#include "uscxml/config.h" #include "uscxml/Common.h" #include "uscxml/Message.h" //#include "uscxml/Interpreter.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAS_STRING_H #include #endif extern "C" { #include "jsmn.h" // minimal json parser } namespace uscxml { static int _dataIndentation = 1; Data::Data(const Arabica::DOM::Node& dom) { // we may need to convert some keys to arrays if we have the same name as an element std::map > arrays; // Interpreter::dump(dom); if (dom.hasAttributes()) { Arabica::DOM::NamedNodeMap attributes = dom.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { Arabica::DOM::Node attribute = attributes.item(i); // Interpreter::dump(attribute); assert(attribute.getNodeType() == Arabica::DOM::Node_base::ATTRIBUTE_NODE); std::string key = attribute.getLocalName(); std::string value = attribute.getNodeValue(); compound[key] = Data(value, VERBATIM); } } if (dom.hasChildNodes()) { Arabica::DOM::NodeList children = dom.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Arabica::DOM::Node child = children.item(i); // Interpreter::dump(child); std::string key; switch (child.getNodeType()) { case Arabica::DOM::Node_base::ELEMENT_NODE: key = TAGNAME(child); break; case Arabica::DOM::Node_base::ATTRIBUTE_NODE: key = ((Arabica::DOM::Attr)child).getName(); break; case Arabica::DOM::Node_base::TEXT_NODE: default: break; } if (key.length() == 0) continue; if (compound.find(key) != compound.end()) { // we already have such a key .. make it an array after we processed all children arrays[key].push_back(Data(child)); } else { compound[key] = Data(child); } } } else { atom = dom.getNodeValue(); type = VERBATIM; } std::map >::iterator arrayIter = arrays.begin(); while(arrayIter != arrays.end()) { assert(compound.find(arrayIter->first) != compound.end()); Data arrayData; arrays[arrayIter->first].push_front(compound[arrayIter->first]); arrayData.array = arrays[arrayIter->first]; compound[arrayIter->first] = arrayData; } } Arabica::DOM::Document Data::toDocument() { Arabica::DOM::DOMImplementation domFactory = Arabica::SimpleDOM::DOMImplementation::getDOMImplementation(); Arabica::DOM::Document document = domFactory.createDocument("http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml", "message", 0); Arabica::DOM::Element scxmlMsg = document.getDocumentElement(); scxmlMsg.setPrefix("scxml"); scxmlMsg.setAttribute("version", "1.0"); if (compound.size() > 0 || array.size() > 0) { Arabica::DOM::Element payloadElem = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml", "scxml:payload"); scxmlMsg.appendChild(payloadElem); // we do not support nested attibutes if (compound.size() > 0) { std::map::iterator compoundIter = compound.begin(); while(compoundIter != compound.end()) { if (compoundIter->second.atom.size() > 0) { Arabica::DOM::Element propertyElem = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml", "scxml:property"); propertyElem.setAttribute("name", compoundIter->first); Arabica::DOM::Text textElem = document.createTextNode(compoundIter->second.atom); propertyElem.appendChild(textElem); payloadElem.appendChild(propertyElem); } compoundIter++; } } } return document; } Arabica::DOM::Document Event::toDocument() { Arabica::DOM::DOMImplementation domFactory = Arabica::SimpleDOM::DOMImplementation::getDOMImplementation(); Arabica::DOM::Document document = data.toDocument(); Arabica::DOM::Element scxmlMsg = document.getDocumentElement(); scxmlMsg.setAttribute("source", origin); scxmlMsg.setAttribute("name", name); return document; } Arabica::DOM::Document SendRequest::toDocument() { Arabica::DOM::DOMImplementation domFactory = Arabica::SimpleDOM::DOMImplementation::getDOMImplementation(); Arabica::DOM::Document document = Event::toDocument(); Arabica::DOM::Element scxmlMsg = document.getDocumentElement(); // add params and namelist if (params.size() > 0 || namelist.size() > 0) { Arabica::DOM::NodeList payload = scxmlMsg.getElementsByTagName("scxml:payload"); if (payload.getLength() == 0) { Arabica::DOM::Element payloadElem = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml", "scxml:payload"); scxmlMsg.appendChild(payloadElem); } Arabica::DOM::Node payloadElem = scxmlMsg.getElementsByTagName("scxml:payload").item(0); // add parameters std::multimap::iterator paramIter = params.begin(); while(paramIter != params.end()) { Arabica::DOM::Element propertyElem = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml", "scxml:property"); propertyElem.setAttribute("name", paramIter->first); Arabica::DOM::Text textElem = document.createTextNode(paramIter->second); propertyElem.appendChild(textElem); payloadElem.appendChild(propertyElem); paramIter++; } // add namelist elements std::map::iterator namelistIter = namelist.begin(); while(namelistIter != namelist.end()) { Arabica::DOM::Element propertyElem = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml", "scxml:property"); propertyElem.setAttribute("name", namelistIter->first); Arabica::DOM::Text textElem = document.createTextNode(namelistIter->second); propertyElem.appendChild(textElem); payloadElem.appendChild(propertyElem); namelistIter++; } } scxmlMsg.setAttribute("sendid", sendid); return document; } Arabica::DOM::Document InvokeRequest::toDocument() { Arabica::DOM::DOMImplementation domFactory = Arabica::SimpleDOM::DOMImplementation::getDOMImplementation(); Arabica::DOM::Document document = Event::toDocument(); Arabica::DOM::Element scxmlMsg = document.getDocumentElement(); scxmlMsg.setAttribute("invokeid", invokeid); return document; } Data Data::fromXML(const std::string& xmlString) { return Data(); } Data Data::fromJSON(const std::string& jsonString) { Data data; jsmn_parser p; jsmntok_t* t = NULL; // we do not know the number of tokens beforehand, start with something sensible and increase int rv; int frac = 32; // this will get decreased to 16 to first iteration for 1/16 length/token ratio do { jsmn_init(&p); frac /= 2; int nrTokens = jsonString.size() / frac; if (t != NULL) { free(t); // LOG(INFO) << "Increasing JSON length to token ratio to 1/" << frac; } t = (jsmntok_t*)malloc(nrTokens * sizeof(jsmntok_t) + 1); if (t == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot parse JSON, ran out of memory!"; return data; } memset(t, 0, nrTokens * sizeof(jsmntok_t) + 1); rv = jsmn_parse(&p, jsonString.c_str(), t, nrTokens); } while (rv == JSMN_ERROR_NOMEM && frac > 1); if (rv != 0) { switch (rv) { case JSMN_ERROR_NOMEM: LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot parse JSON, not enough tokens were provided!"; break; case JSMN_ERROR_INVAL: LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot parse JSON, invalid character inside JSON string!"; break; case JSMN_ERROR_PART: LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot parse JSON, the string is not a full JSON packet, more bytes expected!"; break; default: break; } free(t); return data; } std::list dataStack; std::list tokenStack; dataStack.push_back(&data); size_t currTok = 0; do { switch (t[currTok].type) { case JSMN_STRING: dataStack.back()->type = Data::VERBATIM; case JSMN_PRIMITIVE: dataStack.back()->atom = jsonString.substr(t[currTok].start, t[currTok].end - t[currTok].start); dataStack.pop_back(); currTok++; break; case JSMN_OBJECT: case JSMN_ARRAY: tokenStack.push_back(t[currTok]); currTok++; break; } // there are no more tokens if (t[currTok].end == 0 || tokenStack.empty()) break; // next token starts after current one => pop if (t[currTok].end > tokenStack.back().end) tokenStack.pop_back(); if (tokenStack.back().type == JSMN_OBJECT && (t[currTok].type == JSMN_PRIMITIVE || t[currTok].type == JSMN_STRING)) { // grab key and push new data dataStack.push_back(&(dataStack.back()->compound[jsonString.substr(t[currTok].start, t[currTok].end - t[currTok].start)])); currTok++; } if (tokenStack.back().type == JSMN_ARRAY) { // push new index dataStack.back()->array.push_back(Data()); dataStack.push_back(&(dataStack.back()->array.back())); } } while (true); free(t); return data; } Event Event::fromXML(const std::string& xmlString) { Arabica::SAX2DOM::Parser eventParser; Arabica::SAX::CatchErrorHandler errorHandler; eventParser.setErrorHandler(errorHandler); std::istringstream is(xmlString); Arabica::SAX::InputSource inputSource; inputSource.setByteStream(is); Event event; if(eventParser.parse(inputSource) && eventParser.getDocument().hasChildNodes()) { Arabica::DOM::Element scxmlMsg = eventParser.getDocument().getDocumentElement(); if (HAS_ATTR(scxmlMsg, "name")) event.name = ATTR(scxmlMsg, "name"); if (HAS_ATTR(scxmlMsg, "sendid")) event.sendid = ATTR(scxmlMsg, "sendid"); Arabica::DOM::NodeList payloads = scxmlMsg.getElementsByTagName("scxml:payload"); if (payloads.getLength() > 0) { Arabica::DOM::Node payload = payloads.item(0); if (payload.getNodeType() == Arabica::DOM::Node_base::ELEMENT_NODE) { Arabica::DOM::Element payloadElem = (Arabica::DOM::Element)payload; Arabica::DOM::NodeList properties = payloadElem.getElementsByTagName("scxml:property"); if (properties.getLength() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < properties.getLength(); i++) { if (HAS_ATTR(properties.item(i), "name")) { std::string key = ATTR(properties.item(i), "name"); std::string value; Arabica::DOM::NodeList childs = properties.item(i).getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < childs.getLength(); j++) { if (childs.item(j).getNodeType() == Arabica::DOM::Node_base::TEXT_NODE) { value = childs.item(j).getNodeValue(); break; } } event.data.compound[key] = Data(value, Data::VERBATIM); } } } } } } return event; } SendRequest SendRequest::fromXML(const std::string& xmlString) { Event::fromXML(xmlString); return SendRequest(); } InvokeRequest InvokeRequest::fromXML(const std::string& xmlString) { Event::fromXML(xmlString); return InvokeRequest(); } #ifndef SWIGJAVA std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const InvokeRequest& invokeReq) { std::string indent; for (int i = 0; i < _dataIndentation; i++) { indent += " "; } os << indent << "InvokeReq" << (invokeReq.autoForward ? " with autoforward" : "") << std::endl; if (invokeReq.type.size() > 0) os << indent << " type: " << invokeReq.type << std::endl; if (invokeReq.src.size() > 0) os<< indent << " src: " << invokeReq.src << std::endl; if (invokeReq.namelist.size() > 0) { os << indent << " namelist: " << std::endl; InvokeRequest::namelist_t::const_iterator namelistIter = invokeReq.namelist.begin(); while(namelistIter != invokeReq.namelist.end()) { os << indent << " " << namelistIter->first << ": " << namelistIter->second << std::endl; namelistIter++; } } if (invokeReq.params.size() > 0) { os << indent << " params: " << std::endl; SendRequest::params_t::const_iterator paramIter = invokeReq.params.begin(); while(paramIter != invokeReq.params.end()) { os << indent << " " << paramIter->first << ": " << paramIter->second << std::endl; paramIter++; } } if (invokeReq.content.size() > 0) os << indent << " content: " << invokeReq.content << std::endl; _dataIndentation++; os << (Event)invokeReq; _dataIndentation--; return os; } #endif #ifndef SWIGJAVA std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const SendRequest& sendReq) { std::string indent; for (int i = 0; i < _dataIndentation; i++) { indent += " "; } os << indent<< "SendReq" << std::endl; if (sendReq.target.size() > 0) os << indent << " target: " << sendReq.target << std::endl; if (sendReq.type.size() > 0) os << indent << " type: " << sendReq.type << std::endl; if (sendReq.delayMs > 0) os<< indent << " delay: " << sendReq.delayMs << std::endl; if (sendReq.namelist.size() > 0) { os << indent << " namelist: " << std::endl; SendRequest::namelist_t::const_iterator namelistIter = sendReq.namelist.begin(); while(namelistIter != sendReq.namelist.end()) { os << indent << " " << namelistIter->first << ": " << namelistIter->second << std::endl; namelistIter++; } } if (sendReq.params.size() > 0) { os << indent << " params: " << std::endl; SendRequest::params_t::const_iterator paramIter = sendReq.params.begin(); while(paramIter != sendReq.params.end()) { os << indent << " " << paramIter->first << ": " << paramIter->second << std::endl; paramIter++; } } if (sendReq.content.size() > 0) os << indent << " content: " << sendReq.content << std::endl; _dataIndentation++; os << (Event)sendReq; _dataIndentation--; return os; } #endif #ifndef SWIGJAVA std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Event& event) { std::string indent; for (int i = 0; i < _dataIndentation; i++) { indent += " "; } os << indent << (event.type == Event::EXTERNAL ? "External" : "Internal") << " Event " << (event.dom ? "with DOM attached" : "") << std::endl; if (event.name.size() > 0) os << indent << " name: " << event.name << std::endl; if (event.origin.size() > 0) os << indent << " origin: " << event.origin << std::endl; if (event.origintype.size() > 0) os << indent << " origintype: " << event.origintype << std::endl; _dataIndentation++; os << indent << " data: " << event.data << std::endl; _dataIndentation--; return os; } #endif #ifndef SWIGJAVA std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Data& data) { std::string indent; for (int i = 0; i < _dataIndentation; i++) { indent += " "; } if (false) { } else if (data.compound.size() > 0) { int longestKey = 0; std::map::const_iterator compoundIter = data.compound.begin(); while(compoundIter != data.compound.end()) { if (compoundIter->first.size() > longestKey) longestKey = compoundIter->first.size(); compoundIter++; } std::string keyPadding; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < longestKey; i++) keyPadding += " "; std::string seperator; os << std::endl << indent << "{"; compoundIter = data.compound.begin(); while(compoundIter != data.compound.end()) { os << seperator << std::endl << indent << " \"" << compoundIter->first << "\": " << keyPadding.substr(0, longestKey - compoundIter->first.size()); _dataIndentation += 1; os << compoundIter->second; _dataIndentation -= 1; seperator = ", "; compoundIter++; } os << std::endl << indent << "}"; } else if (data.array.size() > 0) { std::string seperator; os << std::endl << indent << "["; std::list::const_iterator arrayIter = data.array.begin(); while(arrayIter != data.array.end()) { _dataIndentation += 1; os << seperator << *arrayIter; _dataIndentation -= 1; seperator = ", "; arrayIter++; } os << std::endl << indent << "]"; } else if (data.atom.size() > 0) { if (data.type == Data::VERBATIM) { os << "\"" << data.atom << "\""; } else { os << data.atom; } } else { os << "undefined"; } return os; } #endif }