diff options
31 files changed, 4917 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/apps/uscxml-browser.cpp b/apps/uscxml-browser.cpp
index 722b0af..a57b79b 100644
--- a/apps/uscxml-browser.cpp
+++ b/apps/uscxml-browser.cpp
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (options.verbose) {
StateTransitionMonitor* vm = new StateTransitionMonitor();
- interpreter.setMonitor(vm);
+ interpreter.addMonitor(vm);
diff --git a/apps/uscxml-debugger.html b/apps/uscxml-debugger.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3aece02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/uscxml-debugger.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2836 @@
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+ <style type="text/css">
+ body {
+/* font-family: "Trebuchet MS", "Helvetica", "Arial", "Verdana", "sans-serif";*/
+ }
+ .windowlet {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 3em;
+ left: 5em;
+ box-shadow: 5px 2px 19px #aaa;
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+ }
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+ padding: 8px;
+ }
+ .windowlet textarea {
+ resize:vertical;
+ }
+ .debug {
+ position:fixed !important;
+ width: 320px;
+ min-width: 250px;
+ }
+ .debug > .panel > .panel-group {
+/* overflow: hidden;*/
+ margin-bottom: 0px;
+ }
+ .debug > .panel {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ }
+ .debug > .panel > .panel-footer {
+ padding: 5px 5px;
+ font-family:Consolas,Monaco,Lucida Console,Liberation Mono,DejaVu Sans Mono,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Courier New, monospace;
+ font-size: 10px;
+ }
+ .panel-group .panel {
+/* border: 1px solid transparent;*/
+ overflow: visible;
+ }
+ .debug-header {
+ cursor: move;
+/* padding: 10px 15px 5px 15px;
+*/ }
+ .subtitle {
+ font-size: 0.7em;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ }
+ /* nested panels */
+ .panel .panel .panel-heading {
+ padding: 8px 15px;
+ }
+ .panel .panel-group .panel {
+ border-radius: 0px;
+ }
+ .panel .panel .panel-title {
+ font-size: 100%; /* Override explicit font-size from bootstrap */
+ }
+ .panel .panel {
+ font-size: 90%;
+ }
+ .panel-group .panel+.panel {
+ margin-top: 0px;
+ }
+ .panel-heading {
+ position: relative;
+ }
+ .heading-decoration {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 40px;
+ top: 4px;
+ }
+ .heading-decoration .badge {
+ float: left;
+ margin-top: 2px;
+ margin-right: 5px;
+ }
+ .panel-heading .panel-toggle:after {
+ /* symbol for "opening" panels */
+ font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings'; /* essential for enabling glyphicon */
+ content: "\e114"; /* adjust as needed, taken from bootstrap.css */
+ float: right; /* adjust as needed */
+ color: grey; /* adjust as needed */
+ }
+ .panel-heading.collapsed .panel-toggle:after {
+ /* symbol for "collapsed" panels */
+ content: "\e080"; /* adjust as needed, taken from bootstrap.css */
+ }
+ /* see */
+ .twitter-typeahead .tt-hint {
+ display: block;
+ height: 34px;
+ padding: 6px 12px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.428571429;
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ }
+ .form-group .twitter-typeahead {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ .messages-content textarea.messages {
+ font-size: 10px;
+ cursor: auto;
+ white-space: pre;
+ overflow: auto;
+ font-family:Consolas,Monaco,Lucida Console,Liberation Mono,DejaVu Sans Mono,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Courier New, monospace;
+ height: 16em;
+ }
+ ul.dropdown-menu li.server-session {
+ padding-left: 0.7em;
+ }
+ ul.recent-documents span.recent-document-features {
+ padding-left: 0.7em;
+ }
+ .tooltip-inner {
+ background-color: #333;
+ }
+ .tooltip.bottom .tooltip-arrow {
+ border-bottom-color: #333;
+ background-color: #FFF transparent;
+ }
+ .dom {
+ font-size: 10px;
+ font-family:Consolas,Monaco,Lucida Console,Liberation Mono,DejaVu Sans Mono,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Courier New, monospace;
+ color: #666;
+ }
+ .dom .active-state {
+ color: #000;
+ }
+ .dom .xpath-selected {
+ color: #A00;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ </style>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ var SCXMLEditor = Base.extend({
+ constructor: function(params) {
+ $.extend(this, params);
+ this.debugger = new SCXMLEditor.Debugger.USCXML({
+ debuggerURL: "http://localhost:8088",
+ scxmlEditor: this,
+ });
+ this.xmlView = new SCXMLEditor.XMLView({
+ destNode: $("body").find(".dom")[0],
+ });
+ $(this.debugger.getNode()).appendTo($("body"));
+ },
+ scxmlDOM: undefined,
+ scxmlURL: undefined,
+ scxmlRoot: undefined,
+ scxmlStates: {},
+ setDocumentNameFromURL: function(url) {
+ var tmp = $('<a>', { href:url } )[0];
+ $(this.debugger.debugDocumentNameNode).html(tmp.pathname.split('/').pop());
+ $(this.debugger.saveBreakpointsNode).closest("li").removeClass("disabled");
+ },
+ loadURL: function(scxmlURL) {
+ this.scxmlURL = scxmlURL;
+ this.setDocumentNameFromURL(scxmlURL);
+ if (scxmlURL in this.debugger.recentDocuments) {
+ // load breakpoints
+ if ('breakpoints' in this.debugger.recentDocuments[scxmlURL]) {
+ for (var index in this.debugger.recentDocuments[scxmlURL].breakpoints) {
+ var breakpointData = this.debugger.recentDocuments[scxmlURL].breakpoints[index];
+ var breakpoint = new SCXMLEditor.Debugger.Breakpoint({
+ data: breakpointData
+ });
+ var serializedBreakpoint = JSON.stringify(breakpoint.toWireFormat());
+ var alreadyExists = false;
+ // check if such a breakpoint already exists
+ for (var index in this.debugger.breakpoints) {
+ var otherBreakpoint = this.debugger.breakpoints[index];
+ if (serializedBreakpoint === JSON.stringify(otherBreakpoint.toWireFormat())) {
+ alreadyExists = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!alreadyExists)
+ this.debugger.addBreakpoint(breakpoint);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // get instance into scope chain
+ var scxmlEdit = this;
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "GET",
+ dataType: "text xml",
+ url: scxmlURL,
+ success: function (dom) {
+ scxmlEdit.loadDOM(dom);
+ },
+ error: function(data) {
+ console.log(data);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ loadDOM: function(scxmlDOM) {
+ this.scxmlDOM = scxmlDOM;
+ this.scxmlRoot = $(scxmlDOM).find("scxml")[0];
+ // notify the debugger
+ this.debugger.loadDOM(scxmlDOM);
+ // var domText = SCXMLEditor.xmlToString(this.scxmlDOM);
+ // $("body").find("pre.dom").text(domText);
+ if (this.xmlView) {
+ this.xmlView.setXML(this.scxmlDOM);
+ this.xmlView.prettyPrint();
+ }
+ // add 'nested' class to states of nested scxml documents
+ $(this.scxmlRoot).find("scxml").find("state, final, parallel, history").addClass("nested");
+ $(this.getNode()).appendTo(this.containerNode);
+ },
+ getNode: function() {
+ this.node = document.createElement('div');
+ this.node.className = "scxml-editor";
+ this.node.innerHTML = '\
+ <div class="state-tree"></div>\
+ <div class="tools"></div>\
+ ';
+ this.stateTreeNode = $(this.node).children("div.state-tree");
+ this.toolsNode = $(this.node).children("");
+ // var rootState = new SCXMLEditor.PortletStateView({
+ // scxmlState: this.scxmlRoot,
+ // scxmlEditor: this
+ // });
+ // this.rootNode = rootState.getNode();
+ // $(this.rootNode).appendTo(this.stateTreeNode);
+ // $(this.rootNode).draggable();
+ return this.node;
+ },
+ getAllChildStates: function() {
+ return $(this.scxmlRoot).find("state, parallel, final, history").not(".nested");
+ },
+ getAllStateIds: function() {
+ var stateIds = [];
+ var self = this;
+ $.each(this.getAllChildStates(), function(index, state) {
+ stateIds.push(SCXMLEditor.getStateId(state));
+ });
+ return stateIds;
+ }
+ });
+ SCXMLEditor.getStateId = function(state) {
+ return $(state).attr("id") || $(state).attr("name") || "scxml";
+ }
+ SCXMLEditor.getStateType = function(state) {
+ return state.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ SCXMLEditor.xmlToString = function (xmlNode) {
+ var text = xmlNode.xml || (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(xmlNode);
+ return vkbeautify.xml(text);
+ }
+ SCXMLEditor.XMLView = Base.extend({
+ constructor: function(params) {
+ $.extend(this, params);
+ },
+ prettyPrint: function(destNode) {
+ var self = this;
+ function escapeText(text) {
+ return $('<div/>').text(text).html();
+ }
+ function prettyIndent(xmlNode, indentation) {
+ var outputText = '';
+ var indenter = '';
+ for (var i = 0; i < indentation; i++) {
+ indenter += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
+ }
+ var isActive = false;
+ var isXPathSelected = false;
+ switch(xmlNode.nodeType) {
+ case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if (xmlNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "state") {
+ var stateId = xmlNode.getAttribute("id");
+ if ($.inArray(stateId, self.activeStates) >= 0) {
+ outputText += '<span class="active-state">';
+ isActive = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (xpathNodeSet && xpathNodeSet.snapshotLength > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < xpathNodeSet.snapshotLength; i++) {
+ var currNode = xpathNodeSet.snapshotItem(i);
+ // console.log("Comparing:");
+ // console.log(currNode);
+ // console.log(xmlNode);
+ if (currNode === xmlNode) {
+ // console.log("currNode:");
+ // console.log(currNode);
+ outputText += '<span class="xpath-selected">';
+ isXPathSelected = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ outputText += indenter;
+ outputText += '&lt;' + xmlNode.nodeName;
+ for (var j = 0; j < xmlNode.attributes.length; j++) {
+ var attribute = xmlNode.attributes.item(j);
+ outputText += " " + attribute.nodeName + "=\"" + attribute.nodeValue + "\"";
+ }
+ if (!xmlNode.hasChildNodes()) {
+ outputText += ' /&gt;';
+ outputText += '<br />';
+ } else {
+ outputText += '&gt;';
+ outputText += '<br />';
+ }
+ break;
+ case Node.COMMENT_NODE:
+ outputText += indenter;
+ outputText += '&lt;!-- ' + escapeText(xmlNode.nodeValue.trim()) + ' -->';
+ outputText += '<br />';
+ break;
+ case Node.TEXT_NODE:
+ var text = xmlNode.nodeValue.trim();
+ if (text.length > 0) {
+ outputText += indenter;
+ outputText += escapeText(text);
+ outputText += '<br />';
+ }
+ break;
+ case Node.ENTITY_NODE:
+ case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+ case Node.NOTATION_NODE:
+ default:
+ }
+ var child = xmlNode.firstChild;
+ while(child) {
+ outputText += prettyIndent(child, indentation + 1);
+ child = child.nextSibling;
+ }
+ switch(xmlNode.nodeType) {
+ case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if (xmlNode.hasChildNodes()) {
+ outputText += indenter;
+ outputText += '&lt;/' + xmlNode.nodeName;
+ outputText += '&gt;';
+ outputText += '<br />';
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ if (isActive) {
+ outputText += '</span>';
+ }
+ if (isXPathSelected) {
+ outputText += '</span>';
+ }
+ return outputText;
+ }
+ if (typeof this.xmlNode == "string") {
+ this.xmlNode = $.parseXML(this.xmlNode);
+ }
+ // this.xpath = "//*[local-name() = \"state\"][@id=\"s0\"]/*[local-name() = \"onentry\"][1]/*[local-name() = \"foreach\"][1]";
+ // this.xpath = "//*[local-name() = \"state\"][@id=\"s0\"]/*[local-name() = \"onentry\"][1]/*[local-name() = \"foreach\"][1]";
+ var xpathNodeSet = undefined;
+ // console.log("xpath:");
+ // console.log(this.xpath);
+ if (this.xpath) {
+ try {
+ xpathNodeSet = this.xmlNode.evaluate(
+ this.xpath,
+ this.xmlNode,
+ function (prefix) {
+ switch (prefix) {
+ case 'scxml':
+ default:
+ return '';
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ null);
+ for (var i = 0; i < xpathNodeSet.snapshotLength; i++) {
+ var currNode = xpathNodeSet.snapshotItem(i);
+ // console.log("Got node:");
+ // console.log(currNode);
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.log(e);
+ }
+ }
+ var xmlMarkup = '<font color=#888>' + prettyIndent(this.xmlNode, 0) + '</font>';
+ if (destNode) {
+ $(destNode).html(xmlMarkup);
+ } else {
+ $(this.destNode).html(xmlMarkup);
+ }
+ },
+ setDestinationNode: function(destNode) {
+ this.destNode = destNode;
+ },
+ setXML: function(xmlNode) {
+ this.xmlNode = xmlNode;
+ },
+ setElementXPath: function(xpath) {
+ this.xpath = xpath;
+ },
+ setActiveStates: function(states) {
+ this.activeStates = states;
+ },
+ });
+ // base class of all views onto a state
+ SCXMLEditor.StateView = Base.extend({
+ constructor: function(params) {
+ $.extend(this, params);
+ this.scxmlStateType = SCXMLEditor.getStateType(this.scxmlState);
+ this.scxmlStateId = SCXMLEditor.getStateId(this.scxmlState);
+ $(this.scxmlState).bind("DOMSubtreeModified", this.scxmlStateSubtreeModified)
+ },
+ node: undefined,
+ scxmlStateType: undefined,
+ scxmlStateId: undefined,
+ scxmlState: undefined,
+ getNode: function() {
+ console.log("SCXMLEditor.StateView.getNode()");
+ },
+ scxmlStateSubtreeModified: function() {
+ console.log("SCXMLEditor.StateView.scxmlStateSubtreeModified()");
+ },
+ isRoot: function() {
+ return $(this.scxmlState).prop("tagName").toLowerCase() === "scxml";
+ },
+ getDirectChildStates: function() {
+ return $(this.scxmlState).children("state, parallel, final, history").not(".nested");
+ },
+ getAllChildStates: function() {
+ return $(this.scxmlState).find("state, parallel, final, history").not(".nested");
+ },
+ createTransitions: function() {
+ }
+ });
+ // view a state in a small windowlet
+ SCXMLEditor.ToolsStateView = SCXMLEditor.StateView.extend({
+ constructor: function(params) {
+ this.base(params);
+ },
+ getNode: function() {
+ var tools = this;
+ this.node = document.createElement('div');
+ this.node.className = 'windowlet tools ui-widget-content';
+ this.node.innerHTML = '\
+ <div class="ui-widget-header">' + this.getStateId() + '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-close"></span></div>\
+ ';
+ $(this.node).children( ".ui-widget-header" ).children( ".ui-icon-close" ).click(function() {
+ $(tools.node).remove();
+ });
+ $(this.node).resizable();
+ $(this.node).draggable();
+ $(this.node).css("position", "absolute");
+ $(this.node).appendTo(this.containerNode);
+ return this.node;
+ },
+ scxmlStateSubtreeModified: function() {
+ console.log("SCXMLEditor.StateView.scxmlStateSubtreeModified()");
+ },
+ });
+ SCXMLEditor.PortletStateView = SCXMLEditor.StateView.extend({
+ constructor: function(params) {
+ this.base(params);
+ },
+ getNode: function() {
+ this.node = document.createElement('div');
+ this.node.className = 'portlet';
+ this.node.innerHTML = '\
+ <div class="portlet-header"><span class="stateId">' + this.scxmlStateId + '</span></div>\
+ <div class="portlet-content"></div>\
+ ';
+ this.portletHeader = $(this.node).children("div.portlet-header")[0];
+ this.portletContent = $(this.node).children("div.portlet-content")[0];
+ var scxmlState = this.scxmlState;
+ var settingsButton = document.createElement('button');
+ settingsButton.innerHTML = 'Settings';
+ $(settingsButton).button({
+ icons: {
+ primary: "ui-icon-gear",
+ secondary: "ui-icon-triangle-1-s"
+ },
+ text: false
+ });
+ var settingsMenu = document.createElement('ul');
+ settingsMenu.innerHTML = '\
+ <li><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-plus"></span>Add nested State</a></li>\
+ <li><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrow-4-diag"></span>Move this State</a></li>\
+ <li><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-trash"></span>Remove this State</a></li>\
+ <li>-</li>\
+ <li><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-transfer-e-w"></span>Transitions</a></li>\
+ <li><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-gear"></span>Executable Content</a></li>\
+ <li><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-tag"></span>Datamodel</a></li>\
+ <li><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-document"></span>Invokers</a></li>\
+ <li><a href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-zoomin"></span>States</a></li>\
+ ';
+ $(settingsMenu).menu().hide();
+ $(settingsButton).click(function() {
+ $(settingsMenu).show().position({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left top",
+ of: this
+ });
+ $(settingsMenu).find("a").click(function event() {
+ $(settingsMenu).hide();
+ });
+ $(settingsMenu).mouseleave(function(event) {
+ $(settingsMenu).hide();
+ });
+ return false;
+ })
+ $(settingsMenu).prependTo(this.portletHeader);
+ $(settingsButton).prependTo(this.portletHeader);
+ var childs = this.getDirectChildStates();
+ var nrChilds = childs.length + 1;
+ var nrCols = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(nrChilds));
+ var nrRows = Math.ceil(nrChilds / nrCols);
+ // console.log(nrCols + ' / ' + nrRows);
+ for (var col = 0; col < nrCols; col++) {
+ var colNode = document.createElement('div');
+ colNode.className = "column";
+ for (var row = 0; row < nrRows; row++) {
+ if (childs.length > col * nrRows + row) {
+ var child = childs[col * nrRows + row];
+ var childPortlet = new SCXMLEditor.PortletStateView({
+ scxmlState: child,
+ scxmlEditor: this.scxmlEditor
+ });
+ $(childPortlet.getNode()).appendTo(colNode);
+ }
+ }
+ $(colNode).appendTo(this.portletContent);
+ $(colNode).sortable({
+ connectWith: ".column",
+ handle: ".portlet-header",
+ cancel: ".portlet-toggle",
+ placeholder: "portlet-placeholder ui-corner-all"
+ });
+ }
+ // see
+ $(this.node)
+ .addClass( "ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all" )
+ .children( ".portlet-header" )
+ .addClass( "ui-widget-header ui-corner-all" )
+ .prepend( "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-minusthick portlet-toggle'></span>")
+ .prepend( "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-newwin portlet-detach'></span>")
+ .append( "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
+ $(this.node).children( ".portlet-header" ).children( ".portlet-toggle" ).click(function() {
+ var icon = $(this);
+ icon.toggleClass( "ui-icon-minusthick ui-icon-plusthick" );
+ icon.closest( ".portlet" ).children( ".portlet-content" ).toggle();
+ });
+ $(this.node).children( ".portlet-header" ).children( ".portlet-detach" ).click(function() {
+ var detach = $(this);
+ detach.toggleClass( "ui-icon-arrowthickstop-1-s ui-icon-newwin" );
+ = new SCXMLEditor.ToolsStateView({
+ scxmlState: scxmlState,
+ scxmlEditor: this.scxmlEditor
+ });
+ $($("body")); // TODO ought to be relative?
+ });
+ return this.node;
+ },
+ })
+ SCXMLEditor.Debugger = Base.extend({
+ constructor: function(params) {
+ this.breakpointsEnabled = true;
+ $.extend(this, params);
+ },
+ breakpoints: [],
+ currEvent: {},
+ loadDOM: function(scxmlDOM) {
+ // called by the editor, inherit to e.g. activate buttons
+ },
+ getNode: function() {
+ var debug = this;
+ this.node = document.createElement('div');
+ this.node.className = 'windowlet debug';
+ $(this.node).css("position", "absolute");
+ // data-parent="#accordion" missing from <a> to show multiple panels
+ this.node.innerHTML = '\
+ <div class="panel panel-default">\
+ <div class="panel-heading debug-header">\
+ <h4 class="panel-title">Debugger<span class="toolbar pull-right"></span></h4>\
+ <!--span class="subtitle document-name">No Document loaded</span -->\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="panel-group">\
+<!-- Breakpoints -->\
+ <div class="breakpoints panel panel-default">\
+ <div class="panel-heading" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseBreakpoints">\
+ <span class="panel-toggle"></span>\
+ <h4 class="panel-title">Breakpoints<br/><span class="subtitle current-breakpoint"></span>\
+ <i class="heading-decoration pull-right">\
+ <div class="btn-group">\
+ <button title="Deactivate all Breakpoints" class="deactivate btn btn-default btn-xs btn-primary"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-off"></span></button>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="btn-group">\
+ <button title="Add a new Breakpoint" class="new btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></button>\
+ <button \
+ title="Remove all Breakpoints" class="delete-all btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span></button>\
+ </div>\
+ </i>\
+ </h4>\
+ </div>\
+ <div id="collapseBreakpoints" class="breakpoints-content panel-collapse collapse">\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+<!-- Current Event -->\
+ <!--div class="event panel panel-default">\
+ <div class="panel-heading" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseEvent">\
+ <h4 class="panel-title">Current Event\
+ <i class="heading-decoration pull-right">\
+ <div class="btn-group">\
+ <button title="Insert a new Event" class="new btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></button>\
+ <button title="Edit current Event" class="edit btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span></button>\
+ <button title="View Event in Window" class="view btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span></button>\
+ </div>\
+ </i>\
+ <span class="panel-toggle"></span></h4>\
+ </div>\
+ <div id="collapseEvent" class="panel-collapse collapse">\
+ <div class="panel-body event-content"></div>\
+ </div>\
+ </div-->\
+<!-- Active States -->\
+ <!-- div class="states panel panel-default">\
+ <div class="panel-heading" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseStates">\
+ <h4 class="panel-title">Active States<span class="panel-toggle"></span></h4>\
+ </div>\
+ <div id="collapseStates" class="panel-collapse collapse">\
+ <div class="panel-body states-content">\
+ Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ </div -->\
+<!-- Datamodel -->\
+ <div class="datamodel panel panel-default">\
+ <div class="panel-heading" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseDatamodel">\
+ <h4 class="panel-title">Datamodel\
+ <!--i class="heading-decoration pull-right">\
+ <div class="btn-group">\
+ <button title="Clear Log" class="clear btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span></button>\
+ <button title="View Log in Window" class="view btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span></button>\
+ </div>\
+ </i-->\
+ <span class="panel-toggle"></span></h4>\
+ </div>\
+ <div id="collapseDatamodel" class="panel-collapse collapse">\
+ <div class="panel-body datamodel-content"></div>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+<!-- Assets -->\
+ <!--div class="assets panel panel-default">\
+ <div class="panel-heading" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseAssets">\
+ <h4 class="panel-title">Assets\
+ <i class="heading-decoration pull-right">\
+ <div class="btn-group">\
+ <button title="New Asset" class="view btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></button>\
+ </div>\
+ </i>\
+ <span class="panel-toggle"></span></h4>\
+ </div>\
+ <div id="collapseAssets" class="panel-collapse collapse">\
+ <div class="panel-body assets-content"></div>\
+ </div>\
+ </div-->\
+<!-- Message -->\
+ <div class="messages panel panel-default">\
+ <div class="panel-heading" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseMessages">\
+ <h4 class="panel-title">Messages\
+ <i class="heading-decoration pull-right">\
+ <span class="badge"></span>\
+ <div class="btn-group">\
+ <button title="Clear Log" class="clear btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span></button>\
+ <button title="Text Wrap" class="textwrap btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-align-left"></span></button>\
+ </div>\
+ </i>\
+ <span class="panel-toggle"></span></h4>\
+ </div>\
+ <div id="collapseMessages" class="panel-collapse collapse in">\
+ <div class="panel-body messages-content">\
+ <textarea class="form-control messages" wrap="off" readonly></textarea>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="panel-footer">\
+ <span class="status-indicators"></span>\
+ <span class="pull-right document-name"></span>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ ';
+ $(this.node).find("div.panel-collapse").not(".in").prev().addClass("collapsed");
+ // get some nodes
+ this.debugFooterNode = $(this.node).find(".panel-footer")[0];
+ this.statusIndicatorNode = $(this.node).find(".status-indicators")[0];
+ this.debugDocumentNameNode = $(this.node).find(".document-name")[0];
+ this.currentBreakpointNode = $(this.node).find(".current-breakpoint")[0];
+ this.toolbarNode = $(this.node).find(".toolbar")[0];
+ this.messagesNode = $(this.node).find("div.messages-content")[0];
+ this.messagesBadgeNode = $(this.node).find("div.messages").find("span.badge")[0];
+ this.clearMessagesButton = $(this.node).find("div.messages").find("button.clear")[0];
+ this.textwrapMessagesButton = $(this.node).find("div.messages").find("button.textwrap")[0];
+ this.messagesTextarea = $(this.node).find("div.messages-content").find("textarea")[0];
+ this.breakpointNode = $(this.node).find("div.breakpoints-content")[0];
+ this.deleteAllBreakpointsButton = $(this.node).find("div.breakpoints").find("button.delete-all")[0];
+ this.disableBreakpointsButton = $(this.node).find("div.breakpoints").find("button.deactivate")[0];
+ this.addNewBreakpointsButton = $(this.node).find("div.breakpoints").find("")[0];
+ this.currEventNode = $(this.node).find("div.event-content")[0];
+ this.insertEventButton = $(this.node).find("div.event").find("")[0];
+ this.editEventButton = $(this.node).find("div.event").find("button.edit")[0];
+ this.viewEventButton = $(this.node).find("div.event").find("button.view")[0];
+ this.dataModelNode = $(this.node).find("div.datamodel-content")[0];
+ this.clearDataModelLogButton = $(this.node).find("div.datamodel").find("button.clear")[0];
+ this.viewDataModelLogButton = $(this.node).find("div.datamodel").find("button.view")[0];
+ this.initBreakpoints();
+ this.initToolBar();
+// this.initCurrEvent();
+ this.initDataModel();
+ this.initMessages();
+ // enable tooltips
+ $(this.node).find("button").tooltip({
+ placement: 'bottom',
+ container: 'body',
+ delay: { show: 300, hide: 100 }
+ });
+ $(this.node).resizable({grid: [1, 100000]});
+ $(this.node).draggable({
+ handle: $(this.node).find("div.debug-header")
+ });
+ return this.node;
+ },
+ initMessages: function() {
+ var debug = this;
+ $(this.clearMessagesButton).prop('disabled', true);
+ $(this.node).find('#collapseMessages')
+ .unbind('')
+ .unbind('')
+ .on('', function () {
+ $(debug.messagesBadgeNode).html(""); // remove number from badge
+ }).on('', function () {
+ debug.messagesTextarea.scrollTop = debug.messagesTextarea.scrollHeight; // scroll to bottom (won't work when hidden)
+ });
+ $(this.messagesTextarea)
+ .unbind('mouseenter')
+ .unbind('mouseleave')
+ .mouseenter(function () {
+ $(this).addClass("dont-scroll");
+ })
+ .mouseleave(function () {
+ $(this).removeClass("dont-scroll");
+ });
+ $(this.clearMessagesButton)
+ .unbind('mouseenter')
+ .unbind('mouseleave')
+ .unbind('click')
+ .mouseenter(function() {
+ $(this).addClass("btn-warning");
+ }).mouseleave(function() {
+ $(this).removeClass("btn-warning");
+ }).click(function() {
+ debug.messagesTextarea.value = "";
+ $(debug.messagesBadgeNode).html("");
+ $(this).prop('disabled', true);
+ $(this).removeClass("btn-warning");
+ $(this).tooltip("hide");
+ return false;
+ });
+ $(this.textwrapMessagesButton).unbind('click')
+ .click(function() {
+ if ($(debug.messagesTextarea).attr("wrap") == "on") {
+ $(this).removeClass("active");
+ $(debug.messagesTextarea).attr("wrap", "off");
+ } else {
+ $(this).addClass("active");
+ $(debug.messagesTextarea).attr("wrap", "on");
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ },
+ initToolBar: function() {
+ var debug = this;
+ this.toolbarNode.innerHTML = '\
+ <div class="btn-group">\
+ <button class="control btn btn-default btn-xs dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">\
+ <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-cog"></span>\
+ <span class="caret"></span>\
+ </button>\
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu">\
+ <li><a class="load-from-url" href="#"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-import"></i> Load Document</a></li>\
+ <li><a class="save-breakpoints" href="#"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-save"></i> Save Breakpoints</a></li>\
+ </ul>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="btn-group">\
+ <button title="Start Execution" class="start btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-play"></span></button>\
+ <div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons-checkbox">\
+ <button title="Pause Execution" class="pause btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pause"></span></button>\
+ </div>\
+ <button title="Step Execution" class="step btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-step-forward"></span></button>\
+ </div>\
+ '
+ this.controlButtonNode = $(this.toolbarNode).children("div.btn-group").children("button.control")[0];
+ this.controlDropdownNode = $(this.toolbarNode).children("div.btn-group").children("ul.dropdown-menu")[0];
+ this.loadFromURLNode = $(this.toolbarNode).find("a.load-from-url")[0];
+ this.saveBreakpointsNode = $(this.toolbarNode).find("")[0];
+ this.startButtonNode = $(this.toolbarNode).children("div.btn-group").children("button.start")[0];
+ this.pauseButtonNode = $(this.toolbarNode).children("div.btn-group").find("button.pause")[0];
+ this.stepButtonNode = $(this.toolbarNode).children("div.btn-group").children("button.step")[0];
+ this.globalDropDownNode = $(this.toolbarNode).find(".dropdown-menu")[0];
+ $(this.loadFromURLNode).unbind('click').click(function() {
+ debug.showLoadDialog();
+ return false;
+ });
+ $(this.saveBreakpointsNode)
+ .unbind('click').click(function() {
+ debug.recentDocuments[debug.scxmlEditor.scxmlURL].breakpoints = [];
+ for (var key in debug.breakpoints) {
+ debug.recentDocuments[debug.scxmlEditor.scxmlURL].breakpoints.push(debug.breakpoints[key].toWireFormat());
+ }
+ localStorage.recentDocuments = JSON.stringify(debug.recentDocuments);
+ $(debug.controlButtonNode).effect('highlight', {color: '#3AA453'}, 600);
+ return false;
+ })
+ .closest("li").addClass("disabled");
+ $(this.startButtonNode).prop('disabled', true);
+ $(this.pauseButtonNode).prop('disabled', true);
+ $(this.stepButtonNode).prop('disabled', true);
+ },
+ showLoadDialog: function() {
+ var debug = this;
+ // do we already have a modal div?
+ $("body").children("div#loadFromURLModal").remove();
+ // load from URL form - modal window
+ this.loadFromURLModalNode = $('\
+ <div class="modal fade" id="loadFromURLModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">\
+ <div class="modal-dialog">\
+ <form action="" id="loadFromURLModalForm">\
+ <div class="modal-content">\
+ <div class="modal-header">\
+ <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>\
+ <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Load SCXML from URL</h4>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="modal-body">\
+ <div class="form-group">\
+ <div class="input-group">\
+ <span class="input-group-btn">\
+ <button title="Recent Documents" type="button" class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">\
+ <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt"></span>\
+ </button>\
+ <ul class="recent-documents dropdown-menu" role="menu" />\
+ </span>\
+ <input id="loadFromURLModalInput" name="scxmlUrl" class="form-control" placeholder="URL of SCXML document">\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="modal-footer">\
+ <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>\
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Load</button>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ </form>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ ');
+ this.recentDocumentsNode = $(this.loadFromURLModalNode).find("ul.recent-documents")[0];
+ $(this.recentDocumentsNode).prev().attr('disabled', true);
+ this.recentDocuments = {};
+ if (localStorage.recentDocuments) {
+ this.recentDocuments = JSON.parse(localStorage.recentDocuments);
+ for (var key in this.recentDocuments) {
+ if ((key.substring(0, 4) != "http") && (key.substring(0, 4) != "file")) {
+ // no idea, but it's not a document
+ delete this.recentDocuments[key];
+ continue;
+ }
+ var recentURL = key; // not sure, but key is not available in callback
+ // we found a document, enable "recent" button
+ $(this.recentDocumentsNode).prev().attr('disabled', false);
+ var recentDocumentItem = $('\
+ <li><a href="#"><!-- i class="glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-open" style="margin-right: 0.7em" / -->' + key + '<span class="recent-document-features"></span></a></li>\
+ ');
+ var recentDocumentFeatures = $(recentDocumentItem).find("span.recent-document-features");
+ $(recentDocumentItem).children("a").click(function() {
+ $(debug.loadFromURLModalNode).find("input#loadFromURLModalInput").val(recentURL);
+ $(debug.recentDocumentsNode).dropdown("toggle");
+ return false;
+ });
+ if ('breakpoints' in this.recentDocuments[key] && this.recentDocuments[key].breakpoints.length > 0) {
+ $(recentDocumentFeatures).append('<i title="Has Breakpoints" class="glyphicon glyphicon-th-list">');
+ }
+ $(this.recentDocumentsNode).append(recentDocumentItem);
+ }
+ }
+ $("body").append(this.loadFromURLModalNode);
+ var fromURLValidator = $(this.loadFromURLModalNode).find("form#loadFromURLModalForm").validate({ // initialize the plugin
+ rules: { scxmlUrl: { required: true, url2: true }},
+ highlight: function(element) {
+ $(element).closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-success').addClass('has-error');
+ },
+ success: function(element) {
+ element.text('OK!').addClass('valid').closest('.input-group').removeClass('has-error').addClass('has-success');
+ },
+ submitHandler: function (form) {
+ $(debug.loadFromURLModalNode).modal("hide");
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ $(this.loadFromURLModalNode).on('', function(e) {
+ if (!fromURLValidator.valid()) {
+ $(debug.loadFromURLModalNode).find(".form-group").removeClass('has-success').removeClass('has-error');
+ $(debug.loadFromURLModalNode).find("input#loadFromURLModalInput").val("");
+ } else {
+ var scxmlURL = $(debug.loadFromURLModalNode).find("input#loadFromURLModalInput").val();
+ if (!(scxmlURL in debug.recentDocuments)) {
+ debug.recentDocuments[scxmlURL] = {};
+ }
+ localStorage.recentDocuments = JSON.stringify(debug.recentDocuments);
+ debug.scxmlEditor.loadURL(scxmlURL);
+ }
+ fromURLValidator.resetForm();
+ });
+ $(this.loadFromURLModalNode).modal();
+ },
+ initDataModel: function() {
+ var debug = this;
+ $(this.clearDataModelLogButton).prop('disabled', true);
+ $(this.viewDataModelLogButton).prop('disabled', true);
+ // add functionality to buttons
+ $(this.clearDataModelLogButton).mouseenter(function() {
+ $(this).addClass("btn-warning");
+ }).mouseleave(function() {
+ $(this).removeClass("btn-warning");
+ }).click(function() {
+ return false;
+ });
+ this.dataModelListingNode = document.createElement('div');
+ this.dataModelEditor = ace.edit(this.dataModelListingNode, {});
+ this.dataModelEditor.getSession().setUseWorker(false);
+ this.dataModelEditor.setTheme("ace/theme/tomorrow");
+ this.dataModelEditor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/javascript");
+ this.dataModelEditor.setReadOnly(true);
+ // this.dataModelEditor.getSession().setUseWrapMode(true);
+ this.dataModelEditor.setShowPrintMargin(false);
+ this.dataModelEditor.renderer.setShowGutter(false);
+ // this.dataModelEditor.getSession().setValue(vkbeautify.json(initialContent));
+ $(this.dataModelListingNode).css("height", ((this.dataModelEditor.session.getLength() + 10) * 1.5) + "em");
+ $(this.dataModelNode).append(this.dataModelListingNode);
+ $(this.dataModelNode).append('\
+ <div class="input-group input-group-sm">\
+ <span class="input-group-btn">\
+ <button title="Quick Command" type="button" class="datamodel-suggest btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">\
+ <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt"></span>\
+ </button>\
+ <ul class="suggested-commands dropdown-menu" role="menu">\
+ <li><a href="#">_event</a></li>\
+ <li><a href="#">_name</a></li>\
+ <li><a href="#">_sessionid</a></li>\
+ <li><a href="#">_invokers</a></li>\
+ <li><a href="#">_ioprocessors</a></li>\
+ <li><a href="#">_x</a></li>\
+ </ul>\
+ </span>\
+ <input type="text" class="datamodel-eval form-control">\
+ <div class="input-group-btn">\
+ <button title="Evaluate as String" type="button" class="datamodel-eval btn btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-play"></span></button>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ ');
+ this.dataModelInputNode = $(this.dataModelNode).find("input.datamodel-eval")[0];
+ this.dataModelInputButton = $(this.dataModelNode).find("button.datamodel-eval")[0];
+ this.dataModelSuggestButton = $(this.dataModelNode).find("button.datamodel-suggest")[0];
+ $(this.dataModelSuggestButton).prop('disabled', true);
+ $(this.dataModelNode).find("ul.suggested-commands").find("li")
+ .unbind('click').click(function() {
+ var expression = $(this).children("a").text();
+ $(debug.dataModelInputNode).val(expression);
+ debug.evalOnDataModel(expression);
+ $(this).closest("ul").dropdown('toggle');
+ return false;
+ });
+ $(this.dataModelInputNode)
+ .prop('disabled', true)
+ .unbind('keypress').keypress(function(e) {
+ if (e.which == 13)
+ debug.evalOnDataModel($(this).val());
+ });
+ $(this.dataModelInputButton)
+ .prop('disabled', true)
+ .unbind('click').click(function() {
+ debug.evalOnDataModel($(debug.dataModelInputNode).val());
+ return false;
+ });
+ // $(this.dataModelListingNode).resizable({handles: "n, s"});
+ // $(this.dataModelListingNode).resizable({grid: [100000, 1], alsoResize: $(this.node)});
+ // $(this.dataModelListingNode).unbind('resize').on('resize', function() {
+ // debug.dataModelEditor.resize();
+ // });
+ },
+ initBreakpoints: function() {
+ var debug = this;
+ $(this.deleteAllBreakpointsButton)
+ .unbind('mouseenter')
+ .unbind('mouseleave')
+ .unbind('click');
+ $(this.deleteAllBreakpointsButton).mouseenter(function() {
+ $(this).addClass("btn-danger");
+ }).mouseleave(function() {
+ $(this).removeClass("btn-danger");
+ }).click(function() {
+ return false;
+ });
+ $(this.deleteAllBreakpointsButton).confirmation({
+ singleton: true,
+ container: "body",
+ btnOkClass: "btn btn-danger",
+ btnOkLabel: "Delete All",
+ btnOkIcon: "glyphicon glyphicon-trash",
+ onConfirm: function() {
+ while (debug.breakpoints.length > 0) {
+ debug.removeBreakpoint(debug.breakpoints[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $(this.disableBreakpointsButton).unbind('click');
+ $(this.disableBreakpointsButton).click(function() {
+ $(this).toggleClass("btn-primary");
+ if ($(this).hasClass("btn-primary")) {
+ debug.enableAllBreakpoints();
+ } else {
+ debug.disableAllBreakpoints();
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ $(this.addNewBreakpointsButton).unbind('click');
+ $(this.addNewBreakpointsButton).click(function() {
+ debug.addBreakpoint();
+ return false;
+ });
+ this.breakpointNode.innerHTML = '\
+ <table class="table table-hover">\
+ </table>\
+ ';
+ for (var index in this.breakpoints) {
+ $(this.breakpointNode).children("table").append(this.breakpoints[index].getNode());
+ }
+ },
+ initCurrEvent: function() {
+ var debug = this;
+ $(this.insertEventButton).prop('disabled', true);
+ $(this.editEventButton).prop('disabled', true);
+ $(this.viewEventButton).prop('disabled', true);
+ var initialContent = '';
+ var editor = ace.edit(this.currEventNode, {});
+ editor.getSession().setUseWorker(false);
+ editor.setTheme("ace/theme/tomorrow");
+ editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/javascript");
+ editor.setReadOnly(true);
+ editor.setShowPrintMargin(false);
+ editor.renderer.setShowGutter(false);
+ try {
+ editor.getSession().setValue(vkbeautify.json(initialContent));
+ } catch(e) {
+ editor.getSession().setValue(initialContent);
+ }
+ $(this.currEventNode).css("height", (editor.session.getLength() * 1.5) + "em");
+ this.eventViewModal = $('\
+ <div class="modal fade bs-example-modal-lg" id="eventViewModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">\
+ <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg">\
+ <form action="" id="eventViewModalForm">\
+ <div class="modal-content">\
+ <div class="modal-header">\
+ <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>\
+ <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">View / Edit Event</h4>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="modal-body">\
+ <div class="editor"></div>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="modal-footer">\
+ <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>\
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Apply</button>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ </form>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ ');
+ $(this.eventViewModal).modal({
+ show: false
+ });
+ // $(this.eventViewModal).find("div.modal-dialog").resizable();
+ // $(this.eventViewModal).find("div.modal-dialog").draggable();
+ $("body").append(this.eventViewModal);
+ // add functionality to buttons
+ $(this.viewEventButton).click(function() {
+ $(debug.eventViewModal).find(".editor");
+ var modalEditorNode = $(debug.eventViewModal).find(".editor")[0];
+ var modalEditor = ace.edit(modalEditorNode, {});
+ // safari has the cursor somewhat off
+ modalEditor.setTheme("ace/theme/tomorrow");
+ modalEditor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/javascript");
+ modalEditor.setReadOnly(false);
+ modalEditor.setShowPrintMargin(false);
+ modalEditor.renderer.setShowGutter(true);
+ modalEditor.getSession().setValue(vkbeautify.json(initialContent));
+ $(modalEditorNode).css("min-height", (editor.session.getLength() * 1.5) + "em");
+ //$(modalEditorNode).css("height", "80%");
+ $(debug.eventViewModal).modal("show");
+ return false;
+ });
+ },
+ log: function(messages) {
+ var self = this;
+ $(this.clearMessagesButton).prop('disabled', false);
+ if (!self.messagesTextarea) {
+ console.log(messages);
+ return;
+ }
+ function logSingleMsg(msg) {
+ // only show badge when when collapsed
+ if (!$(self.messagesNode).parent().hasClass("in")) {
+ var bagdeContent = parseInt($(self.messagesBadgeNode).html()) || 0;
+ $(self.messagesBadgeNode).html(bagdeContent + 1);
+ }
+ if (typeof(msg) === 'string') {
+ self.messagesTextarea.value += msg.trim() + "\n";
+ } else if (typeof(msg) === 'object') {
+ if ('formatted' in msg) {
+ self.messagesTextarea.value += msg.formatted.trim() + "\n";
+ } else if('message' in msg) {
+ self.messagesTextarea.value += msg.message.trim() + "\n";
+ } else {
+ try {
+ self.messagesTextarea.value += vkbeautify.json(msg) + "\n";
+ } catch(e) {
+ self.messagesTextarea.value += JSON.stringify(msg).trim() + "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ //not sure what to do here
+ self.messagesTextarea.value += msg;
+ }
+ }
+ if (messages instanceof Array) {
+ for (var key in messages) {
+ logSingleMsg(messages[key]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ logSingleMsg(messages);
+ }
+ // scroll to bottom
+ if (!$(self.messagesTextarea).hasClass("dont-scroll"))
+ self.messagesTextarea.scrollTop = self.messagesTextarea.scrollHeight;
+ },
+ // find a breakpoint by value and return its index
+ findBreakpoint: function(breakpoint) {
+ for (var index in this.breakpoints) {
+ var currBreakpoint = this.breakpoints[index];
+ // $("body").append("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(breakpoint.toWireFormat()) + "</pre><br />");
+ // $("body").append("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(currBreakpoint.toWireFormat()) + "</pre><br />");
+ if (Object.identical(breakpoint.toWireFormat(), currBreakpoint.toWireFormat())) {
+ return index;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ },
+ editBreakpoint: function(breakpoint) {
+ breakpoint.showEditDialog()
+ },
+ editedBreakpoint: function(breakpoint, oldData) {
+ // override to update your debugger
+ },
+ skipToBreakpoint: function(breakpoint) {
+ },
+ addBreakpoint: function(breakpoint) {
+ var debug = this;
+ if (breakpoint) {
+ breakpoint.scxmlEditor = this.scxmlEditor;
+ breakpoint.scxmlDebugger = this;
+ if (this.findBreakpoint(breakpoint) < 0) {
+ // add as new breakpoint
+ this.breakpoints.push(breakpoint);
+ var breakpointNode = breakpoint.getNode();
+ if (!debug.breakpointsEnabled) {
+ $(breakpointNode).find("button.enable").prop('disabled', true);
+ $(breakpointNode).find("button.skipto").prop('disabled', true);
+ }
+ $(this.breakpointNode).children("table").append(breakpointNode);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // show dialog to add a breakpoint
+ var newBreakpoint = new SCXMLEditor.Debugger.Breakpoint({
+ scxmlEditor: this.scxmlEditor,
+ scxmlDebugger: this
+ });
+ debug.editBreakpoint(newBreakpoint);
+ }
+ },
+ removeBreakpoint: function(breakpoint) {
+ var debug = this;
+ var breakPointIndex = this.findBreakpoint(breakpoint);
+ if (breakPointIndex >= 0) {
+ this.breakpoints.splice(breakPointIndex, 1);
+ $(this.breakpointNode).children("table").find("tr").slice(breakPointIndex, breakPointIndex + 1).detach();
+ }
+ },
+ highlightBreakpoint: function(breakpoint) {
+ var breakPointIndex = this.findBreakpoint(breakpoint);
+ if (breakPointIndex < 0)
+ return;
+ // open breakpoint collapsible
+ $(this.node).find("div.breakpoints").find("div.panel-collapse").addClass("in");
+ // highlight breakpoint
+ $(this.breakpointNode)
+ .children("table")
+ .find("tr").slice(breakPointIndex, breakPointIndex + 1)
+ .addClass("info");
+ },
+ unhighlightAllBreakpoints: function() {
+ $(this.breakpointNode)
+ .children("table")
+ .find("tr").removeClass("info");
+ },
+ enableBreakpoint: function(breakpoint) {
+ var breakPointIndex = this.findBreakpoint(breakpoint);
+ if (breakPointIndex < 0)
+ return;
+ $(this.breakpointNode)
+ .children("table")
+ .find("tr").slice(breakPointIndex, breakPointIndex + 1)
+ .find("button.enable").addClass('btn-primary');
+ $(this.breakpointNode)
+ .children("table")
+ .find("tr").slice(breakPointIndex, breakPointIndex + 1)
+ .find("button.skipto")
+ .prop('disabled', false);
+ },
+ disableBreakpoint: function(breakpoint) {
+ var breakPointIndex = this.findBreakpoint(breakpoint);
+ if (breakPointIndex < 0)
+ return;
+ $(this.breakpointNode)
+ .children("table")
+ .find("tr").slice(breakPointIndex, breakPointIndex + 1)
+ .find("button.enable").removeClass('btn-primary');
+ $(this.breakpointNode)
+ .children("table")
+ .find("tr").slice(breakPointIndex, breakPointIndex + 1)
+ .find("button.skipto")
+ .prop('disabled', true);
+ },
+ disableAllBreakpoints: function() {
+ this.breakpointsEnabled = false;
+ $(this.breakpointNode).find("button.enable").prop('disabled', true);
+ $(this.breakpointNode).find("button.skipto").prop('disabled', true);
+ },
+ enableAllBreakpoints: function() {
+ this.breakpointsEnabled = true;
+ $(this.breakpointNode).find("button.enable").each(function() {
+ $(this).prop('disabled', false);
+ if ($(this).hasClass("btn-primary")) {
+ $(this).parent().children("button.skipto").prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ evalOnDataModel: function() {
+ },
+ attachDebug: function(sessionId) {
+ },
+ prepareDebug: function() {
+ this.scxmlText = SCXMLEditor.xmlToString(this.scxmlEditor.scxmlDOM);
+ },
+ startDebug: function() {
+ this.unhighlightAllBreakpoints();
+ },
+ stopDebug: function() {
+ this.unhighlightAllBreakpoints();
+ },
+ stepDebug: function() {
+ this.unhighlightAllBreakpoints();
+ },
+ });
+ SCXMLEditor.Debugger.Breakpoint = Base.extend({
+ constructor: function(params) {
+ $.extend(this, params);
+ this.seqNr = SCXMLEditor.Debugger.Breakpoint.seqNr++;
+ },
+ data: {}, // all data describing this breakpoint
+ editNodes: {}, // html nodes of form-groups during editing - needed to retain input - TODO
+ breakpointTypes: {
+ "categories": [
+ { id: "state", label: "States" },
+ { id: "event", label: "Events" },
+ { id: "transition", label: "Transitions" },
+ { id: "executable", label: "Executable Content" },
+ { id: "invoke", label: "Invokers" },
+ { id: "configuration", label: "Configuration" },
+ ],
+ "types": [
+ { id: "state-before-enter",
+ label: "Before Entering State", category: "state",
+ hint: "Stop execution <b>before</b> a given state is <b>entered</b>."
+ },
+ { id: "state-after-enter",
+ label: "After Entering State", category: "state",
+ hint: "Stops execution <b>after</b> a given state is <b>entered</b>."
+ },
+ { id: "state-before-exit",
+ label: "Before Exiting State", category: "state",
+ hint: "Stops execution <b>before</b> a given state was <b>exited</b>."
+ },
+ { id: "state-after-exit",
+ label: "After Exiting State", category: "state",
+ hint: "Stops execution <b>after</b> a given state was <b>exited</b>."
+ },
+ { id: "event-before",
+ label: "Before Processing Event", category: "event",
+ hint: "Stops execution <b>before</b> a given event is processed."
+ },
+ { id: "transition-before",
+ label: "Before Taking Transition", category: "transition",
+ hint: "Stops execution <b>before</b> a given transition is taken."
+ },
+ { id: "transition-after",
+ label: "After Taking Transition", category: "transition",
+ hint: "Stops execution <b>after</b> a given transition was taken."
+ },
+ { id: "invoker-before-invoke",
+ label: "Before Starting Invoker", category: "invoke",
+ hint: "Stop execution <b>before</b> an invoker is <b>started</b>."
+ },
+ { id: "invoker-after-invoke",
+ label: "After Starting Invoker", category: "invoke",
+ hint: "Stops execution <b>after</b> an invoker is <b>started</b>."
+ },
+ { id: "invoker-before-cancel",
+ label: "Before Cancelling Invoker", category: "invoke",
+ hint: "Stop execution <b>before</b> an invoker is <b>cancelled</b>."
+ },
+ { id: "invoker-after-cancel",
+ label: "After Cancelling Invoker", category: "invoke",
+ hint: "Stops execution <b>after</b> an invoker is <b>cancelled</b>."
+ },
+ { id: "executable-before",
+ label: "Before Executing Content", category: "executable",
+ hint: "Stops <b>before</b> executing content."
+ },
+ { id: "executable-after",
+ label: "After Executing Content", category: "executable",
+ hint: "Stops <b>after</b> executing content."
+ },
+ { id: "microstep-before",
+ label: "Before Microstep", category: "configuration",
+ hint: "Stops execution <b>before</b> processing a microstep."
+ },
+ { id: "microstep-after",
+ label: "After Microstep", category: "configuration",
+ hint: "Stops execution <b>after</b> after a microstep was processed."
+ },
+ { id: "stable-on",
+ label: "On Stable Configuration", category: "configuration",
+ hint: "Stops execution when the interpreter reached a stable configuration and waits for events."
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ isEnabled: function() {
+ return true;
+ },
+ toWireFormat: function() {
+ var jsonData = jQuery.extend(true, {},;
+ if ('breakpointType' in {
+ var typeComponents ="-");
+ jsonData.subject = typeComponents[0];
+ jsonData.when = typeComponents[1];
+ if (typeComponents.length > 2) {
+ jsonData.action = typeComponents[2];
+ } else {
+ delete jsonData.action;
+ }
+ }
+ delete jsonData.breakpointType;
+ return jsonData;
+ },
+ showEditDialog: function() {
+ var breakpoint = this;
+ // do we already have a modal div?
+ $("body").children("div#editBreakpointModal").remove();
+ this.editModalNode = $('\
+ <div class="modal fade" id="editBreakpointModal" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">\
+ <div class="modal-dialog">\
+ <form action="" class="form-horizontal" role="form">\
+ <div class="modal-content">\
+ <div class="modal-header">\
+ <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>\
+ <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel"></h4>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="modal-body">\
+ <div class="form-group">\
+ <label for="breakpointType" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Type</label>\
+ <div class="col-sm-10 type-select"></div>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="col-sm-2"></div><div class="col-sm-10 alert alert-info"></div>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="modal-footer">\
+ <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>\
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Apply</button>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ </form>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ ');
+ $(this.editModalNode).find("div.modal-body").find("div.type-select").append(this._typeSelectNode());
+ $("body").append(this.editModalNode);
+ this.editTypeInfoNode = $(this.editModalNode).find("div.alert-info")[0];
+ this.editTypeNode = $(this.editModalNode).find("div.modal-body")[0];
+ var stateNames = this.scxmlEditor.getAllStateIds();
+ var editTypeSelectNode = $(this.editTypeNode).find("div.type-select").children("select");
+ if ('breakpointType' in {
+ $(editTypeSelectNode).val(;
+ $(this.editModalNode).find("h4.modal-title").text("Edit Breakpoint");
+ } else {
+ $(this.editModalNode).find("h4.modal-title").text("Add Breakpoint");
+ }
+ $(this.editModalNode).find("form").removeData(); // important as closures persist with dom
+ $(this.editModalNode).find("form").validate({
+ debug: true,
+ highlight: function(element) {
+ $(element).closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-success has-warning').addClass('has-error');
+ },
+ success: function(element) {
+ var state = element.closest('.form-group').find("input[name=stateId], input[name=toStateId], input[name=fromStateId]").val();
+ if (state && $.inArray(state, stateNames) < 0) {
+ element.text('Warning: No such state!').addClass('valid').closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-success has-error').addClass('has-warning');
+ return;
+ }
+ element.text('OK!').addClass('valid').closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-error has-warning').addClass('has-success');
+ },
+ submitHandler: function (form) {
+ $(breakpoint.editModalNode).modal("hide");
+ // reset
+ var oldData = jQuery.extend(true, {},;
+ = {};
+ // copy over form fields
+ $(breakpoint.editTypeNode).find("textarea[name], input[name], select[name]").each(function() {
+ var name = $(this).attr("name");
+ var value = $(this).val();
+ if (name.length > 0 && value.length > 0) {
+[name] = value;
+ }
+ })
+ console.log(;
+ if (breakpoint.node) {
+ breakpoint._updateLabelNode();
+ breakpoint._updateConditionNode();
+ }
+ if (oldData.length > 0) {
+ breakpoint.scxmlDebugger.editedBreakpoint(breakpoint, oldData);
+ } else {
+ breakpoint.scxmlDebugger.addBreakpoint(breakpoint);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ $(breakpoint.editTypeNode).children(".form-group").not(':first').remove();
+ $(breakpoint.editTypeNode).children("input[type=hidden]").remove(); // hidden fields
+ $(editTypeSelectNode).change(function () {
+ $(breakpoint.editTypeNode).children(".form-group").not(':first').remove();
+ $(breakpoint.editTypeNode).children("input[type=hidden]").remove(); // hidden fields
+ breakpoint._updateEditTypeDOM($(editTypeSelectNode).val());
+ });
+ this._updateEditTypeDOM($(editTypeSelectNode).val());
+ $(this.editModalNode).modal();
+ },
+ _updateEditTypeDOM: function(typeId) {
+ var breakpoint = this;
+ var breakpointType = $.grep(this.breakpointTypes["types"], function(e){ return == typeId; })[0];
+ this.editTypeInfoNode.innerHTML = breakpointType.hint;
+ // $(this.editTypeNode).append('\
+ // <input type="hidden" name="label" value="' + breakpointType.label + '" />\
+ // ');
+ var stateNames = this.scxmlEditor.getAllStateIds();
+ switch(true) {
+ case /state-.*/.test(typeId):
+ var editTypeStateFormGroupNode = $('\
+ <div class="form-group">\
+ <label for="stateId" class="col-sm-2 control-label">State</label>\
+ <div class="col-sm-10">\
+ <input class="form-control" type="text" name="stateId" placeholder="The id of the state"/>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ ');
+ $(this.editTypeNode).append(editTypeStateFormGroupNode);
+ $(editTypeStateFormGroupNode).find("input[name=stateId]")
+ .val('stateId' in ? : "")
+ .typeahead({local: stateNames})
+ .rules('add', 'required');
+ break;
+ case /event-.*/.test(typeId):
+ var editTypeEventFormGroupNode = $('\
+ <div class="form-group">\
+ <label for="eventName" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Event</label>\
+ <div class="col-sm-10">\
+ <input class="form-control" type="text" name="eventName" placeholder="The name or prefix of the event"/>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ ');
+ $(this.editTypeNode).append(editTypeEventFormGroupNode);
+ $(editTypeEventFormGroupNode).find("input[name=eventName]")
+ .val('eventName' in ? : "")
+ .rules('add', 'required');
+ break;
+ case /transition-.*/.test(typeId):
+ var editTypeTransitionFormGroupNode = $('\
+ <div class="form-group">\
+ <label for="transSourceId" class="col-sm-2 control-label">From State</label>\
+ <div class="col-sm-10">\
+ <input class="form-control" type="text" name="transSourceId" placeholder="The id of the source state"/>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="form-group">\
+ <label for="transTargetId" class="col-sm-2 control-label">To State</label>\
+ <div class="col-sm-10">\
+ <input class="form-control" type="text" name="transTargetId" placeholder="The id of the destination state"/>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ ');
+ $(this.editTypeNode).append(editTypeTransitionFormGroupNode);
+ $(editTypeTransitionFormGroupNode).find("input[name=transSourceId]")
+ .val('transSourceId' in ? : "")
+ .typeahead({local: stateNames});
+ $(editTypeTransitionFormGroupNode).find("input[name=transTargetId]")
+ .val('transTargetId' in ? : "")
+ .typeahead({local: stateNames});
+ break
+ case /invoker-.*/.test(typeId):
+ var editTypeInvokerFormGroupNode = $('\
+ <div class="form-group">\
+ <label for="invokeId" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Invoke ID</label>\
+ <div class="col-sm-10">\
+ <input class="form-control" type="text" name="invokeId" placeholder="The id of the invoker"/>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="form-group">\
+ <label for="invokeType" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Invoke Type</label>\
+ <div class="col-sm-10">\
+ <input class="form-control" type="text" name="invokeType" placeholder="The type of the invoker"/>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ ');
+ $(this.editTypeNode).append(editTypeInvokerFormGroupNode);
+ $(editTypeInvokerFormGroupNode).find("input[name=invokeId]")
+ .val('invokeId' in ? : "");
+ $(editTypeInvokerFormGroupNode).find("input[name=invokeType]")
+ .val('invokeType' in ? : "");
+ break
+ case /executable-.*/.test(typeId):
+ var editTypeExecutableFormGroupNode = $('\
+ <div class="form-group">\
+ <label for="executableName" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Element Name</label>\
+ <div class="col-sm-10">\
+ <input class="form-control" type="text" name="executableName" placeholder="The executable\'s element name"/>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ <div class="form-group">\
+ <label for="executableXPath" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Element XPath</label>\
+ <div class="col-sm-10">\
+ <input class="form-control" type="text" name="executableXPath" placeholder="The executable\'s XPath expression"/>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ ');
+ $(this.editTypeNode).append(editTypeExecutableFormGroupNode);
+ $(editTypeExecutableFormGroupNode).find("input[name=executableName]")
+ .val('executableName' in ? : "");
+ $(editTypeExecutableFormGroupNode).find("input[name=executableXPath]")
+ .val('executableXPath' in ? : "");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ var editTypeConditionFormGroupNode = $('\
+ <div class="form-group">\
+ <label for="condition" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Condition</label>\
+ <div class="col-sm-10">\
+ <textarea class="form-control" rows="4" style="resize:vertical;" name="condition" placeholder="An optional boolean expression evaluated on the datamodel. Breakpoint is only triggered if true." />\
+ </div>\
+ </div>\
+ ');
+ $(editTypeConditionFormGroupNode).find("textarea[name=condition]")
+ .val('condition' in ? : "")
+ $(this.editTypeNode).append(editTypeConditionFormGroupNode);
+ },
+ getNode: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ this.node = $('\
+ <tr>\
+ <td>\
+ <button title="Enable this Breakpoint" class="enable btn btn-default btn-xs btn-primary"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span></button><br />\
+ <button title="Skip to this Breakpoint" class="skipto btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-fast-forward"></span></button>\
+ </td>\
+ <td width="100%">\
+ <span class="breakpoint-label"></span>\
+ <span class="breakpoint-condition"></span>\
+ </td>\
+ <td>\
+ <button title="Edit this Breakpoint" class="edit btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-wrench"></span></button><br />\
+ <button title="Remove this Breakpoint" class="delete btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span></button>\
+ </td>\
+ </tr>\
+ ');
+ this.labelNode = $(this.node).find("span.breakpoint-label")[0];
+ this.conditionNode = $(this.node).find("span.breakpoint-condition")[0];
+ this.enableButtonNode = $(this.node).find("button.enable")[0];
+ this.skipToButtonNode = $(this.node).find("button.skipto")[0];
+ this.deleteButtonNode = $(this.node).find("button.delete")[0];
+ this.editButtonNode = $(this.node).find("button.edit")[0];
+ $(this.enableButtonNode)
+ .unbind('click')
+ .click(function() {
+ if ($(this).hasClass("btn-primary")) {
+ self.scxmlDebugger.disableBreakpoint(self);
+ } else {
+ self.scxmlDebugger.enableBreakpoint(self);
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ $(this.deleteButtonNode)
+ .unbind('mouseenter')
+ .unbind('mouseleave')
+ .unbind('click')
+ .mouseenter(function() {
+ $(this).addClass("btn-danger");
+ })
+ .mouseleave(function() {
+ $(this).removeClass("btn-danger");
+ })
+ .click(function() {
+ self.scxmlDebugger.removeBreakpoint(self);
+ return false;
+ });
+ $(this.editButtonNode)
+ .unbind('click').click(function() {
+ self.showEditDialog()
+ return false;
+ });
+ $(this.skipToButtonNode)
+ .unbind('click').click(function() {
+ self.scxmlDebugger.skipToBreakpoint(self);
+ return false;
+ });
+ this._updateLabelNode();
+ this._updateConditionNode();
+ return this.node;
+ },
+ toDescription: function() {
+ var wireFormat = this.toWireFormat();
+ var breakpointString = '';
+ breakpointString += ('when' in wireFormat ? wireFormat.when + ' ' : '');
+ breakpointString += ('action' in wireFormat ? wireFormat.action + ' ' : '');
+ breakpointString += ('subject' in wireFormat ? wireFormat.subject + ' ' : '');
+ breakpointString += (wireFormat.subject === 'state' ? wireFormat.stateId + ' ' : '');
+ breakpointString += (wireFormat.subject === 'event' ? wireFormat.eventName + ' ' : '');
+ if (wireFormat.subject === 'transition') {
+ breakpointString += ('transSourceId' in wireFormat ? wireFormat.transSourceId + ' ' : '* ');
+ breakpointString += '&rArr; ';
+ breakpointString += ('transTargetId' in wireFormat ? wireFormat.transTargetId + ' ' : '* ');
+ }
+ return breakpointString;
+ },
+ _updateLabelNode: function() {
+ this.labelNode.innerHTML = 'Halt ' + this.toDescription();
+ },
+ _updateConditionNode: function() {
+ if ( {
+ this.conditionNode.innerHTML = "<br/>But only when <code>" + + "</code>";
+ } else {
+ this.conditionNode.innerHTML = '';
+ }
+ },
+ _typeSelectNode: function() {
+ // establish optgroups for selecting the breakpoint type
+ var optGroups = {};
+ for (var index in this.breakpointTypes.types) {
+ var bp = this.breakpointTypes.types[index];
+ var optGroup = bp.category;
+ if (!(optGroup in optGroups)) optGroups[optGroup] = [];
+ optGroups[optGroup].push(bp);
+ }
+ var breakpointTypeSelectNode = document.createElement('select');
+ breakpointTypeSelectNode.className = 'form-control';
+ $(breakpointTypeSelectNode).attr("name", "breakpointType");
+ for (var optGroup in this.breakpointTypes.categories) {
+ var cat = this.breakpointTypes.categories[optGroup];
+ var optGroupNode = document.createElement('optgroup');
+ $(optGroupNode).attr('label', cat.label);
+ for(var type in optGroups[]) {
+ var breakpointType = optGroups[][type];
+ var optionNode = document.createElement('option');
+ $(optionNode).attr('value',;
+ optionNode.innerHTML = breakpointType.label;
+ $(optionNode).appendTo(optGroupNode);
+ }
+ $(optGroupNode).appendTo(breakpointTypeSelectNode);
+ }
+ return breakpointTypeSelectNode;
+ },
+ });
+ SCXMLEditor.Debugger.Breakpoint.seqNr = 0;
+ SCXMLEditor.Debugger.USCXML = SCXMLEditor.Debugger.extend({
+ constructor: function(params) {
+ this.base(params);
+ this.isConnected = false; // we have a connection to the uscxml server
+ this.isPrepared = false; // we uploaded a document
+ this.isRunning = false; // the interpreter on the server is running
+ this.isPaused = false; // the interpreter is running but paused
+ this.hasDOMLoaded = false; // the client has a DOM loaded
+ this.isAttached = false; // we are attached to a server session
+ this.isPolling = false; // we have a unreplied poll request standing
+ this.sessionId = "";
+ },
+ _updateDebugControls: function() {
+ // all buttons are disabled per base class
+ $(this.startButtonNode).prop('disabled', true)
+ $(this.pauseButtonNode).prop('disabled', true);
+ $(this.stepButtonNode).prop('disabled', true);
+ var status = "";
+ status += (this.isConnected ? "CON " : "con ");
+ status += (this.isPolling ? "POL " : "pol ");
+ status += (this.isPrepared ? "PRP " : "prp ");
+ status += (this.isRunning ? "RUN " : "run ");
+ status += (this.isPaused ? "PAU " : "pau ");
+ status += (this.hasDOMLoaded ? "DOM " : "dom ");
+ status += (this.isAttached ? "ATC " : "atc ");
+ $(this.statusIndicatorNode).html(status);
+ // some sanity
+ if (!this.isConnected) {
+ $("body").find(".dom").text("");
+ $(this.currentBreakpointNode).html("");
+ this.isPaused = false;
+ this.isRunning = false;
+ this.isAttached = false;
+ this.isPrepared = false;
+ }
+ if (!this.isRunning) {
+ this.isPaused = false;
+ $(this.currentBreakpointNode).html("");
+ }
+ // toggle button icons
+ if (this.isRunning) { // switch play and stop
+ $(this.startButtonNode).children("span.glyphicon").removeClass("glyphicon-play").addClass("glyphicon-stop");
+ $(this.startButtonNode).prop('title', 'Stop Execution');
+ } else {
+ $(this.startButtonNode).children("span.glyphicon").removeClass("glyphicon-stop").addClass("glyphicon-play");
+ $(this.startButtonNode).prop('title', 'Start Execution');
+ }
+ if (!this.isPaused) { // switch pause and resume
+ $(this.pauseButtonNode).removeClass("active");
+ $(this.pauseButtonNode).prop('title', 'Pause Execution');
+ this.unhighlightAllBreakpoints();
+ $(this.currentBreakpointNode).html("");
+ } else {
+ $(this.pauseButtonNode).addClass("active");
+ $(this.pauseButtonNode).prop('title', 'Resume Execution');
+ }
+ if (this.isConnected && (this.hasDOMLoaded || this.isAttached)) {
+ // are we connected, not running and have a DOM or are attached?
+ if (!this.isAttached) {
+ $(this.startButtonNode).prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ if (this.isRunning) {
+ $(this.pauseButtonNode).prop('disabled', false);
+ $(this.stepButtonNode).prop('disabled', false);
+ } else {
+ $(this.startButtonNode).prop('disabled', false)
+ $(this.pauseButtonNode).prop('disabled', true);
+ $(this.stepButtonNode).prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ return;
+ } else {
+ $("body").find(".dom").text("");
+ }
+ },
+ loadDOM: function(scxmlDOM) {
+ this.hasDOMLoaded = true;
+ this._updateDebugControls();
+ },
+ getNode: function() {
+ this.base();
+ var debug = this;
+ // a new menu item
+ $(this.controlDropdownNode).append('\
+ <li role="presentation" class="divider"></li>\
+ <li class="disabled"><a href="#"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-resize-small"></i> Attach to Instance</a></li>\
+ ');
+ // the connect bar
+ $(this.node).find(".debug-header").after('\
+ <div class="panel-body input-group input-group-sm">\
+ <input type="text" class="form-control connect" placeholder="uSCMXL Interpreter URL">\
+ <span class="input-group-btn">\
+ <button title="Connect" class="btn btn-default ladda-button connect" data-spinner-color="#000" data-style="zoom-in">\
+ <span class="ladda-label"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-unlocked"></span></span></button>\
+ </span>\
+ </div>\
+ ');
+ this.connectInputNode = $(this.node).find("input.connect");
+ this.connectButtonNode = $(this.connectInputNode).next().children("button.connect")[0];
+ if (this.debuggerURL) {
+ $(this.connectInputNode).val(this.debuggerURL);
+ } else {
+ $(this.connectInputNode).attr("placeholder", "URL of uscxml-debug");
+ }
+ $(this.connectInputNode).focus(function () {
+ $(debug.connectButtonNode)
+ .removeClass("btn-warning")
+ .find("span.ui-icon")
+ .removeClass("ui-icon-alert ui-icon-locked")
+ .addClass("ui-icon-unlocked");
+ });
+ $(this.connectInputNode).unbind('keypress').keypress(function(e) {
+ if (e.which == 13)
+ $(debug.connectButtonNode).trigger('click');
+ });
+ $(this.connectButtonNode).unbind("click");
+ $(this.connectButtonNode).click(function() {
+ debug.connectSpinner = Ladda.create(this);
+ debug.connectSpinner.start();
+ if (debug.isConnected) {
+ debug.disconnect();
+ } else {
+ debug.connect($(debug.connectInputNode).val());
+ }
+ });
+ // debug controls
+ $(this.startButtonNode)
+ .unbind('click').click(function () {
+ $(this).tooltip("hide");
+ if ($(this).children(".glyphicon").hasClass("glyphicon-play")) {
+ debug.startDebug();
+ } else {
+ debug.stopDebug();
+ }
+ });
+ $(this.pauseButtonNode)
+ .unbind('click').click(function() {
+ $(this).tooltip("hide");
+ if (debug.isPaused) {
+ debug.resumeDebug();
+ } else {
+ debug.pauseDebug();
+ }
+ });
+ $(this.stepButtonNode)
+ .unbind('click').click(function() {
+ $(this).tooltip("hide");
+ debug.stepDebug();
+ });
+ this._updateDebugControls();
+ return this.node;
+ },
+ _indicateLockedConnection: function() {
+ $(this.connectButtonNode)
+ .removeClass("btn-warning")
+ .find("span.ui-icon")
+ .removeClass("ui-icon-alert ui-icon-unlocked")
+ .addClass("ui-icon-locked");
+ $(this.connectInputNode).attr('disabled', true);
+ $(this.dataModelInputNode).prop('disabled', false);
+ $(this.dataModelInputButton).prop('disabled', false);
+ $(this.dataModelSuggestButton).prop('disabled', false);
+ },
+ _indicateFailedConnection: function() {
+ $(this.connectButtonNode)
+ .addClass("btn-warning")
+ .find("span.ui-icon")
+ .removeClass("ui-icon-locked ui-icon-unlocked")
+ .addClass("ui-icon-alert");
+ },
+ _indicateUnlockedConnection: function() {
+ $(this.connectButtonNode)
+ .removeClass("btn-warning")
+ .find("span.ui-icon")
+ .removeClass("ui-icon-locked ui-icon-alert")
+ .addClass("ui-icon-unlocked");
+ $(this.connectInputNode).attr('disabled', false);
+ $(this.dataModelInputNode).prop('disabled', true);
+ $(this.dataModelInputButton).prop('disabled', true);
+ $(this.dataModelSuggestButton).prop('disabled', true);
+ },
+ connect: function(debuggerURL) {
+ if (!debuggerURL || debuggerURL.length == 0)
+ return;
+ this.debuggerURL = debuggerURL;
+ var self = this;
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/connect', {
+ onFailure: function(dataObj, statusString, xhrObj) {
+ self.isConnected = false;
+ self._indicateFailedConnection();
+ },
+ onSuccess: function(dataObj, statusString, xhrObj) {
+ self.isConnected = true;
+ self._indicateLockedConnection();
+ self.log("Client successfully connected to " + self.debuggerURL);
+ self.sessionId = dataObj.session;
+ // send all breakpoints when connected
+ if (self.breakpoints.length > 0) {
+ for (var index in self.breakpoints) {
+ self.addBreakpoint(self.breakpoints[index]);
+ }
+ }
+ // register disconnect handler
+ $(window).unload(function() {
+ self.disconnect();
+ });
+ // update list of sessions from server
+ self.updateServerSessions();
+ // and start long-poller
+ self.pollServer();
+ },
+ onComplete: function(dataObj, statusString) {
+ self.connectSpinner.stop();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ disconnect: function() {
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ var self = this;
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/disconnect', {
+ async: false,
+ onComplete: function(dataObj, statusString) {
+ self.isConnected = false;
+ self.isPrepared = false;
+ self._indicateUnlockedConnection();
+ self.connectSpinner.stop();
+ // remove all previous sessions
+ $(self.controlDropdownNode).children("li.server-session").remove();
+ self.debuggerURL = '';
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ updateServerSessions: function() {
+ this.base();
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ var self = this;
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/sessions', {
+ onSuccess: function(dataObj, statusString, xhrObj) {
+ $(self.controlButtonNode).effect('highlight', {color: '#4489CA'}, 600);
+ // remove all previous sessions
+ $(self.controlDropdownNode).children("li.server-session").remove();
+ for (var key in dataObj.sessions) {
+ $(self.controlDropdownNode).append('\
+ <li class="server-session" \
+ session-url="' + dataObj.sessions[key].source + '"\
+ session-name="' + dataObj.sessions[key].name + '"\
+ session-id="' + dataObj.sessions[key].id + '"\
+ ><a href="#"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-link"></i> ' + dataObj.sessions[key].source + '</a></li>\
+ ');
+ }
+ $(self.controlDropdownNode).find("li").unbind('click').click(function() {
+ var session = {
+ sessionId: $(this).attr("session-id"),
+ sessionName: $(this).attr("session-name"),
+ sessionURL: $(this).attr("session-url"),
+ };
+ self.attachDebug(session);
+ $(self.controlDropdownNode).dropdown('toggle');
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ addBreakpoint: function(breakpoint) {
+ this.base(breakpoint);
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ if (!breakpoint) // it's perfectly fine to call this without a breakpoint - will add a new one
+ return;
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/breakpoint/add', {
+ data: breakpoint.toWireFormat()
+ });
+ },
+ removeBreakpoint: function(breakpoint) {
+ this.base(breakpoint);
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/breakpoint/remove', {
+ data: breakpoint.toWireFormat()
+ });
+ },
+ editedBreakpoint: function(breakpoint, oldData) {
+ this.base(breakpoint, oldData);
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ var oldBreakpoint = new SCXMLEditor.Debugger.Breakpoint({ data : oldData });
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/breakpoint/remove', {
+ data: oldBreakpoint.toWireFormat()
+ });
+ this.requestWithJSONBlocking('/debug/breakpoint/add', {
+ data: breakpoint.toWireFormat()
+ });
+ },
+ skipToBreakpoint: function(breakpoint) {
+ this.base(breakpoint);
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/breakpoint/skipto', {
+ data: breakpoint.toWireFormat()
+ });
+ },
+ enableBreakpoint: function(breakpoint) {
+ this.base(breakpoint);
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/breakpoint/enable', {
+ data: breakpoint.toWireFormat()
+ });
+ },
+ disableBreakpoint: function(breakpoint) {
+ this.base(breakpoint);
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/breakpoint/disable', {
+ data: breakpoint.toWireFormat()
+ });
+ },
+ enableAllBreakpoints: function() {
+ this.base();
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/breakpoint/enable/all');
+ },
+ disableAllBreakpoints: function() {
+ this.base();
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/breakpoint/disable/all');
+ },
+ attachDebug: function(session) {
+ this.base();
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ var self = this;
+ var data = {
+ attach: session.sessionId,
+ };
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/attach', {
+ data: data,
+ onSuccess: function(dataObj, statusString, xhrObj) {
+ self.isPrepared = true;
+ self.isRunning = true;
+ self.isAttached = true;
+ if (self.scxmlEditor.xmlView) {
+ self.scxmlEditor.xmlView.setXML(dataObj.xml)
+ self.scxmlEditor.xmlView.prettyPrint();
+ }
+ // var domText = vkbeautify.xml(dataObj.xml);
+ // $("body").find("pre.dom").text(domText);
+ self.scxmlEditor.setDocumentNameFromURL(session.sessionURL);
+ self._updateDebugControls();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ prepareDebug: function() {
+ this.base();
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ if (this.isAttached)
+ return;
+ var self = this;
+ var data = {
+ url: this.scxmlEditor.scxmlURL,
+ xml: this.scxmlText
+ };
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/prepare', {
+ data: data,
+ onSuccess: function(dataObj, statusString, xhrObj) {
+ self.isPrepared = true;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ startDebug: function() {
+ this.base();
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ if (!this.isPrepared)
+ this.prepareDebug();
+ var self = this;
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/start', {
+ onSuccess: function(dataObj, statusString, xhrObj) {
+ self.isRunning = true;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ stopDebug: function() {
+ this.base();
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ var self = this;
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/stop', {
+ onSuccess: function(dataObj, statusString, xhrObj) {
+ self.isRunning = false;
+ self.isPrepared = false;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ pauseDebug: function() {
+ this.base();
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ var self = this;
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/pause', {
+ onSuccess: function(dataObj, statusString, xhrObj) {
+ self.isPaused = true;
+ self._updateDebugControls();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ resumeDebug: function() {
+ this.base();
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ var self = this;
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/resume', {
+ onSuccess: function(dataObj, statusString, xhrObj) {
+ self.isPaused = false;
+ self._updateDebugControls();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ stepDebug: function() {
+ this.base();
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ if (!this.isPrepared)
+ this.prepareDebug();
+ var self = this;
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/step', {
+ onSuccess: function(dataObj, statusString, xhrObj) {
+ self.isRunning = true;
+ self.isPaused = true;
+ self._updateDebugControls();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ evalOnDataModel: function(expression) {
+ this.base();
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ var self = this;
+ var data = {};
+ data.expression = expression;
+ this.requestWithJSON('/debug/eval', {
+ data: data,
+ onSuccess: function(dataObj, statusString, xhrObj) {
+ var content = JSON.stringify(dataObj.eval);
+ self.dataModelEditor.getSession().setValue(vkbeautify.json(content));
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ // server will return 'status' with JSON response, dispatch accordingly
+ requestWithJSON: function(url, params) {
+ var self = this;
+ if (!params)
+ params = {};
+ params.method = ('method' in params ? params.method : "POST");
+ params.async = ('async' in params ? params.async : true);
+ params.onSuccess = ('onSuccess' in params ? params.onSuccess : function() {});
+ params.onFailure = ('onFailure' in params ? params.onFailure : function(dataObj) { self.log(dataObj); });
+ params.onComplete = ('onComplete' in params ? params.onComplete : function() {});
+ params.onError = ('onError' in params ? params.onError : function() {});
+ params.returnType = ('returnType' in params ? params.returnType : "json");
+ params.sendType = ('sendType' in params ? params.sendType : "application/json; charset=utf-8");
+ = ('data' in params ? : {});
+ if (params.sendType.match("^application/json")) {
+ if (this.sessionId.length > 0) // automatically add session
+ = this.sessionId;
+ = JSON.stringify(;
+ }
+ $.ajax({
+ type: params.method,
+ dataType: params.returnType,
+ async: params.async,
+ data:,
+ contentType: params.sendType,
+ url: this.debuggerURL + url,
+ success: function (dataObj, statusString, xhrObj) {
+ self.log("Received from " + url);
+ self.log(dataObj);
+ if ("status" in dataObj && dataObj.status === 'success') {
+ params.onSuccess(dataObj, statusString, xhrObj);
+ } else {
+ params.onFailure(dataObj, statusString, xhrObj);
+ }
+ },
+ error: function(xhrObj, statusString, errorString) {
+ self.log("Error from " + self.debuggerURL + url);
+ self.log(statusString + "\n\t" + errorString);
+ self.log(xhrObj);
+ self.isConnected = false;
+ self._indicateFailedConnection();
+ params.onError(errorString, statusString, xhrObj);
+ },
+ complete: function(xhrObj, statusString) {
+ params.onComplete(xhrObj, statusString);
+ self._updateDebugControls();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ handleBreakpointReturn: function(serverReturn) {
+ var updateViewer = false;
+ if ('qualified' in serverReturn) {
+ var qualifiedBreakpoint = new SCXMLEditor.Debugger.Breakpoint({ data : serverReturn.qualified });
+ var breakpointString = 'Halted ' + qualifiedBreakpoint.toDescription();
+ $(this.currentBreakpointNode).html(breakpointString);
+ if ('xpath' in serverReturn.qualified) {
+ if (this.scxmlEditor.xmlView) {
+ this.scxmlEditor.xmlView.setElementXPath(serverReturn.qualified.xpath);
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.scxmlEditor.xmlView.setElementXPath("");
+ }
+ }
+ if ('basicStates' in serverReturn) {
+ if (this.scxmlEditor.xmlView) {
+ this.scxmlEditor.xmlView.setActiveStates(serverReturn['basicStates']);
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.scxmlEditor.xmlView) {
+ this.scxmlEditor.xmlView.prettyPrint();
+ }
+ if ('breakpoint' in serverReturn) {
+ var breakpoint = new SCXMLEditor.Debugger.Breakpoint({ data : serverReturn.breakpoint });
+ this.highlightBreakpoint(breakpoint);
+ }
+ },
+ pollServer: function() {
+ this.isPolling = false;
+ this._updateDebugControls();
+ if (!this.isConnected)
+ return;
+ if (this.sessionId.length == 0)
+ return;
+ var self = this;
+ this.isPolling = true;
+ self._updateDebugControls();
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ dataType: "json",
+ async: true,
+ timeout: 100000000,
+ data: JSON.stringify({session: this.sessionId}),
+ contentType: "application/json",
+ url: this.debuggerURL + '/debug/poll',
+ success: function (dataObj, statusString, xhrObj) {
+ try {
+ if ('status' in dataObj) {
+ if (dataObj.status !== 'success') {
+ self.log("Error from " + self.debuggerURL + "/debug/poll");
+ self.log(dataObj);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if ('replyType' in dataObj) {
+ //self.log("Received " + dataObj.replyType);
+ if (dataObj.replyType === "log") {
+ self.log(dataObj);
+ } else if (dataObj.replyType === "finished") {
+ self.isRunning = false;
+ self.isPrepared = false;
+ } else if (dataObj.replyType === "breakpoint") {
+ self.isPaused = true;
+ self.log(dataObj);
+ self.handleBreakpointReturn(dataObj);
+ } else {
+ self.log("Unhandled reply from /pollServer");
+ self.log(dataObj);
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.log("Untyped reply from /pollServer");
+ self.log(dataObj);
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ self.log("Exception when dispatching server push:");
+ self.log(e);
+ }
+ // dispatch server push here
+ self.pollServer();
+ },
+ error: function(xhrObj, statusString, errorString) {
+ if (xhrObj.statusText === "timeout") {
+ self.pollServer(); // just repoll
+ return;
+ }
+ self.log("Error from /pollServer");
+ self.log(statusString + "\n\t" + errorString);
+ self.log(xhrObj);
+ self.isConnected = false;
+ self._indicateFailedConnection();
+ },
+ complete: function(xhrObj, statusString) {
+ self._updateDebugControls();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ });
+ // see
+ function deepEquals(x, y) {
+ for (var p in y) {
+ if (typeof(y[p]) !== typeof(x[p])) return false;
+ if ((y[p] === null) !== (x[p] === null)) return false;
+ switch (typeof(y[p])) {
+ case 'undefined':
+ if (typeof(x[p]) != 'undefined') return false;
+ break;
+ case 'object':
+ if (y[p] !== null && x[p] !== null && (y[p].constructor.toString() !== x[p].constructor.toString() || !y[p].equals(x[p]))) return false;
+ break;
+ case 'function':
+ if (p != 'equals' && y[p].toString() != x[p].toString()) return false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (y[p] !== x[p]) return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ $(document).ready(function() {
+ // see
+ $.validator.setDefaults({
+ highlight: function(element) {
+ $(element).closest('.form-group').addClass('has-error');
+ },
+ unhighlight: function(element) {
+ $(element).closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-error');
+ },
+ errorElement: 'span',
+ errorClass: 'help-block',
+ errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
+ if(element.parent('.input-group').length) {
+ error.insertAfter(element.parent());
+ } else {
+ error.insertAfter(element);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var scxmlEdit = new SCXMLEditor({
+ containerNode: $("#scxml-editor")[0]
+ });
+ });
+ </script>
+ <div id="scxml-editor"></div>
+ <div class="messages"></div>
+ <div class="dom"></pre>
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.cpp b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.cpp
index f066a72..a89ff54 100644
--- a/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.cpp
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.cpp
@@ -30,31 +30,31 @@ using namespace XERCESC_NS;
WrappedInterpreterMonitor::WrappedInterpreterMonitor() {}
WrappedInterpreterMonitor::~WrappedInterpreterMonitor() {}
-void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeExitingState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeExitingState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *state;
beforeExitingState(ATTR(state, "id"), DOMUtils::xPathForNode(state), ss.str());
-void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterExitingState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterExitingState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *state;
afterExitingState(ATTR(state, "id"), DOMUtils::xPathForNode(state), ss.str());
-void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeExecutingContent(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* content) {
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeExecutingContent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* content) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *content;
beforeExecutingContent(TAGNAME(content), DOMUtils::xPathForNode(content), ss.str());
-void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterExecutingContent(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* content) {
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterExecutingContent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* content) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *content;
afterExecutingContent(TAGNAME(content), DOMUtils::xPathForNode(content), ss.str());
-void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeUninvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker, const std::string& invokeid) {
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeUninvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker, const std::string& invokeid) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *invoker;
std::string invokeId;
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeUninvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* i
beforeUninvoking(DOMUtils::xPathForNode(invoker), invokeId, ss.str());
-void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterUninvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker, const std::string& invokeid) {
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterUninvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker, const std::string& invokeid) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *invoker;
std::string invokeId;
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterUninvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* in
afterUninvoking(DOMUtils::xPathForNode(invoker), invokeId, ss.str());
-void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeTakingTransition(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* sourceState = getSourceState(transition);
const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* root = DOMUtils::getNearestAncestor(transition, "scxml");
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElem
beforeTakingTransition(DOMUtils::xPathForNode(transition), ATTR_CAST(sourceState, "id"), targets, ss.str());
-void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterTakingTransition(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* sourceState = getSourceState(transition);
const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* root = DOMUtils::getNearestAncestor(transition, "scxml");
@@ -110,19 +110,19 @@ void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMEleme
afterTakingTransition(DOMUtils::xPathForNode(transition), ATTR_CAST(sourceState, "id"), targets, ss.str());
-void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeEnteringState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeEnteringState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *state;
beforeEnteringState(ATTR(state, "id"), DOMUtils::xPathForNode(state), ss.str());
-void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterEnteringState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterEnteringState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *state;
afterEnteringState(ATTR(state, "id"), DOMUtils::xPathForNode(state), ss.str());
-void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeInvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker, const std::string& invokeid) {
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeInvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker, const std::string& invokeid) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *invoker;
std::string invokeId;
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeInvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* inv
beforeInvoking(DOMUtils::xPathForNode(invoker), invokeId, ss.str());
-void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterInvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker, const std::string& invokeid) {
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterInvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker, const std::string& invokeid) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *invoker;
std::string invokeId;
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.h b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.h
index e83c896..c5655cf 100644
--- a/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.h
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.h
@@ -44,82 +44,91 @@ public:
virtual ~WrappedInterpreterMonitor();
- void beforeExitingState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
+ void beforeExitingState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
virtual void beforeExitingState(const std::string& stateId,
const std::string& xpath,
const std::string& stateXML) {}
- void afterExitingState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
+ void afterExitingState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
virtual void afterExitingState(const std::string& stateId,
const std::string& xpath,
const std::string& stateXML) {}
- void beforeExecutingContent(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* content);
+ void beforeExecutingContent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* content);
virtual void beforeExecutingContent(const std::string& tagName,
const std::string& xpath,
const std::string& contentXML) {}
- void afterExecutingContent(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* content);
+ void afterExecutingContent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* content);
virtual void afterExecutingContent(const std::string& tagName,
const std::string& xpath,
const std::string& contentXML) {}
- void beforeUninvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker,
+ void beforeUninvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker,
const std::string& invokeid);
virtual void beforeUninvoking(const std::string& xpath,
const std::string& invokeid,
const std::string& invokerXML) {}
- void afterUninvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker,
+ void afterUninvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker,
const std::string& invokeid);
virtual void afterUninvoking(const std::string& xpath,
const std::string& invokeid,
const std::string& invokerXML) {}
- void beforeTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition);
+ void beforeTakingTransition(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition);
virtual void beforeTakingTransition(const std::string& xpath,
const std::string& source,
const std::list<std::string>& targets,
const std::string& transitionXML) {}
- void afterTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition);
+ void afterTakingTransition(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition);
virtual void afterTakingTransition(const std::string& xpath,
const std::string& source,
const std::list<std::string>& targets,
const std::string& transitionXML) {}
- void beforeEnteringState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
+ void beforeEnteringState(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
virtual void beforeEnteringState(const std::string& stateId,
const std::string& xpath,
const std::string& stateXML) {}
- void afterEnteringState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
+ void afterEnteringState(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
virtual void afterEnteringState(const std::string& stateId,
const std::string& xpath,
const std::string& stateXML) {}
- void beforeInvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker,
+ void beforeInvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker,
const std::string& invokeid);
virtual void beforeInvoking(const std::string& xpath,
const std::string& invokeid,
const std::string& invokerXML) {}
- void afterInvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker,
+ void afterInvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker,
const std::string& invokeid);
virtual void afterInvoking(const std::string& xpath,
const std::string& invokeid,
const std::string& invokerXML) {}
- virtual void reportIssue(const InterpreterIssue& issue) {}
+ virtual void reportIssue(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const InterpreterIssue& issue) {}
diff --git a/src/uscxml/Interpreter.cpp b/src/uscxml/Interpreter.cpp
index a050401..d21ec6a 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/Interpreter.cpp
+++ b/src/uscxml/Interpreter.cpp
@@ -220,8 +220,12 @@ void Interpreter::setActionLanguage(ActionLanguage actionLanguage) {
return _impl->setActionLanguage(actionLanguage);
-void Interpreter::setMonitor(InterpreterMonitor* monitor) {
- return _impl->setMonitor(monitor);
+void Interpreter::addMonitor(InterpreterMonitor* monitor) {
+ return _impl->addMonitor(monitor);
+void Interpreter::removeMonitor(InterpreterMonitor* monitor) {
+ return _impl->removeMonitor(monitor);
std::list<InterpreterIssue> Interpreter::validate() {
@@ -240,19 +244,19 @@ static void printNodeSet(const std::list<XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*> nodes) {
-void StateTransitionMonitor::beforeTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
+void StateTransitionMonitor::beforeTakingTransition(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
std::cerr << "Transition: " << uscxml::DOMUtils::xPathForNode(transition) << std::endl;
-void StateTransitionMonitor::onStableConfiguration() {
+void StateTransitionMonitor::onStableConfiguration(InterpreterImpl* impl) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
std::cerr << "Stable Config: { ";
// printNodeSet(_interpreter.getConfiguration());
std::cerr << " }" << std::endl;
-void StateTransitionMonitor::beforeProcessingEvent(const uscxml::Event& event) {
+void StateTransitionMonitor::beforeProcessingEvent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const uscxml::Event& event) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
switch (event.eventType) {
case uscxml::Event::INTERNAL:
@@ -267,23 +271,23 @@ void StateTransitionMonitor::beforeProcessingEvent(const uscxml::Event& event)
-void StateTransitionMonitor::beforeExecutingContent(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* element) {
+void StateTransitionMonitor::beforeExecutingContent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* element) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
std::cerr << "Executable Content: " << DOMUtils::xPathForNode(element) << std::endl;
-void StateTransitionMonitor::beforeExitingState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+void StateTransitionMonitor::beforeExitingState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
std::cerr << "Exiting: " << (HAS_ATTR(state, "id") ? ATTR(state, "id") : DOMUtils::xPathForNode(state)) << std::endl;
-void StateTransitionMonitor::beforeEnteringState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+void StateTransitionMonitor::beforeEnteringState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
std::cerr << "Entering: " << (HAS_ATTR(state, "id") ? ATTR(state, "id") : DOMUtils::xPathForNode(state)) << std::endl;
-void StateTransitionMonitor::beforeMicroStep() {
+void StateTransitionMonitor::beforeMicroStep(InterpreterImpl* impl) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
std::cerr << "Config: {";
// printNodeSet(_interpreter.getConfiguration());
diff --git a/src/uscxml/Interpreter.h b/src/uscxml/Interpreter.h
index 4dbefd8..0d7573c 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/Interpreter.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/Interpreter.h
@@ -221,7 +221,12 @@ public:
* Attach a monitor to make more details of the interpreter observable.
- void setMonitor(InterpreterMonitor* monitor);
+ void addMonitor(InterpreterMonitor* monitor);
+ /**
+ * Remove a monitor that was attached previously.
+ */
+ void removeMonitor(InterpreterMonitor* monitor);
* Return the actual implementation of the Interperter.
diff --git a/src/uscxml/debug/Breakpoint.cpp b/src/uscxml/debug/Breakpoint.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e40ee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uscxml/debug/Breakpoint.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include "uscxml/debug/Breakpoint.h"
+#include "uscxml/Interpreter.h"
+#include "uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.h"
+#include "uscxml/util/DOM.h"
+#include "uscxml/util/String.h"
+namespace uscxml {
+Breakpoint::Breakpoint(const Data& data) {
+ enabled = true;
+ subject = UNDEF_SUBJECT;
+ when = UNDEF_WHEN;
+ action = UNDEF_ACTION;
+ if (data.hasKey("when")) {
+ if (false) {
+ } else if ("when").atom == "before") {
+ when = BEFORE;
+ } else if ("when").atom == "after") {
+ when = AFTER;
+ } else if ("when").atom == "on") {
+ when = ON;
+ }
+ }
+ if (data.hasKey("action")) {
+ if (false) {
+ } else if ("action").atom == "enter") {
+ action = ENTER;
+ } else if ("action").atom == "exit") {
+ action = EXIT;
+ } else if ("action").atom == "invoke") {
+ action = INVOKE;
+ } else if ("action").atom == "cancel") {
+ action = UNINVOKE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (data.hasKey("subject")) {
+ if (false) {
+ } else if ("subject").atom == "state") {
+ subject = STATE;
+ } else if ("subject").atom == "transition") {
+ subject = TRANSITION;
+ } else if ("subject").atom == "stable") {
+ subject = STABLE;
+ } else if ("subject").atom == "microstep") {
+ subject = MICROSTEP;
+ } else if ("subject").atom == "event") {
+ subject = EVENT;
+ } else if ("subject").atom == "invoker") {
+ subject = INVOKER;
+ } else if ("subject").atom == "executable") {
+ subject = EXECUTABLE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (data.hasKey("condition"))
+ condition ="condition").atom;
+ if (data.hasKey("invokeId"))
+ invokeId ="invokeId").atom;
+ if (data.hasKey("invokeType"))
+ invokeType ="invokeType").atom;
+ if (data.hasKey("eventName"))
+ eventName ="eventName").atom;
+ if (data.hasKey("executableName"))
+ executableName ="executableName").atom;
+ if (data.hasKey("executableXPath"))
+ executableXPath ="executableXPath").atom;
+ if (data.hasKey("stateId"))
+ stateId ="stateId").atom;
+ if (data.hasKey("transSourceId"))
+ transSourceId ="transSourceId").atom;
+ if (data.hasKey("transTargetId"))
+ transTargetId ="transTargetId").atom;
+Data Breakpoint::toData() const {
+ Data data;
+ switch (subject) {
+ case STATE:
+ data.compound["subject"] = Data("state", Data::VERBATIM);
+ break;
+ data.compound["subject"] = Data("transition", Data::VERBATIM);
+ break;
+ case STABLE:
+ data.compound["subject"] = Data("stable", Data::VERBATIM);
+ break;
+ data.compound["subject"] = Data("microstep", Data::VERBATIM);
+ break;
+ case EVENT:
+ data.compound["subject"] = Data("event", Data::VERBATIM);
+ break;
+ case INVOKER:
+ data.compound["subject"] = Data("invoker", Data::VERBATIM);
+ break;
+ data.compound["subject"] = Data("executable", Data::VERBATIM);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (when) {
+ case AFTER:
+ data.compound["when"] = Data("after", Data::VERBATIM);
+ break;
+ case BEFORE:
+ data.compound["when"] = Data("before", Data::VERBATIM);
+ break;
+ case ON:
+ data.compound["when"] = Data("on", Data::VERBATIM);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (action) {
+ case ENTER:
+ data.compound["action"] = Data("enter", Data::VERBATIM);
+ break;
+ case EXIT:
+ data.compound["action"] = Data("exit", Data::VERBATIM);
+ break;
+ case INVOKE:
+ data.compound["action"] = Data("invoke", Data::VERBATIM);
+ break;
+ case UNINVOKE:
+ data.compound["action"] = Data("cancel", Data::VERBATIM);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (invokeId.length() > 0)
+ data.compound["invokeId"] = Data(invokeId, Data::VERBATIM);
+ if (invokeType.length() > 0)
+ data.compound["invokeType"] = Data(invokeType, Data::VERBATIM);
+ if (eventName.length() > 0)
+ data.compound["eventName"] = Data(eventName, Data::VERBATIM);
+ if (executableName.length() > 0)
+ data.compound["executableName"] = Data(executableName, Data::VERBATIM);
+ if (executableXPath.length() > 0) {
+ data.compound["executableXPath"] = Data(executableXPath, Data::VERBATIM);
+ }
+ if (element)
+ data.compound["xpath"] = Data(DOMUtils::xPathForNode(element, "*"), Data::VERBATIM);
+ if (stateId.length() > 0)
+ data.compound["stateId"] = Data(stateId, Data::VERBATIM);
+ if (transSourceId.length() > 0)
+ data.compound["transSourceId"] = Data(transSourceId, Data::VERBATIM);
+ if (transTargetId.length() > 0)
+ data.compound["transTargetId"] = Data(transTargetId, Data::VERBATIM);
+ if (condition.length() > 0)
+ data.compound["condition"] = Data(condition, Data::VERBATIM);
+ return data;
+bool Breakpoint::matches(Interpreter interpreter, const Breakpoint& other) const {
+ // would we match the given breakpoint?
+ if (subject != UNDEF_SUBJECT &&
+ other.subject != subject)
+ return false; // subject does not match
+ if (when != UNDEF_WHEN &&
+ other.when != when)
+ return false; // time does not match
+ if (action != UNDEF_ACTION &&
+ other.action != action)
+ return false; // action does not match
+ // when we have a qualifier it has to match
+ if(invokeId.length() > 0 && invokeId != other.invokeId) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(invokeType.length() > 0 && invokeType != other.invokeType) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(stateId.length() > 0 && stateId != other.stateId) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(eventName.length() > 0 && !nameMatch(eventName, other.eventName)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(executableName.length() > 0 && executableName != other.executableName) {
+ return false;
+ }
+#if 0
+ if(executableXPath.length()) {
+ Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> nodes;
+ try {
+ nodes = interpreter.getNodeSetForXPath(executableXPath);
+ } catch (...) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return InterpreterImpl::isMember(other.element, nodes);
+ }
+ if(transSourceId.length() > 0 && transSourceId != other.transSourceId) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(transTargetId.length() > 0 && transTargetId != other.transTargetId) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (condition.length() > 0) {
+ try {
+ interpreter.getImpl()->isTrue(condition);
+ } catch (...) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/uscxml/debug/Breakpoint.h b/src/uscxml/debug/Breakpoint.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3809663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uscxml/debug/Breakpoint.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include <string> // for string
+#include "uscxml/Common.h" // for USCXML_API
+#include "uscxml/Interpreter.h"
+//#include "DOM/Element.hpp" // for Element
+#include "uscxml/messages/Data.h" // for Data
+// forward declare
+namespace XERCESC_NS {
+ class DOMElement;
+namespace uscxml {
+class USCXML_API Breakpoint {
+ enum When {
+ };
+ enum Subject {
+ };
+ enum Action {
+ };
+ Breakpoint() {
+ subject = UNDEF_SUBJECT;
+ when = UNDEF_WHEN;
+ action = UNDEF_ACTION;
+ }
+ Breakpoint(const Data& data);
+ // would we match the given breakpoint as well?
+ bool matches(Interpreter interpreter, const Breakpoint& other) const;
+ Data toData() const;
+ bool operator<(const Breakpoint& other) const {
+ return (toData() < other.toData());
+ }
+ operator bool() {
+ return (subject != UNDEF_SUBJECT ||
+ when != UNDEF_WHEN ||
+ action != UNDEF_ACTION);
+ }
+ mutable bool enabled;
+ When when;
+ Subject subject;
+ Action action;
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* element = NULL;
+ std::string invokeId;
+ std::string invokeType;
+ std::string eventName;
+ std::string executableName;
+ std::string executableXPath;
+ std::string stateId;
+ std::string transSourceId;
+ std::string transTargetId;
+ std::string condition;
+#endif /* end of include guard: BREAKPOINT_H_VR7K7T1X */
diff --git a/src/uscxml/debug/DebugSession.cpp b/src/uscxml/debug/DebugSession.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef4d469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uscxml/debug/DebugSession.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include "uscxml/debug/DebugSession.h"
+#include "uscxml/debug/Debugger.h"
+#include "uscxml/util/Predicates.h"
+namespace uscxml {
+void DebugSession::checkBreakpoints(const std::list<Breakpoint> qualifiedBreakpoints) {
+ std::list<Breakpoint>::const_iterator qualifiedBreakpointIter = qualifiedBreakpoints.begin();
+ if (!_breakpointsEnabled)
+ return;
+ while(qualifiedBreakpointIter != qualifiedBreakpoints.end()) {
+ const Breakpoint& qualifiedBreakpoint = *qualifiedBreakpointIter++;
+ // check if one of the user-supplied breakpoints match
+ bool userBreakpointMatched = false;
+ Data replyData;
+ if (_skipTo) {
+ if (_skipTo.matches(_interpreter, qualifiedBreakpoint)) {
+ replyData.compound["breakpoint"] = _skipTo.toData();
+ replyData.compound["qualified"] = qualifiedBreakpoint.toData();
+ breakExecution(replyData);
+ _skipTo = Breakpoint();
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ std::set<Breakpoint>::const_iterator breakpointIter = _breakPoints.begin();
+ while(breakpointIter != _breakPoints.end()) {
+ const Breakpoint& breakpoint = *breakpointIter++;
+ if (!breakpoint.enabled)
+ continue;
+ if (breakpoint.matches(_interpreter, qualifiedBreakpoint)) {
+ // do we have a condition?
+ replyData.compound["breakpoint"] = breakpoint.toData();
+ replyData.compound["qualified"] = qualifiedBreakpoint.toData();
+ userBreakpointMatched = true;
+ breakExecution(replyData);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_isStepping && !userBreakpointMatched) {
+ replyData.compound["qualified"] = qualifiedBreakpoint.toData();
+ breakExecution(replyData);
+ }
+ }
+void DebugSession::breakExecution(Data replyData) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ std::list<XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*> configuration = _interpreter.getConfiguration();
+ for (auto state : configuration) {
+ if (HAS_ATTR(state, "id")) {
+ replyData.compound["activeStates"].array.push_back(Data(ATTR(state, "id"), Data::VERBATIM));
+ if (isAtomic(state)) {
+ replyData.compound["basicStates"].array.push_back(Data(ATTR(state, "id"), Data::VERBATIM));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ replyData.compound["replyType"] = Data("breakpoint", Data::VERBATIM);
+ _debugger->pushData(shared_from_this(), replyData);
+ _resumeCond.wait(_mutex);
+Data DebugSession::debugPrepare(const Data& data) {
+ Data replyData;
+ if (!data.hasKey("xml") && !data.hasKey("url")) {
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["reason"] = Data("No XML or URL given", Data::VERBATIM);
+ return replyData;
+ }
+ debugStop(data);
+ _isAttached = false;
+ if (data.hasKey("xml")) {
+ _interpreter = Interpreter::fromXML("xml").atom, (data.hasKey("url") ?"url").atom : ""));
+ } else if (data.hasKey("url")) {
+ _interpreter = Interpreter::fromURL("url").atom);
+ } else {
+ _interpreter = Interpreter();
+ }
+ if (_interpreter) {
+ // register ourself as a monitor
+ _interpreter.addMonitor(_debugger);
+ _debugger->attachSession(_interpreter.getImpl().get(), shared_from_this());
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ } else {
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ }
+ return replyData;
+Data DebugSession::debugAttach(const Data& data) {
+ Data replyData;
+ _isAttached = true;
+ if (!data.hasKey("attach")) {
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["reason"] = Data("No id to attach to given", Data::VERBATIM);
+ return replyData;
+ }
+ std::string interpreterId ="attach").atom;
+ bool interpreterFound = false;
+ // find interpreter for sessionid
+ std::map<std::string, std::weak_ptr<InterpreterImpl> > instances = InterpreterImpl::getInstances();
+ for (auto weakInstance : instances) {
+ std::shared_ptr<InterpreterImpl> instance = weakInstance.second.lock();
+ if (instance && instance->getSessionId() == interpreterId) {
+ _interpreter = instance;
+ _debugger->attachSession(_interpreter.getImpl().get(), shared_from_this());
+ interpreterFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!interpreterFound) {
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["reason"] = Data("No interpreter with given id found", Data::VERBATIM);
+ } else {
+ replyData.compound["xml"].node = _interpreter.getImpl()->getDocument();
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ }
+ return replyData;
+Data DebugSession::debugDetach(const Data& data) {
+ Data replyData;
+ _isAttached = false;
+ _debugger->detachSession(_interpreter.getImpl().get());
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ return replyData;
+Data DebugSession::debugStart(const Data& data) {
+ Data replyData;
+ if (_isAttached) {
+ replyData.compound["reason"] = Data("Already started when attached", Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ } else if (!_interpreter) {
+ replyData.compound["reason"] = Data("No interpreter attached or loaded", Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ } else {
+ //_interpreter.start();
+ assert(false);
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ }
+ return replyData;
+Data DebugSession::debugStop(const Data& data) {
+ Data replyData;
+ if (_interpreter) {
+ // detach from old intepreter
+ _debugger->detachSession(_interpreter.getImpl().get());
+ }
+ if (_interpreter && !_isAttached)
+ assert(false);
+ //_interpreter.stop();
+ // unblock
+ _resumeCond.notify_all();
+ _skipTo = Breakpoint();
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ // calls destructor
+ _interpreter = Interpreter();
+ return replyData;
+Data DebugSession::debugStep(const Data& data) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ stepping(true);
+ _resumeCond.notify_one();
+ Data replyData;
+ if (_interpreter) {
+ // register ourself as a monitor
+ if (!_isRunning)
+ //_interpreter.start();
+ assert(false);
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ } else {
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ }
+ return replyData;
+Data DebugSession::debugResume(const Data& data) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ stepping(false);
+ Data replyData;
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ _resumeCond.notify_one();
+ return replyData;
+Data DebugSession::debugPause(const Data& data) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ _skipTo = Breakpoint();
+ stepping(true);
+ Data replyData;
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ return replyData;
+Data DebugSession::skipToBreakPoint(const Data& data) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ _skipTo = Breakpoint(data);
+ Data replyData;
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ _resumeCond.notify_one();
+ return replyData;
+Data DebugSession::addBreakPoint(const Data& data) {
+ Breakpoint breakpoint(data);
+ Data replyData;
+ if (_breakPoints.find(breakpoint) == _breakPoints.end()) {
+ _breakPoints.insert(breakpoint);
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ } else {
+ replyData.compound["reason"] = Data("Breakpoint already exists", Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ }
+ return replyData;
+Data DebugSession::removeBreakPoint(const Data& data) {
+ Breakpoint breakpoint(data);
+ Data replyData;
+ if (_breakPoints.find(breakpoint) != _breakPoints.end()) {
+ _breakPoints.erase(breakpoint);
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ } else {
+ replyData.compound["reason"] = Data("No such breakpoint", Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ }
+ return replyData;
+Data DebugSession::enableBreakPoint(const Data& data) {
+ Breakpoint breakpoint(data);
+ Data replyData;
+ if (_breakPoints.find(breakpoint) != _breakPoints.end()) {
+ _breakPoints.find(breakpoint)->enabled = true;
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ } else {
+ replyData.compound["reason"] = Data("No such breakpoint", Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ }
+ return replyData;
+Data DebugSession::disableBreakPoint(const Data& data) {
+ Breakpoint breakpoint(data);
+ Data replyData;
+ if (_breakPoints.find(breakpoint) != _breakPoints.end()) {
+ _breakPoints.find(breakpoint)->enabled = false;
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ } else {
+ replyData.compound["reason"] = Data("No such breakpoint", Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ }
+ return replyData;
+Data DebugSession::enableAllBreakPoints() {
+ Data replyData;
+ _breakpointsEnabled = true;
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ return replyData;
+Data DebugSession::disableAllBreakPoints() {
+ Data replyData;
+ _breakpointsEnabled = false;
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ return replyData;
+Data DebugSession::debugEval(const Data& data) {
+ Data replyData;
+ if (!data.hasKey("expression")) {
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["reason"] = Data("No expression given", Data::VERBATIM);
+ return replyData;
+ }
+ std::string expr ="expression").atom;
+ if (!_interpreter) {
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["reason"] = Data("No interpreter running", Data::VERBATIM);
+ } else if (!_interpreter.getImpl()->_dataModel) {
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["reason"] = Data("No datamodel available", Data::VERBATIM);
+ } else {
+ try {
+ replyData.compound["eval"] = _interpreter.getImpl()->getAsData(expr);
+ } catch (Event e) {
+ replyData.compound["eval"] =;
+ replyData.compound["eval"].compound["error"] = Data(, Data::VERBATIM);
+ }
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ }
+ return replyData;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/uscxml/debug/DebugSession.h b/src/uscxml/debug/DebugSession.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1ecaa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uscxml/debug/DebugSession.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include "uscxml/debug/Breakpoint.h"
+#include "uscxml/Interpreter.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <set>
+#include <thread>
+#include <condition_variable>
+namespace uscxml {
+class Debugger;
+class USCXML_API DebugSession : public std::enable_shared_from_this<DebugSession> {
+ DebugSession() {
+ _isRunning = false;
+ _isStepping = false;
+ _isAttached = false;
+ _breakpointsEnabled = true;
+ _markedForDeletion = false;
+ _debugger = NULL;
+ }
+ void stepping(bool enable) {
+ _isStepping = enable;
+ }
+ void checkBreakpoints(const std::list<Breakpoint> qualifiedBreakpoints);
+ Data debugPrepare(const Data& data);
+ Data debugAttach(const Data& data);
+ Data debugDetach(const Data& data);
+ Data debugStart(const Data& data);
+ Data debugStop(const Data& data);
+ Data debugStep(const Data& data);
+ Data debugResume(const Data& data);
+ Data debugPause(const Data& data);
+ Data skipToBreakPoint(const Data& data);
+ Data addBreakPoint(const Data& data);
+ Data removeBreakPoint(const Data& data);
+ Data enableBreakPoint(const Data& data);
+ Data disableBreakPoint(const Data& data);
+ Data enableAllBreakPoints();
+ Data disableAllBreakPoints();
+ Data debugEval(const Data& data);
+ void setDebugger(Debugger* debugger) {
+ _debugger = debugger;
+ }
+ Interpreter getInterpreter() {
+ return _interpreter;
+ }
+ void markForDeletion(bool mark) {
+ _markedForDeletion = mark;
+ }
+ void breakExecution(Data replyData);
+ bool _isStepping;
+ bool _isAttached;
+ bool _breakpointsEnabled;
+ std::condition_variable_any _resumeCond;
+ std::recursive_mutex _runMutex;
+ std::recursive_mutex _mutex;
+ std::thread* _interpreterThread = NULL;
+ bool _isRunning;
+ bool _markedForDeletion;
+ Debugger* _debugger;
+ Interpreter _interpreter;
+ std::set<Breakpoint> _breakPoints;
+ Breakpoint _skipTo;
+ friend class Debugger;
+#endif /* end of include guard: DEBUGSESSION_H_M8YHEGV6 */
diff --git a/src/uscxml/debug/Debugger.cpp b/src/uscxml/debug/Debugger.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09c21e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uscxml/debug/Debugger.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+* @file
+* @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+* @copyright Simplified BSD
+* @cond
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+* project.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+* program. If not, see <>.
+* @endcond
+#include "uscxml/debug/Debugger.h"
+#include "uscxml/util/DOM.h"
+#include "uscxml/util/Predicates.h"
+#include "uscxml/debug/DebugSession.h"
+namespace uscxml {
+void Debugger::afterCompletion(InterpreterImpl* impl) {
+ std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> session = getSession(impl);
+ if (!session)
+ return;
+ Data msg;
+ msg.compound["replyType"] = Data("finished", Data::VERBATIM);
+ pushData(session, msg);
+void Debugger::beforeCompletion(InterpreterImpl* impl) {}
+std::list<Breakpoint> Debugger::getQualifiedStateBreakpoints(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state, Breakpoint breakpointTemplate) {
+ std::list<Breakpoint> breakpoints;
+ Breakpoint bp = breakpointTemplate; // copy base as template
+ bp.stateId = ATTR(state, "id");
+ bp.element = state;
+ bp.subject = Breakpoint::STATE;
+ breakpoints.push_back(bp);
+ return breakpoints;
+std::list<Breakpoint> Debugger::getQualifiedInvokeBreakpoints(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string invokeId, Breakpoint breakpointTemplate) {
+ std::list<Breakpoint> breakpoints;
+ Breakpoint bp = breakpointTemplate; // copy base as template
+ bp.subject = Breakpoint::INVOKER;
+ bp.element = invokeElem;
+ bp.invokeId = invokeId;
+ if (HAS_ATTR(invokeElem, "type")) {
+ bp.invokeType = ATTR(invokeElem, "type");
+ } else if (HAS_ATTR(invokeElem, "typeexpr")) {
+ bp.invokeType = impl->evalAsData(ATTR(invokeElem, "typeexpr")).atom;
+ }
+ breakpoints.push_back(bp);
+ return breakpoints;
+std::list<Breakpoint> Debugger::getQualifiedTransBreakpoints(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition, Breakpoint breakpointTemplate) {
+ std::list<Breakpoint> breakpoints;
+ XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* source = getSourceState(transition);
+ std::list<XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*> targets = getTargetStates(transition, impl->_scxml);
+ for (auto target : targets) {
+ Breakpoint bp = breakpointTemplate; // copy base as template
+ bp.element = transition;
+ bp.transSourceId = ATTR(source, "id");
+ bp.transTargetId = ATTR(target, "id");
+ bp.subject = Breakpoint::TRANSITION;
+ breakpoints.push_back(bp);
+ }
+ return breakpoints;
+void Debugger::beforeTakingTransition(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
+ handleTransition(impl, transition, Breakpoint::BEFORE);
+void Debugger::afterTakingTransition(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
+ handleTransition(impl, transition, Breakpoint::AFTER);
+void Debugger::beforeExecutingContent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* execContent) {
+ handleExecutable(impl, execContent, Breakpoint::BEFORE);
+void Debugger::afterExecutingContent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* execContent) {
+ handleExecutable(impl, execContent, Breakpoint::AFTER);
+void Debugger::beforeExitingState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+ handleState(impl, state, Breakpoint::BEFORE, Breakpoint::EXIT);
+void Debugger::afterExitingState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+ handleState(impl, state, Breakpoint::AFTER, Breakpoint::EXIT);
+void Debugger::beforeEnteringState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+ handleState(impl, state, Breakpoint::BEFORE, Breakpoint::ENTER);
+void Debugger::afterEnteringState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+ handleState(impl, state, Breakpoint::AFTER, Breakpoint::ENTER);
+void Debugger::beforeUninvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {
+ handleInvoke(impl, invokeElem, invokeid, Breakpoint::BEFORE, Breakpoint::UNINVOKE);
+void Debugger::afterUninvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {
+ handleInvoke(impl, invokeElem, invokeid, Breakpoint::AFTER, Breakpoint::UNINVOKE);
+void Debugger::beforeInvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {
+ handleInvoke(impl, invokeElem, invokeid, Breakpoint::BEFORE, Breakpoint::INVOKE);
+void Debugger::afterInvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {
+ handleInvoke(impl, invokeElem, invokeid, Breakpoint::AFTER, Breakpoint::INVOKE);
+void Debugger::onStableConfiguration(InterpreterImpl* impl) {
+ handleStable(impl, Breakpoint::ON);
+void Debugger::beforeMicroStep(InterpreterImpl* impl) {
+ handleMicrostep(impl, Breakpoint::BEFORE);
+void Debugger::afterMicroStep(InterpreterImpl* impl) {
+ handleMicrostep(impl, Breakpoint::AFTER);
+void Debugger::beforeProcessingEvent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const Event& event) {
+ handleEvent(impl, event, Breakpoint::BEFORE);
+void Debugger::handleExecutable(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* execContentElem,
+ Breakpoint::When when) {
+ std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> session = getSession(impl);
+ if (!session)
+ return;
+ if (!session->_isRunning)
+ return;
+ std::list<Breakpoint> breakpoints;
+ Breakpoint breakpoint;
+ breakpoint.when = when;
+ breakpoint.element = execContentElem;
+ breakpoint.executableName = X(execContentElem->getLocalName()).str();
+ breakpoint.subject = Breakpoint::EXECUTABLE;
+ breakpoints.push_back(breakpoint);
+ session->checkBreakpoints(breakpoints);
+void Debugger::handleEvent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const Event& event, Breakpoint::When when) {
+ std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> session = getSession(impl);
+ if (!session)
+ return;
+ if (!session->_isRunning)
+ return;
+ std::list<Breakpoint> breakpoints;
+ Breakpoint breakpoint;
+ breakpoint.when = when;
+ breakpoint.eventName =;
+ breakpoint.subject = Breakpoint::EVENT;
+ breakpoints.push_back(breakpoint);
+ session->checkBreakpoints(breakpoints);
+void Debugger::handleStable(InterpreterImpl* impl, Breakpoint::When when) {
+ std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> session = getSession(impl);
+ if (!session)
+ return;
+ if (!session->_isRunning)
+ return;
+ std::list<Breakpoint> breakpoints;
+ Breakpoint breakpoint;
+ breakpoint.when = when;
+ breakpoint.subject = Breakpoint::STABLE;
+ breakpoints.push_back(breakpoint);
+ session->checkBreakpoints(breakpoints);
+void Debugger::handleMicrostep(InterpreterImpl* impl, Breakpoint::When when) {
+ std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> session = getSession(impl);
+ if (!session)
+ return;
+ if (!session->_isRunning)
+ return;
+ std::list<Breakpoint> breakpoints;
+ Breakpoint breakpoint;
+ breakpoint.when = when;
+ breakpoint.subject = Breakpoint::MICROSTEP;
+ breakpoints.push_back(breakpoint);
+ session->checkBreakpoints(breakpoints);
+void Debugger::handleTransition(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition, Breakpoint::When when) {
+ std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> session = getSession(impl);
+ if (!session)
+ return;
+ if (!session->_isRunning)
+ return;
+ Breakpoint breakpointTemplate;
+ breakpointTemplate.when = when;
+ std::list<Breakpoint> qualifiedBreakpoints = getQualifiedTransBreakpoints(impl, transition, breakpointTemplate);
+ session->checkBreakpoints(qualifiedBreakpoints);
+void Debugger::handleState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state, Breakpoint::When when, Breakpoint::Action action) {
+ std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> session = getSession(impl);
+ if (!session)
+ return;
+ if (!session->_isRunning)
+ return;
+ Breakpoint breakpointTemplate;
+ breakpointTemplate.when = when;
+ breakpointTemplate.action = action;
+ std::list<Breakpoint> qualifiedBreakpoints = getQualifiedStateBreakpoints(impl, state, breakpointTemplate);
+ session->checkBreakpoints(qualifiedBreakpoints);
+void Debugger::handleInvoke(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeId, Breakpoint::When when, Breakpoint::Action action) {
+ std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> session = getSession(impl);
+ if (!session)
+ return;
+ if (!session->_isRunning)
+ return;
+ Breakpoint breakpointTemplate;
+ breakpointTemplate.when = when;
+ breakpointTemplate.action = action;
+ std::list<Breakpoint> qualifiedBreakpoints = getQualifiedInvokeBreakpoints(impl, invokeElem, invokeId, breakpointTemplate);
+ session->checkBreakpoints(qualifiedBreakpoints);
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/uscxml/debug/Debugger.h b/src/uscxml/debug/Debugger.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08136d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uscxml/debug/Debugger.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include "uscxml/messages/Data.h" // for Data
+#include "uscxml/messages/Event.h" // for Event
+#include "uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.h"
+#include "uscxml/debug/Breakpoint.h"
+namespace uscxml {
+class DebugSession;
+class USCXML_API Debugger : public InterpreterMonitor {
+ Debugger() {
+ }
+ virtual ~Debugger() {}
+ virtual void attachSession(InterpreterImpl* impl, std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> session) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_sessionMutex);
+ _sessionForInterpreter[impl] = session;
+ }
+ virtual void detachSession(InterpreterImpl* impl) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_sessionMutex);
+ _sessionForInterpreter.erase(impl);
+ }
+ virtual std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> getSession(InterpreterImpl* impl) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_sessionMutex);
+ if (_sessionForInterpreter.find(impl) != _sessionForInterpreter.end())
+ return _sessionForInterpreter[impl];
+ return std::shared_ptr<DebugSession>();
+ }
+ virtual void pushData(std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> session, Data pushData) = 0;
+ // InterpreterMonitor
+ virtual void beforeProcessingEvent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const Event& event);
+ virtual void beforeMicroStep(InterpreterImpl* impl);
+ virtual void beforeExitingState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
+ virtual void afterExitingState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
+ virtual void beforeExecutingContent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* execContent);
+ virtual void afterExecutingContent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* execContent);
+ virtual void beforeUninvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid);
+ virtual void afterUninvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid);
+ virtual void beforeTakingTransition(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition);
+ virtual void afterTakingTransition(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition);
+ virtual void beforeEnteringState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
+ virtual void afterEnteringState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
+ virtual void beforeInvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid);
+ virtual void afterInvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid);
+ virtual void afterMicroStep(InterpreterImpl* impl);
+ virtual void onStableConfiguration(InterpreterImpl* impl);
+ virtual void beforeCompletion(InterpreterImpl* impl);
+ virtual void afterCompletion(InterpreterImpl* impl);
+ void handleTransition(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition,
+ Breakpoint::When when);
+ void handleState(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state,
+ Breakpoint::When when,
+ Breakpoint::Action action);
+ void handleInvoke(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem,
+ const std::string& invokeId,
+ Breakpoint::When when,
+ Breakpoint::Action action);
+ void handleExecutable(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* execContentElem,
+ Breakpoint::When when);
+ void handleStable(InterpreterImpl* impl, Breakpoint::When when);
+ void handleMicrostep(InterpreterImpl* impl, Breakpoint::When when);
+ void handleEvent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const Event& event, Breakpoint::When when);
+ std::list<Breakpoint> getQualifiedTransBreakpoints(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition,
+ Breakpoint breakpointTemplate);
+ std::list<Breakpoint> getQualifiedStateBreakpoints(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state,
+ Breakpoint breakpointTemplate);
+ std::list<Breakpoint> getQualifiedInvokeBreakpoints(InterpreterImpl* impl,
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem,
+ const std::string invokeId,
+ Breakpoint breakpointTemplate);
+ std::recursive_mutex _sessionMutex;
+ std::map<InterpreterImpl*, std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> > _sessionForInterpreter;
+#endif /* end of include guard: DEBUGGERMONITOR_H_Z050WPFH */
diff --git a/src/uscxml/debug/DebuggerServlet.cpp b/src/uscxml/debug/DebuggerServlet.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b035a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uscxml/debug/DebuggerServlet.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include "uscxml/debug/DebuggerServlet.h"
+#include "uscxml/debug/DebugSession.h"
+#include "uscxml/util/UUID.h"
+#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
+namespace uscxml {
+void DebuggerServlet::pushData(std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> session, Data pushData) {
+ std::cout << "trying to push " <<"replyType").atom << std::endl;
+ if (!session) {
+ if (_sendQueues.size() > 0) // logging is not aware of its interpreter
+ _sendQueues.begin()->second.push(pushData);
+ } else {
+ _sendQueues[session].push(pushData);
+ }
+ serverPushData(session);
+void DebuggerServlet::serverPushData(std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> session) {
+ if (_sendQueues[session].isEmpty())
+ return;
+ if (!_clientConns[session])
+ return;
+ Data reply = _sendQueues[session].pop();
+ std::cout << "pushing " <<"replyType").atom << std::endl;
+ returnData(_clientConns[session], reply);
+ _clientConns[session] = HTTPServer::Request();
+void DebuggerServlet::returnData(const HTTPServer::Request& request, Data replyData) {
+ HTTPServer::Reply reply(request);
+ if (!replyData.hasKey("status")) {
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ }
+ std::cout << "<- " << replyData << std::endl;
+ reply.content = Data::toJSON(replyData);
+ reply.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*";
+ reply.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
+ HTTPServer::reply(reply);
+bool DebuggerServlet::isCORS(const HTTPServer::Request& request) {
+ return ("type").atom == "options" &&
+"header").hasKey("Origin") &&
+void DebuggerServlet::handleCORS(const HTTPServer::Request& request) {
+ HTTPServer::Reply corsReply(request);
+ if ("header").hasKey("Origin")) {
+ corsReply.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] ="header").at("Origin").atom;
+ } else {
+ corsReply.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*";
+ }
+ if ("header").hasKey("Access-Control-Request-Method"))
+ corsReply.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] ="header").at("Access-Control-Request-Method").atom;
+ if ("header").hasKey("Access-Control-Request-Headers"))
+ corsReply.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] ="header").at("Access-Control-Request-Headers").atom;
+ // std::cout << "CORS!" << std::endl << request << std::endl;
+ HTTPServer::reply(corsReply);
+bool DebuggerServlet::httpRecvRequest(const HTTPServer::Request& request) {
+ if (!"path"))
+ return false; // returnError(request);
+ if (isCORS(request)) {
+ handleCORS(request);
+ return true;
+ }
+ std::cout <<["path"] << ": " <<["content"] << std::endl;
+ Data replyData;
+ // process request that don't need a session
+ if (false) {
+ } else if (boost::istarts_with("path").atom, "/debug/connect")) {
+ processConnect(request);
+ return true;
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/sessions")) {
+ processListSessions(request);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // get session or return error
+ if (false) {
+ } else if (!"content").hasKey("session")) {
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["reason"] = Data("No session given", Data::VERBATIM);
+ } else if (_sessionForId.find("content").at("session").atom) == _sessionForId.end()) {
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["reason"] = Data("No such session", Data::VERBATIM);
+ }
+ if (!replyData.empty()) {
+ returnData(request, replyData);
+ return true;
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> session = _sessionForId["content").at("session").atom];
+ if (false) {
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/poll")) {
+ // save long-standing client poll
+ _clientConns[session] = request;
+ serverPushData(session);
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/disconnect")) {
+ processDisconnect(request);
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/breakpoint/enable/all")) {
+ replyData = session->enableAllBreakPoints();
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/breakpoint/disable/all")) {
+ replyData = session->disableAllBreakPoints();
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/breakpoint/skipto")) {
+ replyData = session->skipToBreakPoint(["content"]);
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/breakpoint/add")) {
+ replyData = session->addBreakPoint(["content"]);
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/breakpoint/remove")) {
+ replyData = session->removeBreakPoint(["content"]);
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/breakpoint/enable")) {
+ replyData = session->enableBreakPoint(["content"]);
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/breakpoint/disable")) {
+ replyData = session->disableBreakPoint(["content"]);
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/stop")) {
+ replyData = session->debugStop(["content"]);
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/prepare")) {
+ replyData = session->debugPrepare(["content"]);
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/attach")) {
+ replyData = session->debugAttach(["content"]);
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/start")) {
+ replyData = session->debugStart(["content"]);
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/step")) {
+ replyData = session->debugStep(["content"]);
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/pause")) {
+ replyData = session->debugPause(["content"]);
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/resume")) {
+ replyData = session->debugResume(["content"]);
+ } else if (boost::starts_with("path").atom, "/debug/eval")) {
+ replyData = session->debugEval(["content"]);
+ }
+ if (!replyData.empty()) {
+ returnData(request, replyData);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return true;
+// someone connected, create a new session
+void DebuggerServlet::processConnect(const HTTPServer::Request& request) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ std::string sessionId = UUID::getUUID();
+ _sessionForId[sessionId] = std::shared_ptr<DebugSession>(new DebugSession());
+ _sessionForId[sessionId]->setDebugger(this);
+ Data replyData;
+ replyData.compound["session"] = Data(sessionId, Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ returnData(request, replyData);
+void DebuggerServlet::processDisconnect(const HTTPServer::Request& request) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ Data replyData;
+ if (!"content").hasKey("session")) {
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["reason"] = Data("No session given", Data::VERBATIM);
+ returnData(request, replyData);
+ }
+ std::string sessionId ="content").at("session").atom;
+ if (_sessionForId.find(sessionId) == _sessionForId.end()) {
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("failure", Data::VERBATIM);
+ replyData.compound["reason"] = Data("No such session", Data::VERBATIM);
+ } else {
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ detachSession(_sessionForId[sessionId]->getInterpreter().getImpl().get());
+ _sessionForId[sessionId]->debugStop(["content"]);
+ _clientConns.erase(_sessionForId[sessionId]);
+ _sendQueues.erase(_sessionForId[sessionId]);
+ _sessionForId.erase(sessionId);
+ }
+ returnData(request, replyData);
+void DebuggerServlet::processListSessions(const HTTPServer::Request& request) {
+ Data replyData;
+ std::map<std::string, std::weak_ptr<InterpreterImpl> > instances = InterpreterImpl::getInstances();
+ for (auto weakInstance : instances) {
+ std::shared_ptr<InterpreterImpl> instance = weakInstance.second.lock();
+ if (instance) {
+ Data sessionData;
+ sessionData.compound["name"] = Data(instance->getName(), Data::VERBATIM);
+ sessionData.compound["id"] = Data(instance->getSessionId(), Data::VERBATIM);
+ sessionData.compound["source"] = Data(instance->getBaseURL(), Data::VERBATIM);
+ sessionData.compound["xml"].node = instance->getDocument();
+ replyData.compound["sessions"].array.push_back(sessionData);
+ }
+ }
+ replyData.compound["status"] = Data("success", Data::VERBATIM);
+ returnData(request, replyData);
+void DebuggerServlet::send(google::LogSeverity severity, const char* full_filename,
+ const char* base_filename, int line,
+ const struct ::tm* tm_time,
+ const char* message, size_t message_len) {
+ // _sendQueue is thread-safe, not sure about ToString though
+ LogMessage msg(severity,
+ full_filename,
+ base_filename,
+ line,
+ tm_time,
+ std::string(message, message_len),
+ ToString(severity, base_filename, line, tm_time, message, message_len));
+ msg.compound["replyType"] = Data("log", Data::VERBATIM);
+ pushData(std::shared_ptr<DebugSession>(), msg);
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/uscxml/debug/DebuggerServlet.h b/src/uscxml/debug/DebuggerServlet.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc6b0ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uscxml/debug/DebuggerServlet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include "uscxml/Common.h"
+#include <easylogging++.h>
+#include "uscxml/util/BlockingQueue.h"
+#include "uscxml/server/HTTPServer.h"
+#include "uscxml/debug/Debugger.h"
+namespace uscxml {
+class USCXML_API DebuggerServlet : public Debugger, public HTTPServlet {
+ class LogMessage : public Data {
+ public:
+#if 0
+ LogMessage(google::LogSeverity severity, const char* full_filename,
+ const char* base_filename, int line,
+ const struct ::tm* tm_time,
+ std::string message, std::string formatted) {
+ compound["severity"] = severity;
+ compound["fullFilename"] = Data(full_filename, Data::VERBATIM);
+ compound["baseFilename"] = Data(base_filename, Data::VERBATIM);
+ compound["line"] = line;
+ compound["message"] = Data(message, Data::VERBATIM);
+ compound["time"] = Data(mktime((struct ::tm*)tm_time), Data::INTERPRETED);
+ compound["formatted"] = Data(formatted, Data::VERBATIM);
+ }
+ };
+ virtual ~DebuggerServlet() {}
+ // from Debugger
+ virtual void addBreakpoint(const Breakpoint& breakpoint) {};
+ bool isCORS(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+ void handleCORS(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+ bool httpRecvRequest(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+ void setURL(const std::string& url) {
+ _url = url;
+ }
+ void pushData(std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> session, Data pushData);
+ void returnData(const HTTPServer::Request& request, Data replyData);
+ void processDisconnect(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+ void processConnect(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+ void processListSessions(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+// void processDebugPrepare(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+// void processDebugAttach(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+// void processDebugStart(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+// void processDebugStop(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+// void processDebugEval(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+// void processDebugStart(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+// void processDebugStop(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+// void processDebugStep(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+// void processDebugResume(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+// void processDebugPause(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+// void processAddBreakPoint(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+// void processRemoveBreakPoint(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+// void processPoll(const HTTPServer::Request& request);
+ // Logsink
+ /**
+ virtual void send(google::LogSeverity severity, const char* full_filename,
+ const char* base_filename, int line,
+ const struct ::tm* tm_time,
+ const char* message, size_t message_len);
+ void serverPushData(std::shared_ptr<DebugSession>);
+ std::string _url;
+ std::map<std::shared_ptr<DebugSession>, HTTPServer::Request> _clientConns;
+ std::map<std::shared_ptr<DebugSession>, BlockingQueue<Data> > _sendQueues;
+ std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<DebugSession> > _sessionForId;
+ std::recursive_mutex _mutex;
+#endif /* end of include guard: DEBUGGERSERVLET_H_ATUMDA3G */
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/BasicContentExecutor.cpp b/src/uscxml/interpreter/BasicContentExecutor.cpp
index 58d3eae..0f5a67f 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/BasicContentExecutor.cpp
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/BasicContentExecutor.cpp
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ void BasicContentExecutor::process(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* block, const X& xmlPr
try {
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitor(), beforeExecutingContent, block);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitors(), beforeExecutingContent, block);
if (false) {
} else if (iequals(tagName, xmlPrefix.str() + "raise")) {
@@ -358,12 +358,12 @@ void BasicContentExecutor::process(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* block, const X& xmlPr
Event e(exc);
LOG(ERROR) << exc << std::endl;
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitor(), afterExecutingContent, block);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitors(), afterExecutingContent, block);
throw e; // will be catched in microstepper
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitor(), afterExecutingContent, block);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitors(), afterExecutingContent, block);
@@ -463,18 +463,18 @@ void BasicContentExecutor::invoke(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* element) {
finalize = finalizes.front();
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK2(_callbacks->getMonitor(), beforeUninvoking, element, invokeEvent.invokeid);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK2(_callbacks->getMonitors(), beforeUninvoking, element, invokeEvent.invokeid);
_callbacks->invoke(type, source, autoForward, finalize, invokeEvent);
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK2(_callbacks->getMonitor(), afterUninvoking, element, invokeEvent.invokeid);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK2(_callbacks->getMonitors(), afterUninvoking, element, invokeEvent.invokeid);
void BasicContentExecutor::uninvoke(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoke) {
char* invokeId = (char*)invoke->getUserData(X("invokeid"));
assert(invokeId != NULL);
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK2(_callbacks->getMonitor(), beforeUninvoking, invoke, invokeId);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK2(_callbacks->getMonitors(), beforeUninvoking, invoke, invokeId);
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK2(_callbacks->getMonitor(), afterUninvoking, invoke, invokeId);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK2(_callbacks->getMonitors(), afterUninvoking, invoke, invokeId);
invoke->setUserData(X("invokeid"), NULL, NULL);
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/BasicEventQueue.cpp b/src/uscxml/interpreter/BasicEventQueue.cpp
index 7505f46..3cf4daf 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/BasicEventQueue.cpp
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/BasicEventQueue.cpp
@@ -37,24 +37,10 @@ Event BasicEventQueue::dequeue(size_t blockMs) {
if (blockMs > 0) {
// block for given milliseconds or until queue is filled
- std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> updated, now;
- std::chrono::milliseconds remain;
+ auto endTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(blockMs);
- if (blockMs > (std::chrono::system_clock::duration::max)().count()) {
- blockMs = (std::chrono::system_clock::duration::max)().count();
- }
- updated = now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
- remain = std::chrono::milliseconds(blockMs);
- while (remain.count() > 0 && _queue.empty()) {
- _cond.wait_for(_mutex, remain);
- now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
- auto elapsed = now - updated;
- remain -= std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(elapsed);
- updated = now;
+ while (_queue.empty()) {
+ _cond.wait_until(_mutex, endTime);
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/ContentExecutorImpl.h b/src/uscxml/interpreter/ContentExecutorImpl.h
index e1a7e8c..0e12aff 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/ContentExecutorImpl.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/ContentExecutorImpl.h
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public:
virtual const Event& getCurrentEvent() = 0;
/** Monitoring */
- virtual InterpreterMonitor* getMonitor() = 0;
+ virtual std::set<InterpreterMonitor*> getMonitors() = 0;
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.cpp b/src/uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.cpp
index ea43c5d..826df93 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.cpp
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.cpp
@@ -89,68 +89,66 @@ FastMicroStep::~FastMicroStep() {
-void FastMicroStep::resortStates(DOMNode* node, const X& xmlPrefix) {
- if (node->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE)
- return;
+void FastMicroStep::resortStates(DOMElement* element, const X& xmlPrefix) {
- /**
+ /**
deep histories
shallow histories
everything else
- DOMElement* element = dynamic_cast<DOMElement*>(node);
+ DOMElement* child = element->getFirstElementChild();
+ while(child) {
+ resortStates(child, xmlPrefix);
+ child = child->getNextElementSibling();
+ }
// shallow history states to top
- DOMNode* child = element->getFirstChild();
+ child = element->getFirstElementChild();
while(child) {
- resortStates(child, xmlPrefix);
- if (child->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE &&
- TAGNAME_CAST(child) == xmlPrefix.str() + "history" &&
- (!HAS_ATTR(element, "type") || iequals(ATTR(element, "type"), "shallow"))) {
+ if (TAGNAME_CAST(child) == xmlPrefix.str() + "history" &&
+ (!HAS_ATTR(element, "type") || iequals(ATTR(element, "type"), "shallow"))) {
- DOMNode* tmp = child->getNextSibling();
+ DOMElement* tmp = child->getNextElementSibling();
if (child != element->getFirstChild()) {
element->insertBefore(child, element->getFirstChild());
child = tmp;
} else {
- child = child->getNextSibling();
+ child = child->getNextElementSibling();
// deep history states to top
- child = element->getFirstChild();
+ child = element->getFirstElementChild();
while(child) {
- resortStates(child, xmlPrefix);
if (child->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE &&
TAGNAME_CAST(child) == xmlPrefix.str() + "history" &&
HAS_ATTR(element, "type") &&
iequals(ATTR(element, "type"), "deep")) {
- DOMNode* tmp = child->getNextSibling();
+ DOMElement* tmp = child->getNextElementSibling();
if (child != element->getFirstChild()) {
element->insertBefore(child, element->getFirstChild());
child = tmp;
} else {
- child = child->getNextSibling();
+ child = child->getNextElementSibling();
// initial states on top of histories even
- child = element->getFirstChild();
+ child = element->getFirstElementChild();
while(child) {
- resortStates(child, xmlPrefix);
if (child->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE && LOCALNAME_CAST(child) == "initial") {
- DOMNode* tmp = child->getNextSibling();
+ DOMElement* tmp = child->getNextElementSibling();
if (child != element->getFirstChild()) {
element->insertBefore(child, element->getFirstChild());
child = tmp;
} else {
- child = child->getNextSibling();
+ child = child->getNextElementSibling();
@@ -193,10 +191,9 @@ void FastMicroStep::init(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* scxml) {
resortStates(_scxml, _xmlPrefix);
- // TODO:
+// assert(false);
+// throw NULL;
/** -- All things states -- */
std::list<XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*> tmp;
@@ -467,7 +464,7 @@ InterpreterState FastMicroStep::step(size_t blockMs) {
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK(_callbacks->getMonitor(), beforeCompletion);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK(_callbacks->getMonitors(), beforeCompletion);
/* exit all remaining states */
@@ -498,7 +495,7 @@ InterpreterState FastMicroStep::step(size_t blockMs) {
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK(_callbacks->getMonitor(), afterCompletion);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK(_callbacks->getMonitors(), afterCompletion);
@@ -508,7 +505,7 @@ InterpreterState FastMicroStep::step(size_t blockMs) {
targetSet |= USCXML_GET_STATE(0).completion;
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK(_callbacks->getMonitor(), beforeMicroStep);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK(_callbacks->getMonitors(), beforeMicroStep);
@@ -520,7 +517,7 @@ InterpreterState FastMicroStep::step(size_t blockMs) {
if ((_event = _callbacks->dequeueInternal())) {
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitor(), beforeProcessingEvent, _event);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitors(), beforeProcessingEvent, _event);
@@ -551,13 +548,13 @@ InterpreterState FastMicroStep::step(size_t blockMs) {
// we dequeued all internal events and ought to signal stable configuration
if (!(_flags & USCXML_CTX_STABLE)) {
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK(_callbacks->getMonitor(), onStableConfiguration);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK(_callbacks->getMonitors(), onStableConfiguration);
if ((_event = _callbacks->dequeueExternal(blockMs))) {
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitor(), beforeProcessingEvent, _event);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitors(), beforeProcessingEvent, _event);
@@ -629,7 +626,7 @@ SELECT_TRANSITIONS:
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK(_callbacks->getMonitor(), beforeMicroStep);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK(_callbacks->getMonitors(), beforeMicroStep);
std::cerr << "Targets: ";
@@ -793,7 +790,7 @@ ESTABLISH_ENTRYSET:
while(i-- > 0) {
if (BIT_HAS(i, exitSet) && BIT_HAS(i, _configuration)) {
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitor(), beforeExitingState, USCXML_GET_STATE(i).element);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitors(), beforeExitingState, USCXML_GET_STATE(i).element);
/* call all on exit handlers */
for (auto exitIter = USCXML_GET_STATE(i).onExit.begin(); exitIter != USCXML_GET_STATE(i).onExit.end(); exitIter++) {
@@ -805,7 +802,7 @@ ESTABLISH_ENTRYSET:
BIT_CLEAR(i, _configuration);
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitor(), afterExitingState, USCXML_GET_STATE(i).element);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitors(), afterExitingState, USCXML_GET_STATE(i).element);
@@ -814,7 +811,7 @@ ESTABLISH_ENTRYSET:
i = transSet.find_first();
while(i != boost::dynamic_bitset<>::npos) {
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitor(), beforeTakingTransition, USCXML_GET_TRANS(i).element);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitors(), beforeTakingTransition, USCXML_GET_TRANS(i).element);
if (USCXML_GET_TRANS(i).onTrans != NULL) {
@@ -826,7 +823,7 @@ ESTABLISH_ENTRYSET:
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitor(), afterTakingTransition, USCXML_GET_TRANS(i).element);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitors(), afterTakingTransition, USCXML_GET_TRANS(i).element);
i = transSet.find_next(i);
@@ -856,7 +853,7 @@ ESTABLISH_ENTRYSET:
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitor(), beforeEnteringState, USCXML_GET_STATE(i).element);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitors(), beforeEnteringState, USCXML_GET_STATE(i).element);
BIT_SET_AT(i, _configuration);
@@ -877,7 +874,7 @@ ESTABLISH_ENTRYSET:
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitor(), afterEnteringState, USCXML_GET_STATE(i).element);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitors(), afterEnteringState, USCXML_GET_STATE(i).element);
/* take history and initial transitions */
for (j = 0; j < USCXML_NUMBER_TRANS; j++) {
@@ -885,7 +882,7 @@ ESTABLISH_ENTRYSET:
USCXML_GET_STATE(USCXML_GET_TRANS(j).source).parent == i) {
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitor(), beforeTakingTransition, USCXML_GET_TRANS(j).element);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitors(), beforeTakingTransition, USCXML_GET_TRANS(j).element);
/* call executable content in transition */
if (USCXML_GET_TRANS(j).onTrans != NULL) {
@@ -896,7 +893,7 @@ ESTABLISH_ENTRYSET:
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitor(), afterTakingTransition, USCXML_GET_TRANS(j).element);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitors(), afterTakingTransition, USCXML_GET_TRANS(j).element);
@@ -941,15 +938,17 @@ ESTABLISH_ENTRYSET:
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK(_callbacks->getMonitor(), afterMicroStep);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK(_callbacks->getMonitors(), afterMicroStep);
// are we running in circles?
if (_microstepConfigurations.find(_configuration) != _microstepConfigurations.end()) {
- USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitor(),
+ InterpreterIssue issue("Reentering same configuration during microstep - possible endless loop",
+ InterpreterIssue::USCXML_ISSUE_WARNING);
+ USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitors(),
- InterpreterIssue("Reentering same configuration during microstep - possible endless loop",
- InterpreterIssue::USCXML_ISSUE_WARNING));
+ issue);
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.h b/src/uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.h
index a3cdf9c..dd58480 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.h
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ protected:
std::list<XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*> getHistoryCompletion(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
- void resortStates(XERCESC_NS::DOMNode* node, const X& xmlPrefix);
+ void resortStates(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* node, const X& xmlPrefix);
bool conflictsCached(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* t1, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* t2, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* root); ///< overrides implementation Predicates::conflicts for speed
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.cpp b/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.cpp
index 0547f12..5cbae3c 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.cpp
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.cpp
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ void InterpreterImpl::addInstance(std::shared_ptr<InterpreterImpl> interpreterIm
_instances[interpreterImpl->getSessionId()] = interpreterImpl;
-InterpreterImpl::InterpreterImpl() : _isInitialized(false), _document(NULL), _scxml(NULL), _state(USCXML_INSTANTIATED), _monitor(NULL) {
+InterpreterImpl::InterpreterImpl() : _isInitialized(false), _document(NULL), _scxml(NULL), _state(USCXML_INSTANTIATED) {
try {
} catch (const XERCESC_NS::XMLException& toCatch) {
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.h b/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.h
index be33306..6d047ec 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.h
@@ -97,10 +97,14 @@ public:
return _microStepper.getConfiguration();
- void setMonitor(InterpreterMonitor* monitor) {
- _monitor = monitor;
+ void addMonitor(InterpreterMonitor* monitor) {
+ _monitors.insert(monitor);
+ void removeMonitor(InterpreterMonitor* monitor) {
+ _monitors.erase(monitor);
+ }
@@ -132,8 +136,8 @@ public:
- virtual InterpreterMonitor* getMonitor() {
- return _monitor;
+ virtual std::set<InterpreterMonitor*> getMonitors() {
+ return _monitors;
@@ -255,7 +259,9 @@ protected:
friend class InterpreterIssue;
friend class TransformerImpl;
friend class USCXMLInvoker;
- friend class SCXMLIOProcessor;
+ friend class SCXMLIOProcessor;
+ friend class DebugSession;
+ friend class Debugger;
X _xmlPrefix;
X _xmlNS;
@@ -280,7 +286,7 @@ protected:
std::map<std::string, IOProcessor> _ioProcs;
std::map<std::string, Invoker> _invokers;
std::set<std::string> _autoForwarders;
- InterpreterMonitor* _monitor;
+ std::set<InterpreterMonitor*> _monitors;
void setupDOM();
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterMonitor.h b/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterMonitor.h
index 8dac445..ff2e7cb 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterMonitor.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterMonitor.h
@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ catch (std::bad_weak_ptr e) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unclean shutdown " << std::endl; }
catch (...) { LOG(ERROR) << "An exception occurred when calling " #callback " on monitors"; } \
if (_state == USCXML_DESTROYED) { throw std::bad_weak_ptr(); }
-#define USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK(callback, function) \
-if (callback) { callback->function(); }
+#define USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK(callbacks, function) \
+for (auto callback : callbacks) { callback->function(NULL); }
-#define USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(callback, function, arg1) \
-if (callback) { callback->function(arg1); }
+#define USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(callbacks, function, arg1) \
+for (auto callback : callbacks) { callback->function(NULL, arg1); }
-#define USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK2(callback, function, arg1, arg2) \
-if (callback) { callback->function(arg1, arg2); }
+#define USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK2(callbacks, function, arg1, arg2) \
+for (auto callback : callbacks) { callback->function(NULL, arg1, arg2); }
// forward declare
namespace XERCESC_NS {
@@ -54,34 +54,34 @@ public:
InterpreterMonitor() : _copyToInvokers(false) {}
virtual ~InterpreterMonitor() {}
- virtual void beforeProcessingEvent(const Event& event) {}
- virtual void beforeMicroStep() {}
+ virtual void beforeProcessingEvent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const Event& event) {}
+ virtual void beforeMicroStep(InterpreterImpl* impl) {}
- virtual void beforeExitingState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {}
- virtual void afterExitingState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {}
+ virtual void beforeExitingState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {}
+ virtual void afterExitingState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {}
- virtual void beforeExecutingContent(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* execContent) {}
- virtual void afterExecutingContent(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* execContent) {}
+ virtual void beforeExecutingContent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* execContent) {}
+ virtual void afterExecutingContent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* execContent) {}
- virtual void beforeUninvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {}
- virtual void afterUninvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {}
+ virtual void beforeUninvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {}
+ virtual void afterUninvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {}
- virtual void beforeTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {}
- virtual void afterTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {}
+ virtual void beforeTakingTransition(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {}
+ virtual void afterTakingTransition(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {}
- virtual void beforeEnteringState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {}
- virtual void afterEnteringState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {}
+ virtual void beforeEnteringState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {}
+ virtual void afterEnteringState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {}
- virtual void beforeInvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {}
- virtual void afterInvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {}
+ virtual void beforeInvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {}
+ virtual void afterInvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {}
- virtual void afterMicroStep() {}
- virtual void onStableConfiguration() {}
+ virtual void afterMicroStep(InterpreterImpl* impl) {}
+ virtual void onStableConfiguration(InterpreterImpl* impl) {}
- virtual void beforeCompletion() {}
- virtual void afterCompletion() {}
+ virtual void beforeCompletion(InterpreterImpl* impl) {}
+ virtual void afterCompletion(InterpreterImpl* impl) {}
- virtual void reportIssue(const InterpreterIssue& issue) {}
+ virtual void reportIssue(InterpreterImpl* impl, const InterpreterIssue& issue) {}
void copyToInvokers(bool copy) {
_copyToInvokers = copy;
@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ public:
StateTransitionMonitor() {}
virtual ~StateTransitionMonitor() {}
- virtual void beforeTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition);
- virtual void beforeExecutingContent(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* element);
- virtual void onStableConfiguration();
- virtual void beforeProcessingEvent(const uscxml::Event& event);
- virtual void beforeExitingState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
- virtual void beforeEnteringState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
- virtual void beforeMicroStep();
+ virtual void beforeTakingTransition(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition);
+ virtual void beforeExecutingContent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* element);
+ virtual void onStableConfiguration(InterpreterImpl* impl);
+ virtual void beforeProcessingEvent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const uscxml::Event& event);
+ virtual void beforeExitingState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
+ virtual void beforeEnteringState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
+ virtual void beforeMicroStep(InterpreterImpl* impl);
static std::recursive_mutex _mutex;
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/MicroStepImpl.h b/src/uscxml/interpreter/MicroStepImpl.h
index be9d974..cb4aec6 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/MicroStepImpl.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/MicroStepImpl.h
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "uscxml/config.h"
#include <list>
+#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
@@ -33,6 +34,8 @@
namespace uscxml {
+class InterpreterMonitor;
* @ingroup microstep
* @ingroup callback
@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ public:
virtual void uninvoke(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoke) = 0;
/** Monitoring */
- virtual InterpreterMonitor* getMonitor() = 0;
+ virtual std::set<InterpreterMonitor*> getMonitors() = 0;
diff --git a/src/uscxml/util/BlockingQueue.h b/src/uscxml/util/BlockingQueue.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f0ab2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uscxml/util/BlockingQueue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2013 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include "uscxml/Common.h"
+#include <list>
+#include <condition_variable>
+namespace uscxml {
+template <class T>
+class BlockingQueue {
+ BlockingQueue() {}
+ virtual ~BlockingQueue() {
+ }
+ virtual void push(const T& elem) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ _queue.push_back(elem);
+ _cond.notify_all();
+ }
+ virtual void push_front(const T& elem) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ _queue.push_front(elem);
+ _cond.notify_all();
+ }
+ virtual T pop() {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
+// std::cout << "Popping from " << this << std::endl;
+ while (_queue.empty()) {
+ _cond.wait(_mutex);
+ }
+ T ret = _queue.front();
+ _queue.pop_front();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ virtual void clear() {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ _queue.clear();
+ }
+ virtual bool isEmpty() {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ return _queue.empty();
+ }
+ std::mutex _mutex;
+ std::condition_variable_any _cond;
+ std::list<T> _queue;
+#endif /* end of include guard: BLOCKINGQUEUE_H_4LEVMY0N */
diff --git a/src/uscxml/util/DOM.h b/src/uscxml/util/DOM.h
index 0b35f40..86fa813 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/util/DOM.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/util/DOM.h
@@ -127,17 +127,20 @@ class USCXML_API X {
public :
X(X const &other) {
_localForm = other._localForm;
_unicodeForm = XERCESC_NS::XMLString::replicate(other._unicodeForm);
_deallocOther = true;
void operator=(X const &other) { // did we maybe leak before?
_localForm = other._localForm;
_unicodeForm = XERCESC_NS::XMLString::replicate(other._unicodeForm);
_deallocOther = true;
X(const XMLCh* const toTranscode) {
if (toTranscode != NULL) {
// Call the private transcoding method
char* tmp = XERCESC_NS::XMLString::transcode(toTranscode);
@@ -149,6 +152,7 @@ public :
X(const std::string& fromTranscode) {
// Call the private transcoding method
_localForm = fromTranscode;
_unicodeForm = XERCESC_NS::XMLString::transcode(fromTranscode.c_str());
@@ -156,6 +160,7 @@ public :
X(const char* const fromTranscode) {
// Call the private transcoding method
_localForm = fromTranscode;
_unicodeForm = XERCESC_NS::XMLString::transcode(fromTranscode);
@@ -163,22 +168,25 @@ public :
X(char* fromTranscode) {
- // Call the private transcoding method
+ // Call the private transcoding method
_localForm = fromTranscode;
_unicodeForm = XERCESC_NS::XMLString::transcode(fromTranscode);
_deallocOther = true;
X() {
_unicodeForm = NULL;
_deallocOther = false;
~X() {
if (_deallocOther)
const std::string& str() const {
return _localForm;
@@ -195,7 +203,7 @@ public :
operator std::string () {
return _localForm;
friend USCXML_API std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const X& data);
@@ -277,6 +285,32 @@ private:
+#if 0
+static const X kElementScxmlName = X("scxml");
+static const X kElementStateName = X("state");
+static const X kElementParallelName = X("parallel");
+static const X kElementTransitionName = X("transition");
+static const X kElementInitialName = X("initial");
+static const X kElementFinalName = X("final");
+static const X kElementOnEntryName = X("onentry");
+static const X kElementOnExitName = X("onexit");
+static const X kElementHistoryName = X("history");
+static const X kElementRaiseName = X("raise");
+static const X kElementIfName = X("if");
+static const X kElementElseIfName = X("elseif");
+static const X kElementElseName = X("else");
+static const X kElementForEachName = X("foreach");
+static const X kElementLogName = X("log");
+static const X kElementDataModelName = X("datamodel");
+static const X kElementDataName = X("data");
+static const X kElementAssignName = X("assign");
+static const X kElementContentName = X("content");
+static const X kElementParamName = X("param");
+static const X kElementScriptName = X("script");
USCXML_API std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const X& xmlString);
USCXML_API std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const XERCESC_NS::DOMNode& node);
diff --git a/test/issues/test-issue87.scxml.todo b/test/issues/test-issue87.scxml.todo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55f0b60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/issues/test-issue87.scxml.todo
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+<scxml datamodel="lua" initial="Work" name="Simulator" version="1.0" xmlns="">
+ <datamodel>
+ <data id="PauseTimers">{
+ test = 'a',
+ b = 25,
+ t_test = {
+ xxx = '23',
+ zzz = 45
+ }
+ </data>
+ </datamodel>
+ <final id="Pass"/>
+ <final id="Fail"/>
+ <state id="Work" initial="Init">
+ <onentry>
+ <log expr="'Hello from work'"/>
+ </onentry>
+ <transition event="error.*" target="Fail"/>
+ <transition event="quit" target="Pass"/>
+ <state id="Init">
+ <onentry>
+ <log expr="'Hello from init'"/>
+ </onentry>
+ <transition event="StartExercise" target="Training"/>
+ </state>
+ <parallel id="Training">
+ <transition event="StopExercise" target="Init"/>
+ <state id="APU">
+ <invoke type="scxml">
+ <content>
+ <scxml datamodel="lua" initial="StateShape1" name="ScxmlShape1" version="1.0" xmlns="">
+ <final id="Fail"/>
+ <state id="StateShape1" initial="Flash">
+ <transition event="error" target="Fail"/>
+ <transition event="StopExercise" target="Pass"/>
+ <state id="Flash">
+ <datamodel>
+ <data id="t_ApuOff">{
+ dDiff = 0,
+ dEnter = os.clock(),
+ dInterval = 2000
+ </data>
+ <data id="t_ApuOn">{
+ dDiff = 0,
+ dEnter = os.clock(),
+ dInterval = 2000
+ </data>
+ <data expr="'xxx'" id="FlashName"/>
+ </datamodel>
+ <transition event="Pause" target="OnPause"/>
+ <state id="ApuOn">
+ <onentry>
+ <send delayexpr="tostring(t_ApuOn.dInterval-t_ApuOn.dDiff)..'ms'" event="DoApuOff" id="ID_DoApuOff"/>
+ <assign expr="os.clock()" location="t_ApuOn.dEnter"/>
+ <log expr="string.format('%s=%d',FlashName,t_ApuOn.dInterval-t_ApuOn.dDiff)" label="Delay[On]"/>
+ </onentry>
+ <onexit>
+ <cancel sendid="ID_DoApuOff"/>
+ <assign expr="t_ApuOn.dDiff + (os.clock() - t_ApuOn.dEnter)*1000" location="t_ApuOn.dDiff"/>
+ <log expr="string.format('%s=%d',FlashName,t_ApuOn.dDiff)" label="Elapsed[On]"/>
+ </onexit>
+ <transition event="DoApuOff" target="ApuOff">
+ <assign location="t_ApuOn.dDiff" expr="0"/>
+ </transition>
+ </state>
+ <initial>
+ <transition target="ApuOff">
+ <assign location="t_ApuOff.dDiff" expr="0"/>
+ <assign location="t_ApuOn.dDiff" expr="0"/>
+ </transition>
+ </initial>
+ <state id="ApuOff">
+ <onentry>
+ <send delayexpr="tostring(t_ApuOff.dInterval-t_ApuOff.dDiff)..'ms'" event="DoApuOn" id="ID_DoApuOn"/>
+ <assign expr="os.clock()" location="t_ApuOff.dEnter"/>
+ <log expr="string.format('%s=%d',FlashName,t_ApuOff.dInterval-t_ApuOff.dDiff)" label="Delay[Off]"/>
+ </onentry>
+ <onexit>
+ <cancel sendid="ID_DoApuOn"/>
+ <assign expr="t_ApuOff.dDiff + (os.clock() - t_ApuOff.dEnter)*1000" location="t_ApuOff.dDiff"/>
+ <log expr="string.format('%s=%d',FlashName,t_ApuOff.dDiff)" label="Elapsed[Off]"/>
+ </onexit>
+ <transition event="DoApuOn" target="ApuOn">
+ <assign location="t_ApuOff.dDiff" expr="0"/>
+ </transition>
+ </state>
+ <history id="HistoryShape1" type="deep">
+ <transition target="ApuOff"/>
+ </history>
+ </state>
+ <state id="OnPause">
+ <transition event="Resume" target="HistoryShape1"/>
+ </state>
+ </state>
+ <final id="Pass"/>
+ </scxml>
+ </content>
+ <param expr="'APU'" name="FlashName"/>
+ </invoke>
+ </state>
+ <state id="StateShape3">
+ <state id="OnResume">
+ <transition event="Pause" target="OnPause"/>
+ </state>
+ <state id="OnPause">
+ <transition event="Resume" target="OnResume"/>
+ </state>
+ </state>
+ <state id="ENGINES">
+ <invoke type="scxml">
+ <content>
+ <scxml datamodel="lua" initial="StateShape1" name="ScxmlShape1" version="1.0" xmlns="">
+ <final id="Fail"/>
+ <state id="StateShape1" initial="Flash">
+ <transition event="error" target="Fail"/>
+ <transition event="StopExercise" target="Pass"/>
+ <state id="Flash">
+ <datamodel>
+ <data id="t_ApuOff">{
+ dDiff = 0,
+ dEnter = os.clock(),
+ dInterval = 2000
+ </data>
+ <data id="t_ApuOn">{
+ dDiff = 0,
+ dEnter = os.clock(),
+ dInterval = 2000
+ </data>
+ <data expr="'xxx'" id="FlashName"/>
+ </datamodel>
+ <transition event="Pause" target="OnPause"/>
+ <state id="ApuOn">
+ <onentry>
+ <send delayexpr="tostring(t_ApuOn.dInterval-t_ApuOn.dDiff)..'ms'" event="DoApuOff" id="ID_DoApuOff"/>
+ <assign expr="os.clock()" location="t_ApuOn.dEnter"/>
+ <log expr="string.format('%s=%d',FlashName,t_ApuOn.dInterval-t_ApuOn.dDiff)" label="Delay[On]"/>
+ </onentry>
+ <onexit>
+ <cancel sendid="ID_DoApuOff"/>
+ <assign expr="t_ApuOn.dDiff + (os.clock() - t_ApuOn.dEnter)*1000" location="t_ApuOn.dDiff"/>
+ <log expr="string.format('%s=%d',FlashName,t_ApuOn.dDiff)" label="Elapsed[On]"/>
+ </onexit>
+ <transition event="DoApuOff" target="ApuOff">
+ <assign location="t_ApuOn.dDiff" expr="0"/>
+ </transition>
+ </state>
+ <initial>
+ <transition target="ApuOff">
+ <assign location="t_ApuOff.dDiff" expr="0"/>
+ <assign location="t_ApuOn.dDiff" expr="0"/>
+ </transition>
+ </initial>
+ <state id="ApuOff">
+ <onentry>
+ <send delayexpr="tostring(t_ApuOff.dInterval-t_ApuOff.dDiff)..'ms'" event="DoApuOn" id="ID_DoApuOn"/>
+ <assign expr="os.clock()" location="t_ApuOff.dEnter"/>
+ <log expr="string.format('%s=%d',FlashName,t_ApuOff.dInterval-t_ApuOff.dDiff)" label="Delay[Off]"/>
+ </onentry>
+ <onexit>
+ <cancel sendid="ID_DoApuOn"/>
+ <assign expr="t_ApuOff.dDiff + (os.clock() - t_ApuOff.dEnter)*1000" location="t_ApuOff.dDiff"/>
+ <log expr="string.format('%s=%d',FlashName,t_ApuOff.dDiff)" label="Elapsed[Off]"/>
+ </onexit>
+ <transition event="DoApuOn" target="ApuOn">
+ <assign location="t_ApuOff.dDiff" expr="0"/>
+ </transition>
+ </state>
+ <history id="HistoryShape1" type="deep">
+ <transition target="ApuOff"/>
+ </history>
+ </state>
+ <state id="OnPause">
+ <transition event="Resume" target="HistoryShape1"/>
+ </state>
+ </state>
+ <final id="Pass"/>
+ </scxml>
+ </content>
+ <param expr="'ENGINES'" name="FlashName"/>
+ </invoke>
+ </state>
+ </parallel>
+ </state>
diff --git a/test/src/test-lifecycle.cpp b/test/src/test-lifecycle.cpp
index 14ebd94..81fc363 100644
--- a/test/src/test-lifecycle.cpp
+++ b/test/src/test-lifecycle.cpp
@@ -48,67 +48,67 @@ std::list<CallbackType> callBackSeq;
class SequenceCheckingMonitor : public InterpreterMonitor {
- virtual void beforeProcessingEvent(const Event& event) {
+ virtual void beforeProcessingEvent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const Event& event) {
- virtual void beforeMicroStep() {
+ virtual void beforeMicroStep(InterpreterImpl* impl) {
- virtual void beforeExitingState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+ virtual void beforeExitingState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
- virtual void afterExitingState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+ virtual void afterExitingState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
- virtual void beforeExecutingContent(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* element) {
+ virtual void beforeExecutingContent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* element) {
- virtual void afterExecutingContent(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* element) {
+ virtual void afterExecutingContent(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* element) {
- virtual void beforeUninvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {
+ virtual void beforeUninvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {
- virtual void afterUninvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {
+ virtual void afterUninvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {
- virtual void beforeTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
+ virtual void beforeTakingTransition(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
- virtual void afterTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
+ virtual void afterTakingTransition(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
- virtual void beforeEnteringState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+ virtual void beforeEnteringState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
- virtual void afterEnteringState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+ virtual void afterEnteringState(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
- virtual void beforeInvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {
+ virtual void beforeInvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {
- virtual void afterInvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {
+ virtual void afterInvoking(InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invokeElem, const std::string& invokeid) {
- virtual void afterMicroStep() {
+ virtual void afterMicroStep(InterpreterImpl* impl) {
- virtual void onStableConfiguration() {
+ virtual void onStableConfiguration(InterpreterImpl* impl) {
- virtual void beforeCompletion() {
+ virtual void beforeCompletion(InterpreterImpl* impl) {
- virtual void afterCompletion() {
+ virtual void afterCompletion(InterpreterImpl* impl) {
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
try {
const char* xml = "<invalid />";
Interpreter interpreter = Interpreter::fromXML(xml, "");
- interpreter.setMonitor(&mon);
+ interpreter.addMonitor(&mon);
assert(interpreter.getState() == USCXML_INSTANTIATED);
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
" <final id=\"done\" />"
Interpreter interpreter = Interpreter::fromXML(xml, "");
- interpreter.setMonitor(&mon);
+ interpreter.addMonitor(&mon);
assert(interpreter.getState() == USCXML_INSTANTIATED);
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Interpreter interpreter = Interpreter::fromXML(xml, "");
- interpreter.setMonitor(&mon);
+ interpreter.addMonitor(&mon);
callBackSeq.push_back(USCXML_BEFOREENTERINGSTATE); // scxml
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Interpreter interpreter = Interpreter::fromXML(xml, "");
- interpreter.setMonitor(&mon);
+ interpreter.addMonitor(&mon);
callBackSeq.push_back(USCXML_BEFOREENTERINGSTATE); // scxml
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Interpreter interpreter = Interpreter::fromXML(xml, "");
- interpreter.setMonitor(&mon);
+ interpreter.addMonitor(&mon);
callBackSeq.push_back(USCXML_BEFOREENTERINGSTATE); // scxml
diff --git a/test/src/test-state-pass.cpp b/test/src/test-state-pass.cpp
index ac52a0b..afda506 100644
--- a/test/src/test-state-pass.cpp
+++ b/test/src/test-state-pass.cpp
@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// interpreter.setActionLanguage(al);
StateTransitionMonitor mon;
- interpreter.setMonitor(&mon);
+ interpreter.addMonitor(&mon);
InterpreterState state = InterpreterState::USCXML_UNDEF;
while(state != USCXML_FINISHED) {
- state = interpreter.step(true);
+ state = interpreter.step();
} catch (Event e) {
diff --git a/test/src/test-stress.cpp b/test/src/test-stress.cpp
index 8bd2e4a..dc54f4e 100644
--- a/test/src/test-stress.cpp
+++ b/test/src/test-stress.cpp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ int startedAt;
int lastTransitionAt;
class StatusMonitor : public uscxml::InterpreterMonitor {
- void beforeTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
+ void beforeTakingTransition(uscxml::InterpreterImpl* impl, const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
lastTransitionAt = time(NULL);
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
LOG(INFO) << "Processing " << interpreter.getImpl()->getBaseURL();
if (interpreter) {
- interpreter.setMonitor(&vm);
+ interpreter.addMonitor(&vm);
InterpreterState state = InterpreterState::USCXML_UNDEF;
int now = time(NULL);
diff --git a/test/src/test-url.cpp b/test/src/test-url.cpp
index aa559f3..0e1d115 100644
--- a/test/src/test-url.cpp
+++ b/test/src/test-url.cpp
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// assert(foo.isAbsolute());
- HTTPServer::getInstance(8099, 8100);
+ HTTPServer::getInstance(8199, 8200);
std::string exeName = argv[0];
exeName = exeName.substr(exeName.find_last_of("\\/") + 1);
diff --git a/test/src/test-validating.cpp b/test/src/test-validating.cpp
index 840a105..c3bc693 100644
--- a/test/src/test-validating.cpp
+++ b/test/src/test-validating.cpp
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public:
IssueMonitor() {
runtimeIssues = 0;
- void reportIssue(const InterpreterIssue& issue) {
+ void reportIssue(InterpreterImpl* impl, const InterpreterIssue& issue) {
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
IssueMonitor monitor;
Interpreter interpreter = Interpreter::fromXML(xml, "");
- interpreter.setMonitor(&monitor);
+ interpreter.addMonitor(&monitor);
while(interpreter.step() > 0) {}