/** * @file * @author 2012-2013 Stefan Radomski (stefan.radomski@cs.tu-darmstadt.de) * @copyright Simplified BSD * * @cond * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD * project. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this * program. If not, see . * @endcond */ #include "uscxml/config.h" #include "uscxml/Common.h" #include "uscxml/util/UUID.h" #include "uscxml/Interpreter.h" #include "uscxml/interpreter/InterpreterImpl.h" // beware cyclic reference! #include "uscxml/interpreter/BasicEventQueue.h" #include "uscxml/interpreter/BasicDelayedEventQueue.h" #include "uscxml/messages/Event.h" #include "uscxml/util/String.h" #include "uscxml/util/Predicates.h" #include "uscxml/plugins/InvokerImpl.h" #include "uscxml/interpreter/Logging.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "uscxml/interpreter/FastMicroStep.h" #include "uscxml/interpreter/BasicContentExecutor.h" #include #include #define VERBOSE 0 namespace uscxml { std::map > InterpreterImpl::_instances; std::recursive_mutex InterpreterImpl::_instanceMutex; std::map > InterpreterImpl::getInstances() { std::lock_guard lock(_instanceMutex); std::map >::iterator instIter = _instances.begin(); while(instIter != _instances.end()) { if (!instIter->second.lock()) { _instances.erase(instIter++); } else { instIter++; } } return _instances; } void InterpreterImpl::addInstance(std::shared_ptr interpreterImpl) { std::lock_guard lock(_instanceMutex); assert(_instances.find(interpreterImpl->getSessionId()) == _instances.end()); _instances[interpreterImpl->getSessionId()] = interpreterImpl; } InterpreterImpl::InterpreterImpl() : _isInitialized(false), _document(NULL), _scxml(NULL), _state(USCXML_INSTANTIATED) { try { ::xercesc_3_1::XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize(); } catch (const XERCESC_NS::XMLException& toCatch) { ERROR_PLATFORM_THROW("Cannot initialize XercesC: " + X(toCatch.getMessage()).str()); } _sessionId = UUID::getUUID(); _factory = Factory::getInstance(); } InterpreterImpl::~InterpreterImpl() { // make sure we deallocate all user-data in the DOM, // this is neccesary if we were aborted early std::list invokes = DOMUtils::filterChildElements(_xmlPrefix.str() + "invoke", _scxml, true); for (auto invoke : invokes) { char* invokeId = (char*)invoke->getUserData(X("invokeid")); if (invokeId != NULL) { free(invokeId); invoke->setUserData(X("invokeid"), NULL, NULL); } } if (_delayQueue) _delayQueue.cancelAllDelayed(); if (_document) delete _document; { std::lock_guard lock(_instanceMutex); _instances.erase(getSessionId()); } // assert(_invokers.size() == 0); // ::xercesc_3_1::XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate(); } void InterpreterImpl::cancel() { _microStepper.markAsCancelled(); Event unblock; enqueueExternal(unblock); } void InterpreterImpl::setupDOM() { if (!_document) { ERROR_PLATFORM_THROW("Interpreter has no XML document"); } if (!_scxml) { // find scxml element XERCESC_NS::DOMNodeList* scxmls = NULL; // proper namespace scxmls = _document->getElementsByTagNameNS(X("http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml"), X("scxml")); if (scxmls->getLength() > 0) goto SCXML_STOP_SEARCH; // no namespace scxmls = _document->getElementsByTagName(X("scxml")); if (scxmls->getLength() > 0) goto SCXML_STOP_SEARCH; SCXML_STOP_SEARCH: if (scxmls->getLength() == 0) { ERROR_PLATFORM_THROW("Cannot find SCXML element in DOM"); return; } _scxml = dynamic_cast(scxmls->item(0)); _xmlPrefix = _scxml->getPrefix(); _xmlNS = _scxml->getNamespaceURI(); if (_xmlPrefix) { _xmlPrefix = std::string(_xmlPrefix) + ":"; } if (HAS_ATTR(_scxml, "name")) { _name = ATTR(_scxml, "name"); } else { _name = _baseURL.pathComponents().back(); } _binding = (HAS_ATTR(_scxml, "binding") && iequals(ATTR(_scxml, "binding"), "late") ? LATE : EARLY); } } void InterpreterImpl::init() { if (_isInitialized) return; setupDOM(); // register io processors std::map ioProcs = _factory->getIOProcessors(); for (auto ioProcIter = ioProcs.begin(); ioProcIter != ioProcs.end(); ioProcIter++) { // do not override if already set if (_ioProcs.find(ioProcIter->first) != _ioProcs.end()) { ioProcIter++; continue; } // this might throw error.execution _ioProcs[ioProcIter->first] = _factory->createIOProcessor(ioProcIter->first, this); // register aliases std::list names = _ioProcs[ioProcIter->first].getNames(); for (auto nameIter = names.begin(); nameIter != names.end(); nameIter++) { // do not override if (!iequals(*nameIter, ioProcIter->first) && _ioProcs.find(*nameIter) == _ioProcs.end()) { _ioProcs[*nameIter] = _ioProcs[ioProcIter->first]; } } } if (!_microStepper) { _microStepper = MicroStep(std::shared_ptr(new FastMicroStep(this))); } _microStepper.init(_scxml); if (!_dataModel) { _dataModel = _factory->createDataModel(HAS_ATTR(_scxml, "datamodel") ? ATTR(_scxml, "datamodel") : "null", this); } if (!_execContent) { _execContent = ContentExecutor(std::shared_ptr(new BasicContentExecutor(this))); } if (!_externalQueue) { _externalQueue = EventQueue(std::shared_ptr(new BasicEventQueue())); } if (!_internalQueue) { _internalQueue = EventQueue(std::shared_ptr(new BasicEventQueue())); } if (!_delayQueue) { _delayQueue = DelayedEventQueue(std::shared_ptr(new BasicDelayedEventQueue(this))); } _isInitialized = true; } void InterpreterImpl::initData(XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* root) { std::string id = ATTR(root, "id"); Data d; try { if (Event::getParam(_invokeReq.params, id, d)) { _dataModel.init(id, d); } else if (_invokeReq.namelist.find(id) != _invokeReq.namelist.end()) { _dataModel.init(id, _invokeReq.namelist[id]); } else { _dataModel.init(id, _execContent.elementAsData(root)); } } catch(ErrorEvent e) { // test 277 enqueueInternal(e); } } void InterpreterImpl::assign(const std::string& location, const Data& data) { _dataModel.assign(location, data); } bool InterpreterImpl::isMatched(const Event& event, const std::string& eventDesc) { return nameMatch(eventDesc, event.name); } bool InterpreterImpl::isTrue(const std::string& expr) { try { return _dataModel.evalAsBool(expr); } catch (ErrorEvent e) { // test 244: deliver error execution LOG(USCXML_ERROR) << e; // test 344 enqueueInternal(e); // test 245: undefined is false return false; } } bool InterpreterImpl::checkValidSendType(const std::string& type, const std::string& target) { // this is the responsibility of the calling method assert(type.size() > 0); if (_ioProcs.find(type) == _ioProcs.end()) { ERROR_EXECUTION_THROW("Type '" + type + "' not supported for sending"); } if (!_ioProcs[type].isValidTarget(target)) { ERROR_COMMUNICATION_THROW("Target '" + target + "' not supported in send"); } return true; } Event InterpreterImpl::dequeueExternal(size_t blockMs) { _currEvent = _externalQueue.dequeue(blockMs); if (_currEvent) { _dataModel.setEvent(_currEvent); // LOG(USCXML_ERROR) << e.name; // test 233 if (_currEvent.invokeid.size() > 0 && _invokers.find(_currEvent.invokeid) != _invokers.end() && _invokers[_currEvent.invokeid].getFinalize() != NULL) { _execContent.process(_invokers[_currEvent.invokeid].getFinalize(), _xmlPrefix); } for (auto invIter = _invokers.begin(); invIter != _invokers.end(); invIter++) { // test 229 if (_autoForwarders.find(invIter->first) != _autoForwarders.end()) { invIter->second.eventFromSCXML(_currEvent); } } } return _currEvent; } void InterpreterImpl::enqueue(const std::string& type, const std::string& target, size_t delayMs, const Event& sendEvent) { std::lock_guard lock(_delayMutex); assert(sendEvent.uuid.length() > 0); assert(_delayedEventTargets.find(sendEvent.uuid) == _delayedEventTargets.end()); _delayedEventTargets[sendEvent.uuid] = std::tuple(sendEvent.sendid, type, target); if (delayMs == 0) { Event copy(sendEvent); return eventReady(copy, sendEvent.uuid); } else { return _delayQueue.enqueueDelayed(sendEvent, delayMs, sendEvent.uuid); } } void InterpreterImpl::cancelDelayed(const std::string& sendId) { std::lock_guard lock(_delayMutex); // we need to find the uuids for the given sendid for (auto evIter = _delayedEventTargets.begin(); evIter != _delayedEventTargets.end();) { // inline deletion for maps: http://stackoverflow.com/a/263958/990120 if (std::get<0>(evIter->second) == sendId) { _delayQueue.cancelDelayed(evIter->first); evIter = _delayedEventTargets.erase(evIter); } else { evIter++; } } } void InterpreterImpl::eventReady(Event& sendEvent, const std::string& eventUUID) { std::lock_guard lock(_delayMutex); // we only arrive here after the delay already passed! assert(_delayedEventTargets.find(eventUUID) != _delayedEventTargets.end()); std::string type = std::get<1>(_delayedEventTargets[eventUUID]); std::string target = std::get<2>(_delayedEventTargets[eventUUID]); // test 172 if (type.size() == 0) { type = "http://www.w3.org/TR/scxml/#SCXMLEventProcessor"; } _delayedEventTargets.erase(eventUUID); if (_ioProcs.find(type) != _ioProcs.end()) { _ioProcs[type].eventFromSCXML(target, sendEvent); } else { ERROR_PLATFORM_THROW("No IO processor " + type + " known"); } } void InterpreterImpl::invoke(const std::string& type, const std::string& src, bool autoForward, XERCESC_NS::DOMElement* finalize, const Event& invokeEvent) { std::string tmp; if (src.size() > 0) { URL url(src); if (!url.isAbsolute()) { url = URL::resolve(url, _baseURL); } tmp = (std::string)url; } std::shared_ptr invokerImpl = _factory->createInvoker(type, this); invokerImpl->setFinalize(finalize); _invokers[invokeEvent.invokeid] = invokerImpl; _invokers[invokeEvent.invokeid].invoke(tmp, invokeEvent); if (autoForward) { _autoForwarders.insert(invokeEvent.invokeid); } } void InterpreterImpl::uninvoke(const std::string& invokeId) { if (_invokers.find(invokeId) != _invokers.end()) { _invokers[invokeId].uninvoke(); _autoForwarders.erase(invokeId); _invokers.erase(invokeId); } } }