#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Cwd 'abs_path'; # abs_path use Cwd; # getcwd use File::Spec; # abs2rel use Data::Dumper; # recursively dump data structures via Dumper($foo) use File::Path; # make_path use File::Path qw(make_path); use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /; use File::Basename; my $script_dir = dirname(abs_path($0)); my $orig_cwd = getcwd; # get last version where we bumped the version string (ignoring pre, rc, beta ..) my $cmake_edits = `git log --follow -p $script_dir/../../CMakeLists.txt`; my $commit_hash; foreach my $line (split("\n", $cmake_edits)) { if ($line =~ /^commit ([\dabcdef]+)/) { $commit_hash = $1; } last if ($commit_hash and $line =~ /\+SET\(UMUNDO_VERSION_PATCH \"\d+\"\)/); } my $change_log = `git log --pretty=format:"%H %h @@@ %ai: %s ### %b" $commit_hash..`; # remove empty bodies #$change_log =~ s/\n\n/\n/g; # link to commit on github $change_log =~ s/([\dabcdef]+) ([\dabcdef]+) @@@/$2<\/a>/g; # put body below commit message $change_log =~ s/###\s\n/\n/g; $change_log =~ s/###\s/\n\n /g; $change_log =~ s/\n([^<])/\n $1/g; my $installer_dir = shift or die("Expected directory as first argument\n"); if (!File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($installer_dir)) { $installer_dir = File::Spec->rel2abs($installer_dir, getcwd); } my $descriptions = { './bin/protoc-umundo-cpp-rpc.*' => 'ProtoBuf RPC plugin for C++', './bin/protoc-umundo-java-rpc.*' => 'ProtoBuf RPC plugin for Java', './bin/umundo-monitor.*' => 'Diagnosis tool (somewhat unmaintained)', './bin/umundo-pingpong.*' => 'Test deployments (i=incoming, o=outgoing)', './include/umundo/core.h' => 'C++ headers for core layer', './include/umundo/rpc.h' => 'C++ headers for remote procedure calls', './include/umundo/s11n.h' => 'C++ headers for object serialization', './include/umundo/util.h' => 'C++ headers for utilities', './lib' => 'Pure C++ libraries', './lib/libumundoNativeJava[\.6].*' => 'SWIG generated JNI wrapper (included in JAR)', './lib/libumundocore[\.6].*' => 'C++ library for core', './lib/libumundorpc[\.6].*' => 'C++ library for remote procedure calls', './lib/libumundoserial[\.6].*' => 'C++ library for serialization', './lib/libumundoutil[\.6].*' => 'C++ library with utilities', './lib/umundo-monitor.lib' => 'not sure', './lib/umundo-pingpong.lib' => 'not sure', './lib/umundoNativeCSharp[\.6].*' => 'SWIG generated C# backend for DLLInvoke', './share/umundo/android-8' => 'Cross compiled binaries for Android', './share/umundo/android-8/armv5te/libumundoNativeJava.so' => 'SWIG generated JNI wrapper', './share/umundo/android-8/umundo.jar' => 'JAR for Android (without JNI inside)', './share/umundo/lib/umundo.jar' => 'JAR for desktops (auto-loading JNI code inside)', './share/umundo/lib/umundoCSharp.dll' => 'C# library with managed code', './share/umundo/prebuilt' => 'Prebuilt libraries in case we forgot something', './share/umundo/samples' => 'Sample programs and IDE templates', './share/umundo/samples/android' => 'Sample programs for Android', './share/umundo/samples/android/umundo-pingpong/libs' => 'These are just placehoders!', './share/umundo/samples/android/umundo-pingpong/libs/armeabi/libumundoNativeJava.so' => 'Replace with real library from above!', './share/umundo/samples/android/umundo-pingpong/libs/armeabi/libumundoNativeJava_d.so' => 'Replace with real library from above!', './share/umundo/samples/android/umundo-pingpong/libs/umundo.jar' => 'Replace with real library from above!', './share/umundo/samples/csharp' => 'Sample programs for C#', './share/umundo/samples/csharp/umundo-pingpong' => 'The simplest umundo program in C#', './share/umundo/samples/csharp/umundo-s11ndemo' => 'Serialization in C# (Dirk is working on it)', './share/umundo/samples/csharp/umundo.s11n' => 'My initial attempts at serialization with C# (deprecated)', './share/umundo/samples/ios' => 'Sample programs for iOS', './share/umundo/samples/ios/umundo-pingpong' => 'The simplest umundo program for iOS', './share/umundo/samples/java' => 'Sample programs for Java', './share/umundo/samples/java/core/chat' => 'Chat using the core layer', './share/umundo/samples/java/core/chat/build.properties' => 'Adapt these for your system', './share/umundo/samples/java/rpc/chat' => 'Chat using the RPC layer', './share/umundo/samples/java/rpc/chat/build.properties' => 'Adapt these for your system', './share/umundo/samples/java/rpc/chat/proto/ChatS11N.proto' => 'ProtoBuf file for chat services', './share/umundo/samples/java/s11n/chat' => 'Chat using the serialization layer', './share/umundo/samples/java/s11n/chat/build.properties' => 'Adapt these for your system', './share/umundo/samples/java/s11n/chat/proto/ChatS11N.proto' => 'ProtoBuf file for chat message objects', './share/umundo/samples/cpp' => 'Sample programs for C++', './share/umundo/samples/cpp/core/chat' => 'Chat using the core layer', './share/umundo/samples/cpp/rpc/chat' => 'Chat using the RPC layer', './share/umundo/samples/cpp/s11n/chat' => 'Chat using the serialization layer', './share/umundo/samples/cpp/s11n/chat/proto/ChatS11N.proto' => 'ProtoBuf file for chat message objects', './share/umundo/samples/cpp/rpc/chat/proto/ChatS11N.proto' => 'ProtoBuf file for chat services', './share/umundo/cmake/FindUMundo.cmake' => 'CMake module to find umundo once it is installed', './share/umundo/cmake/UseUMundo.cmake' => 'CMake macros for protobuf', }; my ($mac_archive, $linux32_archive, $linux64_archive, $win32_archive, $win64_archive); my ($mac_files, $linux32_files, $linux64_files, $win32_files, $win64_files); chdir $installer_dir; foreach (sort <*>) { next if m/^\./; $mac_archive = File::Spec->rel2abs($_, getcwd) if (m/.*darwin.*\.tar\.gz/i); $linux32_archive = File::Spec->rel2abs($_, getcwd) if (m/.*linux-i686.*\.tar\.gz/i); $linux64_archive = File::Spec->rel2abs($_, getcwd) if (m/.*linux-x86_64.*\.tar\.gz/i); $win32_archive = File::Spec->rel2abs($_, getcwd) if (m/.*windows-x86-.*\.zip/i); $win64_archive = File::Spec->rel2abs($_, getcwd) if (m/.*windows-x86_64.*\.zip/i); } print STDERR "No archive for MacOSX found!\n" if (!$mac_archive); print STDERR "No archive for Linux 32Bit found!\n" if (!$linux32_archive); print STDERR "No archive for Linux 64Bit found!\n" if (!$linux64_archive); print STDERR "No archive for Windows 32Bit found!\n" if (!$win32_archive); print STDERR "No archive for Windows 64Bit found!\n" if (!$win64_archive); $mac_archive =~ m/.*darwin-i386-(.*)\.tar\.gz/; my $version = $1; # make a hash remove first element split into array at newline %{$mac_files} = map { $_ => 1 } map { s/^[^\/]*\///; $_ } split("\n", `tar tzf $mac_archive`) if $mac_archive; %{$linux32_files} = map { $_ => 1 } map { s/^[^\/]*\///; $_ } split("\n", `tar tzf $linux32_archive`) if $linux32_archive; %{$linux64_files} = map { $_ => 1 } map { s/^[^\/]*\///; $_ } split("\n", `tar tzf $linux64_archive`) if $linux64_archive; %{$win32_files} = map { $_ => 1 } map { s/^[^\/]*\///; $_ } split("\n", `unzip -l $win32_archive`) if $win32_archive; %{$win64_files} = map { $_ => 1 } map { s/^[^\/]*\///; $_ } split("\n", `unzip -l $win64_archive`) if $win64_archive; # print Dumper($mac_files); # exit; my $tmpdir = File::Temp->newdir() or die($!); #print STDERR $tmpdir."\n"; chdir $tmpdir or die($!); system("tar", "xzf", $mac_archive) if $mac_archive; system("tar", "xzf", $linux32_archive) if $linux32_archive; system("tar", "xzf", $linux64_archive) if $linux64_archive; system("unzip", "-q", $win32_archive) if $win32_archive; system("unzip", "-q", $win64_archive) if $win64_archive; my $rv; mkdir("content") or die($!); foreach (sort <*>) { next if m/^\./; next if m/.*content/; if ($_ !~ /.*windows.*/i) { $rv = `ditto $_/usr/local content`; } else { $rv = `ditto $_ content`; } $rv = `rm -rf $_`; } # remove duplicates and uninteresting directories # $rv = `rm -rf content/bin/protoc-umundo-cpp-rpc.exe`; # $rv = `rm -rf content/bin/protoc-umundo-java-rpc.exe`; # $rv = `rm -rf content/bin/umundo-monitor.exe`; # $rv = `rm -rf content/bin/umundo-pingpong.exe`; $rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo/common`; $rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo/connection`; $rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo/discovery`; $rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo/protobuf`; $rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo/rpc`; $rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo/s11n`; $rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo/thread`; $rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo/util`; $rv = `rm -rf content/include/umundo-objc`; chdir "content/" or die($!); my $tree_list = `tree -a -h --noreport --charset ISO-8859-1`; my $flat_list = `find -s .`; print ''."\n"; print '


'."\n"; print '
print $change_log;
print '
'."\n"; print '


'; print <The following table is an excerpt of all the files in the individual installer packages (detailled C++ headers are not shown). All the different archives/installers for a given platform contain the same files, it is only a matter of taste and convenience. There are differences between the contents for each platform though and they are listed in the availability column.

Mac are all the darwin installers, L32 and L64 is short for Linux 32 and 64Bit respectively, same with W32 and W64 for Windows. Only the first occurence of a library is commented, the _d suffix signifies debug libraries, the 64 suffix is for 64Bit builds and the Windows libraries have no lib prefix.

EOF print ''."\n"; print ''; print ''."\n"; print '
'."\n"; print '

foreach my $file (split("\n", $flat_list)) {
	if ($file eq '.') {
		print 'MAC|L32|L64|W32|W64'."\n";
	if (-d $file) {
		print "\n";
	$file =~ s/\.\///;
#	print STDERR $file."\n";
	(exists($mac_files->{"usr/local/$file"}) ? print " X  " : print " -  ");
	(exists($linux32_files->{"usr/local/$file"}) ? print " X  " : print " -  ");
	(exists($linux64_files->{"usr/local/$file"}) ? print " X  " : print " -  ");
	(exists($win32_files->{"$file"}) ? print " X  " : print " -  ");
	(exists($win64_files->{"$file"}) ? print " X  " : print " -  ");
	print "\n";

print '
'."\n"; print '
'."\n"; print '

print $tree_list;

print '
'."\n"; print '
'."\n"; print '

foreach my $file (split("\n", $flat_list)) {
	my $has_description = 0;
	foreach my $desc (keys %{$descriptions}) {
		if ($file =~ /^$desc$/) {
			print $descriptions->{$desc}."\n";
			delete $descriptions->{$desc};
			$has_description = 1;
	if (!$has_description) {
		print "\n";

print '
'."\n"; print '
'."\n"; print ''."\n"; chdir $orig_cwd;