# Commands covered: treectrl # # This file contains a collection of tests for the treectrl command of # the tktreectrl extension. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and # generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found. # # Copyright (c) 2000 by Scriptics Corporation. # Copyright (c) 2002 by Christian Krone. # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: treectrl.test,v 1.8 2002/12/28 19:48:49 krischan Exp $ if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} { package require tcltest namespace import ::tcltest::* } package require Tk # This works only, if tktreectrl is already installed: # package require treectrl # And we want to test the currently built version anyway. # So we better load and source it by hand: set thisPlatform $tcl_platform(platform) if {![catch {tk windowingsystem} windowingSystem] \ && [string equal aqua $windowingSystem]} { set thisPlatform macosx } switch -- $thisPlatform { macintosh { load treectrl.shlb } macosx { load build/treectrl.dylib } unix { load [glob libtreectrl*[info sharedlibextension]] } default { # Windows load Build/treectrl[info sharedlibextension] } } load [file join . libtreectrl1.0.so] source [file join library treectrl.tcl] source [file join library filelist-bindings.tcl] test tree-1.1 {Usage} -body { treectrl } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "treectrl pathName ?options?"} test tree-1.2 {Unknown option} -body { treectrl .t -foo bar } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-foo"} test tree-1.3 {Create a tree} -body { treectrl .t } -result {.t} test tree-1.4 {configure: List all options} -body { .t configure } -result {{-background background Background white white} {-backgroundmode backgroundMode BackgroundMode row row} {-bd -borderwidth} {-bg -background} {-borderwidth borderWidth BorderWidth 2 2} {-buttoncolor buttonColor ButtonColor #808080 #808080} {-buttonsize buttonSize ButtonSize 9 9} {-buttonthickness buttonThickness ButtonThickness 1 1} {-closedbuttonbitmap closedButtonBitmap ClosedButtonBitmap {} {}} {-closedbuttonimage closedButtonImage ClosedButtonImage {} {}} {-columnproxy columnProxy ColumnProxy {} {}} {-cursor cursor Cursor {} {}} {-doublebuffer doubleBuffer DoubleBuffer item item} {-fg -foreground} {-font font Font {Helvetica -12 bold} {Helvetica -12 bold}} {-foreground foreground Foreground Black Black} {-height height Height 200 200} {-highlightbackground highlightBackground HighlightBackground #d9d9d9 #d9d9d9} {-highlightcolor highlightColor HighlightColor Black Black} {-highlightthickness highlightThickness HighlightThickness 1 1} {-indent indent Indent 19 19} {-itemheight itemHeight ItemHeight 0 0} {-linecolor lineColor LineColor #808080 #808080} {-linestyle lineStyle LineStyle dot dot} {-linethickness lineThickness LineThickness 1 1} {-openbuttonbitmap openButtonBitmap OpenButtonBitmap {} {}} {-openbuttonimage openButtonImage OpenButtonImage {} {}} {-orient orient Orient vertical vertical} {-relief relief Relief sunken sunken} {-scrollmargin scrollMargin ScrollMargin 0 0} {-selectmode selectMode SelectMode browse browse} {-showbuttons showButtons ShowButtons 1 1} {-showheader showHeader ShowHeader 1 1} {-showlines showLines ShowLines 1 1} {-showroot showRoot ShowRoot 1 1} {-showrootbutton showRootButton ShowRootButton 0 0} {-takefocus takeFocus TakeFocus {} {}} {-treecolumn treeColumn TreeColumn 0 0} {-width width Width 200 200} {-wrap wrap Wrap {} {}} {-xscrollcommand xScrollCommand ScrollCommand {} {}} {-xscrolldelay xScrollDelay ScrollDelay 50 50} {-xscrollincrement xScrollIncrement ScrollIncrement 0 0} {-yscrollcommand yScrollCommand ScrollCommand {} {}} {-yscrolldelay yScrollDelay ScrollDelay 50 50} {-yscrollincrement yScrollIncrement ScrollIncrement 0 0}} test tree-1.5 {configure -background with totally empty visible tree} -body { pack .t update idletasks .t configure -background white update idletasks } -result {} test tree-1.6 {configure: -background option} -body { .t configure -background yellow .t configure -background } -result {-background background Background white yellow} test tree-1.7 {configure: invalid -backgroundmode option} -body { .t configure -backgroundmode foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad backgroundmode "foo": must be column, index, row, or visindex} test tree-1.8 {configure: -backgroundmode option} -body { .t configure -backgroundmode column .t configure -backgroundmode } -result {-backgroundmode backgroundMode BackgroundMode row column} test tree-1.9 {configure: invalid -buttonsize option} -body { .t configure -buttonsize foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "foo"} test tree-1.10 {configure: -buttonsize option} -body { .t configure -buttonsize 1c .t configure -buttonsize } -result {-buttonsize buttonSize ButtonSize 9 1c} test tree-1.11 {configure: invalid -buttoncolor option} -body { .t configure -buttoncolor foo } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "foo"} test tree-1.12 {configure: -buttoncolor option} -body { .t configure -buttoncolor red .t configure -buttoncolor } -result {-buttoncolor buttonColor ButtonColor #808080 red} test tree-1.13 {configure: invalid -openbuttonbitmap option} -body { .t configure -openbuttonbitmap foo } -returnCodes error -result {bitmap "foo" not defined} test tree-1.14 {configure: -openbuttonbitmap option} -body { .t configure -openbuttonbitmap hourglass .t configure -openbuttonbitmap } -result {-openbuttonbitmap openButtonBitmap OpenButtonBitmap {} hourglass} test tree-1.15 {configure: invalid -closedbuttonbitmap option} -body { .t configure -closedbuttonbitmap foo } -returnCodes error -result {bitmap "foo" not defined} test tree-1.16 {configure: -closedbuttonbitmap option} -body { .t configure -closedbuttonbitmap questhead .t configure -closedbuttonbitmap } -result {-closedbuttonbitmap closedButtonBitmap ClosedButtonBitmap {} questhead} test tree-1.17 {configure: invalid -openbuttonimage option} -body { .t configure -openbuttonimage foo } -returnCodes error -result {image "foo" doesn't exist} test tree-1.18 {configure: -openbuttonimage option} -body { image create photo emptyImg .t configure -openbuttonimage emptyImg .t configure -openbuttonimage } -result {-openbuttonimage openButtonImage OpenButtonImage {} emptyImg} test tree-1.19 {configure: invalid -closedbuttonimage option} -body { .t configure -closedbuttonimage foo } -returnCodes error -result {image "foo" doesn't exist} test tree-1.20 {configure: -closedbuttonimage option} -body { .t configure -closedbuttonimage emptyImg .t configure -closedbuttonimage } -result {-closedbuttonimage closedButtonImage ClosedButtonImage {} emptyImg} test tree-1.21 {configure: invalid -doublebuffer option} -body { .t configure -doublebuffer foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad doublebuffer "foo": must be none, item, or window} test tree-1.22 {configure: -doublebuffer option} -body { .t configure -doublebuffer window .t configure -doublebuffer } -result {-doublebuffer doubleBuffer DoubleBuffer item window} test tree-1.23 {configure: invalid -indent option} -body { .t configure -indent foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "foo"} test tree-1.24 {configure: -indent option} -body { .t configure -indent 2c .t configure -indent } -result {-indent indent Indent 19 2c} test tree-1.25 {configure: invalid -itemheight option} -body { .t configure -itemheight foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "foo"} test tree-1.26 {configure: -itemheight option} -body { .t configure -itemheight 18m .t configure -itemheight } -result {-itemheight itemHeight ItemHeight 0 18m} test tree-1.27 {configure: invalid -linestyle option} -body { .t configure -linestyle foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad linestyle "foo": must be dot or solid} test tree-1.28 {configure: -linestyle option} -body { .t configure -linestyle solid .t configure -linestyle } -result {-linestyle lineStyle LineStyle dot solid} test tree-1.29 {configure: invalid -linethickness option} -body { .t configure -linethickness foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "foo"} test tree-1.30 {configure: -linethickness option} -body { .t configure -linethickness 3m .t configure -linethickness } -result {-linethickness lineThickness LineThickness 1 3m} test tree-1.31 {configure: invalid -linecolor option} -body { .t configure -linecolor #foo } -returnCodes error -result {invalid color name "#foo"} test tree-1.32 {configure: -linethickness option} -body { .t configure -linecolor gray20 .t configure -linecolor } -result {-linecolor lineColor LineColor #808080 gray20} test tree-1.33 {configure: invalid -orient option} -body { .t configure -orient foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad orient "foo": must be horizontal or vertical} test tree-1.34 {configure: -orient option} -body { .t configure -orient h .t configure -orient } -result {-orient orient Orient vertical horizontal} test tree-1.35 {configure: invalid -relief option} -body { .t configure -relief foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad relief "foo": must be flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken} test tree-1.36 {configure: -relief option} -body { .t configure -relief flat .t configure -relief } -result {-relief relief Relief sunken flat} test tree-1.37 {configure: invalid -showbuttons option} -body { .t configure -showbuttons foo } -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got "foo"} test tree-1.38 {configure: -showbuttons option} -body { .t configure -showbuttons off .t configure -showbuttons } -result {-showbuttons showButtons ShowButtons 1 0} test tree-1.39 {configure: invalid -showheader option} -body { .t configure -showheader foo } -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got "foo"} test tree-1.40 {configure: -showheader option} -body { .t configure -showheader off .t configure -showheader } -result {-showheader showHeader ShowHeader 1 0} test tree-1.41 {configure: invalid -showlines option} -body { .t configure -showlines foo } -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got "foo"} test tree-1.42 {configure: -showlines option} -body { .t configure -showlines false .t configure -showlines } -result {-showlines showLines ShowLines 1 0} test tree-1.43 {configure: invalid -showroot option} -body { .t configure -showroot foo } -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got "foo"} test tree-1.44 {configure: -showroot option} -body { .t configure -showroot no .t configure -showroot } -result {-showroot showRoot ShowRoot 1 0} test tree-1.45 {configure: invalid -showrootbutton option} -body { .t configure -showrootbutton foo } -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got "foo"} test tree-1.46 {configure: -showrootbutton option} -body { .t configure -showrootbutton True .t configure -showrootbutton } -result {-showrootbutton showRootButton ShowRootButton 0 1} test tree-1.47 {configure: invalid -treecolumn option} -body { .t configure -treecolumn foo } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "foo"} test tree-1.48 {configure: -treecolumn option with unknown column} -body { .t configure -treecolumn 1 .t configure -treecolumn } -result {-treecolumn treeColumn TreeColumn 0 1} test tree-1.49 {configure: -treecolumn option with known column} -body { .t column configure 0 -tag column0 .t column configure 1 -tag column1 .t configure -treecolumn 1 .t configure -treecolumn } -result {-treecolumn treeColumn TreeColumn 0 1} test tree-1.50 {configure: invalid -wrap mode} -body { .t configure -wrap foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad wrap "foo"} test tree-1.51 {configure: invalid -wrap option: bogus width} -body { .t configure -wrap {item bar} } -returnCodes error -result {bad wrap "item bar"} test tree-1.52 {configure: invalid -wrap option: superflous width} -body { .t configure -wrap {1 window} } -returnCodes error -result {bad wrap "1 window"} test tree-1.53 {configure: -wrap option} -body { .t configure -wrap {7 items} .t configure -wrap } -result {-wrap wrap Wrap {} {7 items}} test tree-1.54 {configure: -wrap empty option} -body { .t configure -wrap {} .t configure -wrap } -result {-wrap wrap Wrap {} {}} # For the tests of the item descriptions we use see, # if we want to generate an error on unknown items. # For the positive cases we use index since it returns the item number. test tree-2.1 {bogus itemdesc} -body { .t index foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad item description "foo"} test tree-2.2 {is all allowed?} -body { .t index all } -returnCodes error -result {can't specify "all" for this command} test tree-2.3 {itemdesc number unknown} -body { .t see 999 } -returnCodes error -result {item "999" doesn't exist} test tree-2.4 {itemdesc number of root} -body { .t index 0 } -result {0} test tree-2.5 {itemdesc active} -body { .t index active } -result {0} test tree-2.6 {itemdesc abbreviated anchor} -body { .t index an } -result {0} test tree-2.7 {itemdesc first} -body { .t index first } -result {0} test tree-2.8 {itemdesc first visible} -body { .t configure -showroot 1 .t index "first visible" } -result {0} test tree-2.9 {itemdesc first visible without any node} -body { .t configure -showroot 0 .t see "first visible" } -returnCodes error -result {item "first visible" doesn't exist} test tree-2.10 {itemdesc last} -body { .t index last } -result {0} test tree-2.11 {itemdesc last visible} -body { .t configure -showroot 1 .t index "last visible" } -result {0} test tree-2.12 {itemdesc last visible without any node} -body { .t configure -showroot 0 .t see "last visible" } -returnCodes error -result {item "last visible" doesn't exist} test tree-2.13 {itemdesc nearest without x/y} -body { .t index nearest } -returnCodes error -result {bad item description "nearest"} test tree-2.14 {itemdesc nearest with invalid x/y} -body { .t index "nearest foo bar" } -returnCodes error -result {bad item description "nearest foo bar"} test tree-2.15 {itemdesc nearest with valid x/y, but no item} -body { .t configure -showroot 0 .t index "nearest 10 10" } -result {} # Before continuing to test the item descriptions and their modifiers, # lets create some items with this hierarchy: # 0 # + 1 # | + 2 # | + 3 # | + 4 # + 5 # | + 6 # | + 7 # + 8 test tree-2.16 {create some items} -body { set n1 [.t item create]; .t item lastchild 0 $n1 set n2 [.t item create]; .t item lastchild $n1 $n2 set n3 [.t item create]; .t item lastchild $n1 $n3 set n4 [.t item create]; .t item lastchild $n3 $n4 set n5 [.t item create]; .t item lastchild 0 $n5 set n6 [.t item create]; .t item lastchild $n5 $n6 set n7 [.t item create]; .t item lastchild $n5 $n7 set n8 [.t item create]; .t item lastchild 0 $n8 } -result {8} test tree-2.17 {itemdesc nearest with valid x/y} -body { # I think this should return an item, but it doesn't... .t index "nearest 10 10" } -result {} test tree-2.18 {itemdesc rnc without r/c} -body { .t index rnc } -returnCodes error -result {bad item description "rnc"} test tree-2.19 {itemdesc rnc with invalid r/c} -body { .t index "rnc foo bar" } -returnCodes error -result {bad item description "rnc foo bar"} test tree-2.20 {itemdesc rnc with valid r/c} -body { .t index "rnc 0 0" } -result {1} test tree-2.21 {itemdesc root} -body { .t configure -showroot 1 -orient vertical .t index root } -result {0} test tree-2.22 {bogus modifier} -body { .t index "0 foo" } -returnCodes error -result {bad modifier "foo": must be above, below, bottom, child, firstchild, lastchild, left, leftmost, next, nextsibling, parent, prev, prevsibling, right, rightmost, sibling, top, or visible} test tree-2.23 {valid modifier with too less arguments} -body { .t index "0 child" } -returnCodes error -result {bad item description "0 child"} test tree-2.24 {modifier visible alone generates an error} -body { .t index "0 visible" } -returnCodes error -result {bad item description "0 visible"} test tree-2.25 {modifier above} -body { set res {} for {set n 0} {$n < 9} {incr n} { lappend res [.t index "$n above"] } set res } -result {{} 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7} test tree-2.26 {modifier below} -body { set res {} for {set n 0} {$n < 9} {incr n} { lappend res [.t index "$n below"] } set res } -result {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 {}} test tree-2.27 {modifier bottom} -body { set res {} for {set n 0} {$n < 9} {incr n} { lappend res [.t index "$n bottom"] } set res } -result {8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8} test tree-2.28 {modifier child} -body { set res {} for {set n 0} {$n < 6} {incr n} { for {set c 0} {$c < 3} {incr c} { lappend res [.t index "$n child $c"] } } set res } -result {1 5 8 2 3 {} {} {} {} 4 {} {} {} {} {} 6 7 {}} test tree-2.29 {modifier firstchild} -body { set res {} for {set n 0} {$n < 9} {incr n} { lappend res [.t index "$n firstchild"] } set res } -result {1 2 {} 4 {} 6 {} {} {}} test tree-2.30 {modifier lastchild} -body { set res {} for {set n 0} {$n < 9} {incr n} { lappend res [.t index "$n lastchild"] } set res } -result {8 3 {} 4 {} 7 {} {} {}} test tree-2.30 {modifier left, leftmost, right, and rightmost} -body { list [.t index "1 left"] [.t index "1 right"] \ [.t index "2 leftmost"] [.t index "3 rightmost"] } -result {{} {} 2 3} test tree-2.31 {modifier next} -body { set res {} for {set n 0} {$n < 9} {incr n} { lappend res [.t index "$n next"] } set res } -result {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 {}} test tree-2.32 {modifier nextsibling} -body { set res {} for {set n 0} {$n < 9} {incr n} { lappend res [.t index "$n nextsibling"] } set res } -result {{} 5 3 {} {} 8 7 {} {}} test tree-2.33 {modifier parent} -body { set res {} for {set n 0} {$n < 9} {incr n} { lappend res [.t index "$n parent"] } set res } -result {{} 0 1 1 3 0 5 5 0} test tree-2.34 {modifier prev} -body { set res {} for {set n 0} {$n < 9} {incr n} { lappend res [.t index "$n prev"] } set res } -result {{} 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7} test tree-2.34 {modifier prevsibling} -body { set res {} for {set n 0} {$n < 9} {incr n} { lappend res [.t index "$n prevsibling"] } set res } -result {{} {} {} 2 {} 1 {} 6 5} test tree-2.35 {modifier sibling} -body { set res {} for {set n 0} {$n < 7} {incr n} { for {set c 0} {$c < 3} {incr c} { lappend res [.t index "$n sibling $c"] } } set res } -result {{} {} {} 1 5 8 2 3 {} 2 3 {} 4 {} {} 1 5 8 6 7 {}} test tree-2.36 {modifier top} -body { set res {} for {set n 0} {$n < 9} {incr n} { lappend res [.t index "$n top"] } set res } -result {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} test tree-2.37 {modifier cocktail} -body { set res {} set itemDesc 7 foreach mod { bottom rightmost sibling 0 nextsibling prev parent prevsibling prev nextsibling lastchild next } { lappend itemDesc $mod catch {lappend res [.t index $itemDesc]} } set res } -result {8 8 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 7 8} test tree-3.1 {element: missing op} -body { .t element } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t element command ?arg arg...?"} test tree-3.2 {element create: missing argument} -body { .t element create } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t element create name type ?option value...?"} test tree-3.3 {element create: unknown type} -body { .t element create foo bar } -returnCodes error -result {unknown element type "bar"} test tree-3.4 {element create: a bitmap} -body { .t element create eBitmap bitmap } -result {eBitmap} test tree-3.5 {element configure: for a bitmap} -body { .t element configure eBitmap } -result {{-background {} {} {} {}} {-bitmap {} {} {} {}} {-foreground {} {} {} {}}} test tree-3.6 {element configure: bitmap invalid -background} -body { .t element configure eBitmap -background blur } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "blur"} test tree-3.7 {element configure/cget: bitmap -background} -body { .t element configure eBitmap -background blue .t element cget eBitmap -background } -result {blue} test tree-3.8 {element configure: bitmap invalid psd -background} -body { .t element configure eBitmap -background {blue !selected blur {}} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "blur"} test tree-3.9 {element configure/cget: bitmap psd -background} -body { .t element configure eBitmap -background {blue open magenta {}} .t element cget eBitmap -background } -result {blue open magenta {}} test tree-3.10 {element configure/cget: bitmap invalid -bitmap} -body { .t element configure eBitmap -bitmap notExists } -returnCodes error -result {bitmap "notExists" not defined} test tree-3.11 {element configure/cget: bitmap -bitmap} -body { .t element configure eBitmap -bitmap questhead .t element cget eBitmap -bitmap } -result {questhead} test tree-3.12 {element configure: bitmap invalid psd -bitmap} -body { .t element configure eBitmap -bitmap {questhead selected yep {}} } -returnCodes error -result {bitmap "yep" not defined} test tree-3.13 {element configure/cget: bitmap psd -background} -body { .t element configure eBitmap -bitmap {questhead !open error {}} .t element cget eBitmap -bitmap } -result {questhead !open error {}} test tree-3.14 {element configure: bitmap invalid -foreground} -body { .t element configure eBitmap -foreground foobar } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "foobar"} test tree-3.15 {element configure/cget: bitmap -foreground} -body { .t element configure eBitmap -foreground yellow .t element cget eBitmap -foreground } -result {yellow} test tree-3.16 {element configure: bitmap invalid psd -foreground} -body { .t element configure eBitmap -foreground {blue ! red {}} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown state ""} test tree-3.17 {element configure/cget: bitmap psd -foreground} -body { .t element configure eBitmap -foreground {blue open red !selected} .t element cget eBitmap -foreground } -result {blue open red !selected} test tree-3.18 {element create: a border} -body { .t element create eBorder border } -result {eBorder} test tree-3.19 {element configure: for a border} -body { .t element configure eBorder } -result {{-background {} {} {} {}} {-filled {} {} {} {}} {-height {} {} {} {}} {-relief {} {} {} {}} {-thickness {} {} {} {}} {-width {} {} {} {}}} test tree-3.20 {element configure: border invalid -background} -body { .t element configure eBorder -background # } -returnCodes error -result {invalid color name "#"} test tree-3.21 {element configure/cget: border -background} -body { .t element configure eBorder -background #010101 .t element cget eBorder -background } -result {#010101} test tree-3.22 {element configure: border invalid psd -background} -body { .t element configure eBorder -background {blue active red !} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown state ""} test tree-3.23 {element configure/cget: border psd -background} -body { .t element configure eBorder -background {blue !open red selected} .t element cget eBorder -background } -result {blue !open red selected} test tree-3.24 {element configure: border invalid -filled} -body { .t element configure eBorder -filled foo } -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got "foo"} test tree-3.25 {element configure/cget: border -filled} -body { .t element configure eBorder -filled 1 .t element cget eBorder -filled } -result {1} test tree-3.26 {element configure: border invalid -height} -body { .t element configure eBorder -height {200 300} } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "200 300"} test tree-3.27 {element configure/cget: border -height} -body { .t element configure eBorder -height 200 .t element cget eBorder -height } -result {200} test tree-3.28 {element configure: border invalid -relief} -body { .t element configure eBorder -relief groovy } -returnCodes error -result {bad relief "groovy": must be flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken} test tree-3.29 {element configure/cget: border -relief} -body { .t element configure eBorder -relief ridge .t element cget eBorder -relief } -result {ridge} test tree-3.30 {element configure: border invalid psd -relief} -body { .t element configure eBorder -relief {groove open ridge} } -returnCodes error -result {list must have event number of elements} test tree-3.31 {element configure/cget: border psd -relief} -body { .t element configure eBorder -relief {groove !open ridge {}} .t element cget eBorder -relief } -result {groove !open ridge {}} test tree-3.32 {element configure: border invalid -thickness} -body { .t element configure eBorder -thickness jup } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "jup"} test tree-3.33 {element configure/cget: border -thickness} -body { .t element configure eBorder -thickness 8 .t element cget eBorder -thickness } -result {8} test tree-3.34 {element configure: border invalid -width} -body { .t element configure eBorder -width {300 200} } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "300 200"} test tree-3.35 {element configure/cget: border -width} -body { .t element configure eBorder -width 300 .t element cget eBorder -width } -result {300} test tree-3.36 {element create: an image} -body { .t element create eImage image } -result {eImage} test tree-3.37 {element configure: for an image} -body { .t element configure eImage } -result {{-height {} {} {} {}} {-image {} {} {} {}} {-width {} {} {} {}}} test tree-3.38 {element configure: image invalid -height} -body { .t element configure eImage -height {101 open 200 {}} } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "101 open 200 {}"} test tree-3.39 {element configure/cget: image -height} -body { .t element configure eImage -height 101 .t element cget eImage -height } -result {101} test tree-3.40 {element configure: image unknown -image} -body { .t element configure eImage -image foo } -returnCodes error -result {image "foo" doesn't exist} test tree-3.41 {element configure/cget: image -image} -body { .t element configure eImage -image emptyImg .t element cget eImage -image } -result {emptyImg} test tree-3.42 {element configure: image invalid psd -image} -body { .t element configure eImage -image {emptyImg open dirImg} } -returnCodes error -result {list must have event number of elements} test tree-3.43 {element configure/cget: image psd -image} -body { .t element configure eImage -image {emptyImg {}} .t element cget eImage -image } -result {emptyImg {}} test tree-3.44 {element configure: image invalid -width} -body { .t element configure eImage -width {202 boo} } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "202 boo"} test tree-3.45 {element configure/cget: image -width} -body { .t element configure eImage -width 202 .t element cget eImage -width } -result {202} test tree-3.46 {element create: a rectangle} -body { .t element create eRect rect } -result {eRect} test tree-3.47 {element configure: for a rectangle} -body { .t element configure eRect } -result {{-fill {} {} {} {}} {-height {} {} {} {}} {-open {} {} {} {}} {-outline {} {} {} {}} {-outlinewidth {} {} {} {}} {-showfocus {} {} {} {}} {-width {} {} {} {}}} test tree-3.48 {element configure: rectangle invalid -fill} -body { .t element configure eRect -fill baz } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "baz"} test tree-3.49 {element configure/cget: rectangle -fill} -body { .t element configure eRect -fill blue .t element cget eRect -fill } -result {blue} test tree-3.50 {element configure: rectangle invalid psd -fill} -body { .t element configure eRect -fill {red blue yellow green} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown state "blue"} test tree-3.51 {element configure/cget: rectangle psd -fill} -body { .t element configure eRect -fill {red open blue {}} .t element cget eRect -fill } -result {red open blue {}} test tree-3.52 {element configure: rectangle invalid -height} -body { .t element configure eRect -height 100b } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "100b"} test tree-3.53 {element configure/cget: rectangle -height} -body { .t element configure eRect -height 200 .t element cget eRect -height } -result {200} test tree-3.54 {element configure: rectangle invalid -open} -body { .t element configure eRect -open now } -returnCodes error -result {bad open value "now": must be a string containing zero or more of n, e, s, and w} test tree-3.55 {element configure/cget: rectangle -open} -body { .t element configure eRect -open n .t element cget eRect -open } -result {n} test tree-3.56 {element configure: rectangle invalid -outline} -body { .t element configure eRect -outline baz } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "baz"} test tree-3.57 {element configure/cget: rectangle -outline} -body { .t element configure eRect -outline blue .t element cget eRect -outline } -result {blue} test tree-3.58 {element configure: rectangle invalid psd -outline} -body { .t element configure eRect -outline {red blue yellow green} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown state "blue"} test tree-3.59 {element configure/cget: rectangle psd -outline} -body { .t element configure eRect -outline {red {} blue open} .t element cget eRect -outline } -result {red {} blue open} test tree-3.60 {element configure: rectangle invalid -outlinewidth} -body { .t element configure eRect -outlinewidth baz } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "baz"} test tree-3.61 {element configure/cget: rectangle -outlinewidth} -body { .t element configure eRect -outlinewidth 1c .t element cget eRect -outlinewidth } -result {1c} test tree-3.62 {element configure: rectangle invalid -showfocus} -body { .t element configure eRect -showfocus baz } -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got "baz"} test tree-3.63 {element configure/cget: rectangle -showfocus} -body { .t element configure eRect -showfocus 1 .t element cget eRect -showfocus } -result {1} test tree-3.64 {element configure: rectangle invalid -width} -body { .t element configure eRect -width baz } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "baz"} test tree-3.65 {element configure/cget: rectangle -width} -body { .t element configure eRect -width 10c .t element cget eRect -width } -result {10c} test tree-3.66 {element create: a text} -body { .t element create eText text } -result {eText} test tree-3.67 {element configure: for a text} -body { .t element configure eText } -result {{-data {} {} {} {}} {-datatype {} {} {} {}} {-format {} {} {} {}} {-fill {} {} {} {}} {-font {} {} {} {}} {-justify {} {} {} {}} {-lines {} {} {} {}} {-text {} {} {} {}} {-width {} {} {} {}} {-wrap {} {} {} {}}} test tree-3.68 {element configure/cget: text -data} -body { .t element configure eText -data "1.23456789" .t element cget eText -data } -result {1.23456789} test tree-3.69 {element configure: text invalid -datatype} -body { .t element configure eText -datatype float } -returnCodes error -result {bad datatype "float": must be double, integer, long, string, or time} test tree-3.70 {element configure/cget: text -datatype} -body { .t element configure eText -datatype double .t element cget eText -datatype } -result {double} test tree-3.71 {element configure: text invalid -fill} -body { .t element configure eText -fill baz } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "baz"} test tree-3.72 {element configure/cget: text -fill} -body { .t element configure eText -fill blue .t element cget eText -fill } -result {blue} test tree-3.73 {element configure: text invalid psd -fill} -body { .t element configure eText -fill {red blue yellow green} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown state "blue"} test tree-3.74 {element configure/cget: text psd -fill} -body { .t element configure eText -fill {red open blue {}} .t element cget eText -fill } -result {red open blue {}} test tree-3.75 {element configure/cget: text -format} -body { .t element configure eText -format "The value of the double is a secret" .t element cget eText -format } -result {The value of the double is a secret} test tree-3.76 {element configure: text invalid -font} -body { # Invalid font doesn't generate an error... .t element configure eText -font {"Australia 12"} .t element cget eText -font } -result {"Australia 12"} test tree-3.77 {element configure/cget: text -font} -body { .t element configure eText -font {"Helvetica 12"} .t element cget eText -font } -result {"Helvetica 12"} test tree-3.78 {element configure: text invalid psd -font} -body { .t element configure eText -font {"Australia 12" opened} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown state "opened"} test tree-3.79 {element configure/cget: text -font} -body { .t element configure eText -font {"Helvetica 12" open "Times 18" {}} .t element cget eText -font } -result {"Helvetica 12" open "Times 18" {}} test tree-3.80 {element configure: text invalid -justify} -body { .t element configure eText -justify north } -returnCodes error -result {bad justification "north": must be left, right, or center} test tree-3.81 {element configure/cget: text -justify} -body { .t element configure eText -justify center .t element cget eText -justify } -result {center} test tree-3.82 {element configure: text invalid -lines} -body { .t element configure eText -lines asap } -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "asap"} test tree-3.83 {element configure/cget: text -lines} -body { .t element configure eText -lines 5 .t element cget eText -lines } -result {5} test tree-3.84 {element configure/cget: text -text} -body { .t element configure eText -text "Hallo Welt" .t element cget eText -text } -result {Hallo Welt} test tree-3.85 {element configure: text invalid -wrap} -body { .t element configure eText -wrap none } -returnCodes error -result {bad wrap "none": must be char or word} test tree-3.86 {element configure/cget: text -wrap} -body { .t element configure eText -wrap char .t element cget eText -wrap } -result {char} test tree-3.87 {element types} -body { set res {} foreach e {eBitmap eBorder eImage eRect eText} { lappend res [.t element type $e] } set res } -result {bitmap border image rect text} test tree-3.88 {element names} -body { lsort [.t element names] } -result {eBitmap eBorder eImage eRect eText} test tree-3.89 {element delete with something unknown in middle} -body { .t element delete eBitmap eNotExist eBorder } -returnCodes error -result {element "eNotExist" doesn't exist} test tree-3.90 {element names} -body { lsort [.t element names] } -result {eBorder eImage eRect eText} # Disabled since it triggers a panic() in Range_ItemUnderPoint() test tree-3.91 {element delete while item is still displayed} -constraints knownBug -body { .t element create elText text -text hallo .t style create stText .t style element stText elText set new [.t item create] .t item style set $new 0 stText .t item lastchild 0 $new .t element delete elText place [frame .obscure] -in .t -relwidth 1.0 -relheight 1.0 update destroy .obscure update } -result {} test tree-4.1 {style: missing args} -body { .t style } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t style command ?arg arg...?"} test tree-4.2 {style: invalid command} -body { .t style foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad command "foo": must be cget, configure, create, delete, elements, layout, or names} test tree-4.3 {style names: no style exists yet} -body { .t style names } -result {} test tree-4.4 {style create: missing args} -body { .t style create } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t style create name ?option value...?"} test tree-4.5 {style create: invalid option} -body { .t style create testStyle -foo bar } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-foo"} test tree-4.6 {style create} -body { .t style create testStyle } -result {testStyle} test tree-4.7 {style create: already existing style} -body { .t style create testStyle } -returnCodes error -result {style "testStyle" already exists} test tree-4.8 {style configure: invalid option} -body { .t style configure testStyle -foo bar } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-foo"} test tree-4.9 {style configure: all options} -body { .t style configure testStyle } -result {{-orient {} {} horizontal horizontal}} test tree-4.10 {style configure: the only option} -body { .t style configure testStyle -orient } -result {-orient {} {} horizontal horizontal} test tree-4.11 {style configure: invalid option -orient} -body { .t style configure testStyle -orient diagonal } -returnCodes error -result {bad orient "diagonal": must be horizontal or vertical} test tree-4.12 {style configure/cget: option -orient} -body { .t style configure testStyle -orient vertical .t style cget testStyle -orient } -result {vertical} test tree-4.13 {style delete: unknown style} -body { .t style delete testStyle2 } -returnCodes error -result {style "testStyle2" doesn't exist} test tree-4.14 {style delete: unknown style} -body { .t style names } -result {testStyle} test tree-4.15 {style delete} -body { .t style delete testStyle } -result {} test tree-4.16 {style names: no style defined} -body { .t style names } -result {} test tree-4.17 {style elements: missing args} -body { .t style elements } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t style elements name ?element element...?"} test tree-4.18 {style elements: unknown style} -body { .t style elements testStyle } -returnCodes error -result {style "testStyle" doesn't exist} test tree-4.19 {style elements: no element yet} -body { .t style create testStyle .t style elements testStyle } -result {} test tree-4.20 {style elements: empty element list} -body { .t style elements testStyle {} } -result {} test tree-4.21 {style elements: add some elements} -body { .t style elements testStyle {eBorder eImage eText} .t style elements testStyle } -result {eBorder eImage eText} test tree-4.22 {style layout: missing args} -body { .t style layout } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t style layout name element ?option? ?value? ?option value ...?"} test tree-4.23 {style layout: no options specified} -body { .t style layout testStyle eText } -result {-padw 0 -padn 0 -pade 0 -pads 0 -ipadw 0 -ipadn 0 -ipade 0 -ipads 0 -expand {} -iexpand {} -detach no -squeeze {} -union {}} test tree-4.24 {style layout: option -pads} -body { .t style layout testStyle eText -pads 3 .t style layout testStyle eText -pads } -result {3} test tree-4.25 {style layout: option -expand} -body { .t style layout testStyle eText -expand "hello world" .t style layout testStyle eText -expand } -result {we} test tree-4.26 {style layout: option -squeeze} -body { .t style layout testStyle eText -squeeze "xyzzy" .t style layout testStyle eText -squeeze } -result {xy} test tree-4.27 {style layout: option -union invalid list} -body { .t style layout testStyle eText -union "\{" } -returnCodes error -result {unmatched open brace in list} test tree-4.28 {style layout: option -union unknown elements} -body { .t style layout testStyle eText -union {foo bar} } -returnCodes error -result {element "foo" doesn't exist} test tree-4.29 {style layout: option -union element not in style} -body { .t style layout testStyle eText -union {eBorder eRect} } -returnCodes error -result {style testStyle does not use element eRect} test tree-4.30 {style layout: option -union with itself} -body { .t style layout testStyle eText -union {eBorder eText} } -returnCodes error -result {element eText can't form union with itself} test tree-4.31 {style layout: option -union} -body { .t style layout testStyle eText -union {eBorder eImage} .t style layout testStyle eText -union } -result {eBorder eImage} test tree-4.32 {style layout: option invalid -detach} -body { .t style layout testStyle eText -detach {x y} } -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got "x y"} test tree-4.33 {style layout: option -detach} -body { .t style layout testStyle eText -detach true .t style layout testStyle eText -detach } -result {1} test tree-5.1 {state: missing args} -body { .t state } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t state command ?arg arg...?"} test tree-5.2 {state: invalid command} -body { .t state foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad command "foo": must be define, undefine, or names} test tree-5.3 {state names: too many args} -body { # This should generate an error? .t state names foo bar } -result {} test tree-5.4 {state names: no states defined yet} -body { .t state names } -result {} test tree-5.5 {state define: missing args} -body { .t state define } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t state define stateName"} test tree-5.6 {state define: overflow check} -body { set msg "" set ret 0 for {set ix 0} {$ix < 1000} {incr ix} { set ret [catch {.t state define state$ix} msg] if {$ret} {break} } list $ret $ix $msg } -result {1 27 {cannot define any more states}} test tree-5.7 {state names} -body { .t state names } -result {state0 state1 state2 state3 state4 state5 state6 state7 state8 state9 state10 state11 state12 state13 state14 state15 state16 state17 state18 state19 state20 state21 state22 state23 state24 state25 state26} test tree-5.8 {state undefine: missing args} -body { .t state undefine } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t state undefine stateName"} test tree-5.9 {state undefine: too many args} -body { # too bad that this doesn't work... eval {.t state undefine} [lrange [.t state names] 1 end] } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t state undefine stateName"} test tree-5.10 {state undefine: too many args} -body { foreach state [lrange [.t state names] 1 end] { .t state undefine $state } .t state names } -result {state0} test tree-6.1 {item: missing command} -body { .t item } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t item command ?arg arg...?"} test tree-6.2 {item: invalid command} -body { .t item foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad command "foo": must be ancestors, children, create, delete, firstchild, lastchild, nextsibling, numchildren, parent, prevsibling, remove, bbox, complex, dump, element, hasbutton, index, isancestor, isopen, rnc, sort, state, style, text, or visible} test tree-6.3 {item create: too many args} -body { .t item create foo } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t item create"} test tree-6.4 {item create} -body { list [.t item create] [.t item create] [.t item create] } -result {9 10 11} test tree-6.5 {item delete: missing itemDesc} -body { .t item delete } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t item delete first ?last?"} test tree-6.6 {item delete: unknown item} -body { .t item delete 999 } -returnCodes error -result {item "999" doesn't exist} test tree-6.7 {item delete: one item} -body { .t item delete 9 } -result {} test tree-6.8 {item delete: item range without common ancestor} -body { .t item delete 10 11 } -returnCodes error -result {item 10 and item 11 don't share a common ancestor} test tree-6.9 {item delete: item range without common ancestor} -body { .t item lastchild 8 10 .t item lastchild 8 11 .t item delete 10 11 } -result {} test tree-6.9a {item delete: don't allow to delete "root" itemDesc} -body { .t item delete root } -returnCodes error -result {can't specify "root" for this command} # disabled since it generates a segfault test tree-6.9b {item delete: deleting root should be ignored} -constraints knownBug -body { .t item delete [.t index root] update idletasks } -result {} test tree-6.10 {item ancestors: no ancestor yet} -body { .t item create .t item ancestors 12 } -result {} test tree-6.11 {item ancestors} -body { .t item lastchild 7 12 .t item ancestors 12 } -result {7 5 0} test tree-6.12 {item children: no children} -body { .t item children 12 } -result {} test tree-6.13 {item children} -body { .t item children 0 } -result {1 5 8} test tree-6.14 {item firstchild: missing itemDesc} -body { .t item firstchild } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t item firstchild item ?newFirstChild?"} test tree-6.15 {item firstchild: no children} -body { .t item firstchild 12 } -result {} test tree-6.16 {item firstchild} -body { .t item firstchild 1 } -result {2} test tree-6.17 {item lastchild: no children} -body { .t item lastchild 1 } -result {3} test tree-6.18 {item nextsibling: no sibling} -body { .t item nextsibling 12 } -result {} test tree-6.19 {item nextsibling: no sibling} -body { .t item nextsibling 2 } -result {3} test tree-6.20 {item numchildren: no children} -body { .t item numchildren 12 } -result {0} test tree-6.21 {item numchildren} -body { .t item numchildren 1 } -result {2} test tree-6.22 {item parent: no parent} -body { .t item parent root } -result {} test tree-6.23 {item parent} -body { .t item parent "root firstchild" } -result {0} test tree-6.24 {item prevsibling: missing arg} -body { .t item prevsibling } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t item prevsibling item ?newPrevSibling?"} test tree-6.25 {item prevsibling: no prevsibling} -body { .t item prevsibling 1 } -result {} test tree-6.26 {item prevsibling} -body { .t item prevsibling 3 } -result {2} test tree-6.27 {item remove: invalid item} -body { .t item remove 999 } -returnCodes error -result {item "999" doesn't exist} test tree-6.28 {item remove} -body { .t item remove 12 } -result {} test tree-6.29 {item complex: missing args} -body { .t item complex 8 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t item complex item list..."} test tree-6.30 {item complex: only allowed if column style is defined} -body { .t item complex 8 {{e1 -text Hallo}} } -returnCodes error -result {item 8 doesn't have column 0} test tree-6.31 {item complex: invalid list} -body { .t item style set 8 0 testStyle .t item complex 8 {{e1 -text}} } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "element option value..."} test tree-6.32 {item complex: element name not defined in style} -body { .t item complex 8 {{e1 -text Hallo}} } -returnCodes error -result {element "e1" doesn't exist} test tree-6.33 {item complex: option not known in element} -body { .t item complex 8 {{eText -bitmap questhead}} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-bitmap"} test tree-6.34 {item complex: invalid option value in element} -body { .t item complex 8 {{eText -fill foo}} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "foo"} test tree-6.35 {item element: missing command} -body { .t item element } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t item element command item column element ?arg ...?"} test tree-6.36 {item element: invalid command} -body { .t item element foo 8 0 eText } -returnCodes error -result {bad command "foo": must be actual, cget, or configure} test tree-6.37 {item element actual: missing arg} -body { .t item element actual 8 0 eText } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t item element actual item column element option"} test tree-6.38 {item element actual} -body { .t item element actual 8 0 eText -fill } -result {red} test tree-6.39 {item element cget: missing arg} -body { .t item element cget 8 0 eText } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t item element cget item column element option"} test tree-6.40 {item element cget} -body { .t item element cget 8 0 eText -fill } -result {} test tree-6.41 {item element configure} -body { .t item element configure 8 0 eText } -result {{-data {} {} {} {}} {-datatype {} {} {} {}} {-format {} {} {} {}} {-fill {} {} {} {}} {-font {} {} {} {}} {-justify {} {} {} {}} {-lines {} {} {} {}} {-text {} {} {} {}} {-width {} {} {} {}} {-wrap {} {} {} {}}} test tree-6.42 {item element configure/cget} -body { .t item element configure 8 0 eText -fill yellow .t item element cget 8 0 eText -fill } -result {yellow} test tree-6.43 {item element configure} -body { .t item element configure 8 0 eText -fill } -result {-fill {} {} {} yellow} test tree-6.44 {item style: missing args} -body { .t item style } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t item style command item ?arg ...?"} test tree-6.45 {item style: invalid command} -body { .t item style foo bar } -returnCodes error -result {bad command "foo": must be elements, map, or set} test tree-6.45 {item style: invalid command} -body { .t item style foo bar } -returnCodes error -result {bad command "foo": must be elements, map, or set} test tree-6.46 {item style elements: missing args} -body { .t item style elements 8 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t item style elements item column"} test tree-6.47 {item style elements: invalid item} -body { .t item style elements 999 } -returnCodes error -result {item "999" doesn't exist} test tree-6.48 {item style elements: item without style} -body { .t item style elements 1 0 } -returnCodes error -result {item 1 doesn't have column 0} test tree-6.49 {item style elements} -body { .t item style elements 8 0 } -result {eText} test tree-6.50 {item style map: missing args} -body { .t item style map 8 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t item style map item column style map"} test tree-6.51 {item style map: invalid item} -body { .t item style map 999 } -returnCodes error -result {item "999" doesn't exist} test tree-6.52 {item style map: item with unknown style} -body { .t item style map 1 0 noStyle {foo bar} } -returnCodes error -result {style "noStyle" doesn't exist} test tree-6.53 {item style map: odd elemented list} -body { .t item style map 8 0 testStyle foo .t item style elements 8 0 } -returnCodes error -result {list must contain even number of elements} test tree-6.54 {item style map: unknown element} -body { .t style create testStyle2 .t item style map 8 0 testStyle2 {eText foo} .t item style elements 8 0 } -returnCodes error -result {element "foo" doesn't exist} test tree-6.55 {item style map: element not in to-style} -body { .t item style map 8 0 testStyle2 {eText eRect} } -returnCodes error -result {style testStyle2 does not use element eRect} test tree-6.56 {item style map: element not in from-style} -body { # .t style elements testStyle2 {eImage eRect} .t item style map 8 0 testStyle2 {eRect eBorder} } -returnCodes error -result {style testStyle does not use element eRect} test tree-6.57 {item style map: different element types} -body { .t style elements testStyle2 {eImage eRect} .t item style map 8 0 testStyle2 {eBorder eRect} } -returnCodes error -result {can't map element type border to rect} test tree-6.58 {item style set: invalid item} -body { .t item style set foo bar } -returnCodes error -result {bad item description "foo"} test tree-6.59 {item style set: without args returns all styles} -body { .t item style set 2 } -result {} test tree-6.60 {item style set: without args returns style} -body { .t item style set 2 0 } -returnCodes error -result {item 2 doesn't have column 0} test tree-6.61 {item style set: without args returns style} -body { .t item style set 8 0 } -result {testStyle} test tree-6.62 {item style set} -body { .t item style set 8 0 testStyle2 .t item style set 8 } -result {testStyle2} test tree-6.63 {item state: missing args} -body { .t item state } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t item state item ?state ...?"} test tree-6.64 {item state: unknown item} -body { .t item state 999 } -returnCodes error -result {item "999" doesn't exist} test tree-6.65 {item state: list all set states} -body { .t item state 8 } -result {open enabled} test tree-6.66 {item state: try to reset predefined state} -body { .t item state 8 !open } -returnCodes error -result {cannot change state "!open"} test tree-6.67 {item state: unknown states} -body { .t item state 8 foo bar } -returnCodes error -result {cannot change state "foo"} test tree-6.68 {item state: switch on states} -body { .t item state 8 state0 .t item state 8 } -result {open enabled state0} test tree-6.69 {item state: switch off states} -body { .t item state 8 !state0 .t item state 8 } -result {open enabled} test tree-6.70 {item state: reset predefined state} -body { .t collapse 8 .t item state 8 } -result {enabled} test tree-6.71 {item state: reset predefined state} -body { .t expand 8 .t item state 8 } -result {open enabled} test tree-6.72 {item state: reset predefined state} -body { .t toggle 8 .t item state 8 } -result {enabled} test tree-7.1 {marquee: missing args} -body { .t marquee } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t marquee command ?arg arg...?"} test tree-7.2 {marquee: unknown command} -body { .t marquee foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad command "foo": must be anchor, cget, configure, coords, corner, identify, or visible} test tree-7.3 {marquee anchor: not yet modified} -body { .t marquee anchor } -result {0 0} test tree-7.4 {marquee anchor: odd arguments} -body { .t marquee anchor 1 } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t marquee anchor ?x y?"} test tree-7.5 {marquee identify: should be empty} -body { .t marquee identify } -result {} test tree-7.6 {marquee anchor: set it} -body { .t marquee anchor 5 5 } -result {} test tree-7.7 {marquee coords: retrieve them} -body { .t marquee coords } -result {5 5 0 0} test tree-7.8 {marquee identify: just the root} -body { .t marquee identify } -result {0} test tree-7.9 {marquee corner: set it} -body { .t marquee corner 600 600 .t marquee coords } -result {5 5 600 600} test tree-7.10 {marquee identify} -body { .t marquee identify } -result {0 {1 0} 2 3 4 5 6 7 {8 {0 eRect eImage}}} test tree-7.11 {marquee visible} -body { list [.t marquee configure -visible] \ [.t marquee visible 1] \ [.t marquee cget -visible] \ [.t marquee visible 0] \ [.t marquee cget -visible] \ [.t marquee configure -visible 1] \ [.t marquee visible] } -result {{-visible {} {} 0 0} 1 1 0 0 {} 1} test tree-8.1 {selection: missing args} -body { .t selection } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t selection command ?arg arg...?"} test tree-8.2 {selection: unknown command} -body { .t selection foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad command "foo": must be add, anchor, clear, count, get, includes, or modify} test tree-8.3 {selection count/get: nothing selected yet} -body { list [.t selection count] [.t selection get] } -result {0 {}} test tree-8.4 {selection anchor: always defined} -body { .t selection anchor } -result {0} test tree-8.5 {selection anchor: modifies the anchor item} -body { .t selection anchor "root lastchild" .t index anchor } -result {8} test tree-8.6 {selection count/get: still nothing selected} -body { list [.t selection count] [.t selection get] } -result {0 {}} test tree-8.7 {selection add: all children of an item} -body { .t selection add "1 firstchild" "1 lastchild" list [.t selection count] [.t selection get] } -result {2 {2 3}} test tree-8.8 {selection add: all items and then some} -constraints knownBug -body { .t selection add all "1 lastchild" list [.t selection count] [.t selection get] } -result {10 {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12}} test tree-8.9 {selection clear} -body { .t selection add all .t selection clear "root firstchild" list [.t selection count] [.t selection get] } -result {9 {0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12}} test tree-8.10 {selection clear: some items and then all} -constraints knownBug -body { .t selection clear "root lastchild" all list [.t selection count] [.t selection get] } -result {0 {}} test tree-8.11 {selection modify: to be or not to be?} -body { .t selection modify all all list [.t selection count] [.t selection get] } -result {10 {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12}} test tree-8.12 {selection clear: totally empty} -body { .t selection clear list [.t selection count] [.t selection get] } -result {0 {}} test tree-8.12 {selection modify: to be or not to be?} -body { .t selection modify {{root firstchild} {root lastchild}} {{root lastchild}} list [.t selection count] [.t selection get] } -result {2 {1 8}} test tree-8.13 {selection includes: missing args} -body { .t selection includes } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t selection includes index"} test tree-8.14 {selection includes: invalid item} -body { .t selection includes {foo bar} } -returnCodes error -result {bad item description "foo bar"} test tree-8.15 {selection includes: item is selected} -body { .t selection includes {root child 2} } -result {1} test tree-8.16 {selection includes: item is not selected} -body { .t selection includes {root child 0 firstchild} } -result {0} test tree-9.1 {see: missing args} -body { .t see } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t see item"} test tree-9.2 {see: too many args} -body { .t see foo bar } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t see item"} test tree-9.3 {see: invalid item} -body { .t see foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad item description "foo"} test tree-9.4 {see: bottom most item} -body { .t see "root bottom" } -result {} test tree-10.1 {range: missing args} -body { .t range } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t range first last"} test tree-10.2 {range: too many args} -body { .t range foo bar baz } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t range first last"} test tree-10.3 {range: select all from top to bottom} -body { .t range "root top" "root bottom" } -result {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} test tree-10.4 {range: select all from bottom to top} -body { .t range "root bottom" "root top" } -result {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} test tree-11.1 {orphans: too many args} -constraints knownBug -body { .t orphans foo } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t orphans"} test tree-11.2 {orphans: 12 from above} -body { .t orphans } -result {12} test tree-11.3 {orphans: no orphans} -body { .t item lastchild 0 12 .t orphans } -result {} test tree-12.1 {numitems: too many args} -constraints knownBug -body { .t numitems foo } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t numitems"} test tree-12.2 {numitems} -body { .t numitems } -result {10} test tree-12.3 {numitems: simple double check with range} -body { expr {[.t numitems] == [llength [.t range first last]]} } -result {1} test tree-12.4 {contentbox: too many args} -body { .t contentbox foo } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t contentbox"} test tree-12.5 {contentbox} -body { .t contentbox } -result {3 3 203 203} test tree-12.6 {contentbox: simple double check with borders} -body { expr {[lindex [.t contentbox] 0] \ == ([.t cget -bd]+[.t cget -highlightthickness])} } -result {1} test tree-13.1 {depth: too many args} -constraints knownBug -body { .t depth foo bar } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t depth ?item?"} test tree-13.2 {depth of the root item} -body { .t depth root } -result {0} test tree-13.3 {depth of a deeper item} -body { .t depth "root firstchild lastchild" } -result {2} test tree-13.4 {depth of the tree} -body { .t depth } -result {3} test tree-13.5 {depth of the tree} -constraints knownBug -body { foreach i [.t item children root] {.t item remove $i} .t depth } -result {0} # disabled since it generates a segfault. test tree-14.1 {column: missing args} -constraints knownBug -body { .t column } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t column command ?arg arg...?"} test tree-14.2 {column: unknown command} -body { .t column foo } -returnCodes error -result {bad command "foo": must be bbox, cget, configure, delete, index, move, neededwidth, or width} test tree-14.3 {column bbox: missing args} -body { .t column bbox } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t column bbox column"} test tree-14.4 {column bbox: invalid column} -body { .t column bbox foo } -returnCodes error -result {column with tag "foo" doesn't exist} test tree-14.5 {column bbox: tree doesn't show headers} -body { .t configure -showheader 0 .t column bbox column0 } -result {} test tree-14.6 {column bbox} -body { .t configure -showheader 1 .t column bbox 0 } -result {3 3 501 7} # disabled since it generates a segfault. test tree-14.7 {column bbox: tail column not allowed} -constraints knownBug -body { .t column bbox tail } -returnCodes error -result {can't specify "tail" for this command} test tree-14.8 {column configure: missing args} -body { .t column configure } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t column configure column ?option? ?value?"} test tree-14.9 {column configure: invalid column} -body { .t column configure foo } -returnCodes error -result {column with tag "foo" doesn't exist} test tree-14.10 {column configure: list all options} -body { .t column configure column1 } -result {{-arrow {} {} none none} {-arrowside {} {} right right} {-arrowgravity {} {} left left} {-arrowpadw {} {} 6 6} {-arrowpade {} {} 6 6} {-bitmap {} {} {} {}} {-background {} {} #d9d9d9 #d9d9d9} {-borderwidth {} {} 2 2} {-button {} {} 1 1} {-expand {} {} 0 0} {-font {} {} {} {}} {-image {} {} {} {}} {-imagepade {} {} 6 6} {-imagepadw {} {} 6 6} {-itembackground {} {} {} {}} {-justify {} {} left left} {-minwidth {} {} {} {}} {-relief {} {} raised raised} {-stepwidth {} {} {} {}} {-sunken {} {} 0 0} {-tag {} {} {} column1} {-text {} {} {} {}} {-textcolor {} {} Black Black} {-textpade {} {} 6 6} {-textpadw {} {} 6 6} {-width {} {} {} {}} {-visible {} {} 1 1} {-widthhack {} {} 0 0}} test tree-14.10 {column configure: list all options} -body { .t column configure column1 } -result {{-arrow {} {} none none} {-arrowside {} {} right right} {-arrowgravity {} {} left left} {-arrowpadw {} {} 6 6} {-arrowpade {} {} 6 6} {-bitmap {} {} {} {}} {-background {} {} #d9d9d9 #d9d9d9} {-borderwidth {} {} 2 2} {-button {} {} 1 1} {-expand {} {} 0 0} {-font {} {} {} {}} {-image {} {} {} {}} {-imagepade {} {} 6 6} {-imagepadw {} {} 6 6} {-itembackground {} {} {} {}} {-justify {} {} left left} {-minwidth {} {} {} {}} {-relief {} {} raised raised} {-stepwidth {} {} {} {}} {-sunken {} {} 0 0} {-tag {} {} {} column1} {-text {} {} {} {}} {-textcolor {} {} Black Black} {-textpade {} {} 6 6} {-textpadw {} {} 6 6} {-width {} {} {} {}} {-visible {} {} 1 1} {-widthhack {} {} 0 0}} test tree-14.11 {column configure: tail column} -body { .t column configure tail } -result {{-arrow {} {} none none} {-arrowside {} {} right right} {-arrowgravity {} {} left left} {-arrowpadw {} {} 6 6} {-arrowpade {} {} 6 6} {-bitmap {} {} {} {}} {-background {} {} #d9d9d9 #d9d9d9} {-borderwidth {} {} 2 2} {-button {} {} 1 1} {-expand {} {} 0 0} {-font {} {} {} {}} {-image {} {} {} {}} {-imagepade {} {} 6 6} {-imagepadw {} {} 6 6} {-itembackground {} {} {} {}} {-justify {} {} left left} {-minwidth {} {} {} {}} {-relief {} {} raised raised} {-stepwidth {} {} {} {}} {-sunken {} {} 0 0} {-tag {} {} {} {}} {-text {} {} {} {}} {-textcolor {} {} Black Black} {-textpade {} {} 6 6} {-textpadw {} {} 6 6} {-width {} {} {} {}} {-visible {} {} 1 1} {-widthhack {} {} 0 0}} test tree-14.12 {column configure: invalid -arrow} -body { .t column configure column1 -arrow straight } -returnCodes error -result {bad arrow "straight": must be none, up, or down} test tree-14.13 {column configure/cget: -arrow} -body { .t column configure column1 -arrow up .t column cget column1 -arrow } -result {up} test tree-14.14 {column configure: invalid -arrowside} -body { .t column configure column1 -arrowside up } -returnCodes error -result {bad arrowside "up": must be left or right} test tree-14.15 {column configure/cget: -arrowside} -body { .t column configure column1 -arrowside left .t column cget column1 -arrowside } -result {left} test tree-14.16 {column configure: invalid -arrowgravity} -body { .t column configure column1 -arrowgravity both } -returnCodes error -result {bad arrowgravity "both": must be left or right} test tree-14.17 {column configure/cget: -arrowgravity} -body { .t column configure column1 -arrowgravity right .t column cget column1 -arrowgravity } -result {right} test tree-14.18 {column configure: invalid -arrowpadw} -body { .t column configure column1 -arrowpadw x } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "x"} test tree-14.19 {column configure/cget: -arrowpadw/e} -body { .t column configure column1 -arrowpadw 8 -arrowpade 5 list [.t column cget column1 -arrowpadw] \ [.t column cget column1 -arrowpade] } -result {8 5} test tree-14.20 {column configure: invalid -bitmap} -body { .t column configure column1 -bitmap foo } -returnCodes error -result {bitmap "foo" not defined} test tree-14.21 {column configure/cget: -bitmap} -body { .t column configure column1 -bitmap questhead .t column cget column1 -bitmap } -result {questhead} test tree-14.22 {column configure: invalid -background} -body { .t column configure column1 -background foo } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "foo"} test tree-14.23 {column configure/cget: -background} -body { .t column configure column1 -background magenta .t column cget column1 -background } -result {magenta} test tree-14.24 {column configure: invalid -borderwidth} -body { .t column configure column1 -borderwidth x } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "x"} test tree-14.25 {column configure/cget: -borderwidth} -body { .t column configure column1 -borderwidth 4 .t column cget column1 -borderwidth } -result {4} test tree-14.26 {column configure: invalid -button} -body { .t column configure column1 -button "" } -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got ""} test tree-14.27 {column configure/cget: -button} -body { .t column configure column1 -button off .t column cget column1 -button } -result {0} test tree-14.28 {column configure: invalid -expand} -body { .t column configure column1 -expand ew } -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got "ew"} test tree-14.29 {column configure/cget: -expand} -body { .t column configure column1 -expand true .t column cget column1 -expand } -result {1} test tree-14.30 {column configure: invalid -image} -body { .t column configure column1 -image questhead } -returnCodes error -result {image "questhead" doesn't exist} test tree-14.31 {column configure/cget: -image} -body { .t column configure column1 -image emptyImg .t column cget column1 -image } -result {emptyImg} test tree-14.32 {column configure: invalid -imagepade} -body { .t column configure column1 -imagepade y } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "y"} test tree-14.33 {column configure/cget: -imagepadw/e} -body { .t column configure column1 -imagepadw 9 -imagepade 4 list [.t column cget column1 -imagepadw] \ [.t column cget column1 -imagepade] } -result {9 4} test tree-14.34 {column configure: invalid -itembackground} -body { .t column configure column1 -itembackground no } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "no"} test tree-14.35 {column configure/cget: simple -itembackground} -body { .t column configure column1 -itembackground blue .t column cget column1 -itembackground } -result {blue} test tree-14.36 {column configure: invalid -itembackground list} -body { .t column configure column1 -itembackground {blue selected green active} } -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "selected"} test tree-14.37 {column configure/cget: -itembackground list} -body { .t column configure column1 -itembackground {blue green magenta red} .t column cget column1 -itembackground } -result {blue green magenta red} test tree-14.38 {column configure: invalid -justify} -body { .t column configure column1 -justify no } -returnCodes error -result {bad justification "no": must be left, right, or center} test tree-14.39 {column configure/cget: simple -justify} -body { .t column configure column1 -justify center .t column cget column1 -justify } -result {center} test tree-14.40 {column configure: invalid -minwidth} -body { .t column configure column1 -minwidth z } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "z"} test tree-14.41 {column configure/cget: -minwidth} -body { .t column configure column1 -minwidth 25 .t column cget column1 -minwidth } -result {25} test tree-14.42 {column configure: invalid -relief} -body { .t column configure column1 -relief yes } -returnCodes error -result {bad relief "yes": must be flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken} test tree-14.43 {column configure/cget: -relief} -body { .t column configure column1 -relief sunken .t column cget column1 -relief } -result {sunken} test tree-14.44 {column configure: invalid -stepwidth} -body { .t column configure column1 -stepwidth "\t" } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance " "} test tree-14.45 {column configure/cget: -stepwidth} -body { .t column configure column1 -stepwidth 125 .t column cget column1 -stepwidth } -result {125} test tree-14.46 {column configure: invalid -sunken} -body { .t column configure column1 -sunken groove } -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got "groove"} test tree-14.47 {column configure/cget: -sunken} -body { .t column configure column1 -sunken on .t column cget column1 -sunken } -result {1} test tree-14.48 {column configure: -text} -body { .t column configure column1 -text "Text above Column 1" .t column cget column1 -text } -result {Text above Column 1} test tree-14.49 {column configure: invalid -textpadw} -body { .t column configure column1 -textpadw baz } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "baz"} test tree-14.50 {column configure/cget: -textpadw/e} -body { .t column configure column1 -textpadw 8 -textpade 5 list [.t column cget column1 -textpadw] \ [.t column cget column1 -textpade] } -result {8 5} test tree-14.51 {column configure: invalid -width} -body { .t column configure column1 -width all } -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "all"} test tree-14.52 {column configure/cget: -width} -body { .t column configure column1 -width 250 .t column cget column1 -width } -result {250} test tree-14.53 {column configure: invalid -visible} -body { .t column configure column1 -visible never } -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got "never"} test tree-14.54 {column configure/cget: -visible} -body { .t column configure column1 -visible no .t column cget column1 -visible } -result {0} test tree-14.55 {column configure: invalid -widthhack} -body { .t column configure column1 -widthhack ok } -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got "ok"} test tree-14.56 {column configure/cget: -widthhack} -body { .t column configure column1 -widthhack yes .t column cget column1 -widthhack } -result {1} test tree-14.57 {column configure: -tag} -body { .t column configure column1 -tag column2 .t column cget column1 -tag } -returnCodes error -result {column with tag "column1" doesn't exist} test tree-14.58 {column configure: -tag} -body { .t column cget column2 -tag } -result {column2} test tree-14.59 {column cget: -tag of tail} -body { # I think this should return tail... .t column cget tail -tag } -result {} test tree-14.60 {column configure/cget: -tag of tail} -body { # I think this should be forbidden... .t column configure tail -tag head .t column cget tail -tag } -result {head} test tree-14.61 {column cget: specify tail by its tag} -body { .t column cget head -tag } -returnCodes error -result {column with tag "head" doesn't exist} test tree-14.62 {column delete: missing args} -body { .t column delete } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t column delete column"} test tree-14.63 {column delete: column tail} -body { .t column delete tail } -returnCodes error -result {can't specify "tail" for this command} test tree-14.64 {column delete: first column} -body { .t column delete 0 } -result {} test tree-14.65 {suprise, surprise: column 0 still exists} -body { .t column cget 0 -tag } -result {column2} test tree-14.66 {column index: missing args} -body { .t column index } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t column index column"} test tree-14.67 {column index: the easy case} -body { .t column index 0 } -result {0} test tree-14.68 {column index} -body { .t column index column2 } -result {0} test tree-14.69 {column index: tail column} -body { .t column index tail } -result {1} test tree-14.70 {column move: missing args} -body { .t column move } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t column move column before"} test tree-14.71 {column move: invalid column} -body { .t column move 0 2 } -returnCodes error -result {bad column index "2": must be from 0 to 0} test tree-14.72 {column move: invalid column} -body { .t column configure 1 -tag column1 .t column configure 2 -tag column3 .t column move 0 2 .t column index column2 } -result {1} test tree-14.73 {correct moved?} -body { set res {} for {set x 0} {$x < [.t numcolumns]} {incr x} { lappend res [.t column cget $x -tag] } set res } -result {column1 column2 column3} test tree-14.74 {column move: tail to the left} -body { .t column move tail 0 } -returnCodes error -result {can't specify "tail" for this command} test tree-14.75 {column move: tail as before is ok} -body { .t column move 0 tail .t column index column1 } -result {2} test tree-14.76 {column width: missing args} -body { .t column width } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t column width column"} test tree-14.77 {column width: invalid column} -body { .t column width foo } -returnCodes error -result {column with tag "foo" doesn't exist} test tree-14.78 {column width: tail column returns always 0} -body { .t column width tail } -result {0} test tree-14.79 {column width} -body { .t element create eText2 text -font {{courier -12}} -text "Hello World" .t style create testStyle3 .t style elements testStyle3 eText2 .t item style set 1 column1 testStyle3 update idletasks .t column width column1 } -result {136} test tree-14.80 {column neededwidth: missing args} -body { .t column neededwidth } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t column neededwidth column"} test tree-14.81 {column neededwidth: invalid column} -body { .t column neededwidth foo } -returnCodes error -result {column with tag "foo" doesn't exist} test tree-14.82 {column neededwidth: tail column returns always 0} -body { .t column neededwidth tail } -result {0} test tree-14.83 {column neededwidth} -body { .t column neededwidth column1 } -result {136} test tree-15.1 {identify: missing args} -body { .t identify } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t identify x y"} test tree-15.2 {identify: negative coords} -body { .t configure -showheader 1 -showlines 1 -showbuttons 1 \ -borderwidth 2 -highlightthickness 1 -treecolumn 2 \ -itemheight 0 -linethickness 1 .t item hasbutton 1 true update idletasks .t identify -5 -5 } -result {} test tree-15.3 {identify: header left} -body { .t identify 4 4 } -result {header 2 left} test tree-15.4 {identify: header} -body { .t identify 40 4 } -result {header 2} test tree-15.5 {identify: header right} -body { .t identify 190 4 } -result {header 2} test tree-15.6 {identify: tail left} -body { .t identify 200 4 } -result {header tail left} test tree-15.7 {identify: tail} -body { .t identify 250 4 } -result {header tail} test tree-15.8 {identify: item (to the left)} -body { .t identify 4 10 } -result {item 1} test tree-15.9 {identify: button} -body { .t identify 120 10 } -result {item 1 button} test tree-15.10 {identify: over element} -body { .t identify 150 10 } -result {item 1 column 2 elem eText2} test tree-15.11 {identify: item (to the right)} -body { # first make column wider, otherwise we can't get right of the item .t column configure column1 -width 250 update idletasks .t identify 210 10 } -result {item 1 column 2} # cleanup image delete emptyImg ::tcltest::cleanupTests return