path: root/apps/uscxml-browser.vbs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/uscxml-browser.vbs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/apps/uscxml-browser.vbs b/apps/uscxml-browser.vbs
deleted file mode 100644
index fc8ea9a..0000000
--- a/apps/uscxml-browser.vbs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-' Description: VBScript/VBS open file dialog
-' Compatible with most Windows platforms
-' Author: wangye <pcn88 at hotmail dot com>
-' Website:
-' dir is the initial directory; if no directory is
-' specified "Desktop" is used.
-' filter is the file type filter; format "File type description|*.ext"
-Public Function GetOpenFileName(dir, filter)
- Const msoFileDialogFilePicker = 3
- If VarType(dir) <> vbString Or dir="" Then
- dir = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ).SpecialFolders( "Desktop" )
- End If
- If VarType(filter) <> vbString Or filter="" Then
- filter = "All files|*.*"
- End If
- Dim i,j, objDialog, TryObjectNames
- TryObjectNames = Array( _
- "UserAccounts.CommonDialog", _
- "MSComDlg.CommonDialog", _
- "MSComDlg.CommonDialog.1", _
- "Word.Application", _
- "SAFRCFileDlg.FileOpen", _
- "InternetExplorer.Application" _
- )
- On Error Resume Next
- Err.Clear
- For i=0 To UBound(TryObjectNames)
- Set objDialog = WSH.CreateObject(TryObjectNames(i))
- If Err.Number<>0 Then
- Err.Clear
- Else
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- Select Case i
- Case 0,1,2
- ' 0. UserAccounts.CommonDialog XP Only.
- ' 1.2. MSComDlg.CommonDialog MSCOMDLG32.OCX must registered.
- If i=0 Then
- objDialog.InitialDir = dir
- Else
- objDialog.InitDir = dir
- End If
- objDialog.Filter = filter
- If objDialog.ShowOpen Then
- GetOpenFileName = objDialog.FileName
- End If
- Case 3
- ' 3. Word.Application Microsoft Office must installed.
- objDialog.Visible = False
- Dim objOpenDialog, filtersInArray
- filtersInArray = Split(filter, "|")
- Set objOpenDialog = _
- objDialog.Application.FileDialog( _
- msoFileDialogFilePicker)
- With objOpenDialog
- .Title = "Open File(s):"
- .AllowMultiSelect = False
- .InitialFileName = dir
- .Filters.Clear
- For j=0 To UBound(filtersInArray) Step 2
- .Filters.Add filtersInArray(j), _
- filtersInArray(j+1), 1
- Next
- If .Show And .SelectedItems.Count>0 Then
- GetOpenFileName = .SelectedItems(1)
- End If
- End With
- objDialog.Visible = True
- objDialog.Quit
- Set objOpenDialog = Nothing
- Case 4
- ' 4. SAFRCFileDlg.FileOpen xp 2003 only
- ' See
- If objDialog.OpenFileOpenDlg Then
- GetOpenFileName = objDialog.FileName
- End If
- Case 5
- Dim IEVersion,IEMajorVersion, hasCompleted
- hasCompleted = False
- Dim shell
- Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- ' 下面获取IE版本
- IEVersion = shell.RegRead( _
- "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version")
- If InStr(IEVersion,".")>0 Then
- ' 获取主版本号
- IEMajorVersion = CInt(Left(IEVersion, InStr(IEVersion,".")-1))
- If IEMajorVersion>7 Then
- ' 如果版本号大于7,也就是大于IE7,则采取MSHTA方案
- ' Bypasses c:\fakepath\file.txt problem
- '
- Dim fso
- Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Dim tempFolder : Set tempFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2)
- Dim tempName : tempName = fso.GetTempName()
- Dim tempFile : Set tempFile = tempFolder.CreateTextFile(tempName & ".hta")
- Dim tempBaseName
- tempBaseName = tempFolder & "\" & tempName
- tempFile.Write _
- "<html>" & _
- " <head>" & _
- " <title>Browse</title>" & _
- " </head>" & _
- " <body>" & _
- " <input type='file' id='f'>" & _
- " <script type='text/javascript'>" & _
- " var f = document.getElementById('f');" & _
- ";" & _
- " var fso = new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject');" & _
- " var file = fso.OpenTextFile('" & _
- Replace(tempBaseName,"\", "\\") & ".txt" & "', 2, true);" & _
- " file.Write(f.value);" & _
- " file.Close();" & _
- " window.close();" & _
- " </script>" & _
- " </body>" & _
- "</html>"
- tempFile.Close
- Set tempFile = Nothing
- Set tempFolder = Nothing
- shell.Run tempBaseName & ".hta", 1, True
- Set tempFile = fso.OpenTextFile(tempBaseName & ".txt", 1)
- GetOpenFileName = tempFile.ReadLine
- tempFile.Close
- fso.DeleteFile tempBaseName & ".hta"
- fso.DeleteFile tempBaseName & ".txt"
- Set tempFile = Nothing
- Set fso = Nothing
- hasCompleted = True ' 标记为已完成
- End If
- End If
- If Not hasCompleted Then
- ' 5. InternetExplorer.Application IE must installed
- objDialog.Navigate "about:blank"
- Dim objBody, objFileDialog
- Set objBody = _
- objDialog.document.getElementsByTagName("body")(0)
- objBody.innerHTML = "<input type='file' id='fileDialog'>"
- while objDialog.Busy Or objDialog.ReadyState <> 4
- WScript.sleep 10
- Wend
- Set objFileDialog = objDialog.document.all.fileDialog
- GetOpenFileName = objFileDialog.value
- End If
- objDialog.Quit
- Set objFileDialog = Nothing
- Set objBody = Nothing
- Set shell = Nothing
- Case Else
- ' Sorry I cannot do that!
- End Select
- Set objDialog = Nothing
-End Function
-scxmlFile = GetOpenFileName(CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("MyDocuments"), "All Files|*.*|SCXML Files|*.scxml")
-if scxmlFile <> "" then
- set wshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- set objFs = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- wshShell.CurrentDirectory = objFs.GetParentFolderName(Wscript.ScriptFullName)
-' WScript.Echo scxmlFile
- wshShell.Run("mmi-browser.exe """ & scxmlFile & """")
-end if \ No newline at end of file