path: root/src/uscxml/plugins/datamodel/c89/parser/c89.output
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/uscxml/plugins/datamodel/c89/parser/c89.output')
1 files changed, 6137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/uscxml/plugins/datamodel/c89/parser/c89.output b/src/uscxml/plugins/datamodel/c89/parser/c89.output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a83648b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uscxml/plugins/datamodel/c89/parser/c89.output
@@ -0,0 +1,6137 @@
+State 333 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
+ 0 $accept: translation_unit $end
+ 1 primary_expression: IDENTIFIER
+ 4 | '(' expression ')'
+ 5 postfix_expression: primary_expression
+ 6 | postfix_expression '[' expression ']'
+ 7 | postfix_expression '(' ')'
+ 8 | postfix_expression '(' argument_expression_list ')'
+ 9 | postfix_expression '.' IDENTIFIER
+ 10 | postfix_expression PTR_OP IDENTIFIER
+ 11 | postfix_expression INC_OP
+ 12 | postfix_expression DEC_OP
+ 13 argument_expression_list: assignment_expression
+ 14 | argument_expression_list ',' assignment_expression
+ 15 unary_expression: postfix_expression
+ 16 | INC_OP unary_expression
+ 17 | DEC_OP unary_expression
+ 18 | unary_operator cast_expression
+ 19 | SIZEOF unary_expression
+ 20 | SIZEOF '(' type_name ')'
+ 21 unary_operator: '&'
+ 22 | '*'
+ 23 | '+'
+ 24 | '-'
+ 25 | '~'
+ 26 | '!'
+ 27 cast_expression: unary_expression
+ 28 | '(' type_name ')' cast_expression
+ 29 multiplicative_expression: cast_expression
+ 30 | multiplicative_expression '*' cast_expression
+ 31 | multiplicative_expression '/' cast_expression
+ 32 | multiplicative_expression '%' cast_expression
+ 33 additive_expression: multiplicative_expression
+ 34 | additive_expression '+' multiplicative_expression
+ 35 | additive_expression '-' multiplicative_expression
+ 36 shift_expression: additive_expression
+ 37 | shift_expression LEFT_OP additive_expression
+ 38 | shift_expression RIGHT_OP additive_expression
+ 39 relational_expression: shift_expression
+ 40 | relational_expression '<' shift_expression
+ 41 | relational_expression '>' shift_expression
+ 42 | relational_expression LE_OP shift_expression
+ 43 | relational_expression GE_OP shift_expression
+ 44 equality_expression: relational_expression
+ 45 | equality_expression EQ_OP relational_expression
+ 46 | equality_expression NE_OP relational_expression
+ 47 and_expression: equality_expression
+ 48 | and_expression '&' equality_expression
+ 49 exclusive_or_expression: and_expression
+ 50 | exclusive_or_expression '^' and_expression
+ 51 inclusive_or_expression: exclusive_or_expression
+ 52 | inclusive_or_expression '|' exclusive_or_expression
+ 53 logical_and_expression: inclusive_or_expression
+ 54 | logical_and_expression AND_OP inclusive_or_expression
+ 55 logical_or_expression: logical_and_expression
+ 56 | logical_or_expression OR_OP logical_and_expression
+ 57 conditional_expression: logical_or_expression
+ 58 | logical_or_expression '?' expression ':' conditional_expression
+ 59 assignment_expression: conditional_expression
+ 60 | unary_expression assignment_operator assignment_expression
+ 61 assignment_operator: '='
+ 71 | OR_ASSIGN
+ 72 expression: assignment_expression
+ 73 | expression ',' assignment_expression
+ 74 constant_expression: conditional_expression
+ 75 declaration: declaration_specifiers ';'
+ 76 | declaration_specifiers init_declarator_list ';'
+ 77 declaration_specifiers: storage_class_specifier
+ 78 | storage_class_specifier declaration_specifiers
+ 79 | type_specifier
+ 80 | type_specifier declaration_specifiers
+ 81 | type_qualifier
+ 82 | type_qualifier declaration_specifiers
+ 83 init_declarator_list: init_declarator
+ 84 | init_declarator_list ',' init_declarator
+ 85 init_declarator: declarator
+ 86 | declarator '=' initializer
+ 87 storage_class_specifier: TYPEDEF
+ 88 | EXTERN
+ 89 | STATIC
+ 90 | AUTO
+ 92 type_specifier: VOID
+ 93 | CHAR
+ 94 | SHORT
+ 95 | INT
+ 96 | LONG
+ 97 | FLOAT
+ 98 | DOUBLE
+ 99 | SIGNED
+ 100 | UNSIGNED
+ 101 | struct_or_union_specifier
+ 102 | enum_specifier
+ 103 | TYPE_NAME
+ 104 struct_or_union_specifier: struct_or_union IDENTIFIER '{' struct_declaration_list '}'
+ 105 | struct_or_union '{' struct_declaration_list '}'
+ 106 | struct_or_union IDENTIFIER
+ 107 struct_or_union: STRUCT
+ 108 | UNION
+ 109 struct_declaration_list: struct_declaration
+ 110 | struct_declaration_list struct_declaration
+ 111 struct_declaration: specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list ';'
+ 112 specifier_qualifier_list: type_specifier specifier_qualifier_list
+ 113 | type_specifier
+ 114 | type_qualifier specifier_qualifier_list
+ 115 | type_qualifier
+ 116 struct_declarator_list: struct_declarator
+ 117 | struct_declarator_list ',' struct_declarator
+ 118 struct_declarator: declarator
+ 119 | ':' constant_expression
+ 120 | declarator ':' constant_expression
+ 121 enum_specifier: ENUM '{' enumerator_list '}'
+ 122 | ENUM IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list '}'
+ 124 enumerator_list: enumerator
+ 125 | enumerator_list ',' enumerator
+ 126 enumerator: IDENTIFIER
+ 127 | IDENTIFIER '=' constant_expression
+ 128 type_qualifier: CONST
+ 129 | VOLATILE
+ 130 declarator: pointer direct_declarator
+ 131 | direct_declarator
+ 132 direct_declarator: IDENTIFIER
+ 133 | '(' declarator ')'
+ 134 | direct_declarator '[' constant_expression ']'
+ 135 | direct_declarator '[' ']'
+ 136 | direct_declarator '(' parameter_type_list ')'
+ 137 | direct_declarator '(' identifier_list ')'
+ 138 | direct_declarator '(' ')'
+ 139 pointer: '*'
+ 140 | '*' type_qualifier_list
+ 141 | '*' pointer
+ 142 | '*' type_qualifier_list pointer
+ 143 type_qualifier_list: type_qualifier
+ 144 | type_qualifier_list type_qualifier
+ 145 parameter_type_list: parameter_list
+ 146 | parameter_list ',' ELLIPSIS
+ 147 parameter_list: parameter_declaration
+ 148 | parameter_list ',' parameter_declaration
+ 149 parameter_declaration: declaration_specifiers declarator
+ 150 | declaration_specifiers abstract_declarator
+ 151 | declaration_specifiers
+ 152 identifier_list: IDENTIFIER
+ 153 | identifier_list ',' IDENTIFIER
+ 154 type_name: specifier_qualifier_list
+ 155 | specifier_qualifier_list abstract_declarator
+ 156 abstract_declarator: pointer
+ 157 | direct_abstract_declarator
+ 158 | pointer direct_abstract_declarator
+ 159 direct_abstract_declarator: '(' abstract_declarator ')'
+ 160 | '[' ']'
+ 161 | '[' constant_expression ']'
+ 162 | direct_abstract_declarator '[' ']'
+ 163 | direct_abstract_declarator '[' constant_expression ']'
+ 164 | '(' ')'
+ 165 | '(' parameter_type_list ')'
+ 166 | direct_abstract_declarator '(' ')'
+ 167 | direct_abstract_declarator '(' parameter_type_list ')'
+ 168 initializer: assignment_expression
+ 169 | '{' initializer_list '}'
+ 170 | '{' initializer_list ',' '}'
+ 171 initializer_list: initializer
+ 172 | initializer_list ',' initializer
+ 173 statement: labeled_statement
+ 174 | compound_statement
+ 175 | expression_statement
+ 176 | selection_statement
+ 177 | iteration_statement
+ 178 | jump_statement
+ 179 labeled_statement: IDENTIFIER ':' statement
+ 180 | CASE constant_expression ':' statement
+ 181 | DEFAULT ':' statement
+ 182 compound_statement: '{' '}'
+ 183 | '{' statement_list '}'
+ 184 | '{' declaration_list '}'
+ 185 | '{' declaration_list statement_list '}'
+ 186 declaration_list: declaration
+ 187 | declaration_list declaration
+ 188 statement_list: statement
+ 189 | statement_list statement
+ 190 expression_statement: ';'
+ 191 | expression ';'
+ 192 selection_statement: IF '(' expression ')' statement
+ 193 | IF '(' expression ')' statement ELSE statement
+ 194 | SWITCH '(' expression ')' statement
+ 195 iteration_statement: WHILE '(' expression ')' statement
+ 196 | DO statement WHILE '(' expression ')' ';'
+ 197 | FOR '(' expression_statement expression_statement ')' statement
+ 198 | FOR '(' expression_statement expression_statement expression ')' statement
+ 199 jump_statement: GOTO IDENTIFIER ';'
+ 200 | CONTINUE ';'
+ 201 | BREAK ';'
+ 202 | RETURN ';'
+ 203 | RETURN expression ';'
+ 204 translation_unit: external_declaration
+ 205 | translation_unit external_declaration
+ 206 external_declaration: function_definition
+ 207 | declaration
+ 208 function_definition: declaration_specifiers declarator declaration_list compound_statement
+ 209 | declaration_specifiers declarator compound_statement
+ 210 | declarator declaration_list compound_statement
+ 211 | declarator compound_statement
+Terminals, with rules where they appear
+$end (0) 0
+'!' (33) 26
+'%' (37) 32
+'&' (38) 21 48
+'(' (40) 4 7 8 20 28 133 136 137 138 159 164 165 166 167 192 193 194
+ 195 196 197 198
+')' (41) 4 7 8 20 28 133 136 137 138 159 164 165 166 167 192 193 194
+ 195 196 197 198
+'*' (42) 22 30 139 140 141 142
+'+' (43) 23 34
+',' (44) 14 73 84 117 125 146 148 153 170 172
+'-' (45) 24 35
+'.' (46) 9
+'/' (47) 31
+':' (58) 58 119 120 179 180 181
+';' (59) 75 76 111 190 191 196 199 200 201 202 203
+'<' (60) 40
+'=' (61) 61 86 127
+'>' (62) 41
+'?' (63) 58
+'[' (91) 6 134 135 160 161 162 163
+']' (93) 6 134 135 160 161 162 163
+'^' (94) 50
+'{' (123) 104 105 121 122 169 170 182 183 184 185
+'|' (124) 52
+'}' (125) 104 105 121 122 169 170 182 183 184 185
+'~' (126) 25
+error (256)
+IDENTIFIER (258) 1 9 10 104 106 122 123 126 127 132 152 153 179 199
+CONSTANT (259) 2
+SIZEOF (261) 19 20
+PTR_OP (262) 10
+INC_OP (263) 11 16
+DEC_OP (264) 12 17
+LEFT_OP (265) 37
+RIGHT_OP (266) 38
+LE_OP (267) 42
+GE_OP (268) 43
+EQ_OP (269) 45
+NE_OP (270) 46
+AND_OP (271) 54
+OR_OP (272) 56
+MUL_ASSIGN (273) 62
+DIV_ASSIGN (274) 63
+MOD_ASSIGN (275) 64
+ADD_ASSIGN (276) 65
+SUB_ASSIGN (277) 66
+LEFT_ASSIGN (278) 67
+RIGHT_ASSIGN (279) 68
+AND_ASSIGN (280) 69
+XOR_ASSIGN (281) 70
+OR_ASSIGN (282) 71
+TYPE_NAME (283) 103
+TYPEDEF (284) 87
+EXTERN (285) 88
+STATIC (286) 89
+AUTO (287) 90
+REGISTER (288) 91
+CHAR (289) 93
+SHORT (290) 94
+INT (291) 95
+LONG (292) 96
+SIGNED (293) 99
+UNSIGNED (294) 100
+FLOAT (295) 97
+DOUBLE (296) 98
+CONST (297) 128
+VOLATILE (298) 129
+VOID (299) 92
+STRUCT (300) 107
+UNION (301) 108
+ENUM (302) 121 122 123
+ELLIPSIS (303) 146
+CASE (304) 180
+DEFAULT (305) 181
+IF (306) 192 193
+ELSE (307) 193
+SWITCH (308) 194
+WHILE (309) 195 196
+DO (310) 196
+FOR (311) 197 198
+GOTO (312) 199
+CONTINUE (313) 200
+BREAK (314) 201
+RETURN (315) 202 203
+Nonterminals, with rules where they appear
+$accept (85)
+ on left: 0
+primary_expression (86)
+ on left: 1 2 3 4, on right: 5
+postfix_expression (87)
+ on left: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12, on right: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15
+argument_expression_list (88)
+ on left: 13 14, on right: 8 14
+unary_expression (89)
+ on left: 15 16 17 18 19 20, on right: 16 17 19 27 60
+unary_operator (90)
+ on left: 21 22 23 24 25 26, on right: 18
+cast_expression (91)
+ on left: 27 28, on right: 18 28 29 30 31 32
+multiplicative_expression (92)
+ on left: 29 30 31 32, on right: 30 31 32 33 34 35
+additive_expression (93)
+ on left: 33 34 35, on right: 34 35 36 37 38
+shift_expression (94)
+ on left: 36 37 38, on right: 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
+relational_expression (95)
+ on left: 39 40 41 42 43, on right: 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
+equality_expression (96)
+ on left: 44 45 46, on right: 45 46 47 48
+and_expression (97)
+ on left: 47 48, on right: 48 49 50
+exclusive_or_expression (98)
+ on left: 49 50, on right: 50 51 52
+inclusive_or_expression (99)
+ on left: 51 52, on right: 52 53 54
+logical_and_expression (100)
+ on left: 53 54, on right: 54 55 56
+logical_or_expression (101)
+ on left: 55 56, on right: 56 57 58
+conditional_expression (102)
+ on left: 57 58, on right: 58 59 74
+assignment_expression (103)
+ on left: 59 60, on right: 13 14 60 72 73 168
+assignment_operator (104)
+ on left: 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71, on right: 60
+expression (105)
+ on left: 72 73, on right: 4 6 58 73 191 192 193 194 195 196 198
+ 203
+constant_expression (106)
+ on left: 74, on right: 119 120 127 134 161 163 180
+declaration (107)
+ on left: 75 76, on right: 186 187 207
+declaration_specifiers (108)
+ on left: 77 78 79 80 81 82, on right: 75 76 78 80 82 149 150 151
+ 208 209
+init_declarator_list (109)
+ on left: 83 84, on right: 76 84
+init_declarator (110)
+ on left: 85 86, on right: 83 84
+storage_class_specifier (111)
+ on left: 87 88 89 90 91, on right: 77 78
+type_specifier (112)
+ on left: 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103, on right: 79
+ 80 112 113
+struct_or_union_specifier (113)
+ on left: 104 105 106, on right: 101
+struct_or_union (114)
+ on left: 107 108, on right: 104 105 106
+struct_declaration_list (115)
+ on left: 109 110, on right: 104 105 110
+struct_declaration (116)
+ on left: 111, on right: 109 110
+specifier_qualifier_list (117)
+ on left: 112 113 114 115, on right: 111 112 114 154 155
+struct_declarator_list (118)
+ on left: 116 117, on right: 111 117
+struct_declarator (119)
+ on left: 118 119 120, on right: 116 117
+enum_specifier (120)
+ on left: 121 122 123, on right: 102
+enumerator_list (121)
+ on left: 124 125, on right: 121 122 125
+enumerator (122)
+ on left: 126 127, on right: 124 125
+type_qualifier (123)
+ on left: 128 129, on right: 81 82 114 115 143 144
+declarator (124)
+ on left: 130 131, on right: 85 86 118 120 133 149 208 209 210 211
+direct_declarator (125)
+ on left: 132 133 134 135 136 137 138, on right: 130 131 134 135
+ 136 137 138
+pointer (126)
+ on left: 139 140 141 142, on right: 130 141 142 156 158
+type_qualifier_list (127)
+ on left: 143 144, on right: 140 142 144
+parameter_type_list (128)
+ on left: 145 146, on right: 136 165 167
+parameter_list (129)
+ on left: 147 148, on right: 145 146 148
+parameter_declaration (130)
+ on left: 149 150 151, on right: 147 148
+identifier_list (131)
+ on left: 152 153, on right: 137 153
+type_name (132)
+ on left: 154 155, on right: 20 28
+abstract_declarator (133)
+ on left: 156 157 158, on right: 150 155 159
+direct_abstract_declarator (134)
+ on left: 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167, on right: 157 158
+ 162 163 166 167
+initializer (135)
+ on left: 168 169 170, on right: 86 171 172
+initializer_list (136)
+ on left: 171 172, on right: 169 170 172
+statement (137)
+ on left: 173 174 175 176 177 178, on right: 179 180 181 188 189
+ 192 193 194 195 196 197 198
+labeled_statement (138)
+ on left: 179 180 181, on right: 173
+compound_statement (139)
+ on left: 182 183 184 185, on right: 174 208 209 210 211
+declaration_list (140)
+ on left: 186 187, on right: 184 185 187 208 210
+statement_list (141)
+ on left: 188 189, on right: 183 185 189
+expression_statement (142)
+ on left: 190 191, on right: 175 197 198
+selection_statement (143)
+ on left: 192 193 194, on right: 176
+iteration_statement (144)
+ on left: 195 196 197 198, on right: 177
+jump_statement (145)
+ on left: 199 200 201 202 203, on right: 178
+translation_unit (146)
+ on left: 204 205, on right: 0 205
+external_declaration (147)
+ on left: 206 207, on right: 204 205
+function_definition (148)
+ on left: 208 209 210 211, on right: 206
+State 0
+ 0 $accept: . translation_unit $end
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 1
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ TYPEDEF shift, and go to state 3
+ EXTERN shift, and go to state 4
+ STATIC shift, and go to state 5
+ AUTO shift, and go to state 6
+ REGISTER shift, and go to state 7
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ '(' shift, and go to state 22
+ '*' shift, and go to state 23
+ declaration go to state 24
+ declaration_specifiers go to state 25
+ storage_class_specifier go to state 26
+ type_specifier go to state 27
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 31
+ declarator go to state 32
+ direct_declarator go to state 33
+ pointer go to state 34
+ translation_unit go to state 35
+ external_declaration go to state 36
+ function_definition go to state 37
+State 1
+ 132 direct_declarator: IDENTIFIER .
+ $default reduce using rule 132 (direct_declarator)
+State 2
+ 103 type_specifier: TYPE_NAME .
+ $default reduce using rule 103 (type_specifier)
+State 3
+ 87 storage_class_specifier: TYPEDEF .
+ $default reduce using rule 87 (storage_class_specifier)
+State 4
+ 88 storage_class_specifier: EXTERN .
+ $default reduce using rule 88 (storage_class_specifier)
+State 5
+ 89 storage_class_specifier: STATIC .
+ $default reduce using rule 89 (storage_class_specifier)
+State 6
+ 90 storage_class_specifier: AUTO .
+ $default reduce using rule 90 (storage_class_specifier)
+State 7
+ 91 storage_class_specifier: REGISTER .
+ $default reduce using rule 91 (storage_class_specifier)
+State 8
+ 93 type_specifier: CHAR .
+ $default reduce using rule 93 (type_specifier)
+State 9
+ 94 type_specifier: SHORT .
+ $default reduce using rule 94 (type_specifier)
+State 10
+ 95 type_specifier: INT .
+ $default reduce using rule 95 (type_specifier)
+State 11
+ 96 type_specifier: LONG .
+ $default reduce using rule 96 (type_specifier)
+State 12
+ 99 type_specifier: SIGNED .
+ $default reduce using rule 99 (type_specifier)
+State 13
+ 100 type_specifier: UNSIGNED .
+ $default reduce using rule 100 (type_specifier)
+State 14
+ 97 type_specifier: FLOAT .
+ $default reduce using rule 97 (type_specifier)
+State 15
+ 98 type_specifier: DOUBLE .
+ $default reduce using rule 98 (type_specifier)
+State 16
+ 128 type_qualifier: CONST .
+ $default reduce using rule 128 (type_qualifier)
+State 17
+ 129 type_qualifier: VOLATILE .
+ $default reduce using rule 129 (type_qualifier)
+State 18
+ 92 type_specifier: VOID .
+ $default reduce using rule 92 (type_specifier)
+State 19
+ 107 struct_or_union: STRUCT .
+ $default reduce using rule 107 (struct_or_union)
+State 20
+ 108 struct_or_union: UNION .
+ $default reduce using rule 108 (struct_or_union)
+State 21
+ 121 enum_specifier: ENUM . '{' enumerator_list '}'
+ 122 | ENUM . IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list '}'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 38
+ '{' shift, and go to state 39
+State 22
+ 133 direct_declarator: '(' . declarator ')'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 1
+ '(' shift, and go to state 22
+ '*' shift, and go to state 23
+ declarator go to state 40
+ direct_declarator go to state 33
+ pointer go to state 34
+State 23
+ 139 pointer: '*' .
+ 140 | '*' . type_qualifier_list
+ 141 | '*' . pointer
+ 142 | '*' . type_qualifier_list pointer
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ '*' shift, and go to state 23
+ $default reduce using rule 139 (pointer)
+ type_qualifier go to state 41
+ pointer go to state 42
+ type_qualifier_list go to state 43
+State 24
+ 207 external_declaration: declaration .
+ $default reduce using rule 207 (external_declaration)
+State 25
+ 75 declaration: declaration_specifiers . ';'
+ 76 | declaration_specifiers . init_declarator_list ';'
+ 208 function_definition: declaration_specifiers . declarator declaration_list compound_statement
+ 209 | declaration_specifiers . declarator compound_statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 1
+ '(' shift, and go to state 22
+ '*' shift, and go to state 23
+ ';' shift, and go to state 44
+ init_declarator_list go to state 45
+ init_declarator go to state 46
+ declarator go to state 47
+ direct_declarator go to state 33
+ pointer go to state 34
+State 26
+ 77 declaration_specifiers: storage_class_specifier .
+ 78 | storage_class_specifier . declaration_specifiers
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ TYPEDEF shift, and go to state 3
+ EXTERN shift, and go to state 4
+ STATIC shift, and go to state 5
+ AUTO shift, and go to state 6
+ REGISTER shift, and go to state 7
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ $default reduce using rule 77 (declaration_specifiers)
+ declaration_specifiers go to state 48
+ storage_class_specifier go to state 26
+ type_specifier go to state 27
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 31
+State 27
+ 79 declaration_specifiers: type_specifier .
+ 80 | type_specifier . declaration_specifiers
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ TYPEDEF shift, and go to state 3
+ EXTERN shift, and go to state 4
+ STATIC shift, and go to state 5
+ AUTO shift, and go to state 6
+ REGISTER shift, and go to state 7
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ $default reduce using rule 79 (declaration_specifiers)
+ declaration_specifiers go to state 49
+ storage_class_specifier go to state 26
+ type_specifier go to state 27
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 31
+State 28
+ 101 type_specifier: struct_or_union_specifier .
+ $default reduce using rule 101 (type_specifier)
+State 29
+ 104 struct_or_union_specifier: struct_or_union . IDENTIFIER '{' struct_declaration_list '}'
+ 105 | struct_or_union . '{' struct_declaration_list '}'
+ 106 | struct_or_union . IDENTIFIER
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 50
+ '{' shift, and go to state 51
+State 30
+ 102 type_specifier: enum_specifier .
+ $default reduce using rule 102 (type_specifier)
+State 31
+ 81 declaration_specifiers: type_qualifier .
+ 82 | type_qualifier . declaration_specifiers
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ TYPEDEF shift, and go to state 3
+ EXTERN shift, and go to state 4
+ STATIC shift, and go to state 5
+ AUTO shift, and go to state 6
+ REGISTER shift, and go to state 7
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ $default reduce using rule 81 (declaration_specifiers)
+ declaration_specifiers go to state 52
+ storage_class_specifier go to state 26
+ type_specifier go to state 27
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 31
+State 32
+ 210 function_definition: declarator . declaration_list compound_statement
+ 211 | declarator . compound_statement
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ TYPEDEF shift, and go to state 3
+ EXTERN shift, and go to state 4
+ STATIC shift, and go to state 5
+ AUTO shift, and go to state 6
+ REGISTER shift, and go to state 7
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ declaration go to state 54
+ declaration_specifiers go to state 55
+ storage_class_specifier go to state 26
+ type_specifier go to state 27
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 31
+ compound_statement go to state 56
+ declaration_list go to state 57
+State 33
+ 131 declarator: direct_declarator .
+ 134 direct_declarator: direct_declarator . '[' constant_expression ']'
+ 135 | direct_declarator . '[' ']'
+ 136 | direct_declarator . '(' parameter_type_list ')'
+ 137 | direct_declarator . '(' identifier_list ')'
+ 138 | direct_declarator . '(' ')'
+ '(' shift, and go to state 58
+ '[' shift, and go to state 59
+ $default reduce using rule 131 (declarator)
+State 34
+ 130 declarator: pointer . direct_declarator
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 1
+ '(' shift, and go to state 22
+ direct_declarator go to state 60
+State 35
+ 0 $accept: translation_unit . $end
+ 205 translation_unit: translation_unit . external_declaration
+ $end shift, and go to state 61
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 1
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ TYPEDEF shift, and go to state 3
+ EXTERN shift, and go to state 4
+ STATIC shift, and go to state 5
+ AUTO shift, and go to state 6
+ REGISTER shift, and go to state 7
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ '(' shift, and go to state 22
+ '*' shift, and go to state 23
+ declaration go to state 24
+ declaration_specifiers go to state 25
+ storage_class_specifier go to state 26
+ type_specifier go to state 27
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 31
+ declarator go to state 32
+ direct_declarator go to state 33
+ pointer go to state 34
+ external_declaration go to state 62
+ function_definition go to state 37
+State 36
+ 204 translation_unit: external_declaration .
+ $default reduce using rule 204 (translation_unit)
+State 37
+ 206 external_declaration: function_definition .
+ $default reduce using rule 206 (external_declaration)
+State 38
+ 122 enum_specifier: ENUM IDENTIFIER . '{' enumerator_list '}'
+ '{' shift, and go to state 63
+ $default reduce using rule 123 (enum_specifier)
+State 39
+ 121 enum_specifier: ENUM '{' . enumerator_list '}'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 64
+ enumerator_list go to state 65
+ enumerator go to state 66
+State 40
+ 133 direct_declarator: '(' declarator . ')'
+ ')' shift, and go to state 67
+State 41
+ 143 type_qualifier_list: type_qualifier .
+ $default reduce using rule 143 (type_qualifier_list)
+State 42
+ 141 pointer: '*' pointer .
+ $default reduce using rule 141 (pointer)
+State 43
+ 140 pointer: '*' type_qualifier_list .
+ 142 | '*' type_qualifier_list . pointer
+ 144 type_qualifier_list: type_qualifier_list . type_qualifier
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ '*' shift, and go to state 23
+ $default reduce using rule 140 (pointer)
+ type_qualifier go to state 68
+ pointer go to state 69
+State 44
+ 75 declaration: declaration_specifiers ';' .
+ $default reduce using rule 75 (declaration)
+State 45
+ 76 declaration: declaration_specifiers init_declarator_list . ';'
+ 84 init_declarator_list: init_declarator_list . ',' init_declarator
+ ',' shift, and go to state 70
+ ';' shift, and go to state 71
+State 46
+ 83 init_declarator_list: init_declarator .
+ $default reduce using rule 83 (init_declarator_list)
+State 47
+ 85 init_declarator: declarator .
+ 86 | declarator . '=' initializer
+ 208 function_definition: declaration_specifiers declarator . declaration_list compound_statement
+ 209 | declaration_specifiers declarator . compound_statement
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ TYPEDEF shift, and go to state 3
+ EXTERN shift, and go to state 4
+ STATIC shift, and go to state 5
+ AUTO shift, and go to state 6
+ REGISTER shift, and go to state 7
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ '=' shift, and go to state 72
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ $default reduce using rule 85 (init_declarator)
+ declaration go to state 54
+ declaration_specifiers go to state 55
+ storage_class_specifier go to state 26
+ type_specifier go to state 27
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 31
+ compound_statement go to state 73
+ declaration_list go to state 74
+State 48
+ 78 declaration_specifiers: storage_class_specifier declaration_specifiers .
+ $default reduce using rule 78 (declaration_specifiers)
+State 49
+ 80 declaration_specifiers: type_specifier declaration_specifiers .
+ $default reduce using rule 80 (declaration_specifiers)
+State 50
+ 104 struct_or_union_specifier: struct_or_union IDENTIFIER . '{' struct_declaration_list '}'
+ 106 | struct_or_union IDENTIFIER .
+ '{' shift, and go to state 75
+ $default reduce using rule 106 (struct_or_union_specifier)
+State 51
+ 105 struct_or_union_specifier: struct_or_union '{' . struct_declaration_list '}'
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ type_specifier go to state 76
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ struct_declaration_list go to state 77
+ struct_declaration go to state 78
+ specifier_qualifier_list go to state 79
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 80
+State 52
+ 82 declaration_specifiers: type_qualifier declaration_specifiers .
+ $default reduce using rule 82 (declaration_specifiers)
+State 53
+ 182 compound_statement: '{' . '}'
+ 183 | '{' . statement_list '}'
+ 184 | '{' . declaration_list '}'
+ 185 | '{' . declaration_list statement_list '}'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 81
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ TYPEDEF shift, and go to state 3
+ EXTERN shift, and go to state 4
+ STATIC shift, and go to state 5
+ AUTO shift, and go to state 6
+ REGISTER shift, and go to state 7
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ CASE shift, and go to state 87
+ DEFAULT shift, and go to state 88
+ IF shift, and go to state 89
+ SWITCH shift, and go to state 90
+ WHILE shift, and go to state 91
+ DO shift, and go to state 92
+ FOR shift, and go to state 93
+ GOTO shift, and go to state 94
+ CONTINUE shift, and go to state 95
+ BREAK shift, and go to state 96
+ RETURN shift, and go to state 97
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 105
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ '}' shift, and go to state 106
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 124
+ declaration go to state 54
+ declaration_specifiers go to state 55
+ storage_class_specifier go to state 26
+ type_specifier go to state 27
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 31
+ statement go to state 125
+ labeled_statement go to state 126
+ compound_statement go to state 127
+ declaration_list go to state 128
+ statement_list go to state 129
+ expression_statement go to state 130
+ selection_statement go to state 131
+ iteration_statement go to state 132
+ jump_statement go to state 133
+State 54
+ 186 declaration_list: declaration .
+ $default reduce using rule 186 (declaration_list)
+State 55
+ 75 declaration: declaration_specifiers . ';'
+ 76 | declaration_specifiers . init_declarator_list ';'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 1
+ '(' shift, and go to state 22
+ '*' shift, and go to state 23
+ ';' shift, and go to state 44
+ init_declarator_list go to state 45
+ init_declarator go to state 46
+ declarator go to state 134
+ direct_declarator go to state 33
+ pointer go to state 34
+State 56
+ 211 function_definition: declarator compound_statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 211 (function_definition)
+State 57
+ 187 declaration_list: declaration_list . declaration
+ 210 function_definition: declarator declaration_list . compound_statement
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ TYPEDEF shift, and go to state 3
+ EXTERN shift, and go to state 4
+ STATIC shift, and go to state 5
+ AUTO shift, and go to state 6
+ REGISTER shift, and go to state 7
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ declaration go to state 135
+ declaration_specifiers go to state 55
+ storage_class_specifier go to state 26
+ type_specifier go to state 27
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 31
+ compound_statement go to state 136
+State 58
+ 136 direct_declarator: direct_declarator '(' . parameter_type_list ')'
+ 137 | direct_declarator '(' . identifier_list ')'
+ 138 | direct_declarator '(' . ')'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 137
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ TYPEDEF shift, and go to state 3
+ EXTERN shift, and go to state 4
+ STATIC shift, and go to state 5
+ AUTO shift, and go to state 6
+ REGISTER shift, and go to state 7
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ ')' shift, and go to state 138
+ declaration_specifiers go to state 139
+ storage_class_specifier go to state 26
+ type_specifier go to state 27
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 31
+ parameter_type_list go to state 140
+ parameter_list go to state 141
+ parameter_declaration go to state 142
+ identifier_list go to state 143
+State 59
+ 134 direct_declarator: direct_declarator '[' . constant_expression ']'
+ 135 | direct_declarator '[' . ']'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ ']' shift, and go to state 145
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 147
+ constant_expression go to state 148
+State 60
+ 130 declarator: pointer direct_declarator .
+ 134 direct_declarator: direct_declarator . '[' constant_expression ']'
+ 135 | direct_declarator . '[' ']'
+ 136 | direct_declarator . '(' parameter_type_list ')'
+ 137 | direct_declarator . '(' identifier_list ')'
+ 138 | direct_declarator . '(' ')'
+ '(' shift, and go to state 58
+ '[' shift, and go to state 59
+ $default reduce using rule 130 (declarator)
+State 61
+ 0 $accept: translation_unit $end .
+ $default accept
+State 62
+ 205 translation_unit: translation_unit external_declaration .
+ $default reduce using rule 205 (translation_unit)
+State 63
+ 122 enum_specifier: ENUM IDENTIFIER '{' . enumerator_list '}'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 64
+ enumerator_list go to state 149
+ enumerator go to state 66
+State 64
+ 126 enumerator: IDENTIFIER .
+ 127 | IDENTIFIER . '=' constant_expression
+ '=' shift, and go to state 150
+ $default reduce using rule 126 (enumerator)
+State 65
+ 121 enum_specifier: ENUM '{' enumerator_list . '}'
+ 125 enumerator_list: enumerator_list . ',' enumerator
+ ',' shift, and go to state 151
+ '}' shift, and go to state 152
+State 66
+ 124 enumerator_list: enumerator .
+ $default reduce using rule 124 (enumerator_list)
+State 67
+ 133 direct_declarator: '(' declarator ')' .
+ $default reduce using rule 133 (direct_declarator)
+State 68
+ 144 type_qualifier_list: type_qualifier_list type_qualifier .
+ $default reduce using rule 144 (type_qualifier_list)
+State 69
+ 142 pointer: '*' type_qualifier_list pointer .
+ $default reduce using rule 142 (pointer)
+State 70
+ 84 init_declarator_list: init_declarator_list ',' . init_declarator
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 1
+ '(' shift, and go to state 22
+ '*' shift, and go to state 23
+ init_declarator go to state 153
+ declarator go to state 134
+ direct_declarator go to state 33
+ pointer go to state 34
+State 71
+ 76 declaration: declaration_specifiers init_declarator_list ';' .
+ $default reduce using rule 76 (declaration)
+State 72
+ 86 init_declarator: declarator '=' . initializer
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ '{' shift, and go to state 154
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 155
+ initializer go to state 156
+State 73
+ 209 function_definition: declaration_specifiers declarator compound_statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 209 (function_definition)
+State 74
+ 187 declaration_list: declaration_list . declaration
+ 208 function_definition: declaration_specifiers declarator declaration_list . compound_statement
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ TYPEDEF shift, and go to state 3
+ EXTERN shift, and go to state 4
+ STATIC shift, and go to state 5
+ AUTO shift, and go to state 6
+ REGISTER shift, and go to state 7
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ declaration go to state 135
+ declaration_specifiers go to state 55
+ storage_class_specifier go to state 26
+ type_specifier go to state 27
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 31
+ compound_statement go to state 157
+State 75
+ 104 struct_or_union_specifier: struct_or_union IDENTIFIER '{' . struct_declaration_list '}'
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ type_specifier go to state 76
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ struct_declaration_list go to state 158
+ struct_declaration go to state 78
+ specifier_qualifier_list go to state 79
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 80
+State 76
+ 112 specifier_qualifier_list: type_specifier . specifier_qualifier_list
+ 113 | type_specifier .
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ $default reduce using rule 113 (specifier_qualifier_list)
+ type_specifier go to state 76
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ specifier_qualifier_list go to state 159
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 80
+State 77
+ 105 struct_or_union_specifier: struct_or_union '{' struct_declaration_list . '}'
+ 110 struct_declaration_list: struct_declaration_list . struct_declaration
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ '}' shift, and go to state 160
+ type_specifier go to state 76
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ struct_declaration go to state 161
+ specifier_qualifier_list go to state 79
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 80
+State 78
+ 109 struct_declaration_list: struct_declaration .
+ $default reduce using rule 109 (struct_declaration_list)
+State 79
+ 111 struct_declaration: specifier_qualifier_list . struct_declarator_list ';'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 1
+ '(' shift, and go to state 22
+ '*' shift, and go to state 23
+ ':' shift, and go to state 162
+ struct_declarator_list go to state 163
+ struct_declarator go to state 164
+ declarator go to state 165
+ direct_declarator go to state 33
+ pointer go to state 34
+State 80
+ 114 specifier_qualifier_list: type_qualifier . specifier_qualifier_list
+ 115 | type_qualifier .
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ $default reduce using rule 115 (specifier_qualifier_list)
+ type_specifier go to state 76
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ specifier_qualifier_list go to state 166
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 80
+State 81
+ 1 primary_expression: IDENTIFIER .
+ 179 labeled_statement: IDENTIFIER . ':' statement
+ ':' shift, and go to state 167
+ $default reduce using rule 1 (primary_expression)
+State 82
+ 2 primary_expression: CONSTANT .
+ $default reduce using rule 2 (primary_expression)
+State 83
+ 3 primary_expression: STRING_LITERAL .
+ $default reduce using rule 3 (primary_expression)
+State 84
+ 19 unary_expression: SIZEOF . unary_expression
+ 20 | SIZEOF . '(' type_name ')'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 168
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 169
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+State 85
+ 16 unary_expression: INC_OP . unary_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 170
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 171
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+State 86
+ 17 unary_expression: DEC_OP . unary_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 170
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 172
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+State 87
+ 180 labeled_statement: CASE . constant_expression ':' statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 147
+ constant_expression go to state 173
+State 88
+ 181 labeled_statement: DEFAULT . ':' statement
+ ':' shift, and go to state 174
+State 89
+ 192 selection_statement: IF . '(' expression ')' statement
+ 193 | IF . '(' expression ')' statement ELSE statement
+ '(' shift, and go to state 175
+State 90
+ 194 selection_statement: SWITCH . '(' expression ')' statement
+ '(' shift, and go to state 176
+State 91
+ 195 iteration_statement: WHILE . '(' expression ')' statement
+ '(' shift, and go to state 177
+State 92
+ 196 iteration_statement: DO . statement WHILE '(' expression ')' ';'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 81
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ CASE shift, and go to state 87
+ DEFAULT shift, and go to state 88
+ IF shift, and go to state 89
+ SWITCH shift, and go to state 90
+ WHILE shift, and go to state 91
+ DO shift, and go to state 92
+ FOR shift, and go to state 93
+ GOTO shift, and go to state 94
+ CONTINUE shift, and go to state 95
+ BREAK shift, and go to state 96
+ RETURN shift, and go to state 97
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 105
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 124
+ statement go to state 178
+ labeled_statement go to state 126
+ compound_statement go to state 127
+ expression_statement go to state 130
+ selection_statement go to state 131
+ iteration_statement go to state 132
+ jump_statement go to state 133
+State 93
+ 197 iteration_statement: FOR . '(' expression_statement expression_statement ')' statement
+ 198 | FOR . '(' expression_statement expression_statement expression ')' statement
+ '(' shift, and go to state 179
+State 94
+ 199 jump_statement: GOTO . IDENTIFIER ';'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 180
+State 95
+ 200 jump_statement: CONTINUE . ';'
+ ';' shift, and go to state 181
+State 96
+ 201 jump_statement: BREAK . ';'
+ ';' shift, and go to state 182
+State 97
+ 202 jump_statement: RETURN . ';'
+ 203 | RETURN . expression ';'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 183
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 184
+State 98
+ 4 primary_expression: '(' . expression ')'
+ 28 cast_expression: '(' . type_name ')' cast_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 185
+ type_specifier go to state 76
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ specifier_qualifier_list go to state 186
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 80
+ type_name go to state 187
+State 99
+ 21 unary_operator: '&' .
+ $default reduce using rule 21 (unary_operator)
+State 100
+ 22 unary_operator: '*' .
+ $default reduce using rule 22 (unary_operator)
+State 101
+ 23 unary_operator: '+' .
+ $default reduce using rule 23 (unary_operator)
+State 102
+ 24 unary_operator: '-' .
+ $default reduce using rule 24 (unary_operator)
+State 103
+ 25 unary_operator: '~' .
+ $default reduce using rule 25 (unary_operator)
+State 104
+ 26 unary_operator: '!' .
+ $default reduce using rule 26 (unary_operator)
+State 105
+ 190 expression_statement: ';' .
+ $default reduce using rule 190 (expression_statement)
+State 106
+ 182 compound_statement: '{' '}' .
+ $default reduce using rule 182 (compound_statement)
+State 107
+ 5 postfix_expression: primary_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 5 (postfix_expression)
+State 108
+ 6 postfix_expression: postfix_expression . '[' expression ']'
+ 7 | postfix_expression . '(' ')'
+ 8 | postfix_expression . '(' argument_expression_list ')'
+ 9 | postfix_expression . '.' IDENTIFIER
+ 10 | postfix_expression . PTR_OP IDENTIFIER
+ 11 | postfix_expression . INC_OP
+ 12 | postfix_expression . DEC_OP
+ 15 unary_expression: postfix_expression .
+ PTR_OP shift, and go to state 188
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 189
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 190
+ '(' shift, and go to state 191
+ '[' shift, and go to state 192
+ '.' shift, and go to state 193
+ $default reduce using rule 15 (unary_expression)
+State 109
+ 27 cast_expression: unary_expression .
+ 60 assignment_expression: unary_expression . assignment_operator assignment_expression
+ MUL_ASSIGN shift, and go to state 194
+ DIV_ASSIGN shift, and go to state 195
+ MOD_ASSIGN shift, and go to state 196
+ ADD_ASSIGN shift, and go to state 197
+ SUB_ASSIGN shift, and go to state 198
+ LEFT_ASSIGN shift, and go to state 199
+ RIGHT_ASSIGN shift, and go to state 200
+ AND_ASSIGN shift, and go to state 201
+ XOR_ASSIGN shift, and go to state 202
+ OR_ASSIGN shift, and go to state 203
+ '=' shift, and go to state 204
+ $default reduce using rule 27 (cast_expression)
+ assignment_operator go to state 205
+State 110
+ 18 unary_expression: unary_operator . cast_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 206
+State 111
+ 29 multiplicative_expression: cast_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 29 (multiplicative_expression)
+State 112
+ 30 multiplicative_expression: multiplicative_expression . '*' cast_expression
+ 31 | multiplicative_expression . '/' cast_expression
+ 32 | multiplicative_expression . '%' cast_expression
+ 33 additive_expression: multiplicative_expression .
+ '*' shift, and go to state 207
+ '/' shift, and go to state 208
+ '%' shift, and go to state 209
+ $default reduce using rule 33 (additive_expression)
+State 113
+ 34 additive_expression: additive_expression . '+' multiplicative_expression
+ 35 | additive_expression . '-' multiplicative_expression
+ 36 shift_expression: additive_expression .
+ '+' shift, and go to state 210
+ '-' shift, and go to state 211
+ $default reduce using rule 36 (shift_expression)
+State 114
+ 37 shift_expression: shift_expression . LEFT_OP additive_expression
+ 38 | shift_expression . RIGHT_OP additive_expression
+ 39 relational_expression: shift_expression .
+ LEFT_OP shift, and go to state 212
+ RIGHT_OP shift, and go to state 213
+ $default reduce using rule 39 (relational_expression)
+State 115
+ 40 relational_expression: relational_expression . '<' shift_expression
+ 41 | relational_expression . '>' shift_expression
+ 42 | relational_expression . LE_OP shift_expression
+ 43 | relational_expression . GE_OP shift_expression
+ 44 equality_expression: relational_expression .
+ LE_OP shift, and go to state 214
+ GE_OP shift, and go to state 215
+ '<' shift, and go to state 216
+ '>' shift, and go to state 217
+ $default reduce using rule 44 (equality_expression)
+State 116
+ 45 equality_expression: equality_expression . EQ_OP relational_expression
+ 46 | equality_expression . NE_OP relational_expression
+ 47 and_expression: equality_expression .
+ EQ_OP shift, and go to state 218
+ NE_OP shift, and go to state 219
+ $default reduce using rule 47 (and_expression)
+State 117
+ 48 and_expression: and_expression . '&' equality_expression
+ 49 exclusive_or_expression: and_expression .
+ '&' shift, and go to state 220
+ $default reduce using rule 49 (exclusive_or_expression)
+State 118
+ 50 exclusive_or_expression: exclusive_or_expression . '^' and_expression
+ 51 inclusive_or_expression: exclusive_or_expression .
+ '^' shift, and go to state 221
+ $default reduce using rule 51 (inclusive_or_expression)
+State 119
+ 52 inclusive_or_expression: inclusive_or_expression . '|' exclusive_or_expression
+ 53 logical_and_expression: inclusive_or_expression .
+ '|' shift, and go to state 222
+ $default reduce using rule 53 (logical_and_expression)
+State 120
+ 54 logical_and_expression: logical_and_expression . AND_OP inclusive_or_expression
+ 55 logical_or_expression: logical_and_expression .
+ AND_OP shift, and go to state 223
+ $default reduce using rule 55 (logical_or_expression)
+State 121
+ 56 logical_or_expression: logical_or_expression . OR_OP logical_and_expression
+ 57 conditional_expression: logical_or_expression .
+ 58 | logical_or_expression . '?' expression ':' conditional_expression
+ OR_OP shift, and go to state 224
+ '?' shift, and go to state 225
+ $default reduce using rule 57 (conditional_expression)
+State 122
+ 59 assignment_expression: conditional_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 59 (assignment_expression)
+State 123
+ 72 expression: assignment_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 72 (expression)
+State 124
+ 73 expression: expression . ',' assignment_expression
+ 191 expression_statement: expression . ';'
+ ',' shift, and go to state 226
+ ';' shift, and go to state 227
+State 125
+ 188 statement_list: statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 188 (statement_list)
+State 126
+ 173 statement: labeled_statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 173 (statement)
+State 127
+ 174 statement: compound_statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 174 (statement)
+State 128
+ 184 compound_statement: '{' declaration_list . '}'
+ 185 | '{' declaration_list . statement_list '}'
+ 187 declaration_list: declaration_list . declaration
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 81
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ TYPEDEF shift, and go to state 3
+ EXTERN shift, and go to state 4
+ STATIC shift, and go to state 5
+ AUTO shift, and go to state 6
+ REGISTER shift, and go to state 7
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ CASE shift, and go to state 87
+ DEFAULT shift, and go to state 88
+ IF shift, and go to state 89
+ SWITCH shift, and go to state 90
+ WHILE shift, and go to state 91
+ DO shift, and go to state 92
+ FOR shift, and go to state 93
+ GOTO shift, and go to state 94
+ CONTINUE shift, and go to state 95
+ BREAK shift, and go to state 96
+ RETURN shift, and go to state 97
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 105
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ '}' shift, and go to state 228
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 124
+ declaration go to state 135
+ declaration_specifiers go to state 55
+ storage_class_specifier go to state 26
+ type_specifier go to state 27
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 31
+ statement go to state 125
+ labeled_statement go to state 126
+ compound_statement go to state 127
+ statement_list go to state 229
+ expression_statement go to state 130
+ selection_statement go to state 131
+ iteration_statement go to state 132
+ jump_statement go to state 133
+State 129
+ 183 compound_statement: '{' statement_list . '}'
+ 189 statement_list: statement_list . statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 81
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ CASE shift, and go to state 87
+ DEFAULT shift, and go to state 88
+ IF shift, and go to state 89
+ SWITCH shift, and go to state 90
+ WHILE shift, and go to state 91
+ DO shift, and go to state 92
+ FOR shift, and go to state 93
+ GOTO shift, and go to state 94
+ CONTINUE shift, and go to state 95
+ BREAK shift, and go to state 96
+ RETURN shift, and go to state 97
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 105
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ '}' shift, and go to state 230
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 124
+ statement go to state 231
+ labeled_statement go to state 126
+ compound_statement go to state 127
+ expression_statement go to state 130
+ selection_statement go to state 131
+ iteration_statement go to state 132
+ jump_statement go to state 133
+State 130
+ 175 statement: expression_statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 175 (statement)
+State 131
+ 176 statement: selection_statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 176 (statement)
+State 132
+ 177 statement: iteration_statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 177 (statement)
+State 133
+ 178 statement: jump_statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 178 (statement)
+State 134
+ 85 init_declarator: declarator .
+ 86 | declarator . '=' initializer
+ '=' shift, and go to state 72
+ $default reduce using rule 85 (init_declarator)
+State 135
+ 187 declaration_list: declaration_list declaration .
+ $default reduce using rule 187 (declaration_list)
+State 136
+ 210 function_definition: declarator declaration_list compound_statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 210 (function_definition)
+State 137
+ 152 identifier_list: IDENTIFIER .
+ $default reduce using rule 152 (identifier_list)
+State 138
+ 138 direct_declarator: direct_declarator '(' ')' .
+ $default reduce using rule 138 (direct_declarator)
+State 139
+ 149 parameter_declaration: declaration_specifiers . declarator
+ 150 | declaration_specifiers . abstract_declarator
+ 151 | declaration_specifiers .
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 1
+ '(' shift, and go to state 232
+ '[' shift, and go to state 233
+ '*' shift, and go to state 23
+ $default reduce using rule 151 (parameter_declaration)
+ declarator go to state 234
+ direct_declarator go to state 33
+ pointer go to state 235
+ abstract_declarator go to state 236
+ direct_abstract_declarator go to state 237
+State 140
+ 136 direct_declarator: direct_declarator '(' parameter_type_list . ')'
+ ')' shift, and go to state 238
+State 141
+ 145 parameter_type_list: parameter_list .
+ 146 | parameter_list . ',' ELLIPSIS
+ 148 parameter_list: parameter_list . ',' parameter_declaration
+ ',' shift, and go to state 239
+ $default reduce using rule 145 (parameter_type_list)
+State 142
+ 147 parameter_list: parameter_declaration .
+ $default reduce using rule 147 (parameter_list)
+State 143
+ 137 direct_declarator: direct_declarator '(' identifier_list . ')'
+ 153 identifier_list: identifier_list . ',' IDENTIFIER
+ ')' shift, and go to state 240
+ ',' shift, and go to state 241
+State 144
+ 1 primary_expression: IDENTIFIER .
+ $default reduce using rule 1 (primary_expression)
+State 145
+ 135 direct_declarator: direct_declarator '[' ']' .
+ $default reduce using rule 135 (direct_declarator)
+State 146
+ 27 cast_expression: unary_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 27 (cast_expression)
+State 147
+ 74 constant_expression: conditional_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 74 (constant_expression)
+State 148
+ 134 direct_declarator: direct_declarator '[' constant_expression . ']'
+ ']' shift, and go to state 242
+State 149
+ 122 enum_specifier: ENUM IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list . '}'
+ 125 enumerator_list: enumerator_list . ',' enumerator
+ ',' shift, and go to state 151
+ '}' shift, and go to state 243
+State 150
+ 127 enumerator: IDENTIFIER '=' . constant_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 147
+ constant_expression go to state 244
+State 151
+ 125 enumerator_list: enumerator_list ',' . enumerator
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 64
+ enumerator go to state 245
+State 152
+ 121 enum_specifier: ENUM '{' enumerator_list '}' .
+ $default reduce using rule 121 (enum_specifier)
+State 153
+ 84 init_declarator_list: init_declarator_list ',' init_declarator .
+ $default reduce using rule 84 (init_declarator_list)
+State 154
+ 169 initializer: '{' . initializer_list '}'
+ 170 | '{' . initializer_list ',' '}'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ '{' shift, and go to state 154
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 155
+ initializer go to state 246
+ initializer_list go to state 247
+State 155
+ 168 initializer: assignment_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 168 (initializer)
+State 156
+ 86 init_declarator: declarator '=' initializer .
+ $default reduce using rule 86 (init_declarator)
+State 157
+ 208 function_definition: declaration_specifiers declarator declaration_list compound_statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 208 (function_definition)
+State 158
+ 104 struct_or_union_specifier: struct_or_union IDENTIFIER '{' struct_declaration_list . '}'
+ 110 struct_declaration_list: struct_declaration_list . struct_declaration
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ '}' shift, and go to state 248
+ type_specifier go to state 76
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ struct_declaration go to state 161
+ specifier_qualifier_list go to state 79
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 80
+State 159
+ 112 specifier_qualifier_list: type_specifier specifier_qualifier_list .
+ $default reduce using rule 112 (specifier_qualifier_list)
+State 160
+ 105 struct_or_union_specifier: struct_or_union '{' struct_declaration_list '}' .
+ $default reduce using rule 105 (struct_or_union_specifier)
+State 161
+ 110 struct_declaration_list: struct_declaration_list struct_declaration .
+ $default reduce using rule 110 (struct_declaration_list)
+State 162
+ 119 struct_declarator: ':' . constant_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 147
+ constant_expression go to state 249
+State 163
+ 111 struct_declaration: specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list . ';'
+ 117 struct_declarator_list: struct_declarator_list . ',' struct_declarator
+ ',' shift, and go to state 250
+ ';' shift, and go to state 251
+State 164
+ 116 struct_declarator_list: struct_declarator .
+ $default reduce using rule 116 (struct_declarator_list)
+State 165
+ 118 struct_declarator: declarator .
+ 120 | declarator . ':' constant_expression
+ ':' shift, and go to state 252
+ $default reduce using rule 118 (struct_declarator)
+State 166
+ 114 specifier_qualifier_list: type_qualifier specifier_qualifier_list .
+ $default reduce using rule 114 (specifier_qualifier_list)
+State 167
+ 179 labeled_statement: IDENTIFIER ':' . statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 81
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ CASE shift, and go to state 87
+ DEFAULT shift, and go to state 88
+ IF shift, and go to state 89
+ SWITCH shift, and go to state 90
+ WHILE shift, and go to state 91
+ DO shift, and go to state 92
+ FOR shift, and go to state 93
+ GOTO shift, and go to state 94
+ CONTINUE shift, and go to state 95
+ BREAK shift, and go to state 96
+ RETURN shift, and go to state 97
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 105
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 124
+ statement go to state 253
+ labeled_statement go to state 126
+ compound_statement go to state 127
+ expression_statement go to state 130
+ selection_statement go to state 131
+ iteration_statement go to state 132
+ jump_statement go to state 133
+State 168
+ 4 primary_expression: '(' . expression ')'
+ 20 unary_expression: SIZEOF '(' . type_name ')'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 185
+ type_specifier go to state 76
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ specifier_qualifier_list go to state 186
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 80
+ type_name go to state 254
+State 169
+ 19 unary_expression: SIZEOF unary_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 19 (unary_expression)
+State 170
+ 4 primary_expression: '(' . expression ')'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 185
+State 171
+ 16 unary_expression: INC_OP unary_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 16 (unary_expression)
+State 172
+ 17 unary_expression: DEC_OP unary_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 17 (unary_expression)
+State 173
+ 180 labeled_statement: CASE constant_expression . ':' statement
+ ':' shift, and go to state 255
+State 174
+ 181 labeled_statement: DEFAULT ':' . statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 81
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ CASE shift, and go to state 87
+ DEFAULT shift, and go to state 88
+ IF shift, and go to state 89
+ SWITCH shift, and go to state 90
+ WHILE shift, and go to state 91
+ DO shift, and go to state 92
+ FOR shift, and go to state 93
+ GOTO shift, and go to state 94
+ CONTINUE shift, and go to state 95
+ BREAK shift, and go to state 96
+ RETURN shift, and go to state 97
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 105
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 124
+ statement go to state 256
+ labeled_statement go to state 126
+ compound_statement go to state 127
+ expression_statement go to state 130
+ selection_statement go to state 131
+ iteration_statement go to state 132
+ jump_statement go to state 133
+State 175
+ 192 selection_statement: IF '(' . expression ')' statement
+ 193 | IF '(' . expression ')' statement ELSE statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 257
+State 176
+ 194 selection_statement: SWITCH '(' . expression ')' statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 258
+State 177
+ 195 iteration_statement: WHILE '(' . expression ')' statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 259
+State 178
+ 196 iteration_statement: DO statement . WHILE '(' expression ')' ';'
+ WHILE shift, and go to state 260
+State 179
+ 197 iteration_statement: FOR '(' . expression_statement expression_statement ')' statement
+ 198 | FOR '(' . expression_statement expression_statement expression ')' statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 105
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 124
+ expression_statement go to state 261
+State 180
+ 199 jump_statement: GOTO IDENTIFIER . ';'
+ ';' shift, and go to state 262
+State 181
+ 200 jump_statement: CONTINUE ';' .
+ $default reduce using rule 200 (jump_statement)
+State 182
+ 201 jump_statement: BREAK ';' .
+ $default reduce using rule 201 (jump_statement)
+State 183
+ 202 jump_statement: RETURN ';' .
+ $default reduce using rule 202 (jump_statement)
+State 184
+ 73 expression: expression . ',' assignment_expression
+ 203 jump_statement: RETURN expression . ';'
+ ',' shift, and go to state 226
+ ';' shift, and go to state 263
+State 185
+ 4 primary_expression: '(' expression . ')'
+ 73 expression: expression . ',' assignment_expression
+ ')' shift, and go to state 264
+ ',' shift, and go to state 226
+State 186
+ 154 type_name: specifier_qualifier_list .
+ 155 | specifier_qualifier_list . abstract_declarator
+ '(' shift, and go to state 265
+ '[' shift, and go to state 233
+ '*' shift, and go to state 23
+ $default reduce using rule 154 (type_name)
+ pointer go to state 266
+ abstract_declarator go to state 267
+ direct_abstract_declarator go to state 237
+State 187
+ 28 cast_expression: '(' type_name . ')' cast_expression
+ ')' shift, and go to state 268
+State 188
+ 10 postfix_expression: postfix_expression PTR_OP . IDENTIFIER
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 269
+State 189
+ 11 postfix_expression: postfix_expression INC_OP .
+ $default reduce using rule 11 (postfix_expression)
+State 190
+ 12 postfix_expression: postfix_expression DEC_OP .
+ $default reduce using rule 12 (postfix_expression)
+State 191
+ 7 postfix_expression: postfix_expression '(' . ')'
+ 8 | postfix_expression '(' . argument_expression_list ')'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ ')' shift, and go to state 270
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ argument_expression_list go to state 271
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 272
+State 192
+ 6 postfix_expression: postfix_expression '[' . expression ']'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 273
+State 193
+ 9 postfix_expression: postfix_expression '.' . IDENTIFIER
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 274
+State 194
+ 62 assignment_operator: MUL_ASSIGN .
+ $default reduce using rule 62 (assignment_operator)
+State 195
+ 63 assignment_operator: DIV_ASSIGN .
+ $default reduce using rule 63 (assignment_operator)
+State 196
+ 64 assignment_operator: MOD_ASSIGN .
+ $default reduce using rule 64 (assignment_operator)
+State 197
+ 65 assignment_operator: ADD_ASSIGN .
+ $default reduce using rule 65 (assignment_operator)
+State 198
+ 66 assignment_operator: SUB_ASSIGN .
+ $default reduce using rule 66 (assignment_operator)
+State 199
+ 67 assignment_operator: LEFT_ASSIGN .
+ $default reduce using rule 67 (assignment_operator)
+State 200
+ 68 assignment_operator: RIGHT_ASSIGN .
+ $default reduce using rule 68 (assignment_operator)
+State 201
+ 69 assignment_operator: AND_ASSIGN .
+ $default reduce using rule 69 (assignment_operator)
+State 202
+ 70 assignment_operator: XOR_ASSIGN .
+ $default reduce using rule 70 (assignment_operator)
+State 203
+ 71 assignment_operator: OR_ASSIGN .
+ $default reduce using rule 71 (assignment_operator)
+State 204
+ 61 assignment_operator: '=' .
+ $default reduce using rule 61 (assignment_operator)
+State 205
+ 60 assignment_expression: unary_expression assignment_operator . assignment_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 275
+State 206
+ 18 unary_expression: unary_operator cast_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 18 (unary_expression)
+State 207
+ 30 multiplicative_expression: multiplicative_expression '*' . cast_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 276
+State 208
+ 31 multiplicative_expression: multiplicative_expression '/' . cast_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 277
+State 209
+ 32 multiplicative_expression: multiplicative_expression '%' . cast_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 278
+State 210
+ 34 additive_expression: additive_expression '+' . multiplicative_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 279
+State 211
+ 35 additive_expression: additive_expression '-' . multiplicative_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 280
+State 212
+ 37 shift_expression: shift_expression LEFT_OP . additive_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 281
+State 213
+ 38 shift_expression: shift_expression RIGHT_OP . additive_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 282
+State 214
+ 42 relational_expression: relational_expression LE_OP . shift_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 283
+State 215
+ 43 relational_expression: relational_expression GE_OP . shift_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 284
+State 216
+ 40 relational_expression: relational_expression '<' . shift_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 285
+State 217
+ 41 relational_expression: relational_expression '>' . shift_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 286
+State 218
+ 45 equality_expression: equality_expression EQ_OP . relational_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 287
+State 219
+ 46 equality_expression: equality_expression NE_OP . relational_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 288
+State 220
+ 48 and_expression: and_expression '&' . equality_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 289
+State 221
+ 50 exclusive_or_expression: exclusive_or_expression '^' . and_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 290
+State 222
+ 52 inclusive_or_expression: inclusive_or_expression '|' . exclusive_or_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 291
+State 223
+ 54 logical_and_expression: logical_and_expression AND_OP . inclusive_or_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 292
+State 224
+ 56 logical_or_expression: logical_or_expression OR_OP . logical_and_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 293
+State 225
+ 58 conditional_expression: logical_or_expression '?' . expression ':' conditional_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 294
+State 226
+ 73 expression: expression ',' . assignment_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 295
+State 227
+ 191 expression_statement: expression ';' .
+ $default reduce using rule 191 (expression_statement)
+State 228
+ 184 compound_statement: '{' declaration_list '}' .
+ $default reduce using rule 184 (compound_statement)
+State 229
+ 185 compound_statement: '{' declaration_list statement_list . '}'
+ 189 statement_list: statement_list . statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 81
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ CASE shift, and go to state 87
+ DEFAULT shift, and go to state 88
+ IF shift, and go to state 89
+ SWITCH shift, and go to state 90
+ WHILE shift, and go to state 91
+ DO shift, and go to state 92
+ FOR shift, and go to state 93
+ GOTO shift, and go to state 94
+ CONTINUE shift, and go to state 95
+ BREAK shift, and go to state 96
+ RETURN shift, and go to state 97
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 105
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ '}' shift, and go to state 296
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 124
+ statement go to state 231
+ labeled_statement go to state 126
+ compound_statement go to state 127
+ expression_statement go to state 130
+ selection_statement go to state 131
+ iteration_statement go to state 132
+ jump_statement go to state 133
+State 230
+ 183 compound_statement: '{' statement_list '}' .
+ $default reduce using rule 183 (compound_statement)
+State 231
+ 189 statement_list: statement_list statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 189 (statement_list)
+State 232
+ 133 direct_declarator: '(' . declarator ')'
+ 159 direct_abstract_declarator: '(' . abstract_declarator ')'
+ 164 | '(' . ')'
+ 165 | '(' . parameter_type_list ')'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 1
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ TYPEDEF shift, and go to state 3
+ EXTERN shift, and go to state 4
+ STATIC shift, and go to state 5
+ AUTO shift, and go to state 6
+ REGISTER shift, and go to state 7
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ '(' shift, and go to state 232
+ ')' shift, and go to state 297
+ '[' shift, and go to state 233
+ '*' shift, and go to state 23
+ declaration_specifiers go to state 139
+ storage_class_specifier go to state 26
+ type_specifier go to state 27
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 31
+ declarator go to state 40
+ direct_declarator go to state 33
+ pointer go to state 235
+ parameter_type_list go to state 298
+ parameter_list go to state 141
+ parameter_declaration go to state 142
+ abstract_declarator go to state 299
+ direct_abstract_declarator go to state 237
+State 233
+ 160 direct_abstract_declarator: '[' . ']'
+ 161 | '[' . constant_expression ']'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ ']' shift, and go to state 300
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 147
+ constant_expression go to state 301
+State 234
+ 149 parameter_declaration: declaration_specifiers declarator .
+ $default reduce using rule 149 (parameter_declaration)
+State 235
+ 130 declarator: pointer . direct_declarator
+ 156 abstract_declarator: pointer .
+ 158 | pointer . direct_abstract_declarator
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 1
+ '(' shift, and go to state 232
+ '[' shift, and go to state 233
+ $default reduce using rule 156 (abstract_declarator)
+ direct_declarator go to state 60
+ direct_abstract_declarator go to state 302
+State 236
+ 150 parameter_declaration: declaration_specifiers abstract_declarator .
+ $default reduce using rule 150 (parameter_declaration)
+State 237
+ 157 abstract_declarator: direct_abstract_declarator .
+ 162 direct_abstract_declarator: direct_abstract_declarator . '[' ']'
+ 163 | direct_abstract_declarator . '[' constant_expression ']'
+ 166 | direct_abstract_declarator . '(' ')'
+ 167 | direct_abstract_declarator . '(' parameter_type_list ')'
+ '(' shift, and go to state 303
+ '[' shift, and go to state 304
+ $default reduce using rule 157 (abstract_declarator)
+State 238
+ 136 direct_declarator: direct_declarator '(' parameter_type_list ')' .
+ $default reduce using rule 136 (direct_declarator)
+State 239
+ 146 parameter_type_list: parameter_list ',' . ELLIPSIS
+ 148 parameter_list: parameter_list ',' . parameter_declaration
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ TYPEDEF shift, and go to state 3
+ EXTERN shift, and go to state 4
+ STATIC shift, and go to state 5
+ AUTO shift, and go to state 6
+ REGISTER shift, and go to state 7
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ ELLIPSIS shift, and go to state 305
+ declaration_specifiers go to state 139
+ storage_class_specifier go to state 26
+ type_specifier go to state 27
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 31
+ parameter_declaration go to state 306
+State 240
+ 137 direct_declarator: direct_declarator '(' identifier_list ')' .
+ $default reduce using rule 137 (direct_declarator)
+State 241
+ 153 identifier_list: identifier_list ',' . IDENTIFIER
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 307
+State 242
+ 134 direct_declarator: direct_declarator '[' constant_expression ']' .
+ $default reduce using rule 134 (direct_declarator)
+State 243
+ 122 enum_specifier: ENUM IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list '}' .
+ $default reduce using rule 122 (enum_specifier)
+State 244
+ 127 enumerator: IDENTIFIER '=' constant_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 127 (enumerator)
+State 245
+ 125 enumerator_list: enumerator_list ',' enumerator .
+ $default reduce using rule 125 (enumerator_list)
+State 246
+ 171 initializer_list: initializer .
+ $default reduce using rule 171 (initializer_list)
+State 247
+ 169 initializer: '{' initializer_list . '}'
+ 170 | '{' initializer_list . ',' '}'
+ 172 initializer_list: initializer_list . ',' initializer
+ ',' shift, and go to state 308
+ '}' shift, and go to state 309
+State 248
+ 104 struct_or_union_specifier: struct_or_union IDENTIFIER '{' struct_declaration_list '}' .
+ $default reduce using rule 104 (struct_or_union_specifier)
+State 249
+ 119 struct_declarator: ':' constant_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 119 (struct_declarator)
+State 250
+ 117 struct_declarator_list: struct_declarator_list ',' . struct_declarator
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 1
+ '(' shift, and go to state 22
+ '*' shift, and go to state 23
+ ':' shift, and go to state 162
+ struct_declarator go to state 310
+ declarator go to state 165
+ direct_declarator go to state 33
+ pointer go to state 34
+State 251
+ 111 struct_declaration: specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list ';' .
+ $default reduce using rule 111 (struct_declaration)
+State 252
+ 120 struct_declarator: declarator ':' . constant_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 147
+ constant_expression go to state 311
+State 253
+ 179 labeled_statement: IDENTIFIER ':' statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 179 (labeled_statement)
+State 254
+ 20 unary_expression: SIZEOF '(' type_name . ')'
+ ')' shift, and go to state 312
+State 255
+ 180 labeled_statement: CASE constant_expression ':' . statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 81
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ CASE shift, and go to state 87
+ DEFAULT shift, and go to state 88
+ IF shift, and go to state 89
+ SWITCH shift, and go to state 90
+ WHILE shift, and go to state 91
+ DO shift, and go to state 92
+ FOR shift, and go to state 93
+ GOTO shift, and go to state 94
+ CONTINUE shift, and go to state 95
+ BREAK shift, and go to state 96
+ RETURN shift, and go to state 97
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 105
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 124
+ statement go to state 313
+ labeled_statement go to state 126
+ compound_statement go to state 127
+ expression_statement go to state 130
+ selection_statement go to state 131
+ iteration_statement go to state 132
+ jump_statement go to state 133
+State 256
+ 181 labeled_statement: DEFAULT ':' statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 181 (labeled_statement)
+State 257
+ 73 expression: expression . ',' assignment_expression
+ 192 selection_statement: IF '(' expression . ')' statement
+ 193 | IF '(' expression . ')' statement ELSE statement
+ ')' shift, and go to state 314
+ ',' shift, and go to state 226
+State 258
+ 73 expression: expression . ',' assignment_expression
+ 194 selection_statement: SWITCH '(' expression . ')' statement
+ ')' shift, and go to state 315
+ ',' shift, and go to state 226
+State 259
+ 73 expression: expression . ',' assignment_expression
+ 195 iteration_statement: WHILE '(' expression . ')' statement
+ ')' shift, and go to state 316
+ ',' shift, and go to state 226
+State 260
+ 196 iteration_statement: DO statement WHILE . '(' expression ')' ';'
+ '(' shift, and go to state 317
+State 261
+ 197 iteration_statement: FOR '(' expression_statement . expression_statement ')' statement
+ 198 | FOR '(' expression_statement . expression_statement expression ')' statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 105
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 124
+ expression_statement go to state 318
+State 262
+ 199 jump_statement: GOTO IDENTIFIER ';' .
+ $default reduce using rule 199 (jump_statement)
+State 263
+ 203 jump_statement: RETURN expression ';' .
+ $default reduce using rule 203 (jump_statement)
+State 264
+ 4 primary_expression: '(' expression ')' .
+ $default reduce using rule 4 (primary_expression)
+State 265
+ 159 direct_abstract_declarator: '(' . abstract_declarator ')'
+ 164 | '(' . ')'
+ 165 | '(' . parameter_type_list ')'
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ TYPEDEF shift, and go to state 3
+ EXTERN shift, and go to state 4
+ STATIC shift, and go to state 5
+ AUTO shift, and go to state 6
+ REGISTER shift, and go to state 7
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ '(' shift, and go to state 265
+ ')' shift, and go to state 297
+ '[' shift, and go to state 233
+ '*' shift, and go to state 23
+ declaration_specifiers go to state 139
+ storage_class_specifier go to state 26
+ type_specifier go to state 27
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 31
+ pointer go to state 266
+ parameter_type_list go to state 298
+ parameter_list go to state 141
+ parameter_declaration go to state 142
+ abstract_declarator go to state 299
+ direct_abstract_declarator go to state 237
+State 266
+ 156 abstract_declarator: pointer .
+ 158 | pointer . direct_abstract_declarator
+ '(' shift, and go to state 265
+ '[' shift, and go to state 233
+ $default reduce using rule 156 (abstract_declarator)
+ direct_abstract_declarator go to state 302
+State 267
+ 155 type_name: specifier_qualifier_list abstract_declarator .
+ $default reduce using rule 155 (type_name)
+State 268
+ 28 cast_expression: '(' type_name ')' . cast_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 319
+State 269
+ 10 postfix_expression: postfix_expression PTR_OP IDENTIFIER .
+ $default reduce using rule 10 (postfix_expression)
+State 270
+ 7 postfix_expression: postfix_expression '(' ')' .
+ $default reduce using rule 7 (postfix_expression)
+State 271
+ 8 postfix_expression: postfix_expression '(' argument_expression_list . ')'
+ 14 argument_expression_list: argument_expression_list . ',' assignment_expression
+ ')' shift, and go to state 320
+ ',' shift, and go to state 321
+State 272
+ 13 argument_expression_list: assignment_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 13 (argument_expression_list)
+State 273
+ 6 postfix_expression: postfix_expression '[' expression . ']'
+ 73 expression: expression . ',' assignment_expression
+ ']' shift, and go to state 322
+ ',' shift, and go to state 226
+State 274
+ 9 postfix_expression: postfix_expression '.' IDENTIFIER .
+ $default reduce using rule 9 (postfix_expression)
+State 275
+ 60 assignment_expression: unary_expression assignment_operator assignment_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 60 (assignment_expression)
+State 276
+ 30 multiplicative_expression: multiplicative_expression '*' cast_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 30 (multiplicative_expression)
+State 277
+ 31 multiplicative_expression: multiplicative_expression '/' cast_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 31 (multiplicative_expression)
+State 278
+ 32 multiplicative_expression: multiplicative_expression '%' cast_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 32 (multiplicative_expression)
+State 279
+ 30 multiplicative_expression: multiplicative_expression . '*' cast_expression
+ 31 | multiplicative_expression . '/' cast_expression
+ 32 | multiplicative_expression . '%' cast_expression
+ 34 additive_expression: additive_expression '+' multiplicative_expression .
+ '*' shift, and go to state 207
+ '/' shift, and go to state 208
+ '%' shift, and go to state 209
+ $default reduce using rule 34 (additive_expression)
+State 280
+ 30 multiplicative_expression: multiplicative_expression . '*' cast_expression
+ 31 | multiplicative_expression . '/' cast_expression
+ 32 | multiplicative_expression . '%' cast_expression
+ 35 additive_expression: additive_expression '-' multiplicative_expression .
+ '*' shift, and go to state 207
+ '/' shift, and go to state 208
+ '%' shift, and go to state 209
+ $default reduce using rule 35 (additive_expression)
+State 281
+ 34 additive_expression: additive_expression . '+' multiplicative_expression
+ 35 | additive_expression . '-' multiplicative_expression
+ 37 shift_expression: shift_expression LEFT_OP additive_expression .
+ '+' shift, and go to state 210
+ '-' shift, and go to state 211
+ $default reduce using rule 37 (shift_expression)
+State 282
+ 34 additive_expression: additive_expression . '+' multiplicative_expression
+ 35 | additive_expression . '-' multiplicative_expression
+ 38 shift_expression: shift_expression RIGHT_OP additive_expression .
+ '+' shift, and go to state 210
+ '-' shift, and go to state 211
+ $default reduce using rule 38 (shift_expression)
+State 283
+ 37 shift_expression: shift_expression . LEFT_OP additive_expression
+ 38 | shift_expression . RIGHT_OP additive_expression
+ 42 relational_expression: relational_expression LE_OP shift_expression .
+ LEFT_OP shift, and go to state 212
+ RIGHT_OP shift, and go to state 213
+ $default reduce using rule 42 (relational_expression)
+State 284
+ 37 shift_expression: shift_expression . LEFT_OP additive_expression
+ 38 | shift_expression . RIGHT_OP additive_expression
+ 43 relational_expression: relational_expression GE_OP shift_expression .
+ LEFT_OP shift, and go to state 212
+ RIGHT_OP shift, and go to state 213
+ $default reduce using rule 43 (relational_expression)
+State 285
+ 37 shift_expression: shift_expression . LEFT_OP additive_expression
+ 38 | shift_expression . RIGHT_OP additive_expression
+ 40 relational_expression: relational_expression '<' shift_expression .
+ LEFT_OP shift, and go to state 212
+ RIGHT_OP shift, and go to state 213
+ $default reduce using rule 40 (relational_expression)
+State 286
+ 37 shift_expression: shift_expression . LEFT_OP additive_expression
+ 38 | shift_expression . RIGHT_OP additive_expression
+ 41 relational_expression: relational_expression '>' shift_expression .
+ LEFT_OP shift, and go to state 212
+ RIGHT_OP shift, and go to state 213
+ $default reduce using rule 41 (relational_expression)
+State 287
+ 40 relational_expression: relational_expression . '<' shift_expression
+ 41 | relational_expression . '>' shift_expression
+ 42 | relational_expression . LE_OP shift_expression
+ 43 | relational_expression . GE_OP shift_expression
+ 45 equality_expression: equality_expression EQ_OP relational_expression .
+ LE_OP shift, and go to state 214
+ GE_OP shift, and go to state 215
+ '<' shift, and go to state 216
+ '>' shift, and go to state 217
+ $default reduce using rule 45 (equality_expression)
+State 288
+ 40 relational_expression: relational_expression . '<' shift_expression
+ 41 | relational_expression . '>' shift_expression
+ 42 | relational_expression . LE_OP shift_expression
+ 43 | relational_expression . GE_OP shift_expression
+ 46 equality_expression: equality_expression NE_OP relational_expression .
+ LE_OP shift, and go to state 214
+ GE_OP shift, and go to state 215
+ '<' shift, and go to state 216
+ '>' shift, and go to state 217
+ $default reduce using rule 46 (equality_expression)
+State 289
+ 45 equality_expression: equality_expression . EQ_OP relational_expression
+ 46 | equality_expression . NE_OP relational_expression
+ 48 and_expression: and_expression '&' equality_expression .
+ EQ_OP shift, and go to state 218
+ NE_OP shift, and go to state 219
+ $default reduce using rule 48 (and_expression)
+State 290
+ 48 and_expression: and_expression . '&' equality_expression
+ 50 exclusive_or_expression: exclusive_or_expression '^' and_expression .
+ '&' shift, and go to state 220
+ $default reduce using rule 50 (exclusive_or_expression)
+State 291
+ 50 exclusive_or_expression: exclusive_or_expression . '^' and_expression
+ 52 inclusive_or_expression: inclusive_or_expression '|' exclusive_or_expression .
+ '^' shift, and go to state 221
+ $default reduce using rule 52 (inclusive_or_expression)
+State 292
+ 52 inclusive_or_expression: inclusive_or_expression . '|' exclusive_or_expression
+ 54 logical_and_expression: logical_and_expression AND_OP inclusive_or_expression .
+ '|' shift, and go to state 222
+ $default reduce using rule 54 (logical_and_expression)
+State 293
+ 54 logical_and_expression: logical_and_expression . AND_OP inclusive_or_expression
+ 56 logical_or_expression: logical_or_expression OR_OP logical_and_expression .
+ AND_OP shift, and go to state 223
+ $default reduce using rule 56 (logical_or_expression)
+State 294
+ 58 conditional_expression: logical_or_expression '?' expression . ':' conditional_expression
+ 73 expression: expression . ',' assignment_expression
+ ',' shift, and go to state 226
+ ':' shift, and go to state 323
+State 295
+ 73 expression: expression ',' assignment_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 73 (expression)
+State 296
+ 185 compound_statement: '{' declaration_list statement_list '}' .
+ $default reduce using rule 185 (compound_statement)
+State 297
+ 164 direct_abstract_declarator: '(' ')' .
+ $default reduce using rule 164 (direct_abstract_declarator)
+State 298
+ 165 direct_abstract_declarator: '(' parameter_type_list . ')'
+ ')' shift, and go to state 324
+State 299
+ 159 direct_abstract_declarator: '(' abstract_declarator . ')'
+ ')' shift, and go to state 325
+State 300
+ 160 direct_abstract_declarator: '[' ']' .
+ $default reduce using rule 160 (direct_abstract_declarator)
+State 301
+ 161 direct_abstract_declarator: '[' constant_expression . ']'
+ ']' shift, and go to state 326
+State 302
+ 158 abstract_declarator: pointer direct_abstract_declarator .
+ 162 direct_abstract_declarator: direct_abstract_declarator . '[' ']'
+ 163 | direct_abstract_declarator . '[' constant_expression ']'
+ 166 | direct_abstract_declarator . '(' ')'
+ 167 | direct_abstract_declarator . '(' parameter_type_list ')'
+ '(' shift, and go to state 303
+ '[' shift, and go to state 304
+ $default reduce using rule 158 (abstract_declarator)
+State 303
+ 166 direct_abstract_declarator: direct_abstract_declarator '(' . ')'
+ 167 | direct_abstract_declarator '(' . parameter_type_list ')'
+ TYPE_NAME shift, and go to state 2
+ TYPEDEF shift, and go to state 3
+ EXTERN shift, and go to state 4
+ STATIC shift, and go to state 5
+ AUTO shift, and go to state 6
+ REGISTER shift, and go to state 7
+ CHAR shift, and go to state 8
+ SHORT shift, and go to state 9
+ INT shift, and go to state 10
+ LONG shift, and go to state 11
+ SIGNED shift, and go to state 12
+ UNSIGNED shift, and go to state 13
+ FLOAT shift, and go to state 14
+ DOUBLE shift, and go to state 15
+ CONST shift, and go to state 16
+ VOLATILE shift, and go to state 17
+ VOID shift, and go to state 18
+ STRUCT shift, and go to state 19
+ UNION shift, and go to state 20
+ ENUM shift, and go to state 21
+ ')' shift, and go to state 327
+ declaration_specifiers go to state 139
+ storage_class_specifier go to state 26
+ type_specifier go to state 27
+ struct_or_union_specifier go to state 28
+ struct_or_union go to state 29
+ enum_specifier go to state 30
+ type_qualifier go to state 31
+ parameter_type_list go to state 328
+ parameter_list go to state 141
+ parameter_declaration go to state 142
+State 304
+ 162 direct_abstract_declarator: direct_abstract_declarator '[' . ']'
+ 163 | direct_abstract_declarator '[' . constant_expression ']'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ ']' shift, and go to state 329
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 147
+ constant_expression go to state 330
+State 305
+ 146 parameter_type_list: parameter_list ',' ELLIPSIS .
+ $default reduce using rule 146 (parameter_type_list)
+State 306
+ 148 parameter_list: parameter_list ',' parameter_declaration .
+ $default reduce using rule 148 (parameter_list)
+State 307
+ 153 identifier_list: identifier_list ',' IDENTIFIER .
+ $default reduce using rule 153 (identifier_list)
+State 308
+ 170 initializer: '{' initializer_list ',' . '}'
+ 172 initializer_list: initializer_list ',' . initializer
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ '{' shift, and go to state 154
+ '}' shift, and go to state 331
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 155
+ initializer go to state 332
+State 309
+ 169 initializer: '{' initializer_list '}' .
+ $default reduce using rule 169 (initializer)
+State 310
+ 117 struct_declarator_list: struct_declarator_list ',' struct_declarator .
+ $default reduce using rule 117 (struct_declarator_list)
+State 311
+ 120 struct_declarator: declarator ':' constant_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 120 (struct_declarator)
+State 312
+ 20 unary_expression: SIZEOF '(' type_name ')' .
+ $default reduce using rule 20 (unary_expression)
+State 313
+ 180 labeled_statement: CASE constant_expression ':' statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 180 (labeled_statement)
+State 314
+ 192 selection_statement: IF '(' expression ')' . statement
+ 193 | IF '(' expression ')' . statement ELSE statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 81
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ CASE shift, and go to state 87
+ DEFAULT shift, and go to state 88
+ IF shift, and go to state 89
+ SWITCH shift, and go to state 90
+ WHILE shift, and go to state 91
+ DO shift, and go to state 92
+ FOR shift, and go to state 93
+ GOTO shift, and go to state 94
+ CONTINUE shift, and go to state 95
+ BREAK shift, and go to state 96
+ RETURN shift, and go to state 97
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 105
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 124
+ statement go to state 333
+ labeled_statement go to state 126
+ compound_statement go to state 127
+ expression_statement go to state 130
+ selection_statement go to state 131
+ iteration_statement go to state 132
+ jump_statement go to state 133
+State 315
+ 194 selection_statement: SWITCH '(' expression ')' . statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 81
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ CASE shift, and go to state 87
+ DEFAULT shift, and go to state 88
+ IF shift, and go to state 89
+ SWITCH shift, and go to state 90
+ WHILE shift, and go to state 91
+ DO shift, and go to state 92
+ FOR shift, and go to state 93
+ GOTO shift, and go to state 94
+ CONTINUE shift, and go to state 95
+ BREAK shift, and go to state 96
+ RETURN shift, and go to state 97
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 105
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 124
+ statement go to state 334
+ labeled_statement go to state 126
+ compound_statement go to state 127
+ expression_statement go to state 130
+ selection_statement go to state 131
+ iteration_statement go to state 132
+ jump_statement go to state 133
+State 316
+ 195 iteration_statement: WHILE '(' expression ')' . statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 81
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ CASE shift, and go to state 87
+ DEFAULT shift, and go to state 88
+ IF shift, and go to state 89
+ SWITCH shift, and go to state 90
+ WHILE shift, and go to state 91
+ DO shift, and go to state 92
+ FOR shift, and go to state 93
+ GOTO shift, and go to state 94
+ CONTINUE shift, and go to state 95
+ BREAK shift, and go to state 96
+ RETURN shift, and go to state 97
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 105
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 124
+ statement go to state 335
+ labeled_statement go to state 126
+ compound_statement go to state 127
+ expression_statement go to state 130
+ selection_statement go to state 131
+ iteration_statement go to state 132
+ jump_statement go to state 133
+State 317
+ 196 iteration_statement: DO statement WHILE '(' . expression ')' ';'
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 336
+State 318
+ 197 iteration_statement: FOR '(' expression_statement expression_statement . ')' statement
+ 198 | FOR '(' expression_statement expression_statement . expression ')' statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ ')' shift, and go to state 337
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 338
+State 319
+ 28 cast_expression: '(' type_name ')' cast_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 28 (cast_expression)
+State 320
+ 8 postfix_expression: postfix_expression '(' argument_expression_list ')' .
+ $default reduce using rule 8 (postfix_expression)
+State 321
+ 14 argument_expression_list: argument_expression_list ',' . assignment_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 339
+State 322
+ 6 postfix_expression: postfix_expression '[' expression ']' .
+ $default reduce using rule 6 (postfix_expression)
+State 323
+ 58 conditional_expression: logical_or_expression '?' expression ':' . conditional_expression
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 144
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 146
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 340
+State 324
+ 165 direct_abstract_declarator: '(' parameter_type_list ')' .
+ $default reduce using rule 165 (direct_abstract_declarator)
+State 325
+ 159 direct_abstract_declarator: '(' abstract_declarator ')' .
+ $default reduce using rule 159 (direct_abstract_declarator)
+State 326
+ 161 direct_abstract_declarator: '[' constant_expression ']' .
+ $default reduce using rule 161 (direct_abstract_declarator)
+State 327
+ 166 direct_abstract_declarator: direct_abstract_declarator '(' ')' .
+ $default reduce using rule 166 (direct_abstract_declarator)
+State 328
+ 167 direct_abstract_declarator: direct_abstract_declarator '(' parameter_type_list . ')'
+ ')' shift, and go to state 341
+State 329
+ 162 direct_abstract_declarator: direct_abstract_declarator '[' ']' .
+ $default reduce using rule 162 (direct_abstract_declarator)
+State 330
+ 163 direct_abstract_declarator: direct_abstract_declarator '[' constant_expression . ']'
+ ']' shift, and go to state 342
+State 331
+ 170 initializer: '{' initializer_list ',' '}' .
+ $default reduce using rule 170 (initializer)
+State 332
+ 172 initializer_list: initializer_list ',' initializer .
+ $default reduce using rule 172 (initializer_list)
+State 333
+ 192 selection_statement: IF '(' expression ')' statement .
+ 193 | IF '(' expression ')' statement . ELSE statement
+ ELSE shift, and go to state 343
+ ELSE [reduce using rule 192 (selection_statement)]
+ $default reduce using rule 192 (selection_statement)
+State 334
+ 194 selection_statement: SWITCH '(' expression ')' statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 194 (selection_statement)
+State 335
+ 195 iteration_statement: WHILE '(' expression ')' statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 195 (iteration_statement)
+State 336
+ 73 expression: expression . ',' assignment_expression
+ 196 iteration_statement: DO statement WHILE '(' expression . ')' ';'
+ ')' shift, and go to state 344
+ ',' shift, and go to state 226
+State 337
+ 197 iteration_statement: FOR '(' expression_statement expression_statement ')' . statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 81
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ CASE shift, and go to state 87
+ DEFAULT shift, and go to state 88
+ IF shift, and go to state 89
+ SWITCH shift, and go to state 90
+ WHILE shift, and go to state 91
+ DO shift, and go to state 92
+ FOR shift, and go to state 93
+ GOTO shift, and go to state 94
+ CONTINUE shift, and go to state 95
+ BREAK shift, and go to state 96
+ RETURN shift, and go to state 97
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 105
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 124
+ statement go to state 345
+ labeled_statement go to state 126
+ compound_statement go to state 127
+ expression_statement go to state 130
+ selection_statement go to state 131
+ iteration_statement go to state 132
+ jump_statement go to state 133
+State 338
+ 73 expression: expression . ',' assignment_expression
+ 198 iteration_statement: FOR '(' expression_statement expression_statement expression . ')' statement
+ ')' shift, and go to state 346
+ ',' shift, and go to state 226
+State 339
+ 14 argument_expression_list: argument_expression_list ',' assignment_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 14 (argument_expression_list)
+State 340
+ 58 conditional_expression: logical_or_expression '?' expression ':' conditional_expression .
+ $default reduce using rule 58 (conditional_expression)
+State 341
+ 167 direct_abstract_declarator: direct_abstract_declarator '(' parameter_type_list ')' .
+ $default reduce using rule 167 (direct_abstract_declarator)
+State 342
+ 163 direct_abstract_declarator: direct_abstract_declarator '[' constant_expression ']' .
+ $default reduce using rule 163 (direct_abstract_declarator)
+State 343
+ 193 selection_statement: IF '(' expression ')' statement ELSE . statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 81
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ CASE shift, and go to state 87
+ DEFAULT shift, and go to state 88
+ IF shift, and go to state 89
+ SWITCH shift, and go to state 90
+ WHILE shift, and go to state 91
+ DO shift, and go to state 92
+ FOR shift, and go to state 93
+ GOTO shift, and go to state 94
+ CONTINUE shift, and go to state 95
+ BREAK shift, and go to state 96
+ RETURN shift, and go to state 97
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 105
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 124
+ statement go to state 347
+ labeled_statement go to state 126
+ compound_statement go to state 127
+ expression_statement go to state 130
+ selection_statement go to state 131
+ iteration_statement go to state 132
+ jump_statement go to state 133
+State 344
+ 196 iteration_statement: DO statement WHILE '(' expression ')' . ';'
+ ';' shift, and go to state 348
+State 345
+ 197 iteration_statement: FOR '(' expression_statement expression_statement ')' statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 197 (iteration_statement)
+State 346
+ 198 iteration_statement: FOR '(' expression_statement expression_statement expression ')' . statement
+ IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 81
+ CONSTANT shift, and go to state 82
+ STRING_LITERAL shift, and go to state 83
+ SIZEOF shift, and go to state 84
+ INC_OP shift, and go to state 85
+ DEC_OP shift, and go to state 86
+ CASE shift, and go to state 87
+ DEFAULT shift, and go to state 88
+ IF shift, and go to state 89
+ SWITCH shift, and go to state 90
+ WHILE shift, and go to state 91
+ DO shift, and go to state 92
+ FOR shift, and go to state 93
+ GOTO shift, and go to state 94
+ CONTINUE shift, and go to state 95
+ BREAK shift, and go to state 96
+ RETURN shift, and go to state 97
+ '(' shift, and go to state 98
+ '&' shift, and go to state 99
+ '*' shift, and go to state 100
+ '+' shift, and go to state 101
+ '-' shift, and go to state 102
+ '~' shift, and go to state 103
+ '!' shift, and go to state 104
+ ';' shift, and go to state 105
+ '{' shift, and go to state 53
+ primary_expression go to state 107
+ postfix_expression go to state 108
+ unary_expression go to state 109
+ unary_operator go to state 110
+ cast_expression go to state 111
+ multiplicative_expression go to state 112
+ additive_expression go to state 113
+ shift_expression go to state 114
+ relational_expression go to state 115
+ equality_expression go to state 116
+ and_expression go to state 117
+ exclusive_or_expression go to state 118
+ inclusive_or_expression go to state 119
+ logical_and_expression go to state 120
+ logical_or_expression go to state 121
+ conditional_expression go to state 122
+ assignment_expression go to state 123
+ expression go to state 124
+ statement go to state 349
+ labeled_statement go to state 126
+ compound_statement go to state 127
+ expression_statement go to state 130
+ selection_statement go to state 131
+ iteration_statement go to state 132
+ jump_statement go to state 133
+State 347
+ 193 selection_statement: IF '(' expression ')' statement ELSE statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 193 (selection_statement)
+State 348
+ 196 iteration_statement: DO statement WHILE '(' expression ')' ';' .
+ $default reduce using rule 196 (iteration_statement)
+State 349
+ 198 iteration_statement: FOR '(' expression_statement expression_statement expression ')' statement .
+ $default reduce using rule 198 (iteration_statement)