId, iStateId, &rc, &contentRect ); dbwin("GetThemeBackgroundContentRect width=%d height=%d\n", contentRect.right - contentRect.left, contentRect.bottom - contentRect.top); /* Gives rc */ hr = procs->GetThemeBackgroundExtent( hTheme, hDC, iPartId, iStateId, &contentRect, &extentRect ); dbwin("GetThemeBackgroundExtent width=%d height=%d\n", extentRect.right - extentRect.left, extentRect.bottom - extentRect.top); } #endif hr = procs->DrawThemeBackground( hTheme, hDC, iPartId, iStateId, &rc, NULL); TkWinReleaseDrawableDC(drawable, hDC, &dcState); if (hr != S_OK) return TCL_ERROR; return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_GetHeaderContentMargins(TreeCtrl *tree, int state, int arrow, int bounds[4]) { Window win = Tk_WindowId(tree->tkwin); HTHEME hTheme; HDC hDC; TkWinDCState dcState; HRESULT hr; MARGINS margins; int iPartId = HP_HEADERITEM; int iStateId = HIS_NORMAL; switch (state) { case COLUMN_STATE_ACTIVE: iStateId = HIS_HOT; break; case COLUMN_STATE_PRESSED: iStateId = HIS_PRESSED; break; } if (!appThemeData->themeEnabled || !procs) return TCL_ERROR; hTheme = tree->themeData->hThemeHEADER; if (!hTheme) return TCL_ERROR; hDC = TkWinGetDrawableDC(tree->display, win, &dcState); /* The default XP themes give 3,0,0,0 which makes little sense since * it is the *right* side that should not be drawn over by text; the * 2-pixel wide header divider is on the right */ hr = procs->GetThemeMargins( hTheme, hDC, iPartId, iStateId, TMT_CONTENTMARGINS, NULL, &margins); TkWinReleaseDrawableDC(win, hDC, &dcState); if (hr != S_OK) return TCL_ERROR; bounds[0] = margins.cxLeftWidth; bounds[1] = margins.cyTopHeight; bounds[2] = margins.cxRightWidth; bounds[3] = margins.cyBottomHeight; /* dbwin("margins %d %d %d %d\n", bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3]); */ return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_DrawHeaderArrow(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int up, int x, int y, int width, int height) { #if 1 XColor *color; GC gc; int i; if (!appThemeData->themeEnabled || !procs) return TCL_ERROR; color = Tk_GetColor(tree->interp, tree->tkwin, "#ACA899"); gc = Tk_GCForColor(color, drawable); if (up) { for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { XDrawLine(tree->display, drawable, gc, x + width / 2 - i, y + i, x + width / 2 + i + 1, y + i); } } else { for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { XDrawLine(tree->display, drawable, gc, x + width / 2 - i, y + (height - 1) - i, x + width / 2 + i + 1, y + (height - 1) - i); } } Tk_FreeColor(color); return TCL_OK; #else /* Doesn't seem that Microsoft actually implemented this */ Window win = Tk_WindowId(tree->tkwin); HWND hwnd = Tk_GetHWND(win); HTHEME hTheme; HDC hDC; TkWinDCState dcState; RECT rc; HRESULT hr; int iPartId = HP_HEADERSORTARROW; int iStateId = up ? HSAS_SORTEDUP : HSAS_SORTEDDOWN; if (!appThemeData->themeEnabled || !procs) return TCL_ERROR; hTheme = tree->themeData->hThemeHEADER; if (!hTheme) return TCL_ERROR; if (!procs->IsThemePartDefined( hTheme, iPartId, iStateId)) { return TCL_ERROR; } hDC = TkWinGetDrawableDC(tree->display, drawable, &dcState); rc.left = x; rc.top = y; rc.right = x + width; rc.bottom = y + height; hr = procs->DrawThemeBackground( hTheme, hDC, iPartId, iStateId, &rc, NULL); TkWinReleaseDrawableDC(drawable, hDC, &dcState); return TCL_OK; #endif /* 0 */ } int TreeTheme_DrawButton(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int open, int x, int y, int width, int height) { HTHEME hTheme; HDC hDC; TkWinDCState dcState; RECT rc; HRESULT hr; int iPartId, iStateId; if (!appThemeData->themeEnabled || !procs) return TCL_ERROR; iPartId = TVP_GLYPH; iStateId = open ? GLPS_OPENED : GLPS_CLOSED; hTheme = tree->themeData->hThemeTREEVIEW; if (!hTheme) return TCL_ERROR; #if 0 /* Always returns FALSE */ if (!procs->IsThemePartDefined( hTheme, iPartId, iStateId)) { return TCL_ERROR; } #endif hDC = TkWinGetDrawableDC(tree->display, drawable, &dcState); rc.left = x; rc.top = y; rc.right = x + width; rc.bottom = y + height; hr = procs->DrawThemeBackground( hTheme, hDC, iPartId, iStateId, &rc, NULL); TkWinReleaseDrawableDC(drawable, hDC, &dcState); if (hr != S_OK) return TCL_ERROR; return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_GetButtonSize(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int open, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr) { HTHEME hTheme; HDC hDC; TkWinDCState dcState; HRESULT hr; SIZE size; int iPartId, iStateId; if (!appThemeData->themeEnabled || !procs) return TCL_ERROR; /* Use cached values */ size = open ? appThemeData->buttonOpen : appThemeData->buttonClosed; if (size.cx > 1) { *widthPtr = size.cx; *heightPtr = size.cy; return TCL_OK; } iPartId = TVP_GLYPH; iStateId = open ? GLPS_OPENED : GLPS_CLOSED; hTheme = tree->themeData->hThemeTREEVIEW; if (!hTheme) return TCL_ERROR; #if 0 /* Always returns FALSE */ if (!procs->IsThemePartDefined( hTheme, iPartId, iStateId)) { return TCL_ERROR; } #endif hDC = TkWinGetDrawableDC(tree->display, drawable, &dcState); /* Returns 9x9 for default XP style */ hr = procs->GetThemePartSize( hTheme, hDC, iPartId, iStateId, NULL, TS_DRAW, &size ); TkWinReleaseDrawableDC(drawable, hDC, &dcState); /* With RandomN of 10000, I eventually get hr=E_HANDLE, invalid handle */ /* Not any longer since I don't call OpenThemeData/CloseThemeData for * every call. */ if (hr != S_OK) return TCL_ERROR; /* Gave me 0,0 for a non-default theme, even though glyph existed */ if ((size.cx <= 1) && (size.cy <= 1)) return TCL_ERROR; /* Cache the values */ if (open) appThemeData->buttonOpen = size; else appThemeData->buttonClosed = size; *widthPtr = size.cx; *heightPtr = size.cy; return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_GetArrowSize(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int up, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr) { if (!appThemeData->themeEnabled || !procs) return TCL_ERROR; *widthPtr = 9; *heightPtr = 5; return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_SetBorders(TreeCtrl *tree) { return TCL_ERROR; } int TreeTheme_DrawBorders( TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable ) { return TCL_ERROR; } void TreeTheme_Relayout( TreeCtrl *tree ) { } #if !defined(WM_THEMECHANGED) #define WM_THEMECHANGED 0x031A #endif static LRESULT WINAPI WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { Tcl_Interp *interp = (Tcl_Interp *)GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA); switch (msg) { case WM_THEMECHANGED: Tcl_MutexLock(&themeMutex); appThemeData->themeEnabled = procs->IsThemeActive(); appThemeData->buttonClosed.cx = appThemeData->buttonOpen.cx = -1; Tcl_MutexUnlock(&themeMutex); Tree_TheWorldHasChanged(interp); break; } return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wp, lp); } static CHAR windowClassName[32] = "TreeCtrlMonitorClass"; static BOOL RegisterThemeMonitorWindowClass(HINSTANCE hinst) { WNDCLASSEX wc; wc.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)WndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = hinst; wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); wc.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)COLOR_WINDOW; wc.lpszMenuName = windowClassName; wc.lpszClassName = windowClassName; return RegisterClassEx(&wc); } static HWND CreateThemeMonitorWindow(HINSTANCE hinst, Tcl_Interp *interp) { CHAR title[32] = "TreeCtrlMonitorWindow"; HWND hwnd; hwnd = CreateWindow(windowClassName, title, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, NULL, NULL, hinst, NULL); if (!hwnd) return NULL; SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)interp); ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE); UpdateWindow(hwnd); return hwnd; } typedef struct PerInterpData PerInterpData; struct PerInterpData { HWND hwnd; }; static void FreeAssocData(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp) { PerInterpData *data = (PerInterpData *) clientData; DestroyWindow(data->hwnd); ckfree((char *) data); } void TreeTheme_ThemeChanged(TreeCtrl *tree) { Window win = Tk_WindowId(tree->tkwin); HWND hwnd = Tk_GetHWND(win); if (tree->themeData->hThemeHEADER != NULL) { procs->CloseThemeData(tree->themeData->hThemeHEADER); tree->themeData->hThemeHEADER = NULL; } if (tree->themeData->hThemeTREEVIEW != NULL) { procs->CloseThemeData(tree->themeData->hThemeTREEVIEW); tree->themeData->hThemeTREEVIEW = NULL; } if (!appThemeData->themeEnabled || !procs) return; tree->themeData->hThemeHEADER = procs->OpenThemeData(hwnd, L"HEADER"); tree->themeData->hThemeTREEVIEW = procs->OpenThemeData(hwnd, L"TREEVIEW"); } int TreeTheme_Init(TreeCtrl *tree) { Window win = Tk_WindowId(tree->tkwin); HWND hwnd = Tk_GetHWND(win); if (!appThemeData->themeEnabled || !procs) return TCL_ERROR; tree->themeData = (TreeThemeData) ckalloc(sizeof(TreeThemeData_)); /* http://www.codeproject.com/cs/miscctrl/themedtabpage.asp?msg=1445385#xx1445385xx */ /* http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms649781.aspx */ tree->themeData->hThemeHEADER = procs->OpenThemeData(hwnd, L"HEADER"); tree->themeData->hThemeTREEVIEW = procs->OpenThemeData(hwnd, L"TREEVIEW"); return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_Free(TreeCtrl *tree) { if (tree->themeData != NULL) { if (tree->themeData->hThemeHEADER != NULL) procs->CloseThemeData(tree->themeData->hThemeHEADER); if (tree->themeData->hThemeTREEVIEW != NULL) procs->CloseThemeData(tree->themeData->hThemeTREEVIEW); ckfree((char *) tree->themeData); } return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_InitInterp(Tcl_Interp *interp) { HWND hwnd; PerInterpData *data; Tcl_MutexLock(&themeMutex); /* This is done once per-application */ if (appThemeData == NULL) { appThemeData = (XPThemeData *) ckalloc(sizeof(XPThemeData)); appThemeData->procs = LoadXPThemeProcs(&appThemeData->hlibrary); appThemeData->registered = FALSE; appThemeData->themeEnabled = FALSE; appThemeData->buttonClosed.cx = appThemeData->buttonOpen.cx = -1; procs = appThemeData->procs; if (appThemeData->procs) { /* Check this again if WM_THEMECHANGED arrives */ appThemeData->themeEnabled = procs->IsThemeActive(); appThemeData->registered = RegisterThemeMonitorWindowClass(Tk_GetHINSTANCE()); } } Tcl_MutexUnlock(&themeMutex); if (!procs || !appThemeData->registered) return TCL_ERROR; /* Per-interp */ hwnd = CreateThemeMonitorWindow(Tk_GetHINSTANCE(), interp); if (!hwnd) return TCL_ERROR; data = (PerInterpData *) ckalloc(sizeof(PerInterpData)); data->hwnd = hwnd; Tcl_SetAssocData(interp, "TreeCtrlTheme", FreeAssocData, (ClientData) data); return TCL_OK; } #elif defined(MAC_OSX_TK) #include #include "tkMacOSXInt.h" static RgnHandle oldClip = NULL, boundsRgn = NULL; int TreeTheme_DrawHeaderItem(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int state, int arrow, int x, int y, int width, int height) { MacDrawable *macWin = (MacDrawable *) drawable; Rect bounds; ThemeButtonDrawInfo info; CGrafPtr saveWorld; GDHandle saveDevice; GWorldPtr destPort; bounds.left = macWin->xOff + x; bounds.top = macWin->yOff + y; bounds.right = bounds.left + width; bounds.bottom = bounds.top + height; switch (state) { case COLUMN_STATE_ACTIVE: info.state = kThemeStateActive /* kThemeStateRollover */; break; case COLUMN_STATE_PRESSED: info.state = kThemeStatePressed; break; default: info.state = kThemeStateActive; break; } /* Background window */ if (!tree->isActive) info.state = kThemeStateInactive; info.value = (arrow != 0) ? kThemeButtonOn : kThemeButtonOff; info.adornment = (arrow == 1) ? kThemeAdornmentHeaderButtonSortUp : kThemeAdornmentNone; destPort = TkMacOSXGetDrawablePort(drawable); GetGWorld(&saveWorld, &saveDevice); SetGWorld(destPort, 0); TkMacOSXSetUpClippingRgn(drawable); /* Save the old clipping region because we are going to modify it. */ if (oldClip == NULL) oldClip = NewRgn(); GetClip(oldClip); /* Create a clipping region as big as the header. */ if (boundsRgn == NULL) boundsRgn = NewRgn(); RectRgn(boundsRgn, &bounds); /* Set the clipping region to the intersection of the two regions. */ SectRgn(oldClip, boundsRgn, boundsRgn); SetClip(boundsRgn); /* Draw the left edge outside of the clipping region. */ bounds.left -= 1; (void) DrawThemeButton(&bounds, kThemeListHeaderButton, &info, NULL, /*prevInfo*/ NULL, /*eraseProc*/ NULL, /*labelProc*/ NULL); /*userData*/ SetClip(oldClip); SetGWorld(saveWorld,saveDevice); return TCL_OK; } /* List headers are a fixed height on Aqua */ int TreeTheme_GetHeaderFixedHeight(TreeCtrl *tree, int *heightPtr) { SInt32 metric; GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricListHeaderHeight, &metric); *heightPtr = metric; return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_GetHeaderContentMargins(TreeCtrl *tree, int state, int arrow, int bounds[4]) { Rect inBounds, outBounds; ThemeButtonDrawInfo info; SInt32 metric; inBounds.left = 0; inBounds.top = 0; inBounds.right = 100; GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricListHeaderHeight, &metric); inBounds.bottom = metric; switch (state) { case COLUMN_STATE_ACTIVE: info.state = kThemeStateActive /* kThemeStateRollover */; break; case COLUMN_STATE_PRESSED: info.state = kThemeStatePressed; break; default: info.state = kThemeStateActive; break; } /* Background window */ if (!tree->isActive) info.state = kThemeStateInactive; info.value = (arrow != 0) ? kThemeButtonOn : kThemeButtonOff; info.adornment = (arrow == 1) ? kThemeAdornmentHeaderButtonSortUp : kThemeAdornmentNone; (void) GetThemeButtonContentBounds( &inBounds, kThemeListHeaderButton, &info, &outBounds); bounds[0] = outBounds.left - inBounds.left; bounds[1] = outBounds.top - inBounds.top; bounds[2] = inBounds.right - outBounds.right; bounds[3] = inBounds.bottom - outBounds.bottom; return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_DrawHeaderArrow(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int up, int x, int y, int width, int height) { return TCL_ERROR; } int TreeTheme_DrawButton(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int open, int x, int y, int width, int height) { MacDrawable *macWin = (MacDrawable *) drawable; Rect bounds; ThemeButtonDrawInfo info; CGrafPtr saveWorld; GDHandle saveDevice; GWorldPtr destPort; bounds.left = macWin->xOff + x; bounds.top = macWin->yOff + y; bounds.right = bounds.left + width; bounds.bottom = bounds.top + height; info.state = kThemeStateActive; info.value = open ? kThemeDisclosureDown : kThemeDisclosureRight; info.adornment = kThemeAdornmentNone; destPort = TkMacOSXGetDrawablePort(drawable); GetGWorld(&saveWorld, &saveDevice); SetGWorld(destPort, 0); TkMacOSXSetUpClippingRgn(drawable); /* Drawing the disclosure triangles produces a white background. * To avoid this, set the clipping region to the exact area where * pixels are drawn. */ /* Save the old clipping region because we are going to modify it. */ if (oldClip == NULL) oldClip = NewRgn(); GetClip(oldClip); /* Create a clipping region containing the pixels of the button. */ if (boundsRgn == NULL) boundsRgn = NewRgn(); (void) GetThemeButtonRegion(&bounds, kThemeDisclosureButton, &info, boundsRgn); /* Set the clipping region to the intersection of the two regions. */ SectRgn(oldClip, boundsRgn, boundsRgn); SetClip(boundsRgn); (void) DrawThemeButton(&bounds, kThemeDisclosureButton, &info, NULL, /*prevInfo*/ NULL, /*eraseProc*/ NULL, /*labelProc*/ NULL); /*userData*/ /* Restore the original clipping region. */ SetClip(oldClip); SetGWorld(saveWorld,saveDevice); return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_GetButtonSize(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int open, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr) { SInt32 metric; (void) GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricDisclosureTriangleWidth, &metric); *widthPtr = metric; (void) GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricDisclosureTriangleHeight, &metric); *heightPtr = metric; return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_GetArrowSize(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int up, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr) { return TCL_ERROR; } int TreeTheme_SetBorders(TreeCtrl *tree) { return TCL_ERROR; } int TreeTheme_DrawBorders( TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable ) { return TCL_ERROR; } void TreeTheme_Relayout( TreeCtrl *tree ) { } void TreeTheme_ThemeChanged(TreeCtrl *tree) { } int TreeTheme_Init(TreeCtrl *tree) { return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_Free(TreeCtrl *tree) { return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_InitInterp(Tcl_Interp *interp) { return TCL_OK; } #else /* MAC_OSX_TK */ int TreeTheme_DrawHeaderItem(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int state, int arrow, int x, int y, int width, int height) { return TCL_ERROR; } int TreeTheme_GetHeaderContentMargins(TreeCtrl *tree, int state, int arrow, int bounds[4]) { return TCL_ERROR; } int TreeTheme_DrawHeaderArrow(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int up, int x, int y, int width, int height) { return TCL_ERROR; } int TreeTheme_DrawButton(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int open, int x, int y, int width, int height) { return TCL_ERROR; } int TreeTheme_GetButtonSize(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int open, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr) { return TCL_ERROR; } int TreeTheme_GetArrowSize(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int up, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr) { return TCL_ERROR; } int TreeTheme_SetBorders(TreeCtrl *tree) { return TCL_ERROR; } int TreeTheme_DrawBorders( TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable ) { return TCL_ERROR; } void TreeTheme_Relayout( TreeCtrl *tree ) { } void TreeTheme_ThemeChanged(TreeCtrl *tree) { } int TreeTheme_Init(TreeCtrl *tree) { return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_Free(TreeCtrl *tree) { return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_InitInterp(Tcl_Interp *interp) { return TCL_OK; } #endif /* !WIN32 && !MAC_OSX_TK */ #else /* !USE_TTK */ typedef struct TreeThemeData_ { Ttk_Layout layout; Ttk_Layout buttonLayout; Ttk_Layout headingLayout; Tk_OptionTable buttonOptionTable; Tk_OptionTable headingOptionTable; Ttk_Box clientBox; int buttonWidth[2], buttonHeight[2]; Ttk_Padding buttonPadding[2]; } TreeThemeData_; int TreeTheme_DrawHeaderItem(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int state, int arrow, int x, int y, int width, int height) { TreeThemeData themeData = tree->themeData; Ttk_Layout layout = themeData->headingLayout; Ttk_State ttk_state = 0; Ttk_Box box; if (layout == NULL) return TCL_ERROR; box = Ttk_MakeBox(x, y, width, height); switch (state) { case COLUMN_STATE_ACTIVE: ttk_state = TTK_STATE_ACTIVE; break; case COLUMN_STATE_PRESSED: ttk_state = TTK_STATE_PRESSED; break; } eTtk_RebindSublayout(layout, NULL); /* !!! rebind to column */ eTtk_PlaceLayout(layout, ttk_state, box); eTtk_DrawLayout(layout, ttk_state, drawable); return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_GetHeaderContentMargins(TreeCtrl *tree, int state, int arrow, int bounds[4]) { return TCL_ERROR; } int TreeTheme_DrawHeaderArrow(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int up, int x, int y, int width, int height) { return TCL_ERROR; } /* From ttkTreeview.c */ #define TTK_STATE_OPEN TTK_STATE_USER1 int TreeTheme_DrawButton(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int open, int x, int y, int width, int height) { TreeThemeData themeData = tree->themeData; Ttk_Layout layout = themeData->buttonLayout; Ttk_State ttk_state = 0; Ttk_Box box; Ttk_Padding padding; if (layout == NULL) return TCL_ERROR; open = open ? 1 : 0; padding = themeData->buttonPadding[open]; x -= padding.left; y -= padding.top; width = themeData->buttonWidth[open]; height = themeData->buttonHeight[open]; box = Ttk_MakeBox(x, y, width, height); ttk_state = open ? TTK_STATE_OPEN : 0; eTtk_RebindSublayout(layout, NULL); /* !!! rebind to item */ eTtk_PlaceLayout(layout, ttk_state, box); eTtk_DrawLayout(layout, ttk_state, drawable); return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_GetButtonSize(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int open, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr) { TreeThemeData themeData = tree->themeData; Ttk_Padding padding; if (themeData->buttonLayout == NULL) return TCL_ERROR; open = open ? 1 : 0; padding = themeData->buttonPadding[open]; *widthPtr = themeData->buttonWidth[open] - padding.left - padding.right; *heightPtr = themeData->buttonHeight[open] - padding.top - padding.bottom; return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_GetArrowSize(TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable, int up, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr) { return TCL_ERROR; } int TreeTheme_SetBorders(TreeCtrl *tree) { TreeThemeData themeData = tree->themeData; Tk_Window tkwin = tree->tkwin; Ttk_Box clientBox = themeData->clientBox; tree->inset.left = clientBox.x; tree->inset.top = clientBox.y; tree->inset.right = Tk_Width(tkwin) - (clientBox.x + clientBox.width); tree->inset.bottom = Tk_Height(tkwin) - (clientBox.y + clientBox.height); return TCL_OK; } /* * This routine is a big hack so that the "field" element (of the TreeCtrl * layout) doesn't erase the entire background of the window. This routine * draws each edge of the layout into a pixmap and copies the pixmap to the * window. */ int TreeTheme_DrawBorders( TreeCtrl *tree, Drawable drawable ) { TreeThemeData themeData = tree->themeData; Tk_Window tkwin = tree->tkwin; Ttk_Box winBox = Ttk_WinBox(tree->tkwin); Ttk_State state = 0; /* ??? */ int left, top, right, bottom; Drawable pixmapLR = None, pixmapTB = None; left = tree->inset.left; top = tree->inset.top; right = tree->inset.right; bottom = tree->inset.bottom; /* If the Ttk layout doesn't specify any borders or padding, then * draw nothing. */ if (left < 1 && top < 1 && right < 1 && bottom < 1) return TCL_OK; if (left > 0 || top > 0) eTtk_PlaceLayout(themeData->layout, state, winBox); if (left > 0 || right > 0) { pixmapLR = Tk_GetPixmap(tree->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), MAX(left, right), Tk_Height(tkwin), Tk_Depth(tkwin)); } if (top > 0 || bottom > 0) { pixmapTB = Tk_GetPixmap(tree->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin), Tk_Width(tkwin), MAX(top, bottom), Tk_Depth(tkwin)); } DebugDrawBorder(tree, 0, left, top, right, bottom); if (left > 0) { eTtk_DrawLayout(themeData->layout, state, pixmapLR); XCopyArea(tree->display, pixmapLR, drawable, tree->copyGC, 0, 0, left, Tk_Height(tkwin), 0, 0); } if (top > 0) { eTtk_DrawLayout(themeData->layout, state, pixmapTB); XCopyArea(tree->display, pixmapTB, drawable, tree->copyGC, 0, 0, Tk_Width(tkwin), top, 0, 0); } if (right > 0) { winBox.x -= winBox.width - right; eTtk_PlaceLayout(themeData->layout, state, winBox); eTtk_DrawLayout(themeData->layout, state, pixmapLR); XCopyArea(tree->display, pixmapLR, drawable, tree->copyGC, 0, 0, right, Tk_Height(tkwin), Tree_BorderRight(tree), 0); } if (bottom > 0) { winBox.x = 0; winBox.y -= winBox.height - bottom; eTtk_PlaceLayout(themeData->layout, state, winBox); eTtk_DrawLayout(themeData->layout, state, pixmapTB); XCopyArea(tree->display, pixmapTB, drawable, tree->copyGC, 0, 0, Tk_Width(tkwin), bottom, 0, Tree_BorderBottom(tree)); } if (pixmapLR != None) Tk_FreePixmap(tree->display, pixmapLR); if (pixmapTB != None) Tk_FreePixmap(tree->display, pixmapTB); return TCL_OK; } static Tk_OptionSpec NullOptionSpecs[] = { {TK_OPTION_END, 0,0,0, NULL, -1,-1, 0,0,0} }; /* from ttkTreeview.c */ static Ttk_Layout GetSublayout( Tcl_Interp *interp, Ttk_Theme themePtr, Ttk_Layout parentLayout, const char *layoutName, Tk_OptionTable optionTable, Ttk_Layout *layoutPtr) { Ttk_Layout newLayout = eTtk_CreateSublayout( interp, themePtr, parentLayout, layoutName, optionTable); if (newLayout) { if (*layoutPtr) eTtk_FreeLayout(*layoutPtr); *layoutPtr = newLayout; } return newLayout; } Ttk_Layout TreeCtrlGetLayout( Tcl_Interp *interp, Ttk_Theme themePtr, void *recordPtr ) { TreeCtrl *tree = recordPtr; TreeThemeData themeData = tree->themeData; Ttk_Layout treeLayout, newLayout; if (themeData->headingOptionTable == NULL) themeData->headingOptionTable = Tk_CreateOptionTable(interp, NullOptionSpecs); if (themeData->buttonOptionTable == NULL) themeData->buttonOptionTable = Tk_CreateOptionTable(interp, NullOptionSpecs); /* Create a new layout record based on widget -style or class */ treeLayout = eTtk_CreateLayout(interp, themePtr, "TreeCtrl", tree, tree->optionTable, tree->tkwin); /* Create a sublayout for drawing the column headers. The sublayout is * called "TreeCtrl.TreeCtrlHeading" by default. The actual layout specification * was defined by Ttk_RegisterLayout("TreeCtrlHeading") below. */ newLayout = GetSublayout(interp, themePtr, treeLayout, ".TreeCtrlHeading", themeData->headingOptionTable, &themeData->headingLayout); if (newLayout == NULL) return NULL; newLayout = GetSublayout(interp, themePtr, treeLayout, ".TreeCtrlButton", themeData->buttonOptionTable, &themeData->buttonLayout); if (newLayout == NULL) return NULL; return treeLayout; } void TreeCtrlDoLayout( void *recordPtr ) { TreeCtrl *tree = recordPtr; TreeThemeData themeData = tree->themeData; Ttk_LayoutNode *node; Ttk_Box winBox = Ttk_WinBox(tree->tkwin); Ttk_State state = 0; /* ??? */ eTtk_PlaceLayout(themeData->layout, state, winBox); node = eTtk_LayoutFindNode(themeData->layout, "client"); if (node != NULL) themeData->clientBox = eTtk_LayoutNodeInternalParcel(themeData->layout, node); else themeData->clientBox = winBox; /* Size of opened and closed buttons. */ eTtk_LayoutSize(themeData->buttonLayout, TTK_STATE_OPEN, &themeData->buttonWidth[1], &themeData->buttonHeight[1]); eTtk_LayoutSize(themeData->buttonLayout, 0, &themeData->buttonWidth[0], &themeData->buttonHeight[0]); node = eTtk_LayoutFindNode(themeData->buttonLayout, "indicator"); if (node != NULL) { Ttk_Box box1, box2; box1 = Ttk_MakeBox(0, 0, themeData->buttonWidth[1], themeData->buttonHeight[1]); eTtk_PlaceLayout(themeData->buttonLayout, TTK_STATE_OPEN, box1); box2 = eTtk_LayoutNodeInternalParcel(themeData->buttonLayout, node); themeData->buttonPadding[1] = Ttk_MakePadding(box2.x, box2.y, (box1.x + box1.width) - (box2.x + box2.width), (box1.y + box1.height) - (box2.y + box2.height)); box1 = Ttk_MakeBox(0, 0, themeData->buttonWidth[0], themeData->buttonHeight[0]); eTtk_PlaceLayout(themeData->buttonLayout, 0, box1); box2 = eTtk_LayoutNodeInternalParcel(themeData->buttonLayout, node); themeData->buttonPadding[0] = Ttk_MakePadding(box2.x, box2.y, (box1.x + box1.width) - (box2.x + box2.width), (box1.y + box1.height) - (box2.y + box2.height)); } else { themeData->buttonPadding[1] = Ttk_MakePadding(0,0,0,0); themeData->buttonPadding[0] = Ttk_MakePadding(0,0,0,0); } } void TreeTheme_Relayout( TreeCtrl *tree ) { TreeThemeData themeData = tree->themeData; Ttk_Theme themePtr = Ttk_GetCurrentTheme(tree->interp); Ttk_Layout newLayout = TreeCtrlGetLayout(tree->interp, themePtr, tree); if (newLayout) { if (themeData->layout) { eTtk_FreeLayout(themeData->layout); } themeData->layout = newLayout; TreeCtrlDoLayout(tree); } } /* HeaderElement is used for Treeheading.cell. The platform-specific code * will draw the native heading. */ typedef struct { Tcl_Obj *backgroundObj; } HeaderElement; static Ttk_ElementOptionSpec HeaderElementOptions[] = { { "-background", TK_OPTION_COLOR, Tk_Offset(HeaderElement, backgroundObj), DEFAULT_BACKGROUND }, {NULL} }; static void HeaderElementDraw( void *clientData, void *elementRecord, Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable d, Ttk_Box b, Ttk_State state) { HeaderElement *e = elementRecord; XColor *color = Tk_GetColorFromObj(tkwin, e->backgroundObj); GC gc = Tk_GCForColor(color, d); XFillRectangle(Tk_Display(tkwin), d, gc, b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height); } static Ttk_ElementSpec HeaderElementSpec = { TK_STYLE_VERSION_2, sizeof(HeaderElement), HeaderElementOptions, Ttk_NullElementGeometry, HeaderElementDraw }; /* Default button element (aka Treeitem.indicator). */ typedef struct { Tcl_Obj *backgroundObj; Tcl_Obj *colorObj; Tcl_Obj *sizeObj; Tcl_Obj *thicknessObj; } TreeitemIndicator; static Ttk_ElementOptionSpec TreeitemIndicatorOptions[] = { { "-buttonbackground", TK_OPTION_COLOR, Tk_Offset(TreeitemIndicator, backgroundObj), "white" }, { "-buttoncolor", TK_OPTION_COLOR, Tk_Offset(TreeitemIndicator, colorObj), "#808080" }, { "-buttonsize", TK_OPTION_PIXELS, Tk_Offset(TreeitemIndicator, sizeObj), "9" }, { "-buttonthickness", TK_OPTION_PIXELS, Tk_Offset(TreeitemIndicator, thicknessObj), "1" }, {NULL} }; static void TreeitemIndicatorSize( void *clientData, void *elementRecord, Tk_Window tkwin, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr, Ttk_Padding *paddingPtr) { TreeitemIndicator *indicator = elementRecord; int size = 0; Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(NULL, tkwin, indicator->sizeObj, &size); *widthPtr = *heightPtr = size; *paddingPtr = Ttk_MakePadding(0,0,0,0); } static void TreeitemIndicatorDraw( void *clientData, void *elementRecord, Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable d, Ttk_Box b, Ttk_State state) { TreeitemIndicator *indicator = elementRecord; int w1, lineLeft, lineTop, buttonLeft, buttonTop, buttonThickness, buttonSize; XColor *bgColor = Tk_GetColorFromObj(tkwin, indicator->backgroundObj); XColor *buttonColor = Tk_GetColorFromObj(tkwin, indicator->colorObj); XGCValues gcValues; unsigned long gcMask; GC buttonGC; Ttk_Padding padding = Ttk_MakePadding(0,0,0,0); b = Ttk_PadBox(b, padding); Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(NULL, tkwin, indicator->sizeObj, &buttonSize); Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(NULL, tkwin, indicator->thicknessObj, &buttonThickness); w1 = buttonThickness / 2; /* Left edge of vertical line */ /* Make sure this matches TreeItem_DrawLines() */ lineLeft = b.x + (b.width - buttonThickness) / 2; /* Top edge of horizontal line */ /* Make sure this matches TreeItem_DrawLines() */ lineTop = b.y + (b.height - buttonThickness) / 2; buttonLeft = b.x; buttonTop = b.y; /* Erase button background */ XFillRectangle(Tk_Display(tkwin), d, Tk_GCForColor(bgColor, d), buttonLeft + buttonThickness, buttonTop + buttonThickness, buttonSize - buttonThickness, buttonSize - buttonThickness); gcValues.foreground = buttonColor->pixel; gcValues.line_width = buttonThickness; gcMask = GCForeground | GCLineWidth; buttonGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, gcMask, &gcValues); /* Draw button outline */ XDrawRectangle(Tk_Display(tkwin), d, buttonGC, buttonLeft + w1, buttonTop + w1, buttonSize - buttonThickness, buttonSize - buttonThickness); /* Horizontal '-' */ XFillRectangle(Tk_Display(tkwin), d, buttonGC, buttonLeft + buttonThickness * 2, lineTop, buttonSize - buttonThickness * 4, buttonThickness); if (!(state & TTK_STATE_OPEN)) { /* Finish '+' */ XFillRectangle(Tk_Display(tkwin), d, buttonGC, lineLeft, buttonTop + buttonThickness * 2, buttonThickness, buttonSize - buttonThickness * 4); } Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), buttonGC); } static Ttk_ElementSpec TreeitemIndicatorElementSpec = { TK_STYLE_VERSION_2, sizeof(TreeitemIndicator), TreeitemIndicatorOptions, TreeitemIndicatorSize, TreeitemIndicatorDraw }; TTK_BEGIN_LAYOUT(HeadingLayout) TTK_NODE("Treeheading.cell", TTK_FILL_BOTH) TTK_NODE("Treeheading.border", TTK_FILL_BOTH) TTK_END_LAYOUT TTK_BEGIN_LAYOUT(ButtonLayout) TTK_NODE("Treeitem.indicator", TTK_PACK_LEFT) TTK_END_LAYOUT TTK_BEGIN_LAYOUT(TreeCtrlLayout) TTK_GROUP("TreeCtrl.field", TTK_FILL_BOTH|TTK_BORDER, TTK_GROUP("TreeCtrl.padding", TTK_FILL_BOTH, TTK_NODE("TreeCtrl.client", TTK_FILL_BOTH))) TTK_END_LAYOUT void TreeTheme_ThemeChanged(TreeCtrl *tree) { } int TreeTheme_Init(TreeCtrl *tree) { tree->themeData = (TreeThemeData) ckalloc(sizeof(TreeThemeData_)); memset(tree->themeData, '\0', sizeof(TreeThemeData_)); return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_Free(TreeCtrl *tree) { TreeThemeData themeData = tree->themeData; if (themeData != NULL) { if (themeData->layout != NULL) eTtk_FreeLayout(themeData->layout); if (themeData->buttonLayout != NULL) eTtk_FreeLayout(themeData->buttonLayout); if (themeData->headingLayout != NULL) eTtk_FreeLayout(themeData->headingLayout); ckfree((char *) themeData); } return TCL_OK; } int TreeTheme_InitInterp(Tcl_Interp *interp) { Ttk_Theme theme = Ttk_GetDefaultTheme(interp); Ttk_RegisterLayout(theme, "TreeCtrl", TreeCtrlLayout); /* Problem: what if Treeview also defines this? */ Ttk_RegisterElement(interp, theme, "Treeheading.cell", &HeaderElementSpec, 0); /* Problem: what if Treeview also defines this? */ Ttk_RegisterElement(interp, theme, "Treeitem.indicator", &TreeitemIndicatorElementSpec, 0); Ttk_RegisterLayout(theme, "TreeCtrlHeading", HeadingLayout); Ttk_RegisterLayout(theme, "TreeCtrlButton", ButtonLayout); return TCL_OK; } #endif /* USE_TTK */