path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
56 files changed, 5816 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/src/bindings/CMakeLists.txt b/src/bindings/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57388f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# if you build swig from sources on windows, this is where it will end up
+# see also:
+ return()
+if (WIN32)
+ if(EXISTS "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/../swig/")
+ elseif(EXISTS "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/../../swig/")
+ endif()
+ file(GLOB POTENTIAL_SWIG "C:/Program Files/swig*" "C:/Program Files (x86)/swig*")
+ add_subdirectory(swig/java)
+ endif()
+ # add_subdirectory(swig/csharp)
+ # endif()
+ # add_subdirectory(swig/php)
+ # endif()
+ message(STATUS "SWIG version > 3.0 is recommended, found ${SWIG_VERSION}")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ message(STATUS "SWIG version 2.0.5 is required, found ${SWIG_VERSION} - skipping wrapper generation")
+ endif()
+ message(STATUS "SWIG not found - skipping wrapper generation")
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/csharp/CMakeLists.txt b/src/bindings/swig/csharp/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..384507b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/csharp/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# generate JNI library and create a jar
+# Make from within Eclipse fails miserably with the whole thing
+if (WIN32)
+ LIST(APPEND CMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH "C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v3.5") # CSharp compiler
+ LIST(APPEND CMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH "C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319") # CSharp compiler
+ # unset all library suffixes as swig will hardcode a library without
+ if (MSVC)
+ # MSVC does not include inttypes.h but SWIG needs it
+ include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../msvc)
+ endif()
+ include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
+ SET(USCXML_CSHARP_DIR "org/uscxml")
+ endif()
+ # we need ; to produce a space with the package .. weird
+ SWIG_ADD_MODULE(uscxmlNativeCSharp csharp uscxml.i)
+ set_target_properties(uscxmlNativeCSharp PROPERTIES FOLDER "Bindings")
+ set_target_properties(uscxmlNativeCSharp
+ )
+ set_target_properties(uscxmlNativeCSharp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-DSWIG")
+ swig_link_libraries(uscxmlNativeCSharp uscxml)
+ # build managed code part
+ copy ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/org/uscxml/InterpreterException.cs ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src/bindings/swig/csharp/org/uscxml
+ /target:library
+ *.cs
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src/bindings/swig/csharp/org/uscxml
+ COMMENT "Creating umundoCSharp.dll for C# ...")
+ else()
+ copy ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/org/uscxml/InterpreterException.cs ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src/bindings/swig/csharp/org/uscxml
+ -target:library
+ *.cs
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src/bindings/swig/csharp/org/uscxml
+ COMMENT "Creating umundoCSharp.dll for Mono ...")
+ endif()
+ add_dependencies(csharp uscxmlNativeCSharp)
+ add_dependencies(ALL_TESTS csharp)
+ endif()
+ set_target_properties(csharp PROPERTIES FOLDER "Bindings")
+endif() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/csharp/org/uscxml/InterpreterException.cs b/src/bindings/swig/csharp/org/uscxml/InterpreterException.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38430d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/csharp/org/uscxml/InterpreterException.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+namespace org.uscxml {
+ public class InterpreterException : System.ApplicationException {
+ public InterpreterException(string message)
+ : base(message) {
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/csharp/uscxml.i b/src/bindings/swig/csharp/uscxml.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbc5f20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/csharp/uscxml.i
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+%module(directors="1", allprotected="1") uscxmlNativeCSharp
+// provide a macro for the header files
+%include <stl.i>
+%include <std_map.i>
+%include <std_string.i>
+%include <inttypes.i>
+%include "../stl_set.i"
+%include "../stl_list.i"
+%include <boost_shared_ptr.i>
+// these are needed at least for the templates to work
+typedef uscxml::Blob Blob;
+typedef uscxml::Data Data;
+typedef uscxml::Event Event;
+typedef uscxml::InvokeRequest InvokeRequest;
+typedef uscxml::SendRequest SendRequest;
+typedef uscxml::Invoker Invoker;
+typedef uscxml::IOProcessor IOProcessor;
+typedef uscxml::DataModel DataModel;
+typedef uscxml::DataModelExtension DataModelExtension;
+typedef uscxml::ExecutableContent ExecutableContent;
+typedef uscxml::InvokerImpl InvokerImpl;
+typedef uscxml::IOProcessorImpl IOProcessorImpl;
+typedef uscxml::DataModelImpl DataModelImpl;
+typedef uscxml::ExecutableContentImpl ExecutableContentImpl;
+typedef uscxml::InterpreterIssue InterpreterIssue;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedInvoker;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedDataModel;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedDataModelExtension;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedIOProcessor;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedExecutableContent;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedInterpreterMonitor;
+// disable warnings
+// unknown base class
+#pragma SWIG nowarn=401
+// override symbols via extend
+#pragma SWIG nowarn=302
+// ignoring overrided method
+#pragma SWIG nowarn=516
+// pointer from director
+#pragma SWIG nowarn=473
+// renamed params -> _params
+#pragma SWIG nowarn=314
+%rename(equals) operator==;
+%rename(isValid) operator bool;
+// This ends up in the generated wrapper code
+#include "../../../uscxml/Message.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/Factory.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/Interpreter.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/concurrency/BlockingQueue.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/server/HTTPServer.h"
+//#include "../../../uscxml/debug/DebuggerServlet.h"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedInvoker.h"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedDataModel.h"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedExecutableContent.h"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedIOProcessor.h"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.h"
+using namespace uscxml;
+using namespace Arabica::DOM;
+// the wrapped* C++ classes get rid of DOM nodes and provide more easily wrapped base classes
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedInvoker.cpp"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedDataModel.cpp"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedExecutableContent.cpp"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedIOProcessor.cpp"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.cpp"
+// see
+%insert(runtime) %{
+ // Code to handle throwing of C# CustomApplicationException from C/C++ code.
+ // The equivalent delegate to the callback, CSharpExceptionCallback_t, is CustomExceptionDelegate
+ // and the equivalent customExceptionCallback instance is customDelegate
+ typedef void (SWIGSTDCALL* CSharpExceptionCallback_t)(const char *);
+ CSharpExceptionCallback_t customExceptionCallback = NULL;
+ extern "C" SWIGEXPORT
+ void SWIGSTDCALL CustomExceptionRegisterCallback(CSharpExceptionCallback_t customCallback) {
+ customExceptionCallback = customCallback;
+ }
+ // Note that SWIG detects any method calls named starting with
+ // SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException for warning 845
+ static void SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionCustom(const char *msg) {
+ customExceptionCallback(msg);
+ }
+%pragma(csharp) imclasscode=%{
+ class CustomExceptionHelper {
+ // C# delegate for the C/C++ customExceptionCallback
+ public delegate void CustomExceptionDelegate(string message);
+ static CustomExceptionDelegate customDelegate =
+ new CustomExceptionDelegate(SetPendingCustomException);
+ [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("$dllimport", EntryPoint="CustomExceptionRegisterCallback")]
+ public static extern
+ void CustomExceptionRegisterCallback(CustomExceptionDelegate customCallback);
+ static void SetPendingCustomException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new org.uscxml.InterpreterException(message));
+ }
+ static CustomExceptionHelper() {
+ CustomExceptionRegisterCallback(customDelegate);
+ }
+ }
+ static CustomExceptionHelper exceptionHelper = new CustomExceptionHelper();
+%exception MATCH %{
+try {
+ $action
+} catch (uscxml::Event& e) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << std::endl << e;
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionCustom(ss.str().c_str());
+%csmethodmodifiers CLASSNAME::ToString() "public override";
+%extend CLASSNAME {
+ virtual std::string ToString() {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *self;
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+%include "../uscxml_ignores.i"
+// InterpreterMonitor -> StateTransitionMonitor
+%ignore uscxml::StateTransitionMonitor;
+// Beautify important classes
+// byte[] signature for Blob get/setData
+// see
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Blob::setData(const char* data, size_t length) "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Blob::setMimeType(const std::string& mimeType) "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Blob::Blob(const char* data, size_t size, const std::string& mimeType) "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Blob::Blob(const char* data, size_t size) "private";
+%typemap(cscode) uscxml::Blob %{
+ public Blob(byte[] data, string mimeType) : this(uscxmlNativeCSharpPINVOKE.new_Blob__SWIG_2(data, (uint)data.Length, mimeType), true) {
+ if (uscxmlNativeCSharpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw uscxmlNativeCSharpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
+ }
+%typemap(imtype, out="System.IntPtr") const char *data "byte[]"
+%typemap(cstype) const char *data "byte[]"
+%typemap(in) const char *data %{ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(csin) const char *data "$csinput"
+%typemap(imtype, out="System.IntPtr") char* getData "byte[]"
+%typemap(cstype) char* getData "byte[]"
+%typemap(csout) char* getData %{
+ {
+ byte[] ret = new byte[this.getSize()];
+ System.IntPtr data = $imcall;
+ System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(data, ret, 0, (int)this.getSize());
+ return ret;
+ }
+// make sure we do not get the default with SWIG_csharp_string_callback
+%typemap(out) char* getData {
+ $result = (char *)result;
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::getParamMap() "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::getParamMapKeys() "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::setParamMap(const std::map<std::string, std::list<uscxml::Data> >&) "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::getNameListKeys() "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Interpreter::getIOProcessorKeys() "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Interpreter::getInvokerKeys() "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Interpreter::getInvokers() "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Interpreter::getIOProcessors() "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Data::getCompoundKeys() "private";
+%include "../uscxml_beautify.i"
+%typemap(csimports) uscxml::Interpreter %{
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+%typemap(cscode) uscxml::Interpreter %{
+ public Dictionary<string, NativeIOProcessor> getIOProcessors() {
+ Dictionary<string, NativeIOProcessor> ioProcs = new Dictionary<string, NativeIOProcessor>();
+ StringVector keys = getIOProcessorKeys();
+ IOProcMap ioProcMap = getIOProcessorsNative();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++) {
+ ioProcs[keys[i]] = ioProcMap[keys[i]];
+ }
+ return ioProcs;
+ }
+ public Dictionary<string, NativeInvoker> getInvokers() {
+ Dictionary<string, NativeInvoker> invokers = new Dictionary<string, NativeInvoker>();
+ StringVector keys = getInvokerKeys();
+ InvokerMap invokerMap = getInvokersNative();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++) {
+ invokers[keys[i]] = invokerMap[keys[i]];
+ }
+ return invokers;
+ }
+%rename(getCompoundNative) uscxml::Data::getCompound();
+%rename(getArrayNative) uscxml::Data::getArray();
+%rename(setCompoundNative) uscxml::Data::setCompound(const std::map<std::string, Data>&);
+%rename(setArrayNative) uscxml::Data::setArray(const std::list<Data>&);
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Data::getCompound() "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Data::getArray() "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Data::setCompound(const std::map<std::string, Data>&) "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Data::setArray(const std::list<Data>&) "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Data::getCompoundKeys() "private";
+%typemap(csimports) uscxml::Data %{
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+%typemap(cscode) uscxml::Data %{
+ public Data(byte[] data, String mimeType) : this() {
+ setBinary(new Blob(data, mimeType));
+ }
+ public Data(List<Data> arr) : this() {
+ setArray(arr);
+ }
+ public Data(Dictionary<string, Data> compound) : this() {
+ setCompound(compound);
+ }
+ public Dictionary<string, Data> getCompound() {
+ Dictionary<string, Data> compound = new Dictionary<string, Data>();
+ DataMap dataMap = getCompoundNative();
+ StringVector dataMapKeys = getCompoundKeys();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < dataMapKeys.Count; i++) {
+ compound[dataMapKeys[i]] = dataMap[dataMapKeys[i]];
+ }
+ return compound;
+ }
+ public void setCompound(Dictionary<string, Data> compound) {
+ DataMap dataMap = new DataMap();
+ foreach(KeyValuePair<string, Data> entry in compound) {
+ dataMap.Add(entry);
+ }
+ setCompoundNative(dataMap);
+ }
+ public List<Data> getArray() {
+ List<Data> arr = new List<Data>();
+ DataList dataList = getArrayNative();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < dataList.size(); i++) {
+ arr.Add(dataList.get(i));
+ }
+ return arr;
+ }
+ public void setArray(List<Data> arr) {
+ DataList dataList = new DataList();
+ foreach (Data data in arr) {
+ dataList.add(data);
+ }
+ setArrayNative(dataList);
+ }
+%rename(getNameListNative) uscxml::Event::getNameList();
+%rename(getParamsNative) uscxml::Event::getParams();
+%rename(setNameListNative) uscxml::Event::setNameList(const std::map<std::string, Data>&);
+%rename(setParamsNative) uscxml::Event::setParams(const std::multimap<std::string, Data>&);
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::getNameList() "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::getNameListKeys() "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::getParams() "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::setNameList(const std::map<std::string, Data>&) "private";
+%csmethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::setParams(const std::multimap<std::string, Data>&) "private";
+%typemap(csimports) uscxml::Event %{
+ using System;
+ using System.Collections.Generic;
+ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+%typemap(cscode) uscxml::Event %{
+ public Dictionary<string, List<Data> > getParams() {
+ Dictionary<string, List<Data>> parameters = new Dictionary<string, List<Data>>();
+ ParamMap paramMap = getParamMap();
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<string, DataList> entry in paramMap) {
+ DataList dataList = entry.Value;
+ List<Data> paramList = new List<Data>();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < dataList.size(); i++) {
+ Data data = dataList.get(i);
+ paramList.Add(data);
+ }
+ parameters.Add(entry.Key, paramList);
+ }
+ return parameters;
+ }
+ public void setParams(Dictionary<string, List<Data>> parameters) {
+ ParamMap paramMap = new ParamMap();
+ foreach(KeyValuePair<string, List<Data>> entry in parameters) {
+ DataList dataList = new DataList();
+ foreach (Data data in entry.Value) {
+ dataList.add(data);
+ }
+ paramMap.Add(entry.Key, dataList);
+ }
+ setParamMap(paramMap);
+ }
+ public Dictionary<string, Data> getNameList() {
+ Dictionary<string, Data> nameList = new Dictionary<string, Data>();
+ DataMap nameListMap = getNameListNative();
+ StringVector nameListMapKeys = getNameListKeys();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nameListMapKeys.Count; i++) {
+ nameList[nameListMapKeys[i]] = nameListMap[nameListMapKeys[i]];
+ }
+ return nameList;
+ }
+ public void setNameList(Dictionary<string, Data> nameList) {
+ DataMap dataMap = new DataMap();
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Data> entry in nameList) {
+ dataMap.Add(entry);
+ }
+ setNameListNative(dataMap);
+ }
+// Parse the header file to generate wrappers
+%include "../../../uscxml/Common.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/Factory.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/Message.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/Interpreter.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/concurrency/BlockingQueue.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/server/HTTPServer.h"
+//%include "../../../uscxml/debug/DebuggerServlet.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/debug/InterpreterIssue.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/messages/Blob.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/messages/Data.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/messages/Event.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/messages/InvokeRequest.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/messages/SendRequest.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/DataModel.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/EventHandler.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/ExecutableContent.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/Invoker.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/IOProcessor.h"
+%include "../wrapped/WrappedInvoker.h"
+%include "../wrapped/WrappedDataModel.h"
+%include "../wrapped/WrappedExecutableContent.h"
+%include "../wrapped/WrappedIOProcessor.h"
+%include "../wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.h"
+%template(IssueList) std::list<uscxml::InterpreterIssue>;
+%template(DataList) std::list<uscxml::Data>;
+%template(DataMap) std::map<std::string, uscxml::Data>;
+%template(StringSet) std::set<std::string>;
+%template(StringVector) std::vector<std::string>;
+%template(StringList) std::list<std::string>;
+%template(ParamMap) std::map<std::string, std::list<uscxml::Data> >;
+%template(IOProcMap) std::map<std::string, IOProcessor>;
+%template(InvokerMap) std::map<std::string, Invoker>;
+%template(ParentQueue) uscxml::concurrency::BlockingQueue<uscxml::SendRequest>;
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/java/CMakeLists.txt b/src/bindings/swig/java/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..148199e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/java/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# generate JNI library and create a jar
+# Make from within Eclipse fails miserably with the whole thing
+ include_directories(${JNI_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+ message(STATUS "No JNI libraries found - not building Java wrappers")
+ return()
+SET(USCXML_JAVA_DIR "org/uscxml")
+# we need ; to produce a space with the package .. weird
+SWIG_ADD_MODULE(uscxmlNativeJava java uscxml.i)
+ if (NOT ${JNI_LIBRARY} MATCHES ".*jawt.*")
+ endif()
+set_target_properties(uscxmlNativeJava PROPERTIES FOLDER "Bindings")
+set_target_properties(uscxmlNativeJava PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-DSWIG")
+swig_link_libraries(uscxmlNativeJava uscxml)
+file(GLOB POTENTIAL_ANT "C:/Program Files/apache-ant**/bin" "C:/Program Files (x86)/apache-ant**/bin")
+ # include all the JNI libraries prepared from DIST_PREPARE builds on the various desktop platforms
+ if (ANDROID)
+ set(JAR_EXCLUDE_JNI ON) # JNI inside jar not allowed with Android
+ SET(JAR_JNI_ROOT_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/package/cross-compiled/android)
+ else()
+ endif()
+ else()
+ endif()
+ else()
+ # when not preparing a distribution, just put the jar into the libs
+ endif()
+ -Dlib.dir=${JAR_JNI_ROOT_PATH}
+ -Dbuild.dir=${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}
+ -Dbuild.type=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}
+ -Dexclude.debug=${JAR_EXCLUDE_DEBUG}
+ -Dexclude.jni=${JAR_EXCLUDE_JNI}
+ -f build-java.xml
+ COMMENT "Creating the jar ...")
+ set_target_properties(java PROPERTIES FOLDER "Bindings")
+ message(STATUS "Could not find ant binary - will not build jars")
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/java/org/uscxml/ b/src/bindings/swig/java/org/uscxml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2baa99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/java/org/uscxml/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package org.uscxml;
+public class InterpreterException extends Exception {
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = -3534919496547591015L;
+ public InterpreterException(String name, String msg) {
+ super(msg);
+ }
+ public String name;
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/java/uscxml.i b/src/bindings/swig/java/uscxml.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03d8232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/java/uscxml.i
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+%module(directors="1", allprotected="1") uscxmlNativeJava
+// provide a macro for the header files
+%include <stl.i>
+%include <std_map.i>
+%include <std_string.i>
+%include <inttypes.i>
+%include "../stl_set.i"
+%include "../stl_list.i"
+%include "enums.swg"
+%include <std_shared_ptr.i>
+// these are needed at least for the templates to work
+typedef uscxml::Blob Blob;
+typedef uscxml::Data Data;
+typedef uscxml::Event Event;
+typedef uscxml::Invoker Invoker;
+typedef uscxml::IOProcessor IOProcessor;
+typedef uscxml::DataModel DataModel;
+typedef uscxml::DataModelExtension DataModelExtension;
+typedef uscxml::ExecutableContent ExecutableContent;
+typedef uscxml::InvokerImpl InvokerImpl;
+typedef uscxml::IOProcessorImpl IOProcessorImpl;
+typedef uscxml::DataModelImpl DataModelImpl;
+typedef uscxml::ExecutableContentImpl ExecutableContentImpl;
+typedef uscxml::InterpreterIssue InterpreterIssue;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedInvoker;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedDataModel;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedDataModelExtension;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedIOProcessor;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedExecutableContent;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedInterpreterMonitor;
+// disable warning related to unknown base class
+#pragma SWIG nowarn=401
+// do not warn when we override symbols via extend
+#pragma SWIG nowarn=302
+// do not warn when ignoring overrided method
+#pragma SWIG nowarn=516
+%rename(equals) operator==; // signature is wrong, still useful
+%rename(isValid) operator bool;
+// This ends up in the generated wrapper code
+#include "uscxml/config.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/Interpreter.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/debug/InterpreterIssue.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterState.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterMonitor.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/messages/Data.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/messages/Event.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/util/DOM.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/plugins/Factory.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/plugins/DataModelImpl.h"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedInvoker.h"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedDataModel.h"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedExecutableContent.h"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedIOProcessor.h"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.h"
+using namespace uscxml;
+using namespace XERCESC_NS;
+// the wrapped* C++ classes get rid of DOM nodes and provide more easily wrapped base classes
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedInvoker.cpp"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedDataModel.cpp"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedExecutableContent.cpp"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedIOProcessor.cpp"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.cpp"
+// throw from c++ to java
+%javaexception("org.uscxml.InterpreterException") MATCH {
+ try {
+ $action
+ }
+ catch ( uscxml::Event& e ) {
+ jclass eclass = jenv->FindClass("org/uscxml/InterpreterException");
+ if ( eclass ) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ jenv->ThrowNew( eclass, ss.str().c_str() );
+ }
+ }
+// throw from java directors to c++
+%typemap(javabase) uscxml::Event "java.lang.RuntimeException";
+%rename(getMessage) uscxml::ErrorEvent::toString;
+%feature("director:except") MATCH {
+ jthrowable swigerror = jenv->ExceptionOccurred();
+ if (Swig::ExceptionMatches(jenv, swigerror, "org/uscxml/ErrorEvent")) {
+ jenv->ExceptionClear();
+ jenv->DeleteLocalRef(swigjobj);
+ ERROR_EXECUTION_THROW(Swig::JavaExceptionMessage(jenv, swigerror).message());
+ }
+%typemap(directorthrows) uscxml::ErrorEvent %{
+ if (Swig::ExceptionMatches(jenv, $error, "$packagepath/$javaclassname"))
+ throw $1_type(Swig::JavaExceptionMessage(jenv, $error).message());
+%catches(uscxml::ErrorEvent) uscxml::WrappedDataModel::getLength;
+// provide a hashcode
+%extend CLASSNAME {
+ virtual int hashCode() {
+/* std::cout << "Calc hashcode as " << (int)(size_t)self->getImpl().get() << std::endl << std::flush;*/
+ return (int)(size_t)self->getImpl().get();
+ }
+%extend CLASSNAME {
+ virtual std::string toString() {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *self;
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+%include "../uscxml_ignores.i"
+#if 0
+// see
+%typemap(jstype) const MATCH & "WRAPPER"
+%typemap(jstype) MATCH "WRAPPER"
+ pre=" NATIVE temp$javainput = $javainput.toNative();",
+ pgcppname="temp$javainput") const MATCH &
+ "$javaclassname.getCPtr(temp$javainput)"
+ %typemap(javain,
+ pre=" NATIVE temp$javainput = $javainput.toNative();",
+ pgcppname="temp$javainput") MATCH
+ "$javaclassname.getCPtr(temp$javainput)"
+%typemap(javaout) const MATCH & {
+ NATIVE nativeData = new NATIVE($jnicall, $owner);
+ return new WRAPPER(nativeData);
+%typemap(javaout) MATCH {
+ NATIVE nativeData = new NATIVE($jnicall, $owner);
+ return new WRAPPER(nativeData);
+%typemap(javadirectorout) MATCH "NATIVE.getCPtr($javacall.toNative())"
+%typemap(javadirectorin) MATCH "WRAPPER.fromNative(new NATIVE($jniinput, false))";
+%typemap(javadirectorin) const MATCH & "WRAPPER.fromNative(new NATIVE($jniinput, false))";
+%typemap(directorin,descriptor="L/org/uscxml/"##"WRAPPER;") const MATCH & "*(MATCH **)&$input = (MATCH *) &$1;"
+%typemap(directorout) MATCH ($&1_type argp)
+%{ argp = *($&1_ltype*)&$input;
+ if (!argp) {
+ SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "Unexpected null return for type $1_type");
+ return $null;
+ }
+ $result = *argp; %}
+// not used as it will not work for directors :(
+BEAUTIFY_NATIVE(uscxml::Data, Data, DataNative);
+BEAUTIFY_NATIVE(uscxml::Event, Event, EventNative);
+// bytearray for Blob::data
+// see:
+%apply (char *STRING, size_t LENGTH) { (const char* data, size_t size) };
+%typemap(jni) char* getData "jbyteArray"
+%typemap(jtype) char* getData "byte[]"
+%typemap(jstype) char* getData "byte[]"
+%typemap(javaout) char* getData {
+ return $jnicall;
+%typemap(out) char* getData {
+ $result = JCALL1(NewByteArray, jenv, ((uscxml::Blob const *)arg1)->getSize());
+ JCALL4(SetByteArrayRegion, jenv, $result, 0, ((uscxml::Blob const *)arg1)->getSize(), (jbyte *)$1);
+// Beautify important classes
+%include "../uscxml_beautify.i"
+// Parse the header file to generate wrappers
+%include "../../../uscxml/Common.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/messages/Blob.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/messages/Data.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/messages/Event.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/Factory.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterState.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterMonitor.h"
+//%include "../../../uscxml/interpreter/MicroStep.h"
+//%include "../../../uscxml/interpreter/ContentExecutor.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/Interpreter.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/debug/InterpreterIssue.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/EventHandler.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/DataModel.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/DataModelImpl.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/ExecutableContent.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/ExecutableContentImpl.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/Invoker.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/InvokerImpl.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/IOProcessor.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/IOProcessorImpl.h"
+%include "../wrapped/WrappedInvoker.h"
+%include "../wrapped/WrappedDataModel.h"
+%include "../wrapped/WrappedExecutableContent.h"
+%include "../wrapped/WrappedIOProcessor.h"
+%include "../wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.h"
+%template(IssueList) std::list<uscxml::InterpreterIssue>;
+%template(DataList) std::list<uscxml::Data>;
+%template(DataMap) std::map<std::string, uscxml::Data>;
+%template(StringSet) std::set<std::string>;
+%template(StringVector) std::vector<std::string>;
+%template(StringList) std::list<std::string>;
+%template(ParamMap) std::map<std::string, std::list<uscxml::Data> >;
+%template(IOProcMap) std::map<std::string, IOProcessor>;
+%template(InvokerMap) std::map<std::string, Invoker>;
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/php/CMakeLists.txt b/src/bindings/swig/php/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..802f3a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/php/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# generate PHP module
+ include_directories(${PHP5_INCLUDE_PATH})
+ message(STATUS "No PHP5 libraries found - not building php module")
+ return()
+# copied from cmake's FindPHP4.cmake and adapted
+ # this is a hack for now
+ foreach(symbol
+ __efree
+ __emalloc
+ __estrdup
+ __estrndup
+ __object_init
+ __object_init_ex
+ __zend_get_parameters_array_ex
+ __zend_list_find
+ __zval_copy_ctor
+ __zval_copy_ctor_func
+ _add_property_zval_ex
+ _alloc_globals
+ _compiler_globals
+ _convert_to_double
+ _convert_to_long
+ _convert_to_boolean
+ __convert_to_string
+ _gc_remove_zval_from_buffer
+ _call_user_function
+ _php_sprintf
+ _executor_globals
+ _zend_get_constant
+ _zend_lookup_class
+ _zend_register_long_constant
+ _zval_is_true
+ _zend_error
+ _zend_hash_find
+ __zend_hash_add_or_update
+ _zend_register_internal_class_ex
+ _zend_register_list_destructors_ex
+ _zend_register_resource
+ _zend_rsrc_list_get_rsrc_type
+ _zend_wrong_param_count
+ _zend_throw_exception
+ _zval_used_for_init
+ )
+ "${PHP_MODULE_CXX_FLAGS},-U,${symbol}")
+ endforeach()
+# we need ; to produce a space with the package .. weird
+SWIG_ADD_MODULE(uscxmlNativePHP php5 uscxml.i)
+SWIG_LINK_LIBRARIES(uscxmlNativePHP uscxml)
+if (APPLE)
+ set_target_properties(uscxmlNativePHP PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS ${PHP_MODULE_CXX_FLAGS})
+ # we are only building php bindings for unices anyhow
+ TARGET uscxmlNativePHP
+ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/bindings/swig/php/uscxmlNativePHP.php
+set_target_properties(uscxmlNativePHP PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${PHP_COMPILE_FLAGS})
+set_target_properties(uscxmlNativePHP PROPERTIES FOLDER "Bindings")
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/php/test.php b/src/bindings/swig/php/test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..739c6a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/php/test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// $exts = get_loaded_extensions();
+// foreach ($exts as $e)
+// {
+// echo "Name: ".$e." --";
+// print_r(get_extension_funcs($e));
+// }
+class MyMonitor extends InterpreterMonitor {
+ function beforeExitingStates($interpreter,$statesToExit) {
+ print "MyMonitor.beforeExitingStates()\n";
+ }
+ function afterExitingStates($interpreter) {
+ print "MyMonitor.afterExitingStates()\n";
+ }
+ function beforeEnteringStates($interpreter,$statesToEnter) {
+ print "MyMonitor.beforeEnteringStates()\n";
+ }
+ function afterEnteringStates($interpreter) {
+ print "MyMonitor.afterEnteringStates()\n";
+ }
+ function onStableConfiguration($interpreter) {
+ print "MyMonitor.onStableConfiguration()\n";
+ }
+ function beforeCompletion($interpreter) {
+ print "MyMonitor.beforeCompletion()\n";
+ }
+ function afterCompletion($interpreter) {
+ print "MyMonitor.afterCompletion()\n";
+ }
+ function beforeMicroStep($interpreter) {
+ print "MyMonitor.beforeMicroStep()\n";
+ }
+ function afterMicroStep($interpreter) {
+ print "MyMonitor.afterMicroStep()\n";
+ }
+ function beforeTakingTransitions($interpreter,$transitions) {
+ print "MyMonitor.beforeTakingTransitions()\n";
+ }
+$monitor = new MyMonitor();
+// run interpreter in blocking mode
+$interpreter = Interpreter::fromURL('');
+// interleave interpreter execution with this thread
+$interpreter = Interpreter::fromURL('');
+$parentQueue = new ParentQueue();
+while($interpreter->step() > 0) {
+ $event = $parentQueue->pop();
+ print("Name: " . $event->getName() . "\n");
+ print("Type: " . $event->getType() . "\n");
+ print("Origin: " . $event->getOrigin() . "\n");
+ print("OriginType: " . $event->getOriginType() . "\n");
+ print("Content " . strlen($event->getContent()) . " bytes: \n'" . $event->getContent() . "'\n");
+ $namelist = $event->getNameList();
+ print("Namelist ".$namelist->size()." elements: \n");
+ $keys = $event->getNameListKeys();
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $keys->size(); $i++) {
+ print($keys->get($i) . "\t" . Data::toJSON($namelist->get($keys->get($i))) . "\n");
+ }
+ $params = $event->getParamMap();
+ print("Params ". $params->size() ." elements: \n");
+ $keys = $event->getParamMapKeys();
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $keys->size(); $i++) {
+ print($keys->get($i)."\n");
+ $paramList = $params->get($keys->get($i));
+ for ($j = 0; $j < $paramList->size(); $j++) {
+ print("\t" . Data::toJSON($paramList->get($i)) . "\n");
+ }
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/php/uscxml.i b/src/bindings/swig/php/uscxml.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12a29e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/php/uscxml.i
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+%module(directors="1", allprotected="1") uscxmlNativePHP
+// provide a macro for the header files
+%include <stl.i>
+%include <std_map.i>
+%include <std_string.i>
+%include <inttypes.i>
+%include "../stl_set.i"
+%include "../stl_list.i"
+//%include <boost_shared_ptr.i>
+// these are needed at least for the templates to work
+typedef uscxml::Blob Blob;
+typedef uscxml::Data Data;
+typedef uscxml::Event Event;
+typedef uscxml::Invoker Invoker;
+typedef uscxml::IOProcessor IOProcessor;
+typedef uscxml::DataModel DataModel;
+typedef uscxml::DataModelExtension DataModelExtension;
+typedef uscxml::ExecutableContent ExecutableContent;
+typedef uscxml::InvokerImpl InvokerImpl;
+typedef uscxml::IOProcessorImpl IOProcessorImpl;
+typedef uscxml::DataModelImpl DataModelImpl;
+typedef uscxml::ExecutableContentImpl ExecutableContentImpl;
+typedef uscxml::InterpreterIssue InterpreterIssue;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedInvoker;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedDataModel;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedDataModelExtension;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedIOProcessor;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedExecutableContent;
+%feature("director") uscxml::WrappedInterpreterMonitor;
+// disable warning related to unknown base class
+#pragma SWIG nowarn=401
+// do not warn when we override symbols via extend
+#pragma SWIG nowarn=302
+// do not warn when ignoring overrided method
+#pragma SWIG nowarn=516
+%rename(equals) operator==; // signature is wrong, still useful
+%rename(isValid) operator bool;
+// This ends up in the generated wrapper code
+#include "../../../uscxml/Message.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/Factory.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/Interpreter.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/concurrency/BlockingQueue.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/server/HTTPServer.h"
+//#include "../../../uscxml/debug/DebuggerServlet.h"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedInvoker.h"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedDataModel.h"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedExecutableContent.h"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedIOProcessor.h"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.h"
+using namespace uscxml;
+using namespace Arabica::DOM;
+// the wrapped* C++ classes get rid of DOM nodes and provide more easily wrapped base classes
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedInvoker.cpp"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedDataModel.cpp"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedExecutableContent.cpp"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedIOProcessor.cpp"
+#include "../wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.cpp"
+%insert("begin") %{
+void*** tsrm_ls;
+#if 0
+%javaexception("org.uscxml.InterpreterException") MATCH {
+ try {
+ $action
+ }
+ catch ( uscxml::Event& e ) {
+ jclass eclass = jenv->FindClass("org/uscxml/InterpreterException");
+ if ( eclass ) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << std::endl << e;
+ jenv->ThrowNew( eclass, ss.str().c_str() );
+ }
+ }
+%extend CLASSNAME {
+ virtual int hashCode() {
+/* std::cout << "Calc hashcode as " << (int)(size_t)self->getImpl().get() << std::endl << std::flush;*/
+ return (int)(size_t)self->getImpl().get();
+ }
+%extend CLASSNAME {
+ virtual std::string toString() {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *self;
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+%include "../uscxml_ignores.i"
+// bytearray for Blob::data
+// see:
+%apply (char *STRING, size_t LENGTH) { (const char* data, size_t size) };
+#if 0
+%typemap(jni) char* getData "jbyteArray"
+%typemap(jtype) char* getData "byte[]"
+%typemap(jstype) char* getData "byte[]"
+%typemap(javaout) char* getData {
+ return $jnicall;
+%typemap(out) char* getData {
+ $result = JCALL1(NewByteArray, jenv, ((uscxml::Blob const *)arg1)->getSize());
+ JCALL4(SetByteArrayRegion, jenv, $result, 0, ((uscxml::Blob const *)arg1)->getSize(), (jbyte *)$1);
+// Beautify important classes
+#if 0
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::getParamMap() "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::getParamMapKeys() "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::setParamMap(const std::map<std::string, std::list<uscxml::Data> >&) "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::getNameListKeys() "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Interpreter::getIOProcessorKeys() "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Interpreter::getInvokerKeys() "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Interpreter::getInvokers() "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Interpreter::getIOProcessors() "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Data::getCompoundKeys() "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Blob::setData(const char* data, size_t length) "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Blob::setMimeType(const std::string& mimeType) "private";
+%include "../uscxml_beautify.i"
+%typemap(javaimports) uscxml::Interpreter %{
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+%typemap(javacode) uscxml::Interpreter %{
+ public static Interpreter fromURL(URL uri) throws org.uscxml.InterpreterException {
+ return Interpreter.fromURL(uri.toString());
+ }
+ public Map<String, NativeIOProcessor> getIOProcessors() {
+ Map<String, NativeIOProcessor> ioProcs = new HashMap<String, NativeIOProcessor>();
+ StringVector keys = getIOProcessorKeys();
+ IOProcMap ioProcMap = getIOProcessorsNative();
+ for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
+ ioProcs.put(keys.get(i), ioProcMap.get(keys.get(i)));
+ }
+ return ioProcs;
+ }
+ public Map<String, NativeInvoker> getInvokers() {
+ Map<String, NativeInvoker> invokers = new HashMap<String, NativeInvoker>();
+ StringVector keys = getInvokerKeys();
+ InvokerMap invokerMap = getInvokersNative();
+ for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
+ invokers.put(keys.get(i), invokerMap.get(keys.get(i)));
+ }
+ return invokers;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean equals(Object other) {
+ if (other instanceof Interpreter) {
+ return equals((Interpreter)other);
+ }
+ return hashCode() == other.hashCode();
+ }
+#if 0
+%rename(getCompoundNative) uscxml::Data::getCompound();
+%rename(getArrayNative) uscxml::Data::getArray();
+%rename(setCompoundNative) uscxml::Data::setCompound(const std::map<std::string, Data>&);
+%rename(setArrayNative) uscxml::Data::setArray(const std::list<Data>&);
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Data::getCompound() "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Data::getArray() "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Data::setCompound(const std::map<std::string, Data>&) "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Data::setArray(const std::list<Data>&) "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Data::getCompoundKeys() "private";
+%typemap(javaimports) uscxml::Data %{
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+%typemap(javacode) uscxml::Data %{
+ public Data(byte[] data, String mimeType) {
+ this(uscxmlNativeJavaJNI.new_Data__SWIG_0(), true);
+ setBinary(new Blob(data, mimeType));
+ }
+ public Data(Map<String, Data> compound) {
+ this(uscxmlNativeJavaJNI.new_Data__SWIG_0(), true);
+ setCompound(compound);
+ }
+ public Data(List<Data> array) {
+ this(uscxmlNativeJavaJNI.new_Data__SWIG_0(), true);
+ setArray(array);
+ }
+ public Map<String, Data> getCompound() {
+ Map<String, Data> compound = new HashMap<String, Data>();
+ DataMap dataMap = getCompoundNative();
+ StringVector dataMapKeys = getCompoundKeys();
+ for (int i = 0; i < dataMapKeys.size(); i++) {
+ compound.put(dataMapKeys.get(i), dataMap.get(dataMapKeys.get(i)));
+ }
+ return compound;
+ }
+ public void setCompound(Map<String, Data> compound) {
+ DataMap dataMap = new DataMap();
+ for (String key : compound.keySet()) {
+ dataMap.set(key, compound.get(key));
+ }
+ setCompoundNative(dataMap);
+ }
+ public List<Data> getArray() {
+ List<Data> array = new LinkedList<Data>();
+ DataList dataList = getArrayNative();
+ for (int i = 0; i < dataList.size(); i++) {
+ array.add(dataList.get(i));
+ }
+ return array;
+ }
+ public void setArray(List<Data> array) {
+ DataList dataList = new DataList();
+ for (Data data : array) {
+ dataList.add(data);
+ }
+ setArrayNative(dataList);
+ }
+#if 0
+%rename(getNameListNative) uscxml::Event::getNameList();
+%rename(getParamsNative) uscxml::Event::getParams();
+%rename(setNameListNative) uscxml::Event::setNameList(const std::map<std::string, Data>&);
+%rename(setParamsNative) uscxml::Event::setParams(const std::multimap<std::string, Data>&);
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::getNameList() "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::getNameListKeys() "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::getParams() "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::setNameList(const std::map<std::string, Data>&) "private";
+%javamethodmodifiers uscxml::Event::setParams(const std::multimap<std::string, Data>&) "private";
+%typemap(javaimports) uscxml::Event %{
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+%typemap(javacode) uscxml::Event %{
+ public Map<String, List<Data>> getParams() {
+ Map<String, List<Data>> params = new HashMap<String, List<Data>>();
+ ParamMap paramMap = getParamMap();
+ StringVector paramMapKeys = getParamMapKeys();
+ for (int i = 0; i < paramMapKeys.size(); i++) {
+ String key = paramMapKeys.get(i);
+ DataList dataList = paramMap.get(key);
+ for (int j = 0; j < dataList.size(); j++) {
+ Data data = dataList.get(j);
+ if (!params.containsKey(key))
+ params.put(key, new LinkedList<Data>());
+ params.get(key).add(data);
+ }
+ }
+ return params;
+ }
+ public void setParams(Map<String, List<Data>> params) {
+ ParamMap paramMap = new ParamMap();
+ for (String key : params.keySet()) {
+ DataList datalist = new DataList();
+ for (Data data : params.get(key)) {
+ datalist.add(data);
+ }
+ paramMap.set(key, datalist);
+ }
+ setParamMap(paramMap);
+ }
+ public Map<String, Data> getNameList() {
+ Map<String, Data> namelist = new HashMap<String, Data>();
+ StringVector nameMapKeys = getNameListKeys();
+ DataMap nameMap = getNameListNative();
+ for (int i = 0; i < nameMapKeys.size(); i++) {
+ namelist.put(nameMapKeys.get(i), nameMap.get(nameMapKeys.get(i)));
+ }
+ return namelist;
+ }
+ public void setNameList(Map<String, Data> namelist) {
+ DataMap nameListMap = new DataMap();
+ for (String key : namelist.keySet()) {
+ nameListMap.set(key, namelist.get(key));
+ }
+ setNameListNative(nameListMap);
+ }
+// Parse the header file to generate wrappers
+%include "../../../uscxml/Common.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/Factory.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/Message.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/Interpreter.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterState.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/concurrency/BlockingQueue.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/server/HTTPServer.h"
+//%include "../../../uscxml/debug/DebuggerServlet.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/debug/InterpreterIssue.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/messages/Blob.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/messages/Data.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/messages/Event.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/DataModel.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/EventHandler.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/ExecutableContent.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/Invoker.h"
+%include "../../../uscxml/plugins/IOProcessor.h"
+%include "../wrapped/WrappedInvoker.h"
+%include "../wrapped/WrappedDataModel.h"
+%include "../wrapped/WrappedExecutableContent.h"
+%include "../wrapped/WrappedIOProcessor.h"
+%include "../wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.h"
+%template(IssueList) std::list<uscxml::InterpreterIssue>;
+%template(DataList) std::list<uscxml::Data>;
+%template(DataMap) std::map<std::string, uscxml::Data>;
+%template(StringSet) std::set<std::string>;
+%template(StringVector) std::vector<std::string>;
+%template(StringList) std::list<std::string>;
+%template(ParamMap) std::map<std::string, std::list<uscxml::Data> >;
+%template(IOProcMap) std::map<std::string, IOProcessor>;
+%template(InvokerMap) std::map<std::string, Invoker>;
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/php/uscxmlNativePHP.php b/src/bindings/swig/php/uscxmlNativePHP.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eac292b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/php/uscxmlNativePHP.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3121 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 3.0.7
+ *
+ * This file is not intended to be easily readable and contains a number of
+ * coding conventions designed to improve portability and efficiency. Do not make
+ * changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify the SWIG
+ * interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Try to load our extension if it's not already loaded.
+if (!extension_loaded('uscxmlNativePHP')) {
+ if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'win') {
+ if (!dl('php_uscxmlNativePHP.dll')) return;
+ } else {
+ // PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX gives 'dylib' on MacOS X but modules are 'so'.
+ if (PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX === 'dylib') {
+ if (!dl('')) return;
+ } else {
+ if (!dl('uscxmlNativePHP.'.PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX)) return;
+ }
+ }
+abstract class uscxmlNativePHP {
+ static function imaxabs($n) {
+ return imaxabs($n);
+ }
+ static function imaxdiv($numer,$denom) {
+ $r=imaxdiv($numer,$denom);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new imaxdiv_t($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ static function strtoimax($nptr,$endptr,$base) {
+ return strtoimax($nptr,$endptr,$base);
+ }
+ static function strtoumax($nptr,$endptr,$base) {
+ return strtoumax($nptr,$endptr,$base);
+ }
+ const CAN_NOTHING = 0;
+ const CAN_BASIC_HTTP = 1;
+ const CAN_GENERIC_HTTP = 2;
+ const USCXML_DESTROYED = -2;
+ const USCXML_FINISHED = -1;
+ const USCXML_IDLE = 0;
+ static function _dataIndentation_set($_dataIndentation) {
+ _dataIndentation_set($_dataIndentation);
+ }
+ static function _dataIndentation_get() {
+ return _dataIndentation_get();
+ }
+/* PHP Proxy Classes */
+class imaxdiv_t {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'quot') return imaxdiv_t_quot_set($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ if ($var === 'rem') return imaxdiv_t_rem_set($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'quot') return imaxdiv_t_quot_get($this->_cPtr);
+ if ($var === 'rem') return imaxdiv_t_rem_get($this->_cPtr);
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if (function_exists('imaxdiv_t_'.$var.'_get')) return true;
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_imaxdiv_t') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->_cPtr=new_imaxdiv_t();
+ }
+class Factory {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($parentFactory_or_pluginPath,$parentFactory=null) {
+ if (is_resource($parentFactory_or_pluginPath) && get_resource_type($parentFactory_or_pluginPath) === '_p_uscxml__Factory') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$parentFactory_or_pluginPath;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 1: $this->_cPtr=new_Factory($parentFactory_or_pluginPath); break;
+ default: $this->_cPtr=new_Factory($parentFactory_or_pluginPath,$parentFactory);
+ }
+ }
+ function registerIOProcessor($ioProcessor) {
+ Factory_registerIOProcessor($this->_cPtr,$ioProcessor);
+ }
+ function registerDataModel($dataModel) {
+ Factory_registerDataModel($this->_cPtr,$dataModel);
+ }
+ function registerInvoker($invoker) {
+ Factory_registerInvoker($this->_cPtr,$invoker);
+ }
+ function registerExecutableContent($executableContent) {
+ Factory_registerExecutableContent($this->_cPtr,$executableContent);
+ }
+ function hasDataModel($type) {
+ return Factory_hasDataModel($this->_cPtr,$type);
+ }
+ function hasIOProcessor($type) {
+ return Factory_hasIOProcessor($this->_cPtr,$type);
+ }
+ function hasInvoker($type) {
+ return Factory_hasInvoker($this->_cPtr,$type);
+ }
+ function hasExecutableContent($localName,$nameSpace) {
+ return Factory_hasExecutableContent($this->_cPtr,$localName,$nameSpace);
+ }
+ function listComponents() {
+ Factory_listComponents($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ static function getInstance() {
+ $r=Factory_getInstance();
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Factory($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ static function setDefaultPluginPath($path) {
+ Factory_setDefaultPluginPath($path);
+ }
+ static function getDefaultPluginPath() {
+ return Factory_getDefaultPluginPath();
+ }
+class InterpreterOptions {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ $func = 'InterpreterOptions_'.$var.'_set';
+ if (function_exists($func)) return call_user_func($func,$this->_cPtr,$value);
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ $func = 'InterpreterOptions_'.$var.'_get';
+ if (function_exists($func)) return call_user_func($func,$this->_cPtr);
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if (function_exists('InterpreterOptions_'.$var.'_get')) return true;
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_uscxml__InterpreterOptions') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->_cPtr=new_InterpreterOptions();
+ }
+ function isValid() {
+ return InterpreterOptions_isValid($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ static function printUsageAndExit($progName) {
+ InterpreterOptions_printUsageAndExit($progName);
+ }
+ function getCapabilities() {
+ return InterpreterOptions_getCapabilities($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+class NameSpaceInfo {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_uscxml__NameSpaceInfo') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->_cPtr=new_NameSpaceInfo();
+ }
+ function getXMLPrefixForNS($ns) {
+ return NameSpaceInfo_getXMLPrefixForNS($this->_cPtr,$ns);
+ }
+class Interpreter {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ static function fromXML($xml,$sourceURL) {
+ $r=Interpreter_fromXML($xml,$sourceURL);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Interpreter($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ static function fromURL($URL) {
+ $r=Interpreter_fromURL($URL);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Interpreter($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function __construct($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_uscxml__Interpreter') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->_cPtr=new_Interpreter();
+ }
+ function isValid() {
+ return Interpreter_isValid($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function equals($other) {
+ return Interpreter_equals($this->_cPtr,$other);
+ }
+ function writeTo($stream) {
+ Interpreter_writeTo($this->_cPtr,$stream);
+ }
+ function reset() {
+ Interpreter_reset($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function interpret() {
+ Interpreter_interpret($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function step($waitForMS_or_blocking=null) {
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $r=Interpreter_step($this->_cPtr); break;
+ default: $r=Interpreter_step($this->_cPtr,$waitForMS_or_blocking);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function validate() {
+ $r=Interpreter_validate($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new IssueList($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getState() {
+ return Interpreter_getState($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function addMonitor($monitor) {
+ Interpreter_addMonitor($this->_cPtr,$monitor);
+ }
+ function removeMonitor($monitor) {
+ Interpreter_removeMonitor($this->_cPtr,$monitor);
+ }
+ function setSourceURL($sourceURL) {
+ Interpreter_setSourceURL($this->_cPtr,$sourceURL);
+ }
+ function getSourceURL() {
+ return Interpreter_getSourceURL($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function getBaseURL($xpathExpr=null) {
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $r=Interpreter_getBaseURL($this->_cPtr); break;
+ default: $r=Interpreter_getBaseURL($this->_cPtr,$xpathExpr);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function setNameSpaceInfo($nsInfo) {
+ Interpreter_setNameSpaceInfo($this->_cPtr,$nsInfo);
+ }
+ function getNameSpaceInfo() {
+ $r=Interpreter_getNameSpaceInfo($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new NameSpaceInfo($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getCmdLineOptions() {
+ $r=Interpreter_getCmdLineOptions($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getDataModel() {
+ $r=Interpreter_getDataModel($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new NativeDataModel($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getIOProcessorsNative() {
+ $r=Interpreter_getIOProcessorsNative($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new IOProcMap($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getInvokersNative() {
+ $r=Interpreter_getInvokersNative($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new InvokerMap($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function addDataModelExtension($ext) {
+ Interpreter_addDataModelExtension($this->_cPtr,$ext);
+ }
+ function setParentQueue($parentQueue) {
+ Interpreter_setParentQueue($this->_cPtr,$parentQueue);
+ }
+ function setFactory($factory) {
+ Interpreter_setFactory($this->_cPtr,$factory);
+ }
+ function getFactory() {
+ $r=Interpreter_getFactory($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Factory($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function receiveInternal($event) {
+ Interpreter_receiveInternal($this->_cPtr,$event);
+ }
+ function receive($event,$toFront=false) {
+ Interpreter_receive($this->_cPtr,$event,$toFront);
+ }
+ function getCurrentEvent() {
+ $r=Interpreter_getCurrentEvent($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Event($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function isInState($stateId) {
+ return Interpreter_isInState($this->_cPtr,$stateId);
+ }
+ function setInitalConfiguration($states) {
+ Interpreter_setInitalConfiguration($this->_cPtr,$states);
+ }
+ function setCapabilities($capabilities) {
+ Interpreter_setCapabilities($this->_cPtr,$capabilities);
+ }
+ function setName($name) {
+ Interpreter_setName($this->_cPtr,$name);
+ }
+ function getName() {
+ return Interpreter_getName($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function getSessionId() {
+ return Interpreter_getSessionId($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function hasLegalConfiguration() {
+ return Interpreter_hasLegalConfiguration($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function isLegalConfiguration($config) {
+ return Interpreter_isLegalConfiguration($this->_cPtr,$config);
+ }
+ function hashCode() {
+ return Interpreter_hashCode($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function addIOProcessor($ioProc) {
+ Interpreter_addIOProcessor($this->_cPtr,$ioProc);
+ }
+ function setDataModel($dataModel) {
+ Interpreter_setDataModel($this->_cPtr,$dataModel);
+ }
+ function setInvoker($invokeId,$invoker) {
+ Interpreter_setInvoker($this->_cPtr,$invokeId,$invoker);
+ }
+ function getBasicConfiguration() {
+ $r=Interpreter_getBasicConfiguration($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new StringVector($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getConfiguration() {
+ $r=Interpreter_getConfiguration($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new StringVector($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getIOProcessorKeys() {
+ $r=Interpreter_getIOProcessorKeys($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new StringVector($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getInvokerKeys() {
+ $r=Interpreter_getInvokerKeys($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new StringVector($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+class NativeInterpreterMonitor {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_uscxml__InterpreterMonitor') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->_cPtr=new_NativeInterpreterMonitor();
+ }
+ function beforeProcessingEvent($interpreter,$event) {
+ NativeInterpreterMonitor_beforeProcessingEvent($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$event);
+ }
+ function beforeMicroStep($interpreter) {
+ NativeInterpreterMonitor_beforeMicroStep($this->_cPtr,$interpreter);
+ }
+ function afterMicroStep($interpreter) {
+ NativeInterpreterMonitor_afterMicroStep($this->_cPtr,$interpreter);
+ }
+ function onStableConfiguration($interpreter) {
+ NativeInterpreterMonitor_onStableConfiguration($this->_cPtr,$interpreter);
+ }
+ function beforeCompletion($interpreter) {
+ NativeInterpreterMonitor_beforeCompletion($this->_cPtr,$interpreter);
+ }
+ function afterCompletion($interpreter) {
+ NativeInterpreterMonitor_afterCompletion($this->_cPtr,$interpreter);
+ }
+ function reportIssue($interpreter,$issue) {
+ NativeInterpreterMonitor_reportIssue($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$issue);
+ }
+ function copyToInvokers($copy=null) {
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $r=NativeInterpreterMonitor_copyToInvokers($this->_cPtr); break;
+ default: $r=NativeInterpreterMonitor_copyToInvokers($this->_cPtr,$copy);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+class StateTransitionMonitor extends NativeInterpreterMonitor {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ NativeInterpreterMonitor::__set($var,$value);
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return NativeInterpreterMonitor::__get($var);
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return NativeInterpreterMonitor::__isset($var);
+ }
+ function beforeTakingTransition($interpreter,$transition,$moreComing) {
+ StateTransitionMonitor_beforeTakingTransition($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$transition,$moreComing);
+ }
+ function onStableConfiguration($interpreter) {
+ StateTransitionMonitor_onStableConfiguration($this->_cPtr,$interpreter);
+ }
+ function beforeProcessingEvent($interpreter,$event) {
+ StateTransitionMonitor_beforeProcessingEvent($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$event);
+ }
+ function beforeExitingState($interpreter,$state,$moreComing) {
+ StateTransitionMonitor_beforeExitingState($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$state,$moreComing);
+ }
+ function beforeEnteringState($interpreter,$state,$moreComing) {
+ StateTransitionMonitor_beforeEnteringState($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$state,$moreComing);
+ }
+ function __construct($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_uscxml__StateTransitionMonitor') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->_cPtr=new_StateTransitionMonitor();
+ }
+class HTTPServer {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($h) {
+ $this->_cPtr=$h;
+ }
+ const HTTPS = 0;
+ const HTTP = HTTPServer_HTTP;
+ const WebSockets = HTTPServer_WebSockets;
+ static function getInstance($port=null,$wsPort=null,$sslConf=null) {
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $r=HTTPServer_getInstance(); break;
+ case 1: $r=HTTPServer_getInstance($port); break;
+ default: $r=HTTPServer_getInstance($port,$wsPort,$sslConf);
+ }
+ if (!is_resource($r)) return $r;
+ return new HTTPServer($r);
+ }
+ static function getBaseURL($type=null) {
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $r=HTTPServer_getBaseURL(); break;
+ default: $r=HTTPServer_getBaseURL($type);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ static function registerServlet($path,$servlet) {
+ return HTTPServer_registerServlet($path,$servlet);
+ }
+ static function unregisterServlet($servlet) {
+ HTTPServer_unregisterServlet($servlet);
+ }
+abstract class HTTPServlet {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($h) {
+ $this->_cPtr=$h;
+ }
+ function httpRecvRequest($request) {
+ return HTTPServlet_httpRecvRequest($this->_cPtr,$request);
+ }
+ function setURL($url) {
+ HTTPServlet_setURL($this->_cPtr,$url);
+ }
+ function canAdaptPath() {
+ return HTTPServlet_canAdaptPath($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+abstract class WebSocketServlet {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($h) {
+ $this->_cPtr=$h;
+ }
+ function wsRecvRequest($conn,$frame) {
+ return WebSocketServlet_wsRecvRequest($this->_cPtr,$conn,$frame);
+ }
+ function setURL($url) {
+ WebSocketServlet_setURL($this->_cPtr,$url);
+ }
+ function canAdaptPath() {
+ return WebSocketServlet_canAdaptPath($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+class InterpreterIssue {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ $func = 'InterpreterIssue_'.$var.'_set';
+ if (function_exists($func)) return call_user_func($func,$this->_cPtr,$value);
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ $func = 'InterpreterIssue_'.$var.'_get';
+ if (function_exists($func)) return call_user_func($func,$this->_cPtr);
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if (function_exists('InterpreterIssue_'.$var.'_get')) return true;
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($msg,$node,$severity,$specRef=null) {
+ if (is_resource($msg) && get_resource_type($msg) === '_p_uscxml__InterpreterIssue') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$msg;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 3: $this->_cPtr=new_InterpreterIssue($msg,$node,$severity); break;
+ default: $this->_cPtr=new_InterpreterIssue($msg,$node,$severity,$specRef);
+ }
+ }
+ function toString() {
+ return InterpreterIssue_toString($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+class Blob {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($other_or_data=null,$mimeType=null) {
+ if (is_resource($other_or_data) && get_resource_type($other_or_data) === '_p_uscxml__Blob') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$other_or_data;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $this->_cPtr=new_Blob(); break;
+ case 1: $this->_cPtr=new_Blob($other_or_data); break;
+ default: $this->_cPtr=new_Blob($other_or_data,$mimeType);
+ }
+ }
+ function isValid() {
+ return Blob_isValid($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function equals($other) {
+ return Blob_equals($this->_cPtr,$other);
+ }
+ static function fromBase64($base64,$mimeType=null) {
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 1: $r=Blob_fromBase64($base64); break;
+ default: $r=Blob_fromBase64($base64,$mimeType);
+ }
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Blob($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function base64() {
+ return Blob_base64($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function md5() {
+ return Blob_md5($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function getData() {
+ return Blob_getData($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function getSize() {
+ return Blob_getSize($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function getMimeType() {
+ return Blob_getMimeType($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setMimeType($mimeType) {
+ Blob_setMimeType($this->_cPtr,$mimeType);
+ }
+class Data {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ const VERBATIM = 0;
+ function __construct($atom=null,$type=null) {
+ if (is_resource($atom) && get_resource_type($atom) === '_p_uscxml__Data') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$atom;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $this->_cPtr=new_Data(); break;
+ case 1: $this->_cPtr=new_Data($atom); break;
+ default: $this->_cPtr=new_Data($atom,$type);
+ }
+ }
+ function c_empty() {
+ return Data_c_empty($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function merge($other) {
+ Data_merge($this->_cPtr,$other);
+ }
+ function hasKey($key) {
+ return Data_hasKey($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ }
+ function at($key) {
+ $r=Data_at($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function item($index) {
+ $r=Data_item($this->_cPtr,$index);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function put($key_or_index,$data) {
+ Data_put($this->_cPtr,$key_or_index,$data);
+ }
+ function equals($other) {
+ return Data_equals($this->_cPtr,$other);
+ }
+ static function fromJSON($jsonString) {
+ $r=Data_fromJSON($jsonString);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ static function toJSON($data) {
+ return Data_toJSON($data);
+ }
+ static function fromXML($xmlString) {
+ $r=Data_fromXML($xmlString);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function toXMLString() {
+ return Data_toXMLString($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function getCompound() {
+ $r=Data_getCompound($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new DataMap($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function setCompound($compound) {
+ Data_setCompound($this->_cPtr,$compound);
+ }
+ function getArray() {
+ $r=Data_getArray($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new DataList($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function setArray($array) {
+ Data_setArray($this->_cPtr,$array);
+ }
+ function getAtom() {
+ return Data_getAtom($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setAtom($atom) {
+ Data_setAtom($this->_cPtr,$atom);
+ }
+ function getBinary() {
+ $r=Data_getBinary($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Blob($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function setBinary($binary) {
+ Data_setBinary($this->_cPtr,$binary);
+ }
+ function getType() {
+ return Data_getType($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setType($type) {
+ Data_setType($this->_cPtr,$type);
+ }
+ function toString() {
+ return Data_toString($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function getCompoundKeys() {
+ $r=Data_getCompoundKeys($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new StringVector($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getXML() {
+ return Data_getXML($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setXML($xml) {
+ Data_setXML($this->_cPtr,$xml);
+ }
+class Event {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ const INTERNAL = 1;
+ const EXTERNAL = 2;
+ const PLATFORM = 3;
+ function __construct($name=null,$type=null) {
+ if (is_resource($name) && get_resource_type($name) === '_p_uscxml__Event') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$name;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $this->_cPtr=new_Event(); break;
+ case 1: $this->_cPtr=new_Event($name); break;
+ default: $this->_cPtr=new_Event($name,$type);
+ }
+ }
+ function equals($other) {
+ return Event_equals($this->_cPtr,$other);
+ }
+ function getName() {
+ return Event_getName($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setName($name) {
+ Event_setName($this->_cPtr,$name);
+ }
+ function getEventType() {
+ return Event_getEventType($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setEventType($type) {
+ Event_setEventType($this->_cPtr,$type);
+ }
+ function getOrigin() {
+ return Event_getOrigin($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setOrigin($origin) {
+ Event_setOrigin($this->_cPtr,$origin);
+ }
+ function getOriginType() {
+ return Event_getOriginType($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setOriginType($originType) {
+ Event_setOriginType($this->_cPtr,$originType);
+ }
+ function getDOM() {
+ return Event_getDOM($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function getRaw() {
+ return Event_getRaw($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setRaw($raw) {
+ Event_setRaw($this->_cPtr,$raw);
+ }
+ function getContent() {
+ return Event_getContent($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setContent($content) {
+ Event_setContent($this->_cPtr,$content);
+ }
+ function getXML() {
+ return Event_getXML($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setXML($xml) {
+ Event_setXML($this->_cPtr,$xml);
+ }
+ function getSendId() {
+ return Event_getSendId($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setSendId($sendId) {
+ Event_setSendId($this->_cPtr,$sendId);
+ }
+ function getInvokeId() {
+ return Event_getInvokeId($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setInvokeId($invokeId) {
+ Event_setInvokeId($this->_cPtr,$invokeId);
+ }
+ function getData() {
+ $r=Event_getData($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function setData($data) {
+ Event_setData($this->_cPtr,$data);
+ }
+ static function fromXML($xmlString) {
+ $r=Event_fromXML($xmlString);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Event($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function toXMLString() {
+ return Event_toXMLString($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function getNameList() {
+ $r=Event_getNameList($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new DataMap($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function setNameList($nameList) {
+ Event_setNameList($this->_cPtr,$nameList);
+ }
+ function toString() {
+ return Event_toString($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function getParamMap() {
+ $r=Event_getParamMap($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new ParamMap($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getParamMapKeys() {
+ $r=Event_getParamMapKeys($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new StringVector($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function setParamMap($paramMap) {
+ Event_setParamMap($this->_cPtr,$paramMap);
+ }
+ function getNameListKeys() {
+ $r=Event_getNameListKeys($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new StringVector($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+class InvokeRequest extends Event {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ Event::__set($var,$value);
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return Event::__get($var);
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return Event::__isset($var);
+ }
+ function __construct($event=null) {
+ if (is_resource($event) && get_resource_type($event) === '_p_uscxml__InvokeRequest') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$event;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $this->_cPtr=new_InvokeRequest(); break;
+ default: $this->_cPtr=new_InvokeRequest($event);
+ }
+ }
+ function getType() {
+ return InvokeRequest_getType($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setType($type) {
+ InvokeRequest_setType($this->_cPtr,$type);
+ }
+ function getSource() {
+ return InvokeRequest_getSource($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setSource($src) {
+ InvokeRequest_setSource($this->_cPtr,$src);
+ }
+ function isAutoForwarded() {
+ return InvokeRequest_isAutoForwarded($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setAutoForwarded($autoForward) {
+ InvokeRequest_setAutoForwarded($this->_cPtr,$autoForward);
+ }
+ function toXMLString() {
+ return InvokeRequest_toXMLString($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function toString() {
+ return InvokeRequest_toString($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+class SendRequest extends Event {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ Event::__set($var,$value);
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return Event::__get($var);
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return Event::__isset($var);
+ }
+ function __construct($event=null) {
+ if (is_resource($event) && get_resource_type($event) === '_p_uscxml__SendRequest') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$event;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $this->_cPtr=new_SendRequest(); break;
+ default: $this->_cPtr=new_SendRequest($event);
+ }
+ }
+ function getTarget() {
+ return SendRequest_getTarget($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setTarget($target) {
+ SendRequest_setTarget($this->_cPtr,$target);
+ }
+ function getType() {
+ return SendRequest_getType($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setType($type) {
+ SendRequest_setType($this->_cPtr,$type);
+ }
+ function getDelayMs() {
+ return SendRequest_getDelayMs($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function setDelayMs($delayMs) {
+ SendRequest_setDelayMs($this->_cPtr,$delayMs);
+ }
+ function toXMLString() {
+ return SendRequest_toXMLString($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function toString() {
+ return SendRequest_toString($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+abstract class NativeDataModelExtension {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($h) {
+ $this->_cPtr=$h;
+ }
+ function provides() {
+ return NativeDataModelExtension_provides($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function getValueOf($member) {
+ $r=NativeDataModelExtension_getValueOf($this->_cPtr,$member);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function setValueOf($member,$data) {
+ NativeDataModelExtension_setValueOf($this->_cPtr,$member,$data);
+ }
+abstract class DataModelImpl {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($h) {
+ $this->_cPtr=$h;
+ }
+ function getNames() {
+ $r=DataModelImpl_getNames($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new StringList($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function validate($location,$schema) {
+ return DataModelImpl_validate($this->_cPtr,$location,$schema);
+ }
+ function isLocation($expr) {
+ return DataModelImpl_isLocation($this->_cPtr,$expr);
+ }
+ function isValidSyntax($expr) {
+ return DataModelImpl_isValidSyntax($this->_cPtr,$expr);
+ }
+ function setEvent($event) {
+ DataModelImpl_setEvent($this->_cPtr,$event);
+ }
+ function getStringAsData($content) {
+ $r=DataModelImpl_getStringAsData($this->_cPtr,$content);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getLength($expr) {
+ return DataModelImpl_getLength($this->_cPtr,$expr);
+ }
+ function setForeach($item,$array,$index,$iteration) {
+ DataModelImpl_setForeach($this->_cPtr,$item,$array,$index,$iteration);
+ }
+ function pushContext() {
+ DataModelImpl_pushContext($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function popContext() {
+ DataModelImpl_popContext($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function evalAsString($expr) {
+ return DataModelImpl_evalAsString($this->_cPtr,$expr);
+ }
+ function evalAsBool($scriptNode_or_expr,$expr=null) {
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 1: $r=DataModelImpl_evalAsBool($this->_cPtr,$scriptNode_or_expr); break;
+ default: $r=DataModelImpl_evalAsBool($this->_cPtr,$scriptNode_or_expr,$expr);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function isDeclared($expr) {
+ return DataModelImpl_isDeclared($this->_cPtr,$expr);
+ }
+ function addExtension($ext) {
+ DataModelImpl_addExtension($this->_cPtr,$ext);
+ }
+ function andExpressions($arg1) {
+ return DataModelImpl_andExpressions($this->_cPtr,$arg1);
+ }
+class NativeDataModel {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_uscxml__DataModel') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->_cPtr=new_NativeDataModel();
+ }
+ function isValid() {
+ return NativeDataModel_isValid($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function equals($other) {
+ return NativeDataModel_equals($this->_cPtr,$other);
+ }
+ function getNames() {
+ $r=NativeDataModel_getNames($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new StringList($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function validate($location,$schema) {
+ return NativeDataModel_validate($this->_cPtr,$location,$schema);
+ }
+ function isLocation($expr) {
+ return NativeDataModel_isLocation($this->_cPtr,$expr);
+ }
+ function isValidSyntax($expr) {
+ return NativeDataModel_isValidSyntax($this->_cPtr,$expr);
+ }
+ function setEvent($event) {
+ NativeDataModel_setEvent($this->_cPtr,$event);
+ }
+ function getStringAsData($content) {
+ $r=NativeDataModel_getStringAsData($this->_cPtr,$content);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function pushContext() {
+ NativeDataModel_pushContext($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function popContext() {
+ NativeDataModel_popContext($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function evalAsString($expr) {
+ return NativeDataModel_evalAsString($this->_cPtr,$expr);
+ }
+ function evalAsBool($scriptNode,$expr) {
+ return NativeDataModel_evalAsBool($this->_cPtr,$scriptNode,$expr);
+ }
+ function getLength($expr) {
+ return NativeDataModel_getLength($this->_cPtr,$expr);
+ }
+ function setForeach($item,$array,$index,$iteration) {
+ NativeDataModel_setForeach($this->_cPtr,$item,$array,$index,$iteration);
+ }
+ function assign($location,$data) {
+ NativeDataModel_assign($this->_cPtr,$location,$data);
+ }
+ function init($location,$data) {
+ NativeDataModel_init($this->_cPtr,$location,$data);
+ }
+ function isDeclared($expr) {
+ return NativeDataModel_isDeclared($this->_cPtr,$expr);
+ }
+ function andExpressions($expressions) {
+ return NativeDataModel_andExpressions($this->_cPtr,$expressions);
+ }
+ function addExtension($ext) {
+ NativeDataModel_addExtension($this->_cPtr,$ext);
+ }
+abstract class EventHandlerImpl {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($h) {
+ $this->_cPtr=$h;
+ }
+ function getNames() {
+ $r=EventHandlerImpl_getNames($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new StringList($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function setInvokeId($invokeId) {
+ EventHandlerImpl_setInvokeId($this->_cPtr,$invokeId);
+ }
+ function setType($type) {
+ EventHandlerImpl_setType($this->_cPtr,$type);
+ }
+ function getType() {
+ return EventHandlerImpl_getType($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function getDataModelVariables() {
+ $r=EventHandlerImpl_getDataModelVariables($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function send($req) {
+ EventHandlerImpl_send($this->_cPtr,$req);
+ }
+ function returnErrorExecution($arg1) {
+ EventHandlerImpl_returnErrorExecution($this->_cPtr,$arg1);
+ }
+ function returnErrorCommunication($arg1) {
+ EventHandlerImpl_returnErrorCommunication($this->_cPtr,$arg1);
+ }
+ function returnEvent($event,$internal=false) {
+ EventHandlerImpl_returnEvent($this->_cPtr,$event,$internal);
+ }
+class EventHandler {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($other=null) {
+ if (is_resource($other) && get_resource_type($other) === '_p_uscxml__EventHandler') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$other;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $this->_cPtr=new_EventHandler(); break;
+ default: $this->_cPtr=new_EventHandler($other);
+ }
+ }
+ function getNames() {
+ $r=EventHandler_getNames($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new StringList($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getDataModelVariables() {
+ $r=EventHandler_getDataModelVariables($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function send($req) {
+ EventHandler_send($this->_cPtr,$req);
+ }
+ function setInvokeId($invokeId) {
+ EventHandler_setInvokeId($this->_cPtr,$invokeId);
+ }
+ function setType($type) {
+ EventHandler_setType($this->_cPtr,$type);
+ }
+ function getType() {
+ return EventHandler_getType($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+abstract class ExecutableContentImpl {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($h) {
+ $this->_cPtr=$h;
+ }
+ function getLocalName() {
+ return ExecutableContentImpl_getLocalName($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function getNamespace() {
+ return ExecutableContentImpl_getNamespace($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function enterElement($node) {
+ ExecutableContentImpl_enterElement($this->_cPtr,$node);
+ }
+ function exitElement($node) {
+ ExecutableContentImpl_exitElement($this->_cPtr,$node);
+ }
+ function processChildren() {
+ return ExecutableContentImpl_processChildren($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+class NativeExecutableContent {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_uscxml__ExecutableContent') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->_cPtr=new_NativeExecutableContent();
+ }
+ function isValid() {
+ return NativeExecutableContent_isValid($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function equals($other) {
+ return NativeExecutableContent_equals($this->_cPtr,$other);
+ }
+ function getLocalName() {
+ return NativeExecutableContent_getLocalName($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function getNamespace() {
+ return NativeExecutableContent_getNamespace($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function enterElement($node) {
+ NativeExecutableContent_enterElement($this->_cPtr,$node);
+ }
+ function exitElement($node) {
+ NativeExecutableContent_exitElement($this->_cPtr,$node);
+ }
+ function processChildren() {
+ return NativeExecutableContent_processChildren($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+abstract class InvokerImpl extends EventHandlerImpl {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ EventHandlerImpl::__set($var,$value);
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return EventHandlerImpl::__get($var);
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return EventHandlerImpl::__isset($var);
+ }
+ function __construct($h) {
+ $this->_cPtr=$h;
+ }
+ function invoke($req) {
+ InvokerImpl_invoke($this->_cPtr,$req);
+ }
+ function uninvoke() {
+ InvokerImpl_uninvoke($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function deleteOnUninvoke() {
+ return InvokerImpl_deleteOnUninvoke($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+class NativeInvoker extends EventHandler {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ EventHandler::__set($var,$value);
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return EventHandler::__get($var);
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return EventHandler::__isset($var);
+ }
+ function __construct($other=null) {
+ if (is_resource($other) && get_resource_type($other) === '_p_uscxml__Invoker') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$other;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $this->_cPtr=new_NativeInvoker(); break;
+ default: $this->_cPtr=new_NativeInvoker($other);
+ }
+ }
+ function isValid() {
+ return NativeInvoker_isValid($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function equals($other) {
+ return NativeInvoker_equals($this->_cPtr,$other);
+ }
+ function invoke($req) {
+ NativeInvoker_invoke($this->_cPtr,$req);
+ }
+ function uninvoke() {
+ NativeInvoker_uninvoke($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function deleteOnUninvoke() {
+ return NativeInvoker_deleteOnUninvoke($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+abstract class IOProcessorImpl extends EventHandlerImpl {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ EventHandlerImpl::__set($var,$value);
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return EventHandlerImpl::__get($var);
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return EventHandlerImpl::__isset($var);
+ }
+ function __construct($h) {
+ $this->_cPtr=$h;
+ }
+class NativeIOProcessor extends EventHandler {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ EventHandler::__set($var,$value);
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return EventHandler::__get($var);
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return EventHandler::__isset($var);
+ }
+ function __construct($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_uscxml__IOProcessor') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->_cPtr=new_NativeIOProcessor();
+ }
+ function isValid() {
+ return NativeIOProcessor_isValid($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function equals($other) {
+ return NativeIOProcessor_equals($this->_cPtr,$other);
+ }
+class Invoker extends InvokerImpl {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ InvokerImpl::__set($var,$value);
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return InvokerImpl::__get($var);
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return InvokerImpl::__isset($var);
+ }
+ function __construct($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_uscxml__WrappedInvoker') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (get_class($this) === 'Invoker') {
+ $_this = null;
+ } else {
+ $_this = $this;
+ }
+ $this->_cPtr=new_Invoker($_this);
+ }
+ function getNames() {
+ $r=Invoker_getNames($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new StringList($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getDataModelVariables() {
+ $r=Invoker_getDataModelVariables($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function send($req) {
+ Invoker_send($this->_cPtr,$req);
+ }
+ function invoke($req) {
+ Invoker_invoke($this->_cPtr,$req);
+ }
+ function uninvoke() {
+ Invoker_uninvoke($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function deleteOnUninvoke() {
+ return Invoker_deleteOnUninvoke($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function create($interpreter) {
+ $r=Invoker_create($this->_cPtr,$interpreter);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Invoker($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+class DataModelExtension extends NativeDataModelExtension {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ NativeDataModelExtension::__set($var,$value);
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return NativeDataModelExtension::__get($var);
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return NativeDataModelExtension::__isset($var);
+ }
+ function __construct($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_uscxml__WrappedDataModelExtension') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (get_class($this) === 'DataModelExtension') {
+ $_this = null;
+ } else {
+ $_this = $this;
+ }
+ $this->_cPtr=new_DataModelExtension($_this);
+ }
+ function provides() {
+ return DataModelExtension_provides($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function getValueOf($member) {
+ $r=DataModelExtension_getValueOf($this->_cPtr,$member);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function setValueOf($member,$data) {
+ DataModelExtension_setValueOf($this->_cPtr,$member,$data);
+ }
+class DataModel extends DataModelImpl {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ DataModelImpl::__set($var,$value);
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return DataModelImpl::__get($var);
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return DataModelImpl::__isset($var);
+ }
+ function __construct($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_uscxml__WrappedDataModel') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (get_class($this) === 'DataModel') {
+ $_this = null;
+ } else {
+ $_this = $this;
+ }
+ $this->_cPtr=new_DataModel($_this);
+ }
+ function create($interpreter) {
+ $r=DataModel_create($this->_cPtr,$interpreter);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new DataModel($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getNames() {
+ $r=DataModel_getNames($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new StringList($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function andExpressions($arg0) {
+ return DataModel_andExpressions($this->_cPtr,$arg0);
+ }
+ function validate($location,$schema) {
+ return DataModel_validate($this->_cPtr,$location,$schema);
+ }
+ function setEvent($event) {
+ DataModel_setEvent($this->_cPtr,$event);
+ }
+ function getStringAsData($content) {
+ $r=DataModel_getStringAsData($this->_cPtr,$content);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getLength($expr) {
+ return DataModel_getLength($this->_cPtr,$expr);
+ }
+ function setForeach($item,$array,$index,$iteration) {
+ DataModel_setForeach($this->_cPtr,$item,$array,$index,$iteration);
+ }
+ function pushContext() {
+ DataModel_pushContext($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function popContext() {
+ DataModel_popContext($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function evalAsString($expr) {
+ return DataModel_evalAsString($this->_cPtr,$expr);
+ }
+ function isDeclared($expr) {
+ return DataModel_isDeclared($this->_cPtr,$expr);
+ }
+ function isLocation($expr) {
+ return DataModel_isLocation($this->_cPtr,$expr);
+ }
+ function evalAsBool($expr_or_node_or_elem,$expr_or_content=null) {
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 1: $this->_cPtr=DataModel_evalAsBool($this->_cPtr,$expr_or_node_or_elem); break;
+ default: $this->_cPtr=DataModel_evalAsBool($this->_cPtr,$expr_or_node_or_elem,$expr_or_content);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function init($dataElem,$location,$content) {
+ DataModel_init($this->_cPtr,$dataElem,$location,$content);
+ }
+ function assign($assignElem,$location,$content) {
+ DataModel_assign($this->_cPtr,$assignElem,$location,$content);
+ }
+ function c_eval($scriptElem,$expr) {
+ DataModel_c_eval($this->_cPtr,$scriptElem,$expr);
+ }
+class ExecutableContent extends ExecutableContentImpl {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ ExecutableContentImpl::__set($var,$value);
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return ExecutableContentImpl::__get($var);
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return ExecutableContentImpl::__isset($var);
+ }
+ function __construct($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_uscxml__WrappedExecutableContent') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (get_class($this) === 'ExecutableContent') {
+ $_this = null;
+ } else {
+ $_this = $this;
+ }
+ $this->_cPtr=new_ExecutableContent($_this);
+ }
+ function create($interpreter) {
+ $r=ExecutableContent_create($this->_cPtr,$interpreter);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new ExecutableContent($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getLocalName() {
+ return ExecutableContent_getLocalName($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function getNamespace() {
+ return ExecutableContent_getNamespace($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function processChildren() {
+ return ExecutableContent_processChildren($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function enterElement($node) {
+ ExecutableContent_enterElement($this->_cPtr,$node);
+ }
+ function exitElement($node) {
+ ExecutableContent_exitElement($this->_cPtr,$node);
+ }
+class IOProcessor extends IOProcessorImpl {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ IOProcessorImpl::__set($var,$value);
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return IOProcessorImpl::__get($var);
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return IOProcessorImpl::__isset($var);
+ }
+ function __construct($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_uscxml__WrappedIOProcessor') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (get_class($this) === 'IOProcessor') {
+ $_this = null;
+ } else {
+ $_this = $this;
+ }
+ $this->_cPtr=new_IOProcessor($_this);
+ }
+ function create($interpreter) {
+ $r=IOProcessor_create($this->_cPtr,$interpreter);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new IOProcessor($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getNames() {
+ $r=IOProcessor_getNames($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new StringList($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function getDataModelVariables() {
+ $r=IOProcessor_getDataModelVariables($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function send($req) {
+ IOProcessor_send($this->_cPtr,$req);
+ }
+class InterpreterMonitor extends NativeInterpreterMonitor {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ NativeInterpreterMonitor::__set($var,$value);
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return NativeInterpreterMonitor::__get($var);
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return NativeInterpreterMonitor::__isset($var);
+ }
+ function __construct($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_uscxml__WrappedInterpreterMonitor') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (get_class($this) === 'InterpreterMonitor') {
+ $_this = null;
+ } else {
+ $_this = $this;
+ }
+ $this->_cPtr=new_InterpreterMonitor($_this);
+ }
+ function beforeExitingState($interpreter,$stateId,$xpath,$state,$moreComing) {
+ InterpreterMonitor_beforeExitingState($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$stateId,$xpath,$state,$moreComing);
+ }
+ function afterExitingState($interpreter,$stateId,$xpath,$state,$moreComing) {
+ InterpreterMonitor_afterExitingState($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$stateId,$xpath,$state,$moreComing);
+ }
+ function beforeExecutingContent($interpreter,$tagName,$xpath,$element) {
+ InterpreterMonitor_beforeExecutingContent($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$tagName,$xpath,$element);
+ }
+ function afterExecutingContent($interpreter,$tagName,$xpath,$element) {
+ InterpreterMonitor_afterExecutingContent($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$tagName,$xpath,$element);
+ }
+ function beforeUninvoking($interpreter,$xpath,$invokeid,$element) {
+ InterpreterMonitor_beforeUninvoking($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$xpath,$invokeid,$element);
+ }
+ function afterUninvoking($interpreter,$xpath,$invokeid,$element) {
+ InterpreterMonitor_afterUninvoking($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$xpath,$invokeid,$element);
+ }
+ function beforeTakingTransition($interpreter,$xpath,$source,$targets,$element,$moreComing) {
+ InterpreterMonitor_beforeTakingTransition($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$xpath,$source,$targets,$element,$moreComing);
+ }
+ function afterTakingTransition($interpreter,$xpath,$source,$targets,$element,$moreComing) {
+ InterpreterMonitor_afterTakingTransition($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$xpath,$source,$targets,$element,$moreComing);
+ }
+ function beforeEnteringState($interpreter,$stateId,$xpath,$state,$moreComing) {
+ InterpreterMonitor_beforeEnteringState($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$stateId,$xpath,$state,$moreComing);
+ }
+ function afterEnteringState($interpreter,$stateId,$xpath,$state,$moreComing) {
+ InterpreterMonitor_afterEnteringState($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$stateId,$xpath,$state,$moreComing);
+ }
+ function beforeInvoking($interpreter,$xpath,$invokeid,$element) {
+ InterpreterMonitor_beforeInvoking($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$xpath,$invokeid,$element);
+ }
+ function afterInvoking($interpreter,$xpath,$invokeid,$element) {
+ InterpreterMonitor_afterInvoking($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$xpath,$invokeid,$element);
+ }
+ function reportIssue($interpreter,$issue) {
+ InterpreterMonitor_reportIssue($this->_cPtr,$interpreter,$issue);
+ }
+class IssueList {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function c_list($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_std__listT_uscxml__InterpreterIssue_t') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ return new IssueList(new_c_list());
+ }
+ function size() {
+ return IssueList_size($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function c_empty() {
+ return IssueList_c_empty($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function clear() {
+ IssueList_clear($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function add($x) {
+ IssueList_add($this->_cPtr,$x);
+ }
+ function get($i) {
+ $r=IssueList_get($this->_cPtr,$i);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new InterpreterIssue($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+class DataList {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($h) {
+ $this->_cPtr=$h;
+ }
+ function size() {
+ return DataList_size($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function c_empty() {
+ return DataList_c_empty($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function clear() {
+ DataList_clear($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function add($x) {
+ DataList_add($this->_cPtr,$x);
+ }
+ function get($i) {
+ $r=DataList_get($this->_cPtr,$i);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+class DataMap {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($arg1=null) {
+ if (is_resource($arg1) && get_resource_type($arg1) === '_p_std__mapT_std__string_uscxml__Data_t') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$arg1;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $this->_cPtr=new_DataMap(); break;
+ default: $this->_cPtr=new_DataMap($arg1);
+ }
+ }
+ function size() {
+ return DataMap_size($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function clear() {
+ DataMap_clear($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function get($key) {
+ $r=DataMap_get($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new Data($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function set($key,$x) {
+ DataMap_set($this->_cPtr,$key,$x);
+ }
+ function del($key) {
+ DataMap_del($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ }
+ function has_key($key) {
+ return DataMap_has_key($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ }
+ function is_empty() {
+ return DataMap_is_empty($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+class StringSet {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($arg1=null) {
+ if (is_resource($arg1) && get_resource_type($arg1) === '_p_std__setT_std__string_t') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$arg1;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $this->_cPtr=new_StringSet(); break;
+ default: $this->_cPtr=new_StringSet($arg1);
+ }
+ }
+ function size() {
+ return StringSet_size($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function c_empty() {
+ return StringSet_c_empty($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function clear() {
+ StringSet_clear($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function get($key) {
+ return StringSet_get($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ }
+ function insert($key) {
+ StringSet_insert($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ }
+ function del($key) {
+ StringSet_del($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ }
+ function has_key($key) {
+ return StringSet_has_key($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ }
+class StringVector {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($n=null) {
+ if (is_resource($n) && get_resource_type($n) === '_p_std__vectorT_std__string_t') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$n;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $this->_cPtr=new_StringVector(); break;
+ default: $this->_cPtr=new_StringVector($n);
+ }
+ }
+ function size() {
+ return StringVector_size($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function capacity() {
+ return StringVector_capacity($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function reserve($n) {
+ StringVector_reserve($this->_cPtr,$n);
+ }
+ function clear() {
+ StringVector_clear($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function push($x) {
+ StringVector_push($this->_cPtr,$x);
+ }
+ function is_empty() {
+ return StringVector_is_empty($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function pop() {
+ return StringVector_pop($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function get($i) {
+ return StringVector_get($this->_cPtr,$i);
+ }
+ function set($i,$val) {
+ StringVector_set($this->_cPtr,$i,$val);
+ }
+class StringList {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($h) {
+ $this->_cPtr=$h;
+ }
+ function size() {
+ return StringList_size($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function c_empty() {
+ return StringList_c_empty($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function clear() {
+ StringList_clear($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function add($x) {
+ StringList_add($this->_cPtr,$x);
+ }
+ function get($i) {
+ return StringList_get($this->_cPtr,$i);
+ }
+class ParamMap {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($arg1=null) {
+ if (is_resource($arg1) && get_resource_type($arg1) === '_p_std__mapT_std__string_std__listT_uscxml__Data_t_t') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$arg1;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $this->_cPtr=new_ParamMap(); break;
+ default: $this->_cPtr=new_ParamMap($arg1);
+ }
+ }
+ function size() {
+ return ParamMap_size($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function clear() {
+ ParamMap_clear($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function get($key) {
+ $r=ParamMap_get($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new DataList($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function set($key,$x) {
+ ParamMap_set($this->_cPtr,$key,$x);
+ }
+ function del($key) {
+ ParamMap_del($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ }
+ function has_key($key) {
+ return ParamMap_has_key($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ }
+ function is_empty() {
+ return ParamMap_is_empty($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+class IOProcMap {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($arg1=null) {
+ if (is_resource($arg1) && get_resource_type($arg1) === '_p_std__mapT_std__string_uscxml__IOProcessor_t') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$arg1;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $this->_cPtr=new_IOProcMap(); break;
+ default: $this->_cPtr=new_IOProcMap($arg1);
+ }
+ }
+ function size() {
+ return IOProcMap_size($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function clear() {
+ IOProcMap_clear($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function get($key) {
+ $r=IOProcMap_get($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new NativeIOProcessor($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function set($key,$x) {
+ IOProcMap_set($this->_cPtr,$key,$x);
+ }
+ function del($key) {
+ IOProcMap_del($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ }
+ function has_key($key) {
+ return IOProcMap_has_key($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ }
+ function is_empty() {
+ return IOProcMap_is_empty($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+class InvokerMap {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($arg1=null) {
+ if (is_resource($arg1) && get_resource_type($arg1) === '_p_std__mapT_std__string_uscxml__Invoker_t') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$arg1;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (func_num_args()) {
+ case 0: $this->_cPtr=new_InvokerMap(); break;
+ default: $this->_cPtr=new_InvokerMap($arg1);
+ }
+ }
+ function size() {
+ return InvokerMap_size($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function clear() {
+ InvokerMap_clear($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function get($key) {
+ $r=InvokerMap_get($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new NativeInvoker($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function set($key,$x) {
+ InvokerMap_set($this->_cPtr,$key,$x);
+ }
+ function del($key) {
+ InvokerMap_del($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ }
+ function has_key($key) {
+ return InvokerMap_has_key($this->_cPtr,$key);
+ }
+ function is_empty() {
+ return InvokerMap_is_empty($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+class ParentQueue {
+ public $_cPtr=null;
+ protected $_pData=array();
+ function __set($var,$value) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_alter_newobject($this->_cPtr,$value);
+ $this->_pData[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ function __get($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return swig_uscxmlNativePHP_get_newobject($this->_cPtr);
+ return $this->_pData[$var];
+ }
+ function __isset($var) {
+ if ($var === 'thisown') return true;
+ return array_key_exists($var, $this->_pData);
+ }
+ function __construct($res=null) {
+ if (is_resource($res) && get_resource_type($res) === '_p_uscxml__concurrency__BlockingQueueT_uscxml__SendRequest_t') {
+ $this->_cPtr=$res;
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->_cPtr=new_ParentQueue();
+ }
+ function push($elem) {
+ ParentQueue_push($this->_cPtr,$elem);
+ }
+ function push_front($elem) {
+ ParentQueue_push_front($this->_cPtr,$elem);
+ }
+ function pop() {
+ $r=ParentQueue_pop($this->_cPtr);
+ if (is_resource($r)) {
+ $c=substr(get_resource_type($r), (strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') ? strpos(get_resource_type($r), '__') + 2 : 3));
+ if (class_exists($c)) return new $c($r);
+ return new SendRequest($r);
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ function clear() {
+ ParentQueue_clear($this->_cPtr);
+ }
+ function isEmpty() {
+ return ParentQueue_isEmpty($this->_cPtr);
+ }
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/stl_list.i b/src/bindings/swig/stl_list.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aabd448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/stl_list.i
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * See the LICENSE file for information on copyright, usage and redistribution
+ * of SWIG, and the README file for authors -
+ *
+ * std_list.i
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+%include <std_common.i>
+#include <list>
+#include <stdexcept>
+namespace std {
+ template<class T> class list {
+ public:
+ typedef size_t size_type;
+ typedef T value_type;
+ typedef const value_type& const_reference;
+ list();
+ size_type size() const;
+ %rename(isEmpty) empty;
+ bool empty() const;
+ void clear();
+ %rename(add) push_back;
+ void push_back(const value_type& x);
+ %extend {
+ const_reference get(int i) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ int size = int(self->size());
+ int j;
+ if (i>=0 && i<size) {
+ std::list<T>::const_iterator p;
+ p=self->begin();
+ for (j=0; j<i; j++) {p++;}
+ return (*p);
+ }
+ else
+ throw std::out_of_range("list index out of range");
+ }
+ }
+ };
+%define specialize_std_list(T)
+#warning "specialize_std_list - specialization for type T no longer needed"
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/stl_set.i b/src/bindings/swig/stl_set.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d009a7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/stl_set.i
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ Program: GDCM (Grassroots DICOM). A DICOM library
+ Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Mathieu Malaterre
+ All rights reserved.
+ See Copyright.txt or for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * std_set.i
+ *
+ * SWIG typemaps for std::set
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+%include <std_common.i>
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// std::set
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <set>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <stdexcept>
+// exported class
+namespace std {
+ template<class V> class set {
+ // add typemaps here
+ public:
+ typedef size_t size_type;
+ typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef V value_type;
+ set();
+ set(const set<V> &);
+ unsigned int size() const;
+ bool empty() const;
+ void clear();
+ %extend {
+ const V& get(const V& key) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ std::set<V>::iterator i = self->find(key);
+ if (i != self->end())
+ return *i;
+ else
+ throw std::out_of_range("key not found");
+ }
+ void insert(const V& key) { // Do NOT call this function 'set' !
+ self->insert(key);
+ }
+ void del(const V& key) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ std::set<V>::iterator i = self->find(key);
+ if (i != self->end())
+ self->erase(i);
+ else
+ throw std::out_of_range("key not found");
+ }
+ bool has_key(const V& key) {
+ std::set<V>::iterator i = self->find(key);
+ return i != self->end();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/uscxml_beautify.i b/src/bindings/swig/uscxml_beautify.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52c8ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/uscxml_beautify.i
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+%rename(NativeDataModel) DataModel;
+%rename(DataModel) WrappedDataModel;
+%rename(NativeDataModelExtension) DataModelExtension;
+%rename(DataModelExtension) WrappedDataModelExtension;
+%rename(NativeExecutableContent) ExecutableContent;
+%rename(ExecutableContent) WrappedExecutableContent;
+%rename(NativeInvoker) Invoker;
+%rename(Invoker) WrappedInvoker;
+%rename(NativeIOProcessor) IOProcessor;
+%rename(IOProcessor) WrappedIOProcessor;
+%rename(NativeInterpreterMonitor) InterpreterMonitor;
+%rename(InterpreterMonitor) WrappedInterpreterMonitor;
+%rename(getInvokersNative) uscxml::Interpreter::getInvokers();
+%rename(getIOProcessorsNative) uscxml::Interpreter::getIOProcessors();
+%extend uscxml::ErrorEvent {
+ std::string toString() {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *self;
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+%extend uscxml::Interpreter {
+ std::vector<std::string> getConfiguration() {
+ std::list<XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*> nativeConfig = self->getConfiguration();
+ std::vector<std::string> config;
+ for (auto state : nativeConfig) {
+ if (HAS_ATTR(state, "id"))
+ config.push_back(ATTR(state, "id"));
+ }
+ return config;
+ }
+ #include <easylogging++.h>
+%extend uscxml::Data {
+ std::vector<std::string> getCompoundKeys() {
+ std::vector<std::string> keys;
+ std::map<std::string, Data>::const_iterator iter = self->compound.begin();
+ while(iter != self->compound.end()) {
+ keys.push_back(iter->first);
+ iter++;
+ }
+ return keys;
+ }
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/uscxml_ignores.i b/src/bindings/swig/uscxml_ignores.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4146a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/uscxml_ignores.i
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+%ignore uscxml::NumAttr;
+%ignore uscxml::SCXMLParser;
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterImpl;
+%ignore uscxml::BlobImpl;
+%ignore uscxml::StateTransitionMonitor;
+%ignore uscxml::ActionLanguage;
+#if 0
+%ignore uscxml::EventHandlerImpl;
+%ignore uscxml::EventHandlerImpl::setInterpreter(InterpreterImpl*);
+%ignore uscxml::EventHandlerImpl::getInterpreter;
+%ignore uscxml::EventHandlerImpl::getElement;
+%ignore uscxml::EventHandlerImpl::runOnMainThread;
+%ignore uscxml::EventHandler::EventHandler(const std::shared_ptr<EventHandlerImpl>);
+%ignore uscxml::EventHandler::EventHandler(EventHandler&);
+%ignore uscxml::EventHandler::setInterpreter(InterpreterImpl*);
+%ignore uscxml::EventHandler::getInterpreter;
+%ignore uscxml::EventHandler::getElement;
+%ignore uscxml::EventHandler::runOnMainThread;
+// interpreter
+%ignore uscxml::Interpreter::Interpreter(const std::shared_ptr<InterpreterImpl>);
+%ignore uscxml::Interpreter::Interpreter(const Interpreter&);
+%ignore uscxml::Interpreter::fromDocument;
+%ignore uscxml::Interpreter::fromElement;
+%ignore uscxml::Interpreter::fromClone;
+%ignore uscxml::Interpreter::getImpl();
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterOptions;
+// InterpreterIssues
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterIssue::node;
+// InterpreterMonitor
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterMonitor::beforeExitingState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*);
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterMonitor::afterExitingState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*);
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterMonitor::beforeEnteringState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*);
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterMonitor::afterEnteringState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*);
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterMonitor::beforeUninvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*, const std::string&);
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterMonitor::afterUninvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*, const std::string&);
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterMonitor::beforeInvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*, const std::string&);
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterMonitor::afterInvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*, const std::string&);
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterMonitor::beforeTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*);
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterMonitor::afterTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*);
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterMonitor::beforeExecutingContent(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*);
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterMonitor::afterExecutingContent(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*);
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterOptions::fromCmdLine(int, char**);
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterOptions::additionalParameters;
+%ignore uscxml::InterpreterOptions::interpreters;
+// Invoker
+%ignore uscxml::Invoker::Invoker(const std::shared_ptr<InvokerImpl>);
+%ignore uscxml::Invoker::setInterpreter(InterpreterImpl*);
+%ignore uscxml::Invoker::getInterpreter;
+%ignore uscxml::InvokerImpl::create(InterpreterImpl*);
+%ignore uscxml::InvokerImpl::setInterpreter(InterpreterImpl*);
+%ignore uscxml::InvokerImpl::getInterpreter;
+// DataModel
+%ignore uscxml::DataModel::DataModel(const std::shared_ptr<DataModelImpl>);
+%ignore uscxml::DataModel::DataModel(const DataModel&);
+%ignore uscxml::WrappedDataModel::create(DataModelCallbacks*);
+%ignore uscxml::DataModelExtension::dm;
+// Executable Content
+%ignore uscxml::ExecutableContent::ExecutableContent(const std::shared_ptr<ExecutableContentImpl>);
+%ignore uscxml::ExecutableContent::ExecutableContent(const ExecutableContent&);
+%ignore uscxml::ExecutableContent::setInterpreter(InterpreterImpl*);
+%ignore uscxml::ExecutableContent::getInterpreter;
+%ignore uscxml::ExecutableContent::enterElement(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*);
+%ignore uscxml::ExecutableContent::exitElement(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*s);
+%ignore uscxml::ExecutableContentImpl::create(InterpreterImpl*);
+%ignore uscxml::ExecutableContentImpl::enterElement(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*);
+%ignore uscxml::ExecutableContentImpl::exitElement(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*);
+%ignore uscxml::ExecutableContentImpl::setInterpreter(InterpreterImpl*);
+%ignore uscxml::ExecutableContentImpl::getInterpreter;
+%ignore uscxml::WrappedExecutableContent::create(InterpreterImpl*);
+%ignore uscxml::WrappedExecutableContent::enterElement(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*);
+%ignore uscxml::WrappedExecutableContent::exitElement(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*);
+// IOProcessor
+%ignore uscxml::IOProcessorImpl::create(InterpreterImpl*);
+%ignore uscxml::IOProcessor::IOProcessor(const std::shared_ptr<IOProcessorImpl>);
+%ignore uscxml::IOProcessor::IOProcessor(const IOProcessor&);
+%ignore uscxml::WrappedIOProcessor::create(InterpreterImpl*);
+// Factory
+%ignore uscxml::Factory::createDataModel;
+%ignore uscxml::Factory::createIOProcessor;
+%ignore uscxml::Factory::createInvoker;
+%ignore uscxml::Factory::createExecutableContent;
+%ignore uscxml::Factory::getIOProcessors;
+// Event
+%ignore uscxml::Event::getParams();
+%ignore uscxml::Event::getParam;
+%ignore uscxml::Event::setParams;
+// HTTPServer
+%ignore uscxml::HTTPServer::wsSend;
+%ignore uscxml::HTTPServer::wsBroadcast;
+%ignore uscxml::HTTPServer::reply;
+// Data
+%ignore uscxml::Data::toDocument;
+%ignore uscxml::Data::Data(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*);
+%ignore uscxml::Data::Data(const char* data, size_t size, const std::string& mimeType, bool adopt);
+%ignore uscxml::Data::Data(const char* data, size_t size, const std::string& mimeType);
+// Blob
+%ignore uscxml::Blob::Blob(size_t size);
+%ignore uscxml::Blob::Blob(const char* data, size_t size, const std::string& mimeType, bool adopt);
+%ignore uscxml::Blob::Blob(const std::shared_ptr<BlobImpl>);
+%ignore operator!=;
+%ignore operator<;
+%ignore operator=;
+%ignore operator[];
+%ignore operator std::list<Data>;
+%ignore operator std::string;
+%ignore operator std::map<std::string,Data>;
+%ignore operator<<;
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedDataModel.cpp b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedDataModel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ba57be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedDataModel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include "WrappedDataModel.h"
+namespace uscxml {
+WrappedDataModel::WrappedDataModel() {}
+WrappedDataModel::~WrappedDataModel() {}
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedDataModel.h b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedDataModel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49a3482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedDataModel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
+#include "../../../uscxml/plugins/DataModelImpl.h"
+namespace uscxml {
+class WrappedDataModel : public DataModelImpl {
+ WrappedDataModel();
+ virtual ~WrappedDataModel();
+ virtual std::shared_ptr<DataModelImpl> create(DataModelCallbacks* callbacks) {
+ std::shared_ptr<WrappedDataModel> dm(create());
+ dm->callbacks = callbacks;
+ return dm;
+ }
+ virtual std::list<std::string> getNames() {
+ return std::list<std::string>();
+ }
+ virtual WrappedDataModel* create() {
+ return new WrappedDataModel();
+ }
+ virtual bool isValidSyntax(const std::string& expr) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual void setEvent(const Event& event) {}
+ // foreach
+ virtual uint32_t getLength(const std::string& expr) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual void setForeach(const std::string& item,
+ const std::string& array,
+ const std::string& index,
+ uint32_t iteration) {}
+ virtual Data getAsData(const std::string& content) {
+ return Data();
+ }
+ virtual Data evalAsData(const std::string& expr) {
+ return Data();
+ }
+ virtual bool evalAsBool(const std::string& expr) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual bool isDeclared(const std::string& expr) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual void assign(const std::string& location, const Data& data) {}
+ virtual void init(const std::string& location, const Data& data) {}
+ virtual std::string andExpressions(std::list<std::string>) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ DataModelCallbacks* callbacks;
+#endif /* end of include guard: WRAPPEDDATAMODEL_H_DBAAD6AF */
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedExecutableContent.cpp b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedExecutableContent.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09aa6fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedExecutableContent.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include "WrappedExecutableContent.h"
+#include "uscxml/util/DOM.h"
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
+#include <ostream>
+namespace uscxml {
+WrappedExecutableContent::WrappedExecutableContent() {}
+WrappedExecutableContent::~WrappedExecutableContent() {}
+void WrappedExecutableContent::enterElement(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* element) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *element;
+ enterElement(ss.str());
+void WrappedExecutableContent::exitElement(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* element) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *element;
+ exitElement(ss.str());
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedExecutableContent.h b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedExecutableContent.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ba8d3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedExecutableContent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include "../../../uscxml/messages/Event.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/plugins/Factory.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/plugins/ExecutableContentImpl.h"
+namespace uscxml {
+class WrappedExecutableContent : public ExecutableContentImpl {
+ WrappedExecutableContent();
+ virtual ~WrappedExecutableContent();
+ virtual std::shared_ptr<ExecutableContentImpl> create(InterpreterImpl* interpreter) {
+ std::shared_ptr<WrappedExecutableContent> ec(new WrappedExecutableContent());
+ return ec;
+ }
+ virtual std::string getLocalName() {
+ return "";
+ }
+ virtual std::string getNamespace() {
+ return "";
+ }
+ void enterElement(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* element);
+ virtual void enterElement(const std::string& elementXML) {}
+ void exitElement(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* element);
+ virtual void exitElement(const std::string& elementXML) {}
+ virtual bool processChildren() {
+ return true;
+ }
+#endif /* end of include guard: WRAPPEDEXECUTABLECONTENT_H_F690F480 */
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedIOProcessor.cpp b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedIOProcessor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d034bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedIOProcessor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include "WrappedIOProcessor.h"
+namespace uscxml {
+WrappedIOProcessor::WrappedIOProcessor(InterpreterImpl* interpreter) {
+ _interpreter = interpreter;
+WrappedIOProcessor::~WrappedIOProcessor() {}
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedIOProcessor.h b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedIOProcessor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa5f967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedIOProcessor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
+#include "../../../uscxml/messages/Event.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/plugins/Factory.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/plugins/IOProcessorImpl.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/Interpreter.h"
+namespace uscxml {
+class WrappedIOProcessor : public IOProcessorImpl {
+ WrappedIOProcessor(InterpreterImpl* interpreter);
+ virtual ~WrappedIOProcessor();
+ virtual std::list<std::string> getNames() {
+ return std::list<std::string>();
+ };
+ virtual std::shared_ptr<IOProcessorImpl> create(InterpreterImpl* interpreter) {
+ std::shared_ptr<IOProcessorImpl> ioProc = std::shared_ptr<IOProcessorImpl>(new WrappedIOProcessor(interpreter));
+ return ioProc;
+ }
+ virtual void eventFromSCXML(const std::string& target, const Event& event) {}
+ virtual bool isValidTarget(const std::string& target) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual Data getDataModelVariables() {
+ return Data();
+ }
+#endif /* end of include guard: WRAPPEDIOPROCESSOR_H_AE98064A */
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.cpp b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f066a72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include "WrappedInterpreterMonitor.h"
+#include "uscxml/util/Predicates.h"
+#include "uscxml/util/DOM.h"
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
+#include <ostream>
+namespace uscxml {
+using namespace XERCESC_NS;
+WrappedInterpreterMonitor::WrappedInterpreterMonitor() {}
+WrappedInterpreterMonitor::~WrappedInterpreterMonitor() {}
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeExitingState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *state;
+ beforeExitingState(ATTR(state, "id"), DOMUtils::xPathForNode(state), ss.str());
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterExitingState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *state;
+ afterExitingState(ATTR(state, "id"), DOMUtils::xPathForNode(state), ss.str());
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeExecutingContent(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* content) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *content;
+ beforeExecutingContent(TAGNAME(content), DOMUtils::xPathForNode(content), ss.str());
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterExecutingContent(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* content) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *content;
+ afterExecutingContent(TAGNAME(content), DOMUtils::xPathForNode(content), ss.str());
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeUninvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker, const std::string& invokeid) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *invoker;
+ std::string invokeId;
+ if (invoker->getUserData(X("invokeid")) != NULL) {
+ invokeId = (char*)invoker->getUserData(X("invokeid"));
+ }
+ beforeUninvoking(DOMUtils::xPathForNode(invoker), invokeId, ss.str());
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterUninvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker, const std::string& invokeid) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *invoker;
+ std::string invokeId;
+ if (invoker->getUserData(X("invokeid")) != NULL) {
+ invokeId = (char*)invoker->getUserData(X("invokeid"));
+ }
+ afterUninvoking(DOMUtils::xPathForNode(invoker), invokeId, ss.str());
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
+ XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* sourceState = getSourceState(transition);
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* root = DOMUtils::getNearestAncestor(transition, "scxml");
+ std::list<XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*> targetStates = getTargetStates(transition, root);
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *transition;
+ std::list<std::string> targets;
+ for (auto t : targetStates) {
+ targets.push_back(ATTR_CAST(t, "id"));
+ }
+ beforeTakingTransition(DOMUtils::xPathForNode(transition), ATTR_CAST(sourceState, "id"), targets, ss.str());
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
+ XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* sourceState = getSourceState(transition);
+ const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* root = DOMUtils::getNearestAncestor(transition, "scxml");
+ std::list<XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*> targetStates = getTargetStates(transition, root);
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *transition;
+ std::list<std::string> targets;
+ for (auto t : targetStates) {
+ targets.push_back(ATTR_CAST(t, "id"));
+ }
+ afterTakingTransition(DOMUtils::xPathForNode(transition), ATTR_CAST(sourceState, "id"), targets, ss.str());
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeEnteringState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *state;
+ beforeEnteringState(ATTR(state, "id"), DOMUtils::xPathForNode(state), ss.str());
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterEnteringState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *state;
+ afterEnteringState(ATTR(state, "id"), DOMUtils::xPathForNode(state), ss.str());
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::beforeInvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker, const std::string& invokeid) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *invoker;
+ std::string invokeId;
+ if (invoker->getUserData(X("invokeid")) != NULL) {
+ invokeId = (char*)invoker->getUserData(X("invokeid"));
+ }
+ beforeInvoking(DOMUtils::xPathForNode(invoker), invokeId, ss.str());
+void WrappedInterpreterMonitor::afterInvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker, const std::string& invokeid) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << *invoker;
+ std::string invokeId;
+ if (invoker->getUserData(X("invokeid")) != NULL) {
+ invokeId = (char*)invoker->getUserData(X("invokeid"));
+ }
+ afterInvoking(DOMUtils::xPathForNode(invoker), invokeId, ss.str());
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.h b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e83c896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
+#include "uscxml/config.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/messages/Event.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterMonitor.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/util/DOM.h"
+// forward declare
+namespace XERCESC_NS {
+ class DOMElement;
+namespace uscxml {
+class WrappedInterpreterMonitor : public InterpreterMonitor {
+ WrappedInterpreterMonitor();
+ virtual ~WrappedInterpreterMonitor();
+ void beforeExitingState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
+ virtual void beforeExitingState(const std::string& stateId,
+ const std::string& xpath,
+ const std::string& stateXML) {}
+ void afterExitingState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
+ virtual void afterExitingState(const std::string& stateId,
+ const std::string& xpath,
+ const std::string& stateXML) {}
+ void beforeExecutingContent(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* content);
+ virtual void beforeExecutingContent(const std::string& tagName,
+ const std::string& xpath,
+ const std::string& contentXML) {}
+ void afterExecutingContent(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* content);
+ virtual void afterExecutingContent(const std::string& tagName,
+ const std::string& xpath,
+ const std::string& contentXML) {}
+ void beforeUninvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker,
+ const std::string& invokeid);
+ virtual void beforeUninvoking(const std::string& xpath,
+ const std::string& invokeid,
+ const std::string& invokerXML) {}
+ void afterUninvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker,
+ const std::string& invokeid);
+ virtual void afterUninvoking(const std::string& xpath,
+ const std::string& invokeid,
+ const std::string& invokerXML) {}
+ void beforeTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition);
+ virtual void beforeTakingTransition(const std::string& xpath,
+ const std::string& source,
+ const std::list<std::string>& targets,
+ const std::string& transitionXML) {}
+ void afterTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition);
+ virtual void afterTakingTransition(const std::string& xpath,
+ const std::string& source,
+ const std::list<std::string>& targets,
+ const std::string& transitionXML) {}
+ void beforeEnteringState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
+ virtual void beforeEnteringState(const std::string& stateId,
+ const std::string& xpath,
+ const std::string& stateXML) {}
+ void afterEnteringState(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state);
+ virtual void afterEnteringState(const std::string& stateId,
+ const std::string& xpath,
+ const std::string& stateXML) {}
+ void beforeInvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker,
+ const std::string& invokeid);
+ virtual void beforeInvoking(const std::string& xpath,
+ const std::string& invokeid,
+ const std::string& invokerXML) {}
+ void afterInvoking(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* invoker,
+ const std::string& invokeid);
+ virtual void afterInvoking(const std::string& xpath,
+ const std::string& invokeid,
+ const std::string& invokerXML) {}
+ virtual void reportIssue(const InterpreterIssue& issue) {}
+#endif /* end of include guard: WRAPPEDINTERPRETERMONITOR_H_F5C83A0D */
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInvoker.cpp b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInvoker.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba76420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInvoker.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#include "WrappedInvoker.h"
+namespace uscxml {
+WrappedInvoker::WrappedInvoker(InterpreterImpl* interpreter) {
+ _interpreter = interpreter;
+WrappedInvoker::~WrappedInvoker() {}
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInvoker.h b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInvoker.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eb4a22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInvoker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * @file
+ * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (
+ * @copyright Simplified BSD
+ *
+ * @cond
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this
+ * program. If not, see <>.
+ * @endcond
+ */
+#ifndef WRAPPEDINVOKER_H_F9725D47
+#define WRAPPEDINVOKER_H_F9725D47
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
+#include "../../../uscxml/messages/Event.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/plugins/Factory.h"
+#include "../../../uscxml/plugins/InvokerImpl.h"
+// forward declare
+namespace XERCESC_NS {
+ class DOMElement;
+namespace uscxml {
+class WrappedInvoker : public InvokerImpl {
+ WrappedInvoker(InterpreterImpl* interpreter);
+ virtual ~WrappedInvoker();
+ virtual std::list<std::string> getNames() {
+ return std::list<std::string>();
+ };
+ virtual std::shared_ptr<InvokerImpl> create(InterpreterImpl* interpreter) {
+ std::shared_ptr<InvokerImpl> inv = std::shared_ptr<InvokerImpl>(new WrappedInvoker(interpreter));
+ return inv;
+ }
+ virtual void invoke(const std::string& source, const Event& invokeEvent) {}
+ virtual void uninvoke() {}
+ virtual void eventFromSCXML(const Event& event) {}
+ virtual XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* getFinalize() {
+ return _finalize;
+ }
+ virtual void setFinalize(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* finalize) {
+ _finalize = finalize;
+ }
+ virtual void setInvokeId(const std::string& invokeId) {
+ _invokeId = invokeId;
+ }
+ virtual Data getDataModelVariables() {
+ return Data();
+ }
+ void eventToSCXML(Event& event, const std::string& type, const std::string& invokeId, bool internal = false) {
+ }
+ InterpreterImpl* _interpreter;
+#endif /* end of include guard: WRAPPEDINVOKER_H_F9725D47 */
diff --git a/src/uscxml/Interpreter.cpp b/src/uscxml/Interpreter.cpp
index 05fb1fc..a050401 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/Interpreter.cpp
+++ b/src/uscxml/Interpreter.cpp
@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ void Interpreter::reset() {
return _impl->reset();
-InterpreterState Interpreter::step(bool blocking) {
- return _impl->step(blocking);
+InterpreterState Interpreter::step(size_t blockMs) {
+ return _impl->step(blockMs);
void Interpreter::cancel() {
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ static void printNodeSet(const std::list<XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*> nodes) {
void StateTransitionMonitor::beforeTakingTransition(const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* transition) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
std::cerr << "Transition: " << uscxml::DOMUtils::xPathForNode(transition) << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/uscxml/Interpreter.h b/src/uscxml/Interpreter.h
index 1596914..bab0ebc 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/Interpreter.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/Interpreter.h
@@ -154,13 +154,19 @@ public:
- * Perform a single microstep and return.
- * @param blocking Whether or not to block the thread when waiting for events
- * @return The new state of the interpreter object.
+ * Advance the state-machine by a single microstep and return.
+ *
+ * This is the central function to drive the state machine. Calling step()
+ * will perform one *microstep* and return the current state of the
+ * interpreter. Here, the state is not to be confused with the interpreter's
+ * configuration.
- * @todo Have Interpreter::step() take a duration to block
+ * \snippet test-snippets.cpp Performing a microstep
+ *
+ * @param blockMs The maximum duration in milli-seconds to wait for an event to become available.
+ * @return The new state of the interpreter object.
- InterpreterState step(bool blocking = true);
+ InterpreterState step(size_t blockMs = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
* Unblock and mark for finalize.
@@ -177,14 +183,14 @@ public:
* @return A list of XML elements of the active states.
std::list<XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*> getConfiguration();
* Determine whether the state with the given `id` is in the active configuration.
* @param id An identifier for a state from the SCXML document.
* @return Whether the interpreter is in state `id`.
bool isInState(const std::string& stateId);
* The current state of the interpreter, not to be confused with its configuration.
* @return The current state of the interpreter object.
@@ -202,12 +208,12 @@ public:
* @event An event to be enqueued
void receive(const Event& event);
* Adapt the constituting components for a SCXML interpreter.
void setActionLanguage(ActionLanguage actionLanguage);
* Attach a monitor to make more details of the interpreter observable.
diff --git a/src/uscxml/debug/InterpreterIssue.h b/src/uscxml/debug/InterpreterIssue.h
index c807acc..7eede09 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/debug/InterpreterIssue.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/debug/InterpreterIssue.h
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
// forward declare
namespace XERCESC_NS {
- class DOMNode;
+class DOMNode;
namespace uscxml {
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ public:
IssueSeverity severity; ///< Severity of the issue
std::string specRef; ///< If applicable, the violated section from the standard
- /**
- * Constructor is solely used to report issues at runtime.
- */
- InterpreterIssue(const std::string& msg, XERCESC_NS::DOMNode* node, IssueSeverity severity, const std::string& specRef = "");
+ /**
+ * Constructor is solely used to report issues at runtime.
+ */
+ InterpreterIssue(const std::string& msg, XERCESC_NS::DOMNode* node, IssueSeverity severity, const std::string& specRef = "");
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/BasicEventQueue.cpp b/src/uscxml/interpreter/BasicEventQueue.cpp
index 5d3fa2d..ee2346d 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/BasicEventQueue.cpp
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/BasicEventQueue.cpp
@@ -31,13 +31,20 @@ BasicEventQueue::BasicEventQueue() {
BasicEventQueue::~BasicEventQueue() {
-Event BasicEventQueue::dequeue(bool blocking) {
+Event BasicEventQueue::dequeue(size_t blockMs) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
- if (blocking) {
- while (_queue.empty()) {
- _cond.wait(_mutex);
+ if (blockMs > 0) {
+ // block for given milliseconds or until queue is filled
+ std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> end, now;
+ now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
+ end = now + std::chrono::milliseconds(blockMs);
+ while (std::chrono::system_clock::now() < end && _queue.empty()) {
+ _cond.wait_for(_mutex, std::chrono::system_clock::now() - end);
if (_queue.size() > 0) {
Event event = _queue.front();
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/BasicEventQueue.h b/src/uscxml/interpreter/BasicEventQueue.h
index cfb2b5d..15a1c3c 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/BasicEventQueue.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/BasicEventQueue.h
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class USCXML_API BasicEventQueue : public EventQueueImpl {
virtual ~BasicEventQueue();
- virtual Event dequeue(bool blocking);
+ virtual Event dequeue(size_t blockMs);
virtual void enqueue(const Event& event);
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ public:
virtual void enqueueDelayed(const Event& event, size_t delayMs, const std::string& eventUUID);
virtual void cancelDelayed(const std::string& eventId);
virtual void cancelAllDelayed();
- virtual Event dequeue(bool blocking) {
- return BasicEventQueue::dequeue(blocking);
+ virtual Event dequeue(size_t blockMs) {
+ return BasicEventQueue::dequeue(blockMs);
virtual void enqueue(const Event& event) {
return BasicEventQueue::enqueue(event);
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/ContentExecutor.h b/src/uscxml/interpreter/ContentExecutor.h
index 64f5a95..be0de78 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/ContentExecutor.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/ContentExecutor.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
// forward declare
namespace XERCESC_NS {
- class DOMElement;
+class DOMElement;
namespace uscxml {
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/EventQueue.cpp b/src/uscxml/interpreter/EventQueue.cpp
index 9b9fa88..c460e02 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/EventQueue.cpp
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/EventQueue.cpp
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
namespace uscxml {
-Event EventQueue::dequeue(bool blocking) {
- return _impl->dequeue(blocking);
+Event EventQueue::dequeue(size_t blockMs) {
+ return _impl->dequeue(blockMs);
void EventQueue::enqueue(const Event& event) {
return _impl->enqueue(event);
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/EventQueue.h b/src/uscxml/interpreter/EventQueue.h
index 4409b72..1e8b018 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/EventQueue.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/EventQueue.h
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class USCXML_API EventQueue {
- virtual Event dequeue(bool blocking);
+ virtual Event dequeue(size_t blockMs);
virtual void enqueue(const Event& event);
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/EventQueueImpl.h b/src/uscxml/interpreter/EventQueueImpl.h
index 1cafd4d..1ccd3f1 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/EventQueueImpl.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/EventQueueImpl.h
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace uscxml {
class USCXML_API EventQueueImpl {
- virtual Event dequeue(bool blocking) = 0;
+ virtual Event dequeue(size_t blockMs) = 0;
virtual void enqueue(const Event& event) = 0;
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.cpp b/src/uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.cpp
index bf58f7b..3ad5515 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.cpp
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.cpp
@@ -290,23 +290,23 @@ void FastMicroStep::init(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* scxml) {
if (parent && parent->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) {
State* uscxmlState = (State*)parent->getUserData(X("uscxmlState"));
// parent maybe a content element
- if (uscxmlState != NULL) {
- _states[i]->parent = uscxmlState->documentOrder;
- }
+ if (uscxmlState != NULL) {
+ _states[i]->parent = uscxmlState->documentOrder;
+ }
while(parent && parent->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) {
State* uscxmlState = (State*)parent->getUserData(X("uscxmlState"));
- if (uscxmlState == NULL)
- break;
+ if (uscxmlState == NULL)
+ break;
- // ancestors
- BIT_SET_AT(uscxmlState->documentOrder, _states[i]->ancestors);
+ // ancestors
+ BIT_SET_AT(uscxmlState->documentOrder, _states[i]->ancestors);
- // children
- BIT_SET_AT(i, uscxmlState->children);
- parent = parent->getParentNode();
+ // children
+ BIT_SET_AT(i, uscxmlState->children);
+ parent = parent->getParentNode();
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ void FastMicroStep::markAsCancelled() {
_isCancelled = true;
-InterpreterState FastMicroStep::step(bool blocking) {
+InterpreterState FastMicroStep::step(size_t blockMs) {
if (!_isInitialized) {
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ InterpreterState FastMicroStep::step(bool blocking) {
- if ((_event = _callbacks->dequeueExternal(blocking))) {
+ if ((_event = _callbacks->dequeueExternal(blockMs))) {
USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK1(_callbacks->getMonitor(), beforeProcessingEvent, _event);
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.h b/src/uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.h
index 3789af9..023bb8f 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.h
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public:
FastMicroStep(MicroStepCallbacks* callbacks);
virtual ~FastMicroStep();
- virtual InterpreterState step(bool blocking);
+ virtual InterpreterState step(size_t blockMs);
virtual void reset();
virtual bool isInState(const std::string& stateId);
virtual std::list<XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*> getConfiguration();
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.cpp b/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.cpp
index 880afbc..3383411 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.cpp
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.cpp
@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ bool InterpreterImpl::checkValidSendType(const std::string& type, const std::str
return true;
-Event InterpreterImpl::dequeueExternal(bool blocking) {
- _currEvent = _externalQueue.dequeue(blocking);
+Event InterpreterImpl::dequeueExternal(size_t blockMs) {
+ _currEvent = _externalQueue.dequeue(blockMs);
if (_currEvent) {
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.h b/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.h
index e1abf9b..e693bbf 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.h
@@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ public:
void cloneFrom(InterpreterImpl* other);
void cloneFrom(std::shared_ptr<InterpreterImpl> other);
- virtual InterpreterState step(bool blocking) {
+ virtual InterpreterState step(size_t blockMs) {
if (!_isInitialized) {
} else {
- _state = _microStepper.step(blocking);
+ _state = _microStepper.step(blockMs);
return _state;
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public:
return _currEvent;
- virtual Event dequeueExternal(bool blocking);
+ virtual Event dequeueExternal(size_t blockMs);
virtual bool isTrue(const std::string& expr);
virtual void raiseDoneEvent(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state, XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* doneData) {
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterMonitor.h b/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterMonitor.h
index 901e1eb..8dac445 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterMonitor.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterMonitor.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+#include "uscxml/config.h"
#include "uscxml/Common.h"
#include "uscxml/messages/Event.h"
#include "uscxml/debug/InterpreterIssue.h"
@@ -41,6 +42,11 @@ if (callback) { callback->function(arg1); }
#define USCXML_MONITOR_CALLBACK2(callback, function, arg1, arg2) \
if (callback) { callback->function(arg1, arg2); }
+// forward declare
+namespace XERCESC_NS {
+ class DOMElement;
namespace uscxml {
class USCXML_API InterpreterMonitor {
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterState.h b/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterState.h
index a4741ed..5acbd74 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterState.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterState.h
@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@
namespace uscxml {
enum InterpreterState {
- USCXML_FINISHED = -2, ///< machine reached a final configuration and is done
- USCXML_INTERRUPTED = -1, ///< machine received the empty event on the external queue
+ USCXML_FINISHED = -1, ///< machine reached a final configuration and is done
USCXML_UNDEF = 0, ///< not an actual state
USCXML_IDLE = 1, ///< stable configuration and queues empty
USCXML_INITIALIZED = 2, ///< DOM is setup and all external components instantiated
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/MicroStep.cpp b/src/uscxml/interpreter/MicroStep.cpp
index aa75c91..2876be5 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/MicroStep.cpp
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/MicroStep.cpp
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
namespace uscxml {
-InterpreterState MicroStep::step(bool blocking) {
- return _impl->step(blocking);
+InterpreterState MicroStep::step(size_t blockMs) {
+ return _impl->step(blockMs);
void MicroStep::reset() {
return _impl->reset();
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/MicroStep.h b/src/uscxml/interpreter/MicroStep.h
index c20e994..a8ea4f0 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/MicroStep.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/MicroStep.h
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
// forward declare
namespace XERCESC_NS {
- class DOMElement;
+class DOMElement;
namespace uscxml {
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class USCXML_API MicroStep {
- virtual InterpreterState step(bool blocking);
+ virtual InterpreterState step(size_t blockMs);
virtual void reset();
virtual bool isInState(const std::string& stateId);
diff --git a/src/uscxml/interpreter/MicroStepImpl.h b/src/uscxml/interpreter/MicroStepImpl.h
index e4cde5d..be9d974 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/interpreter/MicroStepImpl.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/interpreter/MicroStepImpl.h
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class USCXML_API MicroStepCallbacks {
/** Event Queues / Matching */
virtual Event dequeueInternal() = 0;
- virtual Event dequeueExternal(bool blocking) = 0;
+ virtual Event dequeueExternal(size_t blockMs) = 0;
virtual bool isMatched(const Event& event, const std::string& eventDesc) = 0;
virtual void raiseDoneEvent(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* state, XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* doneData) = 0;
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public:
MicroStepImpl(MicroStepCallbacks* callbacks) : _callbacks(callbacks) {}
- virtual InterpreterState step(bool blocking) = 0;
+ virtual InterpreterState step(size_t blockMs) = 0;
virtual void reset() = 0; ///< Reset state machine
virtual bool isInState(const std::string& stateId) = 0;
virtual std::list<XERCESC_NS::DOMElement*> getConfiguration() = 0;
diff --git a/src/uscxml/messages/Data.h b/src/uscxml/messages/Data.h
index 6ab3bec..73640f0 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/messages/Data.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/messages/Data.h
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
// forward declare
namespace XERCESC_NS {
- class DOMDocument;
- class DOMNode;
+class DOMDocument;
+class DOMNode;
namespace uscxml {
diff --git a/src/uscxml/plugins/DataModel.h b/src/uscxml/plugins/DataModel.h
index 03e557c..7716ad7 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/plugins/DataModel.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/plugins/DataModel.h
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public:
/// @copydoc DataModelImpl::getNames()
- virtual std::list<std::string> getNames();
+ virtual std::list<std::string> getNames();
/// @copydoc DataModelImpl::isValidSyntax()
virtual bool isValidSyntax(const std::string& expr);
diff --git a/src/uscxml/plugins/DataModelImpl.h b/src/uscxml/plugins/DataModelImpl.h
index c3f5390..403a213 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/plugins/DataModelImpl.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/plugins/DataModelImpl.h
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ public:
class USCXML_API DataModelImpl {
virtual ~DataModelImpl() {}
* The Factory wants to instantiate a new instance.
- * This function will have to initialize the object. The actual constructor
- * is called from within here. The only one who calls the constructor directly
+ * This function will have to initialize the object. The actual constructor
+ * is called from within here. The only one who calls the constructor directly
* is the Factory for the prototype object.
* @param callbacks The callbacks available to the datamodel
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ public:
virtual std::list<std::string> getNames() = 0;
- * Determine whether a given string constitutes valid syntax in the
+ * Determine whether a given string constitutes valid syntax in the
* data-model's language.
* @param expr A string, supposedly containing an expression of the data-model.
* @return Whether expr is in L(DM).
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public:
virtual bool isValidSyntax(const std::string& expr) {
return true; // overwrite when datamodel supports it
* Set the given event as `_event` in the data-model's global scope.
* @param event The event as it was dequeued from either the internal or external queue.
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public:
* Experimental extension to have dynamic content in string literals.
- * This function was used to replace ${foo} expressions on the data-model,
+ * This function was used to replace ${foo} expressions on the data-model,
* e.g. in text nodes. It will eventually make a reappearance I guess.
* @param content The string with tokens to replace.
* @return How many occurences where replaced.
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ public:
* @param expr Anything that possibly evaluates to an enumerable object.
* @return The number of items in the enumerable object.
- virtual uint32_t getLength(const std::string& expr) = 0;
+ virtual uint32_t getLength(const std::string& expr) = 0;
* Set a given item to the object at a given index for one iteration.
* @param item A variable or location to assign the current object to.
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ public:
* @return An evaluated structure representing the given compound or literal.
virtual Data evalAsData(const std::string& content) = 0;
* Evaluate a given expression as a boolean.
* This function is a subset of evalAsData() but saves on creating and copying a Data object.
@@ -162,28 +162,28 @@ public:
* Assign a data object to a location in the data-model.
* There are different occurences in the SCXML IRP tests, e.g.
- <data id="Var1" expr="0"/>
- <data id="Var3">
- [1,2,3]
- </data>
- <data id="Var1" expr="return"/>
+ \verbatim
+ test147:
+ <data id="Var1" expr="0"/>
+ test150:
+ <data id="Var3">
+ [1,2,3]
+ </data>
+ test277:
+ <data id="Var1" expr="return"/>
+ \endverbatim
* @param location A variable or locatio to assign to.
* @param data The Data object with the respective data.
virtual void assign(const std::string& location, const Data& data) = 0;
* Initialize a variable / location in the data-model with a given data object.
- * This is, semantically, very close to assign() but does not assume the
+ * This is, semantically, very close to assign() but does not assume the
* location to be declared first.
- *
+ *
* @param location A variable or locatio to assign to.
* @param data The Data object with the respective data.
@@ -194,10 +194,10 @@ test277:
* @todo This is currently unsupported
virtual void addExtension(DataModelExtension* ext);
* Concat the given terms into a conjunctive form.
- * @todo This is required to automatically transform a state-chart into a
+ * @todo This is required to automatically transform a state-chart into a
* state-machine. Actual transformation is still only available in legacy though.
virtual std::string andExpressions(std::list<std::string>) {
diff --git a/src/uscxml/plugins/EventHandler.h b/src/uscxml/plugins/EventHandler.h
index e08b1ad..436f878 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/plugins/EventHandler.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/plugins/EventHandler.h
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public:
* Return a list of names for types we implement.
virtual std::list<std::string> getNames() = 0;
* Export a Data object for the `_x['name']` data-model namespace
* @return An object to be represented at `_x['name']`
diff --git a/src/uscxml/plugins/ExecutableContent.h b/src/uscxml/plugins/ExecutableContent.h
index 14c1d5d..5fb2ac6 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/plugins/ExecutableContent.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/plugins/ExecutableContent.h
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
// forward declare
namespace XERCESC_NS {
- class DOMElement;
+class DOMElement;
namespace uscxml {
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public:
void enterElement(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* node);
void exitElement(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* node);
bool processChildren();
std::shared_ptr<ExecutableContentImpl> _impl;
diff --git a/src/uscxml/plugins/IOProcessor.h b/src/uscxml/plugins/IOProcessor.h
index 558edfa..c2b6e30 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/plugins/IOProcessor.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/plugins/IOProcessor.h
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public:
/// @copydoc IOProcessorImpl::eventFromSCXML
virtual void eventFromSCXML(const std::string& target, const Event& event);
/// @copydoc IOProcessorImpl::isValidTarget
virtual bool isValidTarget(const std::string& target);
diff --git a/src/uscxml/plugins/IOProcessorImpl.h b/src/uscxml/plugins/IOProcessorImpl.h
index 0e5b44a..bd28406 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/plugins/IOProcessorImpl.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/plugins/IOProcessorImpl.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "uscxml/Common.h"
#include "uscxml/plugins/EventHandler.h"
#include "uscxml/messages/Event.h"
+#include "uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.h"
namespace uscxml {
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ public:
* @param event The event to deliver.
virtual void eventFromSCXML(const std::string& target, const Event& event) = 0;
* Determine whether the given target is a valid destination for events.
* @param target A target where the Interpreter wants to deliver Event%s to.
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ protected:
* @param type The type of this I/O Processor for `event.origintype`.
* @param origin The origin of this I/O Processor for `event.origin`.
* @param internal If the event is to be delivered to the Interpreter's internal queue instead.
- */
+ */
void eventToSCXML(Event& event, const std::string& type, const std::string& origin, bool internal = false);
diff --git a/src/uscxml/plugins/Invoker.h b/src/uscxml/plugins/Invoker.h
index 33a89d6..f5c55d5 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/plugins/Invoker.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/plugins/Invoker.h
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
namespace XERCESC_NS {
- class DOMDocument;
- class DOMNode;
+class DOMDocument;
+class DOMNode;
namespace uscxml {
diff --git a/src/uscxml/plugins/InvokerImpl.h b/src/uscxml/plugins/InvokerImpl.h
index d8a3410..7f2e578 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/plugins/InvokerImpl.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/plugins/InvokerImpl.h
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "uscxml/Common.h"
#include "uscxml/plugins/EventHandler.h"
#include "uscxml/messages/Event.h"
+#include "uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.h"
namespace uscxml {
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ class USCXML_API InvokerImpl : public EventHandlerImpl {
InvokerImpl() : _finalize(NULL) {};
virtual ~InvokerImpl() {}
virtual std::list<std::string> getNames() = 0;
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ public:
virtual XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* getFinalize() {
return _finalize;
* Set the finalize XML element associated with this invoker.
* @param finalize The finalize XMl element.
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ public:
virtual void setFinalize(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* finalize) {
_finalize = finalize;
* Set the invocation identifier as required when returning events.
* @param invokeId The invocation identifier.
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ protected:
* @param type The type of this I/O Processor for `event.origintype`.
* @param invokeId The invocation identifier of this invocation for `event.invokeid`.
* @param internal If the event is to be delivered to the Interpreter's internal queue instead.
- */
+ */
void eventToSCXML(Event& event, const std::string& type, const std::string& invokeId, bool internal = false);
XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* _finalize;
diff --git a/src/uscxml/util/DOM.cpp b/src/uscxml/util/DOM.cpp
index 0e1e9fa..ecf0960 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/util/DOM.cpp
+++ b/src/uscxml/util/DOM.cpp
@@ -194,12 +194,12 @@ bool DOMUtils::isMember(const DOMElement* node,
return false;
-const DOMNode* DOMUtils::getNearestAncestor(const DOMNode* node, const std::string tagName) {
+const DOMElement* DOMUtils::getNearestAncestor(const DOMNode* node, const std::string tagName) {
const DOMNode* parent = node->getParentNode();
while(parent) {
if (parent->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE &&
iequals(TAGNAME_CAST(parent), tagName)) {
- return parent;
+ return static_cast<const DOMElement*>(parent);
parent = parent->getParentNode();
diff --git a/src/uscxml/util/DOM.h b/src/uscxml/util/DOM.h
index 0e8621c..f259ea0 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/util/DOM.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/util/DOM.h
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ namespace uscxml {
class USCXML_API DOMUtils {
- static const XERCESC_NS::DOMNode* getNearestAncestor(const XERCESC_NS::DOMNode* node, const std::string tagName);
+ static const XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* getNearestAncestor(const XERCESC_NS::DOMNode* node, const std::string tagName);
static bool isDescendant(const XERCESC_NS::DOMNode* s1, const XERCESC_NS::DOMNode* s2);
diff --git a/src/uscxml/util/URL.cpp b/src/uscxml/util/URL.cpp
index 561b9aa..a76c772 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/util/URL.cpp
+++ b/src/uscxml/util/URL.cpp
@@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ URL URLImpl::resolveWithCWD(URLImpl* relative) {
#if WIN32
std::shared_ptr<URLImpl> cwdURL(new URLImpl(std::string(currPath)));
- std::shared_ptr<URLImpl> cwdURL(new URLImpl(std::string("file://") + currPath + PATH_SEPERATOR));
+ std::shared_ptr<URLImpl> cwdURL(new URLImpl(std::string("file://") + currPath + PATH_SEPERATOR));
return resolve(relative, cwdURL.get());
diff --git a/src/uscxml/util/URL.h b/src/uscxml/util/URL.h
index dba8e3d..8127892 100644
--- a/src/uscxml/util/URL.h
+++ b/src/uscxml/util/URL.h
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ protected:
URL(const std::string url) : _impl(new URLImpl(url)) {}
bool isAbsolute() {