path: root/contrib/dom/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/dom/scripts/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1154 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/dom/scripts/ b/contrib/dom/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 64004d0..0000000
--- a/contrib/dom/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1154 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
-# Copyright (C) 2006 Anders Carlsson <>
-# Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig <>
-# Copyright (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov <>
-# Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
-# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012 Google Inc.
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Cameron McCormack <>
-# Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
-# Copyright (C) 2012 Ericsson AB. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (C) 2013 Stefan Radomski <>
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Library General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
-# along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-package CodeGeneratorArabicaJSC;
-use strict;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Carp qw/longmess cluck confess/;
-use constant FileNamePrefix => "JSC";
-my $codeGenerator;
-my @headerContent = ();
-my @implContentHeader = ();
-my @implContent = ();
-my @implContentDecls = ();
-my %implIncludes = ();
-my %headerIncludes = ();
-# Default .h template
-my $headerTemplate = << 'EOF';
- * @file
- * @author This file has been generated by DO NOT MODIFY!
- * @copyright Simplified BSD
- *
- * @cond
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
- * project.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
- * program. If not, see <>.
- * @endcond
- */
-# Default constructor
-sub new
- my $object = shift;
- my $reference = { };
- $codeGenerator = shift;
- bless($reference, $object);
- return $reference;
-sub GenerateInterface
- my $object = shift;
- my $interface = shift;
- # Start actual generation
- if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"Callback"}) {
- die();
- $object->GenerateCallbackHeader($interface);
- $object->GenerateCallbackImplementation($interface);
- } else {
- $object->GenerateHeader($interface);
- $object->GenerateImplementation($interface);
- }
-sub AddToImplIncludes
- my $header = shift;
- my $conditional = shift;
- if ($header eq "JSCbool.h") {
- confess();
- }
- if (not $conditional) {
- $implIncludes{$header} = 1;
- } elsif (not exists($implIncludes{$header})) {
- $implIncludes{$header} = $conditional;
- } else {
- my $oldValue = $implIncludes{$header};
- if ($oldValue ne 1) {
- my %newValue = ();
- $newValue{$conditional} = 1;
- foreach my $condition (split(/\|/, $oldValue)) {
- $newValue{$condition} = 1;
- }
- $implIncludes{$header} = join("|", sort keys %newValue);
- }
- }
-sub GenerateHeader
- my $object = shift;
- my $interface = shift;
- my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
- my $extensions = $interface->extendedAttributes;
-# print Dumper($interface);
- # Copy contents of parent interfaces except the first parent.
- my @parents;
- $codeGenerator->AddMethodsConstantsAndAttributesFromParentInterfaces($interface, \@parents, 1);
- $codeGenerator->LinkOverloadedFunctions($interface);
- # - Add default header template
- push(@headerContent, GenerateHeaderContentHeader($interface));
- $headerIncludes{"uscxml/plugins/datamodel/ecmascript/JavaScriptCore/JSCDOM.h"} = 1;
- $headerIncludes{"DOM/Node.hpp"} = 1;
- $headerIncludes{"JavaScriptCore/JavaScriptCore.h"} = 1;
- if ($interfaceName =~ /.*Array$/ or $interfaceName =~ /^ArrayBuffer.*/) {
- $headerIncludes{"../../TypedArray.h"} = 1;
- }
- foreach (@{$interface->parents}) {
- my $parent = $_;
- $headerIncludes{"JSC${parent}.h"} = 1;
- }
- push(@headerContent, "#include \<string\>\n");
- foreach my $headerInclude (sort keys(%headerIncludes)) {
- if ($headerInclude =~ /wtf|JavaScriptCore\/JavaScriptCore\.h/) {
- push(@headerContent, "#include \<${headerInclude}\>\n");
- } else {
- push(@headerContent, "#include \"${headerInclude}\"\n");
- }
- }
- push(@headerContent, "");
- push(@headerContent, "\nnamespace Arabica {");
- push(@headerContent, "\nnamespace DOM {\n");
- push(@headerContent, "\nclass JSC${interfaceName} {");
- push(@headerContent, "\npublic:");
- my $wrapperType = IdlToWrapperType($interfaceName);
- push(@headerContent, <<END);
- struct JSC${interfaceName}Private {
- JSCDOM* dom;
- ${wrapperType}* nativeObj;
- };
- if ($extensions->{'DontDestroyWrapped'}) {
- push(@headerContent, "\n JSC_DESTRUCTOR_KEEP_WRAPPED(JSC${interfaceName}Private);");
- } else {
- push(@headerContent, "\n JSC_DESTRUCTOR(JSC${interfaceName}Private);");
- }
- push(@headerContent, "\n");
- # callbacks for actual functions
- my %generated;
- foreach my $function (@{$interface->functions}) {
- my $name = $function->signature->name;
- my $attrExt = $function->signature->extendedAttributes;
- my $custom = ($attrExt->{'Custom'} ? "Custom" : "");
- next if (exists $generated{"${name}${custom}Callback"});
- push(@headerContent, "\n static JSValueRef ${name}${custom}Callback(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObj, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef* arguments, JSValueRef* exception);");
- $generated{"${name}${custom}Callback"} = 1;
- }
- push(@headerContent, "\n");
- if ($extensions->{'Constructors'}) {
- push(@headerContent, "\n static JSObjectRef jsConstructor(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef constructor, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef* exception);");
- }
- # attribute getter and setters
- foreach my $attribute (@{$interface->attributes}) {
- my $name = $attribute->signature->name;
- my $attrExt = $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes;
- my $customGetter = ($attrExt->{'CustomGetter'} ? "Custom" : "");
- my $customSetter = ($attrExt->{'CustomSetter'} ? "Custom" : "");
- push(@headerContent, "\n static JSValueRef ${name}${customGetter}AttrGetter(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef thisObj, JSStringRef propertyName, JSValueRef* exception);");
- if (!IsReadonly($attribute)) {
- push(@headerContent, "\n static bool ${name}${customSetter}AttrSetter(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef thisObj, JSStringRef propertyName, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef* exception);");
- }
- }
- # const getters
- foreach my $constant (@{$interface->constants}) {
- my $name = $constant->name;
- my $value = $constant->value;
- my $getter = "${name}ConstGetter";
- push(@headerContent, "\n static JSValueRef ${getter}(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef thisObj, JSStringRef propertyName, JSValueRef* exception);");
- }
- if ($extensions->{'CustomIndexedGetter'}) {
- push(@headerContent, "\n static bool hasPropertyCustomCallback(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef propertyName);");
- push(@headerContent, "\n static JSValueRef getPropertyCustomCallback(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef propertyName, JSValueRef* exception);");
- }
- if ($extensions->{'CustomIndexedSetter'}) {
- push(@headerContent, "\n static bool setPropertyCustomCallback(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef propertyName, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef* exception);");
- }
- push(@headerContent, "\n");
- push(@headerContent, <<END);
- static JSStaticValue staticValues[];
- static JSStaticFunction staticFunctions[];
- static JSClassRef Tmpl;
- static JSClassRef getTmpl() {
- if (Tmpl == NULL) {
- JSClassDefinition classDef = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty;
- classDef.staticValues = staticValues;
- classDef.staticFunctions = staticFunctions;
- classDef.finalize = jsDestructor;
- push(@headerContent, " classDef.className = \"${interfaceName}\";\n");
- if ($extensions->{'CustomIndexedGetter'}) {
- push(@headerContent, " classDef.hasProperty = hasPropertyCustomCallback;\n");
- push(@headerContent, " classDef.getProperty = getPropertyCustomCallback;\n");
- }
- if ($extensions->{'CustomIndexedSetter'}) {
- push(@headerContent, " classDef.setProperty = setPropertyCustomCallback;\n");
- }
- if ($extensions->{'Constructors'}) {
- push(@headerContent, " classDef.callAsConstructor = jsConstructor;\n");
- }
- if (@{$interface->parents}) {
- my $parent = @{$interface->parents}[0];
- push(@headerContent, " classDef.parentClass = JSC${parent}::getTmpl();\n");
- }
- push(@headerContent, <<END);
- Tmpl = JSClassCreate(&classDef);
- JSClassRetain(Tmpl);
- }
- return Tmpl;
- }
- push(@headerContent, "\n};\n\n}\n}\n\n");
- push(@headerContent, "#endif // JSC${interfaceName}" . "_h\n");
-# Write class template prototype constructor
-sub GenerateClassDefStatics
- my $interface = shift;
- my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
- my $extensions = $interface->extendedAttributes;
- push(@implContent, "\nJSStaticValue JSC${interfaceName}::staticValues[] = {");
- foreach my $attribute (@{$interface->attributes}) {
- my $name = $attribute->signature->name;
- my $attrExt = $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes;
- my $customGetter = ($attrExt->{'CustomGetter'} ? "Custom" : "");
- my $customSetter = ($attrExt->{'CustomSetter'} ? "Custom" : "");
- my $getter = "${name}${customGetter}AttrGetter";
- my $setter = (IsReadonly($attribute) ? "0" : "${name}${customSetter}AttrSetter");
- my $flags = "kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete";
- $flags .= " | kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly" if (IsReadonly($attribute));
- push(@implContent, "\n { \"${name}\", ${getter}, ${setter}, ${flags} },");
- }
- push(@implContent, "\n");
- foreach my $constant (@{$interface->constants}) {
- my $name = $constant->name;
- my $value = $constant->value;
- my $getter = "${name}ConstGetter";
- my $flags = "kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete | kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly";
- push(@implContent, "\n { \"${name}\", ${getter}, 0, ${flags} },");
- }
- push(@implContent, "\n { 0, 0, 0, 0 }");
- push(@implContent, "\n};\n");
- push(@implContent, "\nJSStaticFunction JSC${interfaceName}::staticFunctions[] = {");
- my %generated;
- foreach my $function (@{$interface->functions}) {
- my $name = $function->signature->name;
- my $attrExt = $function->signature->extendedAttributes;
- my $custom = ($attrExt->{'Custom'} ? "Custom" : "");
- my $callback = ${name}.${custom}."Callback";
- my $flags = "kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete";
- next if (exists $generated{"${name}"});
- $generated{"${name}"} = 1;
- push(@implContent, "\n { \"${name}\", ${callback}, ${flags} },");
- }
- push(@implContent, "\n { 0, 0, 0 }");
- push(@implContent, "\n};\n");
-sub GenerateImplementationAttributes
- my $interface = shift;
- my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
- my $extensions = $interface->extendedAttributes;
- # Generate property accessors for attributes.
- for (my $index = 0; $index < @{$interface->attributes}; $index++) {
- my $attribute = @{$interface->attributes}[$index];
- my $attrType = $attribute->signature->type;
- my $attrName = $attribute->signature->name;
- my $attrExt = $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes;
- my $wrapperRetType = IdlToWrapperType($attrType);
- my $wrapperType = IdlToWrapperType($interfaceName);
- my $wrapperGetter;
- if ($attrExt->{'AttributeIsPublic'} || $extensions->{'AttributesArePublic'}) {
- $wrapperGetter = $attrName;
- } else {
- $wrapperGetter = IdlToWrapperAttrGetter($interface, $attribute)."()";
- }
- # getter
- if (!$attrExt->{'CustomGetter'}) {
- push(@implContent, <<END);
- JSValueRef JSC${interfaceName}::${attrName}AttrGetter(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef propertyName, JSValueRef *exception) {
- struct JSC${interfaceName}Private* privData = (struct JSC${interfaceName}Private*)JSObjectGetPrivate(object);
- if (IsWrapperType($attrType)) {
- AddToImplIncludes("JSC".$attrType.".h");
- push(@implContent, "\n ".GenerateConditionalUndefReturn($interface, $attribute, "privData->nativeObj->${wrapperGetter}"));
- push(@implContent, <<END);
- ${wrapperRetType}* arabicaRet = new ${wrapperRetType}(privData->nativeObj->${wrapperGetter});
- JSClassRef arbaicaRetClass = JSC${attrType}::getTmpl();
- struct JSC${attrType}::JSC${attrType}Private* retPrivData = new JSC${attrType}::JSC${attrType}Private();
- retPrivData->dom = privData->dom;
- retPrivData->nativeObj = arabicaRet;
- JSObjectRef arbaicaRetObj = JSObjectMake(ctx, arbaicaRetClass, retPrivData);
- return arbaicaRetObj;
- } else {
- my $JSCType = IdlToJSCType($attrType);
- if ($JSCType eq "String") {
- if ($attrExt->{'EmptyAsNull'}) {
- push(@implContent, "\n if (privData->nativeObj->${wrapperGetter}.length() == 0)");
- push(@implContent, "\n return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx);");
- }
- push(@implContent, <<END);
- JSStringRef stringRef = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(privData->nativeObj->${wrapperGetter}.c_str());
- JSValueRef retVal = JSValueMakeString(ctx, stringRef);
- JSStringRelease(stringRef);
- return retVal;
- } elsif($JSCType eq "Number") {
- push(@implContent, "\n return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, privData->nativeObj->${wrapperGetter});\n");
- } elsif($JSCType eq "Boolean") {
- push(@implContent, "\n return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, privData->nativeObj->${wrapperGetter});\n");
- }
- }
- push(@implContent, " }\n\n");
- }
- if (!$attrExt->{'CustomSetter'}) {
- # setter
- if (!IsReadonly($attribute)) {
- push(@implContent, "\n bool JSC${interfaceName}::${attrName}AttrSetter(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef thisObj, JSStringRef propertyName, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef* exception) {");
- push(@implContent, "\n struct JSC${interfaceName}Private* privData = (struct JSC${interfaceName}Private*)JSObjectGetPrivate(thisObj);\n");
- my $wrapperSetter = IdlToWrapperAttrSetter($attrName);
- my ($handle, $deref) = IdlToArgHandle($attribute->signature->type, "local".ucfirst($attribute->signature->name), "value");
- push(@implContent, "\n $handle");
- push(@implContent, "\n privData->nativeObj->${wrapperSetter}(${deref});");
- push(@implContent, "\n return true;");
- push(@implContent, "\n }\n");
- }
- }
- }
- foreach my $constant (@{$interface->constants}) {
- my $name = $constant->name;
- my $value = $constant->value;
- my $getter = "${name}ConstGetter";
- push(@implContent, " JSValueRef JSC${interfaceName}::${getter}(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef thisObj, JSStringRef propertyName, JSValueRef *exception) {");
- my $JSCType = IdlToJSCType($constant->type);
- if ($JSCType eq "String") {
- push(@implContent,
- "\n JSStringRef jscString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(" . $constant->value . ");".
- "\n JSValueRef retVal = JSValueMakeString(ctx, jscString);".
- "\n JSStringRelease(jscString);".
- "\n return retVal;\n");
- } elsif($JSCType eq "Number") {
- push(@implContent, "\n return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, " . $constant->value . ");\n");
- } elsif($JSCType eq "Boolean") {
- push(@implContent, "\n return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, " . $constant->value . ");\n");
- }
- push(@implContent, <<END);
- }
- }
-sub GenerateConditionalUndefReturn
- my $interface = shift;
- my $attribute = shift;
- my $getterExpression = shift;
- return "" if ($attribute->signature->type eq "NamedNodeMap");
- return "" if ($attribute->signature->type eq "NodeList");
- return "if (!$getterExpression) return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx);";
-sub GenerateConstructor
- my $interface = shift;
- my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
- my $extensions = $interface->extendedAttributes;
- my $wrapperType = IdlToWrapperType($interfaceName);
- if ($extensions->{'Constructors'}) {
- push(@implContent, <<END);
-JSObjectRef JSC${interfaceName}::jsConstructor(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef constructor, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef* exception) {
- ${wrapperType}* localInstance = NULL;
- # dispatch the actual constructor
- push(@implContent, "\n if (false) {\n}");
- my @variants;
- foreach my $fullCons (@{$extensions->{'Constructors'}}) {
- push (@variants, $fullCons);
- for (my $i = @{$fullCons}; $i > 0; $i--) {
- my $variant = @{$fullCons}[$i];
- if ($variant->{'domSignature::isOptional'}) {
- my $slice;
- for (my $j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) {
- push(@{$slice}, @{$fullCons}[$j]);
- }
- push (@variants, $slice);
- }
- }
- # sort to put most determinate signatures first
- @variants = sort {
- if (@{$b} != @{$a}) {
- # more arguments are more determinant
- @{$b} <=> @{$a};
- } else {
- my @aWrap = grep(IsWrapperType($_->{'domSignature::type'}), @{$a});
- my @bWrap = grep(IsWrapperType($_->{'domSignature::type'}), @{$b});
- @bWrap <=> @aWrap;
- }
- } @variants;
- }
- foreach my $constructor (@variants) {
- push(@implContent, " else if (argumentCount == " . @{$constructor});
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$constructor}; $i++) {
- my $type = $constructor->[$i]->{'domSignature::type'};
- AddToImplIncludes("JSC".$type.".h") if (IsWrapperType($type));
- push(@implContent, " &&\n " . IdlToTypeChecker($type, "arguments[$i]"));
- }
- push(@implContent, ") {\n");
- my $constructorArgs;
- my $constructorSep = "";
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$constructor}; $i++) {
- my $type = $constructor->[$i]->{'domSignature::type'};
- my $name = $constructor->[$i]->{'domSignature::name'};
- my ($handle, $deref) = IdlToArgHandle($type, "local".ucfirst($name), "arguments[$i]", $interfaceName);
- $constructorArgs .= ${constructorSep}.${deref};
- $constructorSep = ", ";
- push(@implContent, "\n $handle");
- }
- push(@implContent, "\n localInstance = new ".IdlToWrapperType($interfaceName)."(${constructorArgs});");
- push(@implContent, "\n\n }");
- }
- push(@implContent, "\n");
- push(@implContent, <<END);
- if (!localInstance) {
- JSStringRef exceptionString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("Parameter mismatch while calling constructor for ${interfaceName}");
- *exception = JSValueMakeString(ctx, exceptionString);
- JSStringRelease(exceptionString);
- return (JSObjectRef)JSValueMakeNull(ctx);
- }
- JSClassRef retClass = JSC${interfaceName}::getTmpl();
- struct JSC${interfaceName}::JSC${interfaceName}Private* retPrivData = new JSC${interfaceName}::JSC${interfaceName}Private();
- retPrivData->nativeObj = localInstance;
- JSObjectRef retObj = JSObjectMake(ctx, retClass, retPrivData);
- return retObj;
- }
- }
-sub IdlToTypeChecker
- my $idlType = shift;
- my $attr = shift;
- return "JSValueIsString(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "DOMString");
- return "JSValueIsBoolean(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "boolean");
- return "JSValueIsNumber(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "short");
- return "JSValueIsNumber(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "long");
- return "JSValueIsObject(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "long[]");
- return "JSValueIsNumber(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "unsigned short");
- return "JSValueIsNumber(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "unsigned long");
- return "JSValueIsNumber(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "byte");
- return "JSValueIsNumber(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "octet");
- return "JSValueIsNumber(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "double");
- return "JSValueIsObject(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "double[]");
- return "JSValueIsNumber(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "float");
- return "JSValueIsObject(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "float[]");
- return "JSValueIsObject(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "short[]");
- return "JSValueIsObject(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "unsigned short[]");
- return "JSValueIsObject(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "unsigned long[]");
- return "JSValueIsObject(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "byte[]");
- return "JSValueIsObject(ctx, ${attr})" if ($idlType eq "octet[]");
- return "true" if ($idlType eq "any");
- return "JSValueIsObject(ctx, ${attr}) && JSValueIsObjectOfClass(ctx, ${attr}, JSC${idlType}::getTmpl())" if (IsWrapperType($idlType));
- print $idlType."\n";
- die();
-sub GenerateImplementationFunctionCallbacks
- my $interface = shift;
- my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
- my $wrapperType = IdlToWrapperType($interfaceName);
- # Generate methods for functions.
- my %generated;
- foreach my $function (@{$interface->functions}) {
- my $name = $function->signature->name;
- my $attrExt = $function->signature->extendedAttributes;
- my $retType = $function->signature->type;
- my $wrapperRetType = IdlToWrapperType($retType);
- next if ($attrExt->{'Custom'});
- next if (exists $generated{"${name}Callback"});
- $generated{"${name}Callback"} = 1;
- # get all functions with this name
- my @sameFunctions = grep($_->signature->name eq $name, @{$interface->functions});
- # signature
- push(@implContent, <<END);
- JSValueRef JSC${interfaceName}::${name}Callback(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObj, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef* arguments, JSValueRef* exception) {
- # arguments count and type checking
- # push(@implContent, GenerateArgumentsCountCheck($function, $interface));
- # my $argCheckExpr = GenerateArgumentsTypeCheck($function, $interface);
- # get this
- push(@implContent, "\n struct JSC${interfaceName}Private* privData = (struct JSC${interfaceName}Private*)JSObjectGetPrivate(thisObj);\n");
- # establish all variants
- my @variants;
- foreach my $functionVar (@sameFunctions) {
- push (@variants, $functionVar->parameters);
- for (my $i = @{$functionVar->parameters}; $i > 0; $i--) {
- my $variant = @{$functionVar->parameters}[$i];
- if ($variant->{'domSignature::isOptional'}) {
- my $slice;
- for (my $j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) {
- push(@{$slice}, @{$functionVar->parameters}[$j]);
- }
- push (@variants, $slice);
- }
- }
- }
- # arguments to local handles
- push(@implContent, "\n if (false) {");
- # sort to put most determinate signatures first
- @variants = sort {
- if (@{$b} != @{$a}) {
- # more arguments are more determinant
- @{$b} <=> @{$a};
- } else {
- my @aWrap = grep(IsWrapperType($_->{'domSignature::type'}), @{$a});
- my @bWrap = grep(IsWrapperType($_->{'domSignature::type'}), @{$b});
- @bWrap <=> @aWrap;
- }
- } @variants;
- foreach my $variant (@variants) {
- my $parameterIndex = 0;
- my @argList;
- push(@implContent, "\n } else if (argumentCount == " . @{$variant});
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$variant}; $i++) {
- my $type = $variant->[$i]->{'domSignature::type'};
- push(@implContent, " &&\n " . IdlToTypeChecker($type, "arguments[$i]"));
- }
- push(@implContent, ")\n {");
- foreach my $parameter (@{$variant}) {
- my $type = $parameter->type;
- AddToImplIncludes("JSC".$type.".h") if (IsWrapperType($type));
- my ($handle, $deref) = IdlToArgHandle($parameter->type, "local".ucfirst($parameter->name), "arguments[${parameterIndex}]");
- push(@implContent, "\n ${handle}");
-# push(@implContent, "\n if (exception)\n return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx);");
- push(@argList, $deref);
- $parameterIndex++;
- }
- # invoke native function with argument handles
- my $retNativeType = IdlToNativeType($retType);
- my $wrapperFunctionName = IdlToWrapperFunction($interface, $function);
- if (IsWrapperType($retType)) {
- push(@implContent, "\n\n ${retNativeType}* retVal = new $wrapperRetType(privData->nativeObj->${wrapperFunctionName}(" . join(", ", @argList) . "));\n");
- } elsif ($retNativeType eq "void") {
- push(@implContent, "\n\n privData->nativeObj->${wrapperFunctionName}(" . join(", ", @argList) . ");\n");
- } else {
- push(@implContent, "\n\n ${retNativeType} retVal = privData->nativeObj->${wrapperFunctionName}(" . join(", ", @argList) . ");\n");
- }
- # wrap return type if needed
- if (IsWrapperType($retType)) {
- AddToImplIncludes("JSC".$retType.".h");
- push(@implContent, <<END);
- JSClassRef retClass = JSC${retType}::getTmpl();
- struct JSC${retType}::JSC${retType}Private* retPrivData = new JSC${retType}::JSC${retType}Private();
- retPrivData->dom = privData->dom;
- retPrivData->nativeObj = retVal;
- JSObjectRef retObj = JSObjectMake(ctx, retClass, retPrivData);
- return retObj;
- } else {
- my $toHandleString = NativeToHandle($retNativeType, "retVal", "jscRetVal");
- push(@implContent, "${toHandleString}\n return jscRetVal;");
- }
- }
- push(@implContent, <<END);
- }
- JSStringRef exceptionString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("Parameter mismatch while calling ${name}");
- *exception = JSValueMakeString(ctx, exceptionString);
- JSStringRelease(exceptionString);
- return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx);
- }
- }
-sub GenerateImplementation
- my $object = shift;
- my $interface = shift;
- my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
- my $visibleInterfaceName = $codeGenerator->GetVisibleInterfaceName($interface);
- my $JSCInterfaceName = "JSC$interfaceName";
- my $wrapperType = IdlToWrapperType($interfaceName);
- AddToImplIncludes("JSC${interfaceName}.h");
- # Find the super descriptor.
- my $parentClass = "";
- my $parentClassTemplate = "";
- foreach (@{$interface->parents}) {
- my $parent = $_;
- AddToImplIncludes("JSC${parent}.h");
- $parentClass = "JSC" . $parent;
- last;
- }
- push(@implContent, "namespace Arabica {\n");
- push(@implContent, "namespace DOM {\n\n");
- push(@implContent, "JSClassRef JSC${interfaceName}::Tmpl;\n");
- GenerateClassDefStatics($interface);
- if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{'Constructors'}) {
- GenerateConstructor($interface);
- }
- GenerateImplementationAttributes($interface);
- GenerateImplementationFunctionCallbacks($interface);
- push(@implContent, <<END);
- # We've already added the header for this file in implContentHeader, so remove
- # it from implIncludes to ensure we don't #include it twice.
-# delete $implIncludes{"${JSCInterfaceName}.h"};
-sub WriteData
- my $object = shift;
- my $interface = shift;
- my $outputDir = shift;
- my $outputHeadersDir = shift;
- my $name = $interface->name;
- my $prefix = FileNamePrefix;
- my $headerFileName = "$outputHeadersDir/$prefix$name.h";
- my $implFileName = "$outputDir/$prefix$name.cpp";
- # print "WriteData\n";
- # print Dumper($interface);
- # exit();
- # Update a .cpp file if the contents are changed.
- my $contents = $headerTemplate;
- $contents .= join "", @implContentHeader;
- my @includes = ();
- my %implIncludeConditions = ();
- foreach my $include (keys %implIncludes) {
- my $condition = $implIncludes{$include};
- my $checkType = $include;
- $checkType =~ s/\.h//;
- next if $codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($checkType);
- if ($include =~ /wtf/) {
- $include = "\<$include\>";
- } else {
- $include = "\"$include\"";
- }
- if ($condition eq 1) {
- push @includes, $include;
- } else {
- push @{$implIncludeConditions{$condition}}, $include;
- }
- }
- foreach my $include (sort @includes) {
- $contents .= "#include $include\n";
- }
- foreach my $condition (sort keys %implIncludeConditions) {
- $contents .= "\n#if " . $codeGenerator->GenerateConditionalStringFromAttributeValue($condition) . "\n";
- foreach my $include (sort @{$implIncludeConditions{$condition}}) {
- $contents .= "#include $include\n";
- }
- $contents .= "#endif\n";
- }
- $contents .= "\n";
- $contents .= join "", @implContentDecls, @implContent;
- $codeGenerator->UpdateFile($implFileName, $contents);
- %implIncludes = ();
- @implContentHeader = ();
- @implContentDecls = ();
- @implContent = ();
- # Update a .h file if the contents are changed.
- $contents = join "", @headerContent;
- $codeGenerator->UpdateFile($headerFileName, $contents);
- @headerContent = ();
-sub IdlToJSCType
- my $idlType = shift;
- return "Number" if ($idlType eq "unsigned short");
- return "Number" if ($idlType eq "short");
- return "Number" if ($idlType eq "unsigned long");
- return "Number" if ($idlType eq "long");
- return "String" if ($idlType eq "DOMString");
- return "Boolean" if ($idlType eq "boolean");
- return "Number" if ($idlType eq "double");
- die($idlType);
-sub IdlToNativeType
- my $idlType = shift;
- return IdlToWrapperType($idlType) if (IsWrapperType($idlType));
- return "std::string" if ($idlType eq "DOMString");
- return "bool" if ($idlType eq "boolean");
- return "short" if ($idlType eq "short");
- return "long" if ($idlType eq "long");
- return "unsigned short" if ($idlType eq "unsigned short");
- return "unsigned long" if ($idlType eq "unsigned long");
- return "void" if ($idlType eq "void");
- return "char" if ($idlType eq "byte");
- return "unsigned char" if ($idlType eq "octet");
- return "double" if ($idlType eq "double");
- return "float" if ($idlType eq "float");
- die(${idlType});
-sub NativeToHandle
- my $nativeType = shift;
- my $nativeName = shift;
- my $paramName = shift;
- return ("\n JSValueRef ${paramName} = JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, ${nativeName});") if ($nativeType eq "bool");
- return ("\n JSValueRef ${paramName} = JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, ${nativeName});") if ($nativeType eq "double");
- return ("\n JSValueRef ${paramName} = JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, ${nativeName});") if ($nativeType eq "float");
- return ("\n JSValueRef ${paramName} = JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, ${nativeName});") if ($nativeType eq "short");
- return ("\n JSValueRef ${paramName} = JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, ${nativeName});") if ($nativeType eq "char");
- return ("\n JSValueRef ${paramName} = JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, ${nativeName});") if ($nativeType eq "unsigned char");
- return ("\n JSValueRef ${paramName} = JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, ${nativeName});") if ($nativeType eq "unsigned short");
- return ("\n JSValueRef ${paramName} = JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, ${nativeName});") if ($nativeType eq "unsigned long");
- return ("\n JSValueRef ${paramName} = JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, ${nativeName});") if ($nativeType eq "long");
- return ("\n JSValueRef ${paramName} = JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx);") if ($nativeType eq "void");
- return (
- "\n JSStringRef jscString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(${nativeName}.c_str());".
- "\n JSValueRef ${paramName} = JSValueMakeString(ctx, jscString);".
- "\n JSStringRelease(jscString);"
- ) if ($nativeType eq "std::string");
- die($nativeType);
-sub IdlToWrapperType
- my $idlType = shift;
- return "Arabica::XPath::XPathValue<std::string>" if ($idlType eq "XPathResult");
- return "Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string>" if ($idlType eq "NodeSet");
- return "Arabica::DOM::Node<std::string>" if ($idlType eq "Node");
- return "Arabica::DOM::Element<std::string>" if ($idlType eq "Element");
- return "uscxml::Event" if ($idlType eq "SCXMLEvent");
- return "uscxml::Storage" if ($idlType eq "Storage");
- return "uscxml::ArrayBuffer" if ($idlType eq "ArrayBuffer");
- return "uscxml::ArrayBufferView" if ($idlType eq "ArrayBufferView");
- return "uscxml::Int8Array" if ($idlType eq "Int8Array");
- return "uscxml::Uint8Array" if ($idlType eq "Uint8Array");
- return "uscxml::Uint8ClampedArray" if ($idlType eq "Uint8ClampedArray");
- return "uscxml::Int16Array" if ($idlType eq "Int16Array");
- return "uscxml::Uint16Array" if ($idlType eq "Uint16Array");
- return "uscxml::Int32Array" if ($idlType eq "Int32Array");
- return "uscxml::Uint32Array" if ($idlType eq "Uint32Array");
- return "uscxml::Float32Array" if ($idlType eq "Float32Array");
- return "uscxml::Float64Array" if ($idlType eq "Float64Array");
- return "uscxml::DataView" if ($idlType eq "DataView");
- return "Arabica::DOM::${idlType}<std::string>";
-sub IdlToArgHandle
- my $type = shift;
- my $localName = shift;
- my $paramName = shift;
- if ($type eq "DOMString") {
- return (
- "JSStringRef stringRef${localName} = JSValueToStringCopy(ctx, ${paramName}, exception);\n" .
- "\t\tsize_t ${localName}MaxSize = JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize(stringRef${localName});\n" .
- "\t\tchar* ${localName}Buffer = new char[${localName}MaxSize];\n" .
- "\t\tJSStringGetUTF8CString(stringRef${localName}, ${localName}Buffer, ${localName}MaxSize);\n" .
- "\t\tstd::string ${localName}(${localName}Buffer);\n" .
- "\t\tJSStringRelease(stringRef${localName});\n" .
- "\t\tfree(${localName}Buffer);\n",
- "${localName}") ;
- }
- return ("unsigned long ${localName} = (unsigned long)JSValueToNumber(ctx, ${paramName}, exception);", ${localName}) if ($type eq "unsigned long");
- return ("long ${localName} = (long)JSValueToNumber(ctx, ${paramName}, exception);", ${localName}) if ($type eq "long");
- return ("unsigned short ${localName} = (unsigned short)JSValueToNumber(ctx, ${paramName}, exception);", ${localName}) if ($type eq "unsigned short");
- return ("float ${localName} = (float)JSValueToNumber(ctx, ${paramName}, exception);", ${localName}) if ($type eq "float");
- return ("double ${localName} = (double)JSValueToNumber(ctx, ${paramName}, exception);", ${localName}) if ($type eq "double");
- return ("short ${localName} = (short)JSValueToNumber(ctx, ${paramName}, exception);", ${localName}) if ($type eq "short");
- return ("char ${localName} = (char)JSValueToNumber(ctx, ${paramName}, exception);", ${localName}) if ($type eq "byte");
- return ("unsigned char ${localName} = (unsigned char)JSValueToNumber(ctx, ${paramName}, exception);", ${localName}) if ($type eq "octet");
- return ("bool ${localName} = JSValueToBoolean(ctx, ${paramName});", ${localName}) if ($type eq "boolean");
- return ("void* ${localName} = JSObjectGetPrivate(JSValueToObject(ctx, ${paramName}, exception));", ${localName}) if ($type eq "any");
- if ($type =~ /(.*)\[\]$/) {
- my $nativeType = $1;
- $nativeType = "char" if ($nativeType =~ /^byte$/);
- $nativeType = "unsigned char" if ($nativeType =~ /^octet$/);
- return ("\
- std::vector<${nativeType}> ${localName};\n\
- JSValueRef ${localName}Item;
- unsigned int ${localName}Index = 0;
- while((${localName}Item = JSObjectGetPropertyAtIndex(ctx, JSValueToObject(ctx, ${paramName}, exception), ${localName}Index, exception))) {\
- if (JSValueIsUndefined(ctx, ${localName}Item))\
- break;\
- if (JSValueIsNumber(ctx,${localName}Item))\
- ${localName}.push_back(JSValueToNumber(ctx, ${localName}Item, exception));\
- ${localName}Index++;\
- }", "${localName}");
- }
- # return ("std::vector<float> ${localName};\nv8::Handle<v8::Array> ${localName}Array(v8::Array::Cast(*args[0]));\nfor (int i = 0; i < ${localName}Array->Length(); i++) {\n ${localName}.push_back(${localName}Array->Get(i)->ToNumber()->Value());\n}", "${localName}") if ($type eq "float[]");
- # return ("std::vector<double> ${localName};\nv8::Handle<v8::Array> ${localName}Array(v8::Array::Cast(*args[0]));\nfor (int i = 0; i < ${localName}Array->Length(); i++) {\n ${localName}.push_back(${localName}Array->Get(i)->ToNumber()->Value());\n}", "${localName}") if ($type eq "double[]");
- # return ("std::vector<char> ${localName};\nv8::Handle<v8::Array> ${localName}Array(v8::Array::Cast(*args[0]));\nfor (int i = 0; i < ${localName}Array->Length(); i++) {\n ${localName}.push_back(${localName}Array->Get(i)->ToInt32()->Value());\n}", "${localName}") if ($type eq "byte[]");
- # return ("std::vector<short> ${localName};\nv8::Handle<v8::Array> ${localName}Array(v8::Array::Cast(*args[0]));\nfor (int i = 0; i < ${localName}Array->Length(); i++) {\n ${localName}.push_back(${localName}Array->Get(i)->ToInt32()->Value());\n}", "${localName}") if ($type eq "short[]");
- # return ("std::vector<unsigned short> ${localName};\nv8::Handle<v8::Array> ${localName}Array(v8::Array::Cast(*args[0]));\nfor (int i = 0; i < ${localName}Array->Length(); i++) {\n ${localName}.push_back(${localName}Array->Get(i)->ToUint32()->Value());\n}", "${localName}") if ($type eq "unsigned short[]");
- # return ("std::vector<unsigned long> ${localName};\nv8::Handle<v8::Array> ${localName}Array(v8::Array::Cast(*args[0]));\nfor (int i = 0; i < ${localName}Array->Length(); i++) {\n ${localName}.push_back(${localName}Array->Get(i)->ToUint32()->Value());\n}", "${localName}") if ($type eq "unsigned long[]");
- # return ("std::vector<unsigned char> ${localName};\nv8::Handle<v8::Array> ${localName}Array(v8::Array::Cast(*args[0]));\nfor (int i = 0; i < ${localName}Array->Length(); i++) {\n ${localName}.push_back(${localName}Array->Get(i)->ToUint32()->Value());\n}", "${localName}") if ($type eq "octet[]");
- if (IsWrapperType($type)) {
- my $wrapperType = IdlToWrapperType($type);
- if ($wrapperType =~ /^Arabica.*/) {
- return ("${wrapperType}* ${localName} = ((struct JSC${type}::JSC${type}Private*)JSObjectGetPrivate(JSValueToObject(ctx, ${paramName}, exception)))->nativeObj;", "*${localName}");
- } else {
- return ("${wrapperType}* ${localName} = ((struct JSC${type}::JSC${type}Private*)JSObjectGetPrivate(JSValueToObject(ctx, ${paramName}, exception)))->nativeObj;", "${localName}");
- }
- }
- print $type."\n";
- die();
-sub IdlToWrapperAttrGetter
- my $interface = shift;
- my $attribute = shift;
- return $attribute->signature->name if ($interface->name eq "NodeSet" && $attribute->signature->name eq "size");
- return $attribute->signature->name if ($interface->name eq "NodeSet" && $attribute->signature->name eq "empty");
- return "asString" if ($interface->name eq "XPathResult" && $attribute->signature->name eq "stringValue");
- return "asBool" if ($interface->name eq "XPathResult" && $attribute->signature->name eq "booleanValue");
- return "asNumber" if ($interface->name eq "XPathResult" && $attribute->signature->name eq "numberValue");
- return "get" . ucfirst($attribute->signature->name);
-sub IdlToWrapperFunction
- my $interface = shift;
- my $function = shift;
- # if ($interface->name eq "NodeSet" && $function->signature->name eq "toDocumentOrder") {
- # print Dumper($interface);
- # print Dumper($function);
- # }
- return "to_document_order" if ($interface->name eq "NodeSet" && $function->signature->name eq "toDocumentOrder");
- return $function->signature->name;
-sub IdlToWrapperAttrSetter
- my $idlAttr = shift;
- return "set" . ucfirst($idlAttr);
-sub IsReadonly
- my $attribute = shift;
- my $attrExt = $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes;
- return ($attribute->type =~ /readonly/ || $attrExt->{"JSCReadOnly"}) && !$attrExt->{"Replaceable"};
-sub GenerateArgumentsCountCheck
- my $function = shift;
- my $interface = shift;
- my $numMandatoryParams = 0;
- my $allowNonOptional = 1;
- foreach my $param (@{$function->parameters}) {
- if ($param->extendedAttributes->{"Optional"} or $param->isVariadic) {
- $allowNonOptional = 0;
- } else {
- die "An argument must not be declared to be optional unless all subsequent arguments to the operation are also optional." if !$allowNonOptional;
- $numMandatoryParams++;
- }
- }
- my $argumentsCountCheckString = "";
- if ($numMandatoryParams >= 1) {
- $argumentsCountCheckString .=
-" if (argumentCount < $numMandatoryParams) {\n".
-" std::string errorMsg = \"Wrong number of arguments in " . $function->signature->name . "\";\n" .
-" JSStringRef string = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(errorMsg.c_str());\n".
-" JSValueRef exceptionString =JSValueMakeString(ctx, string);\n".
-" JSStringRelease(string);\n".
-" *exception = JSValueToObject(ctx, exceptionString, NULL);\n".
-" return NULL;\n".
-" }\n";
- }
- return $argumentsCountCheckString;
-sub GenerateArgumentsTypeCheck
- my $function = shift;
- my $interface = shift;
- my @andExpression = ();
- my $parameterIndex = 0;
- foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
- my $value = "arguments[$parameterIndex]";
- my $type = $parameter->type;
- # Only DOMString or wrapper types are checked.
- # For DOMString with StrictTypeChecking only Null, Undefined and Object
- # are accepted for compatibility. Otherwise, no restrictions are made to
- # match the non-overloaded behavior.
- # FIXME: Implement WebIDL overload resolution algorithm.
- if ($codeGenerator->IsStringType($type)) {
- if ($parameter->extendedAttributes->{"StrictTypeChecking"}) {
- push(@andExpression, "(${value}->IsNull() || ${value}->IsUndefined() || ${value}->IsString() || ${value}->IsObject())");
- }
- } elsif ($parameter->extendedAttributes->{"Callback"}) {
- # For Callbacks only checks if the value is null or object.
- push(@andExpression, "(${value}->IsNull() || ${value}->IsFunction())");
- } elsif ($codeGenerator->IsArrayType($type) || $codeGenerator->GetSequenceType($type)) {
- if ($parameter->isNullable) {
- push(@andExpression, "(${value}->IsNull() || ${value}->IsArray())");
- } else {
- push(@andExpression, "(${value}->IsArray())");
- }
- } elsif (IsWrapperType($type)) {
- if ($parameter->isNullable) {
- push(@andExpression, "(${value}->IsNull() || JSC${type}::hasInstance($value))");
- } else {
- push(@andExpression, "(JSC${type}::hasInstance($value))");
- }
- }
- $parameterIndex++;
- }
- my $res = join(" && ", @andExpression);
- $res = "($res)" if @andExpression > 1;
- return $res;
-my %non_wrapper_types = (
- 'CompareHow' => 1,
- 'DOMObject' => 1,
- 'DOMString' => 1,
- 'DOMString[]' => 1,
- 'DOMTimeStamp' => 1,
- 'Date' => 1,
- 'Dictionary' => 1,
- 'EventListener' => 1,
- # FIXME: When EventTarget is an interface and not a mixin, fix this so that
- # EventTarget is treated as a wrapper type.
- 'EventTarget' => 1,
- 'IDBKey' => 1,
- 'JSObject' => 1,
- 'MediaQueryListListener' => 1,
- 'NodeFilter' => 1,
- 'SerializedScriptValue' => 1,
- 'any' => 1,
- 'boolean' => 1,
- 'double' => 1,
- 'float' => 1,
- 'int' => 1,
- 'long long' => 1,
- 'long' => 1,
- 'long[]' => 1,
- 'short' => 1,
- 'short[]' => 1,
- 'void' => 1,
- 'byte' => 1,
- 'octet' => 1,
- 'char' => 1,
- 'float[]' => 1,
- 'byte[]' => 1,
- 'float' => 1,
- 'double[]' => 1,
- 'double' => 1,
- 'unsigned int' => 1,
- 'unsigned long long' => 1,
- 'unsigned long' => 1,
- 'unsigned long[]' => 1,
- 'unsigned short' => 1,
- 'unsigned short[]' => 1,
- 'octet[]' => 1
-sub IsWrapperType
- my $type = shift;
- return !($non_wrapper_types{$type});
-sub GenerateHeaderContentHeader
- my $interface = shift;
- my $JSCInterfaceName = "JSC" . $interface->name;
- my $conditionalString = $codeGenerator->GenerateConditionalString($interface);
- my @headerContentHeader = split("\r", $headerTemplate);
- push(@headerContentHeader, "\n#if ${conditionalString}\n") if $conditionalString;
- push(@headerContentHeader, "\n#ifndef ${JSCInterfaceName}" . "_h");
- push(@headerContentHeader, "\n#define ${JSCInterfaceName}" . "_h\n\n");
- return @headerContentHeader;