# # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nikolas Zimmermann # Copyright (C) 2006 Anders Carlsson # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Samuel Weinig # Copyright (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (C) 2009 Cameron McCormack # Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. # Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License # along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # package CodeGeneratorObjC; use constant FileNamePrefix => "DOM"; # Global Variables my $writeDependencies = 0; my %publicInterfaces = (); my $newPublicClass = 0; my $interfaceAvailabilityVersion = ""; my $isProtocol = 0; my $noImpl = 0; my @headerContentHeader = (); my @headerContent = (); my %headerForwardDeclarations = (); my %headerForwardDeclarationsForProtocols = (); my @privateHeaderContentHeader = (); my @privateHeaderContent = (); my %privateHeaderForwardDeclarations = (); my %privateHeaderForwardDeclarationsForProtocols = (); my @internalHeaderContent = (); my @implContentHeader = (); my @implContent = (); my %implIncludes = (); my @depsContent = (); # Hashes my %protocolTypeHash = ("XPathNSResolver" => 1, "EventListener" => 1, "EventTarget" => 1, "NodeFilter" => 1, "SVGLocatable" => 1, "SVGTransformable" => 1, "SVGStylable" => 1, "SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes" => 1, "SVGTests" => 1, "SVGLangSpace" => 1, "SVGExternalResourcesRequired" => 1, "SVGURIReference" => 1, "SVGZoomAndPan" => 1, "SVGFitToViewBox" => 1, "SVGAnimatedPathData" => 1, "ElementTimeControl" => 1); my %nativeObjCTypeHash = ("URL" => 1, "Color" => 1); # FIXME: this should be replaced with a function that recurses up the tree # to find the actual base type. my %baseTypeHash = ("Object" => 1, "Node" => 1, "NodeList" => 1, "NamedNodeMap" => 1, "DOMImplementation" => 1, "Event" => 1, "CSSRule" => 1, "CSSValue" => 1, "StyleSheet" => 1, "MediaList" => 1, "Counter" => 1, "Rect" => 1, "RGBColor" => 1, "XPathExpression" => 1, "XPathResult" => 1, "NodeIterator" => 1, "TreeWalker" => 1, "AbstractView" => 1, "Blob" => 1, "SVGAngle" => 1, "SVGAnimatedAngle" => 1, "SVGAnimatedBoolean" => 1, "SVGAnimatedEnumeration" => 1, "SVGAnimatedInteger" => 1, "SVGAnimatedLength" => 1, "SVGAnimatedLengthList" => 1, "SVGAnimatedNumber" => 1, "SVGAnimatedNumberList" => 1, "SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio" => 1, "SVGAnimatedRect" => 1, "SVGAnimatedString" => 1, "SVGAnimatedTransformList" => 1, "SVGLength" => 1, "SVGLengthList" => 1, "SVGMatrix" => 1, "SVGNumber" => 1, "SVGNumberList" => 1, "SVGPathSeg" => 1, "SVGPathSegList" => 1, "SVGPoint" => 1, "SVGPointList" => 1, "SVGPreserveAspectRatio" => 1, "SVGRect" => 1, "SVGRenderingIntent" => 1, "SVGStringList" => 1, "SVGTransform" => 1, "SVGTransformList" => 1, "SVGUnitTypes" => 1); # Constants my $exceptionInit = "WebCore::ExceptionCode ec = 0;"; my $jsContextSetter = "WebCore::JSMainThreadNullState state;"; my $exceptionRaiseOnError = "WebCore::raiseOnDOMError(ec);"; my $assertMainThread = "{ DOM_ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD(); WebCoreThreadViolationCheckRoundOne(); }"; my %conflictMethod = ( # FIXME: Add C language keywords? # FIXME: Add other predefined types like "id"? "callWebScriptMethod:withArguments:" => "WebScriptObject", "evaluateWebScript:" => "WebScriptObject", "removeWebScriptKey:" => "WebScriptObject", "setException:" => "WebScriptObject", "setWebScriptValueAtIndex:value:" => "WebScriptObject", "stringRepresentation" => "WebScriptObject", "webScriptValueAtIndex:" => "WebScriptObject", "autorelease" => "NSObject", "awakeAfterUsingCoder:" => "NSObject", "class" => "NSObject", "classForCoder" => "NSObject", "conformsToProtocol:" => "NSObject", "copy" => "NSObject", "copyWithZone:" => "NSObject", "dealloc" => "NSObject", "description" => "NSObject", "doesNotRecognizeSelector:" => "NSObject", "encodeWithCoder:" => "NSObject", "finalize" => "NSObject", "forwardInvocation:" => "NSObject", "hash" => "NSObject", "init" => "NSObject", "initWithCoder:" => "NSObject", "isEqual:" => "NSObject", "isKindOfClass:" => "NSObject", "isMemberOfClass:" => "NSObject", "isProxy" => "NSObject", "methodForSelector:" => "NSObject", "methodSignatureForSelector:" => "NSObject", "mutableCopy" => "NSObject", "mutableCopyWithZone:" => "NSObject", "performSelector:" => "NSObject", "release" => "NSObject", "replacementObjectForCoder:" => "NSObject", "respondsToSelector:" => "NSObject", "retain" => "NSObject", "retainCount" => "NSObject", "self" => "NSObject", "superclass" => "NSObject", "zone" => "NSObject", ); my $fatalError = 0; # Default License Templates my $headerLicenseTemplate = << "EOF"; /* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ EOF my $implementationLicenseTemplate = << "EOF"; /* * This file is part of the WebKit open source project. * This file has been generated by generate-bindings.pl. DO NOT MODIFY! * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ EOF # Default constructor sub new { my $object = shift; my $reference = { }; $codeGenerator = shift; shift; # $useLayerOnTop shift; # $preprocessor $writeDependencies = shift; bless($reference, $object); return $reference; } sub ReadPublicInterfaces { my $class = shift; my $superClass = shift; my $defines = shift; my $isProtocol = shift; my $found = 0; my $actualSuperClass; %publicInterfaces = (); my $fileName = "WebCore/bindings/objc/PublicDOMInterfaces.h"; my $gccLocation = ""; if ($ENV{CC}) { $gccLocation = $ENV{CC}; } elsif (($Config::Config{'osname'}) =~ /solaris/i) { $gccLocation = "/usr/sfw/bin/gcc"; } else { $gccLocation = "/usr/bin/gcc"; } open FILE, "-|", $gccLocation, "-E", "-P", "-x", "objective-c", (map { "-D$_" } split(/ +/, $defines)), "-DOBJC_CODE_GENERATION", $fileName or die "Could not open $fileName"; my @documentContent = ; close FILE; foreach $line (@documentContent) { if (!$isProtocol && $line =~ /^\s*\@interface\s*$class\s*:\s*(\w+)\s*([A-Z0-9_]*)/) { if ($superClass ne $1) { warn "Public API change. Superclass for \"$class\" differs ($1 != $superClass)"; $fatalError = 1; } $interfaceAvailabilityVersion = $2 if defined $2; $found = 1; next; } elsif ($isProtocol && $line =~ /^\s*\@protocol $class\s*<[^>]+>\s*([A-Z0-9_]*)/) { $interfaceAvailabilityVersion = $1 if defined $1; $found = 1; next; } last if $found and $line =~ /^\s?\@end\s?$/; if ($found) { # trim whitspace $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; my $availabilityMacro = ""; $line =~ s/\s([A-Z0-9_]+)\s*;$/;/; $availabilityMacro = $1 if defined $1; $publicInterfaces{$line} = $availabilityMacro if length $line; } } # If this class was not found in PublicDOMInterfaces.h then it should be considered as an entirely new public class. $newPublicClass = !$found; $interfaceAvailabilityVersion = "WEBKIT_VERSION_LATEST" if $newPublicClass; } sub GenerateInterface { my $object = shift; my $interface = shift; my $defines = shift; $fatalError = 0; my $name = $interface->name; my $className = GetClassName($name); my $parentClassName = "DOM" . GetParentImplClassName($interface); $isProtocol = $interface->extendedAttributes->{ObjCProtocol}; $noImpl = $interface->extendedAttributes->{ObjCCustomImplementation} || $isProtocol; ReadPublicInterfaces($className, $parentClassName, $defines, $isProtocol); # Start actual generation.. $object->GenerateHeader($interface); $object->GenerateImplementation($interface) unless $noImpl; # Check for missing public API if (keys %publicInterfaces > 0) { my $missing = join("\n", keys %publicInterfaces); warn "Public API change. There are missing public properties and/or methods from the \"$className\" class.\n$missing\n"; $fatalError = 1; } die if $fatalError; } sub GetClassName { my $name = shift; # special cases return "NSString" if $codeGenerator->IsStringType($name) or $name eq "SerializedScriptValue"; return "NS$name" if IsNativeObjCType($name); return "BOOL" if $name eq "boolean"; return "unsigned" if $name eq "unsigned long"; return "int" if $name eq "long"; return "NSTimeInterval" if $name eq "Date"; return "DOMAbstractView" if $name eq "DOMWindow"; return $name if $codeGenerator->IsPrimitiveType($name) or $name eq "DOMImplementation" or $name eq "DOMTimeStamp"; # Default, assume Objective-C type has the same type name as # idl type prefixed with "DOM". return "DOM$name"; } sub GetClassHeaderName { my $name = shift; return "DOMDOMImplementation" if $name eq "DOMImplementation"; return $name; } sub GetImplClassName { my $name = shift; return "DOMImplementationFront" if $name eq "DOMImplementation"; return "DOMWindow" if $name eq "AbstractView"; return $name; } sub GetParentImplClassName { my $interface = shift; return "Object" if @{$interface->parents} eq 0; my $parent = $interface->parents(0); # special cases return "Object" if $parent eq "HTMLCollection"; return $parent; } sub GetParentAndProtocols { my $interface = shift; my $numParents = @{$interface->parents}; my $parent = ""; my @protocols = (); if ($numParents eq 0) { if ($isProtocol) { push(@protocols, "NSObject"); push(@protocols, "NSCopying") if $interface->name eq "EventTarget"; } else { $parent = "DOMObject"; } } elsif ($numParents eq 1) { my $parentName = $interface->parents(0); if ($isProtocol) { die "Parents of protocols must also be protocols." unless IsProtocolType($parentName); push(@protocols, "DOM" . $parentName); } else { if (IsProtocolType($parentName)) { push(@protocols, "DOM" . $parentName); } elsif ($parentName eq "HTMLCollection") { $parent = "DOMObject"; } else { $parent = "DOM" . $parentName; } } } else { my @parents = @{$interface->parents}; my $firstParent = shift(@parents); if (IsProtocolType($firstParent)) { push(@protocols, "DOM" . $firstParent); if (!$isProtocol) { $parent = "DOMObject"; } } else { $parent = "DOM" . $firstParent; } foreach my $parentName (@parents) { die "Everything past the first class should be a protocol!" unless IsProtocolType($parentName); push(@protocols, "DOM" . $parentName); } } return ($parent, @protocols); } sub GetBaseClass { $parent = shift; return $parent if $parent eq "Object" or IsBaseType($parent); return "Event" if $parent eq "UIEvent" or $parent eq "MouseEvent"; return "CSSValue" if $parent eq "SVGColor" or $parent eq "CSSValueList"; return "Node"; } sub IsBaseType { my $type = shift; return 1 if $baseTypeHash{$type}; return 0; } sub IsProtocolType { my $type = shift; return 1 if $protocolTypeHash{$type}; return 0; } sub IsNativeObjCType { my $type = shift; return 1 if $nativeObjCTypeHash{$type}; return 0; } sub SkipFunction { my $function = shift; return 1 if $codeGenerator->GetSequenceType($function->signature->type); return 1 if $codeGenerator->GetArrayType($function->signature->type); foreach my $param (@{$function->parameters}) { return 1 if $codeGenerator->GetSequenceType($param->type); return 1 if $codeGenerator->GetArrayType($param->type); return 1 if $param->extendedAttributes->{"Clamp"}; } return 0; } sub SkipAttribute { my $attribute = shift; $codeGenerator->AssertNotSequenceType($attribute->signature->type); return 1 if $codeGenerator->GetArrayType($attribute->signature->type); return 1 if $codeGenerator->IsTypedArrayType($attribute->signature->type); # This is for DynamicsCompressorNode.idl if ($attribute->signature->name eq "release") { return 1; } return 0; } sub GetObjCType { my $type = shift; my $name = GetClassName($type); return "id <$name>" if IsProtocolType($type); return $name if $codeGenerator->IsPrimitiveType($type) or $type eq "DOMTimeStamp"; return "unsigned short" if $type eq "CompareHow"; return "$name *"; } sub GetPropertyAttributes { my $type = shift; my $readOnly = shift; my @attributes = (); push(@attributes, "readonly") if $readOnly; # FIXME: Consider using 'nonatomic' on the DOM @property declarations. if ($codeGenerator->IsStringType($type) || IsNativeObjCType($type)) { push(@attributes, "copy"); } elsif ($codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($type)) { push(@attributes, "retain"); } elsif (!$codeGenerator->IsStringType($type) && !$codeGenerator->IsPrimitiveType($type) && $type ne "DOMTimeStamp" && $type ne "CompareHow") { push(@attributes, "retain"); } return "" unless @attributes > 0; return "(" . join(", ", @attributes) . ")"; } sub ConversionNeeded { my $type = shift; return !$codeGenerator->IsNonPointerType($type) && !$codeGenerator->IsStringType($type) && !IsNativeObjCType($type); } sub GetObjCTypeGetter { my $argName = shift; my $type = shift; return $argName if $codeGenerator->IsPrimitiveType($type) or $codeGenerator->IsStringType($type) or IsNativeObjCType($type); return $argName . "Node" if $type eq "EventTarget"; return "static_cast($argName)" if $type eq "CompareHow"; return "WTF::getPtr(nativeEventListener)" if $type eq "EventListener"; return "WTF::getPtr(nativeNodeFilter)" if $type eq "NodeFilter"; return "WTF::getPtr(nativeResolver)" if $type eq "XPathNSResolver"; if ($type eq "SerializedScriptValue") { $implIncludes{"SerializedScriptValue.h"} = 1; return "WebCore::SerializedScriptValue::create(WTF::String($argName))"; } return "core($argName)"; } sub AddForwardDeclarationsForType { my $type = shift; my $public = shift; return if $codeGenerator->IsNonPointerType($type); return if $codeGenerator->GetSequenceType($type); return if $codeGenerator->GetArrayType($type); my $class = GetClassName($type); if (IsProtocolType($type)) { $headerForwardDeclarationsForProtocols{$class} = 1 if $public; $privateHeaderForwardDeclarationsForProtocols{$class} = 1 if !$public and !$headerForwardDeclarationsForProtocols{$class}; return; } $headerForwardDeclarations{$class} = 1 if $public; # Private headers include the public header, so only add a forward declaration to the private header # if the public header does not already have the same forward declaration. $privateHeaderForwardDeclarations{$class} = 1 if !$public and !$headerForwardDeclarations{$class}; } sub AddIncludesForType { my $type = shift; return if $codeGenerator->IsNonPointerType($type); return if $codeGenerator->GetSequenceType($type); return if $codeGenerator->GetArrayType($type); if (IsNativeObjCType($type)) { if ($type eq "Color") { $implIncludes{"ColorMac.h"} = 1; } return; } if ($codeGenerator->IsStringType($type)) { $implIncludes{"KURL.h"} = 1; return; } if ($type eq "DOMWindow") { $implIncludes{"DOMAbstractViewInternal.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"DOMWindow.h"} = 1; return; } if ($type eq "DOMImplementation") { $implIncludes{"DOMDOMImplementationInternal.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"DOMImplementationFront.h"} = 1; return; } if ($type eq "EventTarget") { $implIncludes{"Node.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"DOMEventTarget.h"} = 1; return; } if ($codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($type)) { $implIncludes{"${type}.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"DOM${type}Internal.h"} = 1; return; } if ($type =~ /(\w+)(Abs|Rel)$/) { $implIncludes{"$1.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"DOM${type}Internal.h"} = 1; return; } if ($type eq "NodeFilter") { $implIncludes{"NodeFilter.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"ObjCNodeFilterCondition.h"} = 1; return; } if ($type eq "EventListener") { $implIncludes{"EventListener.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"ObjCEventListener.h"} = 1; return; } if ($type eq "XPathNSResolver") { $implIncludes{"DOMCustomXPathNSResolver.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"XPathNSResolver.h"} = 1; return; } if ($type eq "SerializedScriptValue") { $implIncludes{"SerializedScriptValue.h"} = 1; return; } # FIXME: won't compile without these $implIncludes{"StylePropertySet.h"} = 1 if $type eq "CSSStyleDeclaration"; $implIncludes{"NameNodeList.h"} = 1 if $type eq "NodeList"; # Default, include the same named file (the implementation) and the same name prefixed with "DOM". $implIncludes{"$type.h"} = 1 if not $codeGenerator->SkipIncludeHeader($type); $implIncludes{"DOM${type}Internal.h"} = 1; } sub GetSVGTypeWithNamespace { my $type = shift; my $typeWithNamespace = "WebCore::" . $codeGenerator->GetSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($type); # Special case for DOMSVGNumber $typeWithNamespace =~ s/GetSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($implType); return ($svgPropertyType, $svgListPropertyType, $svgNativeType) if not $svgNativeType; # Append space to avoid compilation errors when using PassRefPtr<$svgNativeType> $svgNativeType = "WebCore::$svgNativeType "; $svgNativeType =~ s/GetSVGWrappedTypeNeedingTearOff($implType); if ($svgNativeType =~ /SVGPropertyTearOff/) { if ($svgWrappedNativeType eq "float") { # Special case for DOMSVGNumber $svgPropertyType = $svgWrappedNativeType; } else { $svgPropertyType = "WebCore::$svgWrappedNativeType"; $svgPropertyType =~ s/name; my $className = GetClassName($interfaceName); my $parentName = ""; my @protocolsToImplement = (); ($parentName, @protocolsToImplement) = GetParentAndProtocols($interface); my $numConstants = @{$interface->constants}; my $numAttributes = @{$interface->attributes}; my $numFunctions = @{$interface->functions}; # - Add default header template @headerContentHeader = split("\r", $headerLicenseTemplate); push(@headerContentHeader, "\n"); # - INCLUDES - my $includedWebKitAvailabilityHeader = 0; unless ($isProtocol) { my $parentHeaderName = GetClassHeaderName($parentName); push(@headerContentHeader, "#import \n"); $includedWebKitAvailabilityHeader = 1; } foreach my $parentProtocol (@protocolsToImplement) { next if $parentProtocol =~ /^NS/; $parentProtocol = GetClassHeaderName($parentProtocol); push(@headerContentHeader, "#import \n"); $includedWebKitAvailabilityHeader = 1; } # Special case needed for legacy support of DOMRange if ($interfaceName eq "Range") { push(@headerContentHeader, "#import \n"); push(@headerContentHeader, "#import \n"); push(@headerContentHeader, "#import \n"); $includedWebKitAvailabilityHeader = 1; } push(@headerContentHeader, "#import \n") unless $includedWebKitAvailabilityHeader; my $interfaceAvailabilityVersionCheck = "#if WEBKIT_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= $interfaceAvailabilityVersion\n\n"; push(@headerContentHeader, "\n"); push(@headerContentHeader, $interfaceAvailabilityVersionCheck) if length $interfaceAvailabilityVersion; # - Add constants. if ($numConstants > 0) { my @headerConstants = (); my @constants = @{$interface->constants}; my $combinedConstants = ""; # FIXME: we need a way to include multiple enums. foreach my $constant (@constants) { my $constantName = $constant->name; my $constantValue = $constant->value; my $conditional = $constant->extendedAttributes->{"Conditional"}; my $notLast = $constant ne $constants[-1]; if ($conditional) { my $conditionalString = $codeGenerator->GenerateConditionalStringFromAttributeValue($conditional); $combinedConstants .= "#if ${conditionalString}\n"; } $combinedConstants .= " DOM_$constantName = $constantValue"; $combinedConstants .= "," if $notLast; if ($conditional) { $combinedConstants .= "\n#endif\n"; } elsif ($notLast) { $combinedConstants .= "\n"; } } # FIXME: the formatting of the enums should line up the equal signs. # FIXME: enums are unconditionally placed in the public header. push(@headerContent, "enum {\n"); push(@headerContent, $combinedConstants); push(@headerContent, "\n};\n\n"); } # - Begin @interface or @protocol my $interfaceDeclaration = ($isProtocol ? "\@protocol $className" : "\@interface $className : $parentName"); $interfaceDeclaration .= " <" . join(", ", @protocolsToImplement) . ">" if @protocolsToImplement > 0; $interfaceDeclaration .= "\n"; push(@headerContent, $interfaceDeclaration); my @headerAttributes = (); my @privateHeaderAttributes = (); # - Add attribute getters/setters. if ($numAttributes > 0) { foreach my $attribute (@{$interface->attributes}) { next if SkipAttribute($attribute); my $attributeName = $attribute->signature->name; if ($attributeName eq "id" or $attributeName eq "hash" or $attributeName eq "description") { # Special case some attributes (like id and hash) to have a "Name" suffix to avoid ObjC naming conflicts. $attributeName .= "Name"; } elsif ($attributeName eq "frame") { # Special case attribute frame to be frameBorders. $attributeName .= "Borders"; } my $attributeType = GetObjCType($attribute->signature->type); my $attributeIsReadonly = ($attribute->type =~ /^readonly/); my $property = "\@property" . GetPropertyAttributes($attribute->signature->type, $attributeIsReadonly); # Some SVGFE*Element.idl use 'operator' as attribute name, rewrite as '_operator' to avoid clashes with C/C++ $attributeName =~ s/operator/_operator/ if ($attributeName =~ /operator/); $property .= " " . $attributeType . ($attributeType =~ /\*$/ ? "" : " ") . $attributeName; my $publicInterfaceKey = $property . ";"; my $availabilityMacro = ""; if (defined $publicInterfaces{$publicInterfaceKey} and length $publicInterfaces{$publicInterfaceKey}) { $availabilityMacro = $publicInterfaces{$publicInterfaceKey}; } my $declarationSuffix = ";\n"; $declarationSuffix = " $availabilityMacro;\n" if length $availabilityMacro; my $public = (defined $publicInterfaces{$publicInterfaceKey} or $newPublicClass); delete $publicInterfaces{$publicInterfaceKey}; AddForwardDeclarationsForType($attribute->signature->type, $public); my $setterName = "set" . ucfirst($attributeName) . ":"; my $conflict = $conflictMethod{$attributeName}; if ($conflict) { warn "$className conflicts with $conflict method $attributeName\n"; $fatalError = 1; } $conflict = $conflictMethod{$setterName}; if ($conflict) { warn "$className conflicts with $conflict method $setterName\n"; $fatalError = 1; } $property .= $declarationSuffix; push(@headerAttributes, $property) if $public; push(@privateHeaderAttributes, $property) unless $public; } push(@headerContent, @headerAttributes) if @headerAttributes > 0; } my @headerFunctions = (); my @privateHeaderFunctions = (); my @deprecatedHeaderFunctions = (); # - Add functions. if ($numFunctions > 0) { foreach my $function (@{$interface->functions}) { next if SkipFunction($function); next if ($function->signature->name eq "set" and $interface->extendedAttributes->{"TypedArray"}); my $functionName = $function->signature->name; my $returnType = GetObjCType($function->signature->type); my $needsDeprecatedVersion = (@{$function->parameters} > 1 and $function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ObjCLegacyUnnamedParameters"}); my $numberOfParameters = @{$function->parameters}; my %typesToForwardDeclare = ($function->signature->type => 1); my $parameterIndex = 0; my $functionSig = "- ($returnType)$functionName"; my $methodName = $functionName; foreach my $param (@{$function->parameters}) { my $paramName = $param->name; my $paramType = GetObjCType($param->type); $typesToForwardDeclare{$param->type} = 1; if ($parameterIndex >= 1) { $functionSig .= " $paramName"; $methodName .= $paramName; } $functionSig .= ":($paramType)$paramName"; $methodName .= ":"; $parameterIndex++; } my $publicInterfaceKey = $functionSig . ";"; my $conflict = $conflictMethod{$methodName}; if ($conflict) { warn "$className conflicts with $conflict method $methodName\n"; $fatalError = 1; } if ($isProtocol && !$newPublicClass && !defined $publicInterfaces{$publicInterfaceKey}) { warn "Protocol method $publicInterfaceKey is not in PublicDOMInterfaces.h. Protocols require all methods to be public"; $fatalError = 1; } my $availabilityMacro = ""; if (defined $publicInterfaces{$publicInterfaceKey} and length $publicInterfaces{$publicInterfaceKey}) { $availabilityMacro = $publicInterfaces{$publicInterfaceKey}; } my $functionDeclaration = $functionSig; $functionDeclaration .= " " . $availabilityMacro if length $availabilityMacro; $functionDeclaration .= ";\n"; my $public = (defined $publicInterfaces{$publicInterfaceKey} or $newPublicClass); delete $publicInterfaces{$publicInterfaceKey}; foreach my $type (keys %typesToForwardDeclare) { # add any forward declarations to the public header if a deprecated version will be generated AddForwardDeclarationsForType($type, 1) if $needsDeprecatedVersion; AddForwardDeclarationsForType($type, $public) unless $public and $needsDeprecatedVersion; } my $functionConditionalString = $codeGenerator->GenerateConditionalString($function->signature); if ($functionConditionalString) { push(@headerFunctions, "#if ${functionConditionalString}\n") if $public; push(@privateHeaderFunctions, "#if ${functionConditionalString}\n") unless $public; push(@deprecatedHeaderFunctions, "#if ${functionConditionalString}\n") if $needsDeprecatedVersion; } push(@headerFunctions, $functionDeclaration) if $public; push(@privateHeaderFunctions, $functionDeclaration) unless $public; # generate the old style method names with un-named parameters, these methods are deprecated if ($needsDeprecatedVersion) { my $deprecatedFunctionSig = $functionSig; $deprecatedFunctionSig =~ s/\s\w+:/ :/g; # remove parameter names $publicInterfaceKey = $deprecatedFunctionSig . ";"; my $availabilityMacro = "AVAILABLE_WEBKIT_VERSION_1_3_AND_LATER_BUT_DEPRECATED_IN_WEBKIT_VERSION_3_0"; if (defined $publicInterfaces{$publicInterfaceKey} and length $publicInterfaces{$publicInterfaceKey}) { $availabilityMacro = $publicInterfaces{$publicInterfaceKey}; } $functionDeclaration = "$deprecatedFunctionSig $availabilityMacro;\n"; push(@deprecatedHeaderFunctions, $functionDeclaration); unless (defined $publicInterfaces{$publicInterfaceKey}) { warn "Deprecated method $publicInterfaceKey is not in PublicDOMInterfaces.h. All deprecated methods need to be public, or should have the ObjCLegacyUnnamedParameters IDL attribute removed"; $fatalError = 1; } delete $publicInterfaces{$publicInterfaceKey}; } if ($functionConditionalString) { push(@headerFunctions, "#endif\n") if $public; push(@privateHeaderFunctions, "#endif\n") unless $public; push(@deprecatedHeaderFunctions, "#endif\n") if $needsDeprecatedVersion; } } if (@headerFunctions > 0) { push(@headerContent, "\n") if @headerAttributes > 0; push(@headerContent, @headerFunctions); } } if (@deprecatedHeaderFunctions > 0 && $isProtocol) { push(@headerContent, @deprecatedHeaderFunctions); } # - End @interface or @protocol push(@headerContent, "\@end\n"); if (@deprecatedHeaderFunctions > 0 && !$isProtocol) { # - Deprecated category @interface push(@headerContent, "\n\@interface $className (" . $className . "Deprecated)\n"); push(@headerContent, @deprecatedHeaderFunctions); push(@headerContent, "\@end\n"); } push(@headerContent, "\n#endif\n") if length $interfaceAvailabilityVersion; my %alwaysGenerateForNoSVGBuild = map { $_ => 1 } qw(DOMHTMLEmbedElement DOMHTMLObjectElement); if (@privateHeaderAttributes > 0 or @privateHeaderFunctions > 0 or exists $alwaysGenerateForNoSVGBuild{$className}) { # - Private category @interface @privateHeaderContentHeader = split("\r", $headerLicenseTemplate); push(@privateHeaderContentHeader, "\n"); my $classHeaderName = GetClassHeaderName($className); push(@privateHeaderContentHeader, "#import \n\n"); push(@privateHeaderContentHeader, $interfaceAvailabilityVersionCheck) if length $interfaceAvailabilityVersion; @privateHeaderContent = (); push(@privateHeaderContent, "\@interface $className (" . $className . "Private)\n"); push(@privateHeaderContent, @privateHeaderAttributes) if @privateHeaderAttributes > 0; push(@privateHeaderContent, "\n") if @privateHeaderAttributes > 0 and @privateHeaderFunctions > 0; push(@privateHeaderContent, @privateHeaderFunctions) if @privateHeaderFunctions > 0; push(@privateHeaderContent, "\@end\n"); push(@privateHeaderContent, "\n#endif\n") if length $interfaceAvailabilityVersion; } unless ($isProtocol) { # Generate internal interfaces my $implClassName = GetImplClassName($interfaceName); my $implClassNameWithNamespace = "WebCore::" . $implClassName; my $implType = $implClassNameWithNamespace; my ($svgPropertyType, $svgListPropertyType, $svgNativeType) = GetSVGPropertyTypes($implClassName); $implType = $svgNativeType if $svgNativeType; # Generate interface definitions. @internalHeaderContent = split("\r", $implementationLicenseTemplate); push(@internalHeaderContent, "\n#import \n\n"); push(@internalHeaderContent, "#import \n\n") if $svgPropertyType; if ($svgListPropertyType) { push(@internalHeaderContent, "#import \n\n"); push(@internalHeaderContent, "#import \n\n") if $svgListPropertyType =~ /SVGTransformList/; push(@internalHeaderContent, "#import \n\n") if $svgListPropertyType =~ /SVGPathSegList/; } push(@internalHeaderContent, $interfaceAvailabilityVersionCheck) if length $interfaceAvailabilityVersion; if ($interfaceName eq "Node") { push(@internalHeaderContent, "\@protocol DOMEventTarget;\n\n"); } my $startedNamespace = 0; if ($codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($interfaceName)) { push(@internalHeaderContent, "#import \n\n"); } else { push(@internalHeaderContent, "namespace WebCore {\n"); $startedNamespace = 1; if ($interfaceName eq "Node") { push(@internalHeaderContent, " class EventTarget;\n class Node;\n"); } else { push(@internalHeaderContent, " class $implClassName;\n"); } push(@internalHeaderContent, "}\n\n"); } push(@internalHeaderContent, "$implType* core($className *);\n"); push(@internalHeaderContent, "$className *kit($implType*);\n"); if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"ObjCPolymorphic"}) { push(@internalHeaderContent, "Class kitClass($implType*);\n"); } if ($interfaceName eq "Node") { push(@internalHeaderContent, "id kit(WebCore::EventTarget*);\n"); } push(@internalHeaderContent, "\n#endif\n") if length $interfaceAvailabilityVersion; } } sub GenerateImplementation { my $object = shift; my $interface = shift; my @ancestorInterfaceNames = (); if (@{$interface->parents} > 1) { $codeGenerator->AddMethodsConstantsAndAttributesFromParentInterfaces($interface, \@ancestorInterfaceNames); } my $interfaceName = $interface->name; my $className = GetClassName($interfaceName); my $implClassName = GetImplClassName($interfaceName); my $parentImplClassName = GetParentImplClassName($interface); my $implClassNameWithNamespace = "WebCore::" . $implClassName; my $baseClass = GetBaseClass($parentImplClassName); my $classHeaderName = GetClassHeaderName($className); my $numAttributes = @{$interface->attributes}; my $numFunctions = @{$interface->functions}; my $implType = $implClassNameWithNamespace; my ($svgPropertyType, $svgListPropertyType, $svgNativeType) = GetSVGPropertyTypes($implClassName); $implType = $svgNativeType if $svgNativeType; # - Add default header template. @implContentHeader = split("\r", $implementationLicenseTemplate); # - INCLUDES - push(@implContentHeader, "\n#import \"config.h\"\n"); my $conditionalString = $codeGenerator->GenerateConditionalString($interface); push(@implContentHeader, "\n#if ${conditionalString}\n\n") if $conditionalString; push(@implContentHeader, "#import \"DOMInternal.h\"\n\n"); push(@implContentHeader, "#import \"$classHeaderName.h\"\n\n"); $implIncludes{"ExceptionHandlers.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"ThreadCheck.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"JSMainThreadExecState.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"WebScriptObjectPrivate.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{$classHeaderName . "Internal.h"} = 1; # FIXME: These includes are only needed when the class is a subclass of one of these polymorphic classes. $implIncludes{"DOMBlobInternal.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"DOMCSSRuleInternal.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"DOMCSSValueInternal.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"DOMEventInternal.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"DOMNodeInternal.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"DOMStyleSheetInternal.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"DOMSVGPathSegInternal.h"} = 1 if $interfaceName =~ /^SVGPathSeg.+/; if ($interfaceName =~ /(\w+)(Abs|Rel)$/) { $implIncludes{"$1.h"} = 1; } else { if (!$codeGenerator->SkipIncludeHeader($implClassName)) { $implIncludes{"$implClassName.h"} = 1 ; } elsif ($codeGenerator->IsSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($implClassName)) { my $includeType = $codeGenerator->GetSVGWrappedTypeNeedingTearOff($implClassName); $implIncludes{"${includeType}.h"} = 1; } } @implContent = (); push(@implContent, "#import \n\n"); # add implementation accessor if ($parentImplClassName eq "Object") { push(@implContent, "#define IMPL reinterpret_cast<$implType*>(_internal)\n\n"); } else { my $baseClassWithNamespace = "WebCore::$baseClass"; push(@implContent, "#define IMPL static_cast<$implClassNameWithNamespace*>(reinterpret_cast<$baseClassWithNamespace*>(_internal))\n\n"); } # START implementation push(@implContent, "\@implementation $className\n\n"); # Only generate 'dealloc' and 'finalize' methods for direct subclasses of DOMObject. if ($parentImplClassName eq "Object") { $implIncludes{"WebCoreObjCExtras.h"} = 1; push(@implContent, "- (void)dealloc\n"); push(@implContent, "{\n"); push(@implContent, " if (WebCoreObjCScheduleDeallocateOnMainThread([$className class], self))\n"); push(@implContent, " return;\n"); push(@implContent, "\n"); if ($interfaceName eq "NodeIterator") { push(@implContent, " if (_internal) {\n"); push(@implContent, " [self detach];\n"); push(@implContent, " IMPL->deref();\n"); push(@implContent, " };\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " if (_internal)\n"); push(@implContent, " IMPL->deref();\n"); } push(@implContent, " [super dealloc];\n"); push(@implContent, "}\n\n"); push(@implContent, "- (void)finalize\n"); push(@implContent, "{\n"); if ($interfaceName eq "NodeIterator") { push(@implContent, " if (_internal) {\n"); push(@implContent, " [self detach];\n"); push(@implContent, " IMPL->deref();\n"); push(@implContent, " };\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " if (_internal)\n"); push(@implContent, " IMPL->deref();\n"); } push(@implContent, " [super finalize];\n"); push(@implContent, "}\n\n"); } %attributeNames = (); # - Attributes if ($numAttributes > 0) { foreach my $attribute (@{$interface->attributes}) { next if SkipAttribute($attribute); AddIncludesForType($attribute->signature->type); my $idlType = $attribute->signature->type; my $attributeName = $attribute->signature->name; my $attributeType = GetObjCType($attribute->signature->type); my $attributeIsReadonly = ($attribute->type =~ /^readonly/); my $attributeClassName = GetClassName($attribute->signature->type); my $attributeInterfaceName = $attributeName; if ($attributeName eq "id" or $attributeName eq "hash" or $attributeName eq "description") { # Special case some attributes (like id and hash) to have a "Name" suffix to avoid ObjC naming conflicts. $attributeInterfaceName .= "Name"; } elsif ($attributeName eq "frame") { # Special case attribute frame to be frameBorders. $attributeInterfaceName .= "Borders"; } elsif ($attributeName eq "operator") { # Avoid clash with C++ keyword. $attributeInterfaceName = "_operator"; } $attributeNames{$attributeInterfaceName} = 1; # - GETTER my $getterSig = "- ($attributeType)$attributeInterfaceName\n"; my ($functionName, @arguments) = $codeGenerator->GetterExpression(\%implIncludes, $interfaceName, $attribute); my $getterExpressionPrefix = "$functionName(" . join(", ", @arguments); # FIXME: Special case attribute ownerDocument to call document. This makes it return the # document when called on the document itself. Legacy behavior, see . $getterExpressionPrefix =~ s/\bownerDocument\b/document/; my $hasGetterException = @{$attribute->getterExceptions}; my $getterContentHead; if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedBy"}) { my $implementedBy = $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedBy"}; $implIncludes{"${implementedBy}.h"} = 1; $getterContentHead = "${implementedBy}::${getterExpressionPrefix}IMPL"; } else { $getterContentHead = "IMPL->$getterExpressionPrefix"; } my $getterContentTail = ")"; if ($svgPropertyType) { $getterContentHead = "$getterExpressionPrefix"; # TODO: Handle special case for DOMSVGLength. We do need Custom code support for this. if ($svgPropertyType eq "WebCore::SVGLength" and $attributeName eq "value") { $getterContentHead = "value(WebCore::SVGLengthContext(IMPL->contextElement()), "; } } my $attributeTypeSansPtr = $attributeType; $attributeTypeSansPtr =~ s/ \*$//; # Remove trailing " *" from pointer types. # special case for EventTarget protocol $attributeTypeSansPtr = "DOMNode" if $idlType eq "EventTarget"; # Special cases my @customGetterContent = (); if ($attributeTypeSansPtr eq "DOMImplementation") { # FIXME: We have to special case DOMImplementation until DOMImplementationFront is removed $getterContentHead = "kit(implementationFront(IMPL"; $getterContentTail .= ")"; } elsif ($attributeName =~ /(\w+)DisplayString$/) { my $attributeToDisplay = $1; $getterContentHead = "WebCore::displayString(IMPL->$attributeToDisplay(), core(self)"; $implIncludes{"HitTestResult.h"} = 1; } elsif ($attributeName =~ /^absolute(\w+)URL$/) { my $typeOfURL = $1; $getterContentHead = "[self _getURLAttribute:"; if ($typeOfURL eq "Link") { $getterContentTail = "\@\"href\"]"; } elsif ($typeOfURL eq "Image") { if ($interfaceName eq "HTMLObjectElement") { $getterContentTail = "\@\"data\"]"; } else { $getterContentTail = "\@\"src\"]"; } unless ($interfaceName eq "HTMLImageElement") { push(@customGetterContent, " if (!IMPL->renderer() || !IMPL->renderer()->isImage())\n"); push(@customGetterContent, " return nil;\n"); $implIncludes{"RenderObject.h"} = 1; } } $implIncludes{"DOMPrivate.h"} = 1; } elsif ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ObjCImplementedAsUnsignedLong"}) { $getterContentHead = "WTF::String::number(" . $getterContentHead; $getterContentTail .= ")"; } elsif ($idlType eq "Date") { $getterContentHead = "kit($getterContentHead"; $getterContentTail .= ")"; } elsif ($svgPropertyType) { # Special case for DOMSVGNumber if ($svgPropertyType eq "float") { # Intentional leave out closing brace, it's already contained in getterContentTail $getterContentHead = "IMPL->propertyReference("; } else { $getterContentHead = "IMPL->propertyReference().$getterContentHead"; } if ($codeGenerator->IsSVGTypeWithWritablePropertiesNeedingTearOff($idlType) and not defined $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Immutable"}) { my $getter = $getterContentHead; $getter =~ s/\(\)//; my $tearOffType = GetSVGTypeWithNamespace($idlType); my $selfIsTearOffType = $codeGenerator->IsSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($implClassName); if ($selfIsTearOffType) { $implIncludes{"SVGStaticPropertyWithParentTearOff.h"} = 1; $tearOffType =~ s/SVGPropertyTearOff//; $getter =~ s/\(//; my $updateMethod = "&${implClassNameWithNamespace}::update" . $codeGenerator->WK_ucfirst($getter); if ($getterContentHead =~ /matrix/ and $implClassName eq "SVGTransform") { # SVGTransform offers a matrix() method for internal usage that returns an AffineTransform # and a svgMatrix() method returning a SVGMatrix, used for the bindings. $getterContentHead =~ s/matrix/svgMatrix/; } $getterContentHead = "${tearOffType}::create(IMPL, $getterContentHead$getterContentTail, $updateMethod)"; $getterContentHead = "kit(WTF::getPtr($getterContentHead"; $getterContentTail = "))"; } } } elsif (($codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($implClassName) or $implClassName eq "SVGViewSpec") and $codeGenerator->IsSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($idlType)) { my $idlTypeWithNamespace = GetSVGTypeWithNamespace($idlType); $getterContentHead = "kit(static_cast<$idlTypeWithNamespace*>($getterContentHead)"; $getterContentTail .= ")"; } elsif (IsProtocolType($idlType) and $idlType ne "EventTarget") { $getterContentHead = "kit($getterContentHead"; $getterContentTail .= ")"; } elsif ($idlType eq "Color") { $getterContentHead = "WebCore::nsColor($getterContentHead"; $getterContentTail .= ")"; } elsif ($attribute->signature->type eq "SerializedScriptValue") { $getterContentHead = "$getterContentHead"; $getterContentTail .= "->toString()"; } elsif (ConversionNeeded($attribute->signature->type)) { my $type = $attribute->signature->type; if ($codeGenerator->IsSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($type) and not $implClassName =~ /List$/) { my $idlTypeWithNamespace = GetSVGTypeWithNamespace($type); $implIncludes{"$type.h"} = 1 if not $codeGenerator->SkipIncludeHeader($type); if ($codeGenerator->IsSVGTypeWithWritablePropertiesNeedingTearOff($type) and not defined $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Immutable"}) { $idlTypeWithNamespace =~ s/SVGPropertyTearOff//; $getter =~ s/\(//; my $updateMethod = "&${implClassNameWithNamespace}::update" . $codeGenerator->WK_ucfirst($getter); $getterContentHead = "kit(WTF::getPtr(${idlTypeWithNamespace}::create(IMPL, $getterContentHead$getterContentTail, $updateMethod"; $getterContentTail .= "))"; } elsif ($idlTypeWithNamespace =~ /SVG(Point|PathSeg)List/) { $getterContentHead = "kit(WTF::getPtr($getterContentHead"; $getterContentTail .= "))"; } elsif ($idlTypeWithNamespace =~ /SVGStaticListPropertyTearOff/) { $getterContentHead = "kit(WTF::getPtr(${idlTypeWithNamespace}::create(IMPL, $getterContentHead"; $getterContentTail .= ")))"; } else { $getterContentHead = "kit(WTF::getPtr(${idlTypeWithNamespace}::create($getterContentHead"; $getterContentTail .= ")))"; } } else { $getterContentHead = "kit(WTF::getPtr($getterContentHead"; $getterContentTail .= "))"; } } my $getterContent; if ($hasGetterException) { $getterContent = $getterContentHead . ($getterContentHead =~ /\($|, $/ ? "ec" : ", ec") . $getterContentTail; } else { $getterContent = $getterContentHead . $getterContentTail; } my $attributeConditionalString = $codeGenerator->GenerateConditionalString($attribute->signature); push(@implContent, "#if ${attributeConditionalString}\n") if $attributeConditionalString; push(@implContent, $getterSig); push(@implContent, "{\n"); push(@implContent, " $jsContextSetter\n"); push(@implContent, @customGetterContent); if ($hasGetterException) { # Differentiated between when the return type is a pointer and # not for white space issue (ie. Foo *result vs. int result). if ($attributeType =~ /\*$/) { $getterContent = $attributeType . "result = " . $getterContent; } else { $getterContent = $attributeType . " result = " . $getterContent; } push(@implContent, " $exceptionInit\n"); push(@implContent, " $getterContent;\n"); push(@implContent, " $exceptionRaiseOnError\n"); push(@implContent, " return result;\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " return $getterContent;\n"); } push(@implContent, "}\n"); # - SETTER if (!$attributeIsReadonly) { # Exception handling my $hasSetterException = @{$attribute->setterExceptions}; my $coreSetterName = "set" . $codeGenerator->WK_ucfirst($attributeName); my $setterName = "set" . ucfirst($attributeInterfaceName); my $argName = "new" . ucfirst($attributeInterfaceName); my $arg = GetObjCTypeGetter($argName, $idlType); # The definition of ObjCImplementedAsUnsignedLong is flipped for the setter if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ObjCImplementedAsUnsignedLong"}) { $arg = "WTF::String($arg).toInt()"; } my $setterSig = "- (void)$setterName:($attributeType)$argName\n"; push(@implContent, "\n"); push(@implContent, $setterSig); push(@implContent, "{\n"); push(@implContent, " $jsContextSetter\n"); unless ($codeGenerator->IsPrimitiveType($idlType) or $codeGenerator->IsStringType($idlType)) { push(@implContent, " ASSERT($argName);\n\n"); } if ($idlType eq "Date") { $arg = "core(" . $arg . ")"; } if ($svgPropertyType) { $implIncludes{"ExceptionCode.h"} = 1; $getterContentHead = "$getterExpressionPrefix"; push(@implContent, " if (IMPL->isReadOnly()) {\n"); push(@implContent, " WebCore::raiseOnDOMError(WebCore::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR);\n"); push(@implContent, " return;\n"); push(@implContent, " }\n"); push(@implContent, " $svgPropertyType& podImpl = IMPL->propertyReference();\n"); my $ec = $hasSetterException ? ", ec" : ""; push(@implContent, " $exceptionInit\n") if $hasSetterException; # Special case for DOMSVGNumber if ($svgPropertyType eq "float") { push(@implContent, " podImpl = $arg;\n"); } else { # FIXME: Special case for DOMSVGLength. We do need Custom code support for this. if ($svgPropertyType eq "WebCore::SVGLength" and $attributeName eq "value") { push(@implContent, " podImpl.$coreSetterName($arg, WebCore::SVGLengthContext(IMPL->contextElement())$ec);\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " podImpl.$coreSetterName($arg$ec);\n"); } } if ($hasSetterException) { push(@implContent, " if (!ec)\n"); push(@implContent, " IMPL->commitChange();\n"); push(@implContent, " $exceptionRaiseOnError\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " IMPL->commitChange();\n"); } } elsif ($svgListPropertyType) { $getterContentHead = "$getterExpressionPrefix"; push(@implContent, " IMPL->$coreSetterName($arg);\n"); } else { my ($functionName, @arguments) = $codeGenerator->SetterExpression(\%implIncludes, $interfaceName, $attribute); push(@arguments, $arg); push(@arguments, "ec") if $hasSetterException; push(@implContent, " $exceptionInit\n") if $hasSetterException; if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedBy"}) { my $implementedBy = $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedBy"}; $implIncludes{"${implementedBy}.h"} = 1; unshift(@arguments, "IMPL"); $functionName = "${implementedBy}::${functionName}"; } else { $functionName = "IMPL->${functionName}"; } push(@implContent, " ${functionName}(" . join(", ", @arguments) . ");\n"); push(@implContent, " $exceptionRaiseOnError\n") if $hasSetterException; } push(@implContent, "}\n"); } push(@implContent, "#endif\n") if $attributeConditionalString; push(@implContent, "\n"); } } # - Functions if ($numFunctions > 0) { foreach my $function (@{$interface->functions}) { next if SkipFunction($function); next if ($function->signature->name eq "set" and $interface->extendedAttributes->{"TypedArray"}); AddIncludesForType($function->signature->type); my $functionName = $function->signature->name; my $returnType = GetObjCType($function->signature->type); my $hasParameters = @{$function->parameters}; my $raisesExceptions = @{$function->raisesExceptions}; my @parameterNames = (); my @needsAssert = (); my %needsCustom = (); my $parameterIndex = 0; my $functionSig = "- ($returnType)$functionName"; foreach my $param (@{$function->parameters}) { my $paramName = $param->name; my $paramType = GetObjCType($param->type); # make a new parameter name if the original conflicts with a property name $paramName = "in" . ucfirst($paramName) if $attributeNames{$paramName}; AddIncludesForType($param->type); my $idlType = $param->type; my $implGetter = GetObjCTypeGetter($paramName, $idlType); push(@parameterNames, $implGetter); $needsCustom{"XPathNSResolver"} = $paramName if $idlType eq "XPathNSResolver"; $needsCustom{"NodeFilter"} = $paramName if $idlType eq "NodeFilter"; $needsCustom{"EventListener"} = $paramName if $idlType eq "EventListener"; $needsCustom{"EventTarget"} = $paramName if $idlType eq "EventTarget"; $needsCustom{"NodeToReturn"} = $paramName if $param->extendedAttributes->{"CustomReturn"}; unless ($codeGenerator->IsPrimitiveType($idlType) or $codeGenerator->IsStringType($idlType)) { push(@needsAssert, " ASSERT($paramName);\n"); } if ($parameterIndex >= 1) { $functionSig .= " " . $param->name; } $functionSig .= ":($paramType)$paramName"; $parameterIndex++; } my @functionContent = (); my $caller = "IMPL"; # special case the XPathNSResolver if (defined $needsCustom{"XPathNSResolver"}) { my $paramName = $needsCustom{"XPathNSResolver"}; push(@functionContent, " WebCore::XPathNSResolver* nativeResolver = 0;\n"); push(@functionContent, " RefPtr customResolver;\n"); push(@functionContent, " if ($paramName) {\n"); push(@functionContent, " if ([$paramName isMemberOfClass:[DOMNativeXPathNSResolver class]])\n"); push(@functionContent, " nativeResolver = core(static_cast($paramName));\n"); push(@functionContent, " else {\n"); push(@functionContent, " customResolver = WebCore::DOMCustomXPathNSResolver::create($paramName);\n"); push(@functionContent, " nativeResolver = WTF::getPtr(customResolver);\n"); push(@functionContent, " }\n"); push(@functionContent, " }\n"); } # special case the EventTarget if (defined $needsCustom{"EventTarget"}) { my $paramName = $needsCustom{"EventTarget"}; push(@functionContent, " DOMNode* ${paramName}ObjC = $paramName;\n"); push(@functionContent, " WebCore::Node* ${paramName}Node = core(${paramName}ObjC);\n"); $implIncludes{"DOMNode.h"} = 1; $implIncludes{"Node.h"} = 1; } if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ObjCUseDefaultView"}) { push(@functionContent, " WebCore::DOMWindow* dv = $caller->defaultView();\n"); push(@functionContent, " if (!dv)\n"); push(@functionContent, " return nil;\n"); $implIncludes{"DOMWindow.h"} = 1; $caller = "dv"; } # special case the EventListener if (defined $needsCustom{"EventListener"}) { my $paramName = $needsCustom{"EventListener"}; push(@functionContent, " RefPtr nativeEventListener = WebCore::ObjCEventListener::wrap($paramName);\n"); } # special case the NodeFilter if (defined $needsCustom{"NodeFilter"}) { my $paramName = $needsCustom{"NodeFilter"}; push(@functionContent, " RefPtr nativeNodeFilter;\n"); push(@functionContent, " if ($paramName)\n"); push(@functionContent, " nativeNodeFilter = WebCore::NodeFilter::create(WebCore::ObjCNodeFilterCondition::create($paramName));\n"); } # FIXME! We need [Custom] support for ObjC, to move these hacks into DOMSVGLength/MatrixCustom.mm my $svgLengthConvertToSpecifiedUnits = ($svgPropertyType and $svgPropertyType eq "WebCore::SVGLength" and $functionName eq "convertToSpecifiedUnits"); push(@parameterNames, "WebCore::SVGLengthContext(IMPL->contextElement())") if $svgLengthConvertToSpecifiedUnits; push(@parameterNames, "ec") if $raisesExceptions; # Handle arguments that are 'SVGProperty' based (SVGAngle/SVGLength). We need to convert from SVGPropertyTearOff* to Type, # to be able to call the desired WebCore function. If the conversion fails, we can't extract Type and need to raise an exception. my $currentParameter = -1; foreach my $param (@{$function->parameters}) { $currentParameter++; my $paramName = $param->name; # make a new parameter name if the original conflicts with a property name $paramName = "in" . ucfirst($paramName) if $attributeNames{$paramName}; my $idlType = $param->type; next if not $codeGenerator->IsSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($idlType) or $implClassName =~ /List$/; my $implGetter = GetObjCTypeGetter($paramName, $idlType); my $idlTypeWithNamespace = GetSVGTypeWithNamespace($idlType); $implIncludes{"ExceptionCode.h"} = 1; push(@functionContent, " $idlTypeWithNamespace* ${paramName}Core = $implGetter;\n"); push(@functionContent, " if (!${paramName}Core) {\n"); push(@functionContent, " WebCore::ExceptionCode ec = WebCore::TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR;\n"); push(@functionContent, " $exceptionRaiseOnError\n"); if ($returnType eq "void") { push(@functionContent, " return;\n"); } else { push(@functionContent, " return nil;\n"); } push(@functionContent, " }\n"); # Replace the paramter core() getter, by the cached variable. splice(@parameterNames, $currentParameter, 1, "${paramName}Core->propertyReference()"); } my $content; if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedBy"}) { my $implementedBy = $function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementedBy"}; $implIncludes{"${implementedBy}.h"} = 1; unshift(@parameterNames, $caller); $content = "${implementedBy}::" . $codeGenerator->WK_lcfirst($functionName) . "(" . join(", ", @parameterNames) . ")"; } elsif ($svgPropertyType) { $implIncludes{"ExceptionCode.h"} = 1; push(@functionContent, " if (IMPL->isReadOnly()) {\n"); push(@functionContent, " WebCore::raiseOnDOMError(WebCore::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR);\n"); if ($returnType eq "void") { push(@functionContent, " return;\n"); } else { push(@functionContent, " return nil;\n"); } push(@functionContent, " }\n"); push(@functionContent, " $svgPropertyType& podImpl = IMPL->propertyReference();\n"); $content = "podImpl." . $codeGenerator->WK_lcfirst($functionName) . "(" . join(", ", @parameterNames) . ")"; } else { $content = "$caller->" . $codeGenerator->WK_lcfirst($functionName) . "(" . join(", ", @parameterNames) . ")"; } if ($returnType eq "void") { # Special case 'void' return type. if ($raisesExceptions) { push(@functionContent, " $exceptionInit\n"); push(@functionContent, " $content;\n"); if ($svgPropertyType) { push(@functionContent, " if (!ec)\n"); push(@functionContent, " IMPL->commitChange();\n"); } push(@functionContent, " $exceptionRaiseOnError\n"); } else { push(@functionContent, " $content;\n"); push(@functionContent, " IMPL->commitChange();\n") if $svgPropertyType; } } elsif (defined $needsCustom{"NodeToReturn"}) { # Special case the insertBefore, replaceChild, removeChild # and appendChild functions from DOMNode my $toReturn = $needsCustom{"NodeToReturn"}; if ($raisesExceptions) { push(@functionContent, " $exceptionInit\n"); push(@functionContent, " if ($content)\n"); push(@functionContent, " return $toReturn;\n"); push(@functionContent, " $exceptionRaiseOnError\n"); push(@functionContent, " return nil;\n"); } else { push(@functionContent, " if ($content)\n"); push(@functionContent, " return $toReturn;\n"); push(@functionContent, " return nil;\n"); } } elsif ($returnType eq "SerializedScriptValue") { $content = "foo"; } else { if (ConversionNeeded($function->signature->type)) { if ($codeGenerator->IsSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($function->signature->type) and not $implClassName =~ /List$/) { my $idlTypeWithNamespace = GetSVGTypeWithNamespace($function->signature->type); $content = "kit(WTF::getPtr(${idlTypeWithNamespace}::create($content)))"; } else { $content = "kit(WTF::getPtr($content))"; } } if ($raisesExceptions) { # Differentiated between when the return type is a pointer and # not for white space issue (ie. Foo *result vs. int result). if ($returnType =~ /\*$/) { $content = $returnType . "result = " . $content; } else { $content = $returnType . " result = " . $content; } push(@functionContent, " $exceptionInit\n"); push(@functionContent, " $content;\n"); push(@functionContent, " $exceptionRaiseOnError\n"); push(@functionContent, " return result;\n"); } else { push(@functionContent, " return $content;\n"); } } my $conditionalString = $codeGenerator->GenerateConditionalString($function->signature); push(@implContent, "\n#if ${conditionalString}\n") if $conditionalString; push(@implContent, "$functionSig\n"); push(@implContent, "{\n"); push(@implContent, " $jsContextSetter\n"); push(@implContent, @functionContent); push(@implContent, "}\n\n"); push(@implContent, "#endif\n\n") if $conditionalString; # generate the old style method names with un-named parameters, these methods are deprecated if (@{$function->parameters} > 1 and $function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ObjCLegacyUnnamedParameters"}) { my $deprecatedFunctionSig = $functionSig; $deprecatedFunctionSig =~ s/\s\w+:/ :/g; # remove parameter names push(@implContent, "$deprecatedFunctionSig\n"); push(@implContent, "{\n"); push(@implContent, " $jsContextSetter\n"); push(@implContent, @functionContent); push(@implContent, "}\n\n"); } # Clear the hash %needsCustom = (); } } # END implementation push(@implContent, "\@end\n"); # Generate internal interfaces push(@implContent, "\n$implType* core($className *wrapper)\n"); push(@implContent, "{\n"); push(@implContent, " return wrapper ? reinterpret_cast<$implType*>(wrapper->_internal) : 0;\n"); push(@implContent, "}\n\n"); if ($parentImplClassName eq "Object") { push(@implContent, "$className *kit($implType* value)\n"); push(@implContent, "{\n"); push(@implContent, " $assertMainThread;\n"); push(@implContent, " if (!value)\n"); push(@implContent, " return nil;\n"); push(@implContent, " if ($className *wrapper = getDOMWrapper(value))\n"); push(@implContent, " return [[wrapper retain] autorelease];\n"); if ($interface->extendedAttributes->{"ObjCPolymorphic"}) { push(@implContent, " $className *wrapper = [[kitClass(value) alloc] _init];\n"); push(@implContent, " if (!wrapper)\n"); push(@implContent, " return nil;\n"); } else { push(@implContent, " $className *wrapper = [[$className alloc] _init];\n"); } push(@implContent, " wrapper->_internal = reinterpret_cast(value);\n"); push(@implContent, " value->ref();\n"); push(@implContent, " addDOMWrapper(wrapper, value);\n"); push(@implContent, " return [wrapper autorelease];\n"); push(@implContent, "}\n"); } else { push(@implContent, "$className *kit($implType* value)\n"); push(@implContent, "{\n"); push(@implContent, " $assertMainThread;\n"); push(@implContent, " return static_cast<$className*>(kit(static_cast(value)));\n"); push(@implContent, "}\n"); } # - End the ifdef conditional if necessary push(@implContent, "\n#endif // ${conditionalString}\n") if $conditionalString; # - Generate dependencies. if ($writeDependencies && @ancestorInterfaceNames) { push(@depsContent, "$className.h : ", join(" ", map { "$_.idl" } @ancestorInterfaceNames), "\n"); push(@depsContent, map { "$_.idl :\n" } @ancestorInterfaceNames); } } # Internal helper sub WriteData { my $object = shift; my $dataNode = shift; my $outputDir = shift; # Open files for writing... my $name = $dataNode->name; my $prefix = FileNamePrefix; my $headerFileName = "$outputDir/$prefix$name.h"; my $privateHeaderFileName = "$outputDir/$prefix${name}Private.h"; my $implFileName = "$outputDir/$prefix$name.mm"; my $internalHeaderFileName = "$outputDir/$prefix${name}Internal.h"; my $depsFileName = "$outputDir/$prefix$name.dep"; # Write public header. my $contents = join "", @headerContentHeader; map { $contents .= "\@class $_;\n" } sort keys(%headerForwardDeclarations); map { $contents .= "\@protocol $_;\n" } sort keys(%headerForwardDeclarationsForProtocols); my $hasForwardDeclarations = keys(%headerForwardDeclarations) + keys(%headerForwardDeclarationsForProtocols); $contents .= "\n" if $hasForwardDeclarations; $contents .= join "", @headerContent; $codeGenerator->UpdateFile($headerFileName, $contents); @headerContentHeader = (); @headerContent = (); %headerForwardDeclarations = (); %headerForwardDeclarationsForProtocols = (); if (@privateHeaderContent > 0) { $contents = join "", @privateHeaderContentHeader; map { $contents .= "\@class $_;\n" } sort keys(%privateHeaderForwardDeclarations); map { $contents .= "\@protocol $_;\n" } sort keys(%privateHeaderForwardDeclarationsForProtocols); $hasForwardDeclarations = keys(%privateHeaderForwardDeclarations) + keys(%privateHeaderForwardDeclarationsForProtocols); $contents .= "\n" if $hasForwardDeclarations; $contents .= join "", @privateHeaderContent; $codeGenerator->UpdateFile($privateHeaderFileName, $contents); @privateHeaderContentHeader = (); @privateHeaderContent = (); %privateHeaderForwardDeclarations = (); %privateHeaderForwardDeclarationsForProtocols = (); } # Write implementation file. unless ($noImpl) { $contents = join "", @implContentHeader; map { $contents .= "#import \"$_\"\n" } sort keys(%implIncludes); $contents .= join "", @implContent; $codeGenerator->UpdateFile($implFileName, $contents); @implContentHeader = (); @implContent = (); %implIncludes = (); } if (@internalHeaderContent > 0) { $contents = join "", @internalHeaderContent; $codeGenerator->UpdateFile($internalHeaderFileName, $contents); @internalHeaderContent = (); } # Write dependency file. if (@depsContent) { $contents = join "", @depsContent; $codeGenerator->UpdateFile($depsFileName, $contents); @depsContent = (); } } 1;