path: root/apps
diff options
authorStefan Radomski <>2014-06-06 17:58:03 (GMT)
committerStefan Radomski <>2014-06-06 17:58:03 (GMT)
commite5a393584b030ac90c4e7abf65063ef72b910555 (patch)
treebfab1a3c3e4a1c8fc5dc3d27bd1b4f0044901293 /apps
parent4ecca617e628e94845dafafbdee46ce57f7bc843 (diff)
Changed getNames signature from set to list
Diffstat (limited to 'apps')
4 files changed, 1812 insertions, 528 deletions
diff --git a/apps/samples/vrml/viewer-webgl-setpose.js b/apps/samples/vrml/viewer-webgl-setpose.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2d3c6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/samples/vrml/viewer-webgl-setpose.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1353 @@
+// Define the namespace
+// var eu_smartvorex_femkit_ui_modelviewer = eu_smartvorex_femkit_ui_modelviewer || {};
+// eu_smartvorex_femkit_ui_modelviewer.VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
+VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
+ element.innerHTML = "<div name='vrmlviewer'/>";
+ this.updatePose = function(pose) {
+ console.log("Updating pose.");
+ console.log("Pose = " + JSON.stringify(pose, null, 4));
+ if (!pose.width) pose.width = self.pose.width;
+ if (!pose.height) pose.height = self.pose.height;
+ // this.setScene(this.imagePath, this.imageFormat, pose, this.serverURL);
+ };
+ // private attributes
+ var self = this;
+ var batchChanges = false;
+ var webGLManipulatorsSetup = false;
+ var currWebGLModel = "";
+ // private instanceId
+ // if (!eu_smartvorex_femkit_ui_modelviewer.VRMLViewer.instances)
+ // eu_smartvorex_femkit_ui_modelviewer.VRMLViewer.instances = 0;
+ // this.instanceId = eu_smartvorex_femkit_ui_modelviewer.VRMLViewer.instances++;
+ if (!VRMLViewer.instances)
+ VRMLViewer.instances = 0;
+ this.instanceId = VRMLViewer.instances++;
+ // public attribute defaults
+ this.width = 450;
+ this.height = 350;
+ {
+ var pose = {
+ pitch: 0,
+ roll: 0,
+ yaw: 0,
+ zoom: 1,
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ z: 0,
+ autorotate: false,
+ };
+ this.pose = pose;
+ }
+ this.enableMovies = false;
+ this.enableDND = true;
+ this.enableWebGL = true;
+ this.enableSceneshots = false;
+ this.enableDraggables = false;
+ this.treeNavigationStyle = true;
+ this.listNavigationStyle = true;
+ this.listDirectory = "";
+ this.serverURL = "localhost:8080";
+ this.imagePath = "";
+ this.imageFormat = ".png";
+ this.resRoot = "";
+ osg.setNotifyLevel(osg.ERROR);
+ // copy over values from constructor arguments
+ if (params) {
+ for (var param in params) {
+ if (self.hasOwnProperty(param)) {
+ self[param] = params[param];
+ } else {
+ console.log("Unknown paramter " + param);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!self.pose.width)
+ self.pose.width = self.width;
+ if (!self.pose.height)
+ self.pose.height = self.height;
+ var hasWebGL = function() {
+ try {
+ if (!window.WebGLRenderingContext) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
+ var names = ["webgl", "experimental-webgl", "moz-webgl", "webkit-3d"];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ var gl = canvas.getContext(names[i]);
+ if (gl) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ if (self.enableWebGL && !hasWebGL()) {
+ console.log("Your browser does no support WebGL, falling back to sceneshots");
+ self.enableWebGL = false;
+ self.enableSceneshots = true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * normalize given parameters
+ */
+ var normalizeParams = function() {
+ // make sure server url begins with protocol and does *not* ends in /
+ if (!self.serverURL.substring(0, 7) == "http://" &&
+ !self.serverURL.substring(0, 8) == "https://")
+ self.serverURL = "http://" + self.serverURL;
+ if (!self.serverURL.lastIndexOf("/") === self.serverURL.length)
+ self.serverURL += self.serverURL.substring(0, self.serverURL - 1);
+ // make sure we have a listDirectory with navigation style list ending in /
+ if (self.modelNavigationStyle === "list" && !self.listDirectory && self.imagePath)
+ self.listDirectory = self.imagePath.substring(0, self.imagePath.lastIndexOf("/"));
+ if (!self.listDirectory.indexOf("/", self.listDirectory.length - 1) !== -1)
+ self.listDirectory += "/";
+ // use latest image if none given
+ if (!self.imagePath)
+ self.imagePath = self.listDirectory + "latest";
+ if (!self.imageFormat.substring(0, 1) !== ".")
+ self.imageFormat = "." + self.imageFormat;
+ };
+ normalizeParams();
+ /**
+ * Fetch a remote WebGL model and return a future for it
+ */
+ var getWebGLModel = function(url) {
+ console.log("Loading " + url);
+ if (self.webGLStandby) {; }
+ var defer = osgDB.Promise.defer();
+ var node = new osg.MatrixTransform();
+ // node.setMatrix(osg.Matrix.makeRotate(-Math.PI/2, 1,0,0, []));
+ var loadModel = function(url) {
+ osg.log("loading " + url);
+ var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
+'GET', url, true);
+ req.onreadystatechange = function(aEvt) {
+ if (req.readyState == 4) {
+ if(req.status == 200) {
+ osgDB.Promise.when(osgDB.parseSceneGraph(JSON.parse(req.responseText))).then(function(child) {
+ console.log("Loaded " + url);
+ var rotate = [];
+ osg.Matrix.makeIdentity(rotate);
+ // osg.Matrix.preMult(rotate, osg.Matrix.makeRotate(Math.PI/2.0, 1,0,0,[]));
+ // osg.Matrix.preMult(rotate, osg.Matrix.makeRotate(Math.PI, 0,1,0,[]));
+ node.setMatrix(rotate);
+ node.addChild(child);
+ defer.resolve(node);
+ osg.log("success " + url);
+ });
+ if (self.webGLStandby) { self.webGLStandby.hide(); }
+ } else {
+ osg.log("error " + url);
+ if (self.webGLStandby) { self.webGLStandby.hide(); }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ req.send(null);
+ };
+ loadModel(url);
+ return defer.promise;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Concatenate pose as query string
+ */
+ var urlSuffixForPose = function(pose) {
+ var queryString =
+ '?width=' + pose.width +
+ '&height=' + pose.height +
+ '&pitch=' + pose.pitch +
+ '&roll=' + pose.roll +
+ '&yaw=' + pose.yaw +
+ '&x=' + pose.x +
+ '&y=' + pose.y +
+ '&z=' + pose.z +
+ '&zoom=' + pose.zoom +
+ '&autorotate=' + (pose.autorotate ? '1' : '0');
+ return queryString;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Get relative position of two elements
+ */
+ var moverRelativeTo = function(mover, container) {
+ // see
+ var absolutePosition = function(el) {
+ for (var lx=0, ly=0; el != null; lx += el.offsetLeft, ly += el.offsetTop, el = el.offsetParent);
+ return {x: lx,y: ly};
+ };
+ var containerPos = absolutePosition(container);
+ return {
+ x: mover.x - containerPos.x,
+ y: mover.y - containerPos.y
+ };
+ };
+ var eulerToMatrix = function(pitch, roll, yaw) {
+ // see
+ var m = osg.Matrix.makeIdentity([]);
+ var A = Math.cos(pitch);
+ var B = Math.sin(pitch);
+ var C = Math.cos(roll);
+ var D = Math.sin(roll);
+ var E = Math.cos(yaw);
+ var F = Math.sin(yaw);
+ var AD = A * D;
+ var BD = B * D;
+ osg.Matrix.setRow(m, 0, (C * E), (-C * F), (-D), 0);
+ osg.Matrix.setRow(m, 1, (-BD * E + A * F), (BD * F + A * E), (-B * C), 0);
+ osg.Matrix.setRow(m, 2, (AD * E + B * F), (-AD * F + B * E), (A * C), 0);
+ osg.Matrix.setRow(m, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1);
+ return m;
+ }
+ var matrixToEuler = function(m) {
+ // see:
+ var angleX = 0;
+ var angleZ = 0;
+ var D = -1 * Math.asin(osg.Matrix.get(m,0,2)); /* Calculate Y-axis angle */
+ var angleY = D;
+ var C = Math.cos(angleY);
+ /* Gimbal lock? */
+ if (Math.abs(C) > 0.005) {
+ var tr_x = osg.Matrix.get(m,2,2) / C; /* No, so get X-axis angle */
+ var tr_y = -1 * osg.Matrix.get(m,1,2) / C;
+ angleX = Math.atan2( tr_y, tr_x );
+ tr_x = osg.Matrix.get(m,0,0) / C; /* Get Z-axis angle */
+ tr_y = -1 * osg.Matrix.get(m,0,1) / C;
+ angleZ = Math.atan2( tr_y, tr_x );
+ } else {
+ /* Gimball lock has occurred */
+ angleX = 0; /* Set X-axis angle to zero */
+ var tr_x = osg.Matrix.get(m,1,1); /* And calculate Z-axis angle */
+ var tr_y = osg.Matrix.get(m,1,0);
+ angleZ = Math.atan2( tr_y, tr_x );
+ }
+ /* Clamp all angles to range */
+ return {
+ pitch: angleX % (2 * 3.14159),
+ roll: angleY % (2 * 3.14159),
+ yaw: angleZ % (2 * 3.14159)
+ };
+ }
+ // get list of supported ffmpeg codecs from server
+ this.populateMovieCodecs = function(server, selectElem) {
+ self.xhr.get({
+ // The URL to request
+ url: server,
+ handleAs:"json",
+ headers:{"X-Requested-With":null},
+ load: function(result) {
+ for (var codec in {
+ if (codec !== "mpeg1video" &&
+ codec !== "mpeg2video" &&
+ codec !== "mpeg4" &&
+ codec !== "h264" &&
+ codec !== "ayuv" &&
+ codec !== "flashsv" &&
+ codec !== "flashsv2" &&
+ codec !== "flv" &&
+ codec !== "rv40" &&
+ codec !== "theora" &&
+ codec !== "v210" &&
+ codec !== "v308" &&
+ codec !== "v408" &&
+ codec !== "v410" &&
+ codec !== "wmv3" &&
+ codec !== "y41p" &&
+ codec !== "yuv4")
+ continue;
+ // console.log(codec);
+ selectElem.options.push({ label:[codec].longName, value: codec });
+ if (codec === "mpeg4")
+ selectElem.options[selectElem.options.length - 1].selected = true;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ // update list of vrml files from server
+ this.refreshServer = function(server, params) {
+ if (!self.listNavigationStyle && !self.treeNavigationStyle)
+ return;
+ self.serverURL = server;
+ if (!params)
+ params = {};
+ if (self.fileStandby) {; }
+ self.xhr.get({
+ // The URL to request
+ url: server,
+ handleAs:"json",
+ headers:{"X-Requested-With":null},
+ error: function(result) {
+ if (self.browseButton) { self.browseButton.setAttribute('label', 'Browse'); }
+ if (self.fileStandby) { self.fileStandby.hide(); }
+ if (!params.skipTree) {
+ if (self.fileTreeStore) {
+ var allItems = self.fileTreeStore.query();
+ for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
+ self.fileTreeStore.remove(allItems[i].id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!params.skipList) {
+ if (self.fileListStore) {
+ var allItems = self.fileListStore.query();
+ for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
+ self.fileListStore.remove(allItems[i].id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ load: function(result) {
+// self.localStorage.put("vrmlServer", self.serverURL, null);
+ if (self.browseButton) { self.browseButton.setAttribute('label', 'Refresh'); }
+ if (self.fileStandby) { self.fileStandby.hide(); }
+ if (self.treeNavigationStyle && !params.skipTree) {
+ // empty store
+ var allItems = self.fileTreeStore.query();
+ for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
+ self.fileTreeStore.remove(allItems[i].id);
+ }
+ // parse result as tree
+ (function fillstore(tree, parentId) {
+ // todo: respect navigation style
+ for (key in tree) {
+ if ('url' in tree[key]) {
+ self.fileTreeStore.add({id:parentId+key, name:key, url:tree[key].path, parent:parentId});
+ } else {
+ self.fileTreeStore.add({id:parentId+key, name:key, parent:parentId});
+ fillstore(tree[key], parentId+key);
+ }
+ }
+ } (result.models, "root", ""));
+ }
+ if (self.listNavigationStyle && !params.skipList) {
+ // empty store
+ var allItems = self.fileListStore.query();
+ for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
+ self.fileListStore.remove(allItems[i].id);
+ }
+ // parse result as list
+ if (!self.listDirectory)
+ console.log("Requested modelNavigationStyle === list but provided no listDirectory");
+ var dirs = self.listDirectory.split("/");
+ var models = result.models;
+ for (var dir in dirs) {
+ if (!dirs[dir].length)
+ continue;
+ if (dirs[dir] in models) {
+ models = models[dirs[dir]];
+ } else {
+ console.log("No " + dirs[dir] + " in " + models);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var key in models) {
+ var url = self.serverURL + models[key].path;
+ self.fileListStore.add({id:key, value:models[key].path, label:key, name:key, url:url});
+ }
+ self.fileListSelect.startup();
+ }
+ // self.updateScene();
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ this.getPose = function() {
+ if (self.webGLViewer && self.webGLViewer.getSceneData()) {
+ var rotate = [];
+ osg.Matrix.makeIdentity(rotate);
+ osg.Matrix.preMult(rotate, osg.Matrix.makeRotate(Math.PI/2.0, 1,0,0,[]));
+ osg.Matrix.preMult(rotate, osg.Matrix.makeRotate(Math.PI, 0,1,0,[]));
+ osg.Matrix.postMult(self.webGLViewer.getSceneData().getMatrix(), rotate);
+ var pose = matrixToEuler(rotate);
+ return pose;
+ } else {
+ return {
+ pitch: self.pose.pitch,
+ roll: self.pose.roll,
+ yaw: self.pose.yaw,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.setPose = function(pose) {
+ this.setScene(self.imagePath, self.imageFormat, pose, self.serverURL);
+ }
+ this.setScene = function(imagePath, imageFormat, pose, serverURL) {
+ if (serverURL && serverURL != self.serverURL) {
+ self.refreshServer(serverURL);
+ }
+ self.imagePath = imagePath;
+ self.imageFormat = imageFormat;
+ for (var key in pose) {
+ self.pose[key] = pose[key];
+ }
+ self.pose.pitch = (2 * 3.14159 + self.pose.pitch) % (2 * 3.14159);
+ self.pose.roll = (2 * 3.14159 + self.pose.roll) % (2 * 3.14159);
+ self.pose.yaw = (2 * 3.14159 + self.pose.yaw) % (2 * 3.14159);
+ var pitch = (self.pose.pitch / (2 * 3.14159) + 0.5) * 100;
+ var roll = (self.pose.roll / (2 * 3.14159) + 0.5) * 100;
+ var yaw = (self.pose.yaw / (2 * 3.14159) + 0.5) * 100;
+ var x = ((self.pose.x / 100) + 0.5) * 100;
+ var y = ((self.pose.y / 100) + 0.5) * 100;
+ var zoom = (((self.pose.zoom - 1) / 3) + 0.5) * 100;
+ // console.log("pitch: " + pitch);
+ if (self.pitchRollHandlerElem) = pitch + "%";
+ if (self.pitchRollHandlerElem) = roll + "%";
+ if (self.yawZoomHandlerElem) = yaw + "%";
+ if (self.yawZoomHandlerElem) = zoom + "%";
+ if (self.xyHandlerElem) = x + "%";
+ if (self.xyHandlerElem) = y + "%";
+ self.updateScene();
+ };
+ // update the scene
+ this.updateScene = function() {
+ if (self.serverURL && self.imagePath && !self.batchChanges) {
+ // console.log(self.serverURL + self.imagePath + self.imageFormat + urlSuffixForPose(self.pose));
+ if (self.enableWebGL) {
+ var setWebGLPose = function() {
+ // reset camera controls
+ self.webGLViewer.getManipulator().reset();
+ self.webGLViewer.getManipulator().computeHomePosition();
+ var bs = self.webGLViewer.getSceneData().getBound();
+ var zoom = 1; //self.pose.zoom || 10;
+ var eye = [0, 0, bs.radius() * (1.9 * zoom)];
+ // var center =;
+ // var up = [1,1,0];
+ self.webGLViewer.getManipulator().setEyePosition(eye);
+ // var poseMatrix = eulerToMatrix(self.pose.pitch, self.pose.yaw, -1 * self.pose.roll);
+ var poseMatrix = eulerToMatrix(self.pose.pitch * -1, self.pose.roll * -1, self.pose.yaw);
+ var rotate = [];
+ osg.Matrix.makeIdentity(rotate);
+ // osg.Matrix.preMult(rotate, osg.Matrix.makeRotate(Math.PI/2.0, 1,0,0,[]));
+ // osg.Matrix.preMult(rotate, osg.Matrix.makeRotate(Math.PI, 0,1,0,[]));
+ osg.Matrix.postMult(poseMatrix, rotate);
+ // osg.Matrix.preMult(rotate, poseMatrix);
+ self.webGLViewer.getSceneData().setMatrix(rotate);
+ }
+ if (self.imagePath != currWebGLModel) {
+ currWebGLModel = self.imagePath;
+ osgDB.Promise.when(getWebGLModel(self.serverURL + self.imagePath + '.osgjs')).then(function(model) {
+ self.webGLViewer.setSceneData(model);
+ if (!webGLManipulatorsSetup) {
+ self.webGLViewer.setupManipulator(new osgGA.OrbitManipulator(), false);
+ self.webGLViewer.getManipulator().computeHomePosition();
+ }
+ webGLManipulatorsSetup = true;
+ setWebGLPose();
+ });
+ }
+ if (self.webGLViewer && currWebGLModel == self.imagePath && self.webGLViewer.getSceneData()) {
+ setWebGLPose();
+ }
+ }
+ if (self.enableSceneshots) {
+ self.imgElem.src = self.serverURL + self.imagePath + self.imageFormat + urlSuffixForPose(self.pose);
+ if (self.enableMovies && self.movieAddButton) {
+ // we are showing an image, activate movie controls
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ require(["dojo/dom-construct",
+ "dojo/_base/xhr",
+ "dojo/dom",
+ "dojo/on",
+ "dojo/_base/array",
+ "dojox/storage",
+ "dojo/store/Memory",
+ "dojo/store/Observable",
+ "dijit/tree/ObjectStoreModel",
+ "dojo/data/ObjectStore",
+ "dijit/Tree",
+ "dijit/form/TextBox",
+ "dijit/form/Button",
+ "dojox/widget/Standby",
+ "dijit/form/DropDownButton",
+ "dijit/TooltipDialog",
+ "dojo/dnd/Moveable",
+ "dojo/ready",
+ "dojo/dnd/Source",
+ "dijit/form/HorizontalSlider",
+ "dijit/form/Select",
+ "dijit/form/NumberSpinner"],
+ function(domConst,
+ xhr,
+ dom,
+ on,
+ array,
+ storage,
+ Memory,
+ Observable,
+ ObjectStoreModel,
+ ObjectStore,
+ Tree,
+ TextBox,
+ Button,
+ Standby,
+ DropDownButton,
+ TooltipDialog,
+ Moveable,
+ ready,
+ Source,
+ HorizontalSlider,
+ Selector,
+ NumberSpinner) {
+ ready(function() {
+ if (typeof(element) === 'string') {
+ element = dom.byId(element);
+ }
+ = self.pose.height;
+ = self.pose.width;
+ self.element = element;
+ self.xhr = xhr;
+ // establish our dom
+ element.appendChild(domConst.toDom('\
+ <table>\
+ <tr>\
+ <td valign="top">\
+ <div style="position: relative; padding: 0px; width: ' + self.pose.width + 'px; height: ' + self.pose.height + 'px">\
+ <div class="screenShot" style="position: absolute; width: ' + self.pose.width + 'px; height: ' + self.pose.height + 'px">\
+ <img class="screenShot" style="width: ' + self.pose.width + 'px; height: ' + self.pose.height + 'px"></img>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="webGL" style="position: absolute; width: ' + self.pose.width + 'px; height: ' + self.pose.height + 'px">\
+ <canvas class="webGL" style="width: ' + self.pose.width + 'px; height: ' + self.pose.height + 'px"></canvas>\
+ </div>\
+ <div style="z-index: -1; position: absolute; right: 45%; top: 45%">\
+ <div class="progress"></div>\
+ </div>\
+ <div style="position: absolute; left: 10px; top: 10px">\
+ <table></tr>\
+ <td class="treeNavigation filesDropDown" style="vertical-align: middle"></td>\
+ <td class="movieControls">\
+ <div class="movieDropDown" style="display: inline"></div>\
+ <button type="button" class="movieAddButton"></button>\
+ </td>\
+ <td align="right"><button type="button" class="resetButton"></button></td>\
+ <td class="dndHandler" style="vertical-align: middle; padding-top: 4px;"></td>\
+ </tr></table>\
+ </div>\
+ <div style="position: absolute; right: 10px; top: 15%; height: 50%">\
+ <div class="zoomSlide"></div>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="draggable" style="position: absolute; right: 50%; top: 50%">\
+ <div class="pitchRollHandler" style="font-size: 0.5em; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.5); border-radius: 5px; moz-border-radius: 5px;">\
+ <table>\
+ <tr>\
+ <td><img class="pitchRollHandlerImg" src="' + self.resRoot + 'img/pitchRoll-handle.png" height="20px" style="padding: 2px 0px 0px 4px;" /></td>\
+ <td><div class="pitchLabel"></div><div class="rollLabel"></div></td>\
+ </tr>\
+ </table>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="draggable"style="position: absolute; right: 50%; top: 50%">\
+ <div class="yawZoomHandler">\
+ <div style="font-size: 0.5em; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.5); border-radius: 5px; moz-border-radius: 5px; position: absolute; left: -34px;">\
+ <table>\
+ <tr>\
+ <td><img class="yawZoomHandlerImg" src="' + self.resRoot + 'img/yawZoom-handle.png" height="20px" style="padding: 2px 0px 0px 4px;" /></td>\
+ <td><div class="yawLabel"></div><div class="zoomLabel"></div></td>\
+ </tr>\
+ </table>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="draggable"style="position: absolute; right: 50%; top: 50%">\
+ <div class="xyHandler" style="font-size: 0.5em; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.5); border-radius: 5px; moz-border-radius: 5px;">\
+ <table>\
+ <tr>\
+ <td><img class="xyHandlerImg" src="' + self.resRoot + 'img/xy-handle.png" width="20px" style="padding: 2px 0px 0px 4px;" /></td>\
+ <td><div class="xLabel"></div><div class="yLabel"></div></td>\
+ </tr>\
+ </table>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="listNavigation" style="position: absolute; left: 10px; bottom: 10px">\
+ <table></tr>\
+ <td style="vertical-align: middle"><button class="prevButton" type="button" /></td>\
+ <td style="vertical-align: middle"><div class="fileList" /></td>\
+ <td style="vertical-align: middle"><button class="nextButton" type="button" /></td>\
+ </tr></table>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ </td>\
+ <td valign="top" height="100%">\
+ </td>\
+ </tr>\
+ <tr>\
+ <td colspan="2"><div class="messages"></div></td>\
+ </tr>\
+ </table>\
+ '));
+ // fetch special dom nodes for content
+ self.messageBox = dojo.query("div.messages", element)[0];
+ self.imgElem = dojo.query("img.screenShot", element)[0];
+ /**
+ * === WebGL ====================
+ */
+ var activateWebGL = function(enable) {
+ if (enable) {
+ self.canvasElem = dojo.query("canvas.webGL", element)[0];
+ = self.width;
+ = self.height;
+ self.canvasElem.width = self.width;
+ self.canvasElem.height = self.height;
+ if (self.webGLViewer === undefined) {
+ self.webGLViewer = new osgViewer.Viewer(self.canvasElem, {antialias : true, alpha: true });
+ self.webGLViewer.init();
+ self.webGLViewer.getCamera().setClearColor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]);
+ self.webGLViewer.setupManipulator();
+ self.webGLStandby = new Standby({target: self.element });
+ self.element.appendChild(self.webGLStandby.domNode);
+ }
+ // show elements
+ array.forEach(dojo.query(".webGL", element), function(entry, i) {
+ = "inline";
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (self.webGLViewer) {
+ self.webGLViewer.stop();
+ }
+ // hide elements
+ array.forEach(dojo.query(".webGL", element), function(entry, i) {
+ = "none";
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ activateWebGL(self.enableWebGL);
+ var activateScreenshot = function(enable) {
+ if (enable) {
+ array.forEach(dojo.query(".screenShot", element), function(entry, i) {
+ = "inline";
+ });
+ } else {
+ array.forEach(dojo.query(".screenShot", element), function(entry, i) {
+ = "none";
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ activateScreenshot(self.enableSceneshots);
+ /**
+ * === POSE MANIPULATION AND RESET ====================
+ */
+ self.resetButtonElem = dojo.query("button.resetButton", element)[0];
+ self.resetButton = new Button({
+ label: "Reset",
+ onClick: function() {
+ if (self.webGLViewer) {
+ self.webGLViewer.setupManipulator();
+ self.webGLViewer.getManipulator().computeHomePosition();
+ }
+ self.pose.x = 0;
+ self.pose.y = 0;
+ self.pose.pitch = 0;
+ self.pose.roll = 0;
+ self.pose.yaw = 0;
+ self.pose.zoom = 1;
+ if (self.xyHandler) = 0;
+ if (self.xyHandler) = 0;
+ if (self.pitchRollHandler) = 0;
+ if (self.pitchRollHandler) = 0;
+ if (self.yawZoomHandler) = 0;
+ if (self.yawZoomHandler) = 0;
+ self.updateScene();
+ }
+ }, self.resetButtonElem);
+ var activateDraggables = function(enable) {
+ if (enable) {
+ if (self.pitchRollHandler == undefined) {
+ self.progressElem = dojo.query("div.progress", element)[0];
+ self.pitchRollHandlerElem = dojo.query(".pitchRollHandler", element)[0];
+ self.yawZoomHandlerElem = dojo.query(".yawZoomHandler", element)[0];
+ self.xyHandlerElem = dojo.query(".xyHandler", element)[0];
+ self.pitchRollHandler = new Moveable(self.pitchRollHandlerElem);
+ self.pitchRollHandler.onMoveStop = function(mover) {
+ var handlerImg = dojo.query("img.pitchRollHandlerImg", mover.node)[0];
+ var pitchLabel = dojo.query("div.pitchLabel", mover.node)[0];
+ var rollLabel = dojo.query("div.rollLabel", mover.node)[0];
+ pitchLabel.innerHTML = '';
+ rollLabel.innerHTML = '';
+ self.updateScene();
+ };
+ self.pitchRollHandler.onMoving = function(mover) {
+ var handlerImg = dojo.query(".pitchRollHandlerImg", mover.node)[0];
+ var pitchLabel = dojo.query(".pitchLabel", mover.node)[0];
+ var rollLabel = dojo.query(".rollLabel", mover.node)[0];
+ var offset = moverRelativeTo(handlerImg, self.element);
+ offset.x += 30;
+ offset.y += 20;
+ = 1;
+ = 1;
+ = 2;
+ self.pose.roll = offset.x / self.pose.width - 0.5;
+ self.pose.pitch = offset.y / self.pose.height - 0.5;
+ self.pose.pitch *= -1;
+ self.pose.roll *= 2 * 3.14159;
+ self.pose.pitch *= 2 * 3.14159;
+ self.pose.roll = Math.ceil((self.pose.roll) * 10) / 10;
+ self.pose.pitch = Math.ceil((self.pose.pitch) * 10) / 10;
+ pitchLabel.innerHTML = 'Pitch:' + self.pose.pitch;
+ rollLabel.innerHTML = 'Roll:' + self.pose.roll;
+ };
+ self.yawZoomHandler = new Moveable(self.yawZoomHandlerElem);
+ self.yawZoomHandler.onMoveStop = function(mover) {
+ var handlerImg = dojo.query("img.yawZoomHandlerImg", mover.node)[0];
+ var yawLabel = dojo.query("div.yawLabel", mover.node)[0];
+ var zoomLabel = dojo.query("div.zoomLabel", mover.node)[0];
+ yawLabel.innerHTML = '';
+ zoomLabel.innerHTML = '';
+ self.updateScene();
+ };
+ self.yawZoomHandler.onMoving = function(mover) {
+ var handlerImg = dojo.query("img.yawZoomHandlerImg", mover.node)[0];
+ var yawLabel = dojo.query("div.yawLabel", mover.node)[0];
+ var zoomLabel = dojo.query("div.zoomLabel", mover.node)[0];
+ var offset = moverRelativeTo(handlerImg, self.element);
+ offset.x += 7;
+ offset.y += 9;
+ = 1;
+ = 2;
+ = 1;
+ // self.pose.pitch = self.pose.pitch % (2 * 3.14159);
+ // self.pose.roll = self.pose.roll % (2 * 3.14159);
+ self.pose.yaw = (self.pose.width - offset.x) / self.pose.width - 0.5;
+ self.pose.zoom = offset.y / self.pose.height - 0.5;
+ self.pose.yaw *= 2 * 3.14159;
+ self.pose.zoom = self.pose.zoom * 3 + 1;
+ self.pose.zoom = Math.ceil((self.pose.zoom) * 10) / 10;
+ self.pose.yaw = Math.ceil((self.pose.yaw) * 10) / 10;
+ yawLabel.innerHTML = 'Yaw:' + self.pose.yaw;
+ zoomLabel.innerHTML = 'Zoom:' + self.pose.zoom;
+ };
+ self.xyHandler = new Moveable(self.xyHandlerElem);
+ self.xyHandler.onMoveStop = function(mover) {
+ var handlerImg = dojo.query("img.xyHandlerImg", mover.node)[0];
+ var xLabel = dojo.query("div.xLabel", mover.node)[0];
+ var yLabel = dojo.query("div.yLabel", mover.node)[0];
+ xLabel.innerHTML = '';
+ yLabel.innerHTML = '';
+ self.updateScene();
+ };
+ self.xyHandler.onMoving = function(mover) {
+ var handlerImg = dojo.query("img.xyHandlerImg", mover.node)[0];
+ var xLabel = dojo.query("div.xLabel", mover.node)[0];
+ var yLabel = dojo.query("div.yLabel", mover.node)[0];
+ var offset = moverRelativeTo(handlerImg, self.element);
+ offset.x += 3;
+ offset.y += 13;
+ = 2;
+ = 1;
+ = 1;
+ self.pose.x = offset.x / self.pose.width - 0.5;
+ self.pose.y = offset.y / self.pose.height - 0.5;
+ self.pose.x *= 100;
+ self.pose.y *= 100;
+ self.pose.y = Math.ceil((self.pose.y) * 10) / 10;
+ self.pose.x = Math.ceil((self.pose.x) * 10) / 10;
+ xLabel.innerHTML = 'X:' + self.pose.x;
+ yLabel.innerHTML = 'Y:' + self.pose.y;
+ };
+ }
+ // show all draggables
+ array.forEach(dojo.query(".draggable", element), function(entry, i) {
+ = "inline";
+ });
+ } else {
+ // show all draggables
+ array.forEach(dojo.query(".draggable", element), function(entry, i) {
+ = "none";
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ activateDraggables(self.enableDraggables);
+ /**
+ * === DRAG HANDLER ====================
+ */
+ var activateDND = function(enable) {
+ if (enable) {
+ self.createAvatar = function(item, mode) {
+ if (mode == 'avatar') {
+ // create your avatar if you want
+ var avatar = dojo.create( 'div', { innerHTML: });
+ var avatarPose = dojo.clone(self.pose);
+ avatarPose.width=60;
+ avatarPose.height=60;
+ var avatarImgUrl = urlSuffixForPose(avatarPose);
+ avatar.innerHTML = '<img src=' + self.serverURL + self.imagePath + self.imageFormat + avatarImgUrl + ' /> ';
+ item.srcEcc = "VRMLViewer";
+ item.iconPoseUrl = self.serverURL + self.imagePath + self.imageFormat + avatarImgUrl;
+ item.imagePath = self.imagePath;
+ item.imageFormat = self.imageFormat;
+ item.serverURL = self.serverURL;
+ item.pose = avatarPose;
+ return {node: avatar, data: item, type: item.type};
+ }
+ var handler = dojo.create( 'div', { innerHTML: '<img src="' + self.resRoot + 'img/drag.png" width="20px" />' });
+ return {node: handler, data: item, type: item.type};
+ };
+ self.dndHandler = new Source(dojo.query("td.dndHandler", element)[0], {copyOnly: true, creator: self.createAvatar});
+ self.dndHandler.insertNodes(false, [ { } ]);
+ array.forEach(dojo.query(".dndHandler", element), function(entry, i) {
+ = "inline";
+ });
+ } else {
+ array.forEach(dojo.query(".dndHandler", element), function(entry, i) {
+ = "none";
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ activateDND(self.enableDND);
+ /**
+ * === FILE NAVIGATION ====================
+ */
+ var activateListNavigation = function(enable) {
+ if (enable) {
+ array.forEach(dojo.query(".listNavigation", element), function(entry, i) {
+ = "inline";
+ });
+ if (!self.fileListStore) {
+ // setup fileStore
+ self.fileListStore = new Observable(new Memory({
+ data: [],
+ }));
+ self.prevButtonElem = dojo.query("button.prevButton", element)[0];
+ self.nextButtonElem = dojo.query("button.nextButton", element)[0];
+ self.fileListElem = dojo.query("div.fileList", element)[0];
+ self.fileListSelect = new Selector({
+ store: new ObjectStore({ objectStore: self.fileListStore }),
+ onChange: function(name) {
+ var item = self.fileListStore.query({ id: name })[0];
+ self.imagePath = self.listDirectory +;
+ self.updateScene();
+ }
+ }, self.fileListElem);
+ self.prevButton = new Button({
+ label: "<",
+ onClick: function() {
+ var allItems = self.fileListStore.query();
+ var foundAt = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
+ console.log(self.serverURL + self.imagePath + " === " + allItems[i].url);
+ if (self.serverURL + self.imagePath === allItems[i].url) {
+ foundAt = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (foundAt > 0) {
+ self.imagePath = self.listDirectory + allItems[foundAt - 1].name;
+ self.fileListSelect.attr( 'value', allItems[foundAt - 1].id );
+ if (self.serverURL + self.imagePath !== allItems[foundAt - 1].url)
+ console.log(self.serverURL + self.imagePath + " !== " + allItems[foundAt - 1].url);
+ self.updateScene();
+ }
+ }
+ }, self.prevButtonElem);
+ self.nextButton = new Button({
+ label: ">",
+ onClick: function() {
+ var allItems = self.fileListStore.query();
+ var foundAt = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
+ // console.log(self.serverURL + self.imagePath + " === " + allItems[i].url);
+ if (self.serverURL + self.imagePath === allItems[i].url) {
+ foundAt = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (foundAt + 1 < {
+ self.imagePath = self.listDirectory + allItems[foundAt + 1].name + ".png";
+ self.fileListSelect.attr( 'value', allItems[foundAt + 1].id );
+ if (self.serverURL + self.imagePath !== allItems[foundAt + 1].url)
+ console.log(self.serverURL + self.imagePath + " !== " + allItems[foundAt + 1].url);
+ self.updateScene();
+ }
+ }
+ }, self.nextButtonElem);
+ }
+ } else {
+ array.forEach(dojo.query(".listNavigation", element), function(entry, i) {
+ = "none";
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ activateListNavigation(self.listNavigationStyle);
+ var activateTreeNavigation = function(enable) {
+ if (enable) {
+ array.forEach(dojo.query(".treeNavigation", element), function(entry, i) {
+ = "";
+ });
+ if (!self.fileTreeStore) {
+ // setup fileStore
+ self.fileTreeStore = new Observable(new Memory({
+ data: [ { id: 'root', name:'3D Models'} ],
+ getChildren: function(object){
+ return this.query({parent:});
+ }
+ }));
+ self.fileTreeModel = new ObjectStoreModel({
+ store: self.fileTreeStore,
+ query: { id: "root" }
+ });
+ // setup actual tree dijit
+ self.fileTree = new dijit.Tree({
+ id: "fileTree" + self.instanceId,
+ model: self.fileTreeModel,
+ persist: false,
+ showRoot: false,
+ style: "height: 300px;",
+ onClick: function(item){
+ if ('url' in item) {
+ self.imagePath = item.url;
+ var newListDir = self.imagePath.substring(0, self.imagePath.lastIndexOf("/"));
+ if (newListDir.length > 0)
+ newListDir += '/';
+ if (newListDir !== self.listDirectory) {
+ self.listDirectory = newListDir;
+ self.refreshServer(self.serverURL, { skipTree: true });
+ }
+ self.updateScene();
+ }
+ },
+ getIconClass: function(item, opened) {
+ return (!item || !('url' in item)) ? (opened ? "dijitFolderOpened" : "dijitFolderClosed") : "dijitLeaf";
+ },
+ getIconStyle: function(item, opened){
+ if('url' in item) {
+ return { backgroundImage: "url('" + self.serverURL + item.url + self.imageFormat + "?width=16&height=16')"};
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ self.filesDropDownElem = dojo.query("td.filesDropDown", element)[0];
+ self.serverBox = new TextBox({
+ name: "Server",
+ value: self.serverURL,
+ style: "width: 65%",
+ onKeyUp: function(e) {
+ if (self.browseButton) {
+ if (this.get("value") !== self.serverURL) {
+ self.browseButton.setAttribute('label', 'Browse');
+ } else {
+ self.browseButton.setAttribute('label', 'Refresh');
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ onKeyDown: function(e) {
+ var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
+ if( code === 13 ) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ self.refreshServer(this.get("value"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ self.browseButton = new Button({
+ label: "Browse",
+ onClick: function(){
+ self.refreshServer(self.serverBox.get("value"));
+ }
+ });
+ self.filesDropDownContent = domConst.toDom('<div />');
+ self.filesDropDownContent.appendChild(self.serverBox.domNode);
+ self.filesDropDownContent.appendChild(self.browseButton.domNode);
+ self.filesDropDownContent.appendChild(self.fileTree.domNode);
+ self.filesToolTip = new TooltipDialog({ content:self.filesDropDownContent, style:"max-height:320px"});
+ self.filesDropDown = new DropDownButton({ label: "Files", dropDown: self.filesToolTip });
+ self.filesDropDownElem.appendChild(self.filesDropDown.domNode);
+ self.fileStandby = new Standby({target: self.filesDropDownContent });
+ self.filesDropDownContent.appendChild(self.fileStandby.domNode);
+ }
+ } else {
+ array.forEach(dojo.query(".treeNavigation", element), function(entry, i) {
+ = "none";
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ activateTreeNavigation(self.treeNavigationStyle);
+ /**
+ * === MOVIE DROPDOWN ====================
+ */
+ var activateMovies = function(enable) {
+ if (enable) {
+ self.movieDropDownElem = dojo.query("div.movieDropDown", element)[0];
+ self.movieAddButtonElem = dojo.query("button.movieAddButton", element)[0];
+ self.movieDropDownContent = domConst.toDom(
+ '<div style="overflow: auto; max-height: 420px;"> \
+ <table><tr class="movieFormatLengthRow" /></tr><tr class="movieWidthHeightLengthRow" /></table> \
+ <div class=\"dndArea\" /> \
+ </div>'
+ );
+ self.movieFormatLengthRowElem = dojo.query("tr.movieFormatLengthRow", self.movieDropDownContent)[0];
+ self.movieWidthHeightLengthRowElem = dojo.query("tr.movieWidthHeightLengthRow", self.movieDropDownContent)[0];
+ self.movieDnDArea = dojo.query("div.dndArea", self.movieDropDownContent)[0];
+ self.createMovieThumb = function(item, mode) {
+ if (mode == 'avatar') {
+ // when dragged
+ var avatar = dojo.create( 'div', { innerHTML: });
+ var avatarPose = dojo.clone(self.pose);
+ avatarPose.width = 60;
+ avatarPose.height = 60;
+ var avatarImgUrl = urlSuffixForPose(avatarPose);
+ avatar.innerHTML = '<img src=' + self.imagePath + self.imageFormat + avatarImgUrl + ' /> ';
+ item.srcEcc = "VRMLViewer";
+ item.iconPoseUrl = self.imagePath + avatarImgUrl;
+ item.imagePath = self.imagePath;
+ item.serverURL = self.serverURL;
+ item.pose = avatarPose;
+ return {node: avatar, data: item, type: item.type};
+ } else {
+ // when added to list
+ var thumb = domConst.toDom("\
+ <div>\
+ <table><tr><td>\
+ <img class=\"movieThumb\"/>\
+ <img class=\"removeThumb\" style=\"vertical-align: top; margin: -3px 0px 0px -8px; width: 20px; height: 20px;\"/>\
+ </td><td align=\"left\">\
+ <table><tr>\
+ <td>Frame:</td><td><div class=\"relFrameLength\"/></td>\
+ <td><div class=\"fillInSeries\" \></td>\
+ </tr><tr>\
+ <td>Transition:</td><td><div class=\"relTransitionLength\"/></td>\
+ </tr></table>\
+ </td></tr></table>\
+ </div>\
+ ");
+ thumb = dojo.query("div", thumb)[0];
+ var thumbImgElem = dojo.query("img.movieThumb", thumb)[0];
+ var removeImgElem = dojo.query("img.removeThumb", thumb)[0];
+ var relFrameLengthElem = dojo.query("div.relFrameLength", thumb)[0];
+ var relTransitionLengthElem = dojo.query("div.relTransitionLength", thumb)[0];
+ var fillInSeriesElem = dojo.query("div.fillInSeries", thumb)[0];
+ item.getThisAndNeighborsFromDnD = function() {
+ var thisAndNeighbors = {};
+ self.addToMovieHandler.forInItems(function(obj, key, ctx) {
+ if ( === item) {
+ thisAndNeighbors.this = { key: key, obj: obj };
+ } else {
+ thisAndNeighbors.before = { key: key, obj: obj };
+ }
+ if (thisAndNeighbors.this) {
+ thisAndNeighbors.after = { key: key, obj: obj };
+ return thisAndNeighbors;
+ }
+ });
+ return thisAndNeighbors;
+ };
+ item.relFrameLengthSlider = new HorizontalSlider({
+ value: 50,
+ title: "Relative Duration of Frame",
+ style: "width:150px;"
+ }, relFrameLengthElem);
+ item.relTransitionLengthSlider = new HorizontalSlider({
+ value: 100,
+ title: "Relative Duration of Transition",
+ style: "width:150px;"
+ }, relTransitionLengthElem);
+ removeImgElem.onclick = function() {
+ var thisItem = item.getThisAndNeighborsFromDnD();
+ if (thisItem.this) {
+ // haha - what a mess!
+ self.addToMovieHandler.selectNone();
+ self.addToMovieHandler.selection[thisItem.this.key] = thisItem.this.obj;
+ self.addToMovieHandler.deleteSelectedNodes();
+ }
+ // disable create button if this was the last one
+ if (!thisItem.after || !thisItem.before) {
+ self.movieCreateButton.setAttribute('disabled', true);
+ }
+ }
+ item.fillInSeriesButton = new Button({
+ label: "Insert Series",
+ style: "display: none;",
+ onClick: function(){
+ alert("foo");
+ }
+ }, fillInSeriesElem);
+ removeImgElem.src = self.resRoot + "img/close.png";
+ var thumbPose = dojo.clone(self.pose);
+ thumbPose.width = self.pose.width / 10;
+ thumbPose.height = self.pose.height / 10;
+ var thumbImgUrl = urlSuffixForPose(thumbPose);
+ thumbImgElem.src = self.serverURL + self.imagePath + self.imageFormat + thumbImgUrl;
+ // removeImgElem.src = self.resRoot + 'img/close.png';
+ item.srcEcc = "VRMLViewer";
+ item.iconPoseUrl = self.imagePath + thumbImgUrl;
+ item.imagePath = self.imagePath;
+ item.serverURL = self.serverURL;
+ item.pose = thumbPose;
+ return {node: thumb, data: item, type: item.type};
+ }
+ };
+ self.addToMovieHandler = new Source(self.movieDnDArea, {copyOnly: true, creator: self.createMovieThumb});
+ self.movieFormatSelection = new Selector({
+ name: "movieFormat",
+ style: "width: 320px",
+ options: []
+ });
+ self.populateMovieCodecs(self.serverURL + '/movie/codecs', self.movieFormatSelection);
+ self.movieFormatLengthRowElem.appendChild(dojo.create('td', { innerHTML: 'Format:'} ));
+ self.movieFormatLengthRowElem.appendChild(dojo.create('td', { colspan: "2"}));
+ self.movieFormatLengthRowElem.lastChild.appendChild(self.movieFormatSelection.domNode);
+ self.movieHeightSpinner = new NumberSpinner({
+ value: 400,
+ smallDelta: 1,
+ style: "width: 60px",
+ constraints: { min:40, places:0 },
+ });
+ self.movieWidthSpinner = new NumberSpinner({
+ value: 600,
+ smallDelta: 1,
+ style: "width: 60px",
+ constraints: { min:40, places:0 },
+ });
+ self.movieCreateButton = new Button({
+ label: "Create",
+ disabled: true,
+ onClick: function(){
+ var form = document.createElement("form");
+ form.setAttribute("method", "post");
+ form.setAttribute("action", self.serverURL + "/movie");
+ var submitData = {};
+ submitData.frames = [];
+ submitData.movieLength = self.movieDurationSpinner.value;
+ submitData.format = self.movieFormatSelection.value;
+ submitData.width = self.movieWidthSpinner.value;
+ submitData.height = self.movieHeightSpinner.value;
+ self.addToMovieHandler.forInItems(function(obj, key, ctx) {
+ var jsonData = {
+ iconPoseUrl:,
+ imagePath:,
+ serverURL:,
+ pose:,
+ relFrameLength:,
+ relTransitionLength:,
+ }
+ submitData.frames.push(jsonData);
+ });
+ var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");
+ hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
+ hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "data");
+ hiddenField.setAttribute("value", JSON.stringify(submitData));
+ form.appendChild(hiddenField);
+ document.body.appendChild(form);
+ form.submit();
+ document.body.removeChild(form);
+ }
+ });
+ self.movieDurationSpinner = new NumberSpinner({
+ value: 10,
+ smallDelta: 1,
+ style: "width: 40px",
+ constraints: { min:0, places:0 },
+ });
+ // append format duration cell
+ self.movieWidthHeightLengthRowElem.appendChild(dojo.create('td', { innerHTML: 'Size:'} ));
+ var movieDimensionCell = dojo.create('td');
+ movieDimensionCell.appendChild(self.movieWidthSpinner.domNode);
+ movieDimensionCell.appendChild(dojo.create('span', { innerHTML: "x"} ));
+ movieDimensionCell.appendChild(self.movieHeightSpinner.domNode);
+ movieDimensionCell.appendChild(self.movieDurationSpinner.domNode);
+ movieDimensionCell.appendChild(dojo.create('span', { innerHTML: "sec"} ));
+ self.movieWidthHeightLengthRowElem.appendChild(movieDimensionCell);
+ self.movieWidthHeightLengthRowElem.appendChild(dojo.create('td', { align: "right"}));
+ self.movieWidthHeightLengthRowElem.lastChild.appendChild(self.movieCreateButton.domNode);
+ self.movieToolTip = new TooltipDialog({ content:self.movieDropDownContent });
+ self.movieDropDown = new DropDownButton({
+ label: "Movie",
+ style: "display: none;",
+ dropDown: self.movieToolTip });
+ self.movieDropDownElem.appendChild(self.movieDropDown.domNode);
+ self.movieAddButton = new Button({
+ label: "+",
+ style: "margin-left: -10px; display: none;",
+ onClick: function(){
+ if (self.movieFormatSelection.options.length == 0) {
+ self.populateMovieCodecs(self.serverURL + '/movie/codecs', self.movieFormatSelection);
+ }
+ // we could pass here to creator
+ self.addToMovieHandler.insertNodes(false, [ { } ]);
+ self.movieCreateButton.setAttribute('disabled', false);
+ }
+ }, self.movieAddButtonElem);
+ } else {
+ // remove movie controls
+ var movieControls = dojo.query("td.movieControls", element)[0];
+ movieControls.parentNode.removeChild(movieControls);
+ }
+ }
+ activateMovies(self.enableMovies);
+ // do we have parameters for the initial pose?
+ if(self.params && self.params.pose)
+ self.setScene(self.params.imagePath, self.params.pose, self.params.serverURL);
+ if (self.serverURL) {
+ self.refreshServer(self.serverURL);
+ self.updateScene();
+ }
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/apps/samples/vrml/viewer-webgl.js b/apps/samples/vrml/viewer-webgl.js
index e2d3c6c..bc5833b 100644
--- a/apps/samples/vrml/viewer-webgl.js
+++ b/apps/samples/vrml/viewer-webgl.js
@@ -1,29 +1,11 @@
-// Define the namespace
-// var eu_smartvorex_femkit_ui_modelviewer = eu_smartvorex_femkit_ui_modelviewer || {};
-// eu_smartvorex_femkit_ui_modelviewer.VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
-VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
- element.innerHTML = "<div name='vrmlviewer'/>";
- this.updatePose = function(pose) {
- console.log("Updating pose.");
- console.log("Pose = " + JSON.stringify(pose, null, 4));
- if (!pose.width) pose.width = self.pose.width;
- if (!pose.height) pose.height = self.pose.height;
- // this.setScene(this.imagePath, this.imageFormat, pose, this.serverURL);
- };
+function VRMLViewer(element, params) {
// private attributes
var self = this;
var batchChanges = false;
var webGLManipulatorsSetup = false;
- var currWebGLModel = "";
// private instanceId
- // if (!eu_smartvorex_femkit_ui_modelviewer.VRMLViewer.instances)
- // eu_smartvorex_femkit_ui_modelviewer.VRMLViewer.instances = 0;
- // this.instanceId = eu_smartvorex_femkit_ui_modelviewer.VRMLViewer.instances++;
if (!VRMLViewer.instances)
VRMLViewer.instances = 0;
this.instanceId = VRMLViewer.instances++;
@@ -41,8 +23,10 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0,
+ width: false,
+ height: false,
autorotate: false,
- };
+ }
this.pose = pose;
@@ -51,17 +35,17 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
this.enableWebGL = true;
this.enableSceneshots = false;
this.enableDraggables = false;
+ this.enablePosePublishing = true;
this.treeNavigationStyle = true;
this.listNavigationStyle = true;
this.listDirectory = "";
- this.serverURL = "localhost:8080";
+ this.serverURL = "localhost:8082";
+ this.webSocketURL = "localhost:8083";
this.imagePath = "";
this.imageFormat = ".png";
this.resRoot = "";
- osg.setNotifyLevel(osg.ERROR);
// copy over values from constructor arguments
if (params) {
for (var param in params) {
@@ -78,6 +62,13 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
if (!self.pose.height)
self.pose.height = self.height;
+ this.hasWebSockets = ("WebSocket" in window);
+ if (self.enablePosePublishing && !self.hasWebSockets) {
+ console.log("Your browser does not support WebSockets, deactivating pose publishing");
+ self.enablePosePublishing = false;
+ }
var hasWebGL = function() {
try {
if (!window.WebGLRenderingContext) {
@@ -95,17 +86,39 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
return false;
return false;
- };
+ }
+ self.hasWebGL = hasWebGL();
if (self.enableWebGL && !hasWebGL()) {
- console.log("Your browser does no support WebGL, falling back to sceneshots");
+ console.log("Your browser does not support WebGL, falling back to sceneshots");
self.enableWebGL = false;
self.enableSceneshots = true;
- /**
- * normalize given parameters
- */
+ // see
+ function syntaxHighlight(json) {
+ if (typeof json != 'string') {
+ json = JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2);
+ }
+ json = json.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
+ return json.replace(/("(\\u[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}|\\[^u]|[^\\"])*"(\s*:)?|\b(true|false|null)\b|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?)/g, function (match) {
+ var cls = 'number';
+ if (/^"/.test(match)) {
+ if (/:$/.test(match)) {
+ cls = 'key';
+ } else {
+ cls = 'string';
+ }
+ } else if (/true|false/.test(match)) {
+ cls = 'boolean';
+ } else if (/null/.test(match)) {
+ cls = 'null';
+ }
+ return '<span class="' + cls + '">' + match + '</span>';
+ });
+ }
+ // normalize parameters
var normalizeParams = function() {
// make sure server url begins with protocol and does *not* ends in /
if (!self.serverURL.substring(0, 7) == "http://" &&
@@ -126,18 +139,14 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
if (!self.imageFormat.substring(0, 1) !== ".")
self.imageFormat = "." + self.imageFormat;
- };
+ }
- /**
- * Fetch a remote WebGL model and return a future for it
- */
var getWebGLModel = function(url) {
- console.log("Loading " + url);
if (self.webGLStandby) {; }
var defer = osgDB.Promise.defer();
var node = new osg.MatrixTransform();
- // node.setMatrix(osg.Matrix.makeRotate(-Math.PI/2, 1,0,0, []));
+ //node.setMatrix(osg.Matrix.makeRotate(-Math.PI/2, 1,0,0, []));
var loadModel = function(url) {
osg.log("loading " + url);
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
@@ -146,36 +155,23 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
if (req.readyState == 4) {
if(req.status == 200) {
osgDB.Promise.when(osgDB.parseSceneGraph(JSON.parse(req.responseText))).then(function(child) {
- console.log("Loaded " + url);
- var rotate = [];
- osg.Matrix.makeIdentity(rotate);
- // osg.Matrix.preMult(rotate, osg.Matrix.makeRotate(Math.PI/2.0, 1,0,0,[]));
- // osg.Matrix.preMult(rotate, osg.Matrix.makeRotate(Math.PI, 0,1,0,[]));
- node.setMatrix(rotate);
+ node.setMatrix(osg.Matrix.makeRotate(Math.PI/2.0, 1,0,0,[]));
osg.log("success " + url);
- if (self.webGLStandby) { self.webGLStandby.hide(); }
} else {
osg.log("error " + url);
- if (self.webGLStandby) { self.webGLStandby.hide(); }
+ if (self.webGLStandby) { self.webGLStandby.hide(); }
return defer.promise;
- };
+ }
- /**
- * Concatenate pose as query string
- */
var urlSuffixForPose = function(pose) {
var queryString =
'?width=' + pose.width +
@@ -191,16 +187,7 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
return queryString;
- /**
- * Get relative position of two elements
- */
var moverRelativeTo = function(mover, container) {
- // see
- var absolutePosition = function(el) {
- for (var lx=0, ly=0; el != null; lx += el.offsetLeft, ly += el.offsetTop, el = el.offsetParent);
- return {x: lx,y: ly};
- };
var containerPos = absolutePosition(container);
return {
x: mover.x - containerPos.x,
@@ -208,59 +195,37 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
- var eulerToMatrix = function(pitch, roll, yaw) {
- // see
- var m = osg.Matrix.makeIdentity([]);
- var A = Math.cos(pitch);
- var B = Math.sin(pitch);
- var C = Math.cos(roll);
- var D = Math.sin(roll);
- var E = Math.cos(yaw);
- var F = Math.sin(yaw);
- var AD = A * D;
- var BD = B * D;
- osg.Matrix.setRow(m, 0, (C * E), (-C * F), (-D), 0);
- osg.Matrix.setRow(m, 1, (-BD * E + A * F), (BD * F + A * E), (-B * C), 0);
- osg.Matrix.setRow(m, 2, (AD * E + B * F), (-AD * F + B * E), (A * C), 0);
- osg.Matrix.setRow(m, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1);
- return m;
- }
+ // see
+ var absolutePosition = function(el) {
+ for (var lx=0, ly=0; el != null; lx += el.offsetLeft, ly += el.offsetTop, el = el.offsetParent);
+ return {x: lx,y: ly};
+ };
- var matrixToEuler = function(m) {
- // see:
- var angleX = 0;
- var angleZ = 0;
- var D = -1 * Math.asin(osg.Matrix.get(m,0,2)); /* Calculate Y-axis angle */
- var angleY = D;
- var C = Math.cos(angleY);
- /* Gimbal lock? */
- if (Math.abs(C) > 0.005) {
- var tr_x = osg.Matrix.get(m,2,2) / C; /* No, so get X-axis angle */
- var tr_y = -1 * osg.Matrix.get(m,1,2) / C;
- angleX = Math.atan2( tr_y, tr_x );
- tr_x = osg.Matrix.get(m,0,0) / C; /* Get Z-axis angle */
- tr_y = -1 * osg.Matrix.get(m,0,1) / C;
- angleZ = Math.atan2( tr_y, tr_x );
- } else {
- /* Gimball lock has occurred */
- angleX = 0; /* Set X-axis angle to zero */
- var tr_x = osg.Matrix.get(m,1,1); /* And calculate Z-axis angle */
- var tr_y = osg.Matrix.get(m,1,0);
- angleZ = Math.atan2( tr_y, tr_x );
+ // update the scene
+ this.updateScene = function() {
+ if (self.serverURL && self.imagePath && !self.batchChanges) {
+ console.log(self.serverURL + self.imagePath + self.imageFormat + urlSuffixForPose(self.pose));
+ if (self.enableWebGL) {
+ osgDB.Promise.when(getWebGLModel(self.serverURL + self.imagePath + '.osgjs')).then(function(model) {
+ self.webGLViewer.setSceneData(model);
+ if (!webGLManipulatorsSetup) {
+ self.webGLViewer.setupManipulator(new osgGA.OrbitManipulator(), false);
+ self.webGLViewer.getManipulator().computeHomePosition();
+ }
+ webGLManipulatorsSetup = true;
+ });
+ }
+ if (self.enableSceneshots) {
+ self.imgElem.src = self.serverURL + self.imagePath + self.imageFormat + urlSuffixForPose(self.pose);
+ if (self.enableMovies && self.movieAddButton) {
+ // we are showing an image, activate movie controls
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ }
+ }
- /* Clamp all angles to range */
- return {
- pitch: angleX % (2 * 3.14159),
- roll: angleY % (2 * 3.14159),
- yaw: angleZ % (2 * 3.14159)
- };
- }
+ };
// get list of supported ffmpeg codecs from server
this.populateMovieCodecs = function(server, selectElem) {
@@ -288,20 +253,17 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
codec !== "y41p" &&
codec !== "yuv4")
- // console.log(codec);
+ //console.log(codec);
selectElem.options.push({ label:[codec].longName, value: codec });
if (codec === "mpeg4")
selectElem.options[selectElem.options.length - 1].selected = true;
- };
+ }
// update list of vrml files from server
this.refreshServer = function(server, params) {
- if (!self.listNavigationStyle && !self.treeNavigationStyle)
- return;
self.serverURL = server;
if (!params)
params = {};
@@ -335,7 +297,7 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
load: function(result) {
-// self.localStorage.put("vrmlServer", self.serverURL, null);
+// self.localStorage.put("vrmlServer", self.serverURL, null);
if (self.browseButton) { self.browseButton.setAttribute('label', 'Refresh'); }
if (self.fileStandby) { self.fileStandby.hide(); }
@@ -387,132 +349,38 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
- // self.updateScene();
+ //self.updateScene();
- this.getPose = function() {
- if (self.webGLViewer && self.webGLViewer.getSceneData()) {
- var rotate = [];
- osg.Matrix.makeIdentity(rotate);
- osg.Matrix.preMult(rotate, osg.Matrix.makeRotate(Math.PI/2.0, 1,0,0,[]));
- osg.Matrix.preMult(rotate, osg.Matrix.makeRotate(Math.PI, 0,1,0,[]));
- osg.Matrix.postMult(self.webGLViewer.getSceneData().getMatrix(), rotate);
- var pose = matrixToEuler(rotate);
- return pose;
- } else {
- return {
- pitch: self.pose.pitch,
- roll: self.pose.roll,
- yaw: self.pose.yaw,
- }
- }
- }
- this.setPose = function(pose) {
- this.setScene(self.imagePath, self.imageFormat, pose, self.serverURL);
- }
- this.setScene = function(imagePath, imageFormat, pose, serverURL) {
+ this.setPose = function(imagePath, imageFormat, pose, serverURL) {
if (serverURL && serverURL != self.serverURL) {
self.imagePath = imagePath;
self.imageFormat = imageFormat;
+ self.pose = pose;
- for (var key in pose) {
- self.pose[key] = pose[key];
- }
+ var pitch = (pose.pitch % (2 * 3.14159) + 0.5) * 100;
+ var roll = (pose.roll % (2 * 3.14159) + 0.5) * 100;
+ var yaw = (pose.yaw % (2 * 3.14159) + 0.5) * 100;
+ var x = ((pose.x / 100) + 0.5) * 100;
+ var y = ((pose.y / 100) + 0.5) * 100;
+ var zoom = (((pose.zoom - 1) / 3) + 0.5) * 100;
- self.pose.pitch = (2 * 3.14159 + self.pose.pitch) % (2 * 3.14159);
- self.pose.roll = (2 * 3.14159 + self.pose.roll) % (2 * 3.14159);
- self.pose.yaw = (2 * 3.14159 + self.pose.yaw) % (2 * 3.14159);
- var pitch = (self.pose.pitch / (2 * 3.14159) + 0.5) * 100;
- var roll = (self.pose.roll / (2 * 3.14159) + 0.5) * 100;
- var yaw = (self.pose.yaw / (2 * 3.14159) + 0.5) * 100;
- var x = ((self.pose.x / 100) + 0.5) * 100;
- var y = ((self.pose.y / 100) + 0.5) * 100;
- var zoom = (((self.pose.zoom - 1) / 3) + 0.5) * 100;
- // console.log("pitch: " + pitch);
- if (self.pitchRollHandlerElem) = pitch + "%";
- if (self.pitchRollHandlerElem) = roll + "%";
- if (self.yawZoomHandlerElem) = yaw + "%";
- if (self.yawZoomHandlerElem) = zoom + "%";
- if (self.xyHandlerElem) = x + "%";
- if (self.xyHandlerElem) = y + "%";
+ = pitch + "%";
+ = roll + "%";
+ = yaw + "%";
+ = zoom + "%";
+ = x + "%";
+ = y + "%";
- // update the scene
- this.updateScene = function() {
- if (self.serverURL && self.imagePath && !self.batchChanges) {
- // console.log(self.serverURL + self.imagePath + self.imageFormat + urlSuffixForPose(self.pose));
- if (self.enableWebGL) {
- var setWebGLPose = function() {
- // reset camera controls
- self.webGLViewer.getManipulator().reset();
- self.webGLViewer.getManipulator().computeHomePosition();
- var bs = self.webGLViewer.getSceneData().getBound();
- var zoom = 1; //self.pose.zoom || 10;
- var eye = [0, 0, bs.radius() * (1.9 * zoom)];
- // var center =;
- // var up = [1,1,0];
- self.webGLViewer.getManipulator().setEyePosition(eye);
- // var poseMatrix = eulerToMatrix(self.pose.pitch, self.pose.yaw, -1 * self.pose.roll);
- var poseMatrix = eulerToMatrix(self.pose.pitch * -1, self.pose.roll * -1, self.pose.yaw);
- var rotate = [];
- osg.Matrix.makeIdentity(rotate);
- // osg.Matrix.preMult(rotate, osg.Matrix.makeRotate(Math.PI/2.0, 1,0,0,[]));
- // osg.Matrix.preMult(rotate, osg.Matrix.makeRotate(Math.PI, 0,1,0,[]));
- osg.Matrix.postMult(poseMatrix, rotate);
- // osg.Matrix.preMult(rotate, poseMatrix);
- self.webGLViewer.getSceneData().setMatrix(rotate);
- }
- if (self.imagePath != currWebGLModel) {
- currWebGLModel = self.imagePath;
- osgDB.Promise.when(getWebGLModel(self.serverURL + self.imagePath + '.osgjs')).then(function(model) {
- self.webGLViewer.setSceneData(model);
- if (!webGLManipulatorsSetup) {
- self.webGLViewer.setupManipulator(new osgGA.OrbitManipulator(), false);
- self.webGLViewer.getManipulator().computeHomePosition();
- }
- webGLManipulatorsSetup = true;
- setWebGLPose();
- });
- }
- if (self.webGLViewer && currWebGLModel == self.imagePath && self.webGLViewer.getSceneData()) {
- setWebGLPose();
- }
- }
- if (self.enableSceneshots) {
- self.imgElem.src = self.serverURL + self.imagePath + self.imageFormat + urlSuffixForPose(self.pose);
- if (self.enableMovies && self.movieAddButton) {
- // we are showing an image, activate movie controls
- = "";
- = "";
- }
- }
- }
- };
@@ -662,7 +530,17 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) { = self.height;
self.canvasElem.width = self.width;
self.canvasElem.height = self.height;
+ // osgDB.Promise.when(getWebGLModel('http://localhost:8081/vrml/cranehook/cranehook_bad_convergence/HARD_MP_VAL_013.osgjs')).then(function(model) {
+ // self.webGLViewer = new osgViewer.Viewer(self.canvasElem, {antialias : true, alpha: true });
+ // self.webGLViewer.init();
+ // self.webGLViewer.getCamera().setClearColor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]);
+ // self.webGLViewer.setSceneData(model);
+ // self.webGLViewer.setupManipulator();
+ // self.webGLViewer.getManipulator().computeHomePosition();
+ //;
+ // });
if (self.webGLViewer === undefined) {
self.webGLViewer = new osgViewer.Viewer(self.canvasElem, {antialias : true, alpha: true });
@@ -677,7 +555,7 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
// show elements
array.forEach(dojo.query(".webGL", element), function(entry, i) { = "inline";
- });
+ })
} else {
if (self.webGLViewer) {
@@ -685,9 +563,9 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
// hide elements
array.forEach(dojo.query(".webGL", element), function(entry, i) { = "none";
- });
+ })
- };
+ }
var activateScreenshot = function(enable) {
@@ -700,13 +578,13 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) { = "none";
- };
+ }
* === POSE MANIPULATION AND RESET ====================
self.resetButtonElem = dojo.query("button.resetButton", element)[0];
self.resetButton = new Button({
label: "Reset",
@@ -722,12 +600,12 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
self.pose.yaw = 0;
self.pose.zoom = 1;
- if (self.xyHandler) = 0;
- if (self.xyHandler) = 0;
- if (self.pitchRollHandler) = 0;
- if (self.pitchRollHandler) = 0;
- if (self.yawZoomHandler) = 0;
- if (self.yawZoomHandler) = 0;
+ = 0;
+ = 0;
+ = 0;
+ = 0;
+ = 0;
+ = 0;
@@ -847,15 +725,15 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
// show all draggables
array.forEach(dojo.query(".draggable", element), function(entry, i) { = "inline";
- });
+ })
} else {
// show all draggables
array.forEach(dojo.query(".draggable", element), function(entry, i) { = "none";
- });
+ })
- };
+ }
@@ -889,16 +767,15 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
array.forEach(dojo.query(".dndHandler", element), function(entry, i) { = "inline";
- });
+ })
} else {
array.forEach(dojo.query(".dndHandler", element), function(entry, i) { = "none";
- });
+ })
- };
+ }
@@ -959,10 +836,10 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
var allItems = self.fileListStore.query();
var foundAt = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
- // console.log(self.serverURL + self.imagePath + " === " + allItems[i].url);
+ //console.log(self.serverURL + self.imagePath + " === " + allItems[i].url);
if (self.serverURL + self.imagePath === allItems[i].url) {
foundAt = i;
- break;
+ break
if (foundAt + 1 < {
@@ -980,7 +857,7 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) { = "none";
- };
+ }
var activateTreeNavigation = function(enable) {
@@ -1032,6 +909,7 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) {
return { backgroundImage: "url('" + self.serverURL + item.url + self.imageFormat + "?width=16&height=16')"};
+ //return {backgroundImage: "url('" + item.url + "?width=16&height=16')"};
self.filesDropDownElem = dojo.query("td.filesDropDown", element)[0];
@@ -1085,269 +963,318 @@ VRMLViewer = function (element, params) { = "none";
- };
+ }
+ if (self.serverURL) {
+ self.refreshServer(self.serverURL);
+ self.updateScene();
+ }
+ /**
+ * === Pose Publishing ====================
+ */
+ var activatePosePublishing = function(enable) {
+ if (enable && self.hasWebSockets) {
+ self.poseWebSocket = new WebSocket(self.webSocketURL);
+ self.poseWebSocket.onopen = function(evt) {
+ foo = 0;
+ function publishPose() {
+ foo++;
+ var viewMatrix = self.webGLViewer.getCamera().getViewMatrix();
+ var roundMatrix = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+ roundMatrix[i] = viewMatrix[i].toFixed(5);
+ if (roundMatrix[i] == -0.0) roundMatrix[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ self.poseWebSocket.send(JSON.stringify(roundMatrix));
+ self.messageBox.innerHTML = "<pre>SEND" + syntaxHighlight(roundMatrix) + "</pre>";
+ // self.poseWebSocket.send(foo);
+ // self.messageBox.innerHTML = "<pre>SEND" + foo + "</pre>";
+ if (self.enablePosePublishing) {
+ setTimeout(publishPose, 200);
+ }
+ }
+ self.messageBox.innerHTML = "<pre>Starting</pre>";
+ publishPose();
+ };
+ self.poseWebSocket.onclose = function(evt) {
+ };
+ self.poseWebSocket.onmessage = function(evt) {
+ var result = JSON.parse(;
+ self.messageBox.innerHTML = "<pre>RCVD" + syntaxHighlight(JSON.parse( + "</pre>";
+ };
+ self.poseWebSocket.onerror = function(evt) {
+ };
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ activatePosePublishing(self.enablePosePublishing);
* === MOVIE DROPDOWN ====================
- var activateMovies = function(enable) {
- if (enable) {
- self.movieDropDownElem = dojo.query("div.movieDropDown", element)[0];
- self.movieAddButtonElem = dojo.query("button.movieAddButton", element)[0];
- self.movieDropDownContent = domConst.toDom(
- '<div style="overflow: auto; max-height: 420px;"> \
- <table><tr class="movieFormatLengthRow" /></tr><tr class="movieWidthHeightLengthRow" /></table> \
- <div class=\"dndArea\" /> \
- </div>'
- );
+ if (self.enableMovies) {
+ self.movieDropDownElem = dojo.query("div.movieDropDown", element)[0];
+ self.movieAddButtonElem = dojo.query("button.movieAddButton", element)[0];
+ self.movieDropDownContent = domConst.toDom(
+ '<div style="overflow: auto; max-height: 420px;"> \
+ <table><tr class="movieFormatLengthRow" /></tr><tr class="movieWidthHeightLengthRow" /></table> \
+ <div class=\"dndArea\" /> \
+ </div>'
+ );
- self.movieFormatLengthRowElem = dojo.query("tr.movieFormatLengthRow", self.movieDropDownContent)[0];
- self.movieWidthHeightLengthRowElem = dojo.query("tr.movieWidthHeightLengthRow", self.movieDropDownContent)[0];
- self.movieDnDArea = dojo.query("div.dndArea", self.movieDropDownContent)[0];
+ self.movieFormatLengthRowElem = dojo.query("tr.movieFormatLengthRow", self.movieDropDownContent)[0];
+ self.movieWidthHeightLengthRowElem = dojo.query("tr.movieWidthHeightLengthRow", self.movieDropDownContent)[0];
+ self.movieDnDArea = dojo.query("div.dndArea", self.movieDropDownContent)[0];
- self.createMovieThumb = function(item, mode) {
- if (mode == 'avatar') {
- // when dragged
- var avatar = dojo.create( 'div', { innerHTML: });
- var avatarPose = dojo.clone(self.pose);
- avatarPose.width = 60;
- avatarPose.height = 60;
- var avatarImgUrl = urlSuffixForPose(avatarPose);
- avatar.innerHTML = '<img src=' + self.imagePath + self.imageFormat + avatarImgUrl + ' /> ';
- item.srcEcc = "VRMLViewer";
- item.iconPoseUrl = self.imagePath + avatarImgUrl;
- item.imagePath = self.imagePath;
- item.serverURL = self.serverURL;
- item.pose = avatarPose;
- return {node: avatar, data: item, type: item.type};
- } else {
- // when added to list
- var thumb = domConst.toDom("\
- <div>\
- <table><tr><td>\
- <img class=\"movieThumb\"/>\
- <img class=\"removeThumb\" style=\"vertical-align: top; margin: -3px 0px 0px -8px; width: 20px; height: 20px;\"/>\
- </td><td align=\"left\">\
- <table><tr>\
- <td>Frame:</td><td><div class=\"relFrameLength\"/></td>\
- <td><div class=\"fillInSeries\" \></td>\
- </tr><tr>\
- <td>Transition:</td><td><div class=\"relTransitionLength\"/></td>\
- </tr></table>\
- </td></tr></table>\
- </div>\
- ");
- thumb = dojo.query("div", thumb)[0];
- var thumbImgElem = dojo.query("img.movieThumb", thumb)[0];
- var removeImgElem = dojo.query("img.removeThumb", thumb)[0];
- var relFrameLengthElem = dojo.query("div.relFrameLength", thumb)[0];
- var relTransitionLengthElem = dojo.query("div.relTransitionLength", thumb)[0];
- var fillInSeriesElem = dojo.query("div.fillInSeries", thumb)[0];
+ self.createMovieThumb = function(item, mode) {
+ if (mode == 'avatar') {
+ // when dragged
+ var avatar = dojo.create( 'div', { innerHTML: });
+ var avatarPose = dojo.clone(self.pose);
+ avatarPose.width = 60;
+ avatarPose.height = 60;
+ var avatarImgUrl = urlSuffixForPose(avatarPose);
+ avatar.innerHTML = '<img src=' + self.imagePath + self.imageFormat + avatarImgUrl + ' /> ';
+ item.srcEcc = "VRMLViewer";
+ item.iconPoseUrl = self.imagePath + avatarImgUrl;
+ item.imagePath = self.imagePath;
+ item.serverURL = self.serverURL;
+ item.pose = avatarPose;
+ return {node: avatar, data: item, type: item.type};
+ } else {
- item.getThisAndNeighborsFromDnD = function() {
- var thisAndNeighbors = {};
- self.addToMovieHandler.forInItems(function(obj, key, ctx) {
- if ( === item) {
- thisAndNeighbors.this = { key: key, obj: obj };
- } else {
- thisAndNeighbors.before = { key: key, obj: obj };
- }
- if (thisAndNeighbors.this) {
- thisAndNeighbors.after = { key: key, obj: obj };
- return thisAndNeighbors;
- }
- });
- return thisAndNeighbors;
- };
+ // when added to list
+ var thumb = domConst.toDom("\
+ <div>\
+ <table><tr><td>\
+ <img class=\"movieThumb\"/>\
+ <img class=\"removeThumb\" style=\"vertical-align: top; margin: -3px 0px 0px -8px; width: 20px; height: 20px;\"/>\
+ </td><td align=\"left\">\
+ <table><tr>\
+ <td>Frame:</td><td><div class=\"relFrameLength\"/></td>\
+ <td><div class=\"fillInSeries\" \></td>\
+ </tr><tr>\
+ <td>Transition:</td><td><div class=\"relTransitionLength\"/></td>\
+ </tr></table>\
+ </td></tr></table>\
+ </div>\
+ ");
+ thumb = dojo.query("div", thumb)[0];
- item.relFrameLengthSlider = new HorizontalSlider({
- value: 50,
- title: "Relative Duration of Frame",
- style: "width:150px;"
- }, relFrameLengthElem);
- item.relTransitionLengthSlider = new HorizontalSlider({
- value: 100,
- title: "Relative Duration of Transition",
- style: "width:150px;"
- }, relTransitionLengthElem);
+ var thumbImgElem = dojo.query("img.movieThumb", thumb)[0];
+ var removeImgElem = dojo.query("img.removeThumb", thumb)[0];
+ var relFrameLengthElem = dojo.query("div.relFrameLength", thumb)[0];
+ var relTransitionLengthElem = dojo.query("div.relTransitionLength", thumb)[0];
+ var fillInSeriesElem = dojo.query("div.fillInSeries", thumb)[0];
- removeImgElem.onclick = function() {
- var thisItem = item.getThisAndNeighborsFromDnD();
- if (thisItem.this) {
- // haha - what a mess!
- self.addToMovieHandler.selectNone();
- self.addToMovieHandler.selection[thisItem.this.key] = thisItem.this.obj;
- self.addToMovieHandler.deleteSelectedNodes();
+ item.getThisAndNeighborsFromDnD = function() {
+ var thisAndNeighbors = {};
+ self.addToMovieHandler.forInItems(function(obj, key, ctx) {
+ if ( === item) {
+ thisAndNeighbors.this = { key: key, obj: obj };
+ } else {
+ thisAndNeighbors.before = { key: key, obj: obj };
- // disable create button if this was the last one
- if (!thisItem.after || !thisItem.before) {
- self.movieCreateButton.setAttribute('disabled', true);
+ if (thisAndNeighbors.this) {
+ thisAndNeighbors.after = { key: key, obj: obj };
+ return thisAndNeighbors;
+ });
+ return thisAndNeighbors;
+ };
+ item.relFrameLengthSlider = new HorizontalSlider({
+ value: 50,
+ title: "Relative Duration of Frame",
+ style: "width:150px;"
+ }, relFrameLengthElem);
+ item.relTransitionLengthSlider = new HorizontalSlider({
+ value: 100,
+ title: "Relative Duration of Transition",
+ style: "width:150px;"
+ }, relTransitionLengthElem);
+ removeImgElem.onclick = function() {
+ var thisItem = item.getThisAndNeighborsFromDnD();
+ if (thisItem.this) {
+ // haha - what a mess!
+ self.addToMovieHandler.selectNone();
+ self.addToMovieHandler.selection[thisItem.this.key] = thisItem.this.obj;
+ self.addToMovieHandler.deleteSelectedNodes();
+ }
+ // disable create button if this was the last one
+ if (!thisItem.after || !thisItem.before) {
+ self.movieCreateButton.setAttribute('disabled', true);
+ }
- item.fillInSeriesButton = new Button({
- label: "Insert Series",
- style: "display: none;",
- onClick: function(){
- alert("foo");
- }
- }, fillInSeriesElem);
+ item.fillInSeriesButton = new Button({
+ label: "Insert Series",
+ style: "display: none;",
+ onClick: function(){
+ alert("foo");
+ }
+ }, fillInSeriesElem);
- removeImgElem.src = self.resRoot + "img/close.png";
+ removeImgElem.src = self.resRoot + "img/close.png";
- var thumbPose = dojo.clone(self.pose);
- thumbPose.width = self.pose.width / 10;
- thumbPose.height = self.pose.height / 10;
- var thumbImgUrl = urlSuffixForPose(thumbPose);
+ var thumbPose = dojo.clone(self.pose);
+ thumbPose.width = self.pose.width / 10;
+ thumbPose.height = self.pose.height / 10;
+ var thumbImgUrl = urlSuffixForPose(thumbPose);
- thumbImgElem.src = self.serverURL + self.imagePath + self.imageFormat + thumbImgUrl;
- // removeImgElem.src = self.resRoot + 'img/close.png';
+ thumbImgElem.src = self.serverURL + self.imagePath + self.imageFormat + thumbImgUrl;
+ // removeImgElem.src = self.resRoot + 'img/close.png';
- item.srcEcc = "VRMLViewer";
- item.iconPoseUrl = self.imagePath + thumbImgUrl;
- item.imagePath = self.imagePath;
- item.serverURL = self.serverURL;
- item.pose = thumbPose;
+ item.srcEcc = "VRMLViewer";
+ item.iconPoseUrl = self.imagePath + thumbImgUrl;
+ item.imagePath = self.imagePath;
+ item.serverURL = self.serverURL;
+ item.pose = thumbPose;
- return {node: thumb, data: item, type: item.type};
- }
- };
+ return {node: thumb, data: item, type: item.type};
+ }
+ };
- self.addToMovieHandler = new Source(self.movieDnDArea, {copyOnly: true, creator: self.createMovieThumb});
+ self.addToMovieHandler = new Source(self.movieDnDArea, {copyOnly: true, creator: self.createMovieThumb});
- self.movieFormatSelection = new Selector({
- name: "movieFormat",
- style: "width: 320px",
- options: []
- });
- self.populateMovieCodecs(self.serverURL + '/movie/codecs', self.movieFormatSelection);
+ self.movieFormatSelection = new Selector({
+ name: "movieFormat",
+ style: "width: 320px",
+ options: []
+ });
+ self.populateMovieCodecs(self.serverURL + '/movie/codecs', self.movieFormatSelection);
- self.movieFormatLengthRowElem.appendChild(dojo.create('td', { innerHTML: 'Format:'} ));
- self.movieFormatLengthRowElem.appendChild(dojo.create('td', { colspan: "2"}));
- self.movieFormatLengthRowElem.lastChild.appendChild(self.movieFormatSelection.domNode);
+ self.movieFormatLengthRowElem.appendChild(dojo.create('td', { innerHTML: 'Format:'} ));
+ self.movieFormatLengthRowElem.appendChild(dojo.create('td', { colspan: "2"}));
+ self.movieFormatLengthRowElem.lastChild.appendChild(self.movieFormatSelection.domNode);
- self.movieHeightSpinner = new NumberSpinner({
- value: 400,
- smallDelta: 1,
- style: "width: 60px",
- constraints: { min:40, places:0 },
- });
+ self.movieHeightSpinner = new NumberSpinner({
+ value: 400,
+ smallDelta: 1,
+ style: "width: 60px",
+ constraints: { min:40, places:0 },
+ });
- self.movieWidthSpinner = new NumberSpinner({
- value: 600,
- smallDelta: 1,
- style: "width: 60px",
- constraints: { min:40, places:0 },
- });
+ self.movieWidthSpinner = new NumberSpinner({
+ value: 600,
+ smallDelta: 1,
+ style: "width: 60px",
+ constraints: { min:40, places:0 },
+ });
- self.movieCreateButton = new Button({
- label: "Create",
- disabled: true,
- onClick: function(){
+ self.movieCreateButton = new Button({
+ label: "Create",
+ disabled: true,
+ onClick: function(){
- var form = document.createElement("form");
+ var form = document.createElement("form");
- form.setAttribute("method", "post");
- form.setAttribute("action", self.serverURL + "/movie");
+ form.setAttribute("method", "post");
+ form.setAttribute("action", self.serverURL + "/movie");
- var submitData = {};
- submitData.frames = [];
- submitData.movieLength = self.movieDurationSpinner.value;
- submitData.format = self.movieFormatSelection.value;
- submitData.width = self.movieWidthSpinner.value;
- submitData.height = self.movieHeightSpinner.value;
+ var submitData = {};
+ submitData.frames = [];
+ submitData.movieLength = self.movieDurationSpinner.value;
+ submitData.format = self.movieFormatSelection.value;
+ submitData.width = self.movieWidthSpinner.value;
+ submitData.height = self.movieHeightSpinner.value;
- self.addToMovieHandler.forInItems(function(obj, key, ctx) {
- var jsonData = {
- iconPoseUrl:,
- imagePath:,
- serverURL:,
- pose:,
- relFrameLength:,
- relTransitionLength:,
- }
- submitData.frames.push(jsonData);
- });
+ self.addToMovieHandler.forInItems(function(obj, key, ctx) {
+ var jsonData = {
+ iconPoseUrl:,
+ imagePath:,
+ serverURL:,
+ pose:,
+ relFrameLength:,
+ relTransitionLength:,
+ }
+ submitData.frames.push(jsonData);
+ });
- var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");
- hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
- hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "data");
- hiddenField.setAttribute("value", JSON.stringify(submitData));
+ var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");
+ hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
+ hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "data");
+ hiddenField.setAttribute("value", JSON.stringify(submitData));
- form.appendChild(hiddenField);
- document.body.appendChild(form);
- form.submit();
- document.body.removeChild(form);
- }
- });
+ form.appendChild(hiddenField);
+ // this will not save the returned binary file
+ //{
+ // form: form,
+ // load: function(data){
+ // alert("asd");
+ // }
+ // });
+ document.body.appendChild(form);
+ form.submit();
+ document.body.removeChild(form);
+ }
+ });
- self.movieDurationSpinner = new NumberSpinner({
- value: 10,
- smallDelta: 1,
- style: "width: 40px",
- constraints: { min:0, places:0 },
- });
+ self.movieDurationSpinner = new NumberSpinner({
+ value: 10,
+ smallDelta: 1,
+ style: "width: 40px",
+ constraints: { min:0, places:0 },
+ });
- // append format duration cell
- self.movieWidthHeightLengthRowElem.appendChild(dojo.create('td', { innerHTML: 'Size:'} ));
- var movieDimensionCell = dojo.create('td');
- movieDimensionCell.appendChild(self.movieWidthSpinner.domNode);
- movieDimensionCell.appendChild(dojo.create('span', { innerHTML: "x"} ));
- movieDimensionCell.appendChild(self.movieHeightSpinner.domNode);
- movieDimensionCell.appendChild(self.movieDurationSpinner.domNode);
- movieDimensionCell.appendChild(dojo.create('span', { innerHTML: "sec"} ));
- self.movieWidthHeightLengthRowElem.appendChild(movieDimensionCell);
- self.movieWidthHeightLengthRowElem.appendChild(dojo.create('td', { align: "right"}));
- self.movieWidthHeightLengthRowElem.lastChild.appendChild(self.movieCreateButton.domNode);
- self.movieToolTip = new TooltipDialog({ content:self.movieDropDownContent });
- self.movieDropDown = new DropDownButton({
- label: "Movie",
- style: "display: none;",
- dropDown: self.movieToolTip });
- self.movieDropDownElem.appendChild(self.movieDropDown.domNode);
- self.movieAddButton = new Button({
- label: "+",
- style: "margin-left: -10px; display: none;",
- onClick: function(){
- if (self.movieFormatSelection.options.length == 0) {
- self.populateMovieCodecs(self.serverURL + '/movie/codecs', self.movieFormatSelection);
- }
- // we could pass here to creator
- self.addToMovieHandler.insertNodes(false, [ { } ]);
- self.movieCreateButton.setAttribute('disabled', false);
+ // append format duration cell
+ self.movieWidthHeightLengthRowElem.appendChild(dojo.create('td', { innerHTML: 'Size:'} ));
+ var movieDimensionCell = dojo.create('td');
+ movieDimensionCell.appendChild(self.movieWidthSpinner.domNode);
+ movieDimensionCell.appendChild(dojo.create('span', { innerHTML: "x"} ));
+ movieDimensionCell.appendChild(self.movieHeightSpinner.domNode);
+ movieDimensionCell.appendChild(self.movieDurationSpinner.domNode);
+ movieDimensionCell.appendChild(dojo.create('span', { innerHTML: "sec"} ));
+ self.movieWidthHeightLengthRowElem.appendChild(movieDimensionCell);
+ self.movieWidthHeightLengthRowElem.appendChild(dojo.create('td', { align: "right"}));
+ self.movieWidthHeightLengthRowElem.lastChild.appendChild(self.movieCreateButton.domNode);
+ self.movieToolTip = new TooltipDialog({ content:self.movieDropDownContent });
+ self.movieDropDown = new DropDownButton({
+ label: "Movie",
+ style: "display: none;",
+ dropDown: self.movieToolTip });
+ self.movieDropDownElem.appendChild(self.movieDropDown.domNode);
+ self.movieAddButton = new Button({
+ label: "+",
+ style: "margin-left: -10px; display: none;",
+ onClick: function(){
+ if (self.movieFormatSelection.options.length == 0) {
+ self.populateMovieCodecs(self.serverURL + '/movie/codecs', self.movieFormatSelection);
- }, self.movieAddButtonElem);
- } else {
- // remove movie controls
- var movieControls = dojo.query("td.movieControls", element)[0];
- movieControls.parentNode.removeChild(movieControls);
- }
+ // we could pass here to creator
+ self.addToMovieHandler.insertNodes(false, [ { } ]);
+ self.movieCreateButton.setAttribute('disabled', false);
+ }
+ }, self.movieAddButtonElem);
+ } else {
+ // remove movie controls
+ var movieControls = dojo.query("td.movieControls", element)[0];
+ movieControls.parentNode.removeChild(movieControls);
- activateMovies(self.enableMovies);
// do we have parameters for the initial pose?
if(self.params && self.params.pose)
- self.setScene(self.params.imagePath, self.params.pose, self.params.serverURL);
- if (self.serverURL) {
- self.refreshServer(self.serverURL);
- self.updateScene();
- }
+ self.setPose(self.params.imagePath, self.params.pose, self.params.serverURL);
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/samples/vrml/viewer.html b/apps/samples/vrml/viewer.html
index 1a0732d..7a079df 100644
--- a/apps/samples/vrml/viewer.html
+++ b/apps/samples/vrml/viewer.html
@@ -79,62 +79,62 @@
enableSceneshots: false,
enableDraggables: false,
enablePosePublishing: true,
- listNavigationStyle: false,
- treeNavigationStyle: false,
+ listNavigationStyle: true,
+ treeNavigationStyle: true,
listDirectory: "/cranehook/cranehook_bad_convergence",
imagePath: "/cranehook/cranehook_bad_convergence/HARD_MP_VAL_001",
imageFormat: "png",
- serverURL: "http://epikur.local:8008/vrml/",
+ serverURL: "",
- var viewer2 = new VRMLViewer("scene2", {
- pose: {
- pitch : 0,
- roll : 0,
- yaw : 0,
- zoom : 1,
- x : 0,
- y : 0,
- z : 0,
- autorotate : true
- },
- height: 300,
- width: 400,
- enableMovies: false,
- enableDND: false,
- enableWebGL: false,
- enableSceneshots: true,
- enableDraggables: false,
- enablePosePublishing: true,
- listNavigationStyle: false,
- treeNavigationStyle: false,
- listDirectory: "/cranehook/cranehook_bad_convergence",
- imagePath: "/cranehook/cranehook_bad_convergence/HARD_MP_VAL_000",
- imageFormat: "png",
- serverURL: "http://epikur.local:8008/vrml/",
- });
- setTimeout(function() {
- setInterval(function(){
- var pose1 = viewer1.getPose();
- var pose2 = viewer2.getPose();
- console.log("Pose1 - pitch: " + pose1.pitch + ", roll: " + pose1.roll + ", yaw: " + pose1.yaw);
- console.log("Pose2 - pitch: " + pose2.pitch + ", roll: " + pose2.roll + ", yaw: " + pose2.yaw);
- pose1.pitch += 0.1;
- pose2.pitch += 0.1;
- pose1.roll += 0.2;
- pose2.roll += 0.2;
- pose1.yaw += 0.4;
- pose2.yaw += 0.4;
+ // var viewer2 = new VRMLViewer("scene2", {
+ // pose: {
+ // pitch : 0,
+ // roll : 0,
+ // yaw : 0,
+ // zoom : 1,
+ // x : 0,
+ // y : 0,
+ // z : 0,
+ // autorotate : true
+ // },
+ // height: 300,
+ // width: 400,
+ // enableMovies: false,
+ // enableDND: false,
+ // enableWebGL: false,
+ // enableSceneshots: true,
+ // enableDraggables: false,
+ // enablePosePublishing: true,
+ // listNavigationStyle: false,
+ // treeNavigationStyle: false,
+ // listDirectory: "/cranehook/cranehook_bad_convergence",
+ // imagePath: "/cranehook/cranehook_bad_convergence/HARD_MP_VAL_000",
+ // imageFormat: "png",
+ // serverURL: "",
+ // });
- viewer1.setPose(pose2);
- viewer2.setPose(pose2);
- }, 400);
- }, 1000);
+ // setTimeout(function() {
+ // setInterval(function(){
+ // var pose1 = viewer1.getPose();
+ // var pose2 = viewer2.getPose();
+ // console.log("Pose1 - pitch: " + pose1.pitch + ", roll: " + pose1.roll + ", yaw: " + pose1.yaw);
+ // console.log("Pose2 - pitch: " + pose2.pitch + ", roll: " + pose2.roll + ", yaw: " + pose2.yaw);
+ //
+ // pose1.pitch += 0.1;
+ // pose2.pitch += 0.1;
+ //
+ // pose1.roll += 0.2;
+ // pose2.roll += 0.2;
+ //
+ // pose1.yaw += 0.4;
+ // pose2.yaw += 0.4;
+ //
+ // viewer1.setPose(pose2);
+ // viewer2.setPose(pose2);
+ //
+ // }, 400);
+ // }, 1000);
diff --git a/apps/uscxml-browser.cpp b/apps/uscxml-browser.cpp
index cd74154..5d3b389 100644
--- a/apps/uscxml-browser.cpp
+++ b/apps/uscxml-browser.cpp
@@ -121,9 +121,6 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
InterpreterOptions options = InterpreterOptions::fromCmdLine(argc, argv);
- if (!options) {
- InterpreterOptions::printUsageAndExit(argv[0]);
- }
// setup logging
@@ -133,6 +130,13 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ if (options.verbose) {
+ Factory::getInstance()->listComponents();
+ }
+ if (!options) {
+ InterpreterOptions::printUsageAndExit(argv[0]);
+ }
// setup HTTP server
HTTPServer::SSLConfig* sslConf = NULL;
if (options.certificate.length() > 0) {
@@ -149,7 +153,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
HTTPServer::getInstance(options.httpPort, options.wsPort, sslConf);
DebuggerServlet* debugger;
if (options.withDebugger) {
debugger = new DebuggerServlet();