/** * @file * @author 2012-2013 Stefan Radomski (stefan.radomski@cs.tu-darmstadt.de) * @copyright Simplified BSD * * @cond * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD * project. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this * program. If not, see . * @endcond */ #include #include "UmundoInvoker.h" #include #include "uscxml/URL.h" #ifdef BUILD_AS_PLUGINS #include #endif namespace uscxml { #ifdef BUILD_AS_PLUGINS PLUMA_CONNECTOR bool pluginConnect(pluma::Host& host) { host.add( new UmundoInvokerProvider() ); return true; } #endif UmundoInvoker::UmundoInvoker() : _node(NULL), _discovery(NULL), _pub(NULL), _sub(NULL) { } UmundoInvoker::~UmundoInvoker() { if (_node) { if (_sub) { _node->removeSubscriber(*_sub); delete _sub; } if (_pub) { _node->removePublisher(*_pub); delete _pub; } delete(_node); } }; boost::shared_ptr UmundoInvoker::create(InterpreterImpl* interpreter) { boost::shared_ptr invoker = boost::shared_ptr(new UmundoInvoker()); invoker->_interpreter = interpreter; return invoker; } Data UmundoInvoker::getDataModelVariables() { Data data; return data; } void UmundoInvoker::send(const SendRequest& req) { umundo::Message msg; if (req.name.length() > 0) { msg.putMeta("event", req.name); } else { msg.putMeta("event", "umundo"); } try { Data data = req.data; if (data.empty() && req.content.length()) data = _interpreter->getDataModel().getStringAsData(req.content); if (data.empty()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot transform content to data object per datamodel or no data given"; return; } // std::cout << Data::toJSON(data) << std::endl; std::string type; if (req.params.find("type") != req.params.end()) { // we are supposed to build a typed object type = req.params.find("type")->second.atom; const google::protobuf::Message* protoMsg = umundo::PBSerializer::getProto(type); if (protoMsg == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "No type '" << type << "' is known, pass a directory with proto .desc files via types param when invoking"; return; } google::protobuf::Message* pbMsg = protoMsg->New(); if (!dataToProtobuf(pbMsg, data)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot create message from JSON - not sending"; return; } if (!_isService) { // add all s11n properties _pub->prepareMsg(&msg, type, pbMsg); _pub->send(&msg); } else { // invoke as service std::map::iterator svcIter = _svcs.begin(); while(svcIter != _svcs.end()) { umundo::ServiceStub* stub = svcIter->second; Event event; void* rv = NULL; stub->callStubMethod(req.name, pbMsg, type, rv, ""); protobufToData(event.data, *(const google::protobuf::Message*)rv); event.name = _invokeId + ".reply." + req.name; event.origin = msg.getMeta("um.channel"); event.origintype = "umundo"; event.eventType = Event::EXTERNAL; returnEvent(event); svcIter++; } } } else { // just encode JSON JSONProto* jsonProtoMsg = new JSONProto(); if (!dataToJSONbuf(jsonProtoMsg, data)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot create message from JSON - not sending"; return; } if (!_isService) { // add all s11n properties _pub->prepareMsg(&msg, "JSON", jsonProtoMsg); _pub->send(&msg); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot invoke services with untyped JSON"; return; } } } catch (Event e) { LOG(ERROR) << "Syntax error when invoking umundo:" << std::endl << e << std::endl; return; } } void UmundoInvoker::cancel(const std::string sendId) { assert(false); } void UmundoInvoker::invoke(const InvokeRequest& req) { std::string domain; std::string channelName; std::string serviceName; if (req.params.find("channel") != req.params.end()) { channelName = req.params.find("channel")->second.atom; _isService = false; } else if (req.params.find("service") != req.params.end()) { serviceName = req.params.find("service")->second.atom; _isService = true; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Invoking umundo needs a service or a channel param"; return; } if (req.params.find("domain") != req.params.end()) { domain = req.params.find("domain")->second.atom; } _node = new umundo::Node(); umundo::MDNSDiscoveryOptions discOpts; _discovery = new umundo::Discovery(umundo::Discovery::MDNS, &discOpts); _discovery->add(*_node); // add type from .proto or .desc files std::list type; Event::getParam(req.params, "type", type); std::list::const_iterator typeIter = type.begin(); while(typeIter != type.end()) { URL typeURI(*typeIter); if (typeURI.toAbsolute(_interpreter->getBaseURI())) { std::string filename = typeURI.asLocalFile(".proto"); umundo::PBSerializer::addProto(filename); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "umundo invoker has relative type src but nor baseURI set with interpreter."; } typeIter++; } // add directory with .proto or .desc files std::list types; Event::getParam(req.params, "type", types); std::list::const_iterator typesIter = types.begin(); while(typesIter != types.end()) { URL typeURI(*typesIter); if (typeURI.toAbsolute(_interpreter->getBaseURI())) { umundo::PBSerializer::addProto(typeURI.path()); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "invoke element has relative src URI with no baseURI set."; } typesIter++; } if (!_isService) { // use umundo to publish objects on a channel _pub = new umundo::TypedPublisher(channelName); _sub = new umundo::TypedSubscriber(channelName, this); _pub->setGreeter(this); _sub->registerType("JSON", new JSONProto()); _node->addPublisher(*_pub); _node->addSubscriber(*_sub); } else if (serviceName.length() > 0) { // use umundo to access services _svcFilter = new umundo::ServiceFilter(serviceName); _node->connect(_svcMgr); _svcMgr->startQuery(*_svcFilter, this); } } void UmundoInvoker::welcome(umundo::TypedPublisher atPub, const umundo::SubscriberStub& sub) { Event event; event.name = "umundo.sub.added"; event.data.compound["subId"] = Data(sub.getUUID(), Data::VERBATIM); event.data.compound["channel"] = Data(atPub.getChannelName(), Data::VERBATIM); event.data.compound["totalSubs"] = Data(toStr(atPub.waitForSubscribers(0)), Data::VERBATIM); returnEvent(event); } void UmundoInvoker::farewell(umundo::TypedPublisher fromPub, const umundo::SubscriberStub& sub) { Event event; event.name = "umundo.sub.removed"; event.data.compound["subId"] = Data(sub.getUUID(), Data::VERBATIM); event.data.compound["channel"] = Data(fromPub.getChannelName(), Data::VERBATIM); event.data.compound["totalSubs"] = Data(toStr(fromPub.waitForSubscribers(0)), Data::VERBATIM); returnEvent(event); } void UmundoInvoker::receive(void* object, umundo::Message* msg) { uscxml::Event event; if (msg->getMeta().find("event") != msg->getMeta().end()) { event.name = msg->getMeta("event"); } else { event.name = "umundo.rcvd"; } event.invokeid = _invokeId; event.origin = msg->getMeta("um.channel"); event.origintype = "umundo"; event.eventType = Event::EXTERNAL; if (object != NULL) { if (msg->getMeta().find("um.s11n.type") != msg->getMeta().end() && boost::equals(msg->getMeta().find("um.s11n.type")->second, "JSON")) { jsonbufToData(event.data, *(JSONProto*)object); } else { protobufToData(event.data, *(const google::protobuf::Message*)object); } } // get meta fields into event std::map::const_iterator metaIter = msg->getMeta().begin(); while(metaIter != msg->getMeta().end()) { if (isNumeric(metaIter->second.c_str(), 10)) { event.data.compound[metaIter->first] = Data(metaIter->second, Data::INTERPRETED); } else { event.data.compound[metaIter->first] = Data(metaIter->second, Data::VERBATIM); } metaIter++; } if (msg->size() > 0) { event.data.compound["protobuf"] = Data(msg->data(), msg->size(), "application/x-protobuf"); } returnEvent(event); } void UmundoInvoker::added(umundo::ServiceDescription desc) { LOG(ERROR) << "Service found!"; umundo::ServiceStub* stub = new umundo::ServiceStub(desc); _svcs[desc] = stub; Event addedEvent; addedEvent.invokeid = _invokeId; addedEvent.origin = desc.getName(); addedEvent.origintype = "umundo"; addedEvent.eventType = Event::EXTERNAL; addedEvent.name = _invokeId + ".added"; std::map::const_iterator propIter = desc.getProperties().begin(); while(propIter != desc.getProperties().end()) { addedEvent.data.compound[propIter->first] = Data(propIter->second, Data::VERBATIM); propIter++; } returnEvent(addedEvent); } void UmundoInvoker::removed(umundo::ServiceDescription desc) { LOG(ERROR) << "Service lost!"; if (_svcs.find(desc) == _svcs.end()) { return; } delete _svcs[desc]; _svcs.erase(desc); Event addedEvent; addedEvent.invokeid = _invokeId; addedEvent.origin = desc.getName(); addedEvent.origintype = "umundo"; addedEvent.eventType = Event::EXTERNAL; addedEvent.name = _invokeId + ".removed"; std::map::const_iterator propIter = desc.getProperties().begin(); while(propIter != desc.getProperties().end()) { addedEvent.data.compound[propIter->first] = Data(propIter->second, Data::VERBATIM); propIter++; } returnEvent(addedEvent); } void UmundoInvoker::changed(umundo::ServiceDescription desc) { } bool UmundoInvoker::jsonbufToData(Data& data, const JSONProto& json) { if (json.compound_size() > 0) { if (json.compound(0).key().size() > 0) { // compound for (int i = 0; i < json.compound_size(); i++) { jsonbufToData(data.compound[json.compound(i).key()], json.compound(i)); } } else { // array for (int i = 0; i < json.compound_size(); i++) { Data arrayData; data.array.push_back(arrayData); jsonbufToData(data.array.back(), json.compound(i)); } } } else if (json.atom().size() > 0) { data.atom = json.atom(); if (json.verbatim()) { data.type = Data::VERBATIM; } else { data.type = Data::INTERPRETED; } } return true; } bool UmundoInvoker::protobufToData(Data& data, const google::protobuf::Message& msg) { const google::protobuf::Descriptor* desc = msg.GetDescriptor(); const google::protobuf::Reflection* reflect = msg.GetReflection(); data.compound["protobufType"] = Data(desc->name(), Data::VERBATIM); for (int i = 0; i < desc->field_count(); i++) { const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* fieldDesc = desc->field(i); std::string key = fieldDesc->name(); if (!fieldDesc->is_repeated() && !reflect->HasField(msg, fieldDesc)) continue; switch(fieldDesc->type()) { case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BOOL: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { for (int j = 0; j < reflect->FieldSize(msg, fieldDesc); j++) { data.compound[key].array.push_back(Data(reflect->GetRepeatedBool(msg, fieldDesc, j) ? "true" : "false")); } } else { data.compound[key].atom = (reflect->GetBool(msg, fieldDesc) ? "true" : "false"); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES: case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { for (int j = 0; j < reflect->FieldSize(msg, fieldDesc); j++) { data.compound[key].array.push_back(Data(toStr(reflect->GetRepeatedString(msg, fieldDesc, j)), Data::VERBATIM)); } } else { data.compound[key].atom = toStr(reflect->GetString(msg, fieldDesc)); data.compound[key].type = Data::VERBATIM; } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_DOUBLE: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { for (int j = 0; j < reflect->FieldSize(msg, fieldDesc); j++) { data.compound[key].array.push_back(Data(toStr(reflect->GetRepeatedDouble(msg, fieldDesc, j)), Data::INTERPRETED)); } } else { data.compound[key].atom = toStr(reflect->GetDouble(msg, fieldDesc)); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { for (int j = 0; j < reflect->FieldSize(msg, fieldDesc); j++) { const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor* enumDesc = reflect->GetRepeatedEnum(msg, fieldDesc, j); data.compound[key].array.push_back(Data(toStr(enumDesc->name()), Data::VERBATIM)); } } else { const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor* enumDesc = reflect->GetEnum(msg, fieldDesc); data.compound[key] = Data(enumDesc->name(), Data::VERBATIM); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED32: case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT32: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { for (int j = 0; j < reflect->FieldSize(msg, fieldDesc); j++) { data.compound[key].array.push_back(Data(toStr(reflect->GetRepeatedUInt32(msg, fieldDesc, j)), Data::INTERPRETED)); } } else { data.compound[key].atom = toStr(reflect->GetUInt32(msg, fieldDesc)); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED64: case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT64: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { for (int j = 0; j < reflect->FieldSize(msg, fieldDesc); j++) { data.compound[key].array.push_back(Data(toStr(reflect->GetRepeatedUInt64(msg, fieldDesc, j)), Data::INTERPRETED)); } } else { data.compound[key].atom = toStr(reflect->GetUInt64(msg, fieldDesc)); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FLOAT: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { for (int j = 0; j < reflect->FieldSize(msg, fieldDesc); j++) { data.compound[key].array.push_back(Data(toStr(reflect->GetRepeatedFloat(msg, fieldDesc, j)), Data::INTERPRETED)); } } else { data.compound[key].atom = toStr(reflect->GetFloat(msg, fieldDesc)); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP: LOG(ERROR) << "TYPE_GROUP is unimplemented" << std::endl; break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32: case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT32: case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED32: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { for (int j = 0; j < reflect->FieldSize(msg, fieldDesc); j++) { data.compound[key].array.push_back(Data(toStr(reflect->GetRepeatedInt32(msg, fieldDesc, j)), Data::INTERPRETED)); } } else { data.compound[key].atom = toStr(reflect->GetInt32(msg, fieldDesc)); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT64: case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT64: case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED64: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { for (int j = 0; j < reflect->FieldSize(msg, fieldDesc); j++) { data.compound[key].array.push_back(Data(toStr(reflect->GetRepeatedInt64(msg, fieldDesc, j)), Data::INTERPRETED)); } } else { data.compound[key].atom = toStr(reflect->GetInt64(msg, fieldDesc)); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { for (int j = 0; j < reflect->FieldSize(msg, fieldDesc); j++) { data.compound[key].array.push_back(Data()); protobufToData(data.compound[key].array.back(), reflect->GetRepeatedMessage(msg, fieldDesc, j)); } } else { protobufToData(data.compound[key], reflect->GetMessage(msg, fieldDesc)); } break; } } return true; } bool UmundoInvoker::dataToJSONbuf(JSONProto* msg, Data& data) { const google::protobuf::Descriptor* desc = msg->GetDescriptor(); const google::protobuf::Reflection* reflect = msg->GetReflection(); if (!data.compound.empty()) { const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* fieldDesc = desc->FindFieldByName("compound"); std::map::iterator compoundIter = data.compound.begin(); while(compoundIter != data.compound.end()) { JSONProto* compoundMsg = (JSONProto*)reflect->AddMessage(msg, fieldDesc); dataToJSONbuf(compoundMsg, compoundIter->second); compoundMsg->set_key(compoundIter->first); compoundIter++; } } else if (!data.array.empty()) { const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* fieldDesc = desc->FindFieldByName("compound"); std::list::iterator arrayIter = data.array.begin(); while(arrayIter != data.array.end()) { JSONProto* arrayMsg = (JSONProto*)reflect->AddMessage(msg, fieldDesc); dataToJSONbuf(arrayMsg, *arrayIter); arrayIter++; } } else if (!data.atom.empty()) { const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* atomDesc = desc->FindFieldByName("atom"); const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* verbDesc = desc->FindFieldByName("verbatim"); if (data.type == Data::VERBATIM) { reflect->SetBool(msg, verbDesc, true); } else { reflect->SetBool(msg, verbDesc, false); } reflect->SetString(msg, atomDesc, data.atom); } return true; } bool UmundoInvoker::dataToProtobuf(google::protobuf::Message* msg, Data& data) { const google::protobuf::Descriptor* desc = msg->GetDescriptor(); const google::protobuf::Reflection* reflect = msg->GetReflection(); for (int i = 0; i < desc->field_count(); i++) { const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* fieldDesc = desc->field(i); std::string key = fieldDesc->name(); if (data.compound.find(key) == data.compound.end()) { if (fieldDesc->is_required()) { LOG(ERROR) << "required field " << key << " not given"; return false; } continue; } std::list::iterator arrayIter = data.compound[key].array.begin(); switch(fieldDesc->type()) { case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BOOL: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { while(arrayIter != data.compound[key].array.end()) { reflect->AddBool(msg, fieldDesc, arrayIter->atom.compare("false") == 0 ? false : true); arrayIter++; } } else { reflect->SetBool(msg, fieldDesc, (data.compound[key].atom.compare("false") == 0 ? false : true)); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES: case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { while(arrayIter != data.compound[key].array.end()) { reflect->AddString(msg, fieldDesc, arrayIter->atom); arrayIter++; } } else { reflect->SetString(msg, fieldDesc, data.compound[key].atom); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_DOUBLE: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { while(arrayIter != data.compound[key].array.end()) { reflect->AddDouble(msg, fieldDesc, strTo(arrayIter->atom)); arrayIter++; } } else { reflect->SetDouble(msg, fieldDesc, strTo(data.compound[key].atom)); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM: LOG(ERROR) << "TYPE_ENUM is unimplemented" << std::endl; break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED32: case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT32: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { while(arrayIter != data.compound[key].array.end()) { reflect->AddUInt32(msg, fieldDesc, strTo(arrayIter->atom)); arrayIter++; } } else { reflect->SetUInt32(msg, fieldDesc, strTo(data.compound[key].atom)); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED64: case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT64: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { while(arrayIter != data.compound[key].array.end()) { reflect->AddUInt64(msg, fieldDesc, strTo(arrayIter->atom)); arrayIter++; } } else { reflect->SetUInt64(msg, fieldDesc, strTo(data.compound[key].atom)); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FLOAT: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { while(arrayIter != data.compound[key].array.end()) { reflect->AddFloat(msg, fieldDesc, strTo(arrayIter->atom)); arrayIter++; } } else { reflect->SetFloat(msg, fieldDesc, strTo(data.compound[key].atom)); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP: LOG(ERROR) << "TYPE_GROUP is unimplemented" << std::endl; break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32: case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT32: case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED32: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { while(arrayIter != data.compound[key].array.end()) { reflect->AddInt32(msg, fieldDesc, strTo(arrayIter->atom)); arrayIter++; } } else { reflect->SetInt32(msg, fieldDesc, strTo(data.compound[key].atom)); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT64: case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT64: case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED64: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { while(arrayIter != data.compound[key].array.end()) { reflect->AddInt64(msg, fieldDesc, strTo(arrayIter->atom)); arrayIter++; } } else { reflect->SetInt64(msg, fieldDesc, strTo(data.compound[key].atom)); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE: if (fieldDesc->is_repeated()) { while(arrayIter != data.compound[key].array.end()) { dataToProtobuf(reflect->AddMessage(msg, fieldDesc), *arrayIter); arrayIter++; } } else { dataToProtobuf(reflect->MutableMessage(msg, fieldDesc), data.compound[key]); } break; } } return true; } }