/** * @file * @author 2012-2014 Stefan Radomski (stefan.radomski@cs.tu-darmstadt.de) * @copyright Simplified BSD * * @cond * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD * project. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this * program. If not, see . * @endcond */ #include "EventBase.h" namespace uscxml { std::map > EventBase::_eventBases; tthread::recursive_mutex EventBase::_instanceMutex; boost::shared_ptr EventBase::get(const std::string& name) { tthread::lock_guard lock(_instanceMutex); std::map >::iterator instIter = _eventBases.begin(); while(instIter != _eventBases.end()) { if (!instIter->second.lock()) { _eventBases.erase(instIter++); } else { instIter++; } } instIter = _eventBases.find(name); boost::shared_ptr instance = instIter->second.lock(); if (instance) return instance; instance = boost::shared_ptr(new EventBase()); _eventBases.insert(std::make_pair(name, instance)); return instance; } EventBase::EventBase() { base = event_base_new(); _isStarted = true; _thread = new tthread::thread(EventBase::run, this); } void EventBase::run(void* arg) { EventBase* INSTANCE = (EventBase*)arg; int result; while(INSTANCE->_isStarted) { result = event_base_loop(INSTANCE->base, EVLOOP_NO_EXIT_ON_EMPTY); (void)result; } } EventBase::~EventBase() { _isStarted = false; event_base_loopbreak(base); _thread->join(); event_base_free(base); delete _thread; } }