path: root/docs/
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authorStefan Radomski <>2016-05-12 13:12:33 (GMT)
committerStefan Radomski <>2016-05-12 13:12:33 (GMT)
commitb62e7979600feee23dc7cdb61042a8fc7673122b (patch)
treef7351372f37979dd2d048e0b68a16a4cd3b2aadb /docs/
parent1b11b310be61e51b3ac5ebb83f7c8a33aef3d6e8 (diff)
Major Refactoring v2.0
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 467 deletions
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-# Building from Source
-<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
-**Table of Contents**
-- [General](#general)
-- [Build Dependencies](#build-dependencies)
-- [Platform Notes](#platform-notes)
- - [Mac OSX](#mac-osx)
- - [Linux](#linux)
- - [Windows](#windows)
- - [iOS](#ios)
- - [Raspberry Pi](#raspberry-pi)
-- [Language Bindings](#language-bindings)
- - [Java](#java)
- - [CSharp](#csharp)
- - [Important Note for Windows](#important-note-for-windows)
-- [Optional Functionality](#optional-functionality)
-- [About 32/64Bit Support](#about-3264bit-support)
-<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
-## General
-The source code is built using CMake, the process of building uscxml is
-essentially the same on every platform:
-1. Read the <b>[Platform Notes](#platforn-notes)</b> below to prepare your system.
-2. Checkout uscxml into a convenient directory:
- <tt>git clone git://</tt>
-3. Create a new directory for an *out-of-source* build. I usually create sub-directories
-in <tt>&lt;USCXML_SRC&gt;/build/</tt>.
-4. Run cmake (or ccmake / CMake-GUI) to create the files required by your actual build-system.
-5. Use your actual build-system or development environment to build uscxml.
-6. Optionally build the [language bindings](#language-bindings) to embed the SCXML interpreter in another language.
-7. Read the SCXML draft and have a look at the tests to get started.
-If you want to build for another IDE or build-system, just create a new
-*out-of-source* build directory and start over with CMake. To get an idea of
-supported IDEs and build-environments on your platform, type <tt>cmake --help</tt>
-or run the CMake-GUI and look for the *Generators* section at the end of the
-output. Default on Unices is Makefiles.
-<b>Note:</b> If you plan to use Eclipse CDT, you cannot have a build directory anywhere under
-the source directory - just create the build directory anywhere else. This only applies to the Eclipse CDT
-project generator.
-<b>Note:</b> You cannot build the language bindings with the Visual Studio project as it croaks when calling SWIG,
-just have another build directory with the "NMake Makefiles" project generator.
-## Build Dependencies
-Overview of the uscxml dependencies. See the [Platform Notes](#platform-notes) for details.
-<b>Note:</b> We download pre-compiled versions of most dependencies at CMake configure-time. If you want
-to provide you own libraries, remove them from <tt>&lt;USCXML_SRC&gt;/contrib/prebuilt/</tt> and provide
-your own.
- <tr><th>Platform</th><th>Dependency</th><th>Version</th><th>Comment</th></tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="10"><b>Everyone</b></td>
- <td><a href="">CMake</a><br />required</td>
- <td>>=&nbsp;2.8.6</td>
- <td>The build-system used for uscxml.</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="">SWIG</a><br />optional</td>
- <td>>=&nbsp;2.0.6</td>
- <td>Generates language bindings to embed uSCXML in other target languages.</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="">libevent</a><br />pre-compiled</td>
- <td>>=&nbsp;2.1.x</td>
- <td>Event queues with callbacks and the HTTP server.</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="">curl</a><br />pre-compiled / required</td>
- <td>>=&nbsp;7.29.0</td>
- <td>URL downloads.</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="">v8</a><br />pre-compiled</td>
- <td>svn checkout</td>
- <td>ECMAScript datamodel implementation.</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="">SWI Prolog</a><br />pre-compiled for unices</td>
- <td>>=&nbsp;6.3.x</td>
- <td>Prolog datamodel implementation.</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="">glog</a><br />pre-compiled</td>
- <td>>=&nbsp;0.3.3</td>
- <td>Logging library.</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="">Arabica</a><br />pre-compiled</td>
- <td>>=&nbsp;git checkout</td>
- <td>XML DOM / XPath / XML Events.</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="">SQLite</a><br />optional</td>
- <td>>=&nbsp;</td>
- <td>Persistence and sqlite invoker.</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="">OpenSceneGraph</a><br />optional</td>
- <td>>=&nbsp;3.1.X</td>
- <td>3D invokers (scenegraph, osgconvert).</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="">Doxygen</a><br />recommended</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>Used by <tt>make docs</tt> to generate documentation from source comments.</td></tr>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="grey"><td bgcolor="#dddddd" colspan="4"></td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="3"><b>Mac OSX</b></td>
- <td><a href="">XCode</a><br />required</td>
- <td>4.2.1 works</td>
- <td>Apples SDK with all the toolchains.</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="">MacPorts</a><br />recommended</td>
- <td>>= 2.0.3</td>
- <td>Build system for a wide selection of open-source packages.</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="">libxml2</a><br />pre-installed</td>
- <td>>= 2.6.16</td>
- <td>Actual XML parser used by Arabica.</td></tr>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="1"><b>Linux</b></td>
- <td><a href="">libxml2</a><br />required</td>
- <td>>= 2.6.16</td>
- <td>Actual XML parser used by Arabica.</td></tr>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="1"><b>Windows</b></td>
- <td<a href="">Visual&nbsp;Studio&nbsp;10</a><br />required</td>
- <td>v10 pro works</td>
- <td>As a student, you can get your version through MSAA.</td></tr>
- </tr>
-## Platform Notes
-The following sections will detail the preparation of the respective platforms to ultimately compile uscxml.
-## Mac OSX
-You will have to install <tt>CMake</tt> via Macports:
- # required dependencies
- $ sudo port install cmake
- # optional dependencies for language bindings
- $ sudo port install apache-ant swig-java swig-php swig-csharp
- # other optional dependencies
- $ sudo port install lua swi-prolog-devel ffmpeg-devel libical expect libpurple OpenSceneGraph-devel protobuf-cpp
-The rest is pre-installed or downloaded at configure-time as pre-compiled libraries.
-Just download the source and invoke CMake to create Makefiles or a Xcode project.
-### Console / Make
- $ mkdir -p build/cli && cd build/cli
- $ cmake ../..
- [...]
- -- Build files have been written to: .../build/cli
- $ make
-You can test whether everything works by starting the uscxml-browser with a test.scxml file:
- $ ./bin/uscxml-browser ../../test/uscxml/test-ecmascript.scxml
-### Xcode
- $ mkdir -p build/xcode && cd build/xcode
- $ cmake -G Xcode ../..
- [...]
- -- Build files have been written to: .../build/xcode
- $ open uscxml.xcodeproj
-You can of course reuse the same source directory for many build directories.
-## Linux
-Depending on your distribution, you will most likely have apt-get or yum available as package managers.
-If you do not, I'll have to assume that you are knowledgable enough to resolve build dependencies on your own.
-### Preparing *apt-get based* distributions
-This would be all distributions based on Debian, like Ubuntu, Linux Mint and the like.
- # build system and compiler
- $ sudo apt-get install git cmake cmake-curses-gui make g++
- # uscxml required dependencies
- $ sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
-There may still be packages missing due to the set of dependencies among packages
-in the various distributons. Try to run CMake and resolve dependencies until you
-are satisfied.
-### Preparing *yum based* distributions
-This would be all distributions based on Redhat, e.g. Fedora.
- # build system and compiler
- $ sudo yum install git cmake cmake-gui gcc-c++
- # uscxml required dependencies
- $ sudo yum install xml2-devel libcurl-devel
-### Fedora 20
-Here is a complete walk-through to get uscxml running on Fedora 20, starting with the net installer.
- # get us git and the developer tools
- $ sudo yum install git gcc-c++ cmake
- # uscxml required dependencies
- $ sudo yum install libxml2-devel libcurl-devel
-This is sufficient to get uscxml to build. If you want some more functionality, install some more libraries:
- # SWI prolog datamodel
- $ sudo yum install pl-devel
- # OpenAL invoker
- $ sudo yum install openal-soft-devel libsndfile-devel
- # scenegraph and osgconvert invoker
- $ sudo yum install OpenSceneGraph-devel mesa-libGL-devel
- # ffmpeg invoker (add repository from
- $ sudo yum install ffmpeg-devel ffmpeg-compat-devel
- # calendar invoker
- $ sudo yum install libical-devel
- # expect invoker
- $ sudo yum install expect-devel tk-devel
- # instant messaging invoker
- $ sudo yum install libpurple-devel
-### Console / Make
-Instructions are a literal copy of building uscxml for MacOSX on the console from above:
- $ mkdir -p build/cli && cd build/cli
- $ cmake ../..
- [...]
- -- Build files have been written to: .../build/cli
- $ make
-You can test whether everything works by starting the uscxml-browser with a test.scxml file:
- $ ./bin/uscxml-browser ../../test/uscxml/test-ecmascript.scxml
-### Eclipse CDT
-<b>Note:</b> Eclipse does not like the project to be a subdirectory in the source.
-You have to choose your build directory with the generated project accordingly.
- $ mkdir -p ~/Desktop/build/uscxml/eclipse && cd ~/Desktop/build/uscxml/eclipse
- $ cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" <USCXML_SRCDIR>
- [...]
- -- Build files have been written to: .../build/uscxml/eclipse
-Now open Eclipse CDT and import the out-of-source directory as an existing project into workspace, leaving the "Copy projects
-into workspace" checkbox unchecked. There are some more [detailed instruction]( available
-in the CMake wiki as well.
-## Windows
-Building from source on windows is somewhat more involved and instructions are necessarily in prose form. These
-instructions were created using Windows 7 and MS Visual Studio 2010.
-### Prepare compilation
-1. Use git to **checkout** the source from <tt>git://</tt>
- into any convenient directory.
-2. Start the **CMake-GUI** and enter the checkout directory in the "Where is the source
- code" text field. Choose any convenient directory to build the binaries in.
-3. Hit "**Configure**" and choose your toolchain and compiler - I only tested with
- Visual Studio 10. Hit "Configure" again until there are no more red items in
- the list. If these instructions are still correct and you did as described
- above, you should be able to "Generate" the Visual Project Solution.
-Now you can generate the MS Visual Studio project file <tt><USCXML_BUILDIR>/uscxml.sln</tt>.
-Just open it up to continue in your IDE.
-<b>Note:</b> We only tested with the MSVC compiler. You can try to compile
-with MinGW but you would have to build all the dependent libraries as well.
-<b>Note:</b> We do no provide prebuilt dependencies for MSVC18.x (Visual Studio 2012 / 2013).
-You can still use the bindings for C#, but not the native C++ libraries.
-## iOS
-We provide prebuilts and CMake toolchain files for iOS and the iOS simulator. The easiest way to get iOS binaries is
-to run:
- $ pwd
- $ ./contrib/build-scripts/
-This will build uSCXML with the latest iOS SDK that is installed on your system. If you prefer an older SDK, you can
-<tt>export IOS_SDK_VERSION=6.1</tt> but you have to make sure it's actually installed. Have a look at the build
-script and the toolchain files at <tt>contrib/cmake/CrossCompile-*</tt> if you run into issues.
-The build script above will build a universal binary for simulator and device, both in release and debug configuration.
-If you just want a specific configuration for e.g. the simulator, you can invoke CMake yourself:
- $ pwd
- $ mkdir build/iossim && cd build/iossim
- $ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../contrib/cmake/CrossCompile-iOS-Sim.cmake ../..
- $ make -j4
-<b>Note</b>: We did not compile the prebuilts for iOS with 64Bit yet. As such, you will not get binaries build for
-arm64. The main culprit is, again, curl which assumes the size of an int to be the identical.
-## Raspberry Pi
-To compile uSCXML on Raspberry Pi you will need to, at a minimum, install the following packages. This assumes that
-you run Raspberry, the Debian variant.
- $ sudo apt-get install cmake libxml2-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev
-Now you can compile uSCXML like on any other platform:
- $ git clone --depth 1
- $ mkdir -p uscxml/build/raspberry && cd uscxml/build/raspberry
- $ cmake ../..
- $ make
-If you want an ECMAScript datamodel or LUA, you will need to install additional packages:
- # additional datamodels: ECMAScript, LUA, Prolog
- $ sudo apt-get install libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-dev liblua5.2-dev swi-prolog-nox
- # additional invokers
- $ sudo apt-get install libical-dev libpurple-dev libopenal-dev libsndfile1-dev libopenscenegraph-dev
-Lastly, to get the language bindings install SWIG and the developer kits of the respective language. Older Java
-versions will work as well (>= 1.5), just make sure <tt>JAVA_HOME</tt> is set correctly.
- # language bindings: Java, CSharp
- $ sudo apt-get install swig ant oracle-java8-jdk mono-mcs
- $ echo $JAVA_HOME
- /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-arm-vfp-hflt
-<b>Note:</b> The version of the V8 JavaScript engine in Raspbian is not compatible with uSCXML.
-## Language Bindings
-In order to build any language bindings, you will need to have SWIG and the development kit of your target language
-installed. The set of available language bindings is printed at the end of the CMake invocation:
- $ cmake <USCXML_SRC>
- ...
- -- Available custom elements ...... : respond file postpone fetch
- -- Available language bindings .... : csharp java
- -- General information:
- ...
-### Java
-We are relying on CMake's [FindJNI.CMake]( module
-to find the JNI headers and respective libraries. On unices, it's easiest to check whether <tt>jni.h</tt> is available
-in <tt>JAVA_HOME</tt>:
- $ find $JAVA_HOME -name jni.h
- /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/include/jni.h
-In addition, you will need apache's <tt>ant</tt> in the path or in <tt>$ENV{ANT_HOME}/bin</tt>:
- $ ant -version
- Apache Ant(TM) version 1.8.2 compiled on September 22 2011
-If both of these are given, you ought to get <tt>java</tt> as an available language binding and a new target called
-<tt>java</tt> for your build system. If you used plain Makefiles (default on unices), you will get everything you need via:
- $ make && make java
- $ ls lib/*.jnilib lib/*.jar
- lib/libuscxmlNativeJava64.jnilib lib/uscxml.jar
-The <tt>uscxml.jar</tt> is to be added to your project's classpath, while the <tt>libuscxmlNativeJava64.jnilib</tt>
-(or .so, .dll) needs to be loaded <b>once</b> via <tt>System.load()</tt> before you can use native objects.
-### CSharp
-For the CSharp bindings, we need to find either <tt>csc.exe</tt> from the Microsoft.NET framework or <tt>dmcs</tt>
-from the mono project. We search the following places for these:
- "C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v3.5"
- "C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319"
-If we find one of those binaries (and SWIG obviously), we will enable the language bindings.
- $ which dmcs
- /opt/local/bin/dmcs
-Again, if you used plain Makefiles, you will get everything you need via:
- $ make && make csharp
- $ find lib -type f -iname *csharp*
- lib/csharp/
- lib/uscxmlCSharp.dll
-The <tt></tt> has to be available to your C# runtime, either by installing it in
-<tt>/usr/local/lib</tt> or (preferred) by using <tt>LD_PRELOAD</tt> or <tt>SetDllDirectory</tt>. See the
-embedding examples. The <tt>uscxmlCSharp.dll</tt> contains the managed code portion and needs to be added
-to your C# project as a reference.
-<b>Note:</b> You cannot use uSCXML with Xamarin Studio / Mono on Mac out of the box, as they <emph>still</emph>
-have no 64Bit support. The last Macintosh without 64Bit support was the (late 2006) Mac Mini with an Intel Core Duo.
-### Important Note for Windows
-You cannot use CMake projects generated for Visual Studio to build the target language specific part of the
-various bindings - you have to use <tt>nmake</tt> at a command prompt. Open a <tt>Visual Studio [x64 Win64]
-Command Prompt (2010)</tt> and type:
- > cd c:\path\to\build\dir
- > cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" c:\path\to\uscxml\source
- ...
- > nmake && nmake csharp && nmake java
- ...
-## Optional Functionality
-At configure time, CMake will search for various libraries and conditionally compile only the part of uSCXML for
-which libraries have been found. On unices, it is straight forward to add libraries and - if you installed them to
-their default location - CMake will usually pick them up. On Windows, however, the process is more complicated.
-While we try to search in the locations where the various installers saved the header files and libraries, there are
-some of distributed only as an archive.
-If you want to give CMake the best chance of picking up these libraries, put them into the <emph>platform prebuilt path</emph>.
-This path is located in <tt>&lt;USCXML_SRC>/contrib/prebuilt/&lt;PLATFORM>/&lt;COMPILER></tt>. For Windows 32bit,
-with MSVC this path is <tt>&lt;USCXML_SRC>/contrib/prebuilt/windows-x86/msvc</tt>.
-For instance, in order to enable the <tt>lua</tt> datamodel on windows, download the static lua libraries and save
-the dll in <tt>&lt;PREBUILT>/lib/lua52.lib</tt> and the header files directly in <tt>&lt;PREBUILT>/include/</tt>.
-When you run CMake for the first time, it will automatically create these paths for you.
-<b>Note:</b> Actually, we would have to differentiate the various MSVC versions as well: v16 (VS2010) and v18 (VS2012/13)
-employ a different application binary interface (ABI). This is approach is taken e.g. in uMundo with <tt>msvc16</tt>
-vs <tt>msvc18</tt>, but not yet realized for uSCXML.
-## About 32/64Bit Support
-We do support both, 32 and 64Bit for Linux and Windows. On Macintosh, most prebuilt dependencies are compiled as
-universal binaries with 32/64Bit but we build 64Bit binaries exclusively. The reason is that e.g. <tt>curl</tt>
-cannot be compiled as a universal binary as its header files make assumptions about the size of an int.
-Furthermore, most libraries used by invokers are provided by brew or Macports will be 64Bit only and fail to link.
-If you feel adventurous, you can uncomment <tt>set(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "i386;x86_64")</tt> in the topmost
-<tt>CMakeLists.txt</tt> and fight your way through the linker errors.
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