# RCS: @(#) $Id: treectrl.tcl,v 1.25 2006/09/27 05:50:27 treectrl Exp $ bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::CursorCheck %W %x %y TreeCtrl::MotionInHeader %W %x %y } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::CursorCancel %W TreeCtrl::MotionInHeader %W } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::ButtonPress1 %W %x %y } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::DoubleButton1 %W %x %y } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::Motion1 %W %x %y } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::Release1 %W %x %y } bind TreeCtrl { set TreeCtrl::Priv(buttonMode) normal TreeCtrl::BeginExtend %W [%W item id {nearest %x %y}] } # Command-click should provide a discontinuous selection on OSX switch -- [tk windowingsystem] { "aqua" { set modifier Command } default { set modifier Control } } bind TreeCtrl <$modifier-ButtonPress-1> { set TreeCtrl::Priv(buttonMode) normal TreeCtrl::BeginToggle %W [%W item id {nearest %x %y}] } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::Leave1 %W %x %y } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::Enter1 %W %x %y } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::SetActiveItem %W [TreeCtrl::UpDown %W active -1] } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::Extend %W above } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::SetActiveItem %W [TreeCtrl::UpDown %W active 1] } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::Extend %W below } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::SetActiveItem %W [TreeCtrl::LeftRight %W active -1] } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::Extend %W left } bind TreeCtrl { %W xview scroll -1 pages } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::SetActiveItem %W [TreeCtrl::LeftRight %W active 1] } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::Extend %W right } bind TreeCtrl { %W xview scroll 1 pages } bind TreeCtrl { %W yview scroll -1 pages if {[%W item id {nearest 0 0}] ne ""} { %W activate {nearest 0 0} } } bind TreeCtrl { %W yview scroll 1 pages if {[%W item id {nearest 0 0}] ne ""} { %W activate {nearest 0 0} } } bind TreeCtrl { %W xview scroll -1 pages } bind TreeCtrl { %W xview scroll 1 pages } bind TreeCtrl { %W xview moveto 0 } bind TreeCtrl { %W xview moveto 1 } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::SetActiveItem %W [%W item id {first visible state enabled}] } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::DataExtend %W [%W item id {first visible state enabled}] } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::SetActiveItem %W [%W item id {last visible state enabled}] } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::DataExtend %W [%W item id {last visible state enabled}] } bind TreeCtrl <> { if {[string equal [selection own -displayof %W] "%W"]} { clipboard clear -displayof %W clipboard append -displayof %W [selection get -displayof %W] } } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::BeginSelect %W [%W item id active] } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::BeginSelect %W [%W item id active] } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::BeginExtend %W [%W item id active] } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::BeginExtend %W [%W item id active] } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::Cancel %W } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::SelectAll %W } bind TreeCtrl { if {[string compare [%W cget -selectmode] "browse"]} { %W selection clear } } bind TreeCtrl { %W item expand [%W item id active] } bind TreeCtrl { %W item collapse [%W item id active] } bind TreeCtrl { %W item toggle [%W item id active] } # Additional Tk bindings that aren't part of the Motif look and feel: bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::ScanMark %W %x %y } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::ScanDrag %W %x %y } if {$tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} { bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::ScanMark %W %x %y } bind TreeCtrl { TreeCtrl::ScanDrag %W %x %y } } # MouseWheel if {[string equal "x11" [tk windowingsystem]]} { # Support for mousewheels on Linux/Unix commonly comes through mapping # the wheel to the extended buttons. If you have a mousewheel, find # Linux configuration info at: # http://www.inria.fr/koala/colas/mouse-wheel-scroll/ bind TreeCtrl <4> { if {!$tk_strictMotif} { %W yview scroll -5 units } } bind TreeCtrl <5> { if {!$tk_strictMotif} { %W yview scroll 5 units } } } elseif {[string equal [tk windowingsystem] "aqua"]} { bind TreeCtrl { %W yview scroll [expr {- (%D)}] units } } else { bind TreeCtrl { %W yview scroll [expr {- (%D / 120) * 4}] units } } namespace eval ::TreeCtrl { variable Priv array set Priv { prev {} } } # Retrieve filelist bindings from this dir source [file join [file dirname [info script]] filelist-bindings.tcl] # ::TreeCtrl::CursorCheck -- # # Sees if the given pointer coordinates are near the edge of a resizable # column in the header. If so and the treectrl's cursor is not already # set to sb_h_double_arrow, then the current cursor is saved and changed # to sb_h_double_arrow, and an [after] callback to CursorCheckAux is # scheduled. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # x Window coord of pointer. # y Window coord or pointer. proc ::TreeCtrl::CursorCheck {w x y} { variable Priv set id [$w identify $x $y] if {([llength $id] == 3) && ([lindex $id 0] eq "header")} { set column [lindex $id 1] set side [lindex $id 2] if {$side eq "left"} { if {[$w column compare $column == "first visible"]} return set column [$w column id "$column prev visible"] } if {![$w column cget $column -resize]} return if {![info exists Priv(cursor,$w)]} { set Priv(cursor,$w) [$w cget -cursor] $w configure -cursor sb_h_double_arrow if {[info exists Priv(cursor,afterId,$w)]} { after cancel $Priv(cursor,afterId,$w) } set Priv(cursor,afterId,$w) [after 150 [list TreeCtrl::CursorCheckAux $w]] } return } CursorCancel $w return } # ::TreeCtrl::CursorCheckAux -- # # Get's the location of the pointer and calls CursorCheck if the treectrl's # cursor was previously set to sb_h_double_arrow. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. proc ::TreeCtrl::CursorCheckAux {w} { variable Priv set x [winfo pointerx $w] set y [winfo pointery $w] if {[info exists Priv(cursor,$w)]} { set x [expr {$x - [winfo rootx $w]}] set y [expr {$y - [winfo rooty $w]}] CursorCheck $w $x $y } return } # ::TreeCtrl::CursorCancel -- # # Restores the treectrl's cursor if it was changed to sb_h_double_arrow. # Cancels any pending [after] callback to CursorCheckAux. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. proc ::TreeCtrl::CursorCancel {w} { variable Priv if {[info exists Priv(cursor,$w)]} { $w configure -cursor $Priv(cursor,$w) unset Priv(cursor,$w) } if {[info exists Priv(cursor,afterId,$w)]} { after cancel $Priv(cursor,afterId,$w) unset Priv(cursor,afterId,$w) } return } # ::TreeCtrl::MotionInHeader -- # # This procedure updates the active/normal states of columns as the pointer # moves in and out of column headers. Typically this results in visual # feedback by changing the appearance of the headers. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # args x y coords if the pointer is in the window, or an empty list. proc ::TreeCtrl::MotionInHeader {w args} { variable Priv if {[llength $args]} { set x [lindex $args 0] set y [lindex $args 1] set id [$w identify $x $y] } else { set id "" } if {[info exists Priv(inheader,$w)]} { set prevColumn $Priv(inheader,$w) } else { set prevColumn "" } set column "" if {[lindex $id 0] eq "header"} { set column [lindex $id 1] if {[lindex $id 2] eq "left"} { if {[$w column compare $column != "first visible"]} { set column [$w column id "$column prev visible"] } } if {[$w column compare $column == "tail"]} { set column "" } elseif {![$w column cget $column -button]} { set column "" } } if {$column ne $prevColumn} { if {$prevColumn ne ""} { $w column configure $prevColumn -state normal } if {$column ne ""} { $w column configure $column -state active set Priv(inheader,$w) $column } else { unset Priv(inheader,$w) } } return } # ::TreeCtrl::ButtonPress1 -- # # Handle event. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # x Window x coord. # y Window y coord. proc ::TreeCtrl::ButtonPress1 {w x y} { variable Priv focus $w set id [$w identify $x $y] if {$id eq ""} { return } if {[lindex $id 0] eq "item"} { foreach {where item arg1 arg2} $id {} if {$arg1 eq "button"} { $w item toggle $item return } elseif {$arg1 eq "line"} { $w item toggle $arg2 return } } set Priv(buttonMode) "" if {[lindex $id 0] eq "header"} { set column [lindex $id 1] if {[llength $id] == 3} { set side [lindex $id 2] if {$side eq "left"} { if {[$w column compare $column == "first visible"]} return set column [$w column id "$column prev visible"] } if {![$w column cget $column -resize]} return set Priv(buttonMode) resize set Priv(column) $column set Priv(x) $x set Priv(y) $y set Priv(width) [$w column width $column] return } if {[$w column compare $column == "tail"]} return if {![$w column cget $column -button]} { if {![$w column dragcget -enable]} return set Priv(buttonMode) dragColumnWait } else { set Priv(buttonMode) header $w column configure $column -state pressed } set Priv(column) $column set Priv(columnDrag,x) $x set Priv(columnDrag,y) $y return } set item [lindex $id 1] if {![$w item enabled $item]} { return } set Priv(buttonMode) normal BeginSelect $w $item return } # ::TreeCtrl::DoubleButtonPress1 -- # # Handle event. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # x Window x coord. # y Window y coord. proc ::TreeCtrl::DoubleButton1 {w x y} { set id [$w identify $x $y] if {$id eq ""} { return } if {[lindex $id 0] eq "item"} { foreach {where item arg1 arg2} $id {} if {$arg1 eq "button"} { $w item toggle $item return } elseif {$arg1 eq "line"} { $w item toggle $arg2 return } } if {[lindex $id 0] eq "header"} { set column [lindex $id 1] # Double-click between columns to set default column width if {[llength $id] == 3} { set side [lindex $id 2] if {$side eq "left"} { if {[$w column compare $column == "first visible"]} return set column [$w column id "$column prev visible"] } if {[$w column compare $column == "tail"]} return $w column configure $column -width "" CursorCheck $w $x $y MotionInHeader $w $x $y } else { ButtonPress1 $w $x $y } } return } # ::TreeCtrl::Motion1 -- # # Handle event. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # x Window x coord. # y Window y coord. proc ::TreeCtrl::Motion1 {w x y} { variable Priv if {![info exists Priv(buttonMode)]} return switch $Priv(buttonMode) { header { set id [$w identify $x $y] if {![string match "header $Priv(column)*" $id]} { if {[$w column cget $Priv(column) -state] eq "pressed"} { $w column configure $Priv(column) -state normal } } else { if {[$w column cget $Priv(column) -state] ne "pressed"} { $w column configure $Priv(column) -state pressed } if {[$w column dragcget -enable] && (abs($Priv(columnDrag,x) - $x) > 4)} { $w column dragconfigure \ -imagecolumn $Priv(column) \ -imageoffset [expr {$x - $Priv(columnDrag,x)}] set Priv(buttonMode) dragColumn TryEvent $w ColumnDrag begin [list C $Priv(column)] } } } dragColumnWait { if {(abs($Priv(columnDrag,x) - $x) > 4)} { $w column dragconfigure \ -imagecolumn $Priv(column) \ -imageoffset [expr {$x - $Priv(columnDrag,x)}] set Priv(buttonMode) dragColumn TryEvent $w ColumnDrag begin [list C $Priv(column)] } } dragColumn { scan [$w column bbox $Priv(column)] "%d %d %d %d" x1 y1 x2 y2 if {$y < $y1 - 30 || $y >= $y2 + 30} { set inside 0 } else { set inside 1 } if {$inside && ([$w column dragcget -imagecolumn] eq "")} { $w column dragconfigure -imagecolumn $Priv(column) } elseif {!$inside && ([$w column dragcget -imagecolumn] ne "")} { $w column dragconfigure -imagecolumn "" -indicatorcolumn "" } if {$inside} { $w column dragconfigure -imageoffset [expr {$x - $Priv(columnDrag,x)}] set id [$w identify $x $Priv(columnDrag,y)] if {[lindex $id 0] eq "header"} { set column [lindex $id 1] if {[$w column compare $column == "tail"]} { $w column dragconfigure -indicatorcolumn tail } elseif {$column ne ""} { scan [$w column bbox $column] "%d %d %d %d" x1 y1 x2 y2 if {$x < $x1 + ($x2 - $x1) / 2} { $w column dragconfigure -indicatorcolumn $column } else { $w column dragconfigure -indicatorcolumn "$column next visible" } } } } ColumnDragScrollCheck $w $x $y } normal { set Priv(x) $x set Priv(y) $y SelectionMotion $w [$w item id [list nearest $x $y]] set Priv(autoscan,command,$w) {SelectionMotion %T [%T item id "nearest %x %y"]} AutoScanCheck $w $x $y } resize { set width [expr {$Priv(width) + $x - $Priv(x)}] set minWidth [$w column cget $Priv(column) -minwidth] set maxWidth [$w column cget $Priv(column) -maxwidth] if {$minWidth eq ""} { set minWidth 0 } if {$width < $minWidth} { set width $minWidth } if {($maxWidth ne "") && ($width > $maxWidth)} { set width $maxWidth } if {$width == 0} { incr width } switch -- [$w cget -columnresizemode] { proxy { scan [$w column bbox $Priv(column)] "%d %d %d %d" x1 y1 x2 y2 # Use "ne" because -columnproxy could be "" if {($x1 + $width - 1) ne [$w cget -columnproxy]} { $w configure -columnproxy [expr {$x1 + $width - 1}] } } realtime { if {[$w column cget $Priv(column) -width] != $width} { $w column configure $Priv(column) -width $width } } } } } return } # ::TreeCtrl::Leave1 -- # # Handle event. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # x Window x coord. # y Window y coord. proc ::TreeCtrl::Leave1 {w x y} { variable Priv if {![info exists Priv(buttonMode)]} return switch $Priv(buttonMode) { header { if {[$w column cget $Priv(column) -state] eq "pressed"} { $w column configure $Priv(column) -state normal } } } return } # ::TreeCtrl::Enter1 -- # # Handle event. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # x Window x coord. # y Window y coord. proc ::TreeCtrl::Enter1 {w x y} { variable Priv if {![info exists Priv(buttonMode)]} return switch $Priv(buttonMode) { default {} } return } # ::TreeCtrl::Release1 -- # # Handle event. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # x Window x coord. # y Window y coord. proc ::TreeCtrl::Release1 {w x y} { variable Priv if {![info exists Priv(buttonMode)]} return switch $Priv(buttonMode) { header { if {[$w column cget $Priv(column) -state] eq "pressed"} { $w column configure $Priv(column) -state active TryEvent $w Header invoke [list C $Priv(column)] } } dragColumn { AutoScanCancel $w $w column configure $Priv(column) -state normal set visible [expr {[$w column dragcget -imagecolumn] ne ""}] if {$visible} { $w column dragconfigure -imagecolumn "" set column [$w column dragcget -indicatorcolumn] if {($column ne "") && [$w column compare $column != $Priv(column)]} { TryEvent $w ColumnDrag receive [list C $Priv(column) b $column] } $w column dragconfigure -indicatorcolumn "" } set id [$w identify $x $y] if {[lindex $id 0] eq "header"} { set column [lindex $id 1] if {($column ne "") && [$w column compare $column != "tail"]} { if {[$w column cget $column -button]} { $w column configure $column -state active } } } TryEvent $w ColumnDrag end [list C $Priv(column)] } normal { AutoScanCancel $w set nearest [$w item id [list nearest $x $y]] if {$nearest ne ""} { $w activate $nearest } set Priv(prev) "" } resize { if {[$w cget -columnproxy] ne ""} { scan [$w column bbox $Priv(column)] "%d %d %d %d" x1 y1 x2 y2 set width [expr {[$w cget -columnproxy] - $x1 + 1}] $w configure -columnproxy {} $w column configure $Priv(column) -width $width CursorCheck $w $x $y } } } unset Priv(buttonMode) return } # ::TreeCtrl::BeginSelect -- # # This procedure is typically invoked on button-1 presses. It begins # the process of making a selection in the treectrl. Its exact behavior # depends on the selection mode currently in effect for the treectrl. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # item The item for the selection operation (typically the # one under the pointer). proc ::TreeCtrl::BeginSelect {w item} { variable Priv if {$item eq ""} return if {[string equal [$w cget -selectmode] "multiple"]} { if {[$w selection includes $item]} { $w selection clear $item } else { $w selection add $item } } else { $w selection anchor $item $w selection modify $item all set Priv(selection) {} set Priv(prev) $item } return } # ::TreeCtrl::SelectionMotion -- # # This procedure is called to process mouse motion events while # button 1 is down. It may move or extend the selection, depending # on the treectrl's selection mode. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # item- The item under the pointer. proc ::TreeCtrl::SelectionMotion {w item} { variable Priv if {$item eq ""} return if {$item eq $Priv(prev)} return if {![$w item enabled $item]} return switch [$w cget -selectmode] { browse { $w selection modify $item all set Priv(prev) $item } extended { set i $Priv(prev) set select {} set deselect {} if {$i eq ""} { set i $item lappend select $item set hack [$w item compare $item == anchor] } else { set hack 0 } if {[$w selection includes anchor] || $hack} { set deselect [concat $deselect [$w range $i $item]] set select [concat $select [$w range anchor $item]] } else { set deselect [concat $deselect [$w range $i $item]] set deselect [concat $deselect [$w range anchor $item]] } if {![info exists Priv(selection)]} { set Priv(selection) [$w selection get] } while {[$w item compare $i < $item] && [$w item compare $i < anchor]} { if {[lsearch $Priv(selection) $i] >= 0} { lappend select $i } set i [$w item id "$i next visible"] } while {[$w item compare $i > $item] && [$w item compare $i > anchor]} { if {[lsearch $Priv(selection) $i] >= 0} { lappend select $i } set i [$w item id "$i prev visible"] } set Priv(prev) $item $w selection modify $select $deselect } } return } # ::TreeCtrl::BeginExtend -- # # This procedure is typically invoked on shift-button-1 presses. It # begins the process of extending a selection in the treectrl. Its # exact behavior depends on the selection mode currently in effect # for the treectrl. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # item- The item for the selection operation (typically the # one under the pointer). proc ::TreeCtrl::BeginExtend {w item} { if {[string equal [$w cget -selectmode] "extended"]} { if {[$w selection includes anchor]} { SelectionMotion $w $item } else { # No selection yet; simulate the begin-select operation. BeginSelect $w $item } } return } # ::TreeCtrl::BeginToggle -- # # This procedure is typically invoked on control-button-1 presses. It # begins the process of toggling a selection in the treectrl. Its # exact behavior depends on the selection mode currently in effect # for the treectrl. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # item The item for the selection operation (typically the # one under the pointer). proc ::TreeCtrl::BeginToggle {w item} { variable Priv if {$item eq ""} return if {[string equal [$w cget -selectmode] "extended"]} { set Priv(selection) [$w selection get] set Priv(prev) $item $w selection anchor $item if {[$w selection includes $item]} { $w selection clear $item } else { $w selection add $item } } return } # ::TreeCtrl::AutoScanCheck -- # # Sees if the given pointer coords are outside the content area of the # treectrl (ie, not including borders or column headers) or within # -scrollmargin distance of the edges of the content area. If so and # auto-scanning is not already in progress, then the window is scrolled # and an [after] callback to AutoScanCheckAux is scheduled. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # x Window x coord. # y Window y coord. proc ::TreeCtrl::AutoScanCheck {w x y} { variable Priv scan [$w contentbox] "%d %d %d %d" x1 y1 x2 y2 set margin [winfo pixels $w [$w cget -scrollmargin]] if {($x < $x1 + $margin) || ($x >= $x2 - $margin) || ($y < $y1 + $margin) || ($y >= $y2 - $margin)} { if {![info exists Priv(autoscan,afterId,$w)]} { if {$y >= $y2 - $margin} { $w yview scroll 1 units set delay [$w cget -yscrolldelay] } elseif {$y < $y1 + $margin} { $w yview scroll -1 units set delay [$w cget -yscrolldelay] } elseif {$x >= $x2 - $margin} { $w xview scroll 1 units set delay [$w cget -xscrolldelay] } elseif {$x < $x1 + $margin} { $w xview scroll -1 units set delay [$w cget -xscrolldelay] } set count [scan $delay "%d %d" d1 d2] if {[info exists Priv(autoscan,scanning,$w)]} { if {$count == 2} { set delay $d2 } } else { if {$count == 2} { set delay $d1 } set Priv(autoscan,scanning,$w) 1 } if {$Priv(autoscan,command,$w) ne ""} { set command [string map [list %T $w %x $x %y $y] $Priv(autoscan,command,$w)] eval $command } set Priv(autoscan,afterId,$w) [after $delay [list TreeCtrl::AutoScanCheckAux $w]] } return } AutoScanCancel $w return } # ::TreeCtrl::AutoScanCheckAux -- # # Gets the location of the pointer and calls AutoScanCheck. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. proc ::TreeCtrl::AutoScanCheckAux {w} { variable Priv # Not quite sure how this can happen if {![info exists Priv(autoscan,afterId,$w)]} return unset Priv(autoscan,afterId,$w) set x [winfo pointerx $w] set y [winfo pointery $w] set x [expr {$x - [winfo rootx $w]}] set y [expr {$y - [winfo rooty $w]}] AutoScanCheck $w $x $y return } # ::TreeCtrl::AutoScanCancel -- # # Cancels any pending [after] callback to AutoScanCheckAux. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. proc ::TreeCtrl::AutoScanCancel {w} { variable Priv if {[info exists Priv(autoscan,afterId,$w)]} { after cancel $Priv(autoscan,afterId,$w) unset Priv(autoscan,afterId,$w) } unset -nocomplain Priv(autoscan,scanning,$w) return } # ::TreeCtrl::ColumnDragScrollCheck -- # # Sees if the given pointer coords are outside the left or right edges of # the content area of the treectrl (ie, not including borders). If so and # auto-scanning is not already in progress, then the window is scrolled # horizontally and the column drag-image is repositioned, and an [after] # callback to ColumnDragScrollCheckAux is scheduled. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # x Window coord of pointer. # y Window coord or pointer. proc ::TreeCtrl::ColumnDragScrollCheck {w x y} { variable Priv scan [$w contentbox] "%d %d %d %d" x1 y1 x2 y2 if {($x < $x1) || ($x >= $x2)} { if {![info exists Priv(autoscan,afterId,$w)]} { set bbox1 [$w column bbox $Priv(column)] if {$x >= $x2} { $w xview scroll 1 units } else { $w xview scroll -1 units } set bbox2 [$w column bbox $Priv(column)] if {[lindex $bbox1 0] != [lindex $bbox2 0]} { incr Priv(columnDrag,x) [expr {[lindex $bbox2 0] - [lindex $bbox1 0]}] $w column dragconfigure -imageoffset [expr {$x - $Priv(columnDrag,x)}] } set Priv(autoscan,afterId,$w) [after 50 [list TreeCtrl::ColumnDragScrollCheckAux $w]] } return } AutoScanCancel $w return } # ::TreeCtrl::ColumnDragScrollCheckAux -- # # Gets the location of the pointer and calls ColumnDragScrollCheck. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. proc ::TreeCtrl::ColumnDragScrollCheckAux {w} { variable Priv # Not quite sure how this can happen if {![info exists Priv(autoscan,afterId,$w)]} return unset Priv(autoscan,afterId,$w) set x [winfo pointerx $w] set y [winfo pointery $w] set x [expr {$x - [winfo rootx $w]}] set y [expr {$y - [winfo rooty $w]}] ColumnDragScrollCheck $w $x $y return } # ::TreeCtrl::UpDown -- # # Returns the id of an item above or below the given item that the active # item could be set to. If the given item isn't visible, the first visible # enabled item is returned. An attempt is made to choose an item in the # same column over repeat calls; this gives a better result if some rows # have less items than others. Only enabled items are considered. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # item Item to move from, typically the active item. # n +1 to move down, -1 to move up. proc ::TreeCtrl::UpDown {w item n} { variable Priv set rnc [$w item rnc $item] if {$rnc eq ""} { return [$w item id {first visible state enabled}] } scan $rnc "%d %d" row col set Priv(keyNav,row,$w) [expr {$row + $n}] if {![info exists Priv(keyNav,rnc,$w)] || $rnc ne $Priv(keyNav,rnc,$w)} { set Priv(keyNav,col,$w) $col } set item2 [$w item id "rnc $Priv(keyNav,row,$w) $Priv(keyNav,col,$w)"] if {[$w item compare $item == $item2]} { set Priv(keyNav,row,$w) $row if {![$w item enabled $item2]} { return "" } } else { set Priv(keyNav,rnc,$w) [$w item rnc $item2] if {![$w item enabled $item2]} { return [UpDown $w $item2 $n] } } return $item2 } # ::TreeCtrl::LeftRight -- # # Returns the id of an item left or right of the given item that the active # item could be set to. If the given item isn't visible, the first visible # enabled item is returned. An attempt is made to choose an item in the # same row over repeat calls; this gives a better result if some columns # have less items than others. Only enabled items are considered. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # item Item to move from, typically the active item. # n +1 to move right, -1 to move left. proc ::TreeCtrl::LeftRight {w item n} { variable Priv set rnc [$w item rnc $item] if {$rnc eq ""} { return [$w item id {first visible state enabled}] } scan $rnc "%d %d" row col set Priv(keyNav,col,$w) [expr {$col + $n}] if {![info exists Priv(keyNav,rnc,$w)] || $rnc ne $Priv(keyNav,rnc,$w)} { set Priv(keyNav,row,$w) $row } set item2 [$w item id "rnc $Priv(keyNav,row,$w) $Priv(keyNav,col,$w)"] if {[$w item compare $item == $item2]} { set Priv(keyNav,col,$w) $col if {![$w item enabled $item2]} { return "" } } else { set Priv(keyNav,rnc,$w) [$w item rnc $item2] if {![$w item enabled $item2]} { return [LeftRight $w $item2 $n] } } return $item2 } # ::TreeCtrl::SetActiveItem -- # # Sets the active item, scrolls it into view, and makes it the only selected # item. If -selectmode is extended, makes the active item the anchor of any # future extended selection. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # item The new active item, or "". proc ::TreeCtrl::SetActiveItem {w item} { if {$item eq ""} return $w activate $item $w see active $w selection modify active all switch [$w cget -selectmode] { extended { $w selection anchor active set Priv(prev) [$w item id active] set Priv(selection) {} } } return } # ::TreeCtrl::Extend -- # # Does nothing unless we're in extended selection mode; in this # case it moves the location cursor (active item) up, down, left or # right, and extends the selection to that point. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # dir up, down, left or right proc ::TreeCtrl::Extend {w dir} { variable Priv if {[string compare [$w cget -selectmode] "extended"]} { return } if {![info exists Priv(selection)]} { $w selection add active set Priv(selection) [$w selection get] } switch -- $dir { above { set item [UpDown $w active -1] } below { set item [UpDown $w active 1] } left { set item [LeftRight $w active -1] } right { set item [LeftRight $w active 1] } } if {$item eq ""} return $w activate $item $w see active SelectionMotion $w [$w item id active] return } # ::TreeCtrl::DataExtend # # This procedure is called for key-presses such as Shift-KEndData. # If the selection mode isn't multiple or extended then it does nothing. # Otherwise it moves the active item and, if we're in # extended mode, extends the selection to that point. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # item Item to become new active item. proc ::TreeCtrl::DataExtend {w item} { if {$item eq ""} return set mode [$w cget -selectmode] if {[string equal $mode "extended"]} { $w activate $item $w see $item if {[$w selection includes anchor]} { SelectionMotion $w $item } } elseif {[string equal $mode "multiple"]} { $w activate $item $w see $item } return } # ::TreeCtrl::Cancel # # This procedure is invoked to cancel an extended selection in # progress. If there is an extended selection in progress, it # restores all of the items between the active one and the anchor # to their previous selection state. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. proc ::TreeCtrl::Cancel w { variable Priv if {[string compare [$w cget -selectmode] "extended"]} { return } set first [$w item id anchor] set last $Priv(prev) if { [string equal $last ""] } { # Not actually doing any selection right now return } if {[$w item compare $first > $last]} { set tmp $first set first $last set last $tmp } $w selection clear $first $last while {[$w item compare $first <= $last]} { if {[lsearch $Priv(selection) $first] >= 0} { $w selection add $first } set first [$w item id "$first next visible"] } return } # ::TreeCtrl::SelectAll # # This procedure is invoked to handle the "select all" operation. # For single and browse mode, it just selects the active item. # Otherwise it selects everything in the widget. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. proc ::TreeCtrl::SelectAll w { set mode [$w cget -selectmode] if {[string equal $mode "single"] || [string equal $mode "browse"]} { $w selection modify active all } else { $w selection add all } return } # ::TreeCtrl::MarqueeBegin -- # # Shows the selection rectangle at the given coords. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # x Window coord of pointer. # y Window coord or pointer. proc ::TreeCtrl::MarqueeBegin {w x y} { set x [$w canvasx $x] set y [$w canvasy $y] $w marquee coords $x $y $x $y $w marquee configure -visible yes return } # ::TreeCtrl::MarqueeUpdate -- # # Resizes the selection rectangle. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # x Window coord of pointer. # y Window coord or pointer. proc ::TreeCtrl::MarqueeUpdate {w x y} { set x [$w canvasx $x] set y [$w canvasy $y] $w marquee corner $x $y return } # ::TreeCtrl::MarqueeEnd -- # # Hides the selection rectangle. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # x Window coord of pointer. # y Window coord or pointer. proc ::TreeCtrl::MarqueeEnd {w x y} { $w marquee configure -visible no return } # ::TreeCtrl::ScanMark -- # # Marks the start of a possible scan drag operation. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # x Window coord of pointer. # y Window coord or pointer. proc ::TreeCtrl::ScanMark {w x y} { variable Priv $w scan mark $x $y set Priv(x) $x set Priv(y) $y set Priv(mouseMoved) 0 return } # ::TreeCtrl::ScanDrag -- # # Performs a scan drag if the mouse moved. # # Arguments: # w The treectrl widget. # x Window coord of pointer. # y Window coord or pointer. proc ::TreeCtrl::ScanDrag {w x y} { variable Priv if {![info exists Priv(x)]} { set Priv(x) $x } if {![info exists Priv(y)]} { set Priv(y) $y } if {($x != $Priv(x)) || ($y != $Priv(y))} { set Priv(mouseMoved) 1 } if {[info exists Priv(mouseMoved)] && $Priv(mouseMoved)} { $w scan dragto $x $y } return } # ::TreeCtrl::TryEvent -- # # This procedure is used to cause a treectrl to generate a dynamic event. # If the treectrl doesn't have the event defined (because you didn't call # the [notify install] command) nothing happens. TreeCtrl::PercentsCmd is # used to perform %-substitution on any scripts bound to the event. # # Arguments: # T The treectrl widget. # event Name of event. # detail Name of detail or "". # charMap %-char substitution list (even number of elements). proc ::TreeCtrl::TryEvent {T event detail charMap} { if {[lsearch -exact [$T notify eventnames] $event] == -1} return if {$detail ne ""} { if {[lsearch -exact [$T notify detailnames $event] $detail] == -1} return $T notify generate <$event-$detail> $charMap "::TreeCtrl::PercentsCmd $T" } else { $T notify generate <$event> $charMap "::TreeCtrl::PercentsCmd $T" } return } # ::TreeCtrl::PercentsCmd -- # # This command is passed to [notify generate] to perform %-substitution on # scripts bound to dynamic events. It supports the same set of substitution # characters as the built-in static events (plus any event-specific chars). # # Arguments: # T The treectrl widget. # char %-char to be replaced in bound scripts. # object Same arg passed to [notify bind]. # event Name of event. # detail Name of detail or "". # charMap %-char substitution list (even number of elements). proc ::TreeCtrl::PercentsCmd {T char object event detail charMap} { if {$detail ne ""} { set pattern <$event-$detail> } else { set pattern <$event> } switch -- $char { d { return $detail } e { return $event } P { return $pattern } W { return $object } T { return $T } ? { array set map $charMap array set map [list T $T W $object P $pattern e $event d $detail] return [array get map] } default { array set map [list $char $char] array set map $charMap return $map($char) } } return }