////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // (C) Copyright Ion Gaztanaga 2012-2015. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // See http://www.boost.org/libs/move for documentation. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \file #ifndef BOOST_MOVE_DETAIL_META_UTILS_HPP #define BOOST_MOVE_DETAIL_META_UTILS_HPP #ifndef BOOST_CONFIG_HPP # include #endif # #if defined(BOOST_HAS_PRAGMA_ONCE) # pragma once #endif #include #include //for std::size_t //Small meta-typetraits to support move namespace boost { //Forward declare boost::rv template class rv; namespace move_detail { ////////////////////////////////////// // is_different ////////////////////////////////////// template struct is_different { static const bool value = !is_same::value; }; ////////////////////////////////////// // apply ////////////////////////////////////// template struct apply { typedef typename F::template apply::type type; }; ////////////////////////////////////// // bool_ ////////////////////////////////////// template< bool C_ > struct bool_ : integral_constant { operator bool() const { return C_; } bool operator()() const { return C_; } }; typedef bool_ true_; typedef bool_ false_; ////////////////////////////////////// // nat ////////////////////////////////////// struct nat{}; ////////////////////////////////////// // yes_type/no_type ////////////////////////////////////// typedef char yes_type; struct no_type { char _[2]; }; ////////////////////////////////////// // natify ////////////////////////////////////// template struct natify{}; ////////////////////////////////////// // remove_reference ////////////////////////////////////// template struct remove_reference { typedef T type; }; template struct remove_reference { typedef T type; }; #ifndef BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES template struct remove_reference { typedef T type; }; #else template struct remove_reference< rv > { typedef T type; }; template struct remove_reference< rv &> { typedef T type; }; template struct remove_reference< const rv &> { typedef T type; }; #endif ////////////////////////////////////// // remove_pointer ////////////////////////////////////// template< class T > struct remove_pointer { typedef T type; }; template< class T > struct remove_pointer { typedef T type; }; template< class T > struct remove_pointer { typedef T type; }; template< class T > struct remove_pointer { typedef T type; }; template< class T > struct remove_pointer { typedef T type; }; ////////////////////////////////////// // add_pointer ////////////////////////////////////// template< class T > struct add_pointer { typedef typename remove_reference::type* type; }; ////////////////////////////////////// // add_const ////////////////////////////////////// template struct add_const { typedef const T type; }; template struct add_const { typedef const T& type; }; #ifndef BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES template struct add_const { typedef T&& type; }; #endif ////////////////////////////////////// // add_lvalue_reference ////////////////////////////////////// template struct add_lvalue_reference { typedef T& type; }; template struct add_lvalue_reference { typedef T& type; }; template<> struct add_lvalue_reference { typedef void type; }; template<> struct add_lvalue_reference { typedef const void type; }; template<> struct add_lvalue_reference { typedef volatile void type; }; template<> struct add_lvalue_reference{ typedef const volatile void type; }; template struct add_const_lvalue_reference { typedef typename remove_reference::type t_unreferenced; typedef typename add_const::type t_unreferenced_const; typedef typename add_lvalue_reference ::type type; }; ////////////////////////////////////// // is_lvalue_reference ////////////////////////////////////// template struct is_lvalue_reference { static const bool value = false; }; template struct is_lvalue_reference { static const bool value = true; }; ////////////////////////////////////// // identity ////////////////////////////////////// template struct identity { typedef T type; typedef typename add_const_lvalue_reference::type reference; reference operator()(reference t) { return t; } }; ////////////////////////////////////// // is_class_or_union ////////////////////////////////////// template struct is_class_or_union { struct twochar { char dummy[2]; }; template static char is_class_or_union_tester(void(U::*)(void)); template static twochar is_class_or_union_tester(...); static const bool value = sizeof(is_class_or_union_tester(0)) == sizeof(char); }; ////////////////////////////////////// // addressof ////////////////////////////////////// template struct addr_impl_ref { T & v_; inline addr_impl_ref( T & v ): v_( v ) {} inline operator T& () const { return v_; } private: addr_impl_ref & operator=(const addr_impl_ref &); }; template struct addressof_impl { static inline T * f( T & v, long ) { return reinterpret_cast( &const_cast(reinterpret_cast(v))); } static inline T * f( T * v, int ) { return v; } }; template inline T * addressof( T & v ) { return ::boost::move_detail::addressof_impl::f ( ::boost::move_detail::addr_impl_ref( v ), 0 ); } ////////////////////////////////////// // has_pointer_type ////////////////////////////////////// template struct has_pointer_type { struct two { char c[2]; }; template static two test(...); template static char test(typename U::pointer* = 0); static const bool value = sizeof(test(0)) == 1; }; ////////////////////////////////////// // is_convertible ////////////////////////////////////// #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) //use intrinsic since in MSVC //overaligned types can't go through ellipsis template struct is_convertible { static const bool value = __is_convertible_to(T, U); }; #else template class is_convertible { typedef typename add_lvalue_reference::type t_reference; typedef char true_t; class false_t { char dummy[2]; }; static false_t dispatch(...); static true_t dispatch(U); static t_reference trigger(); public: static const bool value = sizeof(dispatch(trigger())) == sizeof(true_t); }; #endif template< bool C , typename F1 , typename F2 > struct eval_if_c : if_c::type {}; template< typename C , typename T1 , typename T2 > struct eval_if : if_::type {}; #if defined(BOOST_GCC) && (BOOST_GCC <= 40000) #define BOOST_MOVE_HELPERS_RETURN_SFINAE_BROKEN #endif template struct enable_if_convertible : enable_if< is_convertible, R> {}; template struct disable_if_convertible : disable_if< is_convertible, R> {}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // and_ // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template struct and_impl : and_impl {}; template<> struct and_impl { static const bool value = true; }; template struct and_impl { static const bool value = false; }; template struct and_ : and_impl {}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // or_ // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template struct or_impl : or_impl {}; template<> struct or_impl { static const bool value = false; }; template struct or_impl { static const bool value = true; }; template struct or_ : or_impl {}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // not_ // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template struct not_ { static const bool value = !T::value; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // enable_if_and / disable_if_and / enable_if_or / disable_if_or // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template struct enable_if_and : enable_if_c< and_::value, R> {}; template struct disable_if_and : disable_if_c< and_::value, R> {}; template struct enable_if_or : enable_if_c< or_::value, R> {}; template struct disable_if_or : disable_if_c< or_::value, R> {}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // has_move_emulation_enabled_impl // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template struct has_move_emulation_enabled_impl : is_convertible< T, ::boost::rv& > {}; template struct has_move_emulation_enabled_impl { static const bool value = false; }; template struct has_move_emulation_enabled_impl< ::boost::rv > { static const bool value = false; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // is_rv_impl // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template struct is_rv_impl { static const bool value = false; }; template struct is_rv_impl< rv > { static const bool value = true; }; template struct is_rv_impl< const rv > { static const bool value = true; }; // Code from Jeffrey Lee Hellrung, many thanks template< class T > struct is_rvalue_reference { static const bool value = false; }; #ifndef BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES template< class T > struct is_rvalue_reference< T&& > { static const bool value = true; }; #else // #ifndef BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES template< class T > struct is_rvalue_reference< boost::rv& > { static const bool value = true; }; template< class T > struct is_rvalue_reference< const boost::rv& > { static const bool value = true; }; #endif // #ifndef BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES #ifndef BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES template< class T > struct add_rvalue_reference { typedef T&& type; }; #else // #ifndef BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES namespace detail_add_rvalue_reference { template< class T , bool emulation = has_move_emulation_enabled_impl::value , bool rv = is_rv_impl::value > struct add_rvalue_reference_impl { typedef T type; }; template< class T, bool emulation> struct add_rvalue_reference_impl< T, emulation, true > { typedef T & type; }; template< class T, bool rv > struct add_rvalue_reference_impl< T, true, rv > { typedef ::boost::rv& type; }; } // namespace detail_add_rvalue_reference template< class T > struct add_rvalue_reference : detail_add_rvalue_reference::add_rvalue_reference_impl { }; template< class T > struct add_rvalue_reference { typedef T & type; }; #endif // #ifndef BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES template< class T > struct remove_rvalue_reference { typedef T type; }; #ifndef BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES template< class T > struct remove_rvalue_reference< T&& > { typedef T type; }; #else // #ifndef BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES template< class T > struct remove_rvalue_reference< rv > { typedef T type; }; template< class T > struct remove_rvalue_reference< const rv > { typedef T type; }; template< class T > struct remove_rvalue_reference< volatile rv > { typedef T type; }; template< class T > struct remove_rvalue_reference< const volatile rv > { typedef T type; }; template< class T > struct remove_rvalue_reference< rv& > { typedef T type; }; template< class T > struct remove_rvalue_reference< const rv& > { typedef T type; }; template< class T > struct remove_rvalue_reference< volatile rv& > { typedef T type; }; template< class T > struct remove_rvalue_reference< const volatile rv& >{ typedef T type; }; #endif // #ifndef BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES // Ideas from Boost.Move review, Jeffrey Lee Hellrung: // //- TypeTraits metafunctions is_lvalue_reference, add_lvalue_reference, and remove_lvalue_reference ? // Perhaps add_reference and remove_reference can be modified so that they behave wrt emulated rvalue // references the same as wrt real rvalue references, i.e., add_reference< rv& > -> T& rather than // rv& (since T&& & -> T&). // //- Add'l TypeTraits has_[trivial_]move_{constructor,assign}...? // //- An as_lvalue(T& x) function, which amounts to an identity operation in C++0x, but strips emulated // rvalue references in C++03. This may be necessary to prevent "accidental moves". } //namespace move_detail { } //namespace boost { #endif //#ifndef BOOST_MOVE_DETAIL_META_UTILS_HPP