path: root/contrib/local/
diff options
authorStefan Radomski <>2012-11-07 22:20:09 (GMT)
committerStefan Radomski <>2012-11-07 22:20:09 (GMT)
commitda08a1d3c3bca8070c9b029cfc1f8faf9e34dd25 (patch)
treeb285148ab6ca415814d9370148f91736f83c852c /contrib/local/
parent0ae6c27d9322208053033d9b19c0ffffed3d99eb (diff)
Committing local version again
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/local/')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/local/ b/contrib/local/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6315404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/local/
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Cwd 'abs_path'; # abs_path
+use Cwd; # getcwd
+use File::Spec; # abs2rel
+use Data::Dumper; # recursively dump data structures via Dumper($foo)
+use File::Path; # make_path
+use File::Path qw(make_path);
+use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
+use File::Basename;
+my $script_dir = dirname(abs_path($0));
+my $orig_cwd = getcwd;
+# get last version where we bumped the version string (ignoring pre, rc, beta ..)
+my $cmake_edits = `git log --follow -p $script_dir/../../CMakeLists.txt`;
+my $commit_hash;
+foreach my $line (split("\n", $cmake_edits)) {
+ if ($line =~ /^commit ([\dabcdef]+)/) {
+ $commit_hash = $1;
+ }
+ last if ($commit_hash and $line =~ /\+SET\(UMUNDO_VERSION_PATCH \"\d+\"\)/);
+my $change_log = `git log --pretty=format:"%H %h @@@ %ai: %s ### %b" $commit_hash..`;
+# remove empty bodies
+#$change_log =~ s/\n\n/\n/g;
+# link to commit on github
+$change_log =~ s/([\dabcdef]+) ([\dabcdef]+) @@@/<a href="https:\/\/github\.com\/tklab-tud\/umundo\/commit\/$1">$2<\/a>/g;
+# put body below commit message
+$change_log =~ s/###\s\n/\n/g;
+$change_log =~ s/###\s/\n\n /g;
+$change_log =~ s/\n([^<])/\n $1/g;
+my $installer_dir = shift or die("Expected directory as first argument\n");
+if (!File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($installer_dir)) {
+ $installer_dir = File::Spec->rel2abs($installer_dir, getcwd);
+my $descriptions = {
+ './bin/protoc-umundo-cpp-rpc.*' => 'ProtoBuf RPC plugin for C++',
+ './bin/protoc-umundo-java-rpc.*' => 'ProtoBuf RPC plugin for Java',
+ './bin/umundo-monitor.*' => 'Diagnosis tool (somewhat unmaintained)',
+ './bin/umundo-pingpong.*' => 'Test deployments (i=incoming, o=outgoing)',
+ './include/umundo/core.h' => 'C++ headers for core layer',
+ './include/umundo/rpc.h' => 'C++ headers for remote procedure calls',
+ './include/umundo/s11n.h' => 'C++ headers for object serialization',
+ './include/umundo/util.h' => 'C++ headers for utilities',
+ './lib' => 'Pure C++ libraries',
+ './lib/libumundoNativeJava[\.6].*' => 'SWIG generated JNI wrapper (included in JAR)',
+ './lib/libumundocore[\.6].*' => 'C++ library for core',
+ './lib/libumundorpc[\.6].*' => 'C++ library for remote procedure calls',
+ './lib/libumundoserial[\.6].*' => 'C++ library for serialization',
+ './lib/libumundoutil[\.6].*' => 'C++ library with utilities',
+ './lib/umundo-monitor.lib' => 'not sure',
+ './lib/umundo-pingpong.lib' => 'not sure',
+ './lib/umundoNativeCSharp[\.6].*' => 'SWIG generated C# backend for DLLInvoke',
+ './share/umundo/android-8' => 'Cross compiled binaries for Android',
+ './share/umundo/android-8/armv5te/' => 'SWIG generated JNI wrapper',
+ './share/umundo/android-8/umundo.jar' => 'JAR for Android (without JNI inside)',
+ './share/umundo/lib/umundo.jar' => 'JAR for desktops (auto-loading JNI code inside)',
+ './share/umundo/lib/umundoCSharp.dll' => 'C# library with managed code',
+ './share/umundo/prebuilt' => 'Prebuilt libraries in case we forgot something',
+ './share/umundo/samples' => 'Sample programs and IDE templates',
+ './share/umundo/samples/android' => 'Sample programs for Android',
+ './share/umundo/samples/android/umundo-pingpong/libs' => 'These are just placehoders!',
+ './share/umundo/samples/android/umundo-pingpong/libs/armeabi/' => 'Replace with real library from above!',
+ './share/umundo/samples/android/umundo-pingpong/libs/armeabi/' => 'Replace with real library from above!',
+ './share/umundo/samples/android/umundo-pingpong/libs/umundo.jar' => 'Replace with real library from above!',
+ './share/umundo/samples/csharp' => 'Sample programs for C#',
+ './share/umundo/samples/csharp/umundo-pingpong' => 'The simplest umundo program in C#',
+ './share/umundo/samples/csharp/umundo-s11ndemo' => 'Serialization in C# (Dirk is working on it)',
+ './share/umundo/samples/csharp/umundo.s11n' => 'My initial attempts at serialization with C# (deprecated)',
+ './share/umundo/samples/ios' => 'Sample programs for iOS',
+ './share/umundo/samples/ios/umundo-pingpong' => 'The simplest umundo program for iOS',
+ './share/umundo/samples/java' => 'Sample programs for Java',
+ './share/umundo/samples/java/core/chat' => 'Chat using the core layer',
+ './share/umundo/samples/java/core/chat/' => 'Adapt these for your system',
+ './share/umundo/samples/java/rpc/chat' => 'Chat using the RPC layer',
+ './share/umundo/samples/java/rpc/chat/' => 'Adapt these for your system',
+ './share/umundo/samples/java/rpc/chat/proto/ChatS11N.proto' => 'ProtoBuf file for chat services',
+ './share/umundo/samples/java/s11n/chat' => 'Chat using the serialization layer',
+ './share/umundo/samples/java/s11n/chat/' => 'Adapt these for your system',
+ './share/umundo/samples/java/s11n/chat/proto/ChatS11N.proto' => 'ProtoBuf file for chat message objects',
+ './share/umundo/samples/cpp' => 'Sample programs for C++',
+ './share/umundo/samples/cpp/core/chat' => 'Chat using the core layer',
+ './share/umundo/samples/cpp/rpc/chat' => 'Chat using the RPC layer',
+ './share/umundo/samples/cpp/s11n/chat' => 'Chat using the serialization layer',
+ './share/umundo/samples/cpp/s11n/chat/proto/ChatS11N.proto' => 'ProtoBuf file for chat message objects',
+ './share/umundo/samples/cpp/rpc/chat/proto/ChatS11N.proto' => 'ProtoBuf file for chat services',
+ './share/umundo/cmake/FindUMundo.cmake' => 'CMake module to find umundo once it is installed',
+ './share/umundo/cmake/UseUMundo.cmake' => 'CMake macros for protobuf',
+my ($mac_archive, $linux32_archive, $linux64_archive, $win32_archive, $win64_archive);
+my ($mac_files, $linux32_files, $linux64_files, $win32_files, $win64_files);
+chdir $installer_dir;
+foreach (sort <*>) {
+ next if m/^\./;
+ $mac_archive = File::Spec->rel2abs($_, getcwd) if (m/.*darwin.*\.tar\.gz/i);
+ $linux32_archive = File::Spec->rel2abs($_, getcwd) if (m/.*linux-i686.*\.tar\.gz/i);
+ $linux64_archive = File::Spec->rel2abs($_, getcwd) if (m/.*linux-x86_64.*\.tar\.gz/i);
+ $win32_archive = File::Spec->rel2abs($_, getcwd) if (m/.*windows-x86-.*\.zip/i);
+ $win64_archive = File::Spec->rel2abs($_, getcwd) if (m/.*windows-x86_64.*\.zip/i);
+print STDERR "No archive for MacOSX found!\n" if (!$mac_archive);
+print STDERR "No archive for Linux 32Bit found!\n" if (!$linux32_archive);
+print STDERR "No archive for Linux 64Bit found!\n" if (!$linux64_archive);
+print STDERR "No archive for Windows 32Bit found!\n" if (!$win32_archive);
+print STDERR "No archive for Windows 64Bit found!\n" if (!$win64_archive);
+$mac_archive =~ m/.*darwin-i386-(.*)\.tar\.gz/;
+my $version = $1;
+# make a hash remove first element split into array at newline
+%{$mac_files} = map { $_ => 1 } map { s/^[^\/]*\///; $_ } split("\n", `tar tzf $mac_archive`) if $mac_archive;
+%{$linux32_files} = map { $_ => 1 } map { s/^[^\/]*\///; $_ } split("\n", `tar tzf $linux32_archive`) if $linux32_archive;
+%{$linux64_files} = map { $_ => 1 } map { s/^[^\/]*\///; $_ } split("\n", `tar tzf $linux64_archive`) if $linux64_archive;
+%{$win32_files} = map { $_ => 1 } map { s/^[^\/]*\///; $_ } split("\n", `unzip -l $win32_archive`) if $win32_archive;
+%{$win64_files} = map { $_ => 1 } map { s/^[^\/]*\///; $_ } split("\n", `unzip -l $win64_archive`) if $win64_archive;
+# print Dumper($mac_files);
+# exit;
+my $tmpdir = File::Temp->newdir() or die($!);
+#print STDERR $tmpdir."\n";
+chdir $tmpdir or die($!);
+system("tar", "xzf", $mac_archive) if $mac_archive;
+system("tar", "xzf", $linux32_archive) if $linux32_archive;
+system("tar", "xzf", $linux64_archive) if $linux64_archive;
+system("unzip", "-q", $win32_archive) if $win32_archive;
+system("unzip", "-q", $win64_archive) if $win64_archive;
+my $rv;
+mkdir("content") or die($!);
+foreach (sort <*>) {
+ next if m/^\./;
+ next if m/.*content/;
+ if ($_ !~ /.*windows.*/i) {
+ $rv = `ditto $_/usr/local content`;
+ } else {
+ $rv = `ditto $_ content`;
+ }
+ $rv = `rm -rf $_`;
+# remove duplicates and uninteresting directories
+# $rv = `rm -rf content/bin/protoc-umundo-cpp-rpc.exe`;
+# $rv = `rm -rf content/bin/protoc-umundo-java-rpc.exe`;
+# $rv = `rm -rf content/bin/umundo-monitor.exe`;
+# $rv = `rm -rf content/bin/umundo-pingpong.exe`;
+$rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo/common`;
+$rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo/connection`;
+$rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo/discovery`;
+$rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo/protobuf`;
+$rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo/rpc`;
+$rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo/s11n`;
+$rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo/thread`;
+$rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo/util`;
+$rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo-objc`;
+chdir "content/" or die($!);
+my $tree_list = `tree -a -h --noreport --charset ISO-8859-1`;
+my $flat_list = `find -s .`;
+print '<html><body>'."\n";
+print '<h1>Changelog</h1>'."\n";
+print '<pre>'."\n";
+print $change_log;
+print '</pre>'."\n";
+print '<h1>Contents</h1>';
+print <<EOF;
+<p>The following table is an excerpt of all the files in the individual installer
+packages (detailled C++ headers are not shown). All the different archives/installers
+for a given platform contain the same files, it is only a matter of taste and
+convenience. There are differences between the contents for each platform though
+and they are listed in the <i>availability</i> column.</p>
+<p><tt>Mac</tt> are all the darwin installers, <tt>L32</tt> and <tt>L64</tt> is short for Linux 32 and 64Bit
+respectively, same with <tt>W32</tt> and <tt>W64</tt> for Windows. Only the first occurence of a
+library is commented, the <tt>_d</tt> suffix signifies debug libraries, the <tt>64</tt>
+suffix is for 64Bit builds and the Windows libraries have no <tt>lib</tt> prefix.</p>
+print '<table>'."\n";
+print '<tr><th align="left">Availability</th><th align="left">Filename</th><th align="left">Description</th></tr>';
+print '<tr><td valign="top">'."\n";
+print '<pre>'."\n";
+foreach my $file (split("\n", $flat_list)) {
+ if ($file eq '.') {
+ print '<font bgcolor="#ccc">MAC</font>|L32|L64|W32|W64'."\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if (-d $file) {
+ print "\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $file =~ s/\.\///;
+# print STDERR $file."\n";
+ (exists($mac_files->{"usr/local/$file"}) ? print " X " : print " - ");
+ (exists($linux32_files->{"usr/local/$file"}) ? print " X " : print " - ");
+ (exists($linux64_files->{"usr/local/$file"}) ? print " X " : print " - ");
+ (exists($win32_files->{"$file"}) ? print " X " : print " - ");
+ (exists($win64_files->{"$file"}) ? print " X " : print " - ");
+ print "\n";
+print '</pre>'."\n";
+print '</td><td valign="top">'."\n";
+print '<pre>'."\n";
+print $tree_list;
+print '</pre>'."\n";
+print '</td><td valign="top">'."\n";
+print '<pre>'."\n";
+foreach my $file (split("\n", $flat_list)) {
+ my $has_description = 0;
+ foreach my $desc (keys %{$descriptions}) {
+ if ($file =~ /^$desc$/) {
+ print $descriptions->{$desc}."\n";
+ delete $descriptions->{$desc};
+ $has_description = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$has_description) {
+ print "\n";
+ }
+print '</pre>'."\n";
+print '</td></tr>'."\n";
+print '</table>'."\n";
+print '</body></html>'."\n";
+chdir $orig_cwd; \ No newline at end of file